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Why A Hindu Temple Is Not Like A Soho Phone Booth
Article in the Times by Terence Kealy:
Why a Hindu temple is like a Soho phone booth

The journalists employed by the mainstream media like the Times or the BBC, have an extremely poor grasp of Hinduism and continue to produce articles and programmes that do not portray Hinduism but their very limited and prejudiced understanding of this religion. To start with most of these chaps have been educated to think that religions are inventions of mankind that are past their sell-by-date. With all the terrorist activities occurring in the name of religion most of them are understandably quite hostile to all religions. To make matters worse, what little Hinduism they have picked up has been the version of Hinduism promoted by the early missionaries. No wonder they equate Hindu Temples with Soho telephone booths!

It is Hinduism alone with its very comprehensive pluralistic approach that holds the key of how hostility in the name of religions can be halted and it is Hinduism alone that holds the key on how religious and science oriented world-views can be reconciled. These so called well-informed journalists will perhaps be the last ones to be informed of these aspects of Hinduism. We are sorry to say but It is only after a few more planes fall off the skies will circumstances force these journalists to re-educate themselves about the relevance of Hinduism in a modern science-oriented multi-faith society, what a great pity!

Vivekananda Centre London
I am enclosing a correspondence I have had with Dr Terence Kealey, Vice
Chancellor of Buckingham University. He had written an article with the
title "Why is a Hindu temple like a Soho phone box? Must I draw you a
picture?" and was published in The Times, and is available at:

The subject line of the correspondence was: "RE: A BIGOTED PIECE OF
WRITING....... BY TIMES,UK". This was the line used by the person who
forwarded the article to me and other Hindutvavadis. I decided to keep
it as it was.

The article is enclosed at the end of the correspondence, which ends
with a 'request' that there be no further correspondence on the subject.
I have not responded to that message.

The reason for sending the correspondence is to give another example of
what the Hindus are confronted with in academic circles. Obviously, I
think that the fault lies with people like Dr Kealey.

The blurb on Dr Kealey from the university website is enclosed after the

Ashok Chowgule


To: Dr Terence Kealey
Email: terence.kealey@buckingham.ac.uk

cc: Colleen Carter (PA to the Vice-Chancellor)
Tel: (01280) 820207
Fax: (01280) 820373
Email: colleen.carter@buckingham.ac.uk

Dear Dr Kealey,

With reference to your article enclosed.  Could you tell your readers
how many Hindu temples exist in central and southern India which are
what you call startingly erotic?  And how many of them did you visit
before writing your piece?

Furthermore, you say : "...we scientists are materialists and we
distrust spiritual accounts."

Have you applied this principle generally and have written your views
about the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and the journey to heaven by
Mohammed on a winged horse?

I eagerly await your reply.  I have cced this message to a friend of
mine who resides in the UK.

Ashok Chowgule, Goa, India.



Thank you for your e mail. My article made it clear that I was startled
by the eroticism of the Indian temples I saw, that I believe in material
explanations for natural and human events, and that India is only
representative of many pre-free-market societies, many of which engaged
in temple prostitution. Why do you call this bigoted?
Terence Kealey



Dear Dr Kelly,

It is bigoted because you have given an impression that in ALL the Hindu
tempes in South and Central India are 'startlingly erotic'.  And in your
response you are giving an impression that temple prostitution is a rule
and not an exception.  Is it a requirement of being a vice-chancellor
not to understand such basic things?

Furhtermore, in your response you have not provided me with information
about your writings on Christianity and Islam on the issues that I had
posed.  Your rsponse also talks about 'many pre-free-market societies',
and that of these 'many' are engaged in temple prostitution.  Can you
please list out the other such societies?

Ashok Chowgule


Dear Ashok Chowgule,
Thank you for your e mail. The first sentence of my article read:- "The
Hindu temples of central and southern India can be startlingly erotic"
which is not compatible with the first sentence of your e mail:- "...you
have given an impression that in ALL the Hindu tempes in South and
Central India are 'startlingly erotic'". Moreover, I have explained that
I believe in material
explanations for natural and human events, which encompases all
religions, and I have explained that I used India only as a
representative of many pre-free-market societies (basically because its
temples' erotic statues survive and they are so remarkable). As for the
evidence of widespread temple prostitution in many cultures, that is the
stuff of schools textbooks, it is so well known. Look it up on
I am puzzled by your e mail. Are you denying the existence of erotic
statues on Indian temples? Are you denying the existence of temple
prostitution in India? Are you suggesting I'm targeting Hinduism
because, in a short article where I describe my responses to erotic
sculptures in India, I do not engage in a description of Jesus or
So, you please answer my questions. And let me add one more to them. How
do YOU explain the erotic statues on Hindu temples in India? And if you
haven't seen them, look up the reference on Khajuraho on Wikipedia.
Terence Kealey
PS I do not invoke Wikipedia because I think it's perfect but because
it's an on-line encyclopedia that anyone can reference and that is
common to you and me in terms of access.


Dear Dr Kealey,

Let a person from the Third World, and a Hindu to boot, give his
understanding of English.  You are correct that I interpreted your
statement ("The Hindu temples of central and southern India can be
startlingly erotic") to mean that you contend that ALL temples are of
this type.  Now, for a simple person like me, if you had said "SOME
Hindu temples", I would not have interpreted the staement as I did. I
think, not being brought up in a culture of the Queen's English, the
lack of the appropriate adjective would most probably make many others
interpret your statement as I did.  Just as if I had said that the
Christian churches in England are very ugly, I would willingly accept
that a person reading my statement would have a poor opinion of my
aesthetic values.

Re your use of "India only as a representative of many pre-free-market
societies (basically because its temples' erotic statues survive and
they are so remarkable)."  Being born in a third world country, and a
Hindu to boot, I am not as well versed in academic standards as you
appear to be, at least based on your bio-data that has been posted on
your university website.  I would have thought that an academic would
use a subject as a representative of the argument that he is making only
when he is well versed in that subject.  And the same academic would
surely not use one aspect (in this case the fascination for erotic
statues in temples) of the society to make a judgement of the whole
society.  But then we in the third world may well be wrong, and I would
like you to educate us all in the high standards of academics, so that
we can improve ourselves.

Re your statement: "As for the evidence of widespread temple
prostitution in many cultures, that is the stuff of schools textbooks,
it is so well known."  Obviously you think that temple prostitution is
the rule in the Hindu culture.  Could you please let us Hindus know
which other cutlures is this practice 'widespread'?  In the third world
textbooks this is not 'the stuff' that is taught to us.

Re your statement: "I do not invoke Wikipedia because I think it's
perfect but because it's an on-line encyclopedia that anyone can
reference and that is common to you and me in terms of access."

Does this mean that you have based your arguments on information gleaned
from Wikipedia, or on the basis of a more thorough investigation?  For
example, did you yourself see the erotic statues in the temple of
Khajurao or saw some pictures in Wikipedia?

You have asked me to answer three questions that you pose.  But you have
not answered the questions that I had posed earlier.  Of course, if it
is your contention that a Hindu belonging to the third world has no
right to ask questions of a high level academic in the first world, then
I will stand corrected, and answer your questions without expecting that
I will receive answers to my questions.

Ashok Chowgule, Goa, India.


From: "Terence Kealey" <terence.kealey@buckingham.ac.uk>
To: "Ashok Chowgule" <ashokvc@chowgulegoa.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 5:09 PM

Dear Ashok Chowgule,
Thank you for your e mail. If you had written:- "the Christian churches
in England can be very ugly" (echoing my words) you would find that most
of us would agree. I certainly think most modern and Victorian Christian
churches in England are ugly. But you didn't. You wrote:- "the Christian
Churches in England are very ugly" (as if echoing my words, but choosing
a form of words that is inaccurate and, in the context of this
correspondence, misleading).
Now you are making the point that you are "a person from the Third
World." So?
And now you seem to be suggesting that I haven't visited India or seen
the temples and their erotic statues! And when I invoke Wikipedia as a
frame of reference we can both access and therefore jointly discuss, you
ask about other sources of reference!
This correspondence is not working. I've tried to answer your points
courteously, but you're not addressing me with the same spirit.
Let us agree to correspond no more,
Terence Kealey


Why is a Hindu temple like a Soho phone box? Must I draw you a picture?
Science Notebook by Terence Kealey

THE HINDU temples of central and southern India can be startlingly
erotic. The temples of Khajuraho are the most explicit, being encrusted
with statues of naked females â?" big-breasted and narrow waisted â?"
doing naughty things with rampant men (see them on Google images). How
can a religion be so pornographic?

The standard explanation is that Hinduism harnessed sex in the service
of mysticism, but we scientists are materialists and we distrust
spiritual accounts. How would anthropologists explain pornographic

The first clue was provided by Robert Carneiro in his paper A Theory of
the Origin of the State. There, Carneiro noted that the first states
were created by despots, who exploited the introduction of agriculture
some 10,000 years ago. Human tribes, Carneiro observes, have fought each
other for millennia, but when human beings were still hunter-gatherers a
battle led only to the dispersal of the defeated, who melted away.

After agriculture was invented, some 10,000 years ago, a defeated tribe
could not afford to disperse: it had become dependent on the food of its
farms. So, if defeated in battle, agricultural tribes would collude with
their victors, producing food in exchange for quarter: â?oYe shall give
the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed
of the field, and for your food� (Genesis 47). The first states,
therefore, were cruel places, which exploited men â?" and women.

In her book Despotism and Differential Reproduction: A Darwinian View of
History, Laura Betzig noted how similarly the early emperors â?" whether
in Africa, Asia or America â?" behaved, suggesting that traditional
empires can best be understood not historically but biologically, having
been moulded by coalitions of dominant males to propagate their genes.
All the emperors had harems, for example, and the Indian Udayamaâ?Ts
16,000 women were used similarly to the thousands owned by the Inca Sun
King or the Chinese Emperor. Consequently, DNA testing has confirmed
that upper- caste females in India are genetically indistinguishable
from lower-caste females, because pretty hoi polloi girls have always
been imported into the palaces. But the upper-caste males of India â?"
who are the descendants of the Aryan conquerors of 5,000 years ago â?"
have never allowed male proles to marry their daughters, and they remain
genetically distinct. They have, therefore, retained the spoils of
conquest for themselves and their sons.

One aspect of imperial despotism is the restriction of trade. It was
Charles Darwin who noted that trade is a human instinct. In Voyage of
the Beagle Darwin described the natives of Tierra del Fuego as
primitive, yet: â?oThey had a fair idea of barter. I gave one man a
large nail (a most valuable present) without making any signs for a
return; but he immediately picked out two fish, and handed them up on
the point of his spear.�

Traditional empires, being despotic, restricted trade to the palaces and
temples, forbidding hoi polloi from trading or travelling. Only priests
and princes and certain privileged merchants (who were closely
regulated) traded and travelled. And one lucrative trade that the
priests and princes often monopolised was the oldest and most despotic
of all, prostitution. Temple prostitution was, therefore, a feature of
Hinduism and other imperial cultures â?" and a profitable one too. There
were, for example, some 400 women on the payroll at the Rajarajesvara
temple in Tanjore in the 11th century. They were procured by priests who
roamed the land in search of pretty young girls.

Doubtless the girls were seduced by a theology of mysticism, just as the
widows who, as suttees, threw themselves on their dead husbandsâ?T
funeral pyres believed they were attaining spiritual purity, but the
sexual economics of female exploitation provide a candid explanation of
what was happening. As do the statues on the temples. Frankly, they are
arousing, even in these jaded times, being more explicit than the photos
in todayâ?Ts telephone booths. In short, a millennium ago the temples of
India were brothels â?" they may have been more than that, but they were
brothels too â?" and they advertised their wares as brothels always
have. The erotic temple statues of India remind us, therefore, that
kings and priests â?" like politicians today â?" have always been


On Terence Kealey

The Vice-Chancellor
Dr Terence Kealey has been Vice-Chancellor at the University since April
2001. He is a well-known academic specialising in Clinical Biochemistry.

Dr Kealey received his doctorate from Oxford University in 1982 and
worked as the Wellcome Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science at the
Nuffield Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Oxford. He
then moved to Cambridge University to become a lecturer in the
Department of Clinical Biochemistry. He left in 2001 after 13 years to
come to Buckingham.

Dr Kealey is known for his book The Economic Laws of Scientific Research
and for his journalism and scholarship where he has shown that
governments need not fund science or higher education. His argument is
that the independent sector can provide wider access and deeper
scholarship than the state. Dr Kealey wrote a regular column in the
Daily Telegraph until very recently which was thought provoking and
often controversial.

The Vice-Chancellor is a familiar figure to all staff and students and
this adds to the feeling of a close knit community.

Dr Terence Kealey
Email: terence.kealey@buckingham.ac.uk

Colleen Carter (PA to the Vice-Chancellor)
Tel: (01280) 820207
Fax: (01280) 820373
Email: colleen.carter@buckingham.ac.uk<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

1. This guy's expertise is Clinical Biochemistry.

2. I suppose this guy is using some kind of a 'scientific' definition of despotism.

3. He quotes some Caneiro dude who talks about 10,000 years ago and then immediately quotes Genesis 47. Was bible written 10K years ago ? Weird logic.

4. The there is quote from Betzig person about "Africa, Asia or America" (no europe).

5. Then there is the genetics quote..

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Consequently, DNA testing has confirmed that upper- caste females in India are genetically indistinguishable from lower-caste females, because pretty hoi polloi girls have always been imported into the palaces. But the upper-caste males of India — who are the descendants of the Aryan conquerors of 5,000 years ago — have never allowed male proles to marry their daughters, and they remain genetically distinct. They have, therefore, retained the spoils of conquest for themselves and their sons.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

If the girls indistinguishable then it can it not mean that palace girls also married non-palace boys ? How did he come up with this ? This area is this guy's expertise (supposedly) so he must know what he is talking about. But I dont understand this. If females are indistinguishable then how come the deduction that pretty hoi-polloi girls were imported into palaces ? And moreover how does it mean that aryan conquerors didnt allow their daughters to marry male proles ?

6. where did this come from ? <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Traditional empires, being despotic, restricted trade to the palaces and temples, forbidding hoi polloi from trading or travelling.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

7. and then the conclusion ?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And one lucrative trade that the priests and princes often monopolised was the oldest and most despotic of all, prostitution.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Did anybody see it coming ? I didnt.

8. Some more conclusions.. How come it is 'doubtless' ???? <!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Doubtless the girls were seduced by a theology of mysticism, just as the widows who, as suttees, threw themselves on their dead husbands’ funeral pyres believed they were attaining spiritual purity, but the sexual economics of female exploitation provide a candid explanation of what was happening.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

9. One more.. From 10000 years ago he has now jumped to a millenium.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In short, a millennium ago the temples of India were brothels — they may have been more than that, but they were brothels too — and they advertised their wares as brothels always have.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Is this guy really a vice-chancellor ? what kind of college is buckingham ?
This guy must have just come across fool proof archeological information that his mai-baap were hindu. Hence the need to throw mud at Hinduism any way he can. Understandable. Happens to many people.

This guy's @$$ must be on fire..Ha! <!--emo&:bcow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_cowboy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_cowboy.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:bcow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_cowboy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_cowboy.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:bcow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_cowboy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_cowboy.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Hats off to this letter-writer.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->To: Dr Terence Kealey

Dear "Vice" Chancellor Kealey:

I read an article written by you, that presumably represents the best of your institution's intellectual quality.

It appears that when you visit places of worship, you are in the habit of holding your brains high - at the end of the british flagpole where you keep them, in keeping with the British tradition exemplified by James Bond.

One supposes that one should anticipate your next mastur (ba*ing) pieces - on whether Notre Dame is wearing anything under her gown. Or how you knelt when you were knighted in Buckingham Palace so you could peek under the Majestic skirt.

Your article, sir, with all due respect, provides an irrefutable argument for keeping bigoted idiots out of places of worship. Congratulations.

To say that you are "Vice" Chancellor of a university, says it all about that university.

Please convey my regards to your "Rear" Chancellor.

With all due respect,
He is just a garden variety racist pig. Now, not to get too explicit, but to be totally honest, there is a thousand times more pornography and everything else in his British culture than anywhere ever in India/Hinduism. This is an old tired 19th century propaganda that Hindus are decadent and somehow westerners are civilized and disciplined. (Of course people with real life experience would laugh at this)
Remember the Xtian fanatics also say that Romans were decadent until they became Xtian. This is propaganda, infact Xtians and westerners tend to indulge in sensual extravagance far more than any other people in the world. They hate it if you point this out to them.

<!--emo&:argue--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/argue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='argue.gif' /><!--endemo--> Dear All,
Here is what I would like to put in comment section of article as well as email to VC(he has closed his discussion with Ashok but not with every1else). The purpose of putting up here is that we can send it on behalf of India-forum if you desire so and you can also scrutinise it so that it's true representative of the forum:
Dear VC,
Though you have given 1 example of Khajuraho yet you have generalised it in conclusion as if you are talking of all Hindu temples. To the best of my knowledge, it is more of 'vastukala ka namuna' rather than temple. Just to preserve this piece of architecture, they named it as temple so that ignorant minds may not destroy it. It only goes to show that it was the zenith of Indian architecture rather than eroticism as you are making out to be which reminds me of Freud to whom the suckling of mother's breast by a neonate was also act of sex.
Following in the same vein, your coclusion that it was to encourage prostitution seems to be far fetched and disingenious. Hinduism is 1 of the religions where you will find gods and godesses unlike others which are male dominant. If we follow your logic, people may not think highly of nuns.

Gee! U folks are trying to intellectual arguments with a pr1ck. Waste of effort. See letter above. Only kind of language these types will understand.

The British are basically sexual perverts and filthy savages. Watch "Excalibur" - the closest the British have to the Ramayana.

This pr1ck claims to be the Chanceller of Vice. I believe him. Send his article with a few comments about the quality of the faculty and administrators, to the President of their Student Body, to the Chancellor (Chancellor Emeritus is Margaret Thatcher, but they wisely don't reveal who the new one is).

This is a country where the Royal Family can be found copulating under the trees of *ucking Ham Palace with the chauffer, the horse groomer, the gardener and the milkman.

The "Chancellor of Vice" of *ucking Ham university is like being Chancellor of Satyabama Deemed University in Chennai. Just another goddamn skinhead. Y'all need to stop hyperventilating and genuflecting, impressed with his supposed aka-dummy credentials.

These pr1cks make Pakis look civilized by comparison.
<!--emo&:blow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blow.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blow.gif' /><!--endemo--> I wrote this to VC and that's the reply I got from him. Those who of u who r interested in further action, pl write to me at the email address shown here and we will go from there:
From: "Terence Kealey" <terence.kealey@buckingham.ac.uk> Save Address Block Sender This Is Spam
To: "Manmohan Kumar" <manmohan_kumar@alumnidirector.com>
Subject: RE: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,...22,00.html
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 08:44:51 +0100

Show Full Headers Back To [INBOX]


Er, thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Manmohan Kumar [mailto:manmohan_kumar@alumnidirector.com]
Sent: 26 September 2006 12:57
To: Terence Kealey
Subject: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,...22,00.html

Dear VC,

Though you have given 1 example of Khajuraho yet you have generalised it in conclusion as if you are talking of all Hindu temples. To the best of my knowledge, it is more of 'vastukala ka namuna' rather than temple. Just to preserve this piece of architecture, they named it as temple so that ignorant minds (!) may not destroy it. It only goes to show that it was the zenith of Indian architecture rather than eroticism as you are making out to be which reminds me of Freud to whom the suckling of mother's breast by a neonate was also act of sex.
Following in the same vein, your coclusion that it was to encourage prostitution seems to be far fetched and disingenious. Hinduism is 1 of the religions where you will find gods and godesses unlike others which are male dominant. If we follow your logic, people may not think highly of nuns.
PS: Being VC you have wasted exchequer's time, money and given highly improbable reasoning revealing your kinked sexual fantasies slurring yourself!


Instead of writing to this guy, would not writing to Times be more effective? He will remain what he is. Times may change.
One good reply:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A lesson in genetics is needed by the author as well as distinguishinging between erotic art and Soho phone booths; the latter of which he appears all too familiar with. The female offspring of an upper class male and upper class female would be genetically quite different to the female offspring of a lower class female and lower class male. Where there was a union between an upper class male and lower class female, this wold have added genetic variety producing a half caste. NB There would be half caste males and female offspring, presumably raised by the lower class mother as lower class offspring. Thus it is impossible to keep a difference in the genetics of the male offspring only.

I'd be interested to know where this research has come from, its validity to scientific scrutiny and if it exists at all. It makes one wonder as to the fact behind the rest of the article.

The second point is about the author's comments on the alleged fact that temple prostitution was a feature of Hinduism. It may well have taken place, but to say that man using religion to further his own ends is a feature of the religion itself, is to say that the slaughter of thousands of innocent Muslims in the Crusades is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Overall, rubbish article, bordering on deeply offensive, poorly researched. Shocked to see it get passed the editor of an allegedly reputable newspaper.

Dr James Van der Duke, Leeds, Yorkshire

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"...they advertised their wares as brothels always have." Mr Kealey might have made one or two enquiries as to the actual meaning of the temple gateway images that so fascinated him before arriving at his theory. They depict worldly pleasures that the spiritual aspirant is symbolically, and indeed actually, leaving behind on his quest for perfection. One has to pass them in order to enter the temple and see the image of God, just as one has to pass over sensual pleasures in order to reach the Lord in truth. It is easy to find licentiousness and despotism among the claimed adherents of any religion, and it does not necessarily reflect in any way on that religion's theology. If one wants to truly understand a faith then a good start might be to examine the character of its revered saints. Hindu saints throughout history have almost always been renuniciants and celibates of the highest moral character. That remains the case to this very day.

Zahra Aftab, Watford, England

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->If I confess to knowing almost nothing about Hinduism; then through reading the replies to the article of Terence Kealey I feel that I have gained a revealing insight into the heart of its adherents. I only wish that I could express my objections to so much that I personally find offensive with such a wonderfully articulated, restrained but damning denial. The world would be a better place if we were able to show such moderation in the face of such obvious provocation.

Pauline, Cardiff, Wales
I shall be posting my reply as soon as I find time. Articles like these need a coherent and articulate rejoinder. WHere is N3?
<!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Bodhi, sunder et al,
The purpose of my putting up actual letter was not to start a rat race of rejoinders either to Times or author. As u can make out, the author has no words for my taking him head on.
Now it's time for action. That's what I have requested in my msg:
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Optima'>Let us deliberate on strategy of action. Words howsoever strong can't take the place of action.</span></span>
<!--QuoteBegin-Capt Manmohan Kumar+Sep 27 2006, 08:03 PM-->QUOTE(Capt Manmohan Kumar @ Sep 27 2006, 08:03 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Words howsoever strong can't take the place of action.

Where he lives? London you said, Capt? <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I agree with you, this pervert racist pig is a dirty monkey, and he should be treated like the filthy racist pervert b@st@rd that he is.

I could care less what the *ucking 3rd rate Brits think of Hindus. We need to form Battlelines and show them we are engaged in a cultural war.

<!--QuoteBegin-abdul_bin_mao+Sep 26 2006, 06:08 AM-->QUOTE(abdul_bin_mao @ Sep 26 2006, 06:08 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Gee! U folks are trying to intellectual arguments with a pr1ck. Waste of effort. See letter above. Only kind of language these types will understand.

The British are basically sexual perverts and filthy savages. Watch "Excalibur" - the closest the British have to the Ramayana.

This pr1ck claims to be the Chanceller of Vice. I believe him. Send his article with a few comments about the quality of the faculty and administrators, to the President of their Student Body, to the Chancellor (Chancellor Emeritus is Margaret Thatcher, but they wisely don't reveal who the new one is).

This is a country where the Royal Family can be found copulating under the trees of *ucking Ham Palace with the chauffer, the horse groomer, the gardener and the milkman.

The "Chancellor of Vice" of *ucking Ham university is like being Chancellor of Satyabama Deemed University in Chennai. Just another goddamn skinhead. Y'all need to stop hyperventilating and genuflecting, impressed with his supposed aka-dummy credentials.

These pr1cks make Pakis look civilized by comparison.
This is not the response I was looking for. My opinion is that we complicate things for ourselves by venting out and throwing cheap abuses and cusswords when we find something offending. In short, we "get angry" and vent our feelings out thus exhausting the anger.

Far from it, we should not lose our temper and need to look at the situation with a very cool head and keen eyes. See what is being said. See who is saying it and why. See the motivation and the intention behind it (if there is one), and finally see if we can influence the author, the institution, the medium, and finally the audience (in increasing order of importance) about the true picture as percieved by Hindus.

By abusing someone and going into their ancestry and how they were born would not solve our purpose. In this situation I am reminded of Mahatma Gandhi's experience in South Africa. Once he was beaten up and thrown out of a train by racist cops with no provocation other than to travel in a frist class compartment. Gandhi's response was not to throw abuse at him, and not even to plot a personal revenge but to bring down the institution that was creating such racist attitude. To what extent he was successful is well known to us.

Dr.Kealey has written an article. Any amount of vituperative argument would only make Dr.Kealey more defensive. Engage Dr.Kealey to a public or private discussion on his motivation to write what he wrote. What he has achieved by this as an academic and as an individual. Advise him on places where he has overlooked facts. Ask him if he feels this is the final version of his thoughts on Hinduism and the pre-free-market societies and how Hinduism can be an example in positively influencing the same society today (Yoga being but one of the infinite influences.) Ask him if he could have written the article in any other way that is less offensive and in a way that dignifies his position as a Vice Chancellor.
In my experience, many people don't want to get along. They want to mock and insult and sneer in a corner. I don't think we should try too hard to get along with people like that.

Just let them know that Hindus strongly disagree with him. A lot of these people have gotten away with no one saying anything. He can keep writing racist propaganda, why should I care ? These imperialist Brit's have been talking smack about our people for a long time. They just need to know that we will never get along as long as that continues.

The standard response of Hindus to their enemies is to get defensive. They throw muck on us and we are busy cleaning up. Don't mind the muck and waste time with it. Be like a varAha. Simply throw muck back at them snd that too on their face and something will stick. Let them spend the time cleaning themselves.
<!--QuoteBegin-Hauma Hamiddha+Sep 28 2006, 08:24 PM-->QUOTE(Hauma Hamiddha @ Sep 28 2006, 08:24 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The standard response of Hindus to their enemies is to get defensive. They throw muck on us and we are busy cleaning up. Don't mind the muck and waste time with it. Be like a varAha. Simply throw muck back at them snd that too on their face and something will stick. Let them spend the time cleaning themselves.
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