<!--QuoteBegin-ramana+Oct 10 2006, 10:07 PM-->QUOTE(ramana @ Oct 10 2006, 10:07 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the early part of this decade there was an op-ed in the Telegraph from Kolkota that lamented the rise of Punjabification of India and the decline of the Bengali norms which were prevalent pre-Independence. Punjabization was defined as loud music, ladies dancing at barat etc. Gradually I noted that this was an all Indian phenomenon not just confined to West Bengal and even India.
That reminds me, earlier AMC= Army Medical Corps was known as Army of Mukherjees and Chatterjees. Today, MCs have been sent back to Barrackpore. If it leads to healthy competition, it's woth it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Nothing is static in this world. Therefore, we have to change out thinking and values. We have to accept the change. In our society today what are happening, new values and customs are replacing old ones. Some of us are readily accepting the change in varying degrees and some of us are unable to accept the change and in the process bringing in mental stress and depression.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is the nub of the dispute we are having. Your point is that, change is something that we have to <b>whole-heartedly accept without reservation</b>. I beg to differ.
I am fine with certain types of change, economic change (certain kinds of job becoming obsolete, and new occupations invented) and technological change. I understand that these will lead to social change. But to <b>heartily embrace all change</b> will be fatal. We have to <b>consciously choose what kind of change we want</b>, and carefully mediate these desirable changes into the lives of our children.
The parents who are pretending to be happy, if they were initially as serious about the issue of marriage as they were about the brushing of teeth, would have made it clear to their children about what is allowed and what isn't. They did not. They made their bed, and they will now lie on it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Punjabization was defined as loud music, ladies dancing at barat etc.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Till middle of 70s, in our family women never accompanied barat. Even dancing in Barat was not permitted; it was linked with Muslim barbarism. In Punjab, Muslims used to loot Doli or invaded Hindu bride homes just before marriage and take away bride with dance, noise or gun shots. Last week, I was watching my cousinâs wedding DVD and my grandfather who is 91 years old showed his announce to groom's father when he was throwing lot of money during Doli departure.
My grandfather still has memories of those days.
10-10-2006, 11:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2006, 11:44 PM by Bodhi.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Oct 10 2006, 01:04 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Oct 10 2006, 01:04 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Punjabization was defined as loud music, ladies dancing at barat etc.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Till middle of 70s, in our family women never accompanied barat. Even dancing in Barat was not permitted; it was linked with Muslim barbarism. In Punjab, Muslims used to loot Doli or invaded Hindu bride homes just before marriage and take away bride with dance, noise or gun shots.
An uncle of mine, whose sense of history I have always respected, once told me that "barat" itself is not a very ancient tradition. Except for "Shiv Barat" in Shiv Puran, we do not have much evidence of a huge party of relatives from bridegrooms family attending the wedding - be it in Mahabharata or Ramayana or Kalidas literature. Even now, there are so many communitites which do not bring a grand barat in the weddings.
He told me that the custom of a big barat started from middle ages, with the advent of muslims looting the bride party. (I think we find references of this bride-looting in Maratha literature - but I will let Bharatvarsh and Digvijay throw more light upon this)
Barat was therefore invented, he told me, which used to serve as a small but tactically-armed party of males to safeguard the passage of bride from the predators. Barat party used to mandatorily invite some Kshatriyas even in the weddings of other varnas. In UP/Bihar/Nepal, there is a custom that the brothers or some male relatives of bride, follow the returning barat from behind, from some distance, till some part of the way. This may have been used as the armed detachment to 'watch the back'.
In the modern times, the looting of weddings may be over, but, "barat" may have just lived on as a custom.
I just remembered. Sri Jay Shankar Prasad throws some light about this in his work "Kashi Ka Gunda".
<!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--> CBSE: Sex education to start from kindergarten
[ 11 Oct, 2006 0104hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
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NEW DELHI: Soon, there will be open discussions in classrooms about drug abuse, homosexuality and reproductive health. With adolescents becoming more and more vulnerable to drug and sexual abuse, CBSE is set to introduce from next year adolescent education in the curriculum for all classes from KG to XII.
Named as Adolescence and Reproductive Sexual Health Programme (ARSH), it will address issues related to nutrition, health, hygiene, physical fitness and mental health besides drug abuse, reproductive and sexual health and HIV-AIDS.
There will not be a separate subject on it but the topics will be covered through activity-based programmes.
"Topics related to sexual changes at puberty, substance abuse, myths concerting the reproductive growth of a child and sexually transmitted diseases will be a part of the curriculum," said Usha Ram, principal, Laxman Public School, who was a member of the committee constituted to prepare the module.
I wish the same way open discussion is done in India about smoking abuse, with young kids. 80% smokers start smoking between school and college.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->there was a move to discard the saree for some other dress by the lady cabin crew of a nationalised airlines, in view of trousers and scarts worn by some of their rivals in the private sector.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
How come no one's complaining that "Indian-ness" being lost because pilots don't wear <i>dhoti-pajama with kurta</i> and some <i>pagdi</i>? Isn't what good for the goose not good for gander?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The opposition came from a very unexpected quarter, the CPM came out in defence of the saree.
Ravishji, CPM types are basically hustlers and shake-down artists. Every change is a opportunity for those up the red ant hill to make some quick dough. They'd care less as to who wore what if this private airline had 'taken them into confidence' if you get what I mean.
There is absolutely no need to give undue importance to the CPM. A Communist takeover of India is simply not possible.It is only a passing phase that the help of the Communists are being taken for running the Government.An Indian politician has a very strong character and no amount of communist doctrine can derail him.
Ravishji, CPM reference was only in regards to your earlier post pointing to how they are in support of saree. CPM need not come to power - they are in a better position today in regards to absolute authority with zero accountability. We all know as to how their harpie misused her access to media and political clout to hound Ramdev.
Perhaps relevant here..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Re: [hc] Morals/Ethics, Homosexuality
Dear GRS,
Hindu texts accepted homosexuality as something normal. They do not
denigrate the practice. The Kamasutra, for example, has many verses that
discuss homosexuality in a non-judgmental manner. Refreshingly, just as the
Kamasutra prescribes what a heterosexual couple must do post-coitus to
fulfill love-making, it makes similar prescriptions for homosexual lovers as
well. You can find in virtually every ancient temple, sculptures that
portray both heterosexual and homosexual forms of sacred sexuality.
Hindu ethics and moral ideals pertain to all the four aspects of purusharta:
dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Many texts elucidate on these ideals. The
dharmashastras, Kautilya's Arthashastra, the Itihasas are all example of
this genre. Sangam era Tamil texts such as the Tirukkural translate or
capture the essence of what these dharmashastras say. These texts were
written in response to the prevailing social mores.
Hindu moral ideals have been evolving dynamically and not been frozen like
those of the Abrahamic religions. Most importantly, since dharmashastras
were ideals and not codes of law, they were not imposed. They rather served
as the epitome of ideals that society could emulate. They also changed with
times. On the other hand, the Abrahamic religions imposed their codes of law
leading to rigidity and ossification.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Re: [hc] Morals/Ethics, Homosexuality
Dear GRS and Hari Krishna,
1. There no historical or traditional basis to assume that the other
three purushartas, especially Kama, should be subservient to moksha, or that
moksha is the purpose of the other three. Kama is a purusharta in its own
right. In fact, moksha is optional in Hinduism. Our sages knew that only a
few can overcome karma and samsara, and hence the teachings leading to
moksha were imparted confidentially. Texts like the Tirukkural deal with the
other three purushartas but not moksha. The over-the-counter prescription to
moksha is a recent phenomenon.
2. If some acharyas say that Kama must be regulated, I have no
disagreement. In fact, everything, including sanyasa or artha, must be
regulated. The very concept of vivaha is meant to regulate Kama. This does
not mean that Kama is a necessary evil, or that one must overcome Kama to
attain moksha. While some texts/traditions might have come to subscribe to
that view, even within those traditions one can cite numerous examples to
the contrary. For example, Arjuna did not give up Kama. He actually enjoyed
it to his heart's content by begetting pretty wives. It did not prevent him
from attaining moksha or from being the recipient of the Gita.
3. I have my highest regard for the acharyas but I do not take their
words uncritically. Practically every acharya has made statements that can
be shown to be incorrect or illogical. So, if an acharya makes a statement
that goes against the evidence, I would go with the evidence. Acharyas are
also product of their times. They incur prarabdha karma. If the prevailing
norm is Victorian prudishness, they will absorb some of it.
4. Atheism and agnosticism are very essential, in my opinion the most
essential, aspects of Hinduism. If theism stands for the belief in one
Supreme God, many early Hindu schools were not theistic: Mimamsa or Sankhya
for example. The notion of devas in the Veda samhitas is also not the same
as theism.
5. I agree with you that some verses did not accept homosexuality.
Since Dharmashastras and smritis were written and rewritten repeatedly, such
verses reflect the mindset of the concerned editor. One needs to look at the
larger picture. Temple sculptures are very critical pointers in this regard.
They were based on Shilpashastras. The fact that the Shilpashastras
incorporate the themes from the Kamashastras, and depict them in temple
sculptures is clear proof that the dominant Hindu thought did not find
sexuality and homosexuality profane.
6. There is no question of tolerating homosexuality, after declaring
it base. There is increasing evidence that one's sexual preferences are in
his/her genes. Homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality. It is not a
vice to be tolerated or overcome. This is a sickening Abrahamic thinking. I
am glad that the larger Hindu fabric has historically held a rational view
on this.
7. Likewise, there are very explicit depictions of sensuous lovemaking
of our Divinities in numerous puranas and itihasas. Krishna and Radha, Rama
and Sita, have all been portrayed like that. This shows that while the later
day Victorian prudes feared sexuality, our ancients approached it normally.
Since the puranas were written for the hearing pleasure of the masses â they
were performed as ballads, one can be sure that our ancients did not think
that sexuality is something to be repressed.
8. In the Brhat Samhita, Siva is so enamored by Tilottama's beauty
that as she circumambulates Him, He acquires eyes on all sides of His head
so He could see her all the time. But then He makes one concession: fearing
Parvati's ire, He fixes the gaze of one pair of eyes on Her! Varahamihira
should not have feared that Kama is a necessary evil â otherwise, he would
have portrayed Siva along more ascetic lines!
This is sick!!!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Seven Indians held in sex sting operation in California</b>
George Joseph, October 18, 2006
Seven Indian Americans, some in high-profile jobs, were among 29 people arrested in a sting operation in the Bay Area in California. They were held for trying to solicit sex with a minor over the Internet.
The Petaluma police department conducted the operation with help from other agencies and a volunteer group called Perverted Justice.
"All of them got bail later," Captain David F Sears of the Petaluma police department, told Rediff India Abroad. "They may get a jail term for less than a year. Those who came on work visas will be deported after the jail term," he said.
The arrests were the culmination of a six-month inquiry. The suspects arrived at a designated location in Petaluma to have sex with minor children, the police said.
The accused used Internet chat rooms and instant messages to make contact with minors. But most of these messages went to volunteers of Perverted Justice posing as minor girls. They asked the victims to come to a particular location where the police were waiting for them.
The investigation began in March when the Petaluma police department began working with Perverted Justice. The police had no idea about the predator or his background. But many of them turned out to be educated people, the police noted.
"I have no explanation why highly educated people commit such acts," Captain Sears said.
Sexual predators using Internet chat rooms to identify and meet children for sexual gratification has become a major concern for law enforcement agencies around the nation, the police said. Suspects routinely contact potential victims using various instant messaging services and electronic mail. They engage in chats that can shift from the innocent to the sexual. They have been known to converse with children for months while 'grooming' their potential victims, the police said.
Perverted Justice is a nationwide volunteer organisation that monitors online chat rooms and web sites to identify and expose such predators. The group consists of trained adult volunteers who enter chat rooms posing as minor children. Once contacted by adult suspects, the volunteers chat with them and try to ascertain their motives.
If sexual contact is the suspect's goal, the volunteer will continue communication, eventually ending in an arranged meeting between the suspect and the minor child alias of the volunteer.
Perverted Justice volunteers act as witnesses and cooperate with investigation by testifying in court, if necessary. These operations have been very successful in numerous areas around the US.
After several incidents involving Indians, Skand Tyal, then the Indian consul general in Houston, issued an advisory in April 2004.
He said he was acting in an unusual way because of the number of people involved in cybersex cases. "It seems to me that Indian students in particular are not quite aware of the severity of the offense, and there have been at least three cases in the recent past where so-called minors have actually turned out to be law enforcement officials," he had told this reporter then. "I am surprised that these people, who are so smart and are here to study disciplines like computer engineering, should be so careless about this."'
The Houston consulate also advised that anyone in a similar situation should not sign any documents, such as a waiver of the right to contest, or agreeing to be deported, without first checking with an attorney or the consulate.
The relatives of some victims also questioned the modus operandi of the authorities.
"These young people have not committed any crime. At best, the officials can prove that they had such an intention in mind," the sister of one person arrested, had said. "These people do not know any of their constitutional rights. So when they get caught, they panic and sign whatever papers are given to them, instead of calling for a lawyer." She wants the community to be aware of these issues.
"The younger people commit such mistakes and they pay with their future and life for such a small thing. It is really sad," she said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Here is link to transcripts and Video -sex sting operation </b>
<b>Police Release Petaluma Suspects Names</b>
Petaluma police Thursday released the names of the men arrested in a six-month investigation of online sex crimes against children. Bail for each person was set at $30,000.
30-year-old <b>Jaswinder Cheema </b>: San Jose, a sales manager for Bose Corp.electronics company.
29-year-old <b>Anurag Tiwari:</b> Sunnyvale, Sun Microsystems engineer
31-year-old <b>Chandrashekhar Nonna</b>, Oakland, a computer engineer, Strategic Staffing Solutions engineer.
25-year-old year old named <b>Pulkit Mathur</b> : Sunnyvale, executive
<i>Heâs charged with attempted lewd behavior with a minor, and bail is set at $30,000. Later we find out Pulkit failed to show up for court and is wanted on a $50,000 arrest warrant.</i>
<b>Kanishk Lakhanpal</b> -<i> <b>Iâm very loyal to my wife</b>. <b>Itâs my love marriage</b>. </i> <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>Gopichand Pai: </b> Sunnyvale work in Apple. software engineer (TCS software engineer)
<b> Vaikunth Sundarajan, Sunnyvale </b>:26-year-old, Info Systems programmer
<b>Aminder Singh, San Jose, Zoom Delivery driver</b>
I like the way commies and western imperialists always portrayed Hinduism as somehow decadent or about free sex, but all practical evidence points to the Abhrahamic religions being the most emotionally unstable and emotionally indulgent.
Gone are the days when marriage ceremonies were filled with joyous sentiments and a warm welcome to a whole new life of learning, happiness, understanding and salvation. Parents were rejoicing to see their son/daughter getting married and starting a new journey of life, a journey where they will get to experience ups and downs, and more importantly, they will one day become parents. Son/daughter will be taught to tackle daily family problems with understanding and adjustment.
Now, in the 21st century, the desire for detached freedom has become so acute and pierce that people began to find the traditional way of living a married life as ridiculous and oppressive. Now marriage is all about flashy decoration, swanky outfits, pricy jewelry and flamboyant ceremonies. The marriage expenses quite obviously sky-rockets. Both the parties are competing for the fame of getting their son/daughter married in the most lavish way. Elaborate entertaining jests are organized to keep the guest spellbound by the immensity of the marriage. But the intoxication of celebrating the marriage ceremony doesnât even last for a week. Married couple will return back to their mundane life and will occasionally visit the moments of marriage watching the videos/photo albums.
Only when the man realizes that now he can start saving money for the education of his children, his wife will pull out her much deliberated lists of demands. She will demand her in-laws to live separately. She will demand equal rights in the in-lawâs ancestral property. She will demand the transfer of title of the house to her name. The husband, being gullible and God-fearing will not see any harm in approving most of her demands. He would, however, respectfully explain to her that he cannot ask his parents to live elsewhere. She will complain to her parents of being harassed by him and he will soon be reprimanded for treating her like this. He submissively tries to mitigate the situation by apologizing. After all, if the marriage breaks apart, the society will accuse him only irrespective of whose fault it is.
After regular blackmailing, she will complain to the police of dowry harassment and domestic violence. The police, like scavengers, will immediately arrest him and his parents. The cops are also helpful to them explaining the unofficial mechanism if they want to escape imprisonment. They will be asked to cough up mind-blowing monetary compensation as demanded by the accuser. Who would want to get entangled in our notorious legal system especially one who is accused by a woman? They reluctantly give away huge chunk of their ancestral property to the woman to settle the case. The woman is happy to earn so much money that it is only a dream of people to earn it in such a short span of time. She walks away with fortune and a tag of being a victim of domestic violence, and the husband walks away bankrupt and a tag of being a culprit who wrongly got acquitted.
It is all about money. As soon as the husband tries to re-collect his composure, he then gets slapped by the court orders commanding him to provide maintenance to his wife. Now he is slogging day and night to earn to make ends meet and a portion of his earning is going into the hands of a woman who legally destroyed him. The woman is thankful to such laws in place and also flaunts her assertiveness to her friends and relatives for fighting for her so-called rights.
Womanâs rights are all about a manâs liability. More and more women are happy to increase menâs liability calling it as their rights. Women have proved that womenâs liberation is all about strangulating menâs rights. What started off as a beginning of a new life of happiness for the husband, abruptly ends by becoming bankrupt, defamed, and humiliated. And for the woman, it has always been about money before marriage, after marriage and after divorce. There is no stigma on the woman for filing a false harassment case on her husband and in-laws and blackmailing them for money. What is more disturbing is that people continue to believe that women are always the victims. And to make sure that women continue to make a business out of the marriage, women groups work hard to propose women protective laws, gender sensitivity, legal leniency toward women, uplifting womenâs status and defaming men as born oppressors.
In the business of marriage, men are not more than money-making machines and women are no less than legal extortionists.
<!--QuoteBegin-Rebel+Oct 29 2006, 01:20 PM-->QUOTE(Rebel @ Oct 29 2006, 01:20 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Gone are the days when marriage ceremonies were filled with joyous sentiments and a warm welcome to a whole new life of learning, happiness, understanding and salvation. Parents were rejoicing to see their son/daughter getting married and starting a new journey of life, a journey where they will get to experience ups and downs, and more importantly, they will one day become parents. Son/daughter will be taught to tackle daily family problems with understanding and adjustment.
Womanâs rights are all about a manâs liability. More and more women are happy to increase menâs liability calling it as their rights. Women have proved that womenâs liberation is all about strangulating menâs rights. What started off as a beginning of a new life of happiness for the husband, abruptly ends by becoming bankrupt, defamed, and humiliated. And for the woman, it has always been about money before marriage, after marriage and after divorce. There is no stigma on the woman for filing a false harassment case on her husband and in-laws and blackmailing them for money. What is more disturbing is that people continue to believe that women are always the victims. And to make sure that women continue to make a business out of the marriage, women groups work hard to propose women protective laws, gender sensitivity, legal leniency toward women, uplifting womenâs status and defaming men as born oppressors.
In the business of marriage, men are not more than money-making machines and women are no less than legal extortionists.
First of all not all the marriages are made for money or businnes, I'm a woman and my purpose is to marry a man of which I'm proud to be the wife and not a man whit many money, but a stone heart! <!--emo&:thumbdown--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo-->
It's true that there are too many woman whose businnes is to earn money whit the marriage union, but you mustn't generalize, they don't represent all the woman, they represent just the worste part of woman living in these day.
The woman's liberation is not what you said!! <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Many woman in their family are bad treated and if the woman rights weren't garanted by laws this woman could stay forever in this kind of situation whitout any help from the society. You also have to considerate the case of a family in wich the man is ill, if he is the only one who has a job how can this family live, how can they find money for food? Obviusly I'm not talking of millionare families!
I'm sure many woman are abusing of their garanted rights, but not all, I may repeate, NOT ALL!!
In the business of marriage, men are not more than money-making machines and women are no less than legal extortionists.
First of all not all the marriages are made for money or businnes, I'm a woman and my purpose is to marry a man of which I'm proud to be the wife and not a man whit many money, but a stone heart! <!--emo&:thumbdown--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo-->
It's true that there are too many woman whose businnes is to earn money whit the marriage union, but you mustn't generalize, they don't represent all the woman, they represent just the worste part of woman living in these day.
The woman's liberation is not what you said!! <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Many woman in their family are bad treated and if the woman rights weren't garanted by laws this woman could stay forever in this kind of situation whitout any help from the society. You also have to considerate the case of a family in wich the man is ill, if he is the only one who has a job how can this family live, how can they find money for food? Obviusly I'm not talking of millionare families!
I'm sure many woman are abusing of their garanted rights, but not all, I may repeate, NOT ALL!!
You agreed that not all men are bad and not all women are bad. I too agree not all women are bad. But women organisations are proposing ridiculous biased laws by generalising that all men are criminals. What do you have to say about it? If you have slightest objection with women organisations' attitude toward men, then you could have, like many good women, criticized these so-called protective laws: but nobody did; every single woman, good and bad, has welcomed such laws saying that there couldn't be a better diwali gift to women. If you'll are generalising about men and coming up with biased laws, then why do you feel threatened when we demand that men too should be given adequate legal protection? Any answer? These protective laws have started strangulating men's basic human rights and women shamelessly call this has gender equality. Law must be equal. Both the gender should be legally protected. But as long as women feel threatened and ashamed of admitting that men too are actually victimized by their wife, the condition of men will only get worse. Men commit suicide 4 times more often than women.
For centuries, married men have been brutally nagged and have considered it as part and parcel of a married life. There will be not a single married man who has never been emotionally abused, threatened, brutally nagged, and even physically assaulted by his wife. However, looking at the present scenario, it seems that men are the architect of their own precarious condition in the present womanâs world. They failed to consider wifeâs atrocities as domestic violence. They failed to protest against the Government for approving ridiculous biased women protective laws. They failed to raise issues when innocent men are victimized and convicted with a false complaint of a woman. They failed to foresee that living in a female-dominated society, they will always remain in constant threat of been falsely accused by a woman. Maybe because in the olden times, our parents had tackled mundane and trivial arguments with maturity and understanding, instead of going to the police station and filing an FIR.
The magnitude of the severity of Domestic violence Bill has been vastly underestimated. Lets have a look on how menâs life will become hell.
1) Doesnât matter if you donât argue with your wife, you can still be falsely accused of domestic violence.
2) Even when your wife abuses your parents, you will still be scared of getting falsely accused of domestic violence.
3) Your wife can demand any amount of money and you can be falsely accused of not complying with her demands.
4) Even if you come to know that your wife is cheating on you, you have reason to get scared of falsely accusing you of domestic violence before confronting her.
5) Not only your wife, any woman can now accuse you of any violence even if you are innocent whether on the streets, banks, offices, restaurants, buses, trains, planes, anywhere.
6) Even if you are into a live-in relationship, you are still exposed to the danger of being falsely accused of domestic violence and may even lose your personal property.
7) Since all the women have the license to complain now, prostitutes too can threaten you of violence if you do not pay her demands.
8) Male teachers and professors are also not safe. They could also be falsely accused of violence if a female student wants him to pass her in the examination.
In short, the danger a man will be facing after domestic violence bill is endless. Those already married will live a submissive life realizing that a sword is hanging over his hand and it is up to his wife to decide when to halal him. Women call this condition as gender equality. It is typical that not a single woman has criticized this sort of tyrannical law. And men are helpless saying that beyond criticizing this law within their friend circle, they canât do anything.
The consequences of domestic violence bill will be disastrous. Here are few of the foreseeable repercussions of this law.
1) There will be sharp increase in divorce cases making men bankrupt, and children growing up without their fathers will be exposed to child sexual abuse.
2) Live-in relationships will increase if a man doesnât know that he is still under constant legal threat.
3) There will be an unprecedented increase in male-foeticide because after this law, who would want a male child and get arrested when he gets married?
4) More and more men will visit prostitutes leading to a massive increase of condoms sales. And those who canât go to prostitutes will turn homosexual.
5) Marriage will be non-existent and those getting married will be under constant risk of going bankrupt legally.
6) Those who can afford it will leave India for good because they will be safe in any country but India.
Women were madly waiting for this bill because they are certain that when it is introduced, then there will be no scope of amending it later. Not even the Government will be asking them to amend it sensing the danger of them getting politically boycotted by women organizations. However, they do try to deceive people saying that they will make sure that this law does not get misused. But the fact still remains that if at all they are motivated to stop misuse then why havenât they done anything about IPC 498A (anti-dowry law), which is rampantly misused? For your information, Renuka Chowdhury, the executor of domestic violence bill, had once physically assaulted a police inspector with her chappal. If she is freely taking the laws into her hands, what to expect from other women?
It will be similar to the times for the country when Indira Gandhi declared national emergency but this time only men will live like slaves. Dictatorship is here and legal extortionists â the women, will become all powerful calling it as gender equality. This is India. After few years, if a survey is conducted on the worst country to live in, the answer will not be Iraq, Afghanistan, not even Brazil, it will undoubtedly be India.
<!--QuoteBegin-Rampal+Oct 29 2006, 07:33 PM-->QUOTE(Rampal @ Oct 29 2006, 07:33 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
You agreed that not all men are bad and not all women are bad. I too agree not all women are bad. But women organisations are proposing ridiculous biased laws by generalising that all men are criminals. What do you have to say about it? If you have slightest objection with women organisations' attitude toward men, then you could have, like many good women, criticized these so-called protective laws: but nobody did; every single woman, good and bad, has welcomed such laws saying that there couldn't be a better diwali gift to women. If you'll are generalising about men and coming up with biased laws, then why do you feel threatened when we demand that men too should be given adequate legal protection? Any answer? These protective laws have started strangulating men's basic human rights and women shamelessly call this has gender equality. Law must be equal. Both the gender should be legally protected. But as long as women feel threatened and ashamed of admitting that men too are actually victimized by their wife, the condition of men will only get worse. Men commit suicide 4 times more often than women.
I agree with you in the case of any low that has the purpose of protect woman, but in truth damage men. I don't know if you are talking of a particular indian law because I'm Italian, here laws are mostly equal about marriages.
I still think you are exagering talking about slaves, the violence has to be proved in any way, anyone must investigate in this, no? There must be a limit on simulating violence and men have to find the prof of their innocence, they can in any way? Men, you have the right of defence yourself!!
About suicides I think men have sometimes the feeling of beeing lost and they feel that more than woman, or may be woman feel more the desire of staing alive for children, I'm not discriminating men, but they seems in truth more fragile than woman, what's your opinion?
Here in Italy many times I see on TV men who have killed their wife and sometimes also their children in a moment of fury, the cases are increasing wile the years rolls; isn't it worring? <!--emo&:unsure:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='unsure.gif' /><!--endemo-->
They explan to the police that they hadn't the purpose of kill the woman, and people arond them say they were a common family, without big problems and that the man has never had violent behaviours.
What must we think about this? What to observe?
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Sep 26 2006, 10:23 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Sep 26 2006, 10:23 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>Why is the Cow Sacred to the Hindus?</b>Â <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
The human mother drinks cows milk, and from it produces her milk, which we humans drink at birth. Then at 3 months we start drinking cows milk in a bottle then in cups. We also eat delicious foods made from cowsâ milk. Foods like ice cream, yogurt, cheese, and curd. From our birth to our death we rely on cows milk. Thus the cow is considered a mother as she provides us with nourishing food for life. How can you kill such a mother?
Every time you eat pizza, ice cream, yogurt, and other foods made from cowâs milk, you should be very great full to the cow.
How can you kill a mother that provides nourishing food to you for life?
The cow is also the favorite animal of God, Lord Krishna. Why? Since the cow provides nourshing food to Lord Krishnaâs children, you and me. Lord Krishna is very much greateful to her. Would you be greateful to someone who feeds your children, or would you order them to be killed and eaten?
Lord Caitanya, who was an incarnation of Lord Krishna states in the Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi-lila chapter 17, verses.165-167.
âCow-killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.â
Even though milk is good for you, it is not essential for human health at all. No animal drinks the milk of another animal, except for humans. My cousin is not only a vegetarian, he also refuses to eat or drink any dairy products or eggs. He won't even wear animal products. Even though I personally eat meat and dairy products, I understand why some people don't. And my cousin is quite healthy.
And even though killing cows may be taboo in India, so many Indians are wearing leather shoes. I even bought a leather jacket during a visit to India. Most likely the leather would have been made from cow skins.
The production of photo film requires gelatin that is derived from animal bones, including cow bones. At least today we have digital cameras, but in the days before digital cameras, even Indians took pictures.
Isn't it ironic that the religion that worships cows condones the exploitation of cows to produce milk? Milk is often produced by hooking cows up to milking machines for hours at a time, and it can be very painful to them. Cows are often fed hormones to boost milk production. And why do Indians wear clothes made with materials derived from cows?
<!--QuoteBegin-KumarG+Oct 30 2006, 12:37 AM-->QUOTE(KumarG @ Oct 30 2006, 12:37 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Sep 26 2006, 10:23 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mudy @ Sep 26 2006, 10:23 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->[url=http://www.gitamrta.org/meat.htm][b]
Lord Caitanya, who was an incarnation of Lord Krishna states in the Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi-lila chapter 17, verses.165-167.
âCow-killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.â
Isn't it ironic that the religion that worships cows condones the exploitation of cows to produce milk? Milk is often produced by hooking cows up to milking machines for hours at a time, and it can be very painful to them. Cows are often fed hormones to boost milk production. And why do Indians wear clothes made with materials derived from cows?
Drinking Milk doesn't mean to kill a cow, the problem of milk is that the producers make a kind of violence on cows giving them hormons and making them work as machines.
Be grateful to cows!!