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War Against Maoists In India
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Maoists' AP heir apparent, 10 others shot dead

<span style='color:red'>Chhattisgarh tribals rally against Maoists</span>
RAIPUR: A record 125,000 tribals on Tuesday gathered in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district, a Maoist stronghold, for a historic rally against the guerrillas, officials said.

Armed with traditional bows and arrows, men and women travelled long distances through forested areas to attend the rally at a high school ground in Dantewada town, 390 km south of this state capital.

What is the genesis of the present Naxal movement.It is the under development of the most backward regions of the country. The continued neglect of the poorest of the poor is the root cause of the problem. It is high time that the decision makers invite the Naxal leadership for a meaningful dialogue which should be followed by a crash programme for the real socio-economic development of the region.
Ravish: Who exactly is this "Naxal leadership" that needs to be brought to table for negotiations? Didn't this type of experiment in AP under CSR fail?

And any reasons why these disfranchised individuals can't use democratic methods used by rest of the citizens who might have same bitterness against society or community or state or nation?

A good blog that tracks Naxalvadis: Naxal watch
It is directkly the result of the continued neglect in the socio economic exploitation of the rural mass plus the exploitaiton of the poor by the others. It is not that the successive governments have earmarked funds for the development of these regions. However, most of the funds have been misused or pilfered. Even at present no serious efforts are being made to address the problems.There is no military solution to the problem.
These Naxals aren't any modern day Robin Hood or some the lovable outlaw brigands who fights for justice/poor anymore. Let's first break away from such urban myths.

Granted the movement (like most others) might have been born a result of injustice or exploitation of the poor/tribals/rurals, but the facts on ground today are quite different. Naxal leadership is extremely well organized and functions with the efficiency and ruthlessness of mafia cartel. Naxal leadership has hijacked some genuine cause to line up their pockets and build powerbase. This thread and other links provided are clear indicators that the Naxal leadership are the wolf in sheep’s colthing who exploit and terrorize the poor while pretending to the voice for the same. It's an irony that now the poor/marginalized themselves are organizing under 'Salwa Judum' to fight these Naxal.

There's only one word for the people in democratic society, who pick up arms and kill fellow citizens to make a political point (however right/wrong the point) - and it's called "terrorist". And not the negotiating table but some coroners table in a police mortuary is more appropriate for such fine citizens.

I'm surprised that educated members of our society can't see through this and go out of the way with excuses galore to white wash these terrorists.
We have a troubled Nepal. Elements of GoI have been openly aiding maoists and missionaries in Nepal. minister considers maoists as brothers. Now we want to allow Bhutan to have its own foreign policy and greater autonomy. What is Bhutan's position as far as the naxal menace is concerned ? What if there is an overthrow of regime in Bhutan ? Will it be easy to rewrite the treaty again ?

What will be the repurcussions of this treaty ?


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Rewriting history, India to unshackle Bhutan
Pranab Dhal Samanta / C Raja Mohan
Posted online: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 at 0000 hrs Print Email
1949 treaty: Article 2 asking for New Delhi’s advice in foreign policy will be amended

NEW DELHI, January 8: Signaling a historic shift in its policy towards smaller neighbours, India is set to rewrite a 57-year-old treaty with Bhutan that was patently unequal and widely seen as a symbol of New Delhi’s hegemonic intent in the subcontinent.

India has agreed to undertake permanent changes in the 1949 Indo-Bhutan treaty to allow the Bhutan government a more independent say in its foreign policy. It’s learnt that the language in Article 2 of the treaty which asks Bhutan to be “guided by the advice of Government of India in regard to its external relations,” will be replaced by “language of friendly cooperation” that, in effect, will give a free hand to Thimpu in international affairs as long as it does not act against Indian interests.

Another crucial provision that is to undergo change will be Article 6 which allows Bhutan to import “arms, ammunition, machines, warlike material or stores” for its “strength” and “welfare” but with India’s “assistance and approval”. While the exact formulation it still to be finalised, sources said, the idea of prior Indian approval for every military purchase will be relaxed. More likely, Bhutan will not require any such approval in purchase of non-lethal military stores and equipment. There will be influence in the form of assistance in making all military purchases, but sources said this will be reflected in the revised treaty more in the form of advice than control.

Article 4 of the treaty, which refers to India returning 32 sq miles territory in the area of Dewangiri, will be struck off as action has already be taken on this issue.

According to the MEA spokesperson, these changes “reflect the contemporary nature of our relationship” and aims at strengthening the relationship in a “manner that is responsive to and serves each other’s national interests through close cooperation”.

Besides this, he said, the revision will involve broadening the scope of economic relations, particularly enabling “further intensification” of relations in hydel power cooperation, trade and commerce.

It’s learnt that similar changes are also in the pipeline in case of the 1950 India-Nepal treaty. Sources said with both Bhutan and Nepal moving steadily towards democracy, changes have to be brought keeping in view the new Constitutional structures each seeks to set in place.

But it may be noted that in case of Nepal, one of key demands of the Maoists has been the abrogation of the 1950 treaty.

While this is unlikely to happen, India will have to consider changes to the treaty so that it is less offensive to Nepal. And given that outgoing Bhutan King Jigme Singye Wangchuk had taken a bold initiative laying out a roadmap to democracy, a response was needed there too.

The revised treaty with Bhutan is to be signed when future King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk visits India in the coming few weeks. South Block officials indicated that these changes will also throw up challenges requiring New Delhi to fashion its influence in more sophisticated manner, largely economic.

New Delhi’s bold departure from the past, sources say, underlines the Government’s commitment to modernise India’s friendly relations with the smaller neighbours. It will also be in tune with the unfolding internal change in the Himalayan Kingdoms and the altering geopolitics of the Sino-Indian border, they add.

The decision will be celebrated in Thimpu which has long awaited India’s formal acknowledgement of Bhutan’s full sovereignty. As part of a bold democratisation of Bhutan, initiated by the previous King a few years ago, general elections are due to be held next year under a new Constitution that passes much of the power to the people.

The renewed treaty with Thimpu will be closely read in Beijing, for China and Tibet have always been at the core of India’s own Bhutan policy. The 1949 Treaty with Bhutan and the 1950 treaty with Nepal were written amidst Chinese assertion of territorial control over Tibet.

Signed during the early years of first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, these agreements were based on treaties that Britain had imposed on Nepal and Bhutan in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of the provisions of the 1949 treaty that seemed to undermine Bhutan’s independence and sovereignty had ceased to operate in practice.

Bhutan had stopped taking dictation from the South Block on its foreign policy long ago. But few in the Indian security establishment were prepared to address the imperatives for change. At least until recently.

While Thimpu was careful not to make public demarches on New Delhi to rewrite the out-dated treaty, the treaty’s unequal provisions were increasingly at odds with the new realities within Bhutan. The revision of the treaty apparently came up for bilateral discussion during King Jigme Singye Wangchuk’s visit to India last year.

Public hints that India was reconsidering the terms of this outdated treaty came last September, when the then Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran said India had “no objections” to its revision. The new foreign secretary Shiv Shankar Menon’s first trip abroad was to Bhutan last October, where he discussed the renewal of the treaty with the rulers of Thimpu. During the External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s visit to Thimpu in December, India had publicly stated its readiness to rework the treaty.

As part of the new urgency to restructure the relationship with Bhutan, India last month completed the demarcation of the boundary between the two countries. Bhutan’s boundary with China remains in dispute.

As China stepped up its diplomatic outreach to Bhutan in recent years, New Delhi has become increasingly aware of the dangers of persisting with the old framework of bilateral relations defined by the 1949 treaty.

Although Thimpu and Beijing do not have diplomatic relations, the two sides have regular exchanges.

The Chinese emphasis on “equality” with Bhutan, in the 1998 bilateral agreement on border tranquility, stood in contrast to the absence of a reference to Bhutanese sovereignty in the 1949 treaty with India.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
CPI(M) leader killed by Maoists in West Bengal

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->KOLKATA: A CPI(M) leader was gunned down by suspected Maoists in West Bengal's Naxalite-infested Belpahari area in West Midnapur district early Tuesday.

Birpur zonal committee member of CPI(M) Palaram Tudu was killed when the attackers opened fire at him on a paddy field in Jamjhulka village under Belpahari police station, IGP (Law and order) Raj Kanojia said.

Several CPI(M) activists and policemen have been killed in Maoist attacks in the area in recent months.

Why team B killing team A? Something evades the eyes?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Why team B killing team A? Something evades the eyes? <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The CPI(M) morons are not considered "pure" communists, they are not doing enuf revolutionary terrorism in the eys of their Maoist kinsmen which is why despite having a commie gov't the Maoists are still angry, they have been especially pissed along with comrades Karat, Roy and other thoroughbred commies ever since the crypto capitalist Buddhadeb came to power and he is accused of selling out the party's ideology. That could be the reason for such killings.

This is another similarity between the Communist cult and ideologies like Islam and Christianity, all of them hunt down their heretics who are considered ideologically impure, that is why Bertrand Russell called Communism a "Christian heresy".

<b>Army puts its foot down, says can't tackle Naxals </b>
<b>Dr. Babu Suseelan</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Maoists plan moles in police</b>

<b>Hyderabad</b>, Feb. 15: The Maoists are planning to infiltrate the Central paramilitary and police forces to get advance information on operations against them. Documents seized by police from Maoist hideouts in different parts of the State reveal that the Left wing extremists were particularly keen on infiltrating their men in paramilitary forces active in anti-Naxal operations in the jungles.  Director general of police M.A. Basith confirmed that the police had seized some valuable documents from the Naxals recently.

“We are studying the documents. We will also come out with our own strategies to counter the Maoists,” he said. The DGP added that the department has been keeping a tab on the Maoists’ movements. “Vigilance has been increased. There will be no infiltration in the police force as we have a foolproof system,” he assured. However, the documents, copies of which are available with this newspaper, disclose that the Maoists are not only planning to plant moles in the security agencies but will also try to “convert” at least some paramilitary personnel to their ideology.

This would be done by enlightening them about the four decade-old protracted armed struggle taken out by the Maoists for the uplift of downtrodden communities. Such “covert” operations would demoralise paramilitary and police forces, which are on a high note after successful combing operations, hope the Maoists. The documents reveal that the Maoists are concentrating on urban areas as jungles were no longer safe.

Admitting recent setbacks, the documents say that the “strong enemy (the State) was taking advantage of the situation and is trying to crush the movement in all possible ways”.  This was the time to move strategically to protect the leadership and party forces (armed guerrillas) besides keeping public support intact. The Maoists have noted that the rapid migration of rural poor to the urban areas is helping them strengthen their base in cities and towns. They will be focusing on industrial belts where migrant labourers are working and will infiltrate trade unions and other mass organisations.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
More communist news today. Related to posts 48 and 49.

Today's headline in Pioneer:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Left vs Left: War of words unleased</b>
Santanu Banerjee | New Delhi
The simmering differences between the CPI(M) and CPI over Singur, Nandigram and a host of economic issues have broken into an all-out ideological war.

Unnerved over severe strictures from the Left partners, the CPI(M) has dug up past ideological differences and blamed the CPI's 'revisionist' ways for the 1964 split and its role during Emergency. The CPI has hit back saying that the Marxists' attack was not only unprovoked but breach of agreement between two parties in 1993.  

While Polit Bureau member Sitaram Yechury's vitriolic CPI-bashing in the CPI(M)'s Bengali theoretical journal Marxbadi Path left everyone in the Red camp shocked, top CPI leaders accused CPI(M) of attempting to weaken as a whole the Left movement at a crucial political juncture.

Yechury said that during the past three decades there have been three forces in the Left movement in India. One represented by the revisionists CPI, second led by the CPI(M) and the third dogmatic Naxalites.

Claiming that the CPI(M) happened to be the only real Communist party in the country and others are revisionists, Yechury said, "the struggle between the revisionists and the Marxists ended with the split in the undivided Communist party in 1964."

With the CPI accusing the CPI(M) of bailing out the Congress-led UPA Government on anti-people economic policies, Yechury decided to hit where it hurt the CPI most. He asked the CPI to remember its role in supporting the imposition of Emergency by the Congress.

Reacting to Yechury's charges, the CPI has said that, "Since the split, the CPI(M) pursued an ideological narrowness and never took any clear stand either on Russian Communist Party or on the Chinese line."

Writing in party's journal Samyabad, top CPI leader Nandagopal Bhattacharya said "Yechury's attack is not only unprovoked, but smacked of ideological narrowness and aimed at weakening Left unity in the country.

"It is certainly not the time when we look into our past which were given a decent burial and create further deviations in the Left movement," Bhattacharya said. CPI general secretary AB Bardhan admitted that Bhattacharya's write-up had his endorsement.

If Yechury dug up CPI's old wounds for its support to Indira Gandhi during the Emergency, the CPI countered it by reminding the Marxists that during Jayaprakash Narayan's Total Revolution movement on several occasions they (CPI(M) gave up their identity as Communists and joined hands with reactionary forces.)

"Was it not a mistake?" Bhattacharya asked.

Speaking to The Pioneer, a senior CPI leader said: "while we supported Indira Gandhi, but the then CPI(M) general secretary P Sundaria actually met Indira Gandhi and requested her not to ban the party and the CPI(M) was never actually banned."

"Though later party issued orders to the party cadre to go underground, but that was just a tactical move to keep the differences alive in public," he added.

Bhattacharya in his reply also said that there have been no Communist parties in the world which did not make any mistake and ``we have learnt to correct our ways from these mistakes.''

Yechury's tirade against second largest Left partner incidentally coincided with CPI, RSP and Forward Bloc's vehement protest against CPI(M)-led West Bengal Left Front Government's decision on land acquisition in Singur for Tatas and proposed Special Economic Zone in Nandigram.

The Left observers here see this as a clear tactical move by the Left Front Big Brother to put the partners on defensive. "When we need to fight the anti-people policies of the Congress-led UPA Government, Yechury's digging up past mistakes," a senior Left Front leader said. It would only weaken the Left unity and give the Congress and the BJP a handle to smite us down," he added.  <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b> What Maoists Want </b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The ‘Red Corridor’, extending from ‘Tirupati to Pashupati’ (Andhra Pradesh to Nepal), has long been passé in the Indian Maoists’ (Naxalites’) conception. Maoist ambitions in India now extend to the farthest reaches of the country, and this is not just a fantasy or an aspiration, but a strategy, a projection, a plan and a programme under implementation. A multiplicity of Maoist documents testify to the meticulous detail in which the contours of the current and protracted conflict have been envisaged, in order to "Intensify the peoples’ war throughout the country". These documents reflect a comprehensive strategy, coordinating all the instrumentalities of revolution – military, political, economic, cultural and psychological – harnessed through the "three magic weapons Comrade Mao spoke about": the Party, the People’s Army, and the United Front. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>JMM MP killed in Naxal attack </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi: The General Secretary of JMM and MP Sunil Mahto was shot dead by Naxals in Ghatshila near Jamshedpur on Sunday.

Two of his bodyguards and a party colleague also killed in the attack during a football match organised to mark the Holi festival at a place about 40 km from Jamshedpur.

Jharkhand Home Secretary Sudhir Tripathi said in Ranchi that a group of Naxals opened gunfire from close at 38-year-old Mahato, who represented Jamshedpur constituency and was the chief guest at the match at Bakuria in East Singhbhum district. The lawmaker was killed on the spot, he added.
<b>Naxalites, greatest threat to India's security?</b>
<b>Naxals? What Naxals?</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->By no stretch of imagination does Sunil Mahato fall into the category of an exploiter or a class enemy. He did not belong to the landed or the upper caste sections of Jharkhand who are blamed for the deprivation of the local tribals.

If anything, Sunil Mahato was a success story of subaltern empowerment. Naxalites targeted Mahato on the day of Holi. He was shot at point blank. His fault: backing a project that drew tribals into a partnership with the government to fight Red terror. He was successful in mobilising people against the high-handedness of the murderous Naxals.

The failure of the Manmohan Singh government to learn lessons from the costly mistakes will only corrode our safety. It’s time that the country’s leadership responded to the cries of despair from the 165 districts of India. It’s these people who elect Parliament and not the ever-agitated, bleeding heart liberals.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Chhattisgarh: 55 killed in Naxal bloodbath</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the biggest ever strike by Maoists on security forces in Chhattisgarh, at least 55 police personnel were killed and 11 injured today when more than 300 heavily armed rebels stormed a police station in the Bastar region.

The naxalites, led by the military wing of the banned Communist Party of India-Maoist attacked Rani Bodli police outpost, 525 km from Raipur, in the wee hours of Thursday, police sources told PTI on phone from Bijapur district.

<b>"There was fierce fighting by both sides, but when the security forces ran out of ammunition, the rebels lobbed grenades and petrol bombs on the barracks. The policemen were forced to come out from the shelter after it caught fire, and were subsequently killed in firing by the Naxalites,</b>" a source said.

Now a days KPS Gill is just acting as cheerleader for Moron Singh. You can hear only praise for Moron SIngh.
Religion does matter for so called seculars.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Major Maoist arms dump found in AP</b>
Andhra Pradesh Police unearthed a major Naxalite arms dump, including rockets and rocket launchers, in the forest area of Nallamala, the hub of Maoist activities in the State’s coastal belt. Disclosing this to newsperson on Thursday, Director General of Police MA Basith said 272 rockets and seven rocket launchers with a range of five kilometres were seized at Guntur-Prakasam border near Pullala Cheruvu on Wednesday.

Started with Reddy
Posted online: Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 0000 hrs Print Email
Country continues to pay the price of Congress confusing romanticism as policy on Naxals

It is not known exactly how many of the 55 security personnel killed in Thursday’s Naxal strike in Chhattisgarh were Salwa Judum activists. But the ferocity of the operation, coming as it does just days after the murder of a member of Parliament in Jharkhand, once again calls into question the UPA government’s longstanding strategy of pretending that only states have to find devices in dealing with Maoist extremism. They also come as rebuttal to a certain narrative gaining credence in civil society that Naxalism is a socio-economic issue. In this incident in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar area, for instance, Naxal operations are specifically oriented toward clearing areas from the presence of state machinery. One has to go back many decades to find even the pretence of a desire for equity in the Naxals’ programme, no matter how much their apologists may allude to it.

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A perception is getting consolidated that Congress governments — at the Centre and in Andhra Pradesh — are reluctant to take decisive action for fear of losing electoral support in Naxal strongholds. The Y.S.R. Reddy government, within months of coming to power in the state in 2004, called Naxals leaders for talks. The state announced a ceasefire, and acceded to the absurd demand that Naxal leaders be allowed to come overground fully armed. In those months, as this newspaper warned in October of that year, the state government did more to dignify Naxals than all of Gadar’s ballads put together. The talks predictably collapsed, but the top Naxal leadership flaunted its clout by having a police cordon ordered away.

Home Minister Shivraj Patil has done away with his earlier insistence that Naxalism is a social problem. But he is yet to take decisive action to overturn the impression given by his excuse that since law and order is a state issue, the Centre cannot lead. The scope and geographical spread of Naxal violence puts effective strategy beyond the reach of individual state governments. A mechanism exists for interstate cooperation. It is the Union home ministry’s responsibility to give it credible strength.

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