01-24-2007, 10:29 PM
What problem did Saddam created for the Indians in general and Hindus in particular?
Congress Undemocratic Ideology - 3
01-24-2007, 10:29 PM
What problem did Saddam created for the Indians in general and Hindus in particular?
01-24-2007, 11:39 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Had RSS not been supporting BJP, Dharam singh might behave more hindu, instead of attending pro-saddam rally<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When you are in Congress, RSS is NO NO, it started with Nehru, who arrested every Hindu leader in Punjab, Himachal, Harayana, including Hindu freedom fighters, just to suppress up right Hindu leadership. Those who were in love with liquor stayed back in Congress and rest stayed away. For Congress RSS is No-NO and same is with RSS. Now its greed and power.
01-24-2007, 11:48 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->What problem did Saddam created for the Indians in general and Hindus in particular?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Who is saying he did? But why Muslims and Congress are protesting Saddam hanging by destroying Hindus and India's property.
01-25-2007, 12:04 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->What problem did Saddam created for the Indians in general and Hindus in particular?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Saddam was good for India and Hindus, now he is gone, if people want to protest they can go and scream as long as they want on the streets but they are crossing a line when they take down posters of a Hindu rally and attacking Hindus. It also reinforces the popular view that IM's are more concerned about Muslim Ummah than about Indian national interests, we never see any protests after the numerous blasts or when Bukhari threatens civil war but we see protests when Jerry Falwell says something about Muhammad, when Saddam gets arrested, when Bush visits India, when Danes print cartoons ridiculing Muhammad, when Saddam is hanged and invariably in all these protests Hindus are used as the punching bags, 10 people died in Solapur because Falwell ridiculed Muhammad, was there any connection between their Hindu neighbours minding their business and what Falwell said, yet since the cowards couldn't touch Falwell, they decided to use Hindus as the punching bag.
01-25-2007, 12:36 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Sonia, Singh and Sachar â escalating Muslim separatism</b>
The Congress-led UPA government, from the word 'go' in 2004, has demonstrated its determination to use state power to fuel and fan ever-simmering Muslim separatism, salivating at the prospect of Muslims rewarding it with state power in 2009. Faithful to its pre-independence historically weak-kneed tradition of pandering to Muslim separatism and intransigence, the Congress â Sonia, Singh and Sachar, holding aloft the banner of politics of minority-ism, is re-enacting those fateful years between 1906 and 1947, when the Indian National Congress' (read Mahatma Gandhi's) increasing inability to deal with growing Muslim aggression and secessionist demands led to the second, this time permanent, violent vivisection of the Hindu nation in 1947. Triggered by the Machiavellian partition of Bengal into the Muslim East and Hindu West, consequently with a view to enhancing their gains, the Muslims began by demanding separate electorates from the more-than-obliging colonial British government in 1906, progressing to demanding from Lord Minto quotas in government jobs, proportional representation in the judiciary, proportional job quotas in the Viceroy's council and the legislatures. Enthused by British acquiescence to their nascent separatist demands in 1906, the Muslims in December of the same year, with great foresight promptly formed their own political party, the All India Muslim League (AIML) as an instrument for more separatist demands which would eventually lead them to tear the Hindu nation apart to regain state power in 1947. The AIML, notwithstanding Mahatma Gandhi's misplaced (to use a charitable word) faith in the nationalism of Indian Muslims, and confirming the worst apprehensions of Hindu nationalists like Maharishi Aurobindo, Lokmanya Tilak, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevask Sangh, demanded of the Hindus and got a sizeable chunk of the body of the Hindu nation in 1947. Not content with their ton of flesh and the horrendous blood-letting that accompanied the transfer of population after the vivisection, the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir demanded of a more-than obliging Nehru and got themselves a separate flag, a separate constitution and separate Urdu appellations for constitutional posts. Not content again, these Indian Muslims have forcibly rid the Kashmir valley of all Hindus and unleashed an orgy of violence and terror with the stated objective of vivisecting the Hindu nation yet again. The prime minister's office (PMO) constituted in March 2005 the seven member committee headed by retired Justice Rajinder Sachar ostensibly to study the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community. However, the committee was doing something more dangerous; it was actually performing a head-count of Muslims in different spheres of life, including in the judiciary, in the police and in the defence forces. The committee's member-secretary Abusaleh Shariff justified the head-count on the grounds that all important institutions and sectors in the country must reflect the diversity of its populace. What was left unstated was that the diversity must be reflected in a manner proportionate to the population of Muslims in the country. It is 1906 and déjà vu all over again. While the Congress-led central government is pandering to Muslim demands, some state governments too, with their eyes on the Muslim vote-bank are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim community in good humour. The Andhra Pradesh chief minister, sitting on the religious demographic tinder-box called Hyderabad, in an effort to buy peace with the Muslims of his state, not unlike Mahatma Gandhi taking up the cause of the fallen distant caliphate, has promised more funds to madarasas while Mulayam Singh Yadav announced a Muslim package worth Rupees 72.4 million in the state budget for 2005-2006 covering several 'Muslim welfare' schemes. On the one hand the Sachar committee is bemoaning the appalling state of Muslims in education and employment because of their propensity to send their children to madarasas and not to secular government-funded elementary and secondary schools, and on the other we have a chief minister who actually adds fuel to this alleged backwardness by promising more funds for madarasas and more madarasas to boot. Not to be outdone by regional satraps in the game of Muslim appeasement, the Prime Minister, obediently mouthing his given lines, declared that Muslims have first claim on the nation's resources. News is, going by the schemes and outlays proposed for Muslim welfare in the 11 th plan, there may well be a quantum leap in budget allocations for the purpose. It has been reported that the Planning Commission's working groups set up for this purpose has recommended a total allocation of Rs. 7034 crore for education and Rs. 9090 crore for economic development. Now this is what the Congress and other 'secular' parties want and intend to give the Muslims in a replay of the British colonial governments policies of appeasement. In return, the Muslims made more demands from Lord Minto which too was granted to them. Today, taking full advantage of the Sachar committee report, the Muslims are demanding separate IITs, and IIMs exclusively for their community and also government recognition for intended private secular schools exclusively for Muslim children. Indian Muslims have been assured that while the Hindus of this country will give and give and give more and more, no matching reciprocity is expected from them. It was Mahatma Gandhi who first publicly absolved the Muslims from any sense of reciprocity and mutual respect. "But just as I respect the cow, so do I respect my fellow-men. A man is just as useful as a cow, no matter whether he be Mahomedan or Hinduâ¦Therefore the only method I know of protecting the cow is that I should approach my Mahomedan brother and urge him for the sake of the country to join me in protecting her. If he would not listen to me, I should let the cow go for the simple reason that the matter is beyond my abilityâ¦..When the Hindus become insistent, the killing of cows increased. In my opinion, cow protection societies may be considered cow-killing societies". (Hind Swaraj, Chapter IX, "The condition of India: the Hindus and the Mahomedans) Well, as events proved, the matter was indeed beyond his ability and the Muslims did not listen to his 'for the sake of the country' argument, and the Mahatma had to let go not only the cow but also the territory of the Hindu nation. Taking a cue from the brotherhood in the rest of India and in Pakistan, the Muslims of J&K demonstrated that the Muslims know how to take but do not accept to give. While Indian Muslims insist on their separatist mindset, refusing to mingle with the mainstream national culture by adamantly refusing to sing the Vande Mataram, the Saraswati Vandana or performing the Surya namaskar, hiding behind the slogan "secularism is in danger", the Muslims of J&K did not even pretend to subscribe to secularism. The separatist Article 370 which Nehru pushed, deliberately in his absence, in the Constituent Assembly by proxy through Gopalaswamy Ayyangar and which even Sardar Patel did not have the courage to oppose publicly, limits the jurisdiction and scope of the Indian Constitution in the Muslim-majority state of J&K. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are not obliged to subscribe to or defend the 'secular' clause in the preamble to the Indian Constitution which has become a part of its sacrosanct 'basic structure' and more importantly, the separatist constitution of the state of Jammu and Kashmir is also not 'secular'. Muslims, it has been proved conclusively, do not subscribe to or believe in secularism when they are in the majority. Important Muslims periodically declare that this country is held together only by secularism. It follows then that as long as they resist the abrogation of Article 370, and as long as the state constitution of J&K does not make secularism a part of its basic structure, Muslim commitment to national unity can only be termed dubious and doubtful. Muslims are demanding proportional representation everywhere, in all sectors, in all largesse, in all benefits. Only two areas remain untouched by them till now â a demand that government set aside 15% of the national budget for Muslims and the demand for 15% of the total food-grain production exclusively for Muslims. We may live to see even this day soon. Radha Rajan, 26 January, 2007 <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
01-25-2007, 01:28 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jan 24 2007, 02:09 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jan 24 2007, 02:09 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Had RSS not been supporting BJP, Dharam singh might behave more hindu, instead of attending pro-saddam rally<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When you are in Congress, RSS is NO NO, it started with Nehru, who arrested every Hindu leader in Punjab, Himachal, Harayana, including Hindu freedom fighters, just to suppress up right Hindu leadership. Those who were in love with liquor stayed back in Congress and rest stayed away. For Congress RSS is No-NO and same is with RSS. Now its greed and power. [right][snapback]63481[/snapback][/right] <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> Absolutely correct. Nehru started the rot and hindus did not have a single party that wooed it. RSS was forced to start/support a hindu party to give it the support and exposure. But what I am saying is that supporting BJP like this is also not in hindu interest. We need to support hindus irrespective of which party there are in and ofcourse oppose anti-hindu forces. This was a hindu ustavam. where was the need for BJP to come in here? It should be RSS show. ofcourse, indian media will report it as RSS-BJP even if there is no BJP flag in sight. But so long as RSS openly supports political aspirations of BJP, other parties that are threatened by BJP will continue to gang-up against RSS-BJP. There is no derth of hindus in other parties. But politicians being politicians, they are after power and if hindutva helps only BJP, they would appease anything and anyone to get elected. I am just saying that hindu aspirations seems to be getting stifled everywhere and no solution is in sight. BJP might even win the next elections, but it still cannot/will not do anything for hindus. Just a thought.
01-26-2007, 08:47 PM
How can this moron still talk peace when over 60 people were massacred last week?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->ULFA shows no response to Govt's peace call Agencies | Guwahati The banned ULFA has never shown a positive response to the Government's peace initiatives through direct talks, Assam Governor Lt Gen (retd) Ajai Singh said today. In his Republic Day address at the official function here today Singh said, "the ULFA's agreeing to talk through the People's Consultative Group with the Government of India in 2005 appears to be motivated". "They had actually regrouped and consolidated their weak positions to some extent by taking advantage of the ceasefire during the period of such indirect talks. They have never shown a positive response to the Government's peace initiatives through direct talks", the governor said. He said the administration was determined to put down all kinds of terrorist violence with a firm hand. "However, the Prime Minister had reiterated while visiting Assam (recently) that door for such direct talks is still open provided the outfit shuns violence and shows positive response to the peace initiatives," he pointed out.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
01-27-2007, 01:02 AM
The siege of grievance concoction<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->But soon, a banker writing a loan cheque will have to take into account the borrowerâs religious practice. For, according to a report in The Economic Times, the government has asked the Indian Bankerâs Association to earmark a part of total loan disbursement for members of minority communities. On January 9, the banking division under the Finance Ministry told the IBA to set aside 15 per cent of priority sector lending in all categories for this segment. IBA in turn has asked member banks to furnish details of loans to minorities. This is the latest of the innovative communal initiative from the Manmohan Singh government.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> UPA directive will impact entire India - something even Emperor Aurangazeb could not do during his life time!!
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Jan 27 2007, 01:02 AM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Jan 27 2007, 01:02 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The siege of grievance concoction<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->But soon, a banker writing a loan cheque will have to take into account the borrowerâs religious practice. For, according to a report in The Economic Times, the government has asked the Indian Bankerâs Association to earmark a part of total loan disbursement for members of minority communities. On January 9, the banking division under the Finance Ministry told the IBA to set aside 15 per cent of priority sector lending in all categories for this segment. IBA in turn has asked member banks to furnish details of loans to minorities. This is the latest of the innovative communal initiative from the Manmohan Singh government.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> UPA directive will impact entire India - something even Emperor Aurangazeb could not do during his life time!! [right][snapback]63587[/snapback][/right] <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->I see Sonia Gandhi behind this, embarking on the eternal way of the Christian Church. In Rome, with Constantine, many laws were enacted that made it advantageous to become a christian. Eventually the army was wholly christian. The same was repeated later in Asia in the 16th century: Vietnam, China, Thailand. In China, it turns out the empress even renamed herself Helena and baptised her son as Constantine. Sonia and her christian-only councillors have given the same hints in other ways. In all cases, the christians who usurped power, or those in power who were converted to christianity by Jesuits, made sure that only christians could be in power, could be in the army. They also controlled education: only christians could become educated. And of course they would distribute money to christians and those willing to convert. Army personnel wanting to keep their jobs in Vietnam I think it was, started converting. Same happening in Korea starting from 2 decades ago. Monetary benefits attached to being or becoming christian (basically inducements to convert) make it especially attractive for poorer people. And the expectations are that they will also work upwards to more well-off individuals. What's happening in India now is merely a bribe at a national-level: the unethical, low means was formerly restricted to missionary terrorists who did it covertly (when there was no camera on) is now used by the 'Indian' government to do the same, openly. All these monetary benefits will only last until majority is christoislamic, at which point the new laws will be scrapped (besides, it wouldn't make sense economically to start favouring very large masses of people). But ultimately none of this worked on the full-scale in China, Thailand or Vietnam. Nor did it work in Rome: that's why Constantine's successors had to resort to butchering the Romans into conversion. Same as christianity had to do throughout history, including the rest of Europe. Is there any way to internationall impeach Sonia Gandhi as a foreign and unnatural tyrant for her crimes against the indigenous character of our nation? To think our only real international contact with Italy had to be a villain, instead of the many other Italians. Rajeev sure knew to pick 'em. <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
01-27-2007, 08:27 PM
![]() here is my already existent blog: http://o3.indiatimes.com/sanyastosonia/arc...3.aspx#Comments
01-29-2007, 09:18 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Snubbing President </b>
The Pioneer Edit Desk The Government's PURA blunder By its very definition, the process of economic planning is meant to be rational and faceless, with no place for emotion and only a cold allocation of resources for one of competing areas of investment. As such, the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, <b>Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, is perfectly within his rights to recommend - as he has done to the Finance Ministry - that the Centre stop funding the Provision of Urban Facilities to Rural Areas (PURA) scheme and incorporate its mandate into the regular programmes of the Rural Development Ministry.</b> Yet, the timing and political semiotics of Mr Ahluwalia's recommendation couldn't have been more wrong. <b>PURA is the brainchild and favourite scheme of President APJ Abdul Kalam. It is also the first sustainable development project suggested by Rashtrapati Bhawan in a long, long time. President Kalam's distinguished predecessor, for instance, limited his nation-building counsel to calling for reservations in the judiciary. In contrast, PURA offers an exciting model of providing road, broadband and "knowledge" connectivity - that final parameter standing for call centres and information banks that, say, a farmer can reach for cropping or weather data - in far-flung villages, with one PURA cluster covering 20-30 villages. </b>As an idea it is worth trying and pilot projects have been initiated by State Governments and private social service institutions. On the eve of Republic Day, the President announced that the Centre was working on a phased nation-wide roll-out of PURA. Behind his back, and obviously unknown to him, the <b>Government was getting ready to bury a scheme that President Kalam has come to see as his legacy</b>. In his last year in office, he deserved a little more courtesy. Policy planners have two views on ad hoc interventions and special schemes. Some advocate these as fast-track mechanisms; others say they get in the way of the regular process of socio-economic development. As such, an intellectual debate on the merits and demerits of PURA and a healthy disagreement with the modalities of the President's proposal would have been unexceptionable. Since Mr Kalam has been talking of PURA ever since he took office, it would perhaps have been in order for the Prime Minister to have driven up to Raisina Hill to gently convey his Government's misgivings. Alternatively, he could have deputed a senior colleague, maybe even Mr Ahluwalia, to have a chat with the President. This would have saved the first citizen the embarrassment of advocating an idea in his final address to the nation, ignorant of the fact that his Government had no plans to implement it. Alternatively, a Centrally-sponsored pilot project - a scaling up of template PURA schemes in many States - could have been attempted. In snubbing the President thus, Mr Singh and Mr Ahluwalia have shown bad form. They may be enlightened policy-makers but surely enlightened policy-making is not their monopoly? <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
01-30-2007, 10:59 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Punjab: Cong workers go on rampage
CNN-IBN Posted Tuesday , January 30, 2007 at 20:09 Updated Tuesday , January 30, 2007 at 22:00 New Delhi: It's not just Mumbai where elections are throwing up controversies. With just a fortnight to go for Assembly elections in Punjab, CNN-IBN has gained access to footage released by the Akalis showing how Congress supporters went on a rampage in the Beas Assembly segment in Amritsar district on Monday afternoon. The footage shows not only how stones were pelted, but how a large number of Congress workers flaunted their guns and even fired a few rounds. One Shiromani Akali Dal supporter died in the clash and a large number were injured. The trouble began on Sunday afternoon when sitting Congress MLA of Beas, Jasbir Singh Dimpa, lodged a complaint against his rival Manjinder Singh Kang of the Akali Dal. Dimpa accused Kang of kidnapping a lady sarpanch of the local village. http://www.ibnlive.com/news/punjab-cong-wo...ge/32428-4.html<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-07-2007, 09:14 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->PMO, Fin Min start minor-ity row
Sandeep Banerjee CNN-IBN Posted Tuesday , February 06, 2007 at 19:30 Updated Wednesday, February 07, 2007 at 00:06 New Delhi: The Union Budget will be out on February 28, but just weeks before that the Prime Ministerâs Office (PMO) and the Finance Ministry are locked in a debate on spending more funds for the development of minorities. The PMO is concerned over reports that the countryâs booming economy has brought little benefit to minorities and therefore wants the Finance Ministry to allocate more funds for them. The Principal Secretary, PMO, has written to the Banking Secretary in North Block, asking the Finance Ministry to implement the Prime Minister's 15-point minority programme. The letter says 15 per cent of all financial targets should be for minorities. As much as 15 per cent of all loans/funds in areas like agriculture, small scale industries, small businesses, education and housing loans should be reserved for minorities. The PMOâs letter also categorically asks the Finance Ministry to "ensure that action on the lines indicated is taken urgently and a report is sent to this office for submission to the Prime Minister." The Minority Affairs Ministry also sent a letter to North Block and the PMO sent the Finance Ministry a reminder on December 20, 2006. The PMO's directive wants ghettoisation to end and minorities to benefit from the booming economy. The directive is also in line with its resolve that all Indians must benefit from the booming economy. The directive has a political angle too: four states will go to polls soon and if the government wants votes it must convince people that the economy will help the common man too. FOR THE MINORITIES - 15-point programme for development of minorities was announced in June 2006.. - 15 percent of funds are to be reserved for the welfare of Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists. - The Justice Rajinder Sachar committee report last year said Muslims must be helped with affirmative action and funds.. But despite being persuaded by the PMO and the Minority Affairs Ministry, the Finance Ministry seems less than keen to move ahead on this issue. Sources in the Finance Ministry they have sent âsuggestive recommendationsâ to the banks last month and banks are free to decide their lending policies themselves. CPM Leader Brinda Karat said she is âamazedâ that the Finance Minister has not yet implemented the direction. âIn this Budget make it very, very clear that 15 percent of priority sector loans must go minority communities as mandated by a Cabinet decision. Itâs quite amazing that how so many months later the Finance Minister is still baulking at it. The Finance Minister needs to bring this issue to a close in this Budget," she said. How Finance Minister P Chidambaram closes this issue and how generous he will be to minorities will become clear on Budget Day. http://www.ibnlive.com/news/pmo-fin-min-st...op/32918-3.html<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Why dont they just start gas chambers for Hindus so that minorities get all the benefit?
Post 53:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->15 percent of funds are to be reserved for the welfare of Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Of course, Parsis, Buddhists and Sikhs are mentioned just to make it more 'secular', else the christoislamic communist pseculars don't give a hoot about them. Bharatvarsh, It's clear that since their attempts to convert Hindus to christoislamism or communism is such a dismal failure after so many years, they have to turn to the kind of economic terrorism/blackmail that christo Britain was so fond of engaging in: 'if you turn christoislamic, you too can share in the loot we stole from you when you were still Hindu.' The christo Portuguese also did the same: they stole the land of Hindus and would give it back if the people converted. Else, away to the Big House (Inquisition) with you. Maybe the Congress terrorists will even extend this to the extent of the British famine plans: genocide us (but selectively: only Hindus and Jains, mind; the unfortunate Tibetan Buddhists of India will be fed to communist China later) through lack of money and resources to put food on the table.
02-08-2007, 06:06 AM
Religious mapping over ministries asked to use data
Ahead of the possible tabling of the action-taken report on the Sachar committee findings in Parliament, more than a dozen ministries are being asked to use a new religion-based demographic statistics for executing minority welfare programmes. A source in the Minority Affairs Ministry, which carried out the nationwide religious mapping based on the latest census data, said the move aims at "focused" implementation of minority schemes. The demographic profiling, which has drawn flak from the BJP, was completed a month after the Sachar committee report on Muslims was tabled in Parliament. Faced with elections in Uttar Pradesh, home to a large Muslim population, the Centre has already announced that it will implement the Sachar report in toto. "The mapping is over and now eight ministries involved in minority welfare programmes are being asked to use it as a basis for focussed implementation of all such schemes," the source said. Inter-ministerial discussions, he said, were on over the prime minister's 15-point minority welfare programme. <b>"Areas with more than 25 per cent of minority population will be priority zones while executing such schemes," he added] The religious mapping shows that more than 100 districts have a 25 per cent-plus minority population, the source said. </b> The ministry has sought setting up of an inter-ministerial task force for implemention of minority plans as it laid special emphasis on development of border districts, where civic infrastructure is found to be weak
02-08-2007, 06:26 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'SEZ, globalisation anti-Muslim'</b> Akhilesh Suman | New Delhi 30 Muslim outfits slam Govt policies While the UPA Government is trying to project the Sachar Committee recommendations on the Muslims as the only solution to the problems faced by the community, the minority outfits representing dalit and backward Muslims have risen against economic policies of the Government, branding them as anti-Muslim. This is the first time that organisations representing Dalit and backward Muslims that account for 85 per cent of the community are raising their voice against economic policies of the Government. Almost 30 of these Muslim organisations plan to protest before Parliament next week against the setting up of Special Economic Zones and the policy of liberalising the retail sector and import of readymade goods. "These Muslims are the most affected by the liberal economic policies of the Government, as most of them are artisans, small traders and retailers," Ali Anwar, Coordinator of the Pasmanda Mahapanchayat, an umbrella organisation of the Dalit and Muslim organisations, told media persons on Wednesday. "SEZ and multinational companies are hurting us in a big way. The weavers of Benaras who were pioneer in making clothes, are languishing. They are forced to sell their children," he said. He wondered what would the tailors do if the Government opens the doors of readymade clothes from outside. The Muslims have already played a leading role in struggles against acquisition of farmland in Singur and Nandrigram by the Left Front-ruled West Bengal. Anwar claimed that 80-85 per cent of the Muslims in the country are Pasmanda (OBC or dalit) and asserted that characterisation of all Muslims as backwards was unjustified. "The multinationals in retail and the corporate in car servicing and the import of finished goods will affect the weavers, tailors and mechanics, most of whom are Muslims," said Hazi Anwar Quereshi, national president of Rashtriya Jamietul Quresh Hind. A protest demonstration by these Muslim organisations, who represent Muslim castes like halkhors, washermen, potters, weavers, tailors, barbers, meat sellers, is slated for February 10. It is a comparatively new phenomenon in the Muslim politics as these organisations are not raising emotive issues that are being traditionally raised by big names in the mainstream Muslim politics. "There are 1,050 Muslim elected members in Assemblies and 50 in Parliament, but they are engaged in raising trivial issues. None of them raise any economic issue facing the community," Anwar added. "They are the elites of the community and it is a wrong perception that Muslims are a monolithic and homogeneous community," Anwar, a Rajya Sabha member associated with Janata Dal (U) said. The leaders addressing the media also demanded that reservation should be given to Pasmanda Muslims in minority institutions and there should be a quota within quota for dalit Muslims. "At the Central level, the OBC group should be divided into two groups-- the OBC and the extremely OBC -- so that Muslim OBCs can compete with equals," Asraf Ansari, National Convenor of Akhil Bharitya Uthan Sangh said. While attacking the Muslim elite, Hafiz Ahmad Hawari said, "We refrain from emotive issues, because our bread and butter is at stake due to the change in economic policies. Observers feel that the new phenomenon in Muslim politics is similar to the rise of dalit and OBC politics among the Hindus of the country during the post-independence era. "After independence, most of the Muslims who remained in India were artisans and small traders and their concerns have never been addressed by established Muslim leaders," said an observer. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-11-2007, 03:11 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Muslims aren't the only voters </b>
Pioneer.com Swapan Dasgupta Opinion makers, such as they are, hunt in a pack. It, therefore, probably needed the Mumbai municipal poll results to persuade the less compliant section of the editorial class that Manmohan Singh's claim to be regarded as the Indian of the Year is feeble and that opinion poll results don't always translate into reality. Before the results stunned the beautiful people into admitting that they had got their sums wrong, it was widely assumed that a dispirited Shiv Sena and a demotivated BJP had outlived their moment in history. The belief in saffron vulnerability owed entirely to the myth of the Congress' mastery over vote-bank politics. Since it assumed power at the Centre in May 2004, the Congress has assiduously targeted specific sections. The backward castes, who were never really with the <b>Congress, were wooed through additional reservations in education; the poor were apparently enticed by the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - Sonia Gandhi's great act of generosity at someone else's expense</b>;<span style='color:red'> the Christians were discreetly told that it was their own Government; and the country's largest minority was shown that each day would witness Santa Claus bringing goodies of one description or another.</span> <b>Not since the mad raja even started dressing up like a member of a particular community have the Muslims of India had it so good.</b>Â <b>How come this was not translated into votes? It now transpires that the Muslim turnout in Mumbai last week was significantly below the city average of between 48 and 50 per cent. Normally, Muslim turnout is extremely high and this has helped the community develop a strategic muscle far in excess of its numbers</b>. Indeed, throughout India saffron poll managers begin from the assumption that the other side starts with a 20 per cent advantage. <b>The question is: Why did so many Muslims choose to stay at home?</b> The phenomenon is certainly bewildering since the primary beneficiary was the Sena-BJP alliance. Has the debate over the Rajinder Sachar Committee report made no impact? Has the Congress' unceasing attempt to placate Muslim sentiment on issues from the singing of Vande Mataram to tentative steps to introduce parallel Islamic banking been counter-productive? Or, have Muslims been alienated from the Congress because of the Prime Minister's warm embrace of the Great Satan? The answers are still in the realm of speculation. However, what can be said with greater certitude-and this takes into account last year's<b> mayoral election in Uttar Pradesh-is that the policy of reckless minorityism is generating a countervailing urban reaction</b>. Since Hindus, as opposed to Muslims, are less inclined to vote along sectarian lines, <b>people often forget that while Muslims vote, they are not the only ones who vote</b>. <b>Whether in Mumbai or Meerut or Kanpur, cities where the NDA faced huge reverses in 2004, we are witnessing a silent Hindu consolidation. </b>Of all the Congressmen, only former Shiv Sainik Sanjay Nirupam has gauged this phenomenon. Others are still busy calculating notional bloc votes. <b>What the Congress should be worried about is the penchant of Muslim organisations to be permanently aggrieved</b>. One day it is tearful complaints about heavy-handed policing in the aftermath of the July 11 blasts, the next day it is the whacko insistence that Special Economic Zones are specifically targeted against Muslims and on the third it is some cock and bull story about the need to introduce Islamic banking. <b>What we are witnessing is the constant shifting of goal posts and the remarkable inclination of the Congress to play the game according to every set of revised rules</b>. It is always tempting for the Congress to blame local leaders for every setback and heap praise on the leader for every achievement. <b>After the Mumbai polls, the Congress president, it is said, did not meet the Maharashtra Chief Minister because she was not amused. Was Vilasrao Deshmukh responsible for the defeat or should Congress leaders be looking upwards to discover the root of the rot? </b> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-14-2007, 05:28 AM
PM's latest sop: Muslim villages first
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Muslim majority villages set for facelift </b> <span style='color:red'>The UPA Government has decided to identify as many as 200 villages with 100 per cent Muslim population to be developed as model villages countrywide</span> under the Prime Minister's Adarsh Gram Yojana. According to well-placed sources in the Planning Commission, the new scheme is going to be one of the salient features of the UPA Government's budget for 2007-08. The Plan panel has approved Rs 10 crore as a token amount for the scheme that would be revised, depending on the demand. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-17-2007, 12:01 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Â <b>Tharoor may be inducted in Manmohan Cabinet </b>
IANS | New Delhi Former United Nations Undersecretary General Shashi Tharoor, who ran unsuccessfully for the top post of the world body, may be inducted into Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Council of Ministers, highly placed sources said. The sources said Tharoor may be appointed Minister of State for External Affairs. "The Prime Minister is keen to make use of his diplomatic skills, vast experience and numerous contacts. He may induct him as a Minister of State in External Affairs," one source said. Tharoor, who quit his UN post earlier this month, is believed to have met the Prime Minister ahead of his resignation. The 51-year-old Tharoor is likely to replace Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma, who may be shifted to another ministry. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> This is a good cover-up for Sonia and her oil deals or other sundry. He is neither a RS nor MP. Whole coterie of âinternationalâ anti-hindu is joining government. Yesterday, Steven Colbert made a nice joke or reminder to Shashi about his parking tickets. I hope he pays himself not Indian Government.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>RBI opposes priority loans to minorities</b> Anita Bhoir [ 17 Feb, 2007 0020hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ] MUMBAI: The Centre's proposal to banks to reserve a share of loans for members of minority communities seems to have been shelved after the Reserve Bank of India and banks wrote to the government that it was unviable. The central bank and the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) have told the government that banks' lending practices are based on the borrower's creditworthiness and not his caste or creed. Finance minister P Chidambaram is also not quite enthusiastic about the idea as bank managements are not in favour of it, a banking source said. Early this year, the government had sent a letter seeking the opinion of both RBI and IBA on a proposal to earmark 6% of loans to borrowers from minority communities. At present, commercial banks must lend 40% of loans to farmers and small businessmen who constitute, along with a few other categories, the priority sector. "We should not deviate from the basic principles of banking. This proposal is not feasible and not desirable as banks lend on the basis of creditworthiness of an individual. We have communicated this to the finance ministry. Banks do not ask for such information from any customer. Both the FM and RBI share the same view," said a senior IBA official. "There are certain pockets in the country which are dominated by the minority community. Bank branches are present across the country. Any customer can come to the bank branch and if the individual is creditworthy the bank will not shy away from extending credit," the official added.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Oh, drat. Damper on Sonia's plans to economically handicap Hindu majority in favour of further strengthening islamic terrorism and the funding thereof. Why is it Sonia's christo brain and those dhimmi brains of her subordinates keep coming up with failures? Now's when she most needs her honorary degree in politics/economics/christoterrorism/theology/hate tactics. |