01-19-2007, 11:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2007, 05:45 AM by Husky.)
Again, post 218:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the Christian world, Christians criticize Christianity freely and extensively.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Really? Slowdoh doesn't realise he has the Enlightenment and the growth of real Secularism to thank for that. Before that, when christianity still ruled Europe, if you criticised that terrorist religion, you'll answer to Ze Holy Inquisition or to the
Protestant inquisitions. When the Church lost all power over controlling the populace - that was when it could no longer crush the dissent and criticism. Is Slowmo living under a rock or something? Is this what all Indian christos learn: the history of christianity as told by the compulsively lying church and missions?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Almost all of this are attacks on the practice of Christianity, not the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Nothing to attack in the life and teachings of jeebus creepus, since there never was a jeebus creepus and therefore no teachings. He's fiction. The 'teachings' attributed to him were written by many different scribes over several centuries. Slowdoh/playdoh needs to read some current books on New Testament scholarship.
But, there has been endless criticism of jeebus nonetheless, mostly of the evilness of the teachings attributed to that non-existent terrorist. Many thinkers, experts on the Bible and theologians, former-christian priests have been exposing the fraud since the inception of christianity. They became fewer during the Dark Ages - the ages when Christianity was in control. But since the enlightenment, they've grown in numbers again. The worst insults of christianity I've ever heard (all of which I now realise are true, but I didn't know it then so it shocked me) all came from former-devout-christians. Insults like: jeebus never existed.
Slowmo actually tripped over himself and fell, as far back as the 2nd paragraph of his nonsense writing:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Your attacks on Jesus and Christianity made me go back to the gospels about Christââ¬â¢s life and the sermons of St. Paul. These are the two greatest Jews and individuals that ever lived. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Is he saying the only good Jews are non-existent and inadequately documented Jews? See the indirect anti-semitism coming from Indian-turned-christoterrorist Slowjo. Anymore from him and I'm reporting him to any Jewish rights organisation I can find (Anti-Defamation League?).
<b>Briefly about 'Paul/St. Saul':</b>
- Pauline epistles: "Some of these epistles are by far the oldest parts of the NT, having been composed at least 30 years before the oldest gospel." ( http://freetruth.50webs.org/B2c.htm )
meaning they're older than the four canonical gospels which were later attributed to the names 'Matthew, Mark, Luke and John'.
- But Paul's epistles don't count as eyewitness testimonies for jeebus, because he makes it clear he never met Jesus in the flesh.
- This is however more interesting. Who is Paul?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And six of the thirteen letters of St. Paul are not by him. Even his "real" letters were later heavily edited by the Church. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And Frank Zindler writes in Did Jesus exist:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->- it turns out that only four [of the 13 letters attributed to Paul] can be shown to be substantially by the same author, putatively Saul.
- Even the letters supposed to contain authentic writings of Saul/Paul have been shown by a number of scholars to be as composite as the gospels. ... the core Pauline material in these letters is what might be termed a <b>pre-Christian Gnostic</b> product.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->So which Paul is slowmo talking about? Several scribes wrote the Pauline Epistles, one of whom we can '<i>putatively</i>' dubb Paul. And that putative Paul never met jeebus anyway. What's more:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> The Falsified Paul: Early Christianity in the Twilight by Hermann Detering (NT scholarship of the Radikal Kritik school):
This book shows that <b>all the Pauline letters are all 2nd-Century fabrications</b>, Catholically redacted from Marcionite gnostic dualist-god original versions.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> What that means is that 'Paul' did not write any of the epistles attributed to him. So nothing is known about the Paul that Slowmo is talking about, because he left no written works behind.
Slowmo opines that besides his two biggest idols - jeebus and Paul - two other Jewish people deserve the thumbs-up (and, for a change, the following two are real, historical, documented people this time):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The other two would be Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Jewish 'Christian' Isaac Newton - I read he was Catharan (Christian heresy, which explains a lot). So he gets Slowmo's stamp of approval because he's christian, like the purported St Saul was?
But here's a mystery: why does Slowmo approve of Albert Einstein, when the latter had no love for christianity and knew about this evil religion.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->According to Jesus the Jew, God has no chosen people. We are all equal under god.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->According to Jeebus? Who cares what the babble scribes have to put into the mouth of the non-documented (and therefore non-existent-as-described-by-gospels) character jeebus? Jeebus of the babble is a jeebus unknown to history. Other Jesuses there were, but they were not the jeebus creepus of the babbling book.
Judaic God Yahweh <i>has</i> a chosen people, according to Judaism wherein Judaic God Yahweh is known.
Christianity is a terrorist religion that steals others' religions and twists it to put jeebus in the centre. There is no jeebus in Judaism. He'd have been an unimportant non-entity to them had that non-existent character not caused anti-semitism: he brought nothing but pogroms and holocausts to Jewish people.
The christian demon 'gawd' Jehovah is jeebus' god. And no, Jews are not this demiurge's chosen people. They are the chosen people of their God Yahweh. Hard for the appropriating christoterrorists to understand. Jeebus and Jehovah have nothing to do with the Jews. The Old Testament is stolen from the Jewish people and twisted to make it seem like Jeebus of the New Testament fullfilled the OT prophecies.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->So why don't Jews believe in Jesus the Jew and his Jewish disciples especially Paul?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Why would anyone ask a christoterrorist like Slowmo to explain why Jews don't believe in jeebus? Let's let knowledgeable Jews answer that for themselves, in a page appropriately titled:
'Why don't Jews believe in jesus?' http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/jewsandjesus.htm
The author is being kind, not referring to the non-existent nature of The Creepus. Simple reason why they don't believe in him: The invented character of jeebus was a fraud who is not a messiah, and christian scribes manipulated the OT to make jeebus the messiah. Problem is, those christo scribes didn't know enough about Judaism to do a good job: they made infantile mistakes and christianity is embarrassed to admit it's a fraud and so anti-semitism started and christos murdered Jews to silence them and keep the christianity-shattering mistakes hidden.
(Pulled the links and quotes above from http://freetruth.50webs.org/ again)
01-19-2007, 11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2007, 06:03 AM by Husky.)
Again, post #218
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"[some villains] called Hinduism an evil religion"<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I wouldn't want villains to pay Hinduism a compliment anyway.
'Evil' in christianity is really twisted. In christianity, it's okay for christians to kill and destroy civilisations for their cherished christianity - as exhibited throughout history. See http://freetruth.50webs.org/Index.htm
As for real evil, Slowmo needs to read the Babble. For the moment, let's take it seriously, like Christos always do.
Who'd want to go to heaven to meet Jehovah, after reading the babble? Which other being imaginable is more evil than the demiurge of the OT - the christian gawd? (Okay, the islamic one matches up, but they're the same: one christoislamic gawd.) Oh yeah - the answer is jeebus. Creepus is worse than The Demiurge. Why? Because in the OT, we have the Demiurge who can only torment man in life. He gets people to dash their children against rocks, he 'goes forth' and destroys entire nations, and more dreadful genocidal terrorism on nation-wide scale. (This is all biblical, see: http://nobeliefs.com/DarkBible/DarkBibleContents.htm or http://www.evilbible.com/ or http://www.usbible.com/usbible/default.htm - GASP! all western sites that have nothing to do with Hindus!)
But even Demiurge is okay - he can only make you suffer during your life. After which, the OT puts the believer in Sheol, which is where the shades of all the dead went. Then came the NT and its terrible central character jeebus creepus: the Demiurge born as his own Son via Gawd as the Holy Spook making Mary conceive. Now jeebus invents the ultimate punishment: he loves you, he says. 'He loves you', but if you don't love his non-existent self back, he threatens with ETERNAL DAMNATION. Jeebus invented hell and he threatens with hell every little while in the NT, just in case you forgot about it. See http://www.usbible.com/usbible/Default_2.htm#jesus - hellfire jesus.
Love jeebus or else. Demiurge of OT can only get you in life. Demiurge's new-and-improved NT version Jeebus will torment you for eternity with the concept of hell 'he' invented in the NT. No wonder my friend (former christian, former baptist) prefers the Demiurge to jeebus. I would too. Jeebus is a jealous character who needs your love - wholly consistent with Jehovah the Demiurge who is also jealous and needs your love - but jeebus doesn't just threaten to kill you and your countrymen. He wants you all to pay <i>forever</i>. Jeebus is whiny, needy - if this were your girlfriend/boyfriend you'd dump him/her in a flash.
('Demiurge' above not meant in the original Platonic sense, nor in the different sense of early Gnosticism, but in the sense that medieval Catharan heretics used it)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Christian West's religion and Jesus himself, all behind the backs of the Christian West.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I'm guessing Slowjo lives in America which is all of the 'Christian west' he could be describing, because the places I've lived outside India were mostly atheist. Many Scandinavians whose writings I've read have shown their dislike for christianity. I've seen several write about how christianity, islam (and unfortunately they include judaism) are all the same religion anyway. And some describe christianity and islam in particular as terrorist ideologies and equate them with fascism and communism. I've now come to agree with this opinion. But I didn't invent it. So slowbo better blame the formerly-christian west, rather than Hindu India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->You will never see such behavior and attitudes among East Asian Americans or even Muslim Americans.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Don't know any East Asian Americans. Muslims hate christianity, but they hate judaism and the other 'kafir' religions the most. Slowbo doesn't have a clue. Muslim Americans are a minority. And when (not if) they become a majority, slowdoh will experience what they really think of his religion. They will utterly destroy it (it's a numbers-and-who's-got-the-gun game, after all) without advertising their plans in English first. From the little I've seen translated in the news, there are enough sites in middle-eastern languages and Urdu that spew hate about christians and threaten horrible deaths for christos.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Similarly, Buddhists, Shintoist, Taoist and Confucian followers may criticize the behavior of Christian countries, but they never attack Christianity itself. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I personally know several Buddhists and Taoists and a Shintoist - and they have been more knowledgeable about christianity and for longer than I have been. They have not a good word to say about the terrorist jeebus and the religion built about him. But maybe their older generation is more respectful of christianity and The Creepus, like the old generation Hindus are.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->On the other hand, in the Christian world, Christians avoid slandering and defaming other religions, especially Hinduism.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Slowmo is not only slow, he's either a liar or has been living under a rock (actually, that's not impossible... would that he'd crawl back). But I'll leave it at that.
By the way, what's the 'christian world'? Oh, he's talking about The Dark Ages. The Christos from Portugal were very respectful indeed. One needs but read what they did to Hindu temples and what they wrote about slowmo's ancestral religion of Hinduism to discover how respectful they were.
01-19-2007, 11:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2007, 05:07 AM by Husky.)
Slowmo speaks about the 'caste system':<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Christ preached just the opposite. According to Christ, "the first shall be last, and the last shall be first," blessed are the poor and the meek for they shall enter the kingdom of god. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The old sermon on the mount.
3 problems:
(1) Christian Europe was feudal: it was the real casta system - it worked the way christos nowadays describe the Indian 'caste' system. It's christo guilt that causes christianity to superimpose fascism, slavery, terrorism, serfdom and the other christian stuff onto Hinduism and Buddhism and other natural religions
(2) So jeebus and gawd have a casta system: "The 1st shall be the last and the last shall be the 1st". It's just swapping the christo feudal casta system around and thus having another casta system. "Blessed are the poor and the meek shall inherit the earth" - and others lose it.
(3) The Sermon on the mount was a late addition to the gospels. Every bible scholar knows it was not there in original gospels:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Among the later added parts, <b>not in the original Gospel texts: The sermon on the Mount, The story of Jesus' birth (Luke 2:1-21) and the stories of Jesus' resurrection!</b> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Did a WWW scan and found only Hindu anti-Christian websites and they are horrible.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->What? Slowmo couldn't find the thoroughly visible and widely-propagated American ones: christian heritage, jesusneverexisted, ... too many to name? And what about too numerous to list ex-christian sites? Did they all escape Slowmo? He didn't find the many German and Scandinavian ones either? Is he blind?
Did he specifically search for the terms "Hindu anti-christian" in his 'www scan'? Scam is more like it.
If Slowmo is referring to christianaggression, then he's wrong. Even though it is one of the handful of Indian sites (not Hindu, as it includes Sri Lankan Buddhist articles) that speaks up against christoterrorism in India, they are not anti-christian, as they all sadly still believe in an imaginary 'good christian' and in the 'good life and teachings of jesus'. The only good christians are the ones who know too little of their religion to practise it and follow their conscience instead, but they're not considered christians.
<b>EDIT</b>: >> Are Norman Lewis, Karlheinz Deschner, Ernst Klee and others also "Hindu Anti-Christians" then?
Journalist Norman Lewis wrote 'The Missionaries: God against the Indians', about how missionaries are still genociding South American native Americans in order to convert them to jeebus' Holy Faith. Church historian Deschner has written the 8 volume (and counting) 'Criminal history of Christianity'. Journalist Klee has written books and created a documentary exposing how the church and nazism were working closely together in nazi Germany.
Maybe the many German books by German people revealing the True Christianity are part of some "Hindu anti-Christian" conspiracy that started after WWII? Or, <i>just maybe</i>, lots of people in Europe and America know all about the True Christianity and want to expose it. Many western people are anti-christianity. Many of them are anti-christoislamism. Slowbo just needs to deal with it: many Europeans from the so-called 'Christian world' hate christianity. Is he going to accuse them of Hinduism? When in fact, they are all (quite understandably) non-religious as far as I know. <<
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->If you indulge in such Christian-hate views, you should have the morality to go back to your Hindutva. You are what you are because of the Christian world: - British Indian legacy of federal democracy, and the hospitalityof Britain and the US.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Slowmo feels the ever-present Indian-christo urge to massage the feet of his christo superiors of Britain as prescribed by the racist hierarchy of christianity. But Hindus don't approve of the genocides colonial-christo Britain repeatedly inflicted on India. We'll leave it to christian morality to approve of it, like they still approve of anti-semitism and the murder of South American native Americans. Our morality is different.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India is one country because of the British otherwise it might have been a thousand pieces. The English language has given India the edge in the international, cyberworld, and the US. Indiaââ¬â¢s democracy, federal system, its educational system, its railway and communications systems, and more, are all because of the British. There is nothing Hindu about these accomplishments.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->- For Indian christos, India only exists, if their western christo masters tell them it exists.
- 'India's democracy' that brought in a christian theocrat (who is eager to play St Helena-Constantine) and her christian-communist-islamic possy into power? We have a pseudo-democracy at present. One aspect of this is the media, lying and instilling false notions into people to tell them how to vote.
- Its 'educational' system that teaches lies like how Britain and islam and christianity were a blessing to India?
- The railway system was brought into nearby pagan Thailand (I think it was) <i>without</i> western colonisation - see the hinduwisdom site. No one needed the British, except Indian christos who apparently can't live without worshipping them.
Indian railways was built by Indians, don't christo schools even teach its Indian christo pupils that much?
01-19-2007, 07:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2007, 02:09 AM by Bharatvarsh.)
You know the funny thing is that this SOB is the descendant of a bunch of refugee losers (syrian xtians) who came to India begging for shelter and were given shelter because of Hindu tolerance, today he has the audacity to malign Hindus, that is why followers of such ideologies deserve no sympathy and Hindus should have kicked them back onto their boats when they came as refugees to Kerala.
I just discovered that their treasonous activities have a long history going back centuries:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The whole idea is a gross perversion of truth and a grave injustice to the Hindu community that has offered refuge to persecuted Christian refugees down through the ages. It is Hindus who have been martyred by these same Christian refugees starting in the 8th and 9th centuries when Syrian and Persian immigrants in Malabar destroyed temples to build their St. Thomas churches.
So our Thomas is just continuing the long tradition of treason establishled by his forfathers who bit the hand that fed them.
01-20-2007, 05:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2007, 05:28 AM by Husky.)
Post 224:
So Raju Thomas is a Syrian christo.
Your post has reminded me of an article about the Syrian christos which I'd read on christianaggression a while back:
As per your suggestion and that of Bodhi, I've posted excerpts of this in the appropriate threads:
- excerpts on the Syrian christos at post 52 of thread 'Thomas in India? History Of Christianism In India'
- excerpts on the christian 'National Socialist (nazi) Council of Nagaland' at post 202 of thread 'Christian subversion and missionary activities'
01-20-2007, 09:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2007, 09:50 PM by Shambhu.)
Not only that, but some christians who are not missianary-minded have foolishly anointed themselves saviour of the "non-hindus", and are busy proclaiming that the threat to India from Muslims is non-existent. They will conveniently ignore secessionist mindset of muslims, special treatment demands from muslims etc. When their white christian western (naturally, more logic-endowed) masters start talking about the muslim demographic treat to the west, they will maybe take a break from their tea and sandwiches, adjust their white-powder makeup a little, and start thinking seriously about demographics.
Being of a minority religion, it seems, gives you license to (1) be blind (2) think that Hindus want to massacre all Muslims (3) even people like APJ Kalam and George Fernandes (and muslims who behave like decent human beings, and not vote-banks) are despised by these Hindus.
came in email.
Dear Professor Thomas:
I had a chance to read your e-mail correspondence with XXXXX. I did not come across in XXXX´s e-mail to you anywhere anything against Christianity of the synoptic Gospels or against the person of Jesus as you allege in your missive. XXXX´s complaint is primarily against either coerced or fraudulent conversion of the tribals and simple people living in the deep hinterland of India by foreign evangelical Christian missionaries for which he has given ample documentation including the expose´ of the great "Mother Theresa" by Hitchens. These coercions include verbal and or written denigration of the faith of the natives and in bygone era physical cruelty including torture and the death of the heathen
Going through your exchanges it is apparent to even my sixth grader Christian grandson that you are no professor but a bigoted Christian fundamentalist lay preacher huckster in the mold of Pat Robertson speaking on the 700 club. It will be pointless to rebut your screed point by point because it is so far
outfield to have any resemblance with the facts. I guess, people like you do live in your own world, a world devoid of reason and realty. But I will rebut
some of your more outlandish assertions in the vain hope that you do love the honorific of professor ahead of your name.
Reading a letter in the letter section of one Thomas in a recent issue of India Abroad (Jan 5, 2007) I wondered, whether you are his doppelganger suffering from the same paranoid schizophrenia as he does. Leave apart some loonies on both side of the aisle which incidentally, always present in every period and in every nation these are the facts about some of your pet peeves. RSS is the largest voluntary non political organization in the world doing selfless service all over India helping in the earthquakes, tsunami relief and day to day calamities, for example, it was the first to reach to the site of the recent plane disaster carrying Muslim pilgrimage to Haj tending the wounded and burying the dead with dignity and providing the succor to the bereaved. Its stated organizational policy is to oppose the present caste system and untouchability and it tries to do it first within itself by eating together and socializing among the group. A large core of the RSS workers is neither Brahman nor bania (Vaishy) but the rest of the Hindu samaj .RSS subscribes to the Indian nationalism. According to its definition Indian nationalism means that anybody born in the India is an Indian first and then one could be Jew, Christian, Muslim, or Hindu. It means the person has the good of mother India at heart and considers India one´s homeland .If the person does not subscribe to the above then India is, in the eyes of RSS, better off without such person. Persons like Gandhi and Patel praised the organization for its volunteer work. It does not subscribe to the absolute ahimsa of Gandhi who on the occasion of second world war advised the British foolishly to lie on the ground and take the bombs from the German war-macht.RSS does believe that in the face of ruthless enemy bent on destroying you and your nation it is better to fight than compromise. Compromise only delays the ultimate fight. BJP is a secular political party which has many of the same philosophical tenets as the RSS but its emphasis is on the governing of the nation .It agrees with basic structure of the Indian constitution and the fundamental rights of all Indian citizens ,one state one set of rules and laws for all its citizens. Out of fifty years of independent India BJP was a dominant partner in the central government for only five years with a compromised common minimum program. Its record is much better than any five years of the congress regime. Hindu/Hindutva is a modern word for the eighty percent of the people of India. According the Indian Supreme Court decision Hidutva is an essence of or quality of being Hindu; a set core belief of eighty percent of the people of India. One of the core beliefs is the coexistence with all people and non aggression and free practice of all belief systems without one imposing on the other. This tolerance is the gift of Hinduism to the other Indic religions (Jainism and the Buddhism) Only Abrhamic (Jews, Christian and Muslim) religions insist about their unique and only way of salvation. Because of this `live let live´ core belief there were no religious wars in the history of India compared to the bloody religious wars in the history of west and the mideast. Hindus, contrary to your assertion, do criticize themselves as well as the Hindu religion. Out of eight ethical philosophies of grand Hinduism one is the Charvak philosophy which is complete anti-thesis of the other seven is accommodated in Hinduism. Practically all the English press and TV channels are owned and largely operated by Hindus but they are the strongest critics of Hindus, BJP and RSS which you yourself grudgingly admit in the last paragraph of your blog.
I would also like to make you aware through US constitution and/or federalist papers that US constitution writers created separation of the church and
the state. They were aware of the bloody persecution visited by one faction or the other of Christianity( Mary the queen of Scott) With some of this
rudimentary knowledge I want to disabuse you(a professor of political science) of the notion that US is a Christian State. Everyone here is an immigrant except the practically extinct native red Indians. Your rant about sending the American Hindu citizens who criticize either the American government policies or some other aspects of American society to their country of origin is so childish that it is beneath contempt and does not deserve a reply. Your panegyrical statement concerning the effect of British and Christian influence on the fate of modern India is ludicrous. Nobody knows for sure the
alternative scenario of history but it could not have been any worse. XXXXÂ has given you ample British official documentation that British authorities
reported as early as 1838 that Madras presidency had a much higher density of institutions of learning, teaching a large number of `dalits´ - ranging forty
to sixty percent - than the `great´ Britain itself. It is pathetic that professor claimant nitpicks, calls it a lie, the colloquial flourish of Hindu American Foundation´ claim of representing the interest of the two million American Hindus. If you call it a lie then practically all your claims in the letter are lies. With this logic President Bush claim of representing three hundred million Americans is also a lie. Using 2001 census figures to prove your point is really pitiable.HAF did not exist in 2001. The Hindu population grew very significantly in the US since then to now 2006-7.The HAF is no different in lobbying for the American Hindu causes from you or many Christian organizations, your favorite FIACONA, business and other interest groups.
Your response about a Christian dalit phenomena is a clssic´Blame the Victim´ technique; Blame the caste system of the Hindus for this .Great response
Herr Professor. In converting the gullible, simple people into your fold you have told them that they will be sitting with you in sharing the fruits equally
of your creed. So why do they need the reservation. If it was the evil of the Hindu society then the remedy of reservation should also be limited to only
Hindu victims.
You have the Gobblessian tendency to define your adversaries with lies and then keep on repeating them ad nauseam and hope that they get accepted but
herr professor those days are gone when you could get away. You create a straw man and masquerade as a scholar. Most of your arguments and data are either
misleading or lacking in credibility. You have, clever by half, tried to convert your pathological hatred of Hindus by disguising it as an opinions of others including your students and then hiding behind Capitalized sentence claiming you don´t share it. You have used despicable Nixonian ploy; I will never say my opponent was traveling with a blonde when the car plunged in the creek. According to you, people living in glass houses should not throw stones. If you can ridicule elephant headed god a Hindu can also talk of Immaculate Conception, parting the sea, resurrection of the long dead turned into dust, eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a human in the Eucharist feast, incest committing biblical prophet, etc.
I hope you do not get more deluded in your retirement. Cheers
Jan 26, 2007 <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
came in email
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Witzel's evangelical wikipedia edits
Michael Witzel of Harvard University has been engaging in evangelism in the guise of teaching Sanskrit, indology.
It's time for reckoning; it is time to ask Witzel to quit his position in Harvard University.
In one of the emails produced by Dalit Freedom Network, Witzel notes "<b>(p)lease check what Wikipedia says about your organizationâ¦They always put back what I erase.</b>" In reaction to the forwarded message, DFN's Executive Director asks whether "(DFN) can⦠edit this ourselves⦠I do not want to start being identified as a mission (sic) organizationâ¦" â¦many principals of DFN are unabashed in their antagonism towards Hinduism.
See how Witzel edited, repeatedly, his multiple evangelical posts, in the context of the California Textbook issue:
Wikipedia frowns on people editing pages about themselves, especially those who clean up negative descriptions of themselves.
The IP address noted above shows that Witzel has done that too.
In my view, this conduct should also attract ethics/academic standards committees in Highebr Educational institutions like Harvard University and Members of Harvard Corporation. Surely, this is conduct unbecoming of a professor occupying a chair in a prestigious university. Will Harvard Corporation ethics and academic standards enforcement administrators take note and act to save the image of the prestigious institution?
The Subpoena and motion to compel Witzelâa veritable expose of Witzel's anti-hindu tirades, trampling upon Hindu Civil Rights --Â is available at the URL:Â http://capeem.org/docs/CompelWitzel.pdf
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Jan 29 2007, 03:30 AM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Jan 29 2007, 03:30 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->came in email.
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Dear Professor Thomas:
I had a chance to read your e-mail correspondence with XXXXX.Â
Your response about a Christian dalit phenomena is a clssic´Blame the Victim´ technique; Blame the caste system of the Hindus for this .Great response
Herr Professor. In converting the gullible, simple people into your fold you have told them that they will be sitting with you in sharing the fruits equally
of your creed. So why do they need the reservation. If it was the evil of the Hindu society then the remedy of reservation should also be limited to only
Hindu victims.Â
I hope you do not get more deluded in your retirement. Cheers
Jan 26, 2007 <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is not a good reply. It is falling short on many things. More detailed reply has to be given to refute this disinformation
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->East fights back âsacrilegeâ by West: DNAÂ
Mumbai, June 30: Indian scholars collate evidence to unearth fraud in anti-Hindu writings by western writers in âInvading the Sacredâ.
It is one book which will start a debate challenging the portrayal of India and its culture by the West. Leading scholars and academicians have now put the weight of their experience and research to challenge the Western pictures of India, its religion and problems.
Invading the Sacred (Rupa), which releases in Mumbai today, is a searching analysis on the academic study of religion by the strong 8,000 university professors who view India as a chaotic backward place and the American business schools who look upon India as a land of opportunity.
The book kicks off a new trend in literature â countering ideas and thoughts on Indian culture, especially Hinduism, by academic papers by Indian authors. âThis negativity is caused by a lack of rigorous training in Indian languages and cultural nuances, excessive reliance on psychoanalysis â often by untrained scholars â and breakdown of the peer-review process,â said Krishnan Ramaswamy, one of the editors of the book.
Through many examples, these biases are examined and a careful and evidence-based debunking of the fabrications made (see box). The American scholarsâ constant reference to Indian culture as pathological abusive prompted Diaspora intellectual Rajiv Malhotra, who runs the Infinity Foundation, to coin the term Hinduphobia, to expose this bias. The Foundation has given away millions in the last 10 years to top academic scholars of various disciplines to promote knowledge and rigorous study of India and Indic religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.
Controversial professor's class canceled
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->DePaul University canceled the one remaining class taught by a controversial professor who has accused some Jews of improperly using the legacy of the Holocaust.
Norman Finkelstein, whose work led to a long-running public feud with <b><span style='color:red'>Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz</b></span>, says he may respond by committing civil disobedience when classes resume Sept. 5.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Dershowitz, who threatened to sue Finkelstein's publisher for libel, urged DePaul officials to reject Finkelstein's tenure bid in June
Is it the same Dershowitz who defended O J Simpson?
And what's with the plagiarisim scandal that Dershowitz was alleged to be involved in plagiarism Harvard Plagiarism Archive
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Professor Dershowitz engages in an "orgy of plagiarism," committing "wholesale, unacknowledged looting" of research from an earlier book addressing the same subject. ( http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn09262003.html)
Specifically, it has been reported that 22 of the 52 endnotes to the first two chapters of Professor Dershowitzâs book were lifted straight from a 1984 book by Joan Peters, "From Time Immemorial," without attribution. These 22 endnotes contain not just the citations from Petersâ footnotes, but also extensive quotations from the cited sources set forth in Petersâ footnotes.
Harvard okay with that?
10-03-2007, 01:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2007, 07:52 PM by Hauma Hamiddha.)
I have got intelligence that Hindi teachers at Berkley university are subverting second generation American Hindus during their Hindi classes. They insidiously introduce anti-Hindu and secular propaganda. May be something to keep an eye on especially in relation to the Calfornian events. One example: Using Premchand (well-known hindi writer) to push in anti-Hindu propaganda.
10-03-2007, 07:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2007, 07:53 PM by Hauma Hamiddha.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Hauma Hamiddha+Oct 2 2007, 08:09 AM-->QUOTE(Hauma Hamiddha @ Oct 2 2007, 08:09 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I have got intelligence that Hindi teachers at Berkley university are subverting second generation American Hindus during their Hindi classes. They insidiously introduce anti-Hindu and secular propaganda. May be something to keep an eye on especially in relation to the Calfornian events. One example: Using Premchand (well-known hindi writer) to push in anti-Hindu propaganda.
Mostly for evangelical purpose
Indo-Americans Protest Indian History in California Textbooks
INDOlink News Bureau
San Jose, California - A new controversy about Indian history is brewing in the halls of California schools and the state's board of education.
This high-profile debate between religion and scholarship - is yet another sign of the growing political muscle of Indian immigrants and the rising American interest in Asia. California is now home to more than 300,000 people of Indian descent, with nearly 40,000 Indo-American students attending California schools in grades K-8.
Over the next six years, they and millions of their peers will read the standardized sixth-grade textbooks on world cultures including Hinduism and ancient India. The chapters they will study are currently being reviewed by the California State Board of Education. California mandates the study of world religions in its public schools.
The debate flared last November, when the state Board of Education held a public meeting to discuss the revisions, one of the final steps in the state's adoption process which takes place every six years.
Madhulika Singh, an Indian-born Yale graduate who has lived in the United States for 23 years, was one of those who raised concerns with the text during the hearing. She told the committee her 11-year-old son was so embarrassed by what he read that he became ashamed of being Hindu.
"There are many children, non-Hindu children, who didn't know much about Hinduism or India until they were exposed to it in the sixth grade. When they learn what they read in textbooks, they are shocked or hate India and Hinduism," she said. "Before they may have been neutral or ignorant of it; that's better than hating it. I don't want my children's co-students to learn all these negative things and make remarks to my children."
The books that Madhulika's son uses in school describe the Goddess Kali, revered by Hindus for her cosmic power, as "bloodthirsty." They call Hanuman, a god worshipped for his loyalty and protection, the "monkey king." One exercise tells students that Hanuman loved Rama (a Hindu god) so much that some believe he appears every time the Ramayana (ancient Sanskrit epic) is read. "So look around â see any monkeys?" the passage taunts.
While several groups, including Jewish and Islamic advocates also requested changes, the majority of the debate came over the Hindu groups' position which has led to ongoing review meetings.
The Vedic Foundation and the Hindu Education Foundation, proposed 153 changes, 131 of which were initially accepted by the committee.
In one example, the current text read: "The Aryans created a caste system." The proposed revision is: "During Vedic Times, people were divided into different social groups (varnas) based on their capacity to undertake a particular profession."
The committee, advised by Professor Shiva Bajpai, a professor emeritus in the History Department at California State University at Northridge, approved the majority of the decisions. But a group of professors, led by Harvard Professor Michael Witzel, denounced the revisions in a letter to the Board of Education. In his letter, Witzel alleged the proposed changes "would trigger an immediate international scandal."
The board appointed Witzel and two colleagues to a special committee, outraging the Hindu groups who believed Hinduism should be described by Hindus. In January, the board decided that both groups would discuss point by point which changes could be made based on historical facts.
In response, The Hindu American Foundation led by Fremont physician Mihir Meghani, has hired a law firm to consider legal action should the state decide to modify the recommendations of the curriculum committee. HAF has retained Olson, Hagel and Fishburn, LLP, of Sacramento, CA, to represent the Foundation in its dialogue with the California State Board of Education, and to ensure that the concerns of the Hindu American community regarding textbook portrayals of Hinduism are conveyed.
HAF Legal Counsel Suhag Shukla wrote "While attacks from non-Hindu academics with no expertise in Hinduism, and whose careers have been consumed by advocating pre-modern theories now engulfed by debate, were expected, I have personally been shocked by the unshakable obsession of so many Indian-Americans to view every effort in this country through the prism of their own political ideologies from India. Almost playing right along a colonialist paradigm, Professor Witzel and his ilk, with one letter to the California School Board of Education (SBE) using the word, âHindutva-inspired,â have effectively divided fellow Indian Americans into an antagonistic, contentious and dithering populaceâdivided and conquered we remain"
Dr. Mihir Meghani, president of the HAF commented, "Hindus throughout the United States are watching the process with concern since the results have broad implications for all Hindus".
"For many years, Hinduism was taught from a non-Hindu perspective. All that we are asking is that Hinduism be taught as per state law, which asks that the education 'Instill in each child a sense of pride in his or her heritage; develop a feeling of self-worthâ¦; eradicate the roots of prejudice... and enable all students to become aware and accepting of religious diversity while being allowed to remain secure in any religious beliefs they may already have.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From: Raju Thomas <gcthomas2@yahoo.com>
Date: Oct 4, 2007 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: [india-unity] Protest against Sonia Gandhi
To: xxx@yahoogroups.com, YMalaiya <yyyy@yahoo.com>
Cc: George Thomas <gcthomas2@yahoo.com>
<b>Perhaps all Hindus who settled in the West should be
denied public office or take economic advantage of the
West. If Sonia does not belong in India, they dont
belong in the West either/</b>
Raju G. C. Thomas <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Here is another gem from Raju Thomas. Another proof of Hindu hater and man who signed against Anti-Hindu Text Book.
10-04-2007, 07:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2007, 07:39 PM by Husky.)
Like Mudy said in post#193 (this thread): this kreatur Raju Thomas is probably desperate to fit in, but his non-Europeanness is closing him off in spite of his faithfulness to christoterrorism.
Maybe he is experiencing the same discrimination in America that some famous(?) US reporter 'Helen Thomas' (also a Syrian) experienced - she was:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Reared in a large Syrian family that had endured discrimination<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And maybe he's had an American christo call him 'that old Arab', just like Ann Coulter did about Helen Thomas:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Ann Coulter: "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the President."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->While that's what was reserved for a supposedly respected and established journalist of 80-something (wackypedia says about H Thomas: 'born August 4, 1920') , a nobody like Raju Thomas must be feeling the love even more...
But at least this Helen Thomas dares to think for herself - regardless of whether her opinions are right or not - and is not worshipping some other people as masters. Because she apparently dares to believe something like 'Bush and Cheney are destroying democracy'.
Yet <i>Raju</i> Thomas, cowering before his superiors and hoping they might finally toss him a bone, must have realised that that Syrian ancestry does not wash off. Perhaps he thought knocking Hindus <i>yet another time</i> might give him some points in front of Herr Kommandant WitSSel and the KKK. Oder nicht.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Oct 4 2007, 09:09 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Oct 4 2007, 09:09 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From: Raju Thomas <gcthomas2@yahoo.com>
Date: Oct 4, 2007 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: [india-unity] Protest against Sonia Gandhi
To: xxx@yahoogroups.com, YMalaiya <yyyy@yahoo.com>
Cc: George Thomas <gcthomas2@yahoo.com>
<b>Perhaps all Hindus who settled in the West should be
denied public office or take economic advantage of the
West. If Sonia does not belong in India, they dont
belong in the West either/</b>
Raju G. C. Thomas<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]73873[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Raju Thomas - the Syrian christo from India (who at least moved out) - might have caused a major no-no with this one. Perhaps it may encourage all the Syrian christos in India to pack up and go back to Syria. After all, it's been documented how the syrian christos - in spite of having been given refuge in India - are the ones that asked the christos of Portugal to come over to convert the inconvertibles. Next to that, they keep up their fraud of how the Hindus supposedly killed non-existent santa thomas. Even today. (Latest update at http://hamsa.org/sharan.htm which records the recent 20 Aug 2007 lie in the 'New Indian Express' by some christo or other, presumably a Syrian variant since her name doesn't sound Portuguese. This time round the accused in the murder-that-never-happened are no longer Brahmins but a Raja Mahadevan! My, how the christo lies keep changing...)
Alien traitors are even less welcome than local ones (true not just in India, but the world over). And that naturally includes Sonia Gandhi, who's ready to feed us to jeebus via the Vatican.
But why doesn't Raju Thomas be the first one to show he's serious and import all his christo family - including extended - to the US or Syria or wherever. Hey, I could live with that.
Raju Thomas, trying to live up to his Syrian christo ancestors:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the 4th century AD Christianity became the dominant religion and than the established religion in the Roman Empire. The Sassanian rulers of Iran wisely foresaw that the Syrian Christians within their borders would develop into a fifth column of their powerful neighbors. Their solution was to persecute the Syrian Christians. Some of these Christians fled Iran as groups. In AD 345, around 400 odd persons from 72 families comprising men, women and children, reached Cragananore (Kodungalloore) Kerala, under the leadership of a merchant, one Thomas Cananeus. The Hindu Kings gave them refuge. What these treacherous Christians did in return was to invite Vasco de Gama to invade India. This information recently came to light from Portugese documents. Sanjay Subrahmaniam in Lisbon went through the Portugese Documents `Career and Legend of Vasco Da Gama` and found that these Kerala Christians known as Syrian Christians were indeed a fifth column spies and brought Vasco Da Gama to Kerala shores that began the colonization of India. They had offered to the Portugese, French and British their support to defeat and evict the local kings, Zamorins, who gave them the refuge. Vasco da Gama had bombarded Calicut, in Kerala when the Zamorin ruler of that place refused to be dictated by him. He had plundered the Kerala ships bringing rice to the city and cut off the ears, noses and hands of the crews. The Zamorin had sent to him an envoy after securing Portuguese safe-conduct. Vasco da Gama had cut off the nose, ears and hands of the envoy and strung them around his neck together with a palm-leaf on which a message was conveyed to the Indian king that he could cook and eat a curry made from his envoy`s limbs."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(Last sentence above: Ooh, the faithful Vasco the Gama was a ready cannibal.)
I don't think the ingrate Raju Thomas ought to be giving lessons on who should be grateful/respectful...
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Oct 3 2007, 11:39 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Oct 3 2007, 11:39 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From: Raju Thomas <gcthomas2@yahoo.com>
Date: Oct 4, 2007 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: [india-unity] Protest against Sonia Gandhi
To: xxx@yahoogroups.com, YMalaiya <yyyy@yahoo.com>
Cc: George Thomas <gcthomas2@yahoo.com>
<b>Perhaps all Hindus who settled in the West should be
denied public office or take economic advantage of the
West. If Sonia does not belong in India, they dont
belong in the West either/</b>
Raju G. C. Thomas <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Here is another gem from Raju Thomas. Another proof of Hindu hater and man who signed against Anti-Hindu Text Book.
Couple months ago, one Raju George or something George was ranting away for Hindu NRIs to get out of US. He was laughed all the way back to his hole - the whole episode was really out of this world. It's pity that it doesn't exist in soft form to link/share here.
The episode brings to mind some peaceful Hindus voicing their concerns in Illinois some months ago and Dr Jayachanda Pallekonda, the ex-Chairman(?) of FIACONA almost strangled a 70 year old activists.
I can only imagine if Raju G C Thomas with his obese 300 lbs tried the same on activist in New York City. Probably he's cursing for missing the opportunity from his 114th floor over Danube? We'll never know, but email, clearly reflects that mindset.
Can it be inferred that it's Raju's hidden desire is to emulate his favorite dictator Slobodan MiloÅ¡eviÄ and oust immigrants out of their adopted homeland? We know that Harvard Don Witzel has used slurs like Non-Returning-Indians and it's been observed that Raju does carry water for Witzel.
As I read the reason for NYC UN protest, I don't see anything in there to show that Hindus were protesting for Sonia staying in India. Hindus in India since time immemorial has been most generous hosts to immigrants going back to Parsis immigrating from West or Siddis via sea etc (we have whole thread on this issue). Even to this day, Hindus are fighting for the rights of immigrant Muslims like Bangladeshi Tasleema (who by the way was humiliated even further on that very same yahoogroup after the latest assault on her in Hyderabad). Hindus world-wide have stood behind other immigrants like Salman Rushdie (again, he's been a target of fundamentalists that Raju hangs out with). And we've seen millions of Hindus worldwide cheer a lesser known immigrant Robin Singh - ex-Test cricketer and current(?) fielding coach. So whatâs with this âbelonging to Indiaâ
I don't think it's ever been an issue of Sonia "belonging" to India? Issue was her policies that's been construed as detrimental to India/Indians and a citizens of democracy who feel so, have every right to wage a peaceful protest. Heck, editorials do it everyday.
Seems like Raju's spent too many years in Solbo's Seberia and forgets as to how democracy works.
10-05-2007, 02:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2007, 03:05 PM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Oct 5 2007, 12:16 AM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Oct 5 2007, 12:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I can only imagine if Raju G C Thomas with his obese 300 lbs tried the same on activist in New York City. Probably he's cursing for missing the opportunity from his 114th floor over Danube? We'll never know, but email, clearly reflects that mindset.
Seems like Raju's spent too many years in Solbo's Seberia and forgets as to how democracy works.
[right][snapback]73886[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Thanks for telling me most tactfully that I was wrong about Raju's location... <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
But don't feel bad next time about saying it outright: "NOOooo, You're Wrong AGAIN Husky! In fact, ... You are wrong all round." (Credits go to Roald Dahl for that second line <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo--> Just brilliant!!!)
Don't worry, I won't mind in the least.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Couple months ago, one Raju George or something George was ranting away for Hindu NRIs to get out of US.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->This reminded me. During that visa fiasco thing in the US not too long ago, there was one Indian christian who had asked the US govt to grant the visa on grounds of christians being (get this) <i>persecuted</i> in India. Needless to say, the US Govt turned him down flat.
(Not only because the dude was just trying everything to get in, but also because if the US let him in for that reason, then every single Indian christo would move to America. I keep wishing the US would start doing that. But then, the whole intention of christians is to not let any country <i>anywhere</i> remain non-christian, <i>ever</i>. Their point is to turn <i>India</i> into a christian country - the entire population - not import Indian christos. But how I wish christoislamis would leave us alone <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> )
10-05-2007, 07:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2007, 07:15 PM by Shambhu.)
<!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I saw the acronym "hiina" once again on the open letter written to Harvard to bring their attention to racist witzel.
Such acronyms fall under the classification "Kachra"
"Klutzy Acronyms Created by Racist Harvard Academics"
Witzel himself is another type of Kachra:
Klansman Academicians Cheerfully Hating Reality Anywhere
The Dictionary says:
Witzel (Wit' sell): n. A person who has sold his wits and now blabbers like a fool
<!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Added later:
From Mudy's link on Mahabharata (147) in Ancient Indian History:
Just by the by let me say here that most of you will be appalled to know that there are Sanskrit/Indology professors occupying chairs in the West <b>who cannot carry out a basic conversation in sanskrit (ie cannot even pronounce Bha , Tha, etc letters of Sanskrit) yet write expert comments related to the field of Indology and Sanskrit</b>.
And also, most interestingly, when confronted by scientific evidence of the sort that the before mentioned authors and my humble self have presented, come out with even more rubbish in the form of more theories.
For example, the above astronomical evidence invalidates most Indological theories about Aryan invasion and dating of the Ramayana.