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Congress Undemocratic Ideology - 3
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Moron now wants to say Godra riots were a holocaust. @$$hole, if some yank throws a koran in the toilet in Gitmo, innocent Hindu shopkeepers have to pay in India.

Then what do you expect will happen when 56 Hindus are *burnt alive* by muslims? Tea and sandwich parties? If it happens under UPA, same thing will happen.

Not to be outdone, another Con(g)man (this time from Gujarat) plants his foot firmly in his gutter-mouth.
Cong leader slams Modi, says he was born in gutter
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->“How can he say anything against Sonia Gandhi? People know Modi was born in a gutter. He doesn’t even know his father’s name,” said Hari Prasad, who is in charge of Gujarat.

<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Oct 19 2007, 07:35 PM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Oct 19 2007, 07:35 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->www.ibnlive.com/news/modi-was-born-in-a-gutter-says-congress-leader/50784-3.html
Cong leader slams Modi, says he was born in gutter
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->“How can he say anything against Sonia Gandhi? People know Modi was born in a gutter. He doesn’t even know his father’s name,” said Hari Prasad, who is in charge of Gujarat.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]74437[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Well - <i>if</i> it is true - us Hindus don't mind.

We know lots of christoislamicommunistpsecular terrorists who know who their parents are but who are fascistic terrorists. Knowing one's parents does not make one a good person and not knowing one's parents does not make one a less capable or less-worthwhile person.

And if Modi doesn't know what his dad's name was, what does that matter.
A person's good character are all that counts and if he acts in the interest of his people (Gujaratis) then that's all that should matter to his state.
Besides, someone who didn't know his dad probably had a tougher life in a single parent home and that would make him even more deeply sensitive to such issues as poverty, education and other things. If it is true that Modi was born in poverty ('in the gutter' as the uncouth KKKongressi would have it) seems he's more qualified for his job than I previously supposed, him having personally experienced what needs improvement.
Hope Mudy proves the KKKongressi jerk and others wrong again and again.
Sonia distressing over Pakistanis blown up by their own Jihadis. Meanwhile where was she after the train carrying women and children were set on fire in Gujarat? Where was she during all the recent islamoterrorist "acts of love/peace" in India against Hindus?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Sonia shares terror concern with Bhutto</b>
21 Oct 2007, 0052 hrs IST,TNN
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NEW DELHI: Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Saturday called Pakistan People’s Party chief Benazir Bhutto to express her shock and concern over the terror attack on her convoy early Friday morning.

<b>Sonia expressed distress over the loss of innocent lives in the blast that had left many injured.</b> The Congress chief told Benazir that the forces of terror held a major threat to democracy and civilised society. "It is the duty of all countries to work against these forces of destabilisation and destruction," she said. <b>Sonia expressed relief that Benazir and her family members had come unscathed from the explosion. She wished the PPP leader well and hoped that those injured would recover soon</b>.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Does anyone need more proof that she hates Hindu India than her neglect of the people whom she's ruling over thanks to her usurpation of power; while protecting christoislamiterrorists and sympathising with the Terrorist State of Pakistan for something TSP did to itself?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Coffee office
Union Minister for State Ajay Maken is having his diary full. The Minister, who looks after Urban Development, in addition to grappling with issues related to Delhi Development Authority (DDA), has now been given the responsibility to resurrect the party organisation in Jharkhand. With elections round the corner, the Minister also has to pay attention to his parliamentary constituency - New Delhi. This has ensured a long queue of visitors to his office. Maken has developed a three-tier mechanism to handle the visitors. The Minister meets the most important. The next in priority are handled by party colleague and former Delhi University Students' Union (DUSU) president Hari Shankar Gupta, who has been appointed consultant in the Ministry. Minister's personal staff in the visitors' room handles the third category of visitors. To ensure that visitors return satisfied, each is served a cup of coffee, tea, soup or even milkshake of their choice by a multinational café outlet.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'Centre overlooking Chinese intrusions' </b>
Pioneer News Service | New Delhi 
Sonia's visit shocking, says BJP
Expressing concern over Center's "lackadaisical and indifferent" attitude towards growing intrusion by the Chinese troops into Indian territory, the BJP on Thursday described it 'shocking' that UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi was on a five-day tour to China accompanied by her MP son Rahul Gandhi with an<span style='color:red'> "undisclosed agenda".</span>

The party said while Left and Congress were maintaining a deafening silence on an issue of national security and sovereignty, both CPM general secretary Prakash Karat and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi have instead of raising issue of intrusion have only confined themselves to congratulating Chinese President Hu Jintao on his re-election as the General Secretary of the ruling Communist Party in China.

<b>"The BJP notes that the incursions are simply not the inadvertent misadventures of lost Chinese patrols but instead point towards the existence of a carefully designed strategy to undermine India's territorial integrity," </b>party spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy told reporters.

The party said reports on intrusion by China have been confirmed by the DG of ITBP, who has admitted to over 140 incidents of intrusions in over the last one-year in both Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.

Rudy stated the complete silence maintained by the high level entourage comprising even senior Ministers of the UPA Government was also "shocking".
Pioneer Thursday, November 01, 2007
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Eye to poll: Cong CMs told to focus on sops for minorities</b>

Nidhi Sharma | New Delhi

With special emphasis on recruiting Muslims

In the midst of prevailing political uncertainty at the Centre and with an eye on the forthcoming Assembly polls in Gujarat and Himachal, the Congress is trying to re-tap its traditional vote bank -- the minorities. <b>The Chief Ministers of all Congress-ruled States have been directed to proactively implement the Prime Minister's New 15-Point Programme for the minorities with a special emphasis on recruiting Muslims in police force, State service cadre, State boards and committees, public sector enterprises, banks and railways.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Railways. MMS and Sonia want to make sure more Hindus go up in flames when on the rails. And islami police? Not even western countries wearing the words 'secular' on their sleeve would have 'special emphasis on recruiting' islamis in the police force.
<b>Dragon smiles: China applauds boycott of Dalai function </b> <!--emo&:thumbdown--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, Nov 07: China has praised the UPA government for asking its ministers to stay away from a recent function to felicitate Buddhist spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, whom it accused of trying to "split China".

Though being a religious leader, the Dalai Lama is involved in politics, China's ambassador to India Sun Yuxi told reporters here.

"I greatly appreciate the move by the Indian government," he said when asked to comment on the<b> recent advisory of cabinet secretary K M Chandrasekhar asking Union ministers to stay away from a function to honour the Dalai Lama</b>.

"He (the Dalai Lama) is trying to separate and split China," Sun said on the sidelines of a function organised by the Federation of Indian Exporters Organisations.

The Cabinet Secretary had issued a circular, advising ministers not to attend the function on Saturday. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So Queen is still fighting for bed post position in CHini bed.
These traitors, idiots should be shown 1962 doordarshan documentary.
Shameless UPA.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The following holidays will be observed during the year 2007
Dates may change at short notice. Please check with the Consulate  by calling (415) 668-066
Holidays Day Date
<b>Idu'l Zuha  </b>Monday January 1 
Republic Day   Friday January 26  
<b>Muharram</b> Tuesday January30
Mahavir Jayanti Saturday March 31 
<b>Milad-Un-Nabi </b>Sunday April 1 
Good Friday Friday April 6 
Buddha Purnima  Wednesday May 2 
Memorial Day Monday May 28 
American Independence Day Wednesday July 4 
Independence Day Wednesday August 15 
Labor Day   Monday September 3 
Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday Tuesday October 2 
<b>Idu'l Fitr </b>  Sunday October 14 
<b>Dussehra </b>Sunday October 21
<b>Diwali</b> Friday November 9 
Thanksgiving Day  Thursday November 22
Guru Nanak's Birthday Saturday November 24 
Christmas Tuesday December 25

I was checking Indian Consulate Govt holidays. For Hindus only two days off, they are 80% of Indian population, for Muslims four holidays, they are 15% of Indian population.
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India should change name to Islamic State of India.
<b>Factional feud takes ugly turn; TN Youth Cong chief attacked </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Chennai, Nov 11: The factional feud in Tamil Nadu Congress took an ugly turn on Sunday with state Youth Congress president Mayura S Jayakumar and two party workers being attacked by a gang allegedly belonging to a rival faction at the party headquarters here.

The ten-member gang, wielding weapons like sickles and knives, stormed into Jayakumar`s office located on the first floor of the `Satyamurthy Bhavan` here and attacked him. The gang members managed to flee the scene in the melee that ensued.

<b>Jayakumar, who suffered an injury on his shoulder, and the two others were immediately rushed to a corporate hospital. </b>

Deputy Commissioner of Police Ram Subramanyan told reporters that the incident seemed to be a fallout of "inner-party problem." The culprits would be arrested soon, he added. ..............<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
in email inbox
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->November 10, 2007.

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President of the Janata Party.

            The nation is today watching with consternation the series of ridiculous firmans being issued by Mr. Rahul Gandhi to Congress Party workers.

          First, Mr. Gandhi told the Congress that growing opium must be made more profitable by the Finance Ministry by  fixing a higher price for the poppy crop. Opium can quickly be converted to heroin, which destroys the health of it's consumer, besides promoting crime.

          Second, Mr. Gandhi told the CWC that there is nothing wrong in abandoning Khadar cloth, which hitherto was compulsory for the Congress Party workers. Little did he realize that Khadi Gram Udyog, which still provides employment to lakhs of the 'aam aadmis' for whom Congress leaders shed tears in public, would be destroyed by his firman and lakhs would become unemployed.

          Third, Mr. Gandhi informed the CWC that to drink 'a peg or two' of alcholic liquor is nothing wrong. This would naturally boost the liquor industry, and in turn corner future investments from essential goods sector, on the market principle of investments chasing high profits, thereby creating a shortage of essential commodities for the 'aam aadmi'.

          It would therefore now be appropriate for Mr. Gandhi to  add two more firmans for  completeness.

          Fourth, it is not wrong for a Congress worker or leader to get married to a Colombian girl holding Venezuelan passport anonymously in the island of Tenerife in Canary Islands, and not tell the public about it, even if the girl is a daughter of a heroin peddler.

          Fifth, there is nothing wrong for a Congress worker to keep a foreign passport, especially Italian under a modified spelling of  one's own name for use in emergencies and for anonymous foreign travel to obscure places like Cayman Island for banking operations, and purchasing Participatory Notes on hawala laundered funds.

          This Five Point Programme of Mr. Rahul Gandhi then can replace all the 4-20 programmes of the party of his mother.

                                                          ( SUBRAMANIAN  SWAMY )     
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>When Congress ran riot </b>
Second Opinion: RN Chawla
This refers to Kanchan Gupta's article, "Half-truths don't help Muslims" (Coffee Break, October 28). Besides placing the violence and the killings resulting therefrom in their proper perspective, based on the figures as given in reply to a parliamentary question, the writer has provided a telling commentary on what he rightfully terms as horrendous events.

I do not know as to why Mr Gupta's did not mention the reprisal killings in Bihar resulting from the killing of Hindus in Noakhali immediately preceding Independence. Louis Fischer, in his The Life Of Mahatma Gandhi, has provided a graphic account of the incidents. The relevant extract is reproduced below from the chapter "The Birth of Two Nations":

"But worse woes were in store for the sorrowing Mahatma in the neighbouring province of Bihar with a population of 31,000,000 Hindus and 5,000,000 Muslims. <b>The events in Noakhali and Tripura had incensed the majority community; 25th October was declared 'Noakhali Day'. Speeches by Congressmen and sensational newspaper headlines whipped the Hindus into hysteria and thousands paraded the streets and country lanes shouting 'Blood for Blood'. In the next week, the number of persons officially verified as killed by rioters, wrote the Delhi Correspondent of the London Times was 4,580. Gandhi later put the total at more than 100,000. They were predominantly Muslims."</b>

Apart from the death toll exceeding that of the pogrom against Sikhs in 1984 and the post-Godhra violence in Gujarat in 2002, mentioned by Mr Gupta, the reprisal killings by Congressmen in the post-Noakhali Bihar riots and following the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi- based on the motto of an-eye-for-an-eye-are obvious despite the Congress's stated commitment to Gandhian ideology and principles.

It is unfortunate that a bunch of 'secularists', some of whom have changed tack repeatedly and enjoyed power, manage the 'M-Y' (Muslim-Yadav) or 'M-D' (Muslim-Dalit) vote in the very State that witnessed horrendous riots in 1946. Other pseudo-secular parties and outfits are also trying to whip up communal frenzy for the sake of electoral gains by harping on the Gujarat violence that took place five years ago. <b>They do not perhaps realise that like the Bourbon kings of France, who did not learn any lesson from history, the 'secularists' by following such ruinous policy are dividing the country along communal lines. </b>
came in email:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Congress Party Definitions: Congress Says..........
November 19, 2007 by secularindia
<b>Congress says:</b>
<i>Muslims getting killed by a few hundred is no less than a holocaust; </i>
But poor protesters getting shot in West Bengal under Left Govt is just a plain misunderstanding; 3,000 Sikhs getting slaughtered in thousands was only a big mistake; and 300,000 Hindus becoming refugees and thousands dead due to Islamic terrorists in Kashmir is a only political problem. 

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Congress denying Lord Rama's existence was simply a Clerical Error. </i>
But BJP saying it hurt Hindu sentiments is communal!

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Haj subsidies for Muslim pilgrimage worth 3000 crores funded by Hindu tax money is secular; </i>
But Hindus questioning how their hard earned money is used are communal;

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Banning Da Vinci Code and Jo Bole So Nihaal was Secular</i>
But Modi Banning Parzania in Gujarat was Communal;

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Chinese invasion in 1962 was just an 'unfortunate betrayal';</i>
Kargil attack during BJP Rule was Government failure;

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Reservation in every school and college on caste lines strengthen society;</i>But same reservations in minority institutions is Communal;

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra [Khwaja Younus] was only an instance of Police atrocity;</i>
But Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] was Modi sponsored 'BJP' Communalism;

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>Talking about Islam and Muslim appeasement is Secular;</i>
But talking about Hindus and Hindu concerns is dangerous and Communal; 

<b>Congress says:</b>
<i>BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save Indian hostages was Shameful; </i>
But freeing 4 militants to save the life of the daughter of a minister [Rubina Sayed] was a Natural Political dilemma;

<b>  Congress says: </b>
<i>Attack on Parliament was the result of BJP ineptitude; </i>
But Congress Not hanging Afzal Guru,the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders is due to Humanity and Political dilemma;

<b>Congress says: </b>
<i>(Manmohan) Muslims have the first right on India's resources ; </i>
But Hindus questioning it is communal;

Is  there  any  end  to  Congress'  shameless  hypocrisy?

Also see
How to become an Intellectual in India
http://secularindia.wordpress.com/2007/11/...ectual-in-india / <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Family yes, Army no </b>
The Pioneer Edit Desk
UPA doesn't trust service chiefs!

It is absurd and disgraceful but not surprising, given the wayward track record of the UPA Government in this matter, that it will not extend the courtesy of exemption from frisking at airports to the three armed forces service chiefs. To his discomfiture, Defence Minister AK Antony had to inform the Rajya Sabha that the <b>UPA Government turned down his Ministry's request in this respect. Shamefully, the civil aviation authorities' view is that the inclusion of the chiefs in the exempted persons' list "could lead to similar demands from some other authorities"</b>. Without giving the military undue importance, it would seem quite obvious that service chiefs are fairly unique. The necessities of ensuring civilian primacy have meant their subordination to the executive, but their roles nonetheless are of supreme importance, and they are certainly worthy of this minor privilege. It seems ironic that those entrusted with our nation's highest security cannot be trusted with a civilian aircraft. There are also important principles involved in this issue for it concerns how public decisions are to be made, which must be fair and transparent. There have to be very compelling reasons in a democracy to exempt a few from the travails the rest of the citizenry has to go through. <b>Exemption from security formalities may be somewhat of a feudal relic, but the dignity of high office is perhaps a reason worthy enough to favour a few office-holders</b>. Sadly, some people have seen such exemptions as status symbols or as devices to flaunt importance in a cheap way. Far from the service chiefs initiating a scramble for exemption, it has already been a prominent feature of the UPA era.

Speaker Somnath Chatterjee, it may be recalled, cancelled a visit to Australia rather than allow security officials to frisk him. <b>He also objected to security personnel frisking his wife at Calicut Airport.</b> Union Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma created such a fuss that it ensured that yet another category was included to this ever-expanding exclusivity. What, however, most pricelessly takes the cake is the scandalous inclusion of Mr Robert Vadra in the list of those exempted from being screened at airports. Mr Vadra, with no claim to fame apart from being UPA chairperson and Congress president Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law, already enjoys our Government's munificent hospitality by living in a spacious bungalow allotted to his wife on 'security' grounds. With no contribution to national life other than as a private citizen and holding no senior Government post, his exemption, specifically by name, stands out in sharp contrast to the refusal to extend the same courtesy to our service chiefs. Indeed, most existing exemptions are clear cases of arbitrary and sycophantic favouritism and have no justification. The claim of the three service chiefs to this privilege is so superior to that of Mr Vadra that it can only laughably be compared. In any case, service chiefs are ahead of quite a few in the Warrant of Precedence already exempted such as, for example, the Chief Justices of High Courts. These exemptions have to be principled and limited. Sadly, those with political clout are merrily having rules twisted for privileges and the UPA Government is allowing this to happen, while the deserving are ignored. While unnecessary vying for this privilege must be discouraged, the service chiefs fully deserve it and the UPA Government must reconsider its decision.
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Rs 100-cr question mark over Indian democracy
24 Nov 2007, 0047 hrs IST,Jug Suraiya,TNN
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NEW DELHI : India has joined the general outcry against Musharraf for suppressing democracy in Pakistan. Democracy would indeed be good for Pakistan. It would also be good for India. Unlike Pakistan, we have more or less free and fair, and certainly frequent, elections. But how really democratic is our democracy?

Recently, a 2,000-odd-square-foot flat in Mumbai sold for a reportedly record-breaking Rs 34 crore to a private individual. Almost at the same time, the Congress party headquarters in New Delhi were shifted from Akbar Road to a plot, on Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, the market value of which is some Rs 100 crore but which was handed over to the Congress for Rs 2 crore.

The different pricing mechanisms used in each case, Mumbai and New Delhi (the first based on free market forces, the second on state patronage), exemplifies the huge difference, the deep chasm between the private citizens of this country and any element of the sarkar that we have elected to govern us.

Various elements of the state — the diverse political parties, MPs, MLAs, bureaucrats at various levels — are given not just property/residences at humongously subsided (subsidised by us, the taxpayers) rates but are also accorded other perks and privileges not available to us, the people, supposedly of whom, by whom, and for whom successive governments have been formed since 'independence' (in fact, a transition from one set of exploitative rulers to another).

Why should the Congress — or any other political party — be given prime real estate at a throwaway price? Why should MPs occupy (and often continue to occupy even when their term of office is over) Luytens' bungalows each estimated at Rs 150 crore? If the CEO of a publicly listed company aspires to live in such style it could, and does, make front-page news.

Political parties and MPs and other state functionaries would argue that they all individually and collectively serve the larger public interest of our democratic state, while a private sector CEO serves only his shareholders, hence the qualitative difference between the sarkar and the private citizen. But aren't all private citizens (including CEOs of companies) equal shareholders in the national enterprise of the Indian republic? If so, shouldn't all citizens, all shareholders, be treated on a par? In other words, can a delivery system of democracy (the sarkar) truly deliver democracy if the basis of its functioning is undemocratic in that it differentiates between sarkari and non-sarkari citizens?

In no other established democracy (the US, the UK) do their political parties, or bureaucrats, or MPs or their equivalents (barring heads of government or the state) enjoy such privileges, denied to common citizens. Are the US and UK — or Canada, Australia, Japan, whatever — any the less democratic than India for that? Or are they more democratic?

In other democracies, does sarkari VIP movement routinely generate security bandobast that brings ordinary civil life to a standstill, often for hours?

Does any other democracy boast the counterpart of a Robert Vadra (national Son-in-Law No. 1) who's given super-security protection at the taxpayer's expense and is excused from being frisked at airports even though ordinary citizens (which in this instance include the defence chiefs of staff) aren't accorded such a sign of respect?

So by all means let us in India root for the return of democracy to Pakistan. And hope for its emergence in India, in some not-too-distant future.

(Readers are invited to suggest issues of general interest — political, social, cultural or economic — for discussion in this column. E-mail the topic of your choice to secondopinion@timesgroup.com. Or write to Second Opinion, The Times of India, 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110103.)

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Service chiefs get their due: No frisking</b>
Pioneer News Service | New Delhi
Under attack for treating them shabbily, the UPA Government on Thursday announced that the three service chiefs of Indian armed forces will be exempted from security frisking in civil airports across the country.

The change of heart came within a month of the Defence Minister AK Antony informed the Rajya Sabha on November 21 that the Civil Aviation Ministry had rejected his suggestion that the chiefs of the armed forces be spared the humiliation of being subjected to routine pre-embarking security checks as they enjoyed top security clearance.

Earlier in the day, Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said he felt that it was "absolutely appropriate" that the people who defended the country's borders should not be made to undergo the frisking to which others are subjected to.

"The warrant of precedence which is issued by the President is the benchmark on which exemptions are given. From number 1 to 11 exemptions have been given and the three service chiefs come in at number 12," the Minister said

The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), which prepares the list of VVIPs and VIPs who are exempt from pre-embarkation security checks, will now amend the list as per the direction of Civil Aviation Ministry, an official release said on Thursday.

<b>Other important functionaries who are to be exempted from pre-embarkation security checks are the Planning Commission Deputy Chairman, Bharat Ratnas, Chief Election Commissi-oner, Comptroller and Auditor General and the Attorney General besides the Chiefs of Defence Staff, holding the rank of full General or equivalent.</b>

Thursday's announcement comes in the wake of recent controversy over the service chiefs being subjected to security checks while SPG protectees like Robert Vadra, husband of Priyanka Gandhi, enjoyed exemption from frisking.

<b>Following media reports on the issue, there were murmurs among the top brass in the services, which was openly voiced by former chiefs, that they were being subjected to such checks despite their position</b>.

Asked whether such exemption would open a Pandora's box with fresh demands coming from different sections, Patel replied in the negative.

Among those included in the exempted list are President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, former President and Vice Presidents, Lok Sabha Speaker, Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court judges, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, Union Cabinet Ministers, Governors and Chief Ministers 
They had decided to keep security cover to Vadra, Is he important than rest of Indian citizens?
<b>Surat Bajrang Dal chief, who took on missionaries in Dangs, is now Gujarat Youth Congress gen secy</b> <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->VYARA, DECEMBER 10: If Vithalbhai Togadia, younger brother of VHP international general secretary Pravin Togadia, surprised Amreli by switching loyalty to the Congress, this “conversion” in Surat has stunned the BJP. Because Nilesh Luhar, once a powerful Bajrang Dal leader who was in the forefront of the anti-conversion drive against Christian missionaries in the Dangs, is now general secretary of the Gujarat Youth Congress.
Gujarat Youth COngress marriage with Bajrang dal. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:bhappy--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_woot.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_woot.gif' /><!--endemo-->
No relief for farmers who are killing themselves, but a Rs.400 cr airport for a puppet
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->“Vidarbha and Amravati has lakhs of families in deep distress. Over 3,000 families have been affected by farmer suicides. But the state government is not spending Rs 50 crore for food security but is ready to spend Rs 400 crore for a new airport..
Congress pet slogan is "Garib hatao"
and those who are not poor, make them poor, so that they can stay in power.
India: Congress and it's shameless hypocrisy?
December 28, 2007

By Ashok K. Jha

(The Congress party was established on todays date. On this eve this article is being published to expose the true face of Congress ! - Editor)

Addressing the All India Congress Committee session in New Delhi on Saturday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed determination to push all-round development with an aim of ensuring benefits for all sections of the society. He said special focus was being given to education, health care, rural development and infrastructure building besides upliftment of minorities and backward classes.

Describing the NDA government's ‘India Shining' campaign as a 'flawed concept,’ he asked: "Shining for whom? Shining for which region? Shining for which class of people?" He referred to the incidents of terror and communal riots during the BJP-led rule and said his government will not allow communal and divisive forces to gain an upper hand. Communal tensions were at their peak throughout the country and attempts were being made to divide people on the basis of religion, caste and language," the Prime Minister said. Dr. Singh referred to the 2002 Gujarat riots, terror attacks on Parliament, Akshardham temple and Raghunath temple. The Prime Minister painted a dismal picture on the economic front during the NDA rule.

The Prime Minister reiterated that till the time Congress was in power 'we will not allow communal and divisive forces to gain an upper hand in any part of the country and we will ensure that every individual can live in an environment of peace and security.’ Regarding minorities he said that his government had appointed the Sachar Committee to find out the factual position about their conditions and the panel had established that the same was unsatisfactory and a lot needs to be done to improve them. "We have started a massive scholarship programme for minorities."

Now that Our Prime Minister has started talking, behaving and addressing like a true Politician very loyal to the Gandhi family there are few concerns and questions which the citizens of this country would like to be answered. There are millions in this country more intelligent and smarter than the certain "Rahul Gandhi" for whose coronation all this drama is being enacted. Does his lineage make him automatic choice for the highest executive post of this country? There are several other anomalies too. Why is this?

Sikhs getting slaughtered in thousands was only a big mistake; Hindus getting killed in Kashmir is a grave political problem; Muslims getting killed by a few hundred is no less than a holocaust; Poor protesters getting shot in West Bengal under Left Govt is just a plain misunderstanding; Banning Parzania in Gujarat was Communal; Banning Da Vinci Code and Jo Bole So Nihaal was indeed Secular; Kargil attack was Government failure; Chinese invasion in 1962 was just an 'unfortunate betrayal'; Reservation in every school and college on caste lines strengthen Secularism; Reservations in minority institutions is Communal; Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] was Modi sponsored 'BJP' Communalism; Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra [Khwaja Younus] was only an instance of Police atrocity; Talking about Hindus and Hindu appeasement is dangerous and Communal; Talking about Muslims and Islam is Secular; BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save Indian hostages was Shameful; Freeing 4 militants to save the life of the daughter of a minister was a Natural Political dilemma; Attack on Parliament was the result of BJP ineptitude; Not hanging Afzal Guru, the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders is due to Humanity and Political dilemma; BJP questioning any religion is communal; Congress questioning Lord Rama's existence was simply a Clerical Error.

Is there any end to Congress and it’s shameless hypocrisy ?

What about Mumbai local train blasts, Hyderabad blasts and Maharashtra blasts during UPA regime, Nandigram violence, Tsunami rehabilitation fund misappropriation?

BJP had almost completed the "Golden Quadrilateral Project". UPA could not complete the rest of the work left. Also, BJP did not name that project after their leaders name. That is the difference between BJP and Congress. <!--emo&:lol:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='laugh.gif' /><!--endemo--> Even if a toilet complex is built in India, it is named after Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru. <!--emo&:lol:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='laugh.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Just to refresh his mind, all riots, scams, terrorism, religious crimes, etc have been started by either the congressmen themselves or in their tenure. Dr. Manmohan Singhs's term has also contributed to new developments in India - caste reservations, exploitation & barter of violence in your favour (Nandigram), protecting & justifying corruption (Laloo, Natwar Singh, etc), grabbing of state powers (initially Karnataka, Goa, Bihar, Jharkhand) … and so on.

Why is UPA not able to move on National Highway projects, river joining project, etc? Why are we struggling to get cooking gas under UPA rule?

He started on the wrong foot from the very beginning by accommodating several tainted ministers in his cabinet and defending their appointment. Then coterie of Sonia Gandhi dismissed four governors appointed by the previous government followed by a series of events that smacked of cynical disregard for constitutional proprieties and democratic decencies in Jharkhand, Goa and Bihar.

It is a known fact that Mr. Singh is an stop-gap arrangement till the crown prince is firmly in command of both the Party and the government. But its unbecoming of a person of the stature of him to be seen so submissive and and lame. Mr. Singh might loose his credibility if he continue with "Darbari Politics".

(Ashok K.Jha is the Editor of 'Mithila Darpan', a Hindi Weekly News Magazine. He also contributes to several International Online News Portals.)

Source: truecongresspolitics.wordpress.com


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