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US Elections 2008 - II
One has to only listen to Obama's comments from year ago on Imus' "<i>nappy headed ho</i>" comment and you won't believe it's the same person who made the speech yesterday!!! Some comments by Obama (there's tape on this and you'll hear it often if media doesn't suppress it):

On public speech - "<i>He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America</i>"
<span style='color:red'>(but his kids are perfectly fine with Rev Wrights rhetoric at a place where they go for spiritual englightenment)</span>

On should Imus be fired - "<i>There’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude</i>"
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>(But Rev Wright can baptize his kids, conduct his wedding and be part of his family and a mentor)</span>

Fun times ahead.
Watch it here

Another Pastor is in action.
Did you watch Jesse Jackson, suddenly he started talking on health, poverty etc, nothing on reverse racism.
Al Sharpton is same as usual.
<b>Barack Obama and his running mate Al Sharpton </b>

<b>Barack Obama: Al Sharpton 2.0</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->PS: You've got to love the fact that Obama kicked his own grandmother under the bus and portrayed her as a racist while simultaneously embracing a loathsome, anti-American bigot like Jeremiah Wright. That showed a lot of class. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->

PS #2: If Barack becomes President, will Jeremiah Wright be swearing him in on the Bible?

PS #3: Obama is way too inexperienced to be President. He's just not qualified to hold the job. So, how has he tried to get around that? By claiming he has great judgment. But, if he has such great judgment, how did he end up in this whole mess with Wright? It's not as if there aren't lots of other churches in Illinois. It's not as if he couldn't have left the church for another when he got into the Senate, right? Pretty much every politician not named Larry Craig or Eliot Spitzer could have seen a disaster like this coming years away. So, how is it that a man selling himself based on his judgment thought he could get away with being joined at the hip to a guy like Jeremiah Wright? Simple: his judgment isn't all that great.
<b>The Obama Bargain</b>
One can insult anyone in politics, but never ever insult your own grand mother No NO NO !!!

Enjoy it - how world is reacting? when Obama throws his grandmother under bus.
via email -
Media or CNN or MSNBC biased towards Barack Hussein Obama
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I am so done with CNN. I made a phone call to my attorney today and he is going to call FCC. Last night I wrote 24 blogs to be displayed on AC360 O out of 24 made it. None of them were offensive and they were all questioning BO on IMUS comment, Rezko association, Black Panther Association, Why he thought it was OK for his kids to hear Rev. Write sermon and get close to a racist man like that when he apparently disagrees with everyone Else's racist comments. I feel CNN. com is an extension of their news and as such they should follow the same FCC ruling. They should allow the same proportion of anti-BO comments to be displayed as they are allowing anti-Hillary and anti- McCain comments which are about 85% of the comment.

Please call or email:
<b>Kerry: Obama Could Help US Relations with Muslim Nations 'Because He's a Black Man'</b>
enjoy comments also.
World of full of stupid people, I thought Moron Singh is a good sample, but there is no shortage.
I personally liked BO's speech. It was very nuanced and he carried himself amazingly well. He made several important points and I am sure this speech will be quoted for years and years to come whether he becomes the president or not. If you havent heard it then its worth a look at youtube.


Anyways, more on the race discussion.. Who is Susan Estrich ?


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Has the candidate who only months ago was being judged by some as “not black enough” become “too black” even for some longtime Democrats, who worry about a double standard that they ascribe to Obama’s unwillingness to risk offending the black voters who have become his most loyal supporters?

Would they abandon him if he denounced his preacher, I wonder out loud. And if they would, is that because such hate is more widespread than we white Americans would like to believe, because the racial divide really is much bigger, and much angrier, than we would ever admit? And is that, ultimately, an argument against Obama, or for him?

I’ve been accused of being a racist more times during this campaign than in all the rest of my political life, combined. I wrote a book supporting Hillary Clinton for President long before Obama got in the race, and count the Clintons as longtime friends.

I have tried, not always perfectly I am sure, to be fair and respectful towards Barack Obama. I have tried to keep my focus on issues and qualifications. You can say I’m wrong – I’m certainly used to saying that - but racist?

I believe that Barack Obama, in running for President, really is trying to transcend the racial divide. He may or may not succeed.

But what his candidacy, particuarly this week, has revealed, yet again, is just how wide and powerful that divide still is, even if this time it is defined more by the candidate that you support than by the color of your skin.

Is the race discussion over? Clearly not. It has just begun.

The more honest everyone can be, the more we can resist calling each other names instead of engaging each other on the merits, the better it will go.

His speecher writer did good job but he refused to distance himself from Wright. It is more to do with anti-American tone, people are angry that he was gloating about 9/11 and statement with action "chicken are coming home to roast" is not going well. You have to watch and see impact on people face. I think if someone do same in India, I don't think that person will survive. Religion and race to some extent people tolerate but anti-nation is not going well. Currently it is hotch potch.

he can't win election anymore, today on radio again he refered his grandmother "typical white person"

"... .. The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. <b>But she is a typical white person </b>who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it. ... .." - Senator Barack Obama

Now this is a issue. Think about people had stopped watching NBC, MSNBC, CNN and everyone switched to Fox. Fox rating is on roof top and 24x7 they are showing Wright tape. Today Hannity said, this is just one, we have lot of other stuff including other preachers, Rezko, Ayers etc. They are saying we have just started. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Check this video, here it is race issue and with very straight talk.
Obama is the Great White Hope
Harlem Preacher says Obama got a White Mama
Hillary's Ties to Religious Fundamentalists

Right from the beginning the BO candidacy i have been surprised to see public discourse (and BO campaign and HRC campaign and McCain campaign) ignoring race as an issue completely. Yes there were subtle hints here and there but nothing like reality. One had to decipher some kind of code language to determine if people were talking about race or what.

BO's speech gave a picture of reality of how and where whites and blacks need to work on, what the progress has been etc... This is what I am familiar with. He was brutally honest and still nuanced enough to convey the message. I have read people cherry picking parts of his speech both amongst the blacks and the whites to somehow diss him but you will get a totally different impression if you actually hear his speech in its entirety. Plus he comes out as a person with an intellect far-surpassing your normal politician, great oratory, fantastic body language and most importantly a very good thought process (or so i felt after i heard his speech).

I feel BO's speech and the framework that he laid out in that speech is going to be pathbreaking and will shape the way things are going to be IF (and that is a big IF, but still I am confident) the US is going to come out of the mess. And just for that reason this speech will be quoted over and over for years and years to come.

I havent heard Wright at all so I dont know where he is coming from.

Re BO not being able to survive in India, I have to disagree. I think BO will do just fine in India. I would even recommend the Indian establishment to build a long term relationship with him. He may not be electable right at this point, but I think eventually people like him will (should?) eventually get there - that is the only way forward for the US.

But for now , sadly, racial thinking rules...


Things to appreciate in BO and his speech.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Obama supporter Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., offered Obama this historically inaccurate compliment at a news conference today, saying that "what this man has done, Barack Obama, is, he, for the first time I think, as a black leader in America, has come to the American people not as a victim but rather as a leader. To say to white people who have legitimate resentments about racial politics in this country and black people who have understanding about bitterness and anger, especially older black Americans who lived through some of those times where they were told that drinking fountain isn't good enough for them." <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

But what people take away from it..

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said today that Obama could "bridge the divide of religious extremism" and "in some cases go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can't otherwise."

But when questioned about what made Obama so capable of such a large task, Kerry pointed to a surprisingly thin qualification -- "because he's African-American," the Massachusetts senator said. "<b>Because he's a black man</b>. Who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
BHO is typical black politician, no different then Jesse Jackson or Al-Sharpton, only difference he was raised by white grandparents who provided him with best education in private school and Ivy League College and never been to prison even after prolonged drug abuse. He is a good orator and can read very nicely from teleprompter. All of his speeches are cut and paste from previous, infact race speech is also from Clinton, Cosby and others. His speech writer is same person who worked for Patrick Duval. He is not original and till now was playing race game to perfect as his friend Patrick Duval did. BHO got exposed quiet soon and Patrick will get slap coming election by voter.
Not sure how many people will appreciate Rev Wright joy on dead humans on 9/11.
Rev Wright sermons were disgusting, BHO attended this church for 20 years.

BHO had used Benny Hinn type of game, Black Panther guts, and Malcolm-X emotions. You should see his rally. Previously he was attracting 20-30 thousand now 300-2000 only.
He lies and flip flop. Just an empty suit. If his speech writer give same speech to Al-Sharpton, people may not like same thing.
He is very arrogrant and ego will take him down.

How BHO works :
1. Blame Hillary
2. Say it's racisim
3. Deny everything
4. Well I didn't know
5. Ok I knew but didn't agree
6. It was a "boneheaded" thing to do
7. I've written a speech to address the subject
8. Say it's still more racisim
9. Talk more about Change and Divisivness
10. Blame the press for "taking the bait"
BO was caught attending that white hating church for 20 yrs and using Wright (consciously) as a mentor etc. Now that he is caught, he comes out and tries to behave like this is all really about the "race" issue. Excuse me, black pastors came on TV and said "the overwhelming majority" of black churches in US do not do this Wright thing.

Now why has BO's attending that Church and making Wright a big part of his life suddenly become a "race" thing? Just because BO wants it to be seen that way? Just because BO's advisors are confident the naive US population will swallow it all as "the opening of on e big real creative issue which no one wants to talk about but which BO, the new MLK, has guts to talk about"? (Yes, many in the media have swallowed it and have eyes welling up with tears of admiration for BO).

The question, BO, is why you were listening to, and made your kids listen to, that anti-US crap for 20 years.

Not the "race question".

BO is a sleazeball who will sidetrack issues and shift the agenda to whatever he wants to and give a speech in a very solemn voice. And America falls for it. And since he is black, he can take the edge off every question that is thrown at him by putting the question in a race context. Now that Bill Richardson was fooled too, BO can use Bill R's credentials and sat "Look, he trusts me to be C-in-Chief"..

Sorry, I do not see the connections. Blacks are not ideological enemies of Hindus so it does not make sense to disparage the 'abomination of desolation' that has been visited upon them at the hands of whites. The incoherency of their complaints about AIDS etc are all secondary to having suffered terribly at the hands of whites. In fact their entire identity is at mercy of whites such that they are beholden to the whites at all times - they have no postive identity- it consists only of having been raped and deculturized by white man.

We need pro-black views to drive wedge in massa. Let these black groups give heartattack to massa, that is india's interests. see how they dismiss the concerns and aspirations of their own black citizens, what they will bring freedom to asians. massa constructing false identity for sc/st and giving platform and engineering of anti-india elements is intolerable. world will see massa being challenged at home. what if the effects are the same as when the world saw massa vulnerable after world war, actually civil war.
I for one do not see BO as a pro-Hindu person. He is a pro-Jesus person who will continue whatever US does now. He is black only when it helps him, maybe he will even do something for black people, but he is absolutely naive about Hindus. His conditioning is that they need to be "prayed for and saved", as they say. Extreme condescencion. HC is better. At least she will not interfere with India. BO will expand this "Dalit" thing, since that is the first thing a naive american will do if he asks "scholars" about India. A true understanding of INdia is well beyond any american, and the best we can hope for is for someone with enough India-experience (and less church experience) to stay neutral. IMO.
Am uneasy that the end result of this tacky democratic fiasco will be that yet another republican biblical twat becomes president. "Look: no ridiculous spoilage rate by dismissing 2 million African American votes this time. The republican has now been elected 'naturally' with no (overt) cheating, unlike the last two elections when we were sadly caught playing foul". Meanwhile the vulcans can go back into overdrive in their imperial plans, and give further encouragement to their babble-toting priestie army to invade and for continuing their biblical lying about India, Indian society and Hinduism.
Not that things would be different were HC or BHO elected prez. American foreign policy is always the same.

From what I read here, BO is christo-conditioned.
If BO was genuinely interested in righting the wrongs of oppressed populations in America - that is, if he were sincere - then he would not have (1) teamed up with some racist loon or whatever that Wright fellow is; and more importantly (2) would have talked in detail about how he planned to get native Americans back to thriving on their own soil (back on track to life and prosperity).

Ignoring them is a christo-conditioned slip on his part. It's certainly too late to add this to his speeches when the glaring ommission is eventually pointed out to him. No one who sincerely cared about racism in America could ever have ignored the profundity of the importance of native Americans for improvements to America's social relations.

Going by what I understand from reading things here, BO comes off like a petty saboteur rather than someone who wants to make the best of a bad hand (America's history of genocide and slavery). As a leader of any nation, you have to have the decency to put petty thoughts of revenge behind and think of the bigger picture. One can't just throw one's hands up in the air, accept a case as hopeless and therefore take the easy road by destroying everything. That's a loser attitude and no one wants losers to rule. BO had the opportunity as an (partly) African American to bring an African American view onto solving the problem of racism and unresolved historic and present wrongs. It would have been more productive than anything the other camp (of European settler presidents) has so far offered. But no, of all the possible African Americans who could have appeared on the scene to try for president, it has to be a christo-conditioned one who predictably has thoughts of revenge. It's such a christo thing to be brainwashed into being reactively resentful that you intend to destroy everything when in a position of power.

Yes it is infuriatingly unfair - the history of slavery, colonialism, the utter non-comprehension amongst America's European settlers of the depths and breadth of the destruction they inflicted and therefore continue to inflict (to a lesser? degree) today. But actively working to non-destructively correct the unfairness and one could have hit two clay birds with one stone: (1) discovered and implemented the proper solution for correcting the situation of the oppressed populations in America (without going after the European settler population - vengeance breeds itself after all, and in the long run will benefit no one in America); (2) the success of the solution will show where the other side had gone wrong and what all was necessary to make things better. Even if the past can't be righted, the present can.

A productive solution pays for itself, destructiveness can only end in lasting misery.
Whatever America may be at present, it has the potential - like all countries do - to become better. The past only casts a shadow over the present until historical wrongs are righted, after which it becomes a valuable lesson. The goal of any leader who cares about his/her country should therefore be to better the country.

But why am I expecting any such thing from christo-conditioned characters (McCain, HC, BO - all the same)? A Deist (I mean of Paine's type), a non-christo-conditioned African American or a Traditional native American ought to stand for president. Actually, when is that last going to happen? Because more miraculous than an African American being elected president in the US is a native American one. Note how that is <i>not</i> shown even in the fictional setting of a TV show - women and African Americans have all been presidents on US TV in the last 5 to 10 years. Come on hollywood, an obscure Indian in a forum can think of it - why not anyone else, eh? (Then again, if the idea does come to them, I shudder to think of the kind of christo, possibly tie-wearing native American president they will bring onto a show ... Eeeewwwwwwwwww. That's like genociding them all over again. Rather continue to leave them out of it, then.) The reason they're not presidents on TV is because the idea is one of the deeper taboos in America, or else it is something that never even occurs to the minds of the christo-conditioned American populace. The same reasoning is behind why the native American situation is more censored than the race issue is in this presidency.
BO did massive cheating in primary, media is vitually silent on. After seeing left media love fest with BO, I can say Bush was blamed for Florida, or Republican snatched that election, I don't think so. Al Gore lost because he was unable to win his own state and Florida was very close result and left media made issue and cried foul play etc. It was all created by media.

Hindus or India should not wait, that one day some external power will lift them up or destroy them. Till Hindus or India had its inner strength they are pretty safe. American President should look for its country or its people interest. Same Indian leader should do, look for its own interest and interest of its people. For India or Hindus, whether its McMain or HC or BHO it should not matter.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From what I read here, BO is christo-conditioned.
If BO was genuinely interested in righting the wrongs of oppressed populations in America - that is, if he were sincere<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
No, he is just a politican, with his thin political record only skin color is helping him, for left media its like new circus in town.

He is able to turn this debate from anti-american preaching in Black church to race. Right media is not ready to surrender yet.

I don't think he can win election, only democrats may try to cut Clintons influency in DNC.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Mar 22 2008, 09:31 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Mar 22 2008, 09:31 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hindus or India should not wait, that one day some external power will lift them up or destroy them. Till Hindus or India had its inner strength they are pretty safe. American President should look for its country or its people interest. Same Indian leader should do, look for its own interest and interest of its people. For India or Hindus, whether its McMain or HC or BHO it should not matter.
[right][snapback]79912[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I agree.
Besides, whether McCain, HC or BO or anyone else is presiding, their foreign policy will be the same anyways. If it's not erstwhile Yugoslavia, India or ME it will be Russia. Every 'obstacle' for Amerika gets a turn, just like under B Clinton it was Yugoslavia's turn.
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Mar 22 2008, 06:30 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Mar 22 2008, 06:30 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->(2) the success of the solution will show where the other side had gone wrong and what all was necessary to make things better. Even if the past can't be righted, the present can.

solution is furthest thing from their minds and is probably impossible given the overarching dispensation of their society. even their liberal discourse on "human rights" is structured as an unsurpassed psy-ops weapon. solution for them consists in perfecting this "human rights" discourse so that it is no longer dissonant with the victims. in the interim, we need to be like chinese and start condemning pope on pedophilia, etc. this should at least keep them reigned inside their own dysfunctional schizophrenic world. there are enough internal discontents to keep them occupied with themselves instead of meddling with asia. just the very fact that someone with mild black nationalist leanings (even though he is conditioned as an oprah type christian) has gotten very far in their process means that future will be along these lines for the americans. this is sign that massa is getting careless.

<img src='http://www.the13thstory.com/krg/HomelandSecurity1492.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Mar 22 2008, 04:44 AM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Mar 22 2008, 04:44 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->..HC is better. At least she will not interfere with India. BO will expand this "Dalit" thing, since that is the first thing a naive american will do if he asks "scholars" about India. A true understanding of INdia is well beyond any american, and the best we can hope for is for someone with enough India-experience (and less church experience) to stay neutral. IMO.

He will give nuanced lecture about Aryans and Sudroids to Indians. There's no doubt about it. He is typical christian with meddlesome personality and opinion on everything. He has been brought in to straighten out the human rights discourse.

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