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Jammu And Kasmir
<b>Bomb blast hits Kashmir bus route</b> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Security is tight after militant threats
A bomb blast on the route of a landmark bus service in Kashmir has wounded at least seven people, police say.
The explosion, at Hanjivira on India's side of the Line of Control, came two days before the first buses are due to link the divided territory.

Two other landmines on the route were defused, police said. A dry run for the bus was secretly conducted on Monday.

Militants opposing Indian rule have told people to boycott the bus and authorities have tightened security.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Well, well, well, Mr Aziz, did it take over 30 years from the enactment of their state Constitution for the Kashmiris to realise this so-called denial of freedom and basic rights to them? Why did the terrorism and ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits begin from about 1986 in Anantnag to 1990 and thereafter in the entire valley as well as Muslim majority areas bordering it from the Jammu side?

The first question brooks no reply. Answers to the second question will be available only with Pakistan's ISI and, perhaps, only in the anonymous diary in a small packet abandoned near the mound of rubble of one of the scores of burnt and vandalised homes of Kashmiri Pandits in Srinagar.

Getting the packet from a retired BSF officer, the diary in it has now been converted by Tej Dhar, a professor of English in a north-east African university, into a riveting book that is at once realistic and melancholic. Titled Under the shadow of militancy -- the diary of an unknown Kashmiri (Rupa & Co, 2002), the book is an account of what an ordinary, unknown man saw, experienced and reflected upon between the months of February and August 1990 -- August 23 to be precise because a half-blank page has that date, the date of the last entry obviously.

Space limits extensive quotes from that remarkable document, but pearls from just three pages therein provide logic as to why terrorism took root and spread in J&K. Here they are below for the benefit of Mr Aziz and all those ignorant ones from India to Islamabad and from Whitehall to Washington.

- 'Is this violence a resurgence of the early phase of Islam, some kind of atavistic reawakening, or is it something new? My friends in the valley say that it is a new Pan-Islamic awareness, for Muslims are now dreaming of controlling the entire world. My friend Raju often quotes H G Wells on this: wherever the Muslims are in a minority, they plead for democratic rights; but where they are in a majority, they fight for a theocracy.

- 'Our Communist friends in New Delhi explain it (violence) in purely secular terms. It is no religious war, they say; it is the downtrodden rising up against the classes which have been dominating the entire population of the Muslims. George Fernandes, who is a special minister for Kashmir affairs, visited the city several times, met hundreds of Muslims, and gave statement after statement that the community was aggrieved they were inadequately represented in the services. People like him should have known that Sheikh Abdullah and the chief ministers who followed him had devised a special preferential policy for Muslims, because of which jobs could not have gone to the Pandits.

- 'The Pir spoke vehemently against all the older leaders of Kashmir for their lack of respect for the faith. Quite significantly, he spoke approvingly of Gilani who, as an elected member of the legislative assembly of the state, once quoted a verse from the Koran right on the floor of the House to prove how the secular ideal was a falsity legitimised by politicians.

-'Everywhere we heard stories of more and more people enlisting for going across the border. In fact, going across had become synonymous with adventure. Pakistani agents had succeeded in raising a large band of highly motivated local agents in the valley, who used all conceivable ways to enlist more people into their fold. Wherever it became necessary, they tempted them with huge offers of money, which they gave them or to their parents. The entire operation was labelled Jihad, which no Muslim could dare to oppose.'

You want that Diary, Mr Aziz? Just ask our PM.

Arvind Lavakare rips a new one into Aziz
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>No peace for security forces </b>
Mohit Kandhari / Jammu
As passengers on the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad peace bus prepare themselves to undertake the journey of their lifetime, security forces in Jammu & Kashmir went about their routine business of going through stringent security drills to safeguard the lives of passengers and hundreds of special guests eager to witness the historic event besides preparing coffins of their colleagues to be sent back home.

<b>Leave alone Kashmir, even Jammu, Rajouri, Doda and Poonch districts are witnessing rise in militant activities in the run up to the peace bus</b>. In 2005, 125 militants lost their lives while 67 civilians and 20 security personnel were attacked by militants.

Sources told <b>The Pioneer that Intelligence agencies have been receiving intercepts from across the border directing the militant groups to engage media attention at this crucial hour. This also explains why militants are strategically targeting security installations in the State</b>, sources said.

There is no scaledown in militant activity coinciding with the biggest peace initiatives. Surprisingly, <b>infiltration bids and militant attacks are on the rise, admit security agencies</b>. On Tuesday, security forces <b>recovered IEDs weighing 130 kgs on the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus route</b>.

In another incident, security forces foiled an unsuccessful infiltration bid by militants from across <b>the LoC in Sunderbani in the wee hours, losing two jawans in the ensuing gunbattle</b>. <b>Three security personnel were also injured in the fierce gunbattle which lasted more than an hour.</b>

According to the defence spokesperson, security forces had noticed some suspicious movement near the Akhni nallah in Sunderbani in the wee hours. "When we chased them they opened fire on the security forces in which two jawans lost their lives while the militants managed to escape to the other side of the border taking advantage of the dull light," the spokesperson added.

As per the figures in the past, <b>security forces have killed more than half a dozen dreaded militants in Poonch and Rajouri districts alone and have recovered a huge cache of explosive material in North Kashmir along the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus route and a disposable rocket launcher in Doda district </b>
<b>Militants attack complex lodging bus passengers, 2 ultras killed</b>
First yatra should be done by whole Congress party.
What are they doing in India???

Braving terror threats, Kashmiris bridge the divide

Indo-Asian News Service

Srinagar, April 7, 2005|18:27 IST

Braving death threats, emotional but joyous Kashmiris on Thursday crossed a historic land bridge in Kashmir to herald the launch of an epoch-making bus service between India and Pakistan.

A day after terrorists carried out a challenging attack in Srinagar in an attempt to derail the land link, a white luxurious bus pulled out of the Sher-e-Kashmir sports stadium with 21 men and women after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ceremonially flagged it off.

A short time later, another luxury bus, this one painted in merging green and yellow, started its journey from Muzaffarabad, capital of Pakistani occupied Kashmir, becoming the first to reach the Line of Control (LoC). Srinagar is separated from Muzaffarabad by 172 km.

At the border, with prayers on their lips, the men and women crossed a freshly done up bridge, becoming the first Kashmiris in over five decades to legally set foot on each other's soil after taking a bus through winding mountain routes.

The passengers became visibly emotional as Indian and Pakistani officials greeted them with bouquets. An elderly woman from Pakistan in a wheel chair had moist eyes while the younger ones waved to television cameras wildly.

The passengers crossed the bridge after customs and immigration formalities and got into the buses of each other countries, for their onward journey to Srinagar and Muzaffarabad.

"It is a great day for Kashmir," said National Conference president Omar Abdullah, one of the VIPs who witnessed the bus launch in the company of the Prime Minister, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed.

The young Abdullah's comments reflected a widely held opinion on both sides of the border of Kashmir.
oh im sorry...i didnt saw this topic...i used the search engine...but kashmir is written in a wrong way.

anywayss...India MUST get back azad kashmir and china-kashmir beforce giving peace mesages!!
Received via email

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From: FACT USA
To: Mayank Shekhar
Cc: Francois Gautier
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: FACT: An exhibition on Kashmir: "A Glimpse of a Trragedy without an
End ..."

Re: An exhibition on Kashmir: "A Glimpse of a Tragedy Without an End ."

Dear Sir or Madam:

Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism, or FACT, was incorporated in the United States in October 2004. FACT was created based on the work of François Gautier, a French journalist and writer living in India who has been covering India and South Asia as a political correspondent for numerous newspapers, including Journal de Genève, Le Figaro, and Ouest-France. Francois Gautier was awarded the prestigious Natchiketa award of excellence in journalism by the Prime Minister  of India. He used the prize money to mount an exhibition of the plight of the Kashmiri Hindus, which was shown successfully in Delhi, Bangalore, Poland, Germany, Israel, England, and is now due to travel to the U.S.

FACT is coordinating the arrival of this exhibition on Kashmir, "A Glimpse of a Tragedy Without an End", to! the U.S.  FACT will also organize conferences and lectures to raise awareness of the gross neglect of human values in the Kashmir valley. FACT is a non-profit organization (tax exemption in process). More information is available at www.factusa.org (site continuously being updated.)

FACT solicits funds and generous donations from one and all to accomplish this humanitarian cause. We are beginning a nationwide fund-raising effort. Your donation of any amount would be appreciated, nevertheless a minimum suggested donation is $50. We are also looking for a few generous supporters (either individuals or companies) who believe in this cause to donate large sums of money to help us reach our goal of $50,000. (Please also note that individual donors may be able to get their places of employment to match their charitable donation.) You ma! y send your tax-deductible donation to:

P.O. Box 540892
Houston, TX 77254-0892

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Rahul Pandit, M.D.
Member, National Board of Directors
Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism, U.S.A.
What Do "we" Really Want in Kashmir? suzanne_olsson

Well Tariq, your question got me to thinking what a struggle I've been
through all these past years just trying to rescue my ancestors' bones in
Kashmir...and so of course myself, and many others, know exactly what
it is we wish for ourselves in Kashmir. I think this might represent a fair
outline...and as you'll see it consists of barely a few acres of steep
hill...not very much to ask for in the scheme of the greater world is it?
So here goes:::::

What I (we) would like as our stake in the future of Kashmir:

First, the return of the entire hilltop known as Takht-i-Sulaiman, as a
family "memorial"…because this was built by my ancestral grandfather.

The return of the rod of Issa from Aish Muquam to Roza Bal.

An entire new Board of Directors for Roza Bal; the Board is to be given
control over the entire of Roza Bal, and all contents, including but not
limited to those removed from the tomb for "safe-keeping" elsewhere.
The new Board is to prepare a new charter which will specify the
duties, responsibilities, terms of office, elections, number of Board
members, voting guidelines, , and financial prudence governing all
aspects of the family relics and remains.

To use DNA and all modern technology as research tools for Roza Bal,
at the selection and discretion of the new Directors, with the intention of
proving the claims and historicity of the living family as rightful heirs and

To move the ancestral remains, and all physical contents of Roza Bal
(including but not limited to items that have been removed) to a new
museum-mausoleum to be built from private funds atop Takht-i-
Sulaiman Hill.

If other family members' remains can be retrieved from elsewhere, the
goal would be to unite as many of them as possible together atop
Solomon's Hill. For example, one grandmother died while traveling, and
is interred near Kashgar, China. Efforts should be made to acquire her
remains from the Chinese government and unite her with her family
here.There are other relatives' graves on verge of extinction that we
would also like to recover and bring to the same location here.

The two other choices for the new mausoleum and museum would be
atop Hari Parbat hill, or at Martand Sun Temple, which was also built by
this family's ancestors. But first choice would be as stated, at Solomon's
Hill in honor of our ancestor who built it.

The new Board of Directors would be independent of any Government
or religious interests, and may consist of multi-denominational
members. The new Board shall collect donations and funds raised
worldwide for the continued maintenance of the mausoleum and
museum, and may use a percentage of surplus funds donated back to
Kashmir as aid for education and health.

You may all have the rest of Kashmir. We seek very little, just our claim
to the remains of our ancestors , in order that we can re-unite them,
protect them, restore their rightful heritage, and preserve them for
eternity. We feel strongly that is our right and our duty to them.

Thank You.
Hello Saja,
To answer your query, in fact most of what I stated is well known in
Srinagar. When I began my work there concerning our family graves,
CM Faoorq Abdullah was still in office... I was at his office on half a
dozen occassions ..although I never met him directly, we were in
contact through his office (or so I was told) .I was even asked for maps
showing where the graves were...which I provided...

At that time I was assured I could probaly get the top of Hari Parbat Hill
with little difficulty..as a place to move the graves and build the new
museum. I had no reason to doubt it would not happen. Evenings we
gazed up at the fort and imagine our ancestors there and the world
coming to visit...and Kashmir being free and thriving..

But there was a last minute leak to the press and it caused a lot of
embaressment to everyone and a temporary end to the project...
I know it's a sensitive area of discussion for many, but it does involved
two sides returning something taken from us ...

The Hindus have claimed Solomon's Temple as Chankacharaya Hill.
There are historical records how they threw down the hillside the
contents of Solomon's Temple, and installed their own shiva lingam and
other objects of Hindu worship....they only started calling it
Chankacharaya Hill about 100 years ago....previous to that they had
shown more respect...but not lately...as every effort was made to hide
the true origins of the Temple...

Then Roza Bal is a similar situation because now it is proclaimed
a "Muslim" saint is there, and no one else is allowed access, especially
for prayer...unless of course on is Muslim...but it's the same a Solomon
Hill..it is totally Hindu there now...unrecognizable and no records of its
past are known to the locals..

At Roza Bal, records exist that predate Islam to prove there were other
caretakers and a different faith of people maintaining the tomb.....As
with the Hindus at Solomon's Hill, , things started being removed from
the tomb (which is a very bad omen especially if one believes in Heaven
and Hell).........it's created a terrible dilema for the true heirs an their
historical identity...

I have been in contact with the original Thomasian Church which had
been in Kashmir since the year 1AD (2004 years ago) They had always
been responsible for maintaining these sites until they were forced to
flee the militancy nearly fifteen years ago...they have a wealth of
information about the true history of these sites...sadly, one branch in
Canada contacted me about a year ago alarmed because they'd seen a
Kashmiri shrine for sale in EBay.....

Hindus cremate their dead...but Muslims bury their dead and often have
a small stone markerabove the grave....now imagine if for a thousand
years your family regularly attended to the grave of your ancestral
grandfather as a responsibility and duty....Then one day it's your turn to
tend the grave so you go to the cemetary...but now the headstone is
removed and the name changed from "Saja Mohammed" ( a Muslim
name) to "Shlomo Mogen David" (a Hebrew name) and you were
denied access because you are a different faith....how would you feel?

name changes alter or hide a true identity...Solomon's Hill is NOT
Chankacharaya Hill! And Roza Bal is NOT some obscure Muslim
saint...these are Holy sites to our immediate family, and to see their
names changed and their true history obscured is wrong. Further the
deceased cannot be converted post-humously to another faith whether
Hindu or Muslim!

At first everyone in Kashmir was wonderful...we were really going to
make this happen and set the wrongs right! But as I said, someone
leaked the story to the press and the project collapsed....at least for
time being...

I have already consulted lawyers in Srinagar and New Delhi...and this
case could be won in court..however I believe that wouldn't be
necessary....it is only necessary to ask, and it shall be granted without a
lot of drama in the High Courts....just a simple handshake will do...

....and that's what we continue to do.....just ask nicely to be allowed to
restore the truth and our ancestors' true names....the new CM seems a
very approachable man and we have a lot of faith in him...so I believe
we will get our ancestors restored in the next few years..perhaps even
sooner...it will be the answer to our prayers....and for sure a great new
era for Kashmir without another shot having to be fired from a gun.
If you have any thoughts or fresh new ideas on this subject, please do
share them!If these were your ancestors, what would YOU do?

time will tell if God will answer our prayers.

. :-)

Happy Holi to my Hindu friends! Happy Easter to my Christian friends...

Kindest regards,
I don't get it, Why Madmohan and Sonia went to J&K to flag new bus but Mushy opted to stay at home? Why only Indian side is so gaga about it?
In order to strengthen the unity of our Kashmiri identity we should rename the regions that currently divide us. The name "Azad Jammu and Kashmir" should be discarded in favour of "West Kashmir". And the valley should be called "East Kashmir". This way, our goal of national liberation will become more understandable.

Any Bostonians attend or know about this:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Kashmir: A Complicated Paradise
Where : Library Lecture Room,
Clapp Library
Welllesley College
Wellesley,Massachusetts 02481

[Location Map]
When : Tuesday, Apr 12, 2005 @ 07:00 PM
Admission : Free and open to the public. There will be a dinner reception after the discussion.
Contact :  Devyani Parameshwar / Bani Bedi
Phone : 781~283-7759,
Email for Information
Hosted By :  Wellesley Association for South Asian Cultures

The speakers selected will each present a different perspective on the disputed region of Kashmir addressing issues such as humanitarian conditions, domestic politics, the region's strategic importance, as well as ideas for possible solutions to the conflict. In addition, the discussion aims to represent the views of the Kashmiri people along with those of the Indian and Pakistani governments.

Our speakers include:
- Ravina Aggarwal
- Adil Najam
- Micheal Krepon
- Farooq Kathwari

Directions to Wellesley College: http://www.wellesley.edu/Admin/travel.html

Important Note: Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details before attending an event. Sulekha is not responsible for any changes or cancellations of the events.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<b>A TALE OF MANY PMs AND A TRAIN</b> <!--emo&:ind--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/india.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='india.gif' /><!--endemo-->

<b>Indian policemen patrol guard the Jammu-Udhampur railway track on the outskirts of Jammu. (Photo: Reuters)</b>

UDHAMPUR (J-K): Prime Minister Manmohan Singh flagged-off a 52-km train service through the Himalayas from Jammu to Udhampur on Wednesday, exactly 22 years after Indira Gandhi laid the foundation stone for the ambitious railway project.

The project has seen eight prime ministers come and go before it finally took shape, crossing many geological hurdles and shortage of funds.

It was a rainy day in April 1983 when the then prime minister Indira Gandhi, protected by a large umbrella, laid the foundation stone for the Rs 520 million ($12 million) Jammu-Udhampur rail link.

<b>An Indian policeman stands guard inside a railway tunnel on the outskirts of Jammu. (Photo: Reuters)</b>

She heard the loud complaint of then chief minister Farooq Abdullah that "the centre announces projects, but never completes those in time".

Gandhi, who had by that time decided that her Congress party was not going to have any alliance with Abdullah's National Conference in the June 1983 assembly elections, retorted: "You take it from me, and I assure all of you that this train would be running on time in five years from now."

A rain-drenched crowd cheered the announcement. And the dream of the first train to the Himalayas took off.

<b>The train covering a 54 km journey would pass through 20 tunnels and over 100 bridges. (Photo: Reuters)</b>

Five years later in 1988, Indira Gandhi's son and then prime minister Rajiv Gandhi came to the state to commission the first phase of the Salal hydroelectric project in Udhampur district.

He was addressing a rally in the town of Reasi when state Congress chief Ghulam Rasool Kar commented, "I would be delighted if my grandchildren would see the train run."

After all, the five-year deadline had passed and the rail link was still in its infancy, managing only Rs.10 million to Rs 20 million a year from the railway ministry.

<b>A train enters a tunnel during a trial run at Udhampur. Once extended, the train link will connect Srinagar with rest of the country by 2008. (Photo: Reuters)</b>

Rajiv Gandhi took up the bait and promised, pointing towards Kar: "Kar Sahib, this train will run in your lifetime, and you will board it." The words, which met with huge applause, have proved prophetic. Kar is in his eighties and has indeed lived to see the train chugging through the mountain passes.

Two prime ministers, V P Singh and Chandra Shekhar, did not visit Jammu and Kashmir. And Congress' P V Narasimha Rao did visit the state for the 1996 parliamentary elections, but never travelled to Udhampur to say a word on the train.

His successors H D Deve Gowda and Inder Kumar Gujral did speak out, promising that the rail link would be extended to the valley. But still the train to Udhampur did not steam in.

<b>The final trial run of Jammu-Udhampur rail link was conducted on saturday. The service was flagged-off by Prime Minster Manmohan Singh on Wednesday. (Photo: PTI)</b>

And then came Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who did not make any commitments, but enhanced the allocation of funds for the project.

Well, the rail line, which negotiates some sharp curves and boasts of more than 150 bridges and 20 tunnels through some of the most beautiful parts of the state, is ready.

And it falls on Vajpayee's successor Manmohan Singh to launch the train linking the two halves of Jammu and Kashmir, just as he flagged off the bus service connecting the two Kashmirs just six days ago

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>7 killed in separate incidents in J&K </b>
Agencies/ Srinagar
Seven persons, including four terrorists of the Al badr outfit, were killed in separate terrorism-related incidents in Jammu and Kashmir since Thursday night, a defence spokesman on Friday.

Acting on specific information about the presence of terrorists, a joint search party of Rashtriya Rifles and police laid a cordon around Kanyir village in Chadoora tehsil, 25 kilometre from Srinagar on Thursday.

Four terrorists of the Al badr group, including chief commander of the Pakistan-based outfit 'general Umar alias Y-nine, were killed in the encounter, which lasted for nearly 24 hours, the spokesman said.

While the body of one of the terrorists was recovered Thursday night, three more bodies of terrorists were recovered from the debris of the gutted house this afternoon, the spokesman said.
came in email:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Press release: panel discussion on terrorism in Kashmir in Washington DC

File: audience01
Audience listening to panelists during the discussion session session.

File: Audience02
Question/Answer session with the panelists. Several Indians and Pakistanis participated in the question/answer session

File: Panelists
From Left to right: Sanjay Tikku, Subodh Atal, Vikram Misri and Peter Bergen.
Mr Hussain Haqqani coudl not participate due to health reasons.

Press Release

Panel Discussion on “Terrorism in Kashmir: Threat of Expanding Global Jihad in South Asia

April 15, 2005
Website: http://desiumd.org/panel

Washington DC was host to a panel discussion focusing on the effects of terrorism in Kashmir and the threat of expanding Global Jihad on the population of the Indian subcontinent with specific focus of Kashmir. The event was hosted at University of Maryland, College Park on April 10, 2005.

The discussion, attended by over 125 people and watched online by more than 60 others included experts from CNN, Indian embassy and several think tanks in Washington DC as well as community members from India and Pakistan.


An Indian community, that had to bear the brunt of terrorism for the past two decades in the Indian Subcontinent, found voice for the first time on a US university campus. The panelists included Mr. Peter Bergen, CNN's terrorism analyst and a fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington D.C, an Adjunct Professor at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University and Dr. Subhash Kak, a Delaune distinguished professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Science at Louisiana State University and a renowned authority on ancient Indian science and technology. Other panelists included Mr. Vikram Misri, Political counselor for Indian embassy in Washington D.C., who previously served as political counselor in the Indian mission in Islamabad, Pakistan from August 2000-September 2003, Dr. Subodh Atal, an independent foreign policy analyst based near Washington DC who specializes in geopolitics in South and Central Asia, the war on terror and the implications of US grand strategy and Mr. Sanjay Tiku, a Kashmiri Hindu born and brought up in Srinagar, Kashmir who like other more than 300,000 civilians, was forced to leave the valley due to terrorist violence and threats in 1990.

Dr Hussain Haqqani, the former Advisor to Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif and a fellow at the Carnegie Peace Endowment, could not participate because of health reasons.

The panel discussion was followed by an hour-long interactive Q&A session moderated by Mr. Utsav Chakrabarty. A young professional from Baltimore area, Mr. Chakrabarty, is actively involved in designing an exhibition on Kashmir which will be inaugurated in Washington D.C. in July, 2005.

The discussion began with Dr. Kak giving an overview of the rich history of Kashmir going back to about 5000 years. He gave numerous examples of how Kashmir had contributed to various aspects of the Hindu culture in areas of philosophy, arts and sculpture and which are practiced even today in different parts of East Asia. He noted that after the fall of Soviet Russia in the late 1980s, the people of Pakistan who were bitterly against the idea of a democratic Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir decided to use the Jihadi extremism to snatch Kashmir away from India. This was done by forcing the Muslim population to follow the ways of orthodox extreme Islam which was very similar to what happened in Java, Indonesia. He went on to say that ideas of the extremist groups in Pakistan who support accession of Kashmir using force and terror are naive and the need of the hour was to focus on issues pertaining to progress and development.

Mr Peter Bergen delved in detail on the connection between Afghanistan terrorism in Kashmir. He explained that the fall of Soviet Union in 1980s prompted the Mujahideens (Islamic Holy warriors) of Afghanistan to focus their efforts on Kashmir. This, coupled with General Musharraf's (Pakistan's army chief) open declaration that Kashmir is a Jihad, led to the insurgency in the Kashmir valley. Mr. Bergen was successful in connecting the terrorist organizations active in Kashmir with the global network of pan-Islamic terrorists. He also gave examples of growing co-operation between Al-Qaida and various Kashmiri terrorist organizations. For e.g., the terrorist group involved in the hijacking of Indian Airlines flight in December of 1999 later worked very closely with Al-Qaida in the killing of, Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter, in 2002. He also noted that several jihadi groups are popular in Pakistan and with the LeT having about 2200 offices across the country with more than 100,000 active members.

According to Mr. Vikram Misri, one of the main reasons for the Kashmir problem was the lack of self-identity on the part of Pakistan. In late 1980, Pakistan unleashed a state policy of jihadi terror in Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir in the hopes of using the "sword of Islam" to intimidate India, which had worked successful against USSR. He emphasized that the insurgents active in Kashmir are not mere militants but terrorists. He said that India will continue to combat terror in Kashmir and also assist the evolution of a polity which will make a stable environment for solving the problem of Jammu and Kashmir. He was of the opinion that modernization and religious moderation of Pakistan will lead to a stable relation between India and Pakistan.

Dr. Subodh Atal shed light on the US policies towards Pakistan. He emphasized how the US has turned a blind eye towards the terrorist activities and terrorist groups promoted by Pakistan and focuses on countries which have comparatively far less to do with terrorism. He presented facts like that Pakistan is left out of the list of state-sponsors of terrorism from 1990 to 2000.  He said that the US continued to ignore the signs of 9/11, including the fact that the then ISI chief may be involved in the funding for Sep 11, 2001. He insisted that it is in the interest of both India and Pakistan to solve the problem bilaterally without any interference from third part.

Mr. Sanjay Tiku gave a personal narrative of how his innocent and idyllic childhood was marred by terrorism based on a distorted ideology of extreme religious exclusivity that engulfed the Kashmir valley. His family was one of the 3,00,000 families that were uprooted overnight and were forced to move from a 5-story bungalow to a dingy makeshift house. He sadly noted that his community is the first ever to be refugees in their own country. He urged the world community to understand the framework of religion-based terrorist organizations so that such tragedies don't recur. He also appealed to the world community to help his community as they are still trying to come to terms to the sudden tragic events that unfolded.

The audience was interested in knowing the history behind and the present scenario of the terrorist attacks in the Kashmir valley, the measures taken by the security forces to safe guard civilian interests and the future of Kashmiri Hindus.

The panelists and the audience agreed that efforts should be undertaken to spread awareness about terrorism fueled by extremist ideologies around the world and to work closely to combat such terrorist activities.

The event was compered by Anupama Ramchandran (volunteer from DESI). Vijayakala Vydeeswaran, DESI president, gave a brief introduction of DESI and its goals. She also concluded the event with the vote of thanks. The panel discussion drew an audience of about 125 people including students and professors from various nationalities, young professionals in the regions, medial personnel and distinguished members of the community. The event was also webcast live and was viewed by about 60 people from various locations in and outside the US.

DESI ( http://www.desiumd.org ) gratefully acknowledges the support extended to this event by Foundation Against Continuing
Terrorism (FACT) http://www.factusa.org. FACT is an initiative to raise awareness about terrorism through exhibitions, conferences and awareness drives. DESI is also thankful to Graduate Students Government, UMD for supporting the event. Thanks are also due to various groups like Kashmir Overseas Association (KOA),  Panun Kashmir, TerPAC, USINPAC and the numerous community groups for their support and encouragement. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>3 Pak terrorists killed in J&K gun battle </b>
Agencies/ Jammu
Three Pakistani terrorists, including an area commander, were killed in a gun battle with security forces in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir on Monday, official sources said.

An encounter took place between terrorists and troops in Serya area in the district when troops launched area specific operation on Monday afternoon, they said.

In the gun battle, three Pakistani terrorists were killed and three AK rifles, seven magazines, 110 rounds, nine grenades, three IEDs and some documents were recovered from them, the sources said.

The slain terrorists have been identified as Abu Usma, LeT area commander, Abu Zuber and Toufiq, they said.

The operation is still going on, the sources said <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
ToI gets it right here..

These 'freedom fighters' are milking India

SRINAGAR: They may clamour for independence and think the Indian state draconian, one that has perpetuated control over Kashmir through its military might.

But when it comes to availing of resources of that state for their personal security and convenience, separatist leaders in Kashmir are very much Indian subjects, that too chosen ones who feel they even have a right to its misuse.

Living in palatial houses in upmarket colonies, protected by security personnel armed with lethal weapons, driving around in bulletproof cars with a red beacon flashing atop which they are not allowed to use, theirs is a life which seems much at odds with the cause they espouse.

The offices they operate from are no camps that "freedom fighters" would identify with.

<b>Located in posh residential colonies of Srinagar, these were purchased at throwaway prices — remember the mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley - or have been taken on rent. </b>

Even the woman separatist group, <b>Muslim Khawateen Markaz, works from a place as posh as Raj Bagh</b>.

Moderate or radical they may be, but as far as their offices are concerned, the Hurriyat factions have the same taste.

The moderates function from a splendid house at Raj Bagh — sources say it was <b>purchased for anything between Rs 10 to 14 lakh, its market price today is close to Rs 50 lakh — while Syed Ali Shah Geelani stokes his fundamentalist fire from a sprawling structure</b> not very far away.

Like at work, like at home. These leaders may hail from villages in north and south Kashmir, but today they are part of the urban elite, with residences in Sanatnagar, Hyderpora, Raj Bagh and Gojibagh in the capital.

<b>Syed Ali Shah Geelani’s house at Peer Bagh on Indira Gandhi airport road is conspicuous even from a distance, as is his party Tehreek-e-Hurriyat’s flag fluttering atop the structure, whose resemblance to the Pakistani flag is no coincidence</b>.

<b>Shabir Shah of the Democratic Freedom Party, who migrated from Anantnag to Srinagar after the outbreak of militancy, had initially acquired two houses in the Rawalpora area — where high court judges, bureaucrats and top police officials live — selling one of them later</b>.

The Jammu and Kashmir government had in 1988 banned use of beacon lights on vehicles and flags denoting affiliations, but for ministers and the chief secretary.

A ban was also imposed on air horns, besides tinted windows that allowed for less than 70 per cent transparency.

A senior traffic official admitted that the <b>separatist leaders, as also government officials and legislators, had not taken the rules seriously, roaming as they were in vehicles flashing the VIP insignia, red light, flag etc</b>.

Then, the security. Almost all prominent separatist leaders including Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Abdul Gani Bhat, Molvi Abbas Ansari,Shabir Shah, Bilal Lone, Sajad Lone and Aga Syed Hussan have been classified under one or the other security category, necessitating state cover for them.

On being questioned about the drain of resources that it entails, Jammu and Kashmir minister of state for home Abdul Rahman Veeri, said: "It is the responsibility of the government to provide security to the people in a welfare state like ours."

This was done after the leaders sought cover and its category depended on the threat perception in every individual case.

While Central Reserve Police Force personnel guard the two residential houses of the Lone brothers at Sanatnagar, the houses of all other secessionist leaders are guarded by personnel of Kashmir police.

That is not all the security they get.

Molvi Abbas Ansari, Bilal Lone, Sajad Lone and Mirwaiz Umar, who are placed in Z-plus security, also <b>travel in bullet-proof white Ambassadors provided by the government</b>, said police sources.

Mirwaiz Molvi Umar Farooq, chairman of moderate Hurriyat Conference, is shadowed by a Gypsy each in the front and rear when he travels, carrying 10 policemen.

His residence near the Hazratbal shrine is fortified by a platoon (24 men) of policemen, who ensure that even journalists keep away from him


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Indian Kashmir Land being given away to POK residents by Mufti

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mufti resurrects resettlement ghost from PoK--- The `sleeping' Resettlement Act wily-nilly has resurrected the communal ghost for the people of Jammu and Kashmir with a bus passenger from PoK filing claims for restoration of her ancestral property recently.

Farida Ghani, a Pakistani national who was on board Srinagar-Muzaffarabad peace bus, filed her claims demanding restoration of her ancestral property which her father had left in Kashmir before moving to Pakistan!

The ball was set rolling with an over zealous Chief Minister Mufti Mohd Sayeed promtly committing his government to evicting of those occupying the evacuee properties when their former owners return.

The immediate implication of implementation of the Act, observers feel, would be that it can bring more than two lakh Pakistanis, including descendants of those who were born in that country (many with training under Taliban) into Jammu and Kashmir.

The Act provides for the resettlement of those who migrated to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) between 1947 and 1950 if they choose to return to Jammu and Kashmir.

The Act had been adopted by the State Legislature in 1982 and it became a law. But to dilute criticism in various parts of the state and the Centre, it was referred to the then President for his opinion, who then referred it to the Supreme Court. For 19 years, the President's reference to the Supreme Court gathered dust untill the Bill was returned to the state in 2001.

The Chief Minister's stand has generated fear though the Supreme Court issued a stay on the Act. Political pundits here suggest that Mufti may reintroduce the Resettlement Act 1982 in the next Assembly session, if Supreme Court vacates its stay by then and is relying on the National Conference to see it through in both the Houses of the Assembly.

Suspecting Mufti Mohd Sayeed of pursuing a hidden agenda and changing the demography of the Jammu region, representatives of 12 refugee committes gathered here under the umbrella organization, the Joint Action Committee Evacuees Property occupants on Tuesday.

They leveled charges that the PDP-Congress Government is offering citizenship rights to those who are bonafide citizens of Pakistan and is going all out to secure their properties as well by keeping it under its direct charge. Those who live in Pakistan are offered citizenship, their properties are kept secured and are restored to them. If need be, their daughters continue to be the citizens of India and can claim their left over properties. While our daughters are denied rights over ancestral properties and citizenship and we still remain as aliens in our own home land, claimed agitated members.

They charged Mufti with trying to polarsie voters in Jammu region on communal lines to gain maximum advantage in the forthcoming Panchayat Elections.

The political parties, including the BJP, Congress and the Panthers Party, have started campaigning vociferously against the Act in the Jammu region.

Doubts have also been raised in the minds of the occupants what will happen to their homes once somebody from Pakistan lay claim on the property allotted to them by the Custodian Department of the Jammu and Kashmir Government. Mufti's stand has also pushed the Congress into a corner. On one hand, Deputy Chief Minister Mangat Ram Sharma went on record saying that they will pursue scrapping of the Act while Minister of State for Home Shri Prakash Jaiswal on Monday said its implementation would start the democratic process.

Coordinator of the Joint Action Committee Evacuees Property Occupants Rajinder Kumar Sharma told The Pioneer that the National Conference

had enacted the law for the rehabilitation of those who had migrated on their own to PoK. They did not think of resettlement of refugees who had been staying in Jammu for the past 54 years.

i'm obviously referring to the kashmir problem. in the light of the recent peace process, what do you think (i) is the likely solution, and (ii) the best solution, assuming (i) and (ii) are different.
You are obviously assuming Kashmir is some problem. That is exactly what Pak wants people to think. J&K is an integral part of India. Indians will administer it and it will choose how many troops are needed in J&K. Pakistan has no locus standi on the issues just like Indians have no locus standi on Pakistan provinces. The solution lies in Pakistan accepting this simple truth, stop sending terrorists and hand over POK back to us. If not, we should garb it whenever there is a future war between India & Pakistan.

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