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Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 05-26-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>KA Paul Charged with Being a Really Sketchy Dude</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Think about this guy had free access to US Government, deciding or manipulating foreign policy. He is a real smart crook, smarter then Natwarlal.

<b>read this</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Craig, Good for's about time someone expose this creep for who he really is. I have personally had to deal with him and his "lewd and lascivious" behavior...but we can save that story for a rainy day. It makes me ill to think about what he is doing to young girls all around the world in the name of religion. To all the donors out there who have given or are still giving money to support Global Peace Initiative ( GPI )or Gospel to the Unreached Millions
( GUM ), I hope you realize that not all of your money is going to support orphans and widows in Charity City, located in India, but on the contrary, it is being used to fund "lewd and lascivious acts", sexual acts that is, in expensive Presidential suites in top dollar hotels around the world. I know this to be a fact because my father was Paul’s right hand man until he disappeared on Sept. 3, 2007. Paul was the last person to see him, and refuses to speak to our family regarding my father's disappearance. Paul is not a man of God, nor is he a healer, Spiritual Advisor, Doctor, or man of influence. Rather, he is an EVIL predator of the weak, a user, a liar, a thief, a backstabbing friend and husband, and now we can add child molester to the list...and my personal opinion is that he may even be a murderer.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 05-26-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+May 26 2007, 09:54 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ May 26 2007, 09:54 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>read this</b>
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->he (Paul) is an EVIL predator of the weak, a user, a liar, a thief, a backstabbing friend and husband, and now we can add child molester to the list...and my personal opinion is that he may even be a murderer.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]69348[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Wow. Describing quite a few Indian christos there - just counting a few that have been in the spotlight recently: the FIACONA president who tried to throttle someone, many of the priesties in Kerala churches who've been abusing and murdering poor Indian women who'd been given up to those churches to become nuns, that christian Ratlam hospital steeped in infanticide, and the frequent Indian christo child-molestor. What else is new. Ah, christianity has a such a 'benign' influence all over the world. Meanwhile, how many converts to Buddhism in the world have behaved this way? What's that? Total silence? I wonder what that means.

That link has a picture they've captioned with: "Maybe he's got a future with the Catholic Church." But he might as well stick to some Baptist Church. They're all the same with their disgusting child terrorising tactics.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - acharya - 05-28-2007

Indian laws put Christian missionaries on defensive

By Mian Ridge, Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor Wed May 23, 4:00 AM ET

Shimla, India - The walls of Lajja Devi's spartan house are plastered with Hindu images: blue-skinned Lord Krishna playing the flute; the warrior goddess Durga, brandishing a knife in each of her eight hands; barefoot, saffron-robed priests.

But only weeks before, every picture in the house was Christian. Ms. Devi, who lives in Shimla, the capital of the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, was born a Hindu but willingly converted to Christianity five years ago. <b>She returned to Hinduism in a "ghar vapasi" – literally, homecoming – ritual with more than 100 others in February.

"I am back home now; I am much happier," says Devi, beaming.</b>

Her especially noisy, colorful ceremony was held to generate publicity for a new law passed in Himachal Pradesh earlier in February, banning forced religious conversions.

To others, however, Himachal Pradesh's anticonversion law and its "re-conversion" ceremonies give little cause for happiness. Rather, they are a troubling indication of a rising intolerance toward India's tiny Christian minority.

Hindu nationalists have long claimed that a rapacious band of "alleluia wallahs" is threatening India's Hindu identity. There may be some truth in these claims – there have been fears, even within India's Christian minority, that an expansionist evangelical movement is proslytizing too aggressively among India's poorest people.

But recently, these concerns have been used to justify a number of violent attacks on missionaries, and an increase in controversial anticonversion laws.

The law's title seems ironic, given its terms. Anyone wishing to switch religions must inform the district magistrate 30 days before or risk a fine. If a person converts another "by the use of force or by inducement or by any other fraudulent means," they may be imprisoned for up to two years, fined, or both. The law is silent, however, on the subject of "reconversions."

Now, the multiplication of these laws is causing concerns beyond India. The US State Department's report on human rights practices, published in March, expressed concerns over "attempts by state and local governments to limit religious freedom" and the "promulgation of antireligious conversion laws."

The various iterations on the reconversion laws are only one part of India's abiding Hindu nationalism. On May 9, TV channels broadcast footage of two missionaries accused of forcibly converting Hindus being paraded through the streets of Kolhapur in Maharashtra by an angry mob. A week earlier, a pastor in Jaipur, Rajasthan, was brutally beaten on the same grounds.

Yet violence against Christian missionaries is more the exception than the rule. More commonly, anti-Christian antipathy in India is expressed through anticonversion laws. When Himachal Pradesh passed its Freedom of Religion Bill in February, it became the fifth state in India to do so.

A lack of evidence
In Shimla, a pretty town in the foothills of the Himalayas, where British colonialists kept their summer capital, most modern conversions take place in indigenous, home-based churches.

"We are a growing and powerful church," says the pastor of one home-based church who asks to remain anonymous. "We don't want any trouble. We aren't forcibly converting anyone; we're just telling them the truth."

Because his church has no conversion rite, this pastor says it is impossible to inform authorities of the intention to convert. But what really bothers him is the way "inducement" is defined in the law.

"Inducement," states the law, "shall include the offer of any gift or gratification, either in cash or in kind or grant of any benefit either pecuniary or otherwise."

"That could mean anything," protests the pastor. "In our culture it is traditional to give food. In Christianity, it is traditional to feed the poor."

He denies, of course, that his church ever forces Hindus to adopt Christianity. And indeed, no one in the state has been arrested for such a crime.

The politics of religious conversion
In other states with anticonversion laws, there are no reliable records or statistics for arrests or convictions, but reports by nongovernmental organizations and media suggest that accusations of forced conversion are rare.

But in India, political expediency often fills the void left by a lack of evidence. Next March, when Himachal Pradesh goes to the polls, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is expected to mount a serious challenge to the ruling Congress Party. Every other anticonversion law has been passed in states ruled by the BJP. Himachal Pradesh is the first state in which the traditionally secular Congress Party, which also heads the central government, has passed the law.

Elsewhere in India, Hindutva, the teaching that India is a Hindu nation and that Christians and Muslims are outsiders, has proved a powerful vote-winner for the BJP. By contrast, the ruling Congress party is increasingly perceived as promoting a softer version of Hindutva.

"Sonia Gandhi [the Congress leader] is personally opposed to anticonversion laws," says Asghar Ali Engineer, director of the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism in Mumbai (Bombay).

"But the minute she appears to be standing up for Christians, she is condemned as a foreigner, a Christian, someone who shouldn't be running a Hindu country," says Mr. Ali. "If things go on like this, more governments will pass more anticonversion laws in the future. It's a frightening prospect."

Himachal Pradesh's legislation is also shocking because the state has so few Christians: less than 8,000 out of more than 6 million, or about 0.1 percent. Nationally, Hindus form 82 percent of the population, Muslims 13 percent, and Christians less than 3 percent.

But Tarsem Bharti, president of the Himachal Pradesh chapter of the All India Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Mahasangh, a charity which works with lower castes, claims that the Christian population is bigger than the official figures suggest.

He says he first became aware of the reach of missionaries while looking through his organization's membership forms. "Hundreds were describing themselves as 'Hindu-Christians,' " says Mr. Bharti, who is also a member of the BJP and helped organize the "homecoming" ceremonies for Devi and others.

"Christian missionaries were luring poor people, telling them 'If you pray before God all your troubles will be gone,' " he says. "These people became trapped, and we needed the new law to protect them."

If Christian missionaries have targeted low-caste Hindus in Himachal Pradesh, it would not be surprising. For centuries, India's poor have embraced Christianity and Buddhism in an attempt to escape the Hindu caste system through which Hindus are born into a hierarchy, with dalits – formerly known as untouchables and often still treated as such – at the bottom.

Often, however, a dalit's conversion turns out to be no such thing: In many Indian churches, the caste system mirrors that of any Hindu temple. Another explanation for the preponderance of conversions among dalits is that India's wretchedly poor make for easy targets.

Tilak Raj, a farm laborer, became a Christian and was ordained a pastor in an indigenous church when he was 22. <span style='color:blue'>He returned to Hinduism eight years later. "No one forced me, it was my mistake," Mr. Raj says.

"I didn't know anything about religion," he adds, looking slightly embarrassed. "I didn't know what I was doing. But I've converted more than 200 people to Christianity; I even converted my wife."</span>

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 05-28-2007

<b>Nuclear bomb of UPA aided and abetted Evangelisation </b>

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 05-31-2007

Enjoy discussion and see how they are close with Islamist.
<b>Marriage between a Roman Catholic and a Hindu</b>

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 05-31-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+May 31 2007, 12:49 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ May 31 2007, 12:49 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Enjoy discussion and see how they are close with Islamist.
<b>Marriage between a Roman Catholic and a Hindu</b>

Most interesting. It is sad though that the majority of hindus marrying practicing christians (particularly catholics and baptists) or muslims readily compromise their own religious beliefs and spirituality, and easily give up their traditions and way of life, and the future of their kids, for the sake of the marriage to the christian/muslim partner. The children from these marriages often become bigger adverseries of the indigenous belief systems, and a role model christian/ muslim. It seems that the practicing christian or muslim partner never allows his/her heart to rule over his/her head and allow his/her non-christian/muslim partner dictate the conditions of marriage, whereas the hindu partner is ever so willing and ready to bend to the dictums of the christian/muslim partner and practically sign over his/her entire way of life readily because of blind emotions.

(tongue in cheek) Perhaps all hindus of marriageable age should do meditation and breathing exercises more often to get greater control over their emotions and passions, so that they are not emotionally blackmailed into accepting, blindly and readily, all the terms and conditions set by the christian-islamic future partner.


Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Bharatvarsh - 05-31-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It seems that the practicing christian or muslim partner never allows his/her heart to rule over his/her head and allow his/her non-christian/muslim partner dictate the conditions of marriage, whereas the hindu partner is ever so willing and ready to bend to the dictums of the christian/muslim partner and practically sign over his/her entire way of life readily because of blind emotions. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What is there to handover in the first place, most of these types were never practicing Hindus in the first place and went to mandir once every few months before exams and got taught that all religions are the same, if you sincerely believe that (which many Hindus do) then you will find nothing wrong with converting because you obviously believe that xtianity is the same as Sanatana Dharma.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 05-31-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+May 31 2007, 05:39 PM-->QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ May 31 2007, 05:39 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->What is there to handover in the first place, most of these types were never practicing Hindus in the first place and went to mandir once every few months before exams and got taught that all religions are the same, if you sincerely believe that (which many Hindus do) then you will find nothing wrong with converting because you obviously believe that xtianity is the same as Sanatana Dharma.[right][snapback]69583[/snapback][/right]
Most of these people, especially those born and brought up in urban areas, believe that Hinduism equates to "freedom of choice" and "broad-mindedness". If that is all one knows of Hinduism, then why not discard the "mindless and irrational" traditions and convert? These idiots are short-changing their religion.

Unfortunately, the Hindu world is today dominated by public intellectuals and godmen. The public intellectuals have loyalty to the nation-state built into their world-view. The only consistent stand they can therefore espouse is "all religions are the same". The godmen are merely trying to make all their devotees comfortable, even the Christians, Parsis and Muslims.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - acharya - 06-04-2007

On 3/22/07, Radha Rajan <radharajan7@...> wrote:
> Rajiv, will sending the vigil NGO book to selective sensitive american govet
> establishments help to wisen them up to the presence of communists in the
> american womb? if so let me know and i will courier, the second edition, as
> many copies as you want, it will be expense well worth the effort if the
> american extablishment can throw some kind of spanner in their works. RR

Radha, not so simple as it seems - per your email below.

Its not a valid assumption that US is naive/ignorant about its
sponsorship of the indian left. Co-opting the third world Left became
the explicit strategy of ford foundation after world war 2, with
active cooperation from CIA(Christian) etc. Why? one must understand this...Our
folks are too naive because they dont believe in enough purvapaksha of
the others except in superficial ways. US has and will play both sides
on most third world conflicts - see iraq, pakistan, the british
history in india. Which is why the russians threw out western
missionaries, china does not allow human rights interference by
foreign funding/influence - THESE (china/russia, etc) are topics of
great importance in reports on foreign(Christian) funding of indian ngo's,
because many middle-of-the-road desis do get influenced by
china/russia as reference points

the present axis of left-islam-christianity against hinduism is
weakest in the islam-christian clash globally. THIS has not been
utilized by hindus though i mentioned it a few times. The pat
robertson brigade has all the anti-islam masala one can imagine. at
the same time the islamic side has all the anti-christian rhetorec.
But india in the ONLY large country where they are being held together
(by the left incharge) because there is a common enemy - enough food
for all predators since the elephant is very large, unmanaged and

sending your ngo book will not help by itself without a bigger/broader
context in place first.

for the april event, the report that was done 2 years ago as rejoinder
to the anti-idrf report must get distributed to attendees even though
the orgsanizers of the event will try to block this. the HAF reports
on hindu human rights and gautier's reports on hindu holocaust must be
given out also. As part of such a package your NGO report belongs.
But most of all, there have to be bright courageous indian youth
participating, who are well versed in all this subject matter. and who
can raise objections from the floor citing these works as evidence.

The latest target of the left-islamist-christianevangelist axis is the
hindu diaspora, because these are selfempowered indians outside of
indian politics. Hence:
-- prema kurien has been bred as 'diaspora' expert (she will give a
talk at the madison conf on south asia);
-- jack hawley's 'hinduism here' project at columbia does surveillance
of hindu groups in usa using students;
-- the anti-IDRF report was done in this context;
-- various attacks on the california textbook matter shows how
organized they are.


Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-05-2007

Bible drawn into sex publication controversy
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->More than 800 Hong Kong residents have called on authorities to reclassify the Bible as "indecent" due to its sexual and violent content, following an uproar over a sex column in a university student journal.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Web site said the Bible's sexual content "far exceeds" that of a recent sex column published in the Chinese University's "Student Press" magazine, which had asked readers whether they'd ever fantasized about incest or bestiality.

That column was later deemed "indecent" by the Obscene Articles Tribunal, sparking a storm of debate about social morality and freedom of speech. Student editors of the journal defended it, saying open sexual debate was a basic right.

If the Bible is similarly classified as "indecent" by authorities, only those over 18 could buy the holy book and it would need to be sealed in a wrapper with a statutory warning notice

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - acharya - 06-05-2007

RAEL'S COMMENT : very interesting : Steve Wells counted the total of people killed in the Bible by the "god of love and compassion" and the total is... 2,270,369 peoples !!! while the total of people killed by Satan is only ...10 ! So all people passionate by love and compassion should worship Satan rather than their blood thirsty god ! Not surprising also that god's believer act like their model... if anybody can count how many people were killed by god believing civilizations and compare it with people killed by "pagan" or atheist civilizations the difference will be huge... easy to remember the crusades, colonization of the world by christian conquistadors , wars of religion, spreading of Muslim faith by "Jihad" or "holly war" etc... but for sure there are much more and there must be billions of victims of god's believers, (of course a god of love and compassion!) .

Not surprising that the "people of the book" ,the Jews, who are "so close to god" are killing today so many Palestinians ,adult and children ,without any hesitation.. . not talking about the very christian Georges Bush , praying every day and even" talking with god" for whom any of the 700 000 children killed in Iraq and Afghanistan are just necessary "collateral damages"... The only way to save the world is definitely to convert it to atheism ...that's our mission !
The first Raelian ready to make the count of people killed by god's believers and atheists and send it to me for
rael-science will make me happy ;-)

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - acharya - 06-06-2007

Christians and Muslims are getting success only because our Hindu Leaders , Hindu Saints , Shankaracharyas , Hindu Organisations like RSS , VHP , BJP , ABVP , Shiv Sena and all other so called claim to be superior hindus or Brahmins who are leaders of every top Hindu Organisations are doing nothing but enjoying fruits of power and all facilities.

99% of all saints , shankaracharyas , gurus , kathavachaks , RSS Leaders are all brahmins . They believe in casteism and promote only brahminism and policies in favour of brahmins to get power.They try and divide Hindus into SC ,ST , OBC , MBC , BC, Dalits ,etc and try to sit on their top and dictate them.Anybody try to challenge evil varna vyavastha , caste hierrachy with brahmins at the top ………are sidelined by brahmins and they make sure that the person is crushed.
Brahmins try and manipulate all the top posts in Hindu Organisations and abuse it. They have no guts or balls to stand in front of Jehadis or Missionaries.

Only One Italian Sonia Maino is more powerful than all Brahmins in India. She is taking over India for Christianity.

India is destroyed because of fragments in Hindu Society.
This fragmentation is due to Caste , Varna and Jati differences.

Not all Brahmins are bad and casteist but those who are at top posts in Hindu Organisations and Hindu Religious Authorities are highly casteist . They even opposed Great Hindu Reformer Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati while he was try to unite Hindu Socirty by abolishing all caste and jatis.
The Brahmins of Kashi stoned and chased him………

After analysing , I came to conclusion that Brahmins are the majority who support the evil caste and jati vyavastha.

If Brahmins leave their arrogance , pride , casteism and brahminism and support Real Hindutva and Nationalism , They will rule India forever……………

Support Hindutva , that is from Heart , Mind and Actions .

Not like BJP / RSS / VHP support for Hindutva only when election comes and ” Mandir wahin banayenge “……” Saugandh Ram ki Khatey hain “.
I was in RSS for 41 years and have seen casteism and Brahminism at every step.

Either destroy castes and save India
or let India be destroyed by Jehadis and Missionaries and after that no Hindus , No India , No caste , no Brahmin.</b>
So better destroy Castes and Jatis and only and only
support Hindutva and Nationalism

I am Hindu first and Hindu last.

To live every moment of my life to serve Bharatmata and
sacrifice my life when time comes to defend Bharatmata.

Jai Hindu Rashtra.

Jai Hind

Jai Bhavani.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-06-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-acharya+Jun 6 2007, 01:58 AM-->QUOTE(acharya @ Jun 6 2007, 01:58 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
99% of all saints , shankaracharyas , gurus , kathavachaks , RSS Leaders are all brahmins . They believe in casteism and promote only brahminism and policies in favour of brahmins to get power.They try and divide Hindus into SC ,ST , OBC , MBC , BC, Dalits ,etc and try to sit on their top and dictate them.Anybody try to challenge evil varna vyavastha , caste hierrachy with brahmins at the top ………are sidelined by brahmins and they make sure that the person is crushed.
Brahmins try and manipulate all the top posts in Hindu Organisations and abuse it. They have no guts or balls to stand in front of Jehadis or Missionaries.....

....After analysing , I came to conclusion that Brahmins are the majority who support the evil caste and jati vyavastha......

To live every moment of my life to serve Bharatmata and
sacrifice my life when time comes to defend Bharatmata.....


This 'person' can serve India, hinduism and hindu cause better by first understanding the brahmin situation in many parts of India, notably TN, rather than ranting and raging against brahmins in general and accusing them of 'this & that.' All he is doing is playing more politics, nothing more - so what else is new.

I doubt if he, and many like him, sincerely give a 'deck' about India or hinduism. I am little suspicious of his sincerity (perhaps see cultural bias in his views) in solving the problems in hindu society, because first of all he blatantly attacks the various sankaracharyas of being brahmin chauvanists - well, he says 99%; that leaves out the that 1% of course- which ones has he left out? I hope for his sake at least he has left out the Adi sankara and the Paramacharya of Kanchi. What can one possible respond to such a mindless rant. All it seems to show is that this 'person' has NOT bothered to read or understand hindu scriptures (probably even a single one) or the philosophies of the various great saints.

As for the alleged Brahmin hegemony in India, take the case of TN, where less than 3-4% of TN population comprise the brahmins. Nearly all of the brahmin population is urban centered. Any abuse of dalits or SCs in TN is by the powerful OBC groups, many of which have been, down the ages, politically, socially and economically powerful. These castes, who once were considered as forward castes, now have declared themselves as OBCs, and have replaced (rather superseded) brahmins in every aspect of economic, political and social life. The brahmins do not have political, social or economic power in states like TN, and have never had it in a long time in TN; hence no question of their (Brahmins) abusing dalits and SCs. Much of the abuses against dalits and SCs are in rural areas, where there are no brahmins, and commited by the OBCs. Yet, the brahmins always get blamed, in fact, by the very communities that are responsible for commiting these atrocities. So, it becomes simply a case of the perpetrator trying to cover up his tracks by accusing someone else, who was nowhere near the crime scene, of the crime.

If hindus want to take pledge of uniting India under the banner of hinduism, it might be better and more effective if these over zealous crusaders first spend time studying the hindu scriptures and the philosophies of the various saints, and analysing the caste situation everywhere in the country before taking up their 'sword of unity.' Otherwise, all they are doing is stabbing themselves in their own foot. And that is purely wasted effort.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-06-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Pope Prods Catholics: Time to Evangelize  </b>
Monday, June 4, 2007
In support of his drive to increase the global influence of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict xvi is calling upon all baptized members of the church to participate in the church’s missionary work.

In his message for World Mission Day, to be held October 21, Pope Benedict xvi calls on all Catholic dioceses to join forces in combating an increasingly secularized society. In the text of the message, released by the Vatican last week, Benedict calls on local churches on all continents to be aware “of the urgent need to relaunch missionary activity to meet the many grave challenges of our time.”

Missionary work, the pope states, is “the church’s primary service to humanity today”—in other words, he considers the church’s most important job to be to convert the world.

Lest one confuse the church’s universal missionary duty of conversion with merely humanitarian goals, Benedict “stressed that the mission cannot be reduced to some kind of humanitarian voluntary service or social work. Often the fight against hunger and injustice overshadows the task of proclaiming Christ and the specifically Christian quality of the missionary service, sometimes done in the name of a given religious relativism based on the view that ‘after all, all religions are the same’” (AsiaNews, May 29). In other words, for Benedict, humanitarian work is more a means to an end: conversion of peoples to, not just any religion, but Catholicism.

Universal conversion was also a focus in Benedict’s public audience on Sunday, May 27, in which he reminded his audience that one of the four essential marks of the church was that it is catholic because “the gospel is addressed to all peoples.” He said the Catholic Church is characterized by a missionary impulse.

Earlier in May, Benedict wrote a similarly themed letter to the prefect for the evangelization of peoples in which he urged priests of the World Mission Congress to renew the “missionary effort promoted 50 years ago by Pope Pius xii ….”

As converting the world becomes a more urgent priority for Benedict, let us not forget what such missionary efforts of the Roman Catholic Church have led to in past centuries.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

The operation Conversion is in full swing.

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - dhu - 06-06-2007

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->  Excerpt:

5. Dyer's recognition of the impossibility of pure whiteness not
    only unveils its mythic quality, but also emphasizes the
    paradoxical struggle between body and spirit which, for him, is
    central to the history of white representation. Dyer argues that
    Europeans constructed whiteness via Christianity, racial
    discourse, and imperialism as a spirit "that is in but not of the
    body" (14). While Christianity struggles to deny the body's
    urges, for example, it emphasizes "the spirit that is 'in' the
    body" (16). Mary's immaculate conception and Christ's
    transcendence of his human appetites both reflect the Christian
    ideal of attaining the spirit by denying the body in which the
    spirit resides. As the dominant religion of Europe,
    Christianity's ideal of bodily transcendence became synonymous
    with the ideal of whiteness itself, in turn shaping the European
    discourse on race throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth
    centuries. Dyer argues that by applying both genealogical
    accounts of lineage and biological analyses of individual bodies
    to the study of other races, whites largely avoided biological
    self-analysis which might have rendered them, "like non-whites,
    no more than their bodies" (23). Only in the late nineteenth and
    twentieth centuries did whites attempt to justify their
    biological superiority--and then by recourse to blood and genes,
    which like spirit were hidden from plain sight.

  6. As in Christianity, then, the European discourse on race imagined
    the invisible spirit which defined whiteness--its virtue,
    aspiration, intelligence, refinement--as something that "could
    both master and transcend the white body" even while inside it
    (23). This paradox of white embodiment is also evident among
    European and American imperialists who set out to remake the
    world in their own image, but passed themselves off as "subjects
    without properties," making their own interests seem the natural
    order of things. Where others were "particular, marked, raced,"
    the white man was "without properties, unmarked, universal, just
    human" (38). Dyer contends that this position of apparent
    disinterest ("abstraction, distance, separation, objectivity")
    has been more important to the construction of whiteness than
    racial distinctions themselves (38-39). Thus, like Christianity
    and the discourse of race, imperialism offered a terrain upon
    which to negotiate the contradictory character of white
    embodiment--that is, its drive to be truly disembodied.

  7. While emphasizing race, Dyer's genealogy of whiteness frequently
    turns to gender. Dyer argues, for example, that in epitomizing
    the ideal of bodily transcendence, Christ and Mary provide
    gendered models of white behavior. White women are held to Mary's
    "passivity, expectancy, receptivity... [and] sacred readiness" in
    regard to motherhood, while Christ's struggle between body and
    spirit projects suffering on white men "as the supreme expression
    of both spiritual and physical striving" (17). This ideal of
    transcendence is challenged, however, by the need to reproduce
    white bodies. As such, race and heterosexuality are
    inextricable--but sex itself, the very means of reproducing
    whiteness, involves a carnality associated with darkness, and
    hence with non-white others. European sexual roles thus projected
    racial difference upon the Christian contrast between body and
    spirit for both white males (who struggle like Christ to overcome
    their dark bodily urges) and white females (who, like Mary, are
    supposed to be pure white and without such urges in the first

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-06-2007

Understanding the Fraud Investigation Behind the R-1 Visa Changes
July 15, 2006
http://findarticles .com/p/articles/ mi_qn4188/ is_20060715/ ai_n16542814/ print
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The program dates to 1990, and has been used primarily by the Catholic Church. The State Department said that statistics breaking down recipients by faith are not available, but the majority do not come from predominantly Muslim countries. In fiscal year 2006,<b> the top five countries of origin for religious worker visa recipients were India, Mexico, South Korea, Brazil and Colombia</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-07-2007

came in email:

<b>"<i>Attacks on Church</i>" - Reality about the misinformation campaign</b>

<table style="border:medium none;width:491.4pt;border-collapse:collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="655">
<td style="border:0.5pt solid windowtext;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">
<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>Sl.#
<td style="border-styleConfusedolid solid solid none;border-color:windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>LOCATION
<td style="border-styleConfusedolid solid solid none;border-color:windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>MISREPRESENTED

<td style="border-styleConfusedolid solid solid none;border-color:windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>ACTUALITY

<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">1</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Dumka, Bihar</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Sept. 02, 1997</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Father Christodas disrobed and assaulted
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Christodas was caught red handed engaged in
homosexual activity with a tribal minor boy and the local tribals paraded
him in the same condition</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">2</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Ludhiana, Punjab</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Oct. 25, 1997</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">VHP workers rioted in Christian prayer
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Christian clergy was conducting "Changai Sabha"
(Abracadabra Healing Session), in which the agenda was to effect
collective religious conversion. The conspiracy failed due to protests by
the local community.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">3</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Banswara, Rajasthan</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">VHP workers gave written threat to Christians to
quit district</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The police found the allegation
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">4</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Ahvandang, Gujarat</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Dec 97 to Jan 1998</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">VHP, Bajrang Dal attacked Christian
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Truth of the incident could not be
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">5</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Kurnool, A.P.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">April 1998</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">VHP threatens to bring down Gipson Central Baptist
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">This allegation was proved false in police
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">6</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Jhabua, M.P.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Sept 22, 1998</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Group rape of 4 nuns, </font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">propaganda about involvement of workers of Hindu
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The criminals were arrested most of whom were
Christians. None of the criminals was a member of any Hindu
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">7</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Kolkata, W.B.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Dec 30, 1998</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Propaganda the world over by Dev Sarkar that
Christians are being thrown out of running trains, slit by razors and 6 to
12 Christians are embracing martyrdom every
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Neither anything of the sort took place anywhere in
entire Bharat nor was ever reported</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">8</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Kulai, Karnataka</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Nov 24, 1998</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Allegation on Sangh for attack on Christian prayer
meet. Christian leaders said that the manner of attack suggested that they
were Sangh workers</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">It was found in police investigation that it was a
scuffle with the local people. Involvement of Sangh was not
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">9</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Kandhamal, Orissa</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Murder of a Christian boy and a Christian girl.
Involvement of Hindu organizations suspected</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The relatives of the dead who were themselves
Christians, were the culprits of this murder and were
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">10</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Manoharpur, Orissa</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Jan 22, 1999</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Staines and his two children mercilessly murdered,
Allegation fixed on Bajrang Dal</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The Wadhwa Commission said that the Bajrang Dal had
no hand in this murder case. The accused Dara Singh himself said that he
was not related to Bajrang Dal.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">11</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Baripada, Orissa</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Feb 3, 1999</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Propaganda about rape with two nuns. Allegation
fixed on Bajrang Dal</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Rape was not established in medical investigation.
When the lie was detected, the nuns were not allowed to face the
journalists. The police found the allegation
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">12</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Jhajjar, Haryana</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Allegation of assault on and misbehaviour with
nuns. Propaganda of "Jhabua repeated in
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">No such incident took place. The over-involvement
of the nuns in local elections was opposed, and they themselves admitted
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">13</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Wynad, Kerala</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Bible stolen and Clergy beaten up. Allegation fixed
on Hindu organizations</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">In police investigation, the Bible was found safe.
The alleged assault was also not proved.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">14</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Allahabad, U.P.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">American doctor missionary beaten up by workers of
Hindu organizations</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">That person was neither an American nor a doctor or
a clergy. The alleged assault on him also was found untrue by the
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">15</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Hisar, Haryana</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Clergy lodged assault report with police and
alleged involvement of Bajrang Dal workers</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Clergy carried out propaganda to save his skin from
inside opposition by the Christian community as he was involved in
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">16</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Chhapra, Bihar</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">20.9.1999</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Nun disrobed and forced to drink urine and
threatened in Hindi to stop conversion</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Police investigation found that the nun had no
knowledge of Hindi. Late reporting of the misinformed incident after 3
days also raised suspicion. </font></b>

Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-07-2007

<table style="border:medium none;width:491.4pt;border-collapse:collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="655">

<td style="border:0.5pt solid windowtext;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">
<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>Sl.#
<td style="border-styleConfusedolid solid solid none;border-color:windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>LOCATION
<td style="border-styleConfusedolid solid solid none;border-color:windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>MISREPRESENTED

<td style="border-styleConfusedolid solid solid none;border-color:windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:center;" align="center"><b>ACTUALITY

<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">17</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Halmuri, Gujarat</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">22.12.1999</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Church demolished and replaced by Ram
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The Ram Temple was being constructed away from the
Church. No Church was demolished.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">18</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Dang, Gujarat</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Propaganda of assaults on Christians and
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack by Christians on officially authorised
religious and peaceful programme of tribals in which many Hindus were
injured. 14 Christians were apprehended.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">19</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Agra, U.P.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">31.3.2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Hindu organizations creating atmosphere against St.
Paul High School</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Robes of Snehlata, a teacher of the school, were
ripped apart by the director clergy of the school because she used to
oppose the misbehaviour of the clergy</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">20</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Koshikalan, U.P.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">10.4.2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack on school by Hindu organizations, Clergy
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">It was a case of theft. The Minority Commission
also confirmed that it was a case of theft. It had no communal
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">21</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Mathura, U.P.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack on Sacred Heart
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">As the minimum pass mark was raised from 35% to
40%, 30 students failed and as the fees were unnecessarily raised the
guardians were upset and there was a tussle with the school management. It
had no connection with Hindu
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">22</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Samalkha, Haryana</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack on Church</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Police reported that it was a normal incidence of
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">23</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Panipat, Haryana</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack on Church</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Police reported that it was a criminal incidence of
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">24</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Bijnor, U.P.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">15.4.2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack on Missionary
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Pasture himself reported in the newspaper that it
was an incidence of theft.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">25</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Rewari, Haryana</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack by Bajrang Dal on nuns going somewhere at
11.30 at night</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Pasture himself reported to newspapers that it was
an incidence of theft. </font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">26</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Jalandhar, Punjab</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Christian clergy murdered. Hindu organizations
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The assassinated youth was not a clergy and he was
killed due to property dispute (Police
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">27</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Abhona, Maharashtra</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack by Bajrang Dal during film show on life of
Jesus Christ in Christian hostel</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Local tribals attacked thje Church because the
clergies had illegally occupied their land. The clergies were using
electricity without taking proper
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">28</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Nagla Ajeeta, Agra</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">22.4.2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Assault on Christian religious preachers by Bajrang
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The Christian priest of Andhra Pradesh had gone to
Nagla Ajeeta (Agra). While propagating Christianity they used abusive
language for Hindu Dharma and they entered the Hanuman temple with the
shoes on. They also used offensive language "Kanjar" for the local people.
The youths of the locality got agitated.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">29</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Bhopal, M.P.</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">July 2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Assault on Christian clergies by Bajrang
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Clergy C.P. Singh himself told the correspondent
that another clergy Anil Martin attacked him with the intention to kill
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">30</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Andhra, Goa, Maharashtra,

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">July 2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Explosions in some churches, Hindu organizations
accused, riots erupted in Karnataka during protest
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">The culprits of the explosion were apprehended.
They were the members of 'Deendar Anjuman' and attacked the Church on the
directions of ISI.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">31</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Karnataka, July 2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Accusations against VHP that it is distributing
anti-Christian pamphlets</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Clergy himself said that someone else was
distributing the pamphlets in the name of
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">32</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Maharashtra, Jul 2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Accusations against RSS that one of its circulars
carried orders to attack Christians</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">This alleged circular is a sample of forgery. The
place mentioned in this circular does not exist in Maharashtra and the
police also declared it a case of forgery.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">33</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Faridabad, Haryana</font></b>

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">July 27, 2000</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Attack by Bajrang Dal on Missionary
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><b><font face="Times New Roman">A teacher of Grace Public School managed by a
Christian organization "Karuna Dham" attempted rape on a minor girl. He
was later on apprehended by the local people and they beat him up. The
police also arrested the culprit.</font></b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext;border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:35.6pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="47">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><font face="Times New Roman"> <b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:149.8pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="200">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><font face="Times New Roman"> <b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:126pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="168">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><font face="Times New Roman"> <b>
<td style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-color:rgb(236, 233, 216) windowtext windowtext rgb(236, 233, 216);border-width:medium 0.5pt 0.5pt medium;padding:0pt 5.4pt;width:180pt;background-color:transparent;" valign="top" width="240">

<p style="margin:0pt;text-align:justify;"><font face="Times New Roman"> <b>


Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - Guest - 06-07-2007

Debaptism 2.0: Fleeing the Flock Via the Net

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Debaptism 2.0: Fleeing the Flock Via the Net
Nicole Martinelli Email 06.07.07 | 2:00 AM

MILAN -- Disgruntled Italian Catholics are increasingly turning to the internet to leave the Church by getting "debaptized" -- but typically, the Pope isn't making the process web friendly.

Cyberspace is one of the few places lapsed Catholics can get a copy of the formal letter called "actus defectionis" that is required by Church officials to leave the faith.

One such letter, downloaded 30,000 times, is the main attraction at the Italian Union of Rationalists and Agnostics, or UAAR, website.

The 2,000-member group, which won a David-and-Goliath legal battle over debaptism in 2002, has no brick-and-mortar office. It relies on e-mail and the occasional phone call to keep things moving.

"We see a traffic spike every time the Pope says something unpopular," said UAAR site manager Raffaele Carcano, who is also a banker, adding that the site recently hit new heights during a recent fray over civil unions.

Church officials, however, view debaptism as a matter of bookkeeping. Priests are incapable of washing off the holy water that tots were dipped in for the rite.

The actus defectionis must be snail-mailed to the parish where baptism took place. Priests note in the register that the flock member has permanently strayed -- and that's one less believer to bulk up statistics.

There are no statistics on how many Italians have defected. Proponents claim thousands, the Church maintains a handful -- and according to at least one Vaticanista, Salvatore Mazza of the Catholic daily newspaper Avvenire, debaptists can, at best, "hope to become a niche phenomena."

Still, there's enough buzz around debaptism to prompt the Vatican to publish a legislative text reminding the former faithful that they are committing an act of "apostasy, heresy or schism."

The pool is a potentially large one: 90 percent of Italians are baptized but only a third are churchgoers.

Debaptists have their anti-evangelizing work cut out for them. Reaching computer-shy lapsed Catholics may be the biggest challenge -- just 31 percent of Italians regularly use (.pdf) the internet.

And, although the internet is great for disseminating information, downloading the letter doesn't absolve one from the infuriating Bel Paese bureaucracy, as Luca S. discovered.

Luca, a 28-year-old who works in sales, downloaded the letter from UAAR's site and mailed it. His parish priest in Verona, who had never debaptized anyone before, demanded a face-to-face meeting.

Describing himself as "kind of a coward and pretty lazy," but unwilling to belong to a Church that didn't represent him, Luca made an appointment. He told the priest he had never been a believer, so why belong to the flock? "A flock that included me as soon as I was born without my consent," he said.

The priest noted Luca had formally left the religion in the baptism register, then Luca signed his name and left.

For Carcano, 40, the battle continues. Judging from the e-mail he gets, Luca's experience is fairly common -- priests often insist on a face-to-face interview. UAAR recently uploaded a new letter with stronger legal jargon intended to dissuade priests from accepting requests by mail and encouraging them to notify relatives of the debaptism.

"My parents didn't take it well," Luca said. "They were concerned about what people would think. But they've since forgotten about the whole thing. In a lot of families this would be seen as an immense tragedy. My mother was upset because I can't get married in church now."

Though UAAR works mostly remotely, members meet offline to organize protests and other initiatives, including an upcoming group debaptism for the non-internet savvy. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->