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Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 03-23-2010



[center][size="6"][color="#006400"]YouTube - Pakistan IMF Loans and Pakistani Politics[/color][/size][/center]


[center][size="6"][color="#006400"]YouTube - IMF LOANS for Pakistan in FEB 2010[/color][/size][/center]

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Arun_S - 03-23-2010

[url=""]Pakistan faces population time bomb[/url]

Quote:By Afzal

Pakistan’s population is growing so fast despite decades of family planning efforts that in 40 years it will be the fourth largest country on Earth, alarming experts who say the country’s broken infrastructure cannot sustain even its current population.

The United Nations Population Division projects that Pakistan will overtake Brazil and Indonesia by 2050 to rank fourth in world population, almost doubling to 335 million from its current 180 million.

“For a country with the resources of Pakistan that’s enormous. How can Pakistan support a population that size with jobs, education, health care? It can’t do so right now with the population it has,” said Daniel Baker, who heads the UN Family Planning Association in Pakistan.

Pakistan currently ranks sixth behind China, India, the United States, Indonesia and Brazil. On its creation in 1947 the subcontinent’s new Islamic republic had 37 million people and was ranked 15th in the world. In little than 60 years it has multiplied nearly five times, and now has a population growth rate of 2.2 per cent per year, surpassed in South Asia only by Afghanistan, according to UN population data.

The “continued high growth rate”, as Mr Baker calls the population explosion, defies decades of national family planning programmes.

The Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2006-2007, conducted by the ministry of population welfare and released this year, found that only 30 per cent of married Pakistani women use any contraception, a drop of two per cent over the previous four years. Only 22 per cent of those surveyed use a modern method of contraception

“The fact that the contraception prevalence rate has apparently stagnated, even gone down, is shocking and that has to be considered a problem,” Mr Baker said.

The Demographic and Health study found an “unmet need” of 25 per cent, referring to the percentage of couples who want to utilise family planning but are not doing so.

I can safely say family planning programmes have not been very successful,” said Yasmeen Qazi, a doctor who runs the Packard Foundation in Pakistan, a privately funded organisation dedicated to population issues and the environment

“The unmet need is so high because they don’t have access. The figures show that people really want to limit their family size, but they can’t.”

Mr Baker believes that while family planning efforts have succeeded in making almost every woman aware of family planning and at least one modern contraception method, “the big failure is the unmet need”.

Experts attribute the high rate of unmet need and low contraceptive use to mismanagement and confusion of roles between two federal ministries sharing family planning responsibilities: the ministry of health and ministry of population welfare.

The rapid population growth poses potentially disastrous consequences. “If the growth rate continues the way it is, it is totally unacceptable. We don’t have the resources. We are already overstretched,” Dr Qazi said.

The government is unable to provide enough schools to achieve a literacy rate any higher than 49.9 per cent overall, or 39.6 per cent for women. Hospital coverage in rural areas is weak, with one minimally staffed basic health unit serving 20,000 people in some areas. Manual labour demand, especially in the agricultural sector, which traditionally soaked up illiterate or unskilled youth, is shrinking, leaving even fewer income prospects for under-educated youth. Unemployment is at 7.4 per cent. Poverty is rampant with two-thirds living on less than US$2 a day.

“The implications are clear: if a population is outstripping a country’s ability to give education, jobs and health care already, then it’s not going to prosper when the population climbs even higher,” Mr Baker said. “There are those who say the rise of militancy is because so many young men who don’t have education or jobs turn to other means to vent their frustration. There are those who say the rise in militancy is a direct result of population growth rate.”

A youth bulge in the current population, also known as a “demographic dividend”, provides the potential to ramp up economic productivity and prosperity generation. Fifty-seven per cent of Pakistan’s population is between 15 and 64, and 41 per cent are under 15. Only four per cent are over 65.

“Pakistan is now experiencing its largest ever youth bulge. It could be a huge capital asset if it could be taken into account; or it could be taken the other way around if you don’t take it into account,” Dr Qazi said.

“When you don’t make positive capital investments in this youth bulge, then it’s taken away by the other side and you see violence and all that coming in. It’s a very scary picture.”

The current fertility rate of 4.1 children per woman means the next generation will double in size, according to the non-government Population Council of Pakistan.

“For the past six years, family planning has not worked here. It has worked in Bangladesh, in Indonesia, in other Islamic countries, but not in Pakistan,” said Arshad Mahmood, the council’s director of monitoring and evaluation.

With 4.2 million new births per year, the population increases by three million annually, making Pakistan the third biggest producer of people after India and China.

“Our current infrastructure is not enough to provide services to these new arrivals. Our youth account for almost 50 per cent of our population, and after five to 10 years most of them will be unemployed, illiterate youth. They have to do something for a living,” Dr Mahmood said.

Agricultural resources are running out, as farm land shrinks with each generation and farm jobs are eliminated by machines.

[url=""]10 Countries On The Verge Of A Crippling Demographic Crisis[/url]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 03-25-2010

[url=""]Pakistan to ask US for another IMF waiver[/url]

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan is going to ask the United States for another waiver on the fiscal deficit, which was recently upwardly revised to 5.1 per cent from 4.9 per cent during the last Dubai talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Now Pakistan wants further relaxation in the fiscal deficit up to 5.3 to 5.4 per cent.

“We want to use the US influence to seek the IMF relief in the budget deficit as Pakistan does not want to increase the six per cent on power tariff due from April 1 because it is feared that the inflation-stricken 170 million countrymen will take to the streets and go for a massive agitation across the country if the power tariff is increased as agreed with the IMF,” a senior official at the Finance Ministry told The News.

Pakistan will hold parleys with top US officials concerned to this effect on the sidelines of the Pak-US Strategic Partnership Dialogue being held today (Wednesday) and seek intervention to influence the IMF for more relief in the budget deficit target, salvage the country from six per cent power tariff increase due from April 1 and also relief in the Value Added Tax (VAT) implementation from July 1.

The newly-appointed adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Finance Secretary Salman Siddiq and Special Finance Secretary Asif Bajwa and other officials concerned are right now in Washington for the talks.

Pakistan is going to place these demands before the top US functionaries when only seven days are left in the meeting of the IMF Executive Board that will take place on March 31 in Washington.

It is pertinent to mention that the March 31 meeting would consider recommendations of the IMF staff mission carved out during the last Dubai talks that Pakistan should be given relief in the fiscal deficit up to 5.1 per cent from 4.9 per cent.

The IMF staff mission had agreed with Pakistan’s assertion seeking relief in the fiscal deficit from 4.9 to 5.1 per cent. Originally, Pakistan wanted to increase the relief in the budget deficit up to 5.4 per cent.

Now, we have strong reasons for seeking more relief in the fiscal deficit up to 5.3 to 5.4 per cent as if the IMF agrees not to increase the power tariff, the FBR will lose more revenue.

The FBR was being anticipated to collect revenue somewhere between Rs 1,340 and Rs 1,350 billion in the current fiscal. However, the FBR’s tax revenue target stands at Rs 1,380 billion, which seems right now the mission impossible.

And now if six per cent tariff is not increased from April 1, its capacity to collect the said revenue would further lower and on the other side Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, during his last visit to the Planning Commission, fixed the federal share in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) at Rs 300 billion against Rs 250 billion agreed with the IMF.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 03-25-2010

Pakis are so good milking world and look at our jokers.

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 03-27-2010

[quote name='Mudy' date='25 March 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1269522587' post='105449']

Pakis are so good milking world and look at our jokers.


Mudy Ji :

Quote:[url=""]PSM suffers Rs. 180 billion loses[/url]

KARACHI: Sources in Pakistan Steel Mills have told Geo News that massive losses of Rs 180 billion have been incurred to the national kitty during the last nine months.

Due to technical faults in blast furnaces production could not be done and coke of Rs 180 billion has been wasted, sources said.

Note : AFAIK all Indian "Major" Steel Plants are making favourable profits with TATA Indian Operations-Plants being possibly the World's Most Economic Producer.

PSM has about 10,000 Employees.

They could well sell or even demolish the Steel Plant and Deposit 240 Billion (Projected Annual Loss) and at 5% Interest would make Rs 12 Billion. This would mean about Rs. 1,200,000 per Employee.

The Principal Amount remain "Intact". In addition the Pakistani Goverment would make Billions and Billions of Pakistani Rupees by selling the Land - it is 18,600 Acres (29 Square Miles)!

I would rather prefer "Our Jokers" against the Pakistani Jokers who go running arround for More and More Loans-Grants whatever and then Beg for Debt Forgiveness!!

I refer you to my Post of 23 March 2010 - 08:24 PM - First Video!!!

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 03-28-2010

[size="7"][color="#006400"][center]US justifies drone strikes in Pakistan[/center][/color][/size]

WASHINGTON : The US government for the first time has offered a legal justification of its drone strikes against al-Qaeda and the Taliban militants, [color="#FF0000"]citing the right to “self-defence” under the international law.[/color]

The CIA attacks by unmanned aircraft in Pakistan, Somalia and elsewhere have sharply increased under President Barack Obama’s administration but have remained shrouded in secrecy, with some human rights groups charging the bombing raids amount to illegal assassinations.

Broaching a subject that has been off-limits for official comment, State Department legal adviser Harold Koh laid out the legal argument for the strikes in a speech late on Thursday, referring to “targeting” of al-Qaeda and the Taliban figures without mentioning Pakistan or where the raids were carried out.

[color="#FF0000"]The United States was in “an armed conflict” with al-Qaeda, the Taliban and its affiliates[/color] as a result of the September 11 attacks, Koh said, “and may use force consistent with its inherent right to self-defence under the international law.”

“With respect to the subject of targeting, which has been much commented upon in the media and international legal circles, there are obviously limits to what I can say publicly,” he told a conference of the American Society of International Law.

“What I can say is that it is the considered view of this administration — and it has certainly been my experience during my time as legal adviser — that the US targeting practices, including lethal operations conducted with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, comply with all applicable law, including the laws of war.”

The CIA would not comment on the speech, posted on the State Department website, but told media: “The Agency’s counter-terrorism operations are conducted in strict accord with the law.” Rights activists and some legal experts charge the drone strikes in Pakistan and other countries, outside of a traditional battlefield, amount to extrajudicial executions that violate both international and the US law.

Koh, a fierce critic of former president George W Bush’s policies before he took his post, disagreed — saying a US ban on government sanctioned assassinations did not apply. Under the US law, [color="#FF0000"]“the use of lawful weapons systems — consistent with the applicable laws of war — for precision targeting of specific high-level belligerent leaders when acting in self-defence or during an armed conflict is not unlawful, and hence does not constitute assassination,”[/color] he said.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 03-29-2010

Quote:citing the right to “self-defence” under the international law.

This should be valid with India also.

India's first target should be terrorist hub- Islam-a-bad HQ.

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 03-29-2010

[url=""] Pakistan negotiating for 14 more F-16s with US’[/url]
Quote:* PAF chief says 18 F-16s with BVR missile systems to join PAF from June

* Existing F-16s will be upgraded in Turkey

they should first feed themselves, then look for toys.

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 03-31-2010

[url=""][color="#FF0000"]Lahore plunges into darkness after massive breakdown[/color][/url]

LAHORE: Almost half of Lahore has plunged into darkness [color="#FF0000"]following a massive power breakdown in the city[/color], Geo reported Tuesday.

According to reports, some 30 grid stations of Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) suddenly went out of operation.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 04-01-2010

[url=""]The Indus Waters Treaty conundrum[/url]

The recent statements of Pakistan’s Indus Water Commissioner Jamat Ali Shah about the future of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) 1960 have landed Pakistani water experts in a conundrum.

“I think the World Bank treaty is likely to be jeopardised,” Shah, who led the Pak delegation in meetings with his Indian counterparts in Lahore, told the press earlier. “We will now have to look beyond the Treaty for solutions. India is allowed run-off hydro-electric projects according to the treaty, but two or three is different from more than a hundred.”

Most experts warn against abandoning the IWT, that turns 50-year-old on Thursday, despite the intricate and difficult problems it poses. “The IWT is a wonderful instrument. [color="#FF0000"]However, our present managers simply don’t have the capacity for the state-of-the-art knowledge required to safeguard our rights,”[/color] says Arshad H Abbassi, Research Fellow with the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Islamabad. [color="#FF0000"]“We should never go for re-negotiations on the IWT or we will be done for.”[/color]

There is “no exit clause in the treaty” as Dr. Shahid Ahmad, member Natural Resources with the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and an eminent water resources management expert, notes. However, there is provision for an Addendum to the existing Treaty — “IWT-II” as some term it.

Dr Ahmad advocates holding further talks to “address issues the existing instrument does not cover adequately.” These include guarantees for minimum flow from hydro-electric projects in the Indian territories, timely provision of discharge data and other Indian obligations under the Treaty.

The IWT is silent on water quality and other environmental issues like watershed management and on the unconfined aquifers in the Indus Basin. It provides no remedy for the over-exploitation of these shared aquifers in Indian Punjab.

Water tables are falling by a whopping three feet annually, says Dr Ahmad, citing a recent NASA study. “This affects us, being downstream. Both India and Pakistan must find a way to agree upon safe yields for this resource as we also depend heavily on groundwater for our agriculture. Let no one forget that India may put up power projects but the water rights still belong to Pakistan.”

The IWT-II idea is not new, notes development expert Syed Ayub Qutub. “Many Indian experts have been calling for this for at least two decades. India took waters from the eastern rivers to the desert in Rajasthan via the Indira Gandhi Canal.

“They now have severe water-logging and salinity problems. So they would like to discharge their effluent in the rivers Sutlej and Ravi to send to Pakistan.”

The IWT does not allow this. The Indian protaganists for IWT-II also have support from those in Kashmir who want greater irrigation rights from western rivers, he says.

Syed Qutub does not rule out further negotiations since the “IWT is not time-bound”. Pakistan, he notes, gave up all its rights under the international instruments governing sharing of international waters, besides denying environmental flows in the eastern rivers.

Although, Pakistan could do better in fresh negotiations, he warns that in the composition of the teams “the balance of knowledge will decide”.

Former chairman Water and Power Development Authority and a celebrated water resources expert Shamsul Mulk [color="#FF0000"]strongly opposes abandoning the IWT despite its unpopularity.[/color]

“We have lost three rivers but there are certain positive and negative things, and certain things that need to be improved as far as possible. Our position is to address the implementation of shortcomings and improve dispute resolution.”

“The treaty has to be interpreted sincerely,” he adds. “The important thing about water treaties is the conduct of the upper riparian, which determines the success and failure of a treaty. “I hope in the coming years when both Pakistan and India are faced with greater pressures, India’s conduct will not negate the spirit of understanding reached in September 1960.”

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 04-01-2010

[url=""]Pak-India talks on hydro projects fail[/url]

LAHORE: After the failure of the Permanent Indus Waters Commissions of India and Pakistan to bridge differences over two projects on the Chenab and Jhelum rivers, the commissions also failed to make progress on controversial hydropower projects being built by India on the Indus River.

The latest breakdown of talks could lead to intervention of a third party. The World Bank-assisted mechanism of neutral expert or court of arbitration is among various options that have already been sought by Pakistan to remove the differences on Baglihar and Kishanganga projects.

During the three-day negotiations that ended here on Tuesday, India was not willing to accept Pakistan’s assertion about illegal designs of Nimmo Bazgo and Chutak hydropower projects and also insisted to postpone further dialogue on this important issue till next the meeting of the commission. A Pakistani team member expressed concern that India was intensifying its efforts to construct a series of water sector projects on western rivers that had been given to Pakistan under the 1961 Indus Waters Treaty.

“After constructing illegal structures on Chenab and Jhelum, India is now focusing on Indus river and has turned a deaf ear to Pakistan’s objections during the talks,” he added. He said the visiting Indian team was exposed when Indian Commissioner for Indus Waters expressed inability to take stand on various issues related to Nimmo-Bazgo and Chutak hydropower projects.

“We can respond to objection of Pakistan only after seeking advice from the government,” said the Indian commissioner in response to Pakistan’s several objections to hydropower projects. The official said a permanent commission set up under the Indus Waters Treaty was a full fledged body and it should be capable of taking decisions on controversial issues. “The impression given by the Indian team in negotiation only points to dillydallying,” he added.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters Jamaat Ali Shah said India was neither accepting Pakistan’s objection to water sector projects, nor it was willing to refer this issue to a third party.

However, he made it clear that the decision to proceed further was taken on the level of the commission and India wanted to discuss this issue further in the upcoming meeting in the last week of May in New Dehli. “The efforts of commission have been exhausted and it will be put forward in the shape of questions, which need concrete answers,” he elaborated. He sought assurances from India that it must incorporate changes suggested by Pakistan in the project design, in the light of the Indus Waters Treaty, if these were considered logical in the next round of talks. However, he lamented that Indian delegation did not respond to this, saying they would respond later.

Meanwhile, after the conclusion of three-day talks, Indian Indus Waters Commissioner Aranga Nathan once again insisted that India was not stealing Pakistan’s share of river waters and all hydropower projects being built by the country were according to the provisions of the treaty. [color="#FF0000"]He termed it merely a propaganda of the media in Pakistan that India was stealing water of the western rivers.[/color]

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 04-03-2010


[url=""][center][size="7"][color="#006400"]PAKISTAN GOVERNMENT TO IMPORT


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Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 04-04-2010


[url=""]Pak fiscal deficit likely to cross 6pc mark[/url]

Quote:ISLAMABAD : The Finance Ministry said [color="#FF0000"]Pakistan’s fiscal deficit could outgo six percent[/color] if the country is not paid the expenditures sustained in the war on terror by the US on time.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 04-05-2010


[Image: 27013554333778605104034.jpg]

[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 04-06-2010

[url=""]Terror unlimited: 46 die in Pak attacks, US mission target[/url]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 04-07-2010

what a surprise !!!

Quote:New Delhi-Lahore bus brings fake currency

PTI | Attari

For the first time since the start of New Delhi-Lahore bus service, fake Indian currency with a face value of Rs 2.85 lakh was seized on Wednesday from an elderly lady passenger at the border here.

The fake currency notes in the denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 were detected in the possession of 62-year-old Bano Begum, a resident of Delhi, who was returning from Lahore by the bus, an officer at the border said.

She was carrying the notes in a especially created cavity of a dinner set, he said.

Though fake currency is almost routinely seized in the Samjhauta Express train, it is for the first time that an international passenger was caught while trying to smuggle fake Indian currency from Pakistan by the bus, Intelligence sources said.

However, a packet of heroin with a street value of nearly Rs one crore was found in Lahore-New Delhi bus two days back prompting customs and immigration authorities at the border to step up vigil as they checked all buses coming from Pakistan, they said.

The Customs Department had intelligence inputs that Pakistan-based smugglers could try to push in fake currency and drug by the bus, officials at the border said.

start more buses and trains and give more visa to Pakis, it will speed up destruction of Indian economy.

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Naresh - 04-08-2010


[url=""]Sinking PSM needs Rs15b in bailout package[/url]

KARACHI: The Senate’s Standing Committee on Industrial Production was told that Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) badly needs Rs15 billion as bailout package, as it currently stands at 25 percent of its capacity, Geo News reported Thursday.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - acharya - 04-10-2010

[Image: 24819_401901367144_706732144_3855789_2999994_n.jpg]

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 04-13-2010

[url=""]Six killed during protests in Abbotabad[/url]
Quote:ABBOTTABAD: Six people were killed and more than 200 people injured on Monday when furious mobs, protesting plans to rename Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, clashed with police, officials said.

PAKISTAN: Senators condemn killing innocent lives in Hazara

Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6 - Guest - 04-13-2010

[url=""]Pakistan airstrike kills 71 civilians: official[/url]
Quote:PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Up to 71 civilians were killed in a weekend strike by Pakistani jets near the Afghan border, survivors and a government official said Tuesday — a rare confirmation of civilian casualties that risks undercutting public support for the fight against militants.

The government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, said authorities had already handed out the equivalent of $125,000 in compensation to families of the victims in a remote village in the Khyber tribal area.

Also Tuesday, a village elder claimed 13 civilians had been killed in U.S. missile strike on Monday night elsewhere in the northwest, contesting accounts by Pakistani security officials that four militants were killed.

Pakistan's tribal regions are largely out of bounds for reporters and dangerous to visit because of the likelihood of being abducted by militants, who still control much of the area, making it very difficult to verify casualty figures.

Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas on Monday denied that any of the dead in the Pakistani air force attack were civilians, saying the army had intelligence that militants were gathering at the site of the strike. The victims were initially reported to be suspected militants. The military regularly reports killing scores of militants in airstrikes in the northwest, but rarely says it is responsible for civilian deaths.

Ethnic cleansing in full swing in front of whole world. This is holocaust.