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Original Hindu Names Of Places - Husky - 03-26-2009

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Pandyas ruled Tamil Nadu in the 12th and 13th centuries. They have left their influence in the name Pondicherry which is derived from Pandya Sherry. (Link)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Lav-kush Pur (Lahore), Mulasthana (Multan), Purushapura (Peshwar), Kubha-Kapisa (Kabul). (Link)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

From Wacky:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sanskrit documents refer to the Hindu Kush as Pāriyātra Parvata<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

my insertions in purple:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Ahmedabad == Karnavati
Allahabad == Prayag<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->? Hyderabad = Bhagmathi => Bhagyanagar (as per the Nizhal Yoddha/Shadow Warrior, see further below)
? Lahore = Lavpur (after God Shri Ram's son). => Lav-kush Pur as per above
Congress proposed to change Dilli to Shahjanabad = Indraprasth
? Kashmir = Kashyap Maar (after Kashyap Rishi) => Kashmira (one of the many names of our Mother Uma Maheshwari, see also Shlokas such as Annapoorna Stotram)

Guwahati = Gau Haati
Mohamadwaadi (near Pune) = Mahadev waadi. Seriously, trust me, I have a friend from this place.
Kandhar = Gandhaar => Kandahar=Gandhaara actually.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

From Bodhi's post below:
TSP's capital 'islamabad' = brAhmaNA~Nka
Umarkot = amarakoTa
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Mar 25 2009, 05:02 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Mar 25 2009, 05:02 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->It was shAhjahAn who had renamed anantanAga as Islamabad. The name of town was restored to original when sikhs wrested kashmIra from moslem rulers and remained intact till now.  Now that India is dAr-ul-islAm again, they want the name changed.  Islamabad is also the name which awrangzib had given to Hindu city mathurA.  It is no coincidence that the capital of terroristan is also Islamabad, which was adopted after eliminating its older name brAhmaNA~Nka which had remained brAhmaNAbAd even during moghul period.  There is still a smaller town by that name in saindhava desha.  It is also sad that famous amarakoTa now in terror country is referred even by hindu writers these days as Umarkot

Kashmira - from the links to follow:
- 'islamabad' = anantanAga (Anantnag)
- 'Takht-i-Sulaiman' = Shankaracharya Hill
- 'Koh-i-Maran' = Hari Parbat
- 'neelum' = kishenganga

Stupid islamis of Kashmira. They still call themselves Kashmiris <!--emo&:blink:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo--> apparently they still admit to worshipping Uma? Obviously kaffirs the lot of them. Someone tell TSP's taliban that the islamics of Kashmir have apostasised.
- Terrorists of the islamic kind want Anantnag renamed to islamabad. "Anant-nag is a synonym of Sheshanaga" (Adishesha).
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Even the names of the landmarks like the Shankaracharya Hill has been changed to Takht-i-Sulaiman and the name of historic Hari Parbat has been changed to Koh-i-Maran.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->similarly, the river 'kishenganga' has been changed to 'neelum'.

well, the right thing would be to rename ahmedabad as karnavati and hyderabad as bhagyanagar, and allahabad as prayag. these places have nothing to do with mohammedans, they existed with those even before mohammed invented his ideology.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Bodhi - 03-26-2009

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Lav-kush Pur (Lahore), <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
lahore - lavapura
kasoor (another town in TSP's punjab) - kushapura
Tashkent - takShakhaNDa
Taxila - takShashilA
swat - suvAstu
Lucknow - lakhanpur - lakShmaNapura

but the above examples I think are natural and unavoidable degradation from saMskR^ita names, rather than due to the effect of islamic-british-colonialization.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Bodhi - 03-26-2009

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hyderabad = Bhagmathi => Bhagyanagar <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

The older name was bhAgnagar, but it was still a moslem name, after a converted dancer and upapatnI of an usurper qut'bshAhi turuShka. After conversion, she got the moslem name hydermahal, and city hyderabad.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Pandyan - 03-26-2009

How names are changed.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Kudos to the author. City dwellers and urbanites will not understand the impact of the missionary zeal of the Christian organizations on our country. Please come to the district of Kanyakumari in Tamilnadu and travel around Nagercoil and you will know. The missionaries want the district to be named as Kanni Mary (virgin Mary) and the town of Nagercoil as Nather (Jesus) coil. A Hindu will not even be able to purchase a piece of land unless he is a Christian in the district. They have been emboldened owing to the tacit approval that Soina has given by making the adminsitration turn a blind eye.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Thankfully, Hindu Munnani put an end to it. But I'm sure they will change it, considering they are a majority in that district.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Guest - 03-26-2009

Pandya Sherry? Who or what is that?

In tamil Pondicherry is usually called as Pudhucherry.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Pandyan - 03-26-2009

Don't know what sherry is. Cheri means village in tamil. It was probably Paandiya cheri.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - ramana - 03-26-2009

Kalki's Ponnin Selvan has plenty of prevoius names for modern places in South India.

Kundadhi = Kumbakonam

Am still in book I so give me time.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Guest - 03-27-2009

Cheri is not village, because I have read that Cheri means settlements, and a village can be a collection of settlements.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Hauma Hamiddha - 03-27-2009

Allahabad(UP)= prayAga (An old tIrtha for Hindus)
kumbhakoNaM (Ta)= kumbhaghoNaM(Skt)
Delhi=dillikA; (near old indraprastha)
Goa= gopakapaTTana (or pattana)
Ahmedabad(Guj)= karNAvatI; the current name is after Ghazi Sultan Ahmed an Islamic vandal who destroyed many Hindu temples including the famous rudra mahAlaya.
Kabul= kUbha
Bahlk= bAhlika
Peshawara=puShpapura or puShkalAvatI
The ikShAvaku princes who succeeded rAmachandra dAsharathI fanned out to establish many towns across northern India
bharata's sons:
takShaka- takShashIla
puShkala- puShalavatI
rAma's sons:
lava- lavapura
kusha- kushapura
subAhu- mathura (actually seized by his father from the yadu-s)
shUrasena- vidiSha
a~Ngada: kArapatha (I am not sure of its identity but in Nepal?)
chandraketu: chandravaktra(In Nepal)

Original Hindu Names Of Places - ramana - 03-27-2009

A source would be appreciated.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Bodhi - 03-27-2009

Mussoorie - madhupurI
Kanpur - karNapura
Kathmandu - kAShThamaNDapa
Gurgaon - gurugrAma

some rAjapUta cities:

Bhopal - bhojapAla
Ajmer - ajayameru
Aligarh - kolagaDha
Chittor - chitrakUTa
Mt. Abu - arbudAchala

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Bodhi - 03-27-2009

gwalior MP- gopAlapura
dhaulpur (Raj) - dhawalagiri / dhawalapura

Moghuls had this penchant for usurping Hindu towns, forts, buildings and islamizing the Hindu names.
During Akbar's reign, sIkarI became fatehpur
Shahjahanabad in Old Delhi and Shahjahanpur in UP
Akbarabad was how Agra was renamed
Jahangirabad/Bulandshehr UP
Aurangabad in Bihar/Mah
Moradabad UP

earlier moslem rulers were doing the same...

Ferozabad by Feroz shah tuglaq
Jaunpur by Jaunashah
Sikandrabad by Sikandar Lodhi
(all in UP. old Hindu names are lost and hard to trace)

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Husky - 03-27-2009

<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Mar 26 2009, 09:05 PM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Mar 26 2009, 09:05 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Don't know what sherry is. Cheri means village in tamil. It was probably Paandiya cheri.[right][snapback]95804[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In tamil Pondicherry is usually called as Pudhucherry.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I was wondering too (about sherry). But each time I thought What Do I Know and left it with the link or with someone else's correction.
(The only one I imagine I am certain of is Kashmira being Uma's name and being named for her. ADDED: and this was confirmed in that doc released during the Amarnath movement.)

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Hauma Hamiddha - 03-27-2009

<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Mar 27 2009, 02:53 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Mar 27 2009, 02:53 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The only one I imagine I am certain of is Kashmira being Uma's name and being named for her.

kAshmIra is generally believed to be contraction of kAshyapa-mIra. It is masculine as the place name and not a name of the devI umA. The devI umA might be secondarily called kAshmIrA or kAshmIrjA because of 1) her identification with vitastA in the Kashmirian epic cycle or 2) origins in the himAlaya as pArvatI.

Some others state kAshmIra might be contraction of kashyapa-meru. The word is attested relatively late in Sanskrit suggesting that such a Prakritic contraction is a possibility. We do not find the older form as kashyapa-mIra/meru in the vedic language, even though the land was well known to and ruled by the Arya-s (see the nadistuti). This is a bit puzzling making me wonder if kAshmIra could be derived from a substratum language.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Guest - 03-27-2009

There's popular temple dedicated to Sharadde devi in Paki-Occupied-Kashmir now in tatters and ruins; thanks to neglect and deliberate destruction.
Here's the Sharad Stotram dedicated to her - also known as "Kashmir - puravasini"
temple link and photos
Sorry don't have original link for this.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sharada Stotram
[In their every day prayers to Sarasvati, Hindus in South India respectfully
refer to Kashmir as the abode of the Goddess of Learning Recited by millions in
the country, the Sharda Stotram or the Hymn to Goddess Sharda begins with the
famous line. "Namaste Sharda Devi Kashmir Puravasini" reflecting the reverence
in which Kashmir is held even today for its contribution to learning and
literature. We are extremely thankful to Shri C. V. Gopinath, an eminent
scholar, for giving us beautiful verse to verse translation of the Stotram
together with its full text in both Devanagri and the Roman scripts, which we
are reproducing below. Shri Gopinath is also Deputy Director General, Telecom

<b>namaste sarade devi <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Kashmir - puravasini</b>
tvamaham prarthayer nityam vidyadanam ca dehi me (1)</span>
namah - salutation; te - to you; sarade- O Sarasvati: devi -O Devi Kasmira-
puravasini - one who resides in the city of Kasmira; tvam - you; aham - I;
prarthayer-pray to; nityam - always; vidya-danam-gift of knowledge; ca - and;
dehi- give; me - to me
O Goddess Sarasvati in the shrine of Sarada Pitha in Kashmira, I offer my
salutation to you. I pray always to you to give me the gift of knowledge.

yasraddha dhyarana medha vagdevi vidhivallabha
bhaktajihva grasadana samadigunadayini (2)
ya- which; sraddha- faith; dharana- the power of retention; medha - the power of
memory; vagdevi- goddess of speech; vidhi- vallabha-the consort of Lord Brahma;
bhakta-jihvagra-sadana- the one who dwells at the tip of the tongue of
devotees; samadi-guna-dayini- one who grants qualities like mastery over the
You are the faith, the power of retention [of what is learned] and the power of
memory. You are the goddess of speech. You are the consort of Lord Brahma. You
dwell at the tip of the tongue of devotees. You are the one who grants
qualities like mastery over the mind (to your devotees).

namami yaminim nathalekhalankrta kuntalam
bhavanim bhavasantapanirvapanasudhanadim (3)
namami-I salute; yaminim-the one who has mastery of everything; natha-
lekhalnkrta-kuntalam- one whose hair is done to the liking of Lord Brahma;
bhavanim-Parvati; bhava-santa- panirvapana-sudha-nadim-one who is the river
Ganga that extinguishes the fire of the afflictions of samsara.
I salute you, who has mastery of everything, whose hair is done to the liking of
Lord Brahma, who is Parvati and who is the jnana-ganga that extinguishes the
fire of the afflictions of samsara.

bhadrakalyani namo nityam sarasvatyani namo namah
vedavedangavedantavidyasthanebhya eva ca (4)
bhadrakalyai-to Goddess Durga; namah -salutation; nityam-always; sarasvatyani-
to Goddess Sarasvati; namo namah- repeated salutations veda-vedanga - vedanta-
vidyasthanebhyah- to the abode of knowledge such as Vedas, Vedangas and
Vedanta; eva ca-also
My salutation to Goddess Durga always My repeated salutations to goddess
Sarasvati who is the abode of knowledge such as Vedas, Vedangas and Upanisads.

brahmasvarupa parama jyotirupa sanatani
sarvaidyadhidevi ya tasyai vanyai namo namah (5)
brahmasvarupa - whose nature is Brahman; parama- who is supreme; jyotirupa -
whose form is the light of knowledge; sanatani- eternal; sarva-
vidya-adhidevi-the presiding deity of all knowledge; ya- who; tasyani- to her;
vanyai - to Sarasvati; namo namah repeated Salutations.
My repeated salutations to Sarasvati whose nature is Brahman, who is supreme,
whose form is the light of knowledge, who is the presiding deity of all
knowledge and who is eternal.

yaya vina jagtsravam sasvaj jivanmrtam bhavet
inanadhidevi ya tasyai sarasvatyainamo namah (6)
yaya-vina- without whom; jagat-savam - the entire world; sasval - for ever;
jivan - living; mrtanl - dead; bhavet - would become; jnanadhidevi - who is the
presiding deity of knowledge; ya - who; tasyai- to her; sarasvatyai- to
sarasvati, namo namah - my repeated salutations.
My repeated salutations to goddess Sarasvati, who is the presiding deity of
knowledge and without whom the entire world of living beings would become like
dead for ever.

yaya vina jagatsarvam mukamun - mattavat sada
ya devi vagdhisthatri tasyai vanyai namo namah (7)
yaya vina - without whom; jagat - sarvam - the entire world; mukam - dumb;
unmattavat- like mad; sada- always; ya - who; devi - goddess; vak-adhisthatri -
the presiding deity of speech; tasyai - to her; vanyai- to Sarasvati; namo
namah- My repeated salutations
My repeated salutations to Sarasvati who is the presiding deity of speech,
without whom the entire world would be like mute and mad for ever.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Bodhi - 03-28-2009

Tradition divides himAlaya in 5 masculine khaNDa-s, viz. from west to east kAshmIra, jAlandhara, kedAra, nepAla and kAmarUpa. While each of the himAlaya regions in itself is considered unambiguousely masculine, there is of course a strong corresponding femanine sense in each of these.

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Husky - 03-28-2009

#14-16. For the corrections: arigatou-gozaimasta. Will imagine certainty no more...

What I was referring to earlier :
1. Annapoorna Stotram seemed to make mention of 'Kashmira' a couple of times. Probably it referenced the place instead of a personal name. Let's see if I can find. Oooh, good memory (it's a miracle!): it was literally a <i>couple</i> of occurrences -
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Kashmiragaruvasita ruchikarii kashipuradhishvari

Kashmira trijaleshvari trilahari nityankura sharvari<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

2. The Amarnath-related doc I referred to was the one which IF had posted earlier. On page 2:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The Land Of Kashmir</b>
- Nilamata Purana: Ka means "water" and Shimir means "to desiccate". Hence,
Kashmir stands for "a land desiccated from water".
- The Nilamata Purana gives the name Kashmira to the Valley considering it to be an
embodiment of Uma.
- In the Rajatarangini, a history of Kashmir written by Kalhana in the 12th century, it
is stated that the valley of Kashmir was formerly a lake. This was drained by the
great rishi or sage, Kashyapa, by cutting the gap in the hills at Baramulla (Varahamula).
When Kashmir had been drained, Kashyapa asked Brahmans to settle
- The name of Kashyapa is by history and tradition connected with the draining of
the lake, and the chief town or collection of dwellings in the valley was called

About Sharada (#15), she is the same to me as Uma (not that I am saying they are the same or otherwise, am just saying they - and all the other Gods/Goddesses - <i>mean</i> the same/are equally important to me <!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> ).

Original Hindu Names Of Places - Husky - 06-29-2009
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>VHP demands renaming of Delhi as ‘Indraprastha’</b>
29/06/2009 09:44:30

Reacting strongly to the statement of Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Shri MS Gill that Delhi be renamed as Dilli, the Indraprastha Vishwa Hindu demanded that Delhi be renamed as ‘Indraprastha’, the orginal name of Delhi, which has been popular since the time of Mahabharata period. In a statement issued on June 19, the VHP state president Shri Swadeshpal Gupta said the name ‘Indraprastha’, which has been in the vogue for more than 5,000 years should be adopted instead of the name given by the invaders. “If Shri Gill really wants to restore the historical and unique identity to the national capital, he should come forward to rename it as ‘Indraprastha’. If it is done it will restore the lost glory and respect of Delhi,” Shri Gupta said in the statement. He appealed to the government to rename Delhi as ‘Indraprastha’ before the beginning of the Commonwealth Games in 2010.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Good. (Always wondered why they didn't rename it back to Indraprastha, when some other placenames had been reverted to their pre-christobrit versions.)

Is MS Gill a KKKangressi? Sounds pretty much like they want to send Bharatam back into the islamic tyranny of the ages of terror, even as the christos want to carve out christistans in NE and the South.