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Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-11-2008

<b>Blasts kill 12 in Pakistan's Lahore</b>

La-whore is very busy

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Naresh - 03-11-2008

<b>Mudy Ji :</b>

Shame on you for under-estimating the True capabilities of the Satanic Leadership of the Islamic Terrorists. Here is their real achievement :

<b>13 FIA officials among 23 killed in Lahore twin bombs</b>

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Naresh - 03-11-2008

<b>Mudy Ji :</b>

Take! Do The Talk!!

A further 1656 Virgins and 828 Boys have been distributed. I am sure more "Distributing" is on the way!!!

[center] <!--emo&:clapping--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/clap.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='clap.gif' /><!--endemo--><b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Cricket Australia cancels Pakistan tour</span></b> <!--emo&:clapping--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/clap.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='clap.gif' /><!--endemo-->[/center]

<b>LAHORE: <span style='color:red'>Australia have cancelled their cricket tour to Pakistan over security fears, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) said Tuesday.

"I can confirm they have conveyed to us that they have cancelled the tour. We are disappointed and we are issuing a policy statement soon," PCB chief operating officer Shafqat Nagmi said.</span></b>

The announcement came shortly after two blasts killed at least 20 people in the eastern city of Lahore, one of the venues where Australia would have played.

Australian players had expressed reservations over the security situation in Pakistan following a spate of suicide bombings.

In 2002 also a series that was scheduled for Pakistan was shifted to Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emirates.

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-11-2008

Looks like Pashtun are getting warm excercise after Lal Masjid. Seems like they are blaming machos of Punjab or Army which is dominated by Punjabies.
Is it civil war? or just a Lal Masjid revenge.

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - ramana - 03-11-2008

kram, TSP is not yet Wahabized. Its still dominated by the Deobandi type of clique. Having said that the Doebandis of TSP are slowly getting Wahabized and the Indic stream of thinking as represented by the Ajmer school is being stifled off. We can see the results of this transformation in the FATA/WANA and the SWAT areas where a new kind of jihadis are taking control. In a way its a throwback to the time of Ghazni type of tribal leaders.

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Bodhi - 03-12-2008

<!--QuoteBegin-ramana+Mar 11 2008, 09:46 PM-->QUOTE(ramana @ Mar 11 2008, 09:46 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->kram, TSP is not yet Wahabized. Its still dominated by the Deobandi type of clique. Having said that the Doebandis of TSP are slowly getting Wahabized and the Indic stream of thinking as represented by the Ajmer school is being stifled off. We can see the results of this transformation in the FATA/WANA and the SWAT areas where a new kind of jihadis are taking control. In a way its a throwback to the time of Ghazni type of tribal leaders.

Ramana sir, what are you saying?

Deobandi and Barelavi - although the streams of Abu Hanifa, but are extremely close to wahab school of thought. At least Deobandis can be called local Wahabis of Indian Subcontinent.

Deoband Dar-ul-Uloom was founded under not just influences but direct involvement of the Arabis in 18th century, and is the very fountainhead of the islami hardline in Indian subcontinent since those days. These so called liberals were solidly behind the Partition, Muslim League etc. Rather I would say they were the ones who created the whole dream of a separate holy land, and they are the ones who even today day dream of "Dar-ul-islam-i-hind".

These were the ideological conceivers of Talibans. Binauri Madarsa in Karachi and Hakkania Madarsa in Peshawar - are both Deobandi - and are the very takshashila and nalanda of Talibans.

BTW, Mia Musharraf is also Deobandi Sunni.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This sect took its inspiration from Saudi Hanbali theologians who immigrated there in the 18th century, to help their Indian Muslim brothers with Hanbali theological inspiration against the British colonialists. Propelled by oil-generated wealth, the Wahhabi worldview increasingly co-opted the Deobandi movement in South Asia. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Deobandi interpretation holds that a Muslim's first loyalty is to his religion and only then to the country of which he is a citizen or a resident; secondly, that Muslims recognise only the religious frontiers of their Ummah and not the national frontiers; thirdly,that they have a sacred right and obligation to go to any country to wage jihad to protect the Muslims of that country.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Deobandi interpretation of Islamic teachings is widely practiced in Pakistan. The Deobandi movement in Sunni Islam, was founded in response to British colonial rule in India and later hardened in Pakistan into bitter opposition to what its members views as the country's neo-colonial elite. The Islamic Deobandi militants share the Taliban's restrictive view of women, and regard Pakistan's minority Shiia as non-Muslim. They seek a pure leader, or amir, to recreate Pakistani society according to the egalitarian model of Islam's early days under the Prophet Mohammed.

And a very informative commentary about the drama of the recent "denouncement of terrorism" by deoband dar ul uloom, which was so much lapped up by pseudo-secularist meadi without even telling the exact content of the declaration.

देवबंद के उलेमाओं ने पिछले दिनों अपने सम्मेलन में कहा कि आतंकवाद गैर-इस्लामी कार्य है। बयान कई दृष्टियों से रोचक और विचारणीय है। आतंकवादी घटनाएं कम से कम बीस वर्ष से नियमित रूप से चल रही हैं, लेकिन इसके पहले तक उलेमाओं की ओर से कुछ नहींकहा गया? दूसरा पहलू यह है कि जब अफगानिस्तान में तालिबान ने सत्ता पर कब्जा किया तब से सारी दुनिया में उन्हें देवबंदी इस्लाम के अनुयायी के रूप में ही जाना गया। चार वर्ष पहले पाकिस्तान के बड़े इस्लामी नेता फजलुर रहमान भी देवबंद आए थे। रहमान को दुनिया तालिबान के जनक के रूप में जानती है, क्योंकि उनके देवबंदी मदरसों में ही तालिबान ने वे पाठ सीखे जिसके आधार पर अफगानिस्तान में एक भयानक राज कायम किया गया। कराची का बिनौरी मदरसा और पेशावर का हक्कानिया मदरसा देवबंदी विचारधारा के ही अनुयायी हैं। फजलुर रहमान को उन तालिबानों पर फº था और वे पाकिस्तान समेत सारी दुनिया में वैसे ही विशुद्ध इस्लाम के ख्वाहिशमंद हैं। जुलाई 2003 को उन्होंने देवबंद में भी दोहराया कि तालिबान का शासन सबसे अच्छा था। जब तालिबान की प्रशंसा में देवबंद में कसीदे काढ़े जा रहे थे तब उलेमा खामोश क्यों थे? अफगानिस्तान में तालिबान राज के लोमहर्षक, अमानवीय कारनामे जग-जाहिर थे। वीभत्स हत्याएं, संगीत, कला, खेल-कूद, फोटोग्राफी आदि पर प्रतिबंध, स्ति्रयों पर जुल्म, हिंदुओं-सिखों पर अत्याचार, बामियान की ऐतिहासिक बुद्ध प्रतिमाओं का विध्वंस, भारतीय विमान का अपहरण, कारगिल में जेहादी घुसपैठ में शरीक होना आदि उनके कुछ कारनामे हैं। इनमें से कई सीधे भारत के खिलाफ थे। स्वयं देवबंद में पढ़ रहे भारतीय मुस्लिम भी तालिबान को सहपाठी बता कर गर्व करते थे। क्या देवबंदी उलेमा अब तालिबान पर शर्मसार हो रहे हैं? जब 11 सितंबर को न्यूयार्क के व‌र्ल्ड ट्रेड सेंटर पर आतंकवादी हमला हुआ तो देवबंद के रहनुमाओं का आक्रोश आतंकवादियों पर नहीं, बल्कि अमेरिका पर था। वे ओसामा बिन लादेन को क्लीन-चिट दे रहे थे। लादेन के काम और उद्देश्य जगजाहिर थे। न्यूयार्क से पहले वह कई आतंकवादी कारनामे घोषित तौर पर कर चुका था। लादेन ने विश्व में इस्लामी साम्राज्य कायम करने और भारत को अमेरिका, रूस के बाद तीसरा मुख्य निशाना मानने की घोषणाएं कई बार की हैं। फिर भी देवबंद मदरसे के उच्चाधिकारी नियमित रूप से उन्हीं आतंकवादियों का बचाव करते रहे हैं। हमें उनके बयान का निहितार्थ ढूंढना होगा। यह इस्लाम को ही एकमात्र कसौटी मानकर आतंकवाद की आलोचना भी कर रहा है। इसीलिए भारत को निशाना बनाए विदेशी मुस्लिम आतंकवादियों की भी देवबंद के मौलानाओं ने कभी निंदा नहीं की। कश्मीर से लेकर गुजरात तक एक से एक अमानवीय घटनाओं को अंजाम देने वाले गिरोहों के विरुद्ध कभी कोई फतवा नहीं दिया-इसीलिए कि सभी आतंकवादी इस्लामी प्रेरणाओं का हवाला देकर ही अपने कारनामे करते हैं। इस्लाम मुसलमानों के लिए कसौटी हो सकता है, गैर-मुसलमानों के लिए नहीं। यदि कोई आतंकवाद की आलोचना में गंभीर है तो उसे बिना इस्लाम का हवाला दिए सीधे-सीधे इसकी निंदा करनी चाहिए। आतंकवाद गैर-इस्लामी कार्य है, कहने में यह बात नहीं आती। इसलिए किसी गैर-मुस्लिम को देवबंदी उलेमा के इस नए बयान से तनिक भी उत्साहित नहीं होना चाहिए। ऐसे बयानों में सत्यनिष्ठा नहीं झलकती। इस्लाम मूलत: राजनीतिक विचारधारा है। इसलिए जैसे राजनीति में सामान्य रूप से होता है, अपनी और विरोधी की शक्ति की स्थिति देखकर पैंतरे बदल दिए जाते हैं वैसा ही कुछ इस मामले में भी नजर आता है। जब तक इस्लामी आतंकवादी और अल-कायदा आदि बढ़त लिए हुए दिख रहे थे तब तक देवबंद की ओर से उनके खिलाफ कुछ नहीं कहा गया। यह केवल देवबंद की स्थिति नहीं थी, बल्कि संपूर्ण इस्लामी विश्व की सोच थी। इसलिए ओसामा या मैगनिफिशेंट इलेवन (न्यूयार्क पर हमला करने वाले ग्यारह आतंकवादियों) की तस्वीर छपी टी-शर्ट दुनिया भर के मुस्लिम युवकों में शान से पहनी जाती थी। आज वह स्थिति नहीं दिख रही। मुसलमान जनता में आतंकवादियों पर गर्व का बुखार कुछ उतरता लग रहा है। उन्हें लग रहा है कि अमेरिका को मिटाना इतना आसान नहीं। फिर दुनिया के गैर-मुस्लिमों में इस्लाम के प्रति आलोचना का भाव बढ़ा है। इससे गैर-इस्लामी समाजों में रह रहे मुसलमानों को कई कठिनाइयां हो रही हैं। लगता है कि उलेमाओं ने इन सब परिस्थितियों का आकलन करने के बाद अपना रुख बदलने की कोशिश की है। यह वक्त ही बताएगा कि उलेमा अपनी इस राय के प्रति कितने गंभीर हैं? (लेखक स्वतंत्र टिप्पणीकार हैं)

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Bodhi - 03-12-2008

By the way, Swat, which is now home of these deobandi-wahabi-talibani- or shall we just say islami terrorists - was once much praised in our ancient texts. Swat is known in ancient Indic texts as suvAstu - "good home".

Rahul Sankrityayan has written about Swat at length, in his accounts of the travels in central asia.

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Naresh - 03-12-2008

[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Large ship not allowed at Gwadar</span></b>[/center]

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>KARACHI, March 11 : A Panamax class vessel, laden with 72,900 tons of wheat, arrived from Canada early on Monday morning, <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>but was not allowed to berth at the country’s first deep-sea Gwadar Port.</span></b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-13-2008

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Bloodshed in Pakistan </b>
The Pioner Edit Desk
Now Lahore gets a taste of jihad
Tuesday's two powerful bomb explosions in Lahore are a grim reminder that Islamist terrorism in Pakistan continues unabated despite the recent election and the new alignment of political forces. At least 28 people are said to have been killed and 170 injured in two separate blasts as jihadis targeted the regional office of the Federal Investigation Agency as also the posh colony of Model Town where are found the residences of many prominent politicians, including that of Mr Asif Ali Zardari. Though none has come forward to claim responsibility for the attacks, these have nevertheless been attributed to Al Qaeda and/or Taliban, or elements of jihadi groups that are sympathetic to both. They follow the pattern of recent attacks that have targeted the Army, police and intelligence services. Lahore, which had been largely spared terrorist depredations in the past, has seen three attacks in quick succession this year. There had been an attack recently on the Naval College which saw at least four fatalities and another earlier near the High Court that killed at least 19 people. It is now being speculated that Lahore is under attack because many police officers from Pakistan's Punjab were involved in last year's operation to flush out radicals from Lal Masjid in Islamabad in which a large numbers of extremists died. Most certainly these suicide attacks are in retaliation to the activities of Government troops in the country's North-West Frontier Province, especially in the Swat valley, where they have engaged pro-Taliban and Al Qaeda forces for several months. It is clear that these attacks mark a new phase in Pakistan's encounter with terror, with jihadis, having decided to bite the hand that has fed and lovingly nourished them till now, turning their ire on Punjab province.

Terrorist activity in Pakistan is no longer a phenomenon to be found in remote areas of the North-Western Frontier Province but is increasingly making its presence felt in the country's heartland, close to where its rulers - in uniform and civvies - live and the middle-classes reside. Clearly, the jihadis hope to weaken the resolve of the Government agencies and the will of the Pakistanis to combat them. Yet, these attacks may well have the opposite effect. Survey after survey of popular opinion indicates that support for Al Qaeda, the Taliban and radical Islamist organisations has all but evaporated in recent months whereas it had been fairly strong till late last year. This has been confirmed in Pakistan's general elections in which the people have preferred to vote for moderate democratic parties and rejected Islamic parties with extremist ideologies. The new Government that will be sworn in, therefore, has a strong mandate not just to usher in political change but also to combat terrorism in the name of Islam.


Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Naresh - 03-15-2008

<b>Pakistan hands over Al Qaeeda Number Three - Once Again!</b>

[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>High-level al-Qaida figure captured</span></b>[/center]

<b>PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer - 6 minutes ago</b>

<b>WASHINGTON - <span style='color:red'>After secret interrogations, the CIA transferred to U.S. military custody a high-level al-Qaida figure who helped Osama bin Laden escape from Afghanistan in 2001, the Pentagon announced Friday.

Mohammad Rahim was detained last summer, CIA Director Michael Hayden said, but the intelligence official didn't reveal where or by whom. The CIA turned Rahim over to the military earlier this week in what Hayden said was the first such transfer from his agency's interrogation program since April 2007.</span></b>

Rahim is now being held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Hayden said.

"Rahim's detention in the summer of 2007 was a blow to more than one terrorist network," Hayden told agency employees in a memo obtained by The Associated Press. "He gave aid to al-Qaida, the Taliban and other anti-coalition militants."

Since early in the global war on terrorism following the Sept. 11 attacks by al-Qaida, the CIA has held captured suspects in secret prisons and interrogated them. Rahim became the 16th so-called "high-value" suspect handed over to the military by the CIA and held at Guantanamo.

<b><span style='color:red'>Although U.S. officials refused to say where Rahim was captured, an Aug. 2 story in Pakistan's The Nation said Rahim was one of two al-Qaida and Taliban aides picked up by authorities. Rahim being arrested in Lahore a few days before publication of the article, the report said.</span></b>

"Rahim is a tough, seasoned jihadist," Hayden said. "His combat experience, which dates back to the 1980s, includes plots against U.S. and Afghan targets."

Rahim is a close associate of bin Laden and has ties to al-Qaida organizations throughout the Middle East, according to Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman. Officials said Rahim helped arrange the al-Qaida hideout at Tora Bora — a mountain area full of warrens used by bin Laden during the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

He assisted al-Qaida's escape from the area during the U.S. operation to try to catch the al-Qaida leader, officials said.

"In 2001, as the terrorist haven in Afghanistan was collapsing, Rahim helped prepare Tora Bora as a hideout," Hayden said. "When al-Qaida had to flee from there, Rahim was part of that operation, too."

Officials allege that he sought chemicals for one attack on U.S. forces in Afghanistan, and tried to recruit individuals with access to American military facilities there.

"While that record alone would justify Rahim's capture, it does not fully describe his place in the terrorist infrastructure," Hayden said. "Proficient in several languages and familiar with the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan, he was also an extremist facilitator and courier with high-level contacts."

Rahim is perhaps best known in counterterror circles as a personal facilitator and translator for bin Laden and other al-Qaida leaders, Hayden said.

Hayden said the most powerful tool against terror suspects "is good intelligence work, including cultivation of the partnerships overseas that were so critical to ending the terrorist career of Mohammad Rahim."


<i>Associated Press writer Pamela Hess contributed to this report.</i>

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Naresh - 03-15-2008

[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Unyielding stance</span></b>[/center]

YET again, the water dispute between the nuclear rivals, India and Pakistan, has bubbled up as preparations by the former to build a number of dams in the occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir are well under way. Despite Pakistan's repeated requests, India has chosen to turn a blind eye to the gravity of the situation and instead has continued to maintain its uncompromising stance on the issue. It must be noted that almost all of the dams India is currently building are in violation of the Indus Water Treaty brokered by the good offices of the World Bank to settle the water dispute in 1960. Pakistan is currently facing severe water and power crises, and the construction of those dams would virtually turn Pakistan into a wasteland. The water level in our dams is already below the danger level and the wheat crop is facing problems, mainly due to the shortage of water. There are also reports indicating that this time around, the production of wheat will be much below the target. The construction of these dams flies in the face of the CBM mantra voiced by India besides proving its mindset of pulling the rug from under its neighbour's feet. It is hoped that Islamabad will take up the issue more firmly and press New Delhi to stop construction of those dams.

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-16-2008

<b>Pakistan bomb kills Turk, U.S. embassy staff wounded</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Turkish woman was killed and U.S. embassy staff were among those wounded in a bomb attack on a restaurant frequented by foreigners in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad on Saturday night, police said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Shambhu - 03-16-2008

This Rahim they captured helped OBL get out of Tora Bora, US says.

The smartest cookie of all time Award was handed posthumously to Caesar Vespasian, for his Fiction Movie "Jesus". I hereby take back that award and give it to this Rahim gentleman for (wait, let me put on my reading glasses and tear open the vanilla envelope)-- yes, for "Saving Bush's @$$ by acting as the scapegoat".

FYI Vanilla, not manilla, envelopes are used when a vanilla guy is picked up as AQ#3.142

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-16-2008

<b>Pakistan state TV: Missiles kill 20 </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan - At least 20 people were killed in a missile strike near the Afghan border on Sunday, state-run Pakistan Television said.

The strike destroyed the house of a suspected militant leader, according to a local tribesman.

Seven missiles were fired in the strike in the tribal area of South Waziristan, the television report said.

<b>The report did not indicate where the missiles came from, but U.S.-led coalition forces based in neighboring Afghanistan </b>have launched attacks inside the Pakistani border in the past.

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-16-2008

<b>Pak to hang Sarabjit Singh on April 1</b>
And same day Indian PM Moron Singh will honor Afzal with Bharat Ratna.

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-17-2008

<b>Four FBI agents hurt in Pakistan bombing</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Four of the 12 people wounded in the weekend bombing of an Islamabad restaurant are U.S. FBI agents, the bureau confirmed Sunday.

The attack occurred Saturday when a bomb was hurled over a wall surrounding the Luna Caprese restaurant, an outdoor cafe frequented by Westerners, journalists and diplomats.

Four FBI personnel were "slightly injured" in the blast, FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko said Sunday in a written statement

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-19-2008

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Paki held for spreading pakistaniyat in Hong Kong</b>
18 Mar 2008

Hong Kong: <b>The police said they arrested a Pakistani man early today in connection with the murders of four Hong Kong sex workers.</b>

Four women have been found murdered since Saturday, prompting fears that a serial killer was targeting prostitutes.

<b>The suspect --- who was not identified --- was detained in the gambling hub of Macau</b>, 40 kilometres west of Hong Kong, and sent back by ferry to Hong Kong, where he was arrested, the police said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

What was he doing in Haraam places like an gambling hub? Spreading his pakistaniyat.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Superintendent Steve Li said the Macau police and the Hong Kong Organised Crime and Triad Bureau were involved in the case.

<b>"At the time of the arrest we were able to recover two mobile phones which had been stolen from two of the victims</b>," Li said on local radio RTHK.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

He did not forget islamic directions of stealing from his victims.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"At the moment the arrested person is being detained for further inquiries. We believe that at some point later we will be issuing criminal proceedings."

Li said it appeared that robbery was the motive behind the murders of the four women.

"We do not want to guess, but based on the information so far we gathered, and also the ransacking and the looting of properties, we believe there's one possibility of robbery," he said.

Hong Kong is one of the world's safest major cities, and murders and other violent crimes are rare. The four murders brought the total for the year to 14, according to the South China Morning Post.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Guest - 03-19-2008

<b>Pakistan elects first female speaker </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan's new parliament elected the country's first female speaker Wednesday from the party of assassinated opposition leader Benazir Bhutto.

Fehmida Mirza, a businesswoman and medical doctor elected to parliament three times, won 249 of the 324 votes in a ballot in the National Assembly, or lower house. Her only challenger received 70.

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Naresh - 03-20-2008

[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Suicide bomber kills five Pakistani paramilitary</span></b>[/center]

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Pakistan (Reuters) - <b><span style='color:red'>A suicide bomber killed five Pakistani troops and wounded five in an attack at the entrance to a paramilitary base</span></b> in South Waziristan on Thursday, intelligence officials said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan - Bodhi - 03-20-2008

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Mar 16 2008, 10:12 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Mar 16 2008, 10:12 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->And same day Indian PM Moron Singh will honor Afzal with Bharat Ratna.

Mudy as the things stand, you never know, one day Afzal guru may be handing Bharat Ratna to Moron Singh.

Afterall, all kangressi PMs must get Bharat Ratna, and maybe they will amend the rules to allow ex-terrorists to be given priority for being Rashtrapati!