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Governor Blathering Nonsense At Sanskrit Universit
.Governor's words
[ 10 Feb, 2007 0159hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
"However, the governor, who is also the chancellor of the university, was
taken away safely from the place. Not only students, but teachers too felt hurt
with his speech and remarks therein."

What a fool. I dare him to give such a derogatory speech to any group
that holds and cherishes any ideal. He only dares because he thought Hindus were
sheep. What would he do if he knew that Government Ministers in Mexico are
supporting Vedic research in Mexico. It is truly a fact that Hindu Dharma &
India's greatest enemies are Indians. At least its also obvious that India's
greatest Supporters are Indians as well. Ravana and Vibhishan. Duryodhana and
Yudhisthira. I guess its not a new phenomenon. V
VARANASI: Governor T V Rajeswar would not have imagined that his
well-meaning advice to students of Sampurnanand Sanskrit University (SSU) for
career building would invite their uncontrolled ire, forcing him to leave the
place unceremoniously under security cover.

The governor, who was addressing the convocation at SSU on Friday afternoon, had
to leave the place amidst utter chaos and slogan shouting.

Protesting against his remarks against Sanskrit learning, the students not only
threw chairs and shoes at the convocation venue, but also turned violent,
indulging in brick-batting at the main gate targeting the motorcade.

However, the governor, who is also the chancellor of the university, was taken
away safely from the place. Not only students, but teachers too felt hurt with
his speech and remarks therein.

Everything was going on as per schedule at the convocation until the address of
the Governor, who was presiding over the function.

The entire audience was shocked when he described Sanskrit learning as worthless
in this age of science and technology.

He said that Sanskrit learning would lead students to the bail-gadi yug (age of
bullock-carts). "Sanskrit is no longer the language of God,"he said adding that
the knowledge of English and science was essential in this age for a bright

He went on to say he would take a lead for amendment in state universities
regulation for compulsory education of English.

He exhorted Sanskrit students to come out of the age-old confines of the
language and look forward to learning modern things for development.

He said that even Greek and Latin languages were out of the syllabus of western
universities while Sanskrit was being taught in most Indian schools even today,
he said.

He added that languages like Sanskrit and Persian had been promoted by the
British to divide and rule the country.

Not in SSU alone, the governor had earlier also called upon students at the
convocation at Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth (MGKV) to rise above the Vedic
and Gandhian studies in this age of modern science to ensure their place and
position in modern-day metros.

"Aj zamana badal raha hai. Sirf Vedic aur Gandhian studies se aap log aage nahin
badh sakate hain,"he said. He said that students should move ahead with the
time, leaving out-dated traditions behind.

This speech of the governor annoyed students, who were there to receive their
degrees. Seeing their restlessness the function was cut short and the National
Anthem hurriedly sung.

However, the students created a scene at the venue, hurling chairs and shoes.
They also raised slogans against the governor
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<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>देवभाषा के प्रति अपने दुराग्रह का परिचय दिया महामहिम ने </span>

राज्यपाल को नहीं है जानकारी : कुटुम्ब शास्त्री

वाराणसी: सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय के दीक्षांत समारोह में शुक्रवार को बतौर मुख्य अतिथि शामिल हुए राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत संस्थान (नयी दिल्ली) के कुलपति प्रो. वी. कुटुम्ब शास्त्री भी राज्यपाल की टिप्पणी से क्षुब्ध हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि राज्यपाल को ऐसा नहीं बोलना चाहिए था। उनकी हिन्दी पर पकड़ नहीं है और संस्कृत के बारे में जानकारी का भी अभाव है। संभवत: यही कारण है कि राज्यपाल संस्कृत के खिलाफ बोल गये। ऐसे में छात्रों का आक्रोशित होना स्वभाविक है। इसी कार्यक्रम में डी. लिट से सम्मानित हुई गिरिजा देवी ने इस घटना पर टिप्पणी से इनकार किया।
Chief Guest of the program, vice Chancellor of National Sanskrit Institute New Delhi, Prof V Kutumb Shastri is also upset over Governor's comments. He said governor does not even have proper hold over Hindi, and definitely lacks any knowledge of Sanskrit. Another guest, who was presented with DLit., Girija Devi refused to comment.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>मंगलाचरण न होने से हुआ अमंगल ! </span>

सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय की अब तक की परम्परा उस वक्त टूट गयी जब कुलाधिपति ने दीक्षांत समारोह के प्रारम्भ में मंगलाचरण के कार्यक्रम को ही हटवा दिया। यहां की परम्परा रही है कि हर छोटे-बड़े कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत वैदिक व पौराणिक मंगलाचरण से होती है। छह साल बाद होने वाले दीक्षांत जैसे महत्वपूर्ण समारोह में यह पहला मौका था जब मंगलाचरण नहीं हुआ। हंगामा होने के बाद पूरे परिसर में जुटे संस्कृत के प्रकांड विद्वानों में इस बात की खासी चर्चा रही कि मंगलाचरण न होने से ही अमंगल हो गया। यहां यह भी चर्चा रही कि कुलाधिपति के परिसर स्थित वाग्देवी मंदिर में दर्शन-पूजन के कार्यक्रम को हटवा दिया गया था जिसे भी अमंगल का एक कारण माना जा रहा है।

Age old tradition of the university was broken today, when Governer did not allow the traditional Mangalacharan program that has always been held before the ceremony. It is a tradition of the Sanskrit University that every program begins with Mangalacharan in which Vedic Richas are sung.

Governer did not allow another tradition, of Darshan-Puja in Vagdevi (Sarasvati) Temple in the campus, before the program. This tradition is century old too.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>राज्यपाल की टिप्पणी पर तूफान  </span>

वाराणसी, सिटी रिपोर्टर : सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय में राज्यपाल टी राजेस्वर द्वारा संस्कृत भाषा के अपमान पर राजनीतिक दलों में तीखी प्रतिक्रिया हुई है। विभिन्न दलों के नेताओं ने कहा है कि राज्यपाल ने देवभाषा के प्रति अपने अज्ञान और संस्कृत के प्रति अपने दुराग्रह का परिचय दिया है।

  समाजवादी पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता व पूर्व मंत्री शतरूद्र प्रकाश ने कहा कि राज्यपाल का बयान राष्ट्रीय स्वाभिमान को गिराने वाला है। अंग्रेजी की तारीफ मानसिक गुलामी का भी प्रतीक है। शायद महामहिम को नहीं मालुम कि संस्कृत ही देवताओं की भाषा और समस्त भाषाओं की जननी है। संस्कृत को कमतर और अंग्रेजी को विकास की भाषा का बताना राज्यपाल की अज्ञानता का परिचायक है। भारतेन्दु हरिश्चन्द्र ने भी निज भाषा की उन्नति में ही राष्ट्र के सम्पूर्ण विकास की कल्पना की थी। वे छात्र साधुवाद के पात्र हैं जिन्होंने मौके पर ही राज्यपाल को सबक सिखाया। भाजपा के ज्ञान प्रकाश मिश्र, राकेश त्रिवेदी, अशोक पाण्डेय, सुजीत टीका, डॉ.जयनाथ मिश्र, रवीन्द्र जायसवाल व आनन्द मिश्र ने कहा कि राज्यपाल के बयान से भारतीय संस्कृति का अपमान हुआ है।

  एनएसयूआई के पूर्व राष्ट्रीय सचिव रत्नाकर त्रिपाठी ने कहा कि राज्यपाल ने सोची-समझी रणनीति के तहत संस्कृत का अपमान किया। यदि उनको संस्कृत बैलगाड़ी की भाषा लगती है तो वे संस्कृत विवि में क्यों आये? श्रीकाशी विद्वत परिषद के मंत्री अखिलानन्द शास्त्री, विद्यार्थी परिषद के राष्ट्रीय महामंत्री सुरेश भट्ट व मंत्री राधेश्याम ने कहा कि गैर जिम्मेदार व असंवैधानिक आचरण करने वाले व्यक्ति को राज्यपाल जैसे सम्मानित पद पर बने रहने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है। समाजवादी युवजन सभा के पूर्व अध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र त्रिवेदी एडवोकेट, हरिश्चन्द्र कॉलेज के पूर्व छात्रसंघ अध्यक्ष राजू यादव, सुशील सिंह रघुवंशी, प्रदीप जायसवाल ने कहा कि राज्यपाल ने संस्कृत की तौहीन कर काशी की गरिमा को कलंकित किया है। सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय अध्यापक परिषद की हुई बैठक में वक्ताओं ने कहा कि संस्कृत के प्रति कुलाधिपति की यह टिप्पणी उनकी अज्ञानता को दर्शाता है। परिषद ने उन्हें तत्काल हटाने की केन्द्र से मांग की है। बैठक को प्रो.राजीव रंजन सिंह, प्रो.राम किशोर त्रिपाठी, प्रो.सर्वेश्वर राजहंस, प्रो.रामपूजन पाण्डेय, प्रो.रमाशंकर मिश्र ने संबोधित किया।

  महर्षि पाणिनि स्मारक मंदिर निर्माण समिति के सम्पर्क प्रमुख डॉ. नन्दन सत्यम ने कहा कि टी राजेस्वर ने राज्यपाल की गरिमा को धूलिसात् किया है। साथ ही दक्षिणात्य संस्कृत प्रेम व विद्वता पर भी विष वमन किया है। कहा कि राज्यपाल अपने पद से इस्तीफा दें और संस्कृतज्ञों व संस्कृत प्रेमियों से क्षमा मांगे।

  उन्होंने छात्रों से अपील कि वे अपनी उपाधियां कुलपति को लौटा दें और भारतीय संस्कृति के संरक्षक विद्वानों से पद ग्रहण करें। पाणिनि कन्या महाविद्यालय की आचार्या सूर्या देवी चतुर्वेदी ने लोगों का आह्वान किया कि वे तब तक आंदोलन करते रहे जब कि टीवी राजेस्वर राज्यपाल के पद से च्युत न हों। नन्दिता शास्त्री, प्रीति विमर्शिनी, आचार्या मेधा देवी आदि ने आक्रोश जताया है।

  गो सेवा आयोग के अध्यक्ष डॉ. केपी यादव ने कहा कि संस्कृत भाषा का अपमान करने वाले राज्यपाल के खिलाफ देशद्रोह का मुकदमा चलाया जाना चाहिए। काशी विद्वत परिषद के डॉ. कामेश्वर उपाध्याय ने कहा कि लगता है कि जैसे राज्यपाल प्रदेश में इसाइयत व अंग्रेजीयत का प्रचार-प्रसार करने आये हैं। ऐसे राज्यपाल को तत्काल हटाया जाना चाहिए। ज्योतिष वेद विद्या समिति की बैठक में राज्यपाल के खिलाफ जंग छेड़ने का प्रस्ताव किया गया।

  बैठक में कृष्णदत्त मिश्र, आनन्द मालवीय, उदय झा आदि शामिल थे। सेंट्र्ल बार एसोसियेशन के पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्रीनाथ सिंह ने कहा कि भारतीय संस्कृति पर कुठाराघात असहनीय है। अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद के सुरेश भट्ट ने कहा कि राष्ट्रपति से मांग की जायेगी कि राज्यपाल को वापस बुलाये। उन्होंने 10 फरवरी को प्रदेश में काला दिवस मनाने की घोषणा की।

People of Varanasi across spectrum are outraged.

Governer also refused to wear Sampoornanand Cap or Gandhi cap, which is another tradition of the University. Every teacher, student or guest wears this on the stage. Even Girija Devi honoured this, but not Mr. Rao.
Who is this idiot? I hope he preach same in Madarsa.
Either he is a christian or COmmie.

Sonia knows how to appoint people like her.
<b>"जब कुलाधिपति ने दीक्षांत समारोह के प्रारम्भ में मंगलाचरण के कार्यक्रम को ही हटवा दिया। यहां की परम्परा रही है कि हर छोटे-बड़े कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत वैदिक व पौराणिक मंगलाचरण से होती है। "

This is a clear attack on the Hindu ethos itself. But in sense I think it lends truth the belief the veda recoils and keeps away from the dasyu-s like Rajeswar. ma~NgalAcharaNaM cannot be recited before such characters.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Feb 9 2007, 10:19 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Feb 9 2007, 10:19 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Who is this idiot? I hope he preach same in Madarsa.


He is ex-IB chief, ex IPS officer, ex governor of WB and author of a report that alerted of the muslim demographic threat to India. He put Mullahyam in his place when he was pussyfooting arresting that goon in Mau IIRC.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This is a clear attack on the Hindu ethos itself. But in sense I think it lends truth the belief the veda recoils and keeps away from the dasyu-s like Rajeswar. ma~NgalAcharaNaM cannot be recited before such characters.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Nice to see that even in the present day this holds true. While Witzel and his looney entourage don't ever understand the Vedas even when they think they're reading it (that's also Divinely arranged), dunces like this "What's up guv'ner" (touching me cap here) - one of Queen Victoria's own, bless 'im - don't get to hear the sacred Mangalacharanam.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->He is ex-IB chief, ex IPS officer, <b>ex governor of WB</b> and author of a report that alerted of the muslim demographic threat to India. He put Mullahyam in his place when he was pussyfooting arresting that goon in Mau IIRC.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Aha.
Sorry, his 'Forget Samskritam' speech has just negated any valuable contributions he might have made. Leastways, it has for me.

I don't see the Germans rushing over themselves to toss out German and take in English. Or the French, or the Dutch or anyone else.
Samskritam is our national language (of Hindus), it's our father/mother tongue - depending on whether our regional language represents the mother or father tongue.
Basically, the guv is saying: forget that you are Indians (Hindus) and what it means to be Indian. Pretend you're some global citizen with no past.
Doesn't he know there is no future for people who don't know who they are? This guy has a lot to learn, but he appears incapable of learning.

I don't think there is a self-loathing culture other than our own.
Even our deranged neighbours (I speak of Terroristan) are proud of their Urdu - a language with no worthy pedigree, which is basically Hindi plus some Persian and bits of Arabic; a creole language that no Arabian islamic recognises.
So proud of it the Pakis are, that they were willing to massacre their own co-religionists in Bangladesh to force the latter to forswear Bengali and take on the alien Urdu.

No African nation, though it may have been reduced in past centuries to slavery and other great misfortune, hates itself so much that it would say 'denounce who you are and forgo your own identity'.

But here we have the hon'rable guv'ner, telling Indians to do exactly that. Why was he invited to speak at the Samskrit university at all?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It is truly a fact that Hindu Dharma & India's greatest enemies are Indians. Ravana and Vibhishan. Duryodhana and
Yudhisthira.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->When Indians convert to one of the terrorist ideologies (christoislamism, communism, psecularism) they do become the nation's greatest enemies.
Though Ravana and Duryodhana were never anti-Hindu, they were terribly dangerous to Dharma (and consequently to the nation and the known world) because they had power.
Sadly, Sonia and her terrorist sidekicks are in charge now, and because they are not merely adharmic but even <i>anti-Hindu</i>, our plight is worse than in those earlier cases.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I hope he preach same in Madarsa.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I'd so like to witness - from afar, of course - the aftermath of <i>that</i>.

Admittedly it was stupid of him to go to a Skt university and lecture the students but unfortunately that is the nature of things in India - the only important thing today is how to make money and the only way you make money is to walk and talk english. Modi was trying to make english compulsory for all students since he thinks that is the only thing that holds gujjus back in service/software industry. I think RSS was trying to oppose it but I think Modi is going to have his way.

At some point when there is enough of money to go around things like culture etc will come into play but right now Sarasvati-ji has taken a backseat - its Laxmi-ji right now. Give it a decade or two and Sarasvati-ji will come back with a bang. You can see signs of that with movies like Hanuman becoming hit.

Hold on for we are on a wild ride..
Rajesh_g, learning English is very important, it is true. (Though in the future, it might well be Spanish or some other language, even Chinese. On this matter, see bottom of this post) But the governor was terribly wrong to promote English <i>at the expense</i> of Samskritam.

Grandfather taught the children in his village their own language (Tamil and Kannada), then Samskritam, then English. Children can learn many languages, especially when one starts at a young age. According to my father, who was among the children taught by my grandfather, all of the children excelled at the languages (as well as other subjects) they had learnt.

Is the governor saying Indians are too stupid to learn more than one language and so exhorts them to forget Samskritam and let it be English instead? (Though Indians are particularly adept at learning many languages.) My opinion is that he was saying more than that: his statements have an anti-Hindu tinge; his behaviour definitely.

By all means, make English compulsory in schools. In fact, in high schools make some other foreign languages compulsory, or optional as the case may be, as well.
But mother tongue (regional) first, father tongue (Samskritam) second, and the international lingua franca (which is English at present) third must make up the ideal list of compulsory languages for Hindu students, with at least the first two starting at a very young age.

I'd read somewhere about how German was the primary language used for some international technical or governing committee until the late 80s or start of 90s. Slowly since then, it was elbowed out by English.

According to my dad, his German-language engineering books have no comparison and are infinitely better than the English language ones (excepting those by Indian, Russian and Italian authors which are on par). Many of his colleagues learnt German specifically to have access to this information.

Who knows what the next international lingua franca may be. It may remain English even if China were to ever grow into the greatest superpower of its time, or it may change to become Chinese or another language.
But with certainty, our own languages will remain of inestimable value for us as long as we give them the place due them.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Grandfather taught the children in his village their own language (Tamil and Kannada), then Samskritam, then English. Children can learn many languages, especially when one starts at a young age. According to my father, who was among the children taught by my grandfather, all of the children excelled at the languages (as well as other subjects) they had learnt.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Correct, it is easier to acquire a language when you are young, in contrast if a child is kept in total isolation when very young he/she will will be unable to acquire language no matter how hard they try (courtesy of my psych class).

English maybe important but that does not mean that we give up our heritage, the way the governor phrased what he wanted to say was totally repulsive, he should try that at Deoband about Arabic and see what happens.

Husky is right, first comes your mother tongue, second should come the language that helps us in discovering our ancient civilization and religion and third should come english.

Totally agree. He has not only presented a choice in language but also a choice in vocation.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Not in SSU alone, the governor had earlier also called upon students at the convocation at Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth (MGKV) to rise above the Vedic and Gandhian studies in this age of modern science to ensure their place and position in modern-day metros.

"Aj zamana badal raha hai. Sirf Vedic aur Gandhian studies se aap log aage nahin badh sakate hain,"he said. He said that students should move ahead with the time, leaving out-dated traditions behind.

All I am saying is this is a very materialistic view of living life and as things are thats how a lot of people see things. Why just Vedic, Gandhian studies - any studies besides engg and medical are considered an utter waste of time. But society will evolve, if lage-raho-munnabhai can make gandhigiri cool (albeit still impractical to study) I am confident Maa Saraswati is just a decade or two away from reoccupying the place she had. The flame just needs to be kept burning with a critical mass still holding that knowledge and its time shall come.
Husky .For childrens is easy to learn 3 languages.
In school i had 4 languages to learn (betwin years 1990 and 1995,my case):
romanian(mother lang.),ancient latin(father lang.),russian and english.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->    link
<b>'सोनिया को खुश करने के लिए राज्यपाल का संस्कृत विरोध' </b>

लखनऊ। भाजपा ने कहा कि अंग्रेजी का महिमामंडन करके राज्यपाल ने संविधान के अनुच्छेद 351 की धज्जियां उड़ायी हैं। राज्यपाल श्रीमती सोनिया गांधी को खुश करने के लिए संस्कृत और संस्कृति का विरोध कर रहे हैं।

  प्रदेश भाजपा के मुख्य प्रवक्ता हृदय नारायण दीक्षित ने कहा कि राज्यपाल राज्य के संविधान प्रमुख एवं प्रथम शासक होते हैं। अनुच्छेद 351 में हिंदी का प्रचार व प्रसार संघ का कर्तव्य बताया गया है लेकिन केंद्र सरकार के प्रतिनिधि राज्यपाल हिंदी के बजाय विदेशी भाषा अंग्रेजी के प्रचारक व अभिकर्ता के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं।

<b>  श्री दीक्षित ने कहा कि टीवी राजेस्वर ने संविधान सभा की कार्यवाही नहीं पढ़ी। संविधान सभा में पं.जवाहर लाल नेहरू ने 31 सितंबर, 1949 को संस्कृत की तारीफ करते हुए कहा था कि संस्कृत एक समय दक्षिण एशिया के बड़े हिस्से की भाषा थी। नेहरू ने कहा था कि हमने अंग्रेजी इसलिए स्वीकार की क्योंकि वह विजेता की भाषा थी, इसलिए नहीं कि वह महत्वपूर्ण भाषा थी। अंग्रेजी चाहे कितनी ही अच्छी हो, हम इसे सहन नहीं कर सकते। </b>

  श्री दीक्षित ने संपूर्ण गांधी वांगमय के हवाले से कहा कि गांधीजी ने ऐसे ही व्यक्तियों को साफ तौर पर कहा था कि मातृभाषा में मां के दूध के संस्कार होते हैं। इस संबंध को तोड़ने वालों का हेतु कितना ही पवित्र हो, फिर भी वे जनता के दुश्मन हैं। राजेस्वर की बयानबाजी ऐसी ही है। श्री दीक्षित ने कहा कि राज्य दुर्दिन के दौर में है। मुख्यमंत्री अल्पसंख्यकवादी और मदरसावादी हैं जबकि राज्यपाल संस्कृत और संस्कृतिविरोधी। राज्यपाल को संस्कृत की क्षमता जानने के लिए भाषा विज्ञान पढ़ना चाहिये। 
Post 10:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I am confident Maa Saraswati is just a decade or two away from reoccupying the place she had.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Rajesh_g, Tataastu times infinity.

Post 11:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->ancient latin(father lang.),<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Unless Romanians are Roman descendants, it cannot be their father language. As far as I am aware. Romanians were a Slavic people originally and Rome conquered Romania, in which case Latin at that time would have been what English is to Indians (language of the foreign victors and eventual lingua franca). In that case, it would today merely be a classical language for Romanians, though with the country itself being Orthodox by far, I would have expected Greek to be the classical language people there learned.

The way I meant the term 'father tongue' to be used is in a totally different sense. In using 'father' I meant to imply a close, loving, 'biological' and spiritual affinity, as is the case with 'mother' in the term Mother Tongue.
- Latin would therefore be the father language of the Romans, with the local regional Italic or other Romance languages being the mother languages of most Romans from the suburbs in those early times.
- Samskritam is our father language, because we are Hindus and Hindus gave rise to that language: it was developed in India, by Indians and it is has been our national language.
Husky,Feb 13 2007, 04:37 AM Wrote:Post 10:
Quote:I am confident MaaPost 11:
[quote]ancient latin(father lang.),
Unless Romanians are Roman descendants, it cannot be their father language. As far as I am aware. Romanians were a Slavic people originally and Rome conquered Romania, in which case Latin at that time would have been what English is to Indians (language of the foreign victors and eventual lingua franca). In that case, it would today merely be a classical language for Romanians, though with the country itself being Orthodox by far, I would have expected Greek to be the classical language people there learned.

The way I meant the term 'father tongue' to be used is in a totally different sense. In using 'father' I meant to imply a close, loving, 'biological' and spiritual affinity, as is the case with 'mother' in the term Mother Tongue.
- Latin would therefore be the father language of the Romans, with the local regional Italic or other Romance languages being the mother languages of most Romans from the suburbs in those early times.
- Samskritam is our father language, because we are Hindus and Hindus gave rise to that language: it was developed in India, by Indians and it is has been our national language.
My mistake.Samskrite was born in India and no country ,except India,have this language.
Totaly diferent is the case whit latin which most likely was spread during Roman empire.Ancient romanians spoke originaly the thracian language(not slavic),a language similar whit greek and some unresolved conections whit lithuanian(again not slavic).The proportion betwin thracian people and roman colonist in modern romanians is not know.The 20% slavic words borowings are from 6-8 century AD.
Greek invented the orthodoxy(also mixed whit some gnostic and platonist ideas) but greek language didnt play any role in Romania.
You touch a point here.For 300 years catholics use the latin argument as the main weapon to convert orthodox romanians.As romanian mean latin,latin means Rome,Rome means Pope and catholicism.So romanians as descendents from Rome should go back to mother Rome(read catholic Rome).Mixed whit propaganda"catholics invented modern science and culture"(like inquisition? <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> ) lead by politicians and "intelectuals" succesfully impregnate in (some)romanians a strong feeling of shame to not be catholic.
Ups. Sorry for devoited from the subject and missunderstud the diference betwin mother and father language.

Good to know:Samskritam is our father language, because we are Hindus and Hindus gave rise to that language: it was developed in India, by Indians and it is has been our national language.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Insult of the wonder language</b>
<i>Modern day mandarins scoff at Sanskrit even as they promote Persian, Urdu and Arabic</i>
By Dr. Indulata Das
Now let us come to some comments made on Sanskrit in a Sanskrit University by none other than the Chancellor of the same University. In the near past Shri T. V. Rajeswar, the Governor of Uttar Pradesh who is the Chancellor of the Sampurnananda Sanskrit University on the occasion of convocation of the University said `Sanskrit is the language of the bullock cart age. If you read Sanskrit you will get services in temples as priests.

"Sanskrit is the greatest language of the world" said Max Muller. Sri Aurobindo said "Sanskrit language, as has been universally recognised by those competent to form a judgment, is one of the most magnificent literary instrument developed by the human mind".

These are only a few mentions of the innumerable glories of the wonder language Sanskrit sung by people throughout the world and through the ages. It is difficult to recite all the praises of Sanskrit that people in India and abroad have sung. Because of the great height of Sanskrit, people generally desist from making a comparison of Sanskrit with any other language whether Indian or alien. But whenever there is a comparison, Sanskrit is always placed at an exceptionally high place in comparison to other languages. For example Prof. Boop, a great scholar, making a comparison of Sanskrit with Greek and Latin said "It (Sanskrit) is more perfect and copious than Greek and Latin". Sir William Jones while referring to the perfection of Sanskrit said "We (Europeans) are still behind in making even our alphabet a perfect one".

Now let us come to some comments made on Sanskrit in a Sanskrit University by none other than the Chancellor of the same University. In the near past Shri T. V. Rajeswar, the Governor of Uttar Pradesh who is the Chancellor of the Sampurnananda Sanskrit University on the occasion of convocation of the University said `Sanskrit is the language of the bullock cart age. If you read Sanskrit you will get services in temples as priests. You will never get a salary of two-three lakh Rupees per annum. You shall not be able to visit foreign countries if you read Sanskrit. There is not a single University in the world exclusively meant for languages similar to Sanskrit like Greek or Latin. But there are ten Universities for Sanskrit (as if it is something very deplorable and unfortunate that there are so many Universities for Sanskrit)'.

Yes, it is a small portion of the speech that the Chancellor of Sampurnananda University delivered, that too during the convocation. The comments created widespread resentment among students and Sanskrit lovers.

It is true that Sanskrit is a language which was there when bullock cart was the only mode of transport. It may go much beyond that age and may be traced back to a period when there was no mode of transport at all and people used to negotiate lengthiest distances with the help of their feet only. But it is a matter not of shame but of great pride that we had, even during that ancient time the most developed language of the globe which is considered to be `the best language of the world' even today.

Everything does not turn outdated with the passage of time. The sun has not become old. The moon has not developed aging deformities with the rolling of time. The stars have not been dilapidated. There are eternal human values which are considered ideal in every age. These are not getting outdated.

One of such ageless grandeurs is Sanskrit, the great wonder of the world. Till date, no language in the world has emerged as a match to Sanskrit.

It is no small wonder that the language which was used before thousands of years is being used today in the same way. There is no change in the structure or in the style of Sanskrit language and hence the old literature of the ancient India can be understood and learnt without slightest difficulty. The language of Ramayana and Mahabharata has not grown old or become outdated. Anybody with the rudimentary knowledge of Sanskrit can go through the great epics with the minimum possible efforts. The languages which are much much younger to Sanskrit have undergone so much changes that their original form has been lost in oblivion. The credit of this maintenance of Sanskrit's eternal beauty through the ages goes to the great intellectual giant Panini.

The grand grammar of Panini is the unending source of rejuvenation for the great language. Having been stabilised by the grammar of Panini the language is capable of sustaining the attack of time and is always up-to-date in nature. Not only this, the whole world admits that Sanskrit is the most scientific language among all the languages known so far. It has been found to be the most suitable language for computer because of its scientific nature. As a result now students even in the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of America are being taught about the structure of Sanskrit because of its fitness in computer.

Sanskrit is not an unused language either. In India there are at least five thousand families where Sanskrit is the only medium of expression. There are villages in which Sanskrit is spoken en-mass. There are more than sixty registered and unregistered magazines and journals brought out in Sanskrit. Literature in Sanskrit is being created continuously. Sanskrit is taught in at least forty countries and in two hundred fifty Universities. Sanskrit is enlisted as one of the modern Indian languages in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India.

Now Yoga has become famous throughout the world. All the treatises on Yoga are written in Sanskrit. One can imagine how important and unavoidable Sanskrit has become because of its necessity for Yoga. Ayurveda is gaining more and more popularity especially among the elite both inside India and abroad. All the authentic books on Ayurveda are composed in Sanskrit only. Learning of Ayurveda is handicapped without the knowledge of Sanskrit. Without the knowledge of Sanskrit, it is not possible to have a clear and complete knowledge of Indian Philosophy too. Knowledge of Indian history is not comprehensive without the knowledge of Sanskrit. It was said aright by Fakiruddin Ali Ahmed- "It (Sanskrit) is the language of every Indian". And Mahatma Gandhi also was appropriate in saying -"Without the study of Sanskrit one can not become a true Indian and a true learned man".

One wonders how the Chancellor of Sampurnananda Sanskrit University is unaware of all these facts! Moreover the Chancellor does not know that there is provision in the same University to learn English along with Sanskrit. Not only English, there are many modern subjects in the syllabus. For example there are Science, Linguistics, Political Science, Economics, Hindi etc. in the syllabus of the University. There are Diploma courses in Library Science, Music, German, French, Tibetan, and Chinese etc. Perhaps he does not have a complete idea about the University of which he is the Chancellor. However his comment on Sanskrit is painful for the lovers of Sanskrit language and Indian culture.

Sanskrit is the pride of India. The literature stored in Sanskrit is a vast treasure not only of India but also of the whole world. May a time come when we understand our own worth and respect our own invaluable treasure!

<i>(The writer can be contacted at Qr. No. 5R, 9, Forest Park, Unit-1,Bhubaneswar. )</i>

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