01-06-2007, 10:27 PM
In the last two years, a new trend has been observed in the Indian Society. The advent of Private TV Channels has brought in a silent revolution and has made it possible to empower the common man to influence Government decisions and actions.The re opening of the murder cases relating to Jessica Lal and Priyadersini Matoo are all due to the role played by the private TV Channels and the media in building up of public opinion and forcing the Government to act. The ongoing media coverage on the Noida serial killing has already forced the State Government to agree for a CBI probe. These are only a few examples of the newly discovered power of public acting through the free media. Coupled with this development, we also see the increasing use of the newly enforced Right to Information Act, which has become a powerful weapon to seek information from the Government and other Public authorities.
These are very important milestone in perfecting the democratic institutions of the nation. The significance of these developments lies in the fact that the common man is now feeling that he has something through which he can have his voice heard by the authorities and in the process forcing it to perform its rightful duty. As a side effect of this development, we find that the electronic media is also increasingly resorting to investigative journalism to uncover various corrupt practices. It is only a matter of time before the Courts may allow the evidence gathered electronically to be admissible in the judicial process.
These are very important milestone in perfecting the democratic institutions of the nation. The significance of these developments lies in the fact that the common man is now feeling that he has something through which he can have his voice heard by the authorities and in the process forcing it to perform its rightful duty. As a side effect of this development, we find that the electronic media is also increasingly resorting to investigative journalism to uncover various corrupt practices. It is only a matter of time before the Courts may allow the evidence gathered electronically to be admissible in the judicial process.