06-19-2005, 06:04 PM
From HinduUnity
ALERT:Anti-Hindu groups trying to discredit Hindu ACTIVISTS
HERE IS A classic case where a ( christian /commie posing as a Hindu is spreading lies about Hindu activist Mr.Badri ( that he is a cheater) who is working vigorously for Hindu cause , and exposing missionary activities in India .
This mail has been sent to all Hindu groups by one hindu imposter " Balaji Sridharan " , NOW WE ARE persuing agressively on this case , to uncover the true identity of the person / organizzaton to whihc he belong . WE HAVE learnt that members of FOIL / SOUTH ASIAN groups affiliated to Marxist groups are involved in this campaign . This is a second such attempt on hindu activists , earlier they spread a lie on a hindu activist , that he marrying hindu hirls and dumping them after taking dowry .
In comming days you may expect more and more such news , to sow seeds of discontent among pro india / pro hindu groups . PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND SPREAD THIS MESSAGE .
WE LEARNT FROM OUR SOURCES THAT , our rivals have launched an operation called " SAFFRON PSYOPS" with the help of ISI agents to spread mis/dis information .
Balaji Sridharan used his other email id: balajisridharan2005@singapore.net
I mailed a complaint of abuse to the registrants of the singapore.net as follows:
From: S V Badri <svbadri@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 19, 2005 2:16 AM
Subject: Complaint of abuse mail - singapore.net
To: BALA@apic.net, DIANA@apic.net
Bala Pillai
FBMA Australia Pty Ltd
P O Box 1191
Lane Cove NSW 1595
Telephone: +61.298187700
Fax: +61 2 9818 7711
Dear Mr Bala Pillai,
I wish to report an abuse mail from one Mr Balaji Sridharan, who uses the singapore.net email id, of which your organisation, FBMA Australia Pty Ltd are the registrants.. I am pasting the email so you may know the contents of this abuse.
I intend taking him to court for libel/defamation. I would much appreciate if you could take appropriate actions as the service provider, in this case. I am furnishing all the IP address, and the server address of the originating mail for you to take necessary steps to prevent such abuse of email facility.
S V Badri
Chennai, India
Received: from [] by ws3.hk5.outblaze.com with httpfor
balajisridharan2005@singapore.net; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
From: "BALAJI SRIDHARAN" <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>
o: mgeditor@indiapost.com, mgsnarayanan@yahoo.com,
mgupta@rogers.com, migovind@myway.com , mirajkary@yahoo.com,
mjmehta@aol.com, mlnmurthy@hotmail.com , modhd@pfizer.com,
modhsk@vsnl.com, monisha_malhan@yahoo.com , mohan_sevak@yahoo.com,
mnnambood@yahoo.com, mrsg@vsnl.com , mskkpnss@hotmail.com,
msramiah@bgl.vsnl.net.in, murali@portraitofindia.com,
murtymadiraju@sbcglobal.net, murliman@sancharnet.in,
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
X-Originating-Server: ws3.hk5.outblaze.com
Message-Id: <20050618084441.6724A1027BE@ws3.hk5.outblaze.com>
X-FII-Tracking: 0.001368
Received: from unknown (HELO mprdmx1.nwk.myway.com) ([]) (envelope-sender <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>)
by 0 (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP
for <migovind@mprdmailbe.nwk.myway.com>; 18 Jun 2005 08:47:06 -0000
Return-Path: <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>
Received: from webmail-outgoing.us4.outblaze.com ( webmail-outgoing.us4.outblaze.com [])
by mprdmx1.nwk.myway.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 081871FC06
for <migovind@myway.com>; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 04:47:06 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from replies.hq.outblaze.com ( mailalert4.us4.outblaze.com [])
by webmail-outgoing.us4.outblaze.com (Postfix) with SMTP id E5E88180013C
for <migovind@myway.com>; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 08:47:05 +0000 (GMT)
Received: (qmail 17523 invoked by uid 1003); 18 Jun 2005 08:47:04 -0000
Received: (qmail 11526 invoked by uid 0); 18 Jun 2005 08:44:42 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO wfilter.us4.outblaze.com) (
by replies.hq.outblaze.com with SMTP; 18 Jun 2005 08:44:42 -0000
X-OB-Received: from unknown (
by wfilter.us4.outblaze.com; 18 Jun 2005 08:44:42 -0000
Received: by ws3.hk5.outblaze.com (Postfix, from userid 1001)
id 6724A1027BE; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 08:44:41 +0000 (GMT)
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from [] by ws3.hk5.outblaze.com with httpfor
balajisridharan2005@singapore.net; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
From: "BALAJI SRIDHARAN" <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>
To: mgeditor@indiapost.com, mgsnarayanan@yahoo.com,
mgupta@rogers.com, migovind@myway.com , mirajkary@yahoo.com,
mjmehta@aol.com, mlnmurthy@hotmail.com , modhd@pfizer.com,
modhsk@vsnl.com, monisha_malhan@yahoo.com , mohan_sevak@yahoo.com,
mnnambood@yahoo.com, mrsg@vsnl.com , mskkpnss@hotmail.com,
msramiah@bgl.vsnl.net.in, murali@portraitofindia.com,
murtymadiraju@sbcglobal.net, murliman@sancharnet.in,
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
X-Originating-Server: ws3.hk5.outblaze.com
Message-Id: <20050618084441.6724A1027BE@ws3.hk5.outblaze.com>
X-FII-Tracking: 0.001368
My Beloved Hindu Friends,
My Good Friends,
I would like to bring to your immediate attention that one S.V BADRI of Chennai (Tamil Nadu) is a big Fraud.
I had a bitter experience when I had recently made a visit to my native village in Tamil Nadu.
Since The Unforgettable Tsunami Hit our State of Tamil Nadu causing terrible damage to life and Property.
On the other end Our Good Friend Mr. S.V.Badri was busy collecting lakhs of rupees by promising the Philanthrophists to rehabiltate the victims and their families.
I too had made a small contribution of 400 Singapore Dollars (Approx 1,00,000 Indian Rupees) in January through Western Union Money Transfer to our Friend hoping that our Hard earned money will be used for a right cause. But Friends our Money did not reach the needy people as it was swallowed by a phython named S.V.Badri, It is really disgrace on their part who dupe us
and take us for a ride.
I was also under the impression that the money has gone in for right cause, until I personally made a visit to my native in India. I was shocked to hear from the villagers about the opinion they had about S.V. BADRI.
Badri is a well known figure in some part of Tamil Nadu, but friends let me tell you he is not in good books anywhere and his reputation is as worst which cannot be expressed just by words. The Villagers around Chennai and ot her Districts of Tamil Nadu Hated BADRI so much they are not even interested in seeing his face, some villagers turned wild the moment i mentioned about his name. The Villagers said " Badri was not to be seen since last 8 months, he has promised them Moon and had vanished away in the dark, They said, it was the workers of the Hindu Munanai,R.S.S and V.H.P who were present at the time of Crisis and Badri Was nowhere.
When I had made further inquiry about Badri from the Sangh Office in Chennai, No one was willing to talk about him, Infact one Pracharak said that he is an Organisation Trotter, who keeps changing and floating new organisation, Today he is one Org. and tommorow he is in a different Org. After hearing his mindblowing stories, I was very keen to meet Badri as I was not feeling very much comfortable, I tried contacting Badri but he kept avoiding me saying he is busy, But anyhow I had convinced him to meet me. During my Meeting with him, I did inquire about progress about the work for which money was paid, but that Great man had decided not to answer me any questions and left in a huff saying that 'he is busy and Kanchi Shankarayacharya is waiting for him.
It looks like he has also changed his mobile No. just to avoid Donors by questioning him.
It is sheer disgrace and disrespect to all hindus who are coming forward to help such people
There cannot be Hindu Unity at this rate and if this class of people are Leaders, Extinct of hindus is eminent.
My Only request to all Hindu Philanthropists is Please donate to only responsible People who are serious in their cause and not to worthless people like S.V.Badri and Co.
My suggestion is donate to only the Eleven Org. in India Who are seriously working for hinduvta cause.
The Eleven Org. are
1) Vande Maataram Sangathan ( Maharashtra)
2) Dara Sena ( Orissa)
3) Kripalu Hindu Seva Sena ( Uttaranchal)
4) S R D M (Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala)
5) Tiger Yuva Sena (Karnataka)
6) Ekalavya Seva Sena (Ernakulam, kerala)
7) Vanar Sena Dal ( Bengal)
8) Bajrang Dal ( Gujarat)
9) Kripalu Sangh (Ujjain Madhya Pradesh)
10) Kurukshetra Seva Dal (Harayana)
11) Judeo janahit kalyan samsthan ( Chattisgarh)
Friends, I have knowledge of only this eleven orgs. who are sincerely working for Hindutva cause in Bharath and I feel if all this orgs. Unite we will have over 3 Million Sainiks, which is enough to confront any Non-Hindu Orgs.
With Thanks
I had sent an email to Balaji Sridharan as follows:
Dear Mr.Balaji Sridharan,
I call upon you to furnish your complete postal address as I intend suing you for slander and defamation for the email you circulated under the heading: Beware of S V Badri
S V Badri
ALERT:Anti-Hindu groups trying to discredit Hindu ACTIVISTS
HERE IS A classic case where a ( christian /commie posing as a Hindu is spreading lies about Hindu activist Mr.Badri ( that he is a cheater) who is working vigorously for Hindu cause , and exposing missionary activities in India .
This mail has been sent to all Hindu groups by one hindu imposter " Balaji Sridharan " , NOW WE ARE persuing agressively on this case , to uncover the true identity of the person / organizzaton to whihc he belong . WE HAVE learnt that members of FOIL / SOUTH ASIAN groups affiliated to Marxist groups are involved in this campaign . This is a second such attempt on hindu activists , earlier they spread a lie on a hindu activist , that he marrying hindu hirls and dumping them after taking dowry .
In comming days you may expect more and more such news , to sow seeds of discontent among pro india / pro hindu groups . PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND SPREAD THIS MESSAGE .
WE LEARNT FROM OUR SOURCES THAT , our rivals have launched an operation called " SAFFRON PSYOPS" with the help of ISI agents to spread mis/dis information .
Balaji Sridharan used his other email id: balajisridharan2005@singapore.net
I mailed a complaint of abuse to the registrants of the singapore.net as follows:
From: S V Badri <svbadri@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 19, 2005 2:16 AM
Subject: Complaint of abuse mail - singapore.net
To: BALA@apic.net, DIANA@apic.net
Bala Pillai
FBMA Australia Pty Ltd
P O Box 1191
Lane Cove NSW 1595
Telephone: +61.298187700
Fax: +61 2 9818 7711
Dear Mr Bala Pillai,
I wish to report an abuse mail from one Mr Balaji Sridharan, who uses the singapore.net email id, of which your organisation, FBMA Australia Pty Ltd are the registrants.. I am pasting the email so you may know the contents of this abuse.
I intend taking him to court for libel/defamation. I would much appreciate if you could take appropriate actions as the service provider, in this case. I am furnishing all the IP address, and the server address of the originating mail for you to take necessary steps to prevent such abuse of email facility.
S V Badri
Chennai, India
Received: from [] by ws3.hk5.outblaze.com with httpfor
balajisridharan2005@singapore.net; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
From: "BALAJI SRIDHARAN" <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>
o: mgeditor@indiapost.com, mgsnarayanan@yahoo.com,
mgupta@rogers.com, migovind@myway.com , mirajkary@yahoo.com,
mjmehta@aol.com, mlnmurthy@hotmail.com , modhd@pfizer.com,
modhsk@vsnl.com, monisha_malhan@yahoo.com , mohan_sevak@yahoo.com,
mnnambood@yahoo.com, mrsg@vsnl.com , mskkpnss@hotmail.com,
msramiah@bgl.vsnl.net.in, murali@portraitofindia.com,
murtymadiraju@sbcglobal.net, murliman@sancharnet.in,
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
X-Originating-Server: ws3.hk5.outblaze.com
Message-Id: <20050618084441.6724A1027BE@ws3.hk5.outblaze.com>
X-FII-Tracking: 0.001368
Received: from unknown (HELO mprdmx1.nwk.myway.com) ([]) (envelope-sender <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>)
by 0 (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP
for <migovind@mprdmailbe.nwk.myway.com>; 18 Jun 2005 08:47:06 -0000
Return-Path: <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>
Received: from webmail-outgoing.us4.outblaze.com ( webmail-outgoing.us4.outblaze.com [])
by mprdmx1.nwk.myway.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 081871FC06
for <migovind@myway.com>; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 04:47:06 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from replies.hq.outblaze.com ( mailalert4.us4.outblaze.com [])
by webmail-outgoing.us4.outblaze.com (Postfix) with SMTP id E5E88180013C
for <migovind@myway.com>; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 08:47:05 +0000 (GMT)
Received: (qmail 17523 invoked by uid 1003); 18 Jun 2005 08:47:04 -0000
Received: (qmail 11526 invoked by uid 0); 18 Jun 2005 08:44:42 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO wfilter.us4.outblaze.com) (
by replies.hq.outblaze.com with SMTP; 18 Jun 2005 08:44:42 -0000
X-OB-Received: from unknown (
by wfilter.us4.outblaze.com; 18 Jun 2005 08:44:42 -0000
Received: by ws3.hk5.outblaze.com (Postfix, from userid 1001)
id 6724A1027BE; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 08:44:41 +0000 (GMT)
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from [] by ws3.hk5.outblaze.com with httpfor
balajisridharan2005@singapore.net; Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
From: "BALAJI SRIDHARAN" <balajisridharan2005@singapore.net>
To: mgeditor@indiapost.com, mgsnarayanan@yahoo.com,
mgupta@rogers.com, migovind@myway.com , mirajkary@yahoo.com,
mjmehta@aol.com, mlnmurthy@hotmail.com , modhd@pfizer.com,
modhsk@vsnl.com, monisha_malhan@yahoo.com , mohan_sevak@yahoo.com,
mnnambood@yahoo.com, mrsg@vsnl.com , mskkpnss@hotmail.com,
msramiah@bgl.vsnl.net.in, murali@portraitofindia.com,
murtymadiraju@sbcglobal.net, murliman@sancharnet.in,
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 16:44:41 +0800
X-Originating-Server: ws3.hk5.outblaze.com
Message-Id: <20050618084441.6724A1027BE@ws3.hk5.outblaze.com>
X-FII-Tracking: 0.001368
My Beloved Hindu Friends,
My Good Friends,
I would like to bring to your immediate attention that one S.V BADRI of Chennai (Tamil Nadu) is a big Fraud.
I had a bitter experience when I had recently made a visit to my native village in Tamil Nadu.
Since The Unforgettable Tsunami Hit our State of Tamil Nadu causing terrible damage to life and Property.
On the other end Our Good Friend Mr. S.V.Badri was busy collecting lakhs of rupees by promising the Philanthrophists to rehabiltate the victims and their families.
I too had made a small contribution of 400 Singapore Dollars (Approx 1,00,000 Indian Rupees) in January through Western Union Money Transfer to our Friend hoping that our Hard earned money will be used for a right cause. But Friends our Money did not reach the needy people as it was swallowed by a phython named S.V.Badri, It is really disgrace on their part who dupe us
and take us for a ride.
I was also under the impression that the money has gone in for right cause, until I personally made a visit to my native in India. I was shocked to hear from the villagers about the opinion they had about S.V. BADRI.
Badri is a well known figure in some part of Tamil Nadu, but friends let me tell you he is not in good books anywhere and his reputation is as worst which cannot be expressed just by words. The Villagers around Chennai and ot her Districts of Tamil Nadu Hated BADRI so much they are not even interested in seeing his face, some villagers turned wild the moment i mentioned about his name. The Villagers said " Badri was not to be seen since last 8 months, he has promised them Moon and had vanished away in the dark, They said, it was the workers of the Hindu Munanai,R.S.S and V.H.P who were present at the time of Crisis and Badri Was nowhere.
When I had made further inquiry about Badri from the Sangh Office in Chennai, No one was willing to talk about him, Infact one Pracharak said that he is an Organisation Trotter, who keeps changing and floating new organisation, Today he is one Org. and tommorow he is in a different Org. After hearing his mindblowing stories, I was very keen to meet Badri as I was not feeling very much comfortable, I tried contacting Badri but he kept avoiding me saying he is busy, But anyhow I had convinced him to meet me. During my Meeting with him, I did inquire about progress about the work for which money was paid, but that Great man had decided not to answer me any questions and left in a huff saying that 'he is busy and Kanchi Shankarayacharya is waiting for him.
It looks like he has also changed his mobile No. just to avoid Donors by questioning him.
It is sheer disgrace and disrespect to all hindus who are coming forward to help such people
There cannot be Hindu Unity at this rate and if this class of people are Leaders, Extinct of hindus is eminent.
My Only request to all Hindu Philanthropists is Please donate to only responsible People who are serious in their cause and not to worthless people like S.V.Badri and Co.
My suggestion is donate to only the Eleven Org. in India Who are seriously working for hinduvta cause.
The Eleven Org. are
1) Vande Maataram Sangathan ( Maharashtra)
2) Dara Sena ( Orissa)
3) Kripalu Hindu Seva Sena ( Uttaranchal)
4) S R D M (Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala)
5) Tiger Yuva Sena (Karnataka)
6) Ekalavya Seva Sena (Ernakulam, kerala)
7) Vanar Sena Dal ( Bengal)
8) Bajrang Dal ( Gujarat)
9) Kripalu Sangh (Ujjain Madhya Pradesh)
10) Kurukshetra Seva Dal (Harayana)
11) Judeo janahit kalyan samsthan ( Chattisgarh)
Friends, I have knowledge of only this eleven orgs. who are sincerely working for Hindutva cause in Bharath and I feel if all this orgs. Unite we will have over 3 Million Sainiks, which is enough to confront any Non-Hindu Orgs.
With Thanks
I had sent an email to Balaji Sridharan as follows:
Dear Mr.Balaji Sridharan,
I call upon you to furnish your complete postal address as I intend suing you for slander and defamation for the email you circulated under the heading: Beware of S V Badri
S V Badri