<b>Karan hopeful after 'positive' meeting with Nepal King</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Karan Singh "conveyed India's readiness to support all efforts towards this end while emphasising that a lasting solution to the problems of Nepal has to be found by the people of Nepal through a peaceful political process," the statement said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>King imposes day curfew in Kathmandu</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Nepal's royal government imposed a day curfew on Friday in the capital Kathmandu and surrounding areas where clashes between security forces and tens of thousands of protesters a day earlier left at least three dead.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Gyanendra vows to give up power, parties say 'not enough' </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->King Gyanendra, who said his dynasty had an âunflinching commitment toward constitutional monarchy and multiparty democracyâ, called on the seven main political parties to name a Prime Minister as soon as possible.
âExecutive power shall, from this day, be returned to the people,â he said in the announcement, broadcast on state television and radio.
<b>King's offer not enough </b>
The Nepali Congress, the country's largest political party, said an offer by King Gyanendra to restore political power to the people was not enough and that protests against him would continue.
"The king has not clearly addressed the road map of the protest movement. Our protest campaign will continue," said Krishna Prasad Sitaula, a party spokesman.
In his address, the King appeared to rule out any change of the Constitution to curb his own powers, a key demand of the political parties<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
04-22-2006, 04:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2006, 11:19 PM by dhu.)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Whats Really Happening in Nepal?!
Nepal's culture is unique in many ways. <b>One of its important unique qualities is
that it has one of the world's last remaining indigenous governments and a civil
society ingrained with an ancient, indigenous native ethos. </b>In other words all cultures and societies have their sacred rituals, symbols that have value both material, spirital, physical and metaphysical.
The Indigenous cultures represent the survivors of ancient societies whose inherent genius allowed them to prosper, expand and survive over millenia. Survival means adaptability, connectivity and balance with nature. Thus Indigenous cultures have the formula for overcoming our modern calamities. More important than just preserving them as one does animal species, indigenous ways need to be researched, developed and applied.
The Nepal situation is at the forefront in the struggle for the rights of Native Societies to control their own destinies.<b> The complicit involvement of International Intelligence operatives from Saudi-Pakistan's ISI and North Korea, the UN, EU, UK and Indian Governments moral support and favorable rhetoric towards the Maoist, US double talk, Israel and Japan's quiet role and China's sudden military support for the King all expose a Global showdown of major proportions. </b>Nepal's extremely valuable strategic location between the two emerging giants of India and China has always been an important center for trade and an ancient cultural nexus. <b>The destabilization of Nepal will set back the development of China, India and the whole region by decades.</b>
<b>The media's blatant misrepresentation and support for the stage managed protest rallies is the smoking gun.</b> After spending the last year gathering and holding thousands of hostages on the threat of death or the lesser threat of having their house burnt down, it was easy for the Maoist to gather protesters. Combined with bribes for thousands of poor kids and out of work/ off duty citizens, its easy for the global media to angle the cameras and slant the story into an earnest frustrated hunger for democracy.
<b>What we see happening in Nepal is an example of mass social engineering through the methods of brutality and psychological warfare.</b>
The usual method is to sorround a village with a highly armed, fully equiped platoon.(Strangely the question is never raised as to how desperately poor farmers and hunters are able to locate, purchase and master the use of the world's best armaments and communication and tracking equipment. That same investment in time, planning and money would go far in community development or personal upliftment.)
After sorrounding the village, all the residents are gathered and accounted for. People are rated and treated accordingly. Anyone that has a relative in the army or goverment is immediatley singled out for brutality. <b>Known Hindu activists or anyone that supports Nepal's Indigenous traditons such as Shamans, Buddhist monks, Hindu priests and Pandits are forced into slave labor or outright murdered. </b>At times, all the homes in the village are padlocked and the villagers are gathered into cadres according to their status. The young, as always with dictatorial groups, are singled out for easy indoctrination into becoming killers. It is also at this time that important hostages are gathered in order to force compliance amongst the community. (Note: The Film<b> 'Killing Fields' is an example of what the Marxists did in Cambodia. </b>The same is being repated in Nepal.) Small infractions are punished by having one's house padlocked for different durations according to the severity of the disobediance.
New 'Recruits' are indocrinated, others do manual labor, some pratice military drills while others are taught the use of new weapons, satellite communication and tracking devices etc. <b>Through a use of terror, murder, kidnapping, blackmail, extortion and brain-washing, the Maoist are able to create the perfect tool for the external forces that fund and mastermind the whole operation.</b>
<b>The smoking gun of the Global media's balatant cover story on behalf of the Maoist points to external support if not actual control of the Maoist terror group. </b>The idea that the world media, Kofi Annan and the UN, The EU, the run-amock political interest groups guised as NGOs and Human Right's groups, the UK, India and US all missed out on the Maoist track record just does not add up.
Every one of the above Nations and Organizations have a standard application for the rejection of any form of terror or human rights violation and enforces a code of justice towards those guilty of criminal activities. Why Nepal'Â government is being asked to adopt a standard that has been rejected by all the above mentioned groups is inexplicable. When political parties join a militarily active anti-government group, the role of the head of State, whether it be the President, King or Queen is to ensure the legal and operational functionality of the government. The politcal parties left the legal arena a long time ago and joined the side of active illegality against the Government of Nepal. That government must respond accordingly.
By allying with known perpetrators of terror, kidnapping, murder and extortion, Nepal's political parties have not only betrayed the people of Nepal. By joining the Moaist, Nepal's political parties are joined with those that have broken every law, ethical and moral code, disregarded every form of human right to freedom. They have joined a culture of brutality that has established a network of control through tyranny and oppression. <i>Though having brutally locked down 70% of Nepal's rural communities without any public mandate, enforced mandatory enrollment and participation in Maoist activities, carried out massive campaigns of violent warfare and mass murder, the Maoist are being presented as champions of democracy.</i>
Its as if a group of bank robbers took a bunch of hostages, forced some hostages and their relatives to support their cause, killed the bank guards, shot at the police then demanded full ownership of the bank and control of all its assets or else they will continue to kill. Then some of the bank stock holders show up and join in on the side of the bank robbers. Then the media begins running non-stop stories on the brutality of the bank guards and police during their shoot-outs with the bank robbers. To make things even stranger, demands from other bank owners, stock-holders and financial analysts start pouring in demanding that the owner of the bank being robbed stop being so obstinate, arrogant and dictatorial in his approach towards the bank robbers. Strangely these other bankers seem to hold the brutal actions of the bank robbers to be 'regretable' compared to the alleged brutality of the victim.
<b>In fact the Maoist in Nepal are a current face of that very tyranny humanity has struggled against throughout history. </b><b>Whether it be Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism, Khmer Rouge, the Native Holocaust, Khalifism, Ultra-Wahabism, the Taliban etc. etc. the enemies of freedom all had one thing in common. They all enforce their views on others, have a low estimate on the value of human life. Humanity, spiritual traditions, family structures, dignity and freedom of belief are obstacles to thier goals.</b>
The world is fortunate that in the King of Nepal and in the RNA, the Royal Army of Nepal, we have dedicated activists and champions who are making a stand for freedom, humanity and the survival of one of the world's most ancient civilizations. All those who support the rigths of individual freedom, Indigenous traditions, and in particular, the ancient Vedic-Hindu civilization need to offer their support in the defense of Dharma in Nepal.
I dont agree with Sri Raman.. This will legitimize capture of power through violence. Maoists have to lay down the arms as a first condition before anything can be said to the King. This will boomrang.
B Raman..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Parties involving children in agitation
KATHMANDU, April 20: The street children themselves have said that they were enticed into taking part in the so-called agitation of the seven political parties.
They said that they had been brought to the agitation by the protesters promising them food, drugs and pocket money.
âWe went to the protest programmes and pelted stones at the security personnel in the hope of getting food. But, what to do we had to return empty-handed in the end,â they said.
However, the street children who are brought in the demonstrations by the protesters are ignorant about the so-called agitation.
A street child who lives near Kapurdhara, Samakhusi and likes to be called Ramu said, âI participated in the agitation for four days. But they didnât give one anything. Now, I wonât go. â
According to him, the protesters used street children like him for damage the police beat and the bridge located at Samakhusi.
In this connection, the local Annapurna Womenâs Group has stated that it would protest any acts of burning tires and stone pelting by the protesters.
âThey have not burnt tires now. We will protest if tires are burnt,â said Radha Puri, a member of the Group.
She said that no one should resort to this act of burning tires as the smoke coming out of the tire pollutes the environment and also has an adverse effect on the health.
Although some 20,000 street children are affiliated to some 600 organisations working for child rights and their protection in Kathmandu, more than that number of street children are in the streets, according to the District Child Welfare Committee, Kathmandu.
Child rights and child psychologists have stressed that children should not be drawn into the conflict or violent activities through deception.
Meanwhile, the Partnerships for Protecting Children in Armed Conflict (PPCC) has appealed to all the warring sides of the ongoing conflict and those taking part in the protest programmes to give top priority to the security of children.
A large number of children have been seen taking part in the protest programmes and also in the frontline, resulting in serious injuries to many, the PPCC has said and appealed to the parents and guardians to give due attention to the security and protection of their children by encouraging them to stay away from such protest programmes.
A campaign initiated by various national and international organisations working for the rights and wellbeing of children, the PPCC has also urged the sides concerned to discourage children from participating in any violent activities and keep them in a safe location.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->When Will Peace Finally Come?
By S. Lama
Political rallies, protest marches, demonstrations and strikes organised by one group of people or the other is a common sight in the streets of Kathmandu and in the districts of Nepal. Political parties, student wings affiliated to the different political parties, and the so-called intellectuals and members of the civil society organise these rallies and  demonstrations to voice their concern over âdemocracyâ. This has been going on for the last three years and, only God knows, for another how many more years this will continue. People have even started, jokingly and mockingly, likening these demonstrations to the Indian TV serials which seem to have no beginning and no end.
But there is no denying the fact that the common people of Nepal have little interest in these rallies and marches, unless forced to attend them. They consider these marches as mere âgimmicksâ to attract dollars (in the case of intellectuals and civil societies), to advance their causes and to sustain their images (in the case of the political parties) and for media publicity (in the case of students). Tired and sick of these demonstrations, the people instead blame and curse the leaders for ruining the country, and disrupting their daily lives and business activities. It is not that the above organisers of these demonstrations arenât aware how the common man on the street feels about them, but they think that their âshowâ must go on for the reasons cited above.
The question is, why is it that the Nepalese people are so apathetic towards this âdemocracyâ, or, why are they silent when, allegedly, âdemocracyâ is being robbed of them in broad daylight? If one honestly looks for the right answer, one does not have to go very far.
The people are asking just one question to all the political leaders, writers, intellectuals and members of the civil society who organise these rallies: âHow many rallies and demonstrations did you organise when hundreds and hundreds of our innocent brothers and sisters, in the remote districts, were either killed or maimed in cold blood?â They ask: âHow many protest marches did you hold in the streets of Katmandu when hundreds of students were abducted, teachers lynched and when the educational institutions were burnt to ashes?â
The common people want to know how many effigies of the perpetrators of terrorism were torched at Ratna Park or elsewhere when school buses and ambulances were bombed and many innocent people were killed by those wicked people?
And they are asking, âPlease tell us what has made you the apostle of peace and justice today when you were so insensitive towards the citizenâs plight yesterday? Is it not a matter of shame for the nation that not a single protest was organised by any of the parties or organisations during the last eleven years when the country was literally bleeding? In fact, the leaders of most of the organisations were so apathetic and insensitive towards the plight of the victims of the insurgency or terrorism that they either did not utter a single word against the barbarism or even if they spoke or wrote something - when circumstances compelled them to do so - they spoke and wrote ambiguously, feebly and meekly. In another word, they acted in a very cowardly manner. The common people have not forgotten the days when in the daily newspapers, there used to be gruesome reports about the massacres committed by the Maoists on one side, and on the other, news about the political parities squabbling for power or about one political party blaming the leader of another party for his scams. They are always there to organise a nation-wide strike when the price of sugar goes up by a rupee or two, but no one comes out against the atrocities committed against the common people.
The so-called intellectuals often tell the common man about western-style democracy and the right to expression. But the intellectuals would do well to also talk about the sacrifices their leaders have made so that their people could live in peace. You have not been able to burn a single effigy of those murderers because you feared for your life. US Ambassador Moriarty was right when he said that one of the fundamentals of democracy is âcourage.â Is there such a word as âmoral courageâ in your dictionary?Â
Aspiring leaders tend to shout at the top of their voices at Ratna Park because they know very well that by doing so they will be turned into an overnight hero by the media. And with it comes opportunities for exposure in the international arena, through invitation for talks in the western capitals on topics ranging from democracy, autocracy to terrorism.
The public does not blame the organisers for the rallies because they are exercising their democratic right. But the thing is, if one had only spoken and stood boldly against the perpetrators of death yesterday, there would have been no need to look for democracy today. If they had only shown moral courage to condemn the perpetrators of the violence, Nepal would not have come to this pass.
The public would have readily come out of their doors in their support, and the murderers would have been morally vanquished and so many lives would have been saved. The nation would have gone for normal election, and the nation would have taken its peaceful course.
Oh you leaders and intellectuals, please think what kind of democracy you are looking for in the heap of all this pain, tears, explosions, smoke, anarchy, chaos and carnage, and, above all, in this stinking heap of your cowardice and selfishness.
And it is our ardent request to all well wishers of Nepal to do something to instill and inculcate some amount of courage in the hearts of our leaders and intellectuals to morally challenge the terrorists rather than trying to impose their style of democracy on us.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I dont agree with Swapan on all points but in general a good article. Why are we taking this stupid moralistic stance ? Maoists in power in Nepal is a big disaster for India. They have to be crushed with all that India has got. In fact this will attract all the home-grown maoists to Nepal and can all be crushed in one go. As much as Prabhakaran in any position of power is unacceptable, so is Prachanda. Both need to be crushed.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> No alternative to buffer King
By Swapan Dasgupta
The Daily Pioneer
posted in full since site does not archive
The term "popular uprising" arouses the most puerile fantasies of the Left and the editorial classes. The romanticism becomes even more frenzied when the target of mob ire is a monarch who claims to be a reincarnation of a God and, consequently, wears a permanent, arrogant sneer.
For the past few days, televised images of tens of thousands of demonstrators wearing red bandanas and flaunting red flags have thrust Nepal into the forefront of the international bleeding hearts agenda. The issues too seem clear-cut: An exasperated people demanding democracy and representative government versus a tottering King who presides over a decrepit feudal order. Lurking somewhere in the background are barefoot rebels, quaintly professing Maoism, who have braved it out for nearly a decade in inhospitable conditions.
At a pinch, it almost seems like a replay of Cuba in the last days of Batista, Nicaragua in the throes of the anti-Somoza insurrection and the final hours of the Shah of Iran.
The democratic right to be reckless cannot be taken away from starry-eyed idealists. It has become fashionable to mock those who shed tears for the world's only Hindu kingdom. Yet, before India joins the clamour for a republican order, it is prudent to look dispassionately at the implications of a monarchical collapse in Nepal.
First, it is instructive to remember the awkward fact that the monarchy in Nepal as in Bhutan epitomises order, continuity and tradition. There may be misgivings over King Gyanendra's dogged determination to play the benevolent despot and there is justified concern at the reckless ways of Crown Prince Paras.
However, it is sometimes necessary to separate the individual from the institution, a distinction that the British were good at drawing in their dealings with Princely states.
Secondly, if the choice in Nepal was between democracy and autocracy, there would have been little room for confusion. Tweaking the system to dilute the discretionary powers of the monarch is overdue and even King Gyanendra has recognised its necessity, albeit belatedly. But it is an open secret that the seven-party alliance that was cobbled together at the behest of India doesn't have either the wherewithal or the purposefulness to manage the show on its own. It needs the active backing of institutions such as the Royal Nepalese Army which has so far been outside the purview of civilian control.
Maybe this anomaly needs correction but this is best done if the monarchy acts as a bridge during the transition. Dispensing the monarchy and the 1990 Constitution at this juncture will trigger fresh divisions in an already fractured society.
Thirdly, Nepal has been in a state of civil war for a decade. The Maoists, contrary to ill-informed perceptions, did not initiate their insurgency against the monarchy. They took up arms in 1996 against the democratically-elected Nepali Congress government. That insurgency has been continuing. The plea for democracy is a merely a Maoist ruse to first forge a united front against the monarchy and then gobble up all the political parties.
If there are elections to a Constituent Assembly, the Maoists will prevail because they have the guns and the political parties just have slogans. By rejecting the King's offer to join the Government the political parties have played into the hands of Maoists, a wrong-turn that delights the new busybodies like CPI(M)'s Sitaram Yechuri.
Finally, for India, the biggest danger in Nepal comes from a full-fledged civil war, leading to a Maoist takeover. The Nepalese "revolution" will not stop at Biratnagar as some suggest.
To survive, the Maoists have to make either make Nepal a dependency of China or create support systems for the revolution in India. The latter is the rationale behind the Naxalite red corridor. This is why it is in India's national interest to deal with a chastened King rather than Comrade Prachanda. Without the King, the political parties will be like Kerensky waiting to yield before Lenin.
The last thing India needs is turbulence in Nepal that will make another IPKF-type misadventure inevitable. India needs a buffer and for that role there is no alternative to the King.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Current Indian government is looking for its own survival; they are least concerned about long term loss for India. This is not the first time India did blunder. They created vacuum in Burma and China slowly took over.
When Nepali kingdom used to attack north India, Indian Kings invited British to protect them and which brought long term occupation of North India and destruction of Hindu culture in Himachal.
WTF is Yechury doing making demands on the King ? And what is this show about all maoists want is democracy ????? From Swapans article above..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Maoists, contrary to ill-informed perceptions, did not initiate their insurgency against the monarchy. <b>They took up arms in 1996 against the democratically-elected Nepali Congress government. </b>That insurgency has been continuing. The plea for democracy is a merely a Maoist ruse to first forge a united front against the monarchy and then gobble up all the political parties.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yechury is commie and their dream to create revolution and topple government is near.
Wait when it will suck India in.
Lets see if Dupatta lectures Yechury for proposing his 'formulas' to end the bloodshed in Nepal..
Part of Yechury's 'formula'..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Yechury Formula states that the king restore the dissolved parliament; the seven-party alliance form an interim government; that parliament adopt a resolution calling for elections to the constituent assembly (in which the king would play no role); and in the period leading up to the elections, <b>the interim government would negotiate with the Maoists to renounce violence and participate in the democratic process.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
IOW King does XYZ and then the interim govt "negotiates" with the maoist mai-baaps to renounce violence..
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Apr 23 2006, 10:55 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Apr 23 2006, 10:55 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Yechury is commie and their dream to create revolution and topple government is near.
Wait when it will suck India in.
Read somewhere....(will try to post the links)...the Commies of China have a gameplan as part of Chinese 21st century to create a maoist corridor from Nepal to India, SE Asia, Africa and as far as Latin America. This will keep most of the upping power like India bleeding........meanwhile Indian commies true to their colors are suggesting all absurd ideas only to alienate Nepalese people and instigate an anti-India backlash ....so that they can wallow in the diturbance (filth) which will result in the whole region.
Lenin might be dead in his country of origin but his ghost lives and exorcised in faraway countries.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Anger at India builds in Kathmandu
New Delhi, April 22: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has left for Germany, leaving behind a raging controversy within and outside his government, even as the anger of the people of Nepal is now directed against India and King Gyanendra. The proposal aimed at isolating the Maoists has not succeeded, with the Indian political establishment now visibly worried about the fallout of the governmentâs decision to bail out the King with a proposal that did not recognise the seven-party alliance and the Maoists demand for a Constituent Assembly.
JNU professor S.D. Muni, extremely angry with the governmentâs secret mission, was the first to point out that âNew Delhi will be in a soup now, as the anger in Nepal will be directed against India and the King.â The reports from Kathmandu after the SPA formally rejected the proposal, made it clear that the pro-democracy protests are now targeting the Manmohan Singh government as well as King Gyanendra. BJP leader Jaswant Singh, who was expected to visit Nepal on the invitation of the King, is now having second thoughts as several leaders from Nepal have made it clear to their colleagues here that the situation will no longer be âsafeâ for Indian politicians seeking to visit the King.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is said to have rushed into action after he was told that BJP leader Jaswant Singh was planning to visit Kathmandu on the invitation of King Gyanendra and wanted a briefing from foreign secretary Shyam Saran. Sources said that it was then suggested to send Dr Karan Singh to Nepal instead, and he was contacted at Jammu and told about the mission.
Acting as the messenger of the Prime Minister, Dr Karan Singh went post-haste with a letter to Nepal. Although, he had some nominal discussions with the political leaders, he reportedly gave them no idea about the Indian proposal. Sources here said that the SPA was not informed and nor were the Left parties and the other allies of the UPA government. Foreign secretary Shyam Saran also had left for a scheduled visit to Bhutan from where he rushed to Nepal to join Dr Karan Singh in his mission.
Informed sources said that the government was acting along with the US that has also been very keen to isolate the Maoists and retain the King as a constitutional monarch. In fact, Dr Karan Singh remains totally impervious to the serious developments in Nepal since his visit, maintaining that the Himalayan country will be thrown into a âdeeper crisisâ if the alliance refuses to form the government.
Nepal activists who have been holding large meetings under the anti-monarchy banner here told this correspondent that New Delhi âmust learn to listen to the people of Nepal instead of working out secret deals with the King and the Americans.â
Once again, the Prime Minister did not see the need for getting Cabinet clearance for the proposal that was kept under the covers. Retired Major General Ashok Mehta told this newspaper that the proposal should have been discussed with the Nepal political parties, and the leadership should have been taken on board. He said that this was clearly not done. âWe did not work it out, and this was all a last minute, slap dash effort.â
The CPI(M) Politbureau has come out in strong support of the democratic forces in Nepal pointing out that âthe UPA government would do well to heed the wishes of the people of Nepal.â It said that the Kingâs proposal to hand over âexecutive powerâ to the political parties was just a âface saving gestureâ and the political parties have ârightly rejectedâ this. CPI(M) MP Sitaram Yechury, who is in Nepal, said that the Maoists had very strong political influence and they would have to be included in the democratic process. âExcluding the Maoists will be a great disservice to the movement in Nepal,â he said. The sources said that the aim behind the Indian proposal was to isolate the Maoists. Dr Karan Singh made this clear when he said, âAs far as the Maoists are concerned, let the political parties first assume power. They can then negotiate with the Maoists.
You donât expect the King to talk to them. Let the parties discuss with the rebels and try for a ceasefire.â He said that India favoured a constitutional monarchy in Nepal when he was asked by reporters about the reported plans of Nepal political parties to frame a Constitution without any role for the monarch. The BJP also expressed similar views with former deputy prime minister L.K. Advani maintaining that the effort should be to âcompletely isolate Maoists in Nepal.â He also advised the government to tread cautiously but with this end in mind. Significantly, the SPA-Maoists alliance so far appears to have held fast in Nepal with sources from Kathmandu pointing out that there was little likelihood of a split.
âWe are all aware of the efforts by your government and the Americans to break the alliance between the political parties and the Maoists but we have also realised that if we want to get rid of this King and establish a democracy we all have to stay together,â the sources said. By this one gesture and the decision to immediately support King Gyanendraâs announcement without waiting for the democratic forces in Nepal to respond, the sources said, India had lost its complete authority to intervene in the crisis. âNo one is going to listen to you now, your government is seen as a King supporter,â the sources said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
xposting from BR..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> The Maoists could well win in Nepal but that would be a much bigger disaster, for they belong to the same tradition of ultra-egalitarian and anti-foreign extremism that animated the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and Sendero Luminoso (the Shining Path) in Peru. Mercifully, the latter group never attained power, but between 1975 and 1979 the Khmer Rouge murdered about a quarter of Cambodia's population in a drive to exterminate everybody who was a "class enemy" or had been exposed to foreign influences.
"Comrade Prachandra", the 42-year-old former horticulture teacher who is the Nepali Maoists' leader, never gives interviews, <b>but the deputy leader, Baburam Bhattarai - whose PhD thesis was a Marxist analysis of Nepal's problems - was chilling when asked whether his movement's policies would be similar to those of the Khmer Rouge: "There is no independent and authentic account of events in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge available so far. Whatever is emanating from the Western media appears to be highly exaggerated." In other words, they are the same.</b>
If the Maoists win, an early Indian intervention might spare the Nepalese population the worst horrors of a Khmer Rouge-style genocide, but only at the cost to India of a long and thankless guerilla war in Nepal. Nepal is heading straight for hell, and nobody in the country seems remotely capable of stopping it.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The "thankless war" is not one of the options that India has. It is the ONLY alternative. India CANNOT have maoists in power in Nepal - that will be a huuge disaster.
Coverage of the "uprising" in international media is taken page for page out of the palestinian intifada media handbook. Little kids are seen throwing rocks at the police. the army is deceptively shown running away.
<img src='http://www.dailypioneer.com/images4/home_stories/front_page/big/story3.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41590000/jpg/_41590588_burning_afp_203b.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
It does look like that King Gyanendra prefers dealing with the BJP - not sure if we can infer that Gyanendra is not a chinese stooge, as said in some circles. I am sure the latter is just propaganda.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> IE editorial: This is certainly not the most opportune moment for a former Indian foreign minister to fly out to Kathmandu at King Gynanendra's invitation, when the people of Nepal are seething with a palpable rage against their monarch and are desperate to restore democracy in the country.<b> Jaswant Singh, however, has chosen to accept the king's invitation to visit Nepal at this juncture and that choice is entirely his, of course. </b>Similarly if his party wishes to cosy up to the Narayanhiti Palace, that too is entirely its business. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Jaswant is best choice because of family ties.
Paras wife is Gayatri Devi's grand daughter
from nepali fora, it will give some idea
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->We Nepalese have to realise that eventhough a common criminal has been named as a crown prince, the real power behind the Shah dynasty has been the Rana family (Juddha Shumsher clan) and it will stay that way for a long time to come. Therefore , PARAS SHAH will just be a puppet in the hands of the ruthless Ranas.
I want to jot down some points in this regard.
1. The Ranas of Juddha Shumsher's family control most of Nepal. The current prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba is married to a granddaughter(arzoo) of Juddha Shumsher. Gyanendra and his wife are offshoots of Juddha Shumsher Rana.
2. The Royal Nepal Army is controlled by the Ranas with the result that the Field Marshall's post has always been held by a Rana. Current Field Marshall Nir SJB Rana is Juddha Shumsher's son. Current Commander IN Chief of the Army Prajwalla SJB Rana and so is Current IGP of Nepal who is Pradip SJB Rana. Current ambassador to the United States is a Ranaji also.
The army and the police are accountable to the Rana family only. The Ranas may look silly with their eccentricities and kinks but how many people realise that those same Ranas have stashed millions of dollars in foreign bankaccounts. How many Ranas we know that work hard for their daily living ! Do the Nepalese know that there are some Ranas living abroad in a luxurious manner without really having to work. Where did this money come from ?
3. The Ranas have made sure that the Army and the police are theirs for the taking. The Royal family cannot survive without the Ranas. Exception here is Paras Shah who married a Singh girl but then which Rana girl would marry such a nuisance and a fool. Noone realised he would be a Crown Prince one day. The Ranas must be frantically planning some course of action for Paras Shah too.
4. Lest we forget, Paras Shah is surrounded by friends with strong Rana connections. How many know the moral corruption of the Ranas. The incest and mass orgies linked to Ranas are well known !
How can a poor country with absolute poverty have one clan (i.e. The Ranas) who possess so much wealth and cash holdings abroad in foreign banks. The sons and daughters of Ranas can go to any foreign country and party or while away their time drinking, paying women for sexual favours, engaging in sex acts and making a mockery of the Nepalese people.
Nepali fore
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>There is no doubt that King Gyanendra will make a better monarch then his indecisive but much loved brother King Birendra. However, we have to realise that it is better to have an Industrious King than an idle King like Birendra</b>. How we miss King Mahendra ! Check out the site WWW.DLYNNWALDRON.COM and we Nepalese will realise how shrewd and capable King Mahendra was.
Now in terms of Paras being a King, that is another story for the future. We are left with no choice. The Royal family is above the constitution has been proven when Paras Shah could not be prosecuted for the brutal hit and run killing of that popular musician. Paras has assaulted police officers, been involved in numerous drunken binges as well as supplying drugs to other members of the Royal family. This is a guy who has no educational background. He is a complete illiterate and shows no respect to the citizens of Nepal. Nepalese people are very unlucky since we have been deceived by the ruling congress party, the previous panchayati sychophants and the current bandits comprising the maoists. We just do not have a capable leader like King Mahendra.
This Paras Shah better go for further educational studies, military discipline and basic civic sense and courtesy.
We Nepalese should voice our opinion openly regarding the capabilities of Paras Shah before we end up being dominated by the crafty Indians posing as our close friends.
Paras Shah should prove us wrong by enrolling in an educational institution of higher learning and getting rid of his drug and alcohol habits.
God bless Nepal. . <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Forums are in favor of King, majority of people are against Maoist.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Well, our kings had and have interest in keeping good relation with India. Their existant is decided by India and our royals know that. Actually our royals are of Indian descent, unlike majority of Nepali who are not Indian descent. Most Nepalese are true inhabitant of Nepal which royals arean't. Therefore with today internet and access to outside world, many Nepalese have realized that royals are the authoritarian dictators and they aren't a true inhabitant of Nepali land. Look at all the killings prince Paras has done which go uncovered on news due to fear he has caused on Nepali media. Medias are tremble to cover any negation on royals. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->