04-22-2004, 01:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2004, 01:30 AM by Sunder.)
Sri Durvasa, the venerable one, was 'born' into one of the most illustrious family. He is the son of Atri Maharshi, and Sri Anasuya devi. Most of you already may know his famous brothers, Soma and Dattatreya (read Avadhutha Gita to get a taste of Duttatreya's works.)
Durvasa, literally means, one who CANNOT be clothed. Clothed not just by mere cotton or deer-skin, but even by the five Koshas (viz Anna, Prana, Manas, Vignanam and Anandha maya kosam). Sri Durvasa is said to be one of the famous Devi bhakthas.
Durvasa, has wrongly been projectd, mostly in the puranas, as an ill-tempered person who does not know the time and place to check His anger. On the contrary, Durvasa's external expression of anger usually has a hidden meaning. (I am not sure about the source of Ambareesha's story.)
Shakthi Mahimna Stotram (by Sri Durvasa), is one of THE best works in Shaktha. My grandfather once said, "Till you have read Sri Shakthi Mahimna, you haven't really tasted Anandham.", and that definitely is true.
I may be biased in defending Sri Durvasa, but only a person who has known and appreciated His works can understand that Sri Durvasa was beyond all Gunas.
Rudra, Narasimha Murthy, Krishna, Rama and all have expressed anger, but that does not make them Egoistic.<b><i>It's okay for you to get angry, but it's NOT okay for anger to get you.</i></b> (I claim, I haven't been angry since 1986.) <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->sunder garu>> couple of months ago I had the good fortune of listening to swaminamma Sri Sheelananda ( of Chinmaya Mission, prior to becoming swamini amma she was PhD student in Physics) give a lecture on Shi Chakra (Lalitha Shasranamam) in Ann Arbor.
She had given wondeful explanantion how even great and realized souls while trying to reach the ultimate Brhaman while passing thru each chakra often get mesmarised by their achiements and fall back to a level below. (kind of snakes and ladders game)
With such fractional powers itself the human mind feels so powerful then imagine the great souls who are just one or two steps away from the absolute Brahman and what to say of those who have reached the ultimate summit. They must be truly "Sivoham Sivoham"
Garu vaddhandi Spinster garu. Meeru mareenu. Sunder ani pilavandi chalu <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
What you say is true, with advancement of each chakra (it's definitely not one day at a time.), the jiva - not just feels, but - BECOMES powerful, but in different planes. The flight thru the chakras are usually completed in less than few seconds. On some days, it's just a trickle upwards, and sometimes (including my first time), it's a volcanic gush, upwards and into oblivion.
The feeling of Shivoham and Aham Brahmasmi will only be en-route to the gush.. Once you reach THAT state, it's goes from Aham Brahmasmi, to Aham Asmi, to Aham, and finally, no words, but pure being. (I should say, my only support is Sri Lalithambhika.)
If you want to try it or know more, I recommend Hamsopanishad, coupled with Sri Ramakrishna's books and Sri Shankaracharya's books on the subject (Prapanchasara, Soundarya lahari etc.).
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> I have seen the Adi Shankaracharya movie in Samsrutham in India. Would you know where I can get the movie in US? I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Ram Garu.. Just call me Sunder. That'll do. I do not know where you can get the movie in the us, but email me at purohit at hotmail. I Live in a country close to the US, a little country up North. Get the clue eh?
<!--QuoteBegin-Sunder+Apr 22 2004, 01:25 AM-->QUOTE(Sunder @ Apr 22 2004, 01:25 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Sri Durvasa, the venerable one, was 'born' into one of the most illustrious family. He is the son of Atri Maharshi, and Sri Anasuya devi. Most of you already may know his famous brothers, Soma and Dattatreya (read Avadhutha Gita to get a taste of Duttatreya's works.)
Yes Sunder,
I am descendant of Attri, so I am naturally curious about it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->âBe nice to strangers, visit your in-lawsâ.
In Hindi
Agunthak ka swagath ki jiye
Saas ka bhi darshan ki jiye.
In telugu
Aganthakulanu adarinchandi
Attagarini darsinchandi
In Tamil:
Matrorai madhiyngal,
Mamiyaarai midhiyngal (?) oops..
Regarding Ambareesha, I know the story. I think the story is in the Bhagavatha. I am not sure as I haven't yet read the Bhagavatham.
The story from Pandava vanavasa(mu) and the related Aksya patra(mu) story is different one. There, Devi Krishnaa (aka Draupathi) has an akshaya pathram given by Surya. On that particular day, Sri Durvasa, with his 10000 disciples (?) visit the pandavas. By the power of the patram, one can produce any number of servings as long as it's not washed for that particular day. Krishnaa (Panchali) has already washed it. She is apprehensive that she may incur the curse of the Sage (by whose mantra given to Kunti devi, the very Pandavas were born.)
When Krishnaa (later Sairandhari) prays to lord Krishna (Vasudeva), Krishna (Varshneya) appears and "inspects" the akshaya patram. There is a spinach leaf (or some leaf) attached to it. When Parandhama relishes it, the hunger of all 10001 Rishis are satisfied.
In Bhagavat Geetha there's a line :
Patram Pushpam Phalam Thoyam yo mae bhakthya prayachathi. (BG 9:26)
As examples, I have heard the following:
The Patram is from the Story above.
Pushpam is the one given by Gajendra (Gajendra Moksham.)
Phalam given by Shabari.
Thoyam Given by Ambareesha, or Ranthideva.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Also Bhagavatham talks about Atri maha muni ( Atreyasa gothram) lineage and Durvasa ( which cantor I am unable to re call but can come back on that)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ram ji, can you please tell us the Pravaram for Atri Gotram? I know Durvasa and Dattatreya are not Gotrakarthas, as they are nivritthi karakas.
most atris of south India are descendents of the the great R^ishi shyAvAshva Atreya and archanAnA Atreya.
Other branches that were present in india are the :
descendents of purvatitha, vadbhutaka, gaviShThira and the female Atreya vishvavArA. The dattAtreya gotra while not seen in south India is seen amongst Himachalis and Kashmiris
they all descend from the great atri bhauma the first of the atris.
Any idea on the lineage of Naithrava Kashyapa Gothram?
The thriya rishis that comes in my abhivathaye are kashyapa, avastara, naithrava?
and secondly,
w.r.t shifting of temples, don't they create a *balalayam* (which they do while doing the kumbabhishekam) and after which do they do the shifting?
Sunder Saar,
Here is the chapter on Ambareesha in Srimad Bhagavatam.
Srimad Bhagavatam- Skandam 9 Chapter 4
If you happen to live in Toronto, i would have loved to meet you last year when i was there. I have met the great spin(ster) there!
spinster garu, i will send u a mail shortly.
Just curious, being Galava gothra, why very limited descendents are found even in North India, I am not sure about south India.
<!--QuoteBegin-Hauma Hamiddha+Apr 21 2004, 11:12 AM-->QUOTE(Hauma Hamiddha @ Apr 21 2004, 11:12 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> most atris of south India are descendents of the the great R^ishi shyAvAshva Atreya and archanAnA Atreya.
Other branches that were present in india are the :
descendents of purvatitha, vadbhutaka, gaviShThira and the female Atreya vishvavArA. The dattAtreya gotra while not seen in south India is seen amongst Himachalis and KashmirisÂ
they all descend from the great atri bhauma the first of the atris. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What about vishWamitra gothra
They have a smaller percentage in the poll done on the internet site.
Where are they orginally from - which part.
<!--QuoteBegin-Sunder+Apr 21 2004, 07:54 PM-->QUOTE(Sunder @ Apr 21 2004, 07:54 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Gotra Site: http://www.bharatavarsha.com/iyer/gotra/gotra.html
Being the source for the gotra material for that site, I must mention that while it is one of the most detailed exposition of the gotra founders on the net it is incomplete because I never found the time to put in all the data.
Acharya: vishvamitras are found throughout Bharat, though each branch shows a different distribution. I need to known you pravara R^ishis to ascertain the branch. In Tamil Nad and Andhra they are about a 20% of the brahmins. Several kshatriya lines of andhras, like shatavAhanas also claim descent from vishvamitra.
Mudy: gAlava was the celebrated author of one of the R^igvedIya krama pAThas. more on him later. His descendents are largely limited to North India.
Shridhar: It is correctly pronounced as the naidhruva kAshyapa gotra. The R^ishis were avatsAra, nidhruva were descendent of kashyapas and authors of the somAdhyAya of the 9th maNDala of the R^igveda. The peculiarity of this gotra is the soma only AprI, unlike the agni AprIs of the other gotras.
HH garu>> can you please tell us about
Sri Vatsasa gotram,
(which is pancha rishiyam, Bhargava,
Syaavana, AApnavaana, Owrva, Jaamadaghn)
On doing a web search I found the following.
Manjula: here are some details :
There are 20 Gothras. Each has its own three Rishis, which are referrred to in
the Pravaram.I will list the 20 Gothras/Pravaras and illustrate one of the
famous Gothras with details .
1. Bharadwaja ------------------------------ Aankirasa, Bhaarhaspatya,
2. Shatamarshana ------------------------ AAnkirasa, Powrukutsa,Traasatasya
3 .AAtreya----------------------------------------Atreya,Aarchanaasa,Syaavaasva
4 .Vatula-----------------------------------------Bhargava,Vaitahavya,Saavedasa
5 .Srivatsa---------------------------------------Bhargava,
Syaavana,AApnavaana,Owrva, Jaamadaghn
6. Kowsika------------------------------------Vaiswaamitra, AAgamarshana,Kowsika
7. Viswamitra-------------------------------- Vaiswaamitra,Devaraata, Owtala
8. Kowndinya-------------------------------- Vaasishta,Maitraavaruna, Kowndinya
9. Harita----------------------------------------AAnkirasa, Ambarisha,Yuvanasva
10. Mowdkalya(3 Variations)------------(1) AAnkiras,Bharmyasva,Mowdgalya
AAnkirsa, Dhavya, Mowdgalya
11.Sandilya (2 Variations)-----------------(1) Kasyapa,Aavatsaara,Daivala
13.Kutsa-----------------------------------Aankirasa, Maandhatra,Kowtsa
14.Kanva--------------------------------(1) Aankirasa, Ajameeda,Kaanva
(2) Aankirasa,
Kowra, Kaanva
15.Paraasara---------------------------(1) Vaasishta, Saaktya, Paarasarya
17. Gargi-------------------------(1)
(2) Aangirasa, Sainya, Gaargya
18.Bhadarayana----------------Aankirasa,Paarshadaswa, Raatitara
19.Kasyapa---------------------Kasyapa, Aavatsaara, Daivala
20.Sunkriti ----------------------(1) Aankirasa,Kowravidha,Saankritya
Among the 20, based on an analysis of Pravaras, one can see the Aankirasa Rishi
appears 12 times including multiple versions. Aankirasa is the Rishi with
whom more than half of the Atharva Veda samhitas a re associated. An analysis of
the Rishis associated with the Veda Mantras will give info on the other Rishis
associated with the twenty Gothras and their lineage.
Sage Kanva is the father of Sakutala celebrated by Kaalidasa. Bhargava referes
to the lineage of Bhrigu Maharishi, the foster father of Maha Lakshmi worshipped
as Bhargavi. . I will now say afew words about Shatamarshana Gothram. Natha
Muni, Aalavandar(Yaamuna Muni) belong to this Gothram.Bharadwaja appears in
Raamayanam .
Brahma according to Puranas had 4 sons:Atri, Bhrigu,Vasishta and Ankiras.
Their lines are as follows:
1.Ankiras---) Shatamarshana(Penance in the middle of Five fires at Haridhwar and
got the boon that the Sata Vayu will not affect him . Similar to the case of
Satakopan(Nammalwar later).His predecessors, Purukutsar and Traasa Dasyu were
authorities on Rig Vedam.Tras is made up of 3 Kinds of fear .Since these htree
kinds of fear ran away fro him out of fear for his Power derived from penance,
He is called Trasa Dhasyu. All the three Rishis (Ankiras, Purukutsar,Trsadasyu)
are thus included in the Pravaram of Shatamarshana Gothris.
2.Bhrigu----) Valmiki and Sri Vatsa Gothram
3. Atri--------) Dattatreya---) Atreya Gothram-----) Atreya Ramanujar and links
Vedanta Desikan
4.Vasishta-----) Sakti, Paraasara,Vyasa.(Paraasara is the author of Vishnu
Puranam and Vysaa , the author of Brahma Sutrams and Puraanas.
All of them are devotees of Sriman Narayana and are StaunchVaishnavas.
About Shatamarshana Gothram lineage, Before Shatamarshana: Ankiras,Purugutsar
and Trasadasyuwere all born in this Gothram. Shatamarshana gothris are called
Sreshtars or Sottai Kulam people in Tamil. Aalawandar refers to his reputed
Lineage referring to his grandfather Nata Muni & Shatamarshana thi s way:: "
Janitvaham Jagati Mahati Kyata Yasasam"( Stotra Ratnakaram.)
P.A. Ranganatha Tatacharya has written about the glory this Gothram in his
monograph" Shatamarshana Gothra Prabhavam".
Hope this information is useful to you with respect to your queries!
P.S; I wonder How many Gothras are represented in our Study Group . Mine is
Vatula Gothram.
04-23-2004, 12:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2004, 12:58 AM by Sunder.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Hauma Hamiddha+Apr 22 2004, 07:39 AM-->QUOTE(Hauma Hamiddha @ Apr 22 2004, 07:39 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> <!--QuoteBegin-Sunder+Apr 21 2004, 07:54 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sunder @ Apr 21 2004, 07:54 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Gotra Site: http://www.bharatavarsha.com/iyer/gotra/gotra.html
Being the source for the gotra material for that site, I must mention that while it is one of the most detailed exposition of the gotra founders on the net it is incomplete because I never found the time to put in all the data. <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sadhu, Sadhu.. May you live a thousand years. Hauma, I definitely am quite in admiration not only for your knowledge, but also of the amount of material you have access to. Where do you find texts like "Gotra-Pravara-Manjari" of Purushottama Pandita ?
You can get an English trans. through ILL if you have access to a US univ library (I do not if it works for Canada though?). I have also looked into Sanskrit text of it in India and the pravara kANDas of number of shrauta sUtras.
HH boss,
My family is from North India - Vrindavan and rumour has it from somewhere in Haryana before that. I have been told that I belong to Kashyapa gotra. How would that relate to the Iyers ? Does it mean that Iyers belonging to Kasshyapa gotra are related to me ? Sorry dont know what prvara rshi lineage my family belongs to .. <!--emo&:unsure:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='unsure.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Please read "Power in Temples: A Modern Perspective", that presents a scientific view of temple worship, which has behind it a fund of well-coordinated knowledge of the deeper facts of life and the universe.
One can get it from http://www.integralbooks.com
<!--QuoteBegin-rajesh_g+Apr 26 2004, 02:13 AM-->QUOTE(rajesh_g @ Apr 26 2004, 02:13 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> My family is from North India - Vrindavan and rumour has it from somewhere in Haryana before that. I have been told that I belong to Kashyapa gotra. How would that relate to the Iyers ? Does it mean that Iyers belonging to Kasshyapa gotra are related to me ? <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Technically gotras are inherited with the male line. Thus everyone gets their father's gotra. The wife makes her offering with the husband's gotra in a rite. So, technically all people sharing a gotra should have descended from a common male ancestor throughout India.
In practice there are many variations on this theme:
1) There have been people who cheated in the past especially to acquire entry into higher castes.
2) If a person becomes an honorary kshatriya or honorary vaishya, they may tentively adopt their brAhmana guru's pravara for the duration of a ritual (some time they retain it if they do only 1 major ritual).
3) If a person is being made into an honorary brAhmaNa, he is usually assigned the kAshyapa gotra without a specific lineage.
4) Because of these events in the past the gotras approximately but not always indicate common ancestory and this usually holds good only amongst brAhmaNas.
The brAhmaNas in order to ensure people entering their previlaged ranks used gotra and pravara as a potent device. In many orthodox brahmin families a secret mantra is transmitted father to son during the thread ceremony to ensure memory of the founding fathers. In marriages families had to give their gotra lineage and list their ancestor till at least 7 generations. This was also used to avoid intermarrying within a lineage shared for 7 generations. Orthodox brahmins and several other hindus avoid marriage within the same gotra very scrupulously (or sharing a 7 generation connection).
These days such practices seem to be eroding in the cosmopolitan urban population.
<<Sri Vatsasa gotram,
(which is pancha rishiyam, Bhargava,
Syaavana, AApnavaana, Owrva, Jaamadaghn)>>
Correctly pronounced shri vatsa
bhArgava, chAyvana, ApnavAna, aurva, jAmadagnya is the pravara
They are bhArgavas, descendents of bhR^igu, just like gAlava who is also a branch of the bhArgava clan.
<!--QuoteBegin-Hauma Hamiddha+Apr 27 2004, 07:08 AM-->QUOTE(Hauma Hamiddha @ Apr 27 2004, 07:08 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Technically gotras are inherited with the male line. Thus everyone gets their father's gotra.
In practice there are many variations on this theme:
1) There have been people who cheated in the past especially to acquire entry into higher castes.
2) If a person becomes an honorary kshatriya or honorary vaishya, they may tentively adopt their brAhmana guru's pravara for the duration of a ritual (some time they retain it if they do only 1 major ritual).
3) If a person is being made into an honorary brAhmaNa, he is usually assigned the kAshyapa gotra without a specific lineage.
4) Because of these events in the past the gotras approximately but not always indicate common ancestory and this usually holds good only amongst brAhmaNas. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
In Addition to the above, a person who is ADOPTED (Dattham) by someone automatically gets the adopter's gotra.
I remember that there were some ppl in Srirangam became Brahmanas by saying "Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya". I am not sure if they had a gotra assigned en masse.