02-17-2007, 05:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-17-2007, 05:50 AM by Husky.)
Good islamis shouldn't show solidarity with dar-ul-harbs, should they? (As would be implied by singing the islamicly-blasphemous Vande Mataram, for instance.) Especially not flying the Australian flag when the Australians are fighting the Faithful in the war on Terror:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mosques urged to fly Australian flag</b>
Muslim leaders are calling for the Australian flag to be flown outside mosques as an expression of the Islamic community's "loyalty" to Australia.
(This is just token, of course. Islami/salaami leaders will only do this when islam is still a significant minority and when the rest of the country realises there's a hostile parasite in their midsts. When the salaamis become a significantly large community, they will do what their brethren in India did to avoid singing the Vande Mataram.)
The Weekend Australian newspaper reports that a number of senior Muslim clerics have urged the country's 300,000 Muslims to get behind the idea as a symbol of "integration" and pride.
<b>"Even in Muslim countries in the mosque they fly the national flag ... (such as) in Pakistan,"</b> the former chairman of the Prime Minister's Muslim reference group, Ameer Ali, told the newspaper.
(Now say it right: Pakistan is dar-ul-islam. Not so kafirnation Australia. But most Australians won't know this yet, so this statement of Ameer Ali might fool them.)
"If that can be done in a Muslim country why not in Australia?
"We are Australian Muslims, and it (the flag) is a symbol of our national identity."
But Muslim leader Keysar Trad said some community members would consider the idea of displaying the flag as "politicising a place of worship".
"I have no problem with the flag being at Muslim schools, but a place of worship is for all people to be equal and as such I believe places of worship should maintain the tradition of not raising the national flag," Mr Trad told The Weekend Australian.
(Dude is uncomfortable. Latches on to some lame excuse.)
Prominent Sydney-based Islamic cleric Khalil Shami also expressed fears that raising the flag outside mosques would lead to potential violence and further division with the community among factions opposed to the idea.
(That's right bud. Don't want to get the hardline j-hadis blowing up their own mosque for flying the Oz flag in fear of the Australians. The j-hadis will put the greater fear of allah's unscrupulous henchmen into them instead.)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b> New Islamic outfit has cops on alert</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The formation of a new Islamic outfit, Popular Front of India (PFI), which is an umbrella organisation of three outfits - Karnataka For Dignity (KFD), Karnataka, Manitha Neethi Pasarai (MNP), Tamil Nadu, and National Development Front (NDF), Kerala, has caused concern to the police of the three states.
PFI, which is holding a three-day <b>'Empower India' </b>conference in Bangalore from February 15, claims "to <b>co-ordinate and strengthen grass root level developmental activities throughout the country</b>". Prior to the formation of the PFI, the three organisations have been conducting regular classes and meetings in their respective states and driving home the point that a larger front is needed in South India, sources said.
Though the organisation's agenda has been well <b>spelt out-democracy and social justice-</b>state police fear that the organisation had been set up to propagate hardline ideology and are closely monitoring its activities.
What is worrying the police is the fact that <b>majority of the leaders of this new front belong to the now banned SIMI. </b>
The decision to launch PFI had been taken at a conference of KFD, MNP and NDF held on November 22, 2006, at Calicut. The leaders of PFI include K M Shareef, President of KFD, Gulam Muhammed (MNP) and Abdurahman Baqavi of NDF. The PFI has decided to confine their activities to south India, sources said. Sources in the Home dept said the PFI had been active mainly in costal Karnataka area and Bangalore city. Police suspect the outfit's role in the recent violence in Mangalore and Udupi districts. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Gee... can't tell the difference betweejn pinkos rhetoric, buzzwords, and islamaniacs anymore....
http://www.frontpag emag.com/ Articles/ ReadArticle. asp?ID=26961
<b>Salt Lake Jihad?</b>
February 15, 2007
by Robert Spencer
Dailypioneer main page, Sound Bites section:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I ask Muslim brothers and mujahideens to highlight the concept of Islamic brotherhood and disown all partisanship based on nationalism.
Al Qaeda's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri
Taliban and Al Qaeda are preparing to launch new attacks. Our strategy is not to be on the defence, but to go on the offence.
US President George W Bush<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Al-Qaeda reestablishes itself along Afghan-Pakistani border: report</b>
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Leaders of Al-Qaeda <b>operating from Pakistan</b> have re-established significant control over their terror network and over the past year have set up a band of training camps in the tribal regions near the Afghan border, The New York Times reported.
Citing unnamed US intelligence and counterterrorism officials, the newspaper said on Sunday there was mounting evidence that Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had been steadily building an operations hub in the mountainous Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan.
Until recently, the administration of President George W. Bush had described bin Laden and Zawahiri as detached from their followers and cut off from operational control of Al-Qaeda, the report said.
The United States has also identified several new Al-Qaeda compounds in North Waziristan, including one that officials said might be training operatives for strikes against targets beyond Afghanistan, according to the paper.
Recent intelligence showed that the compounds functioned under a loose command structure and were operated by groups of Arab, Pakistani and Afghan militants allied with Al-Qaeda, The Times said
They receive guidance from their commanders and Zawahiri, analysts said. Bin Laden, who has long played less of an operational role, appears to have little direct involvement, according to the report.
Officials said the training camps had yet to reach the size and level of sophistication of the Al-Qaeda camps established in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, the paper reported.
But groups of 10 to 20 men are being trained at the camps, and the Al-Qaeda infrastructure in the region is gradually becoming more mature.
The new warnings are different from those made in recent months by intelligence officials and terrorism experts, who have spoken about the growing abilities of Taliban forces and Pakistani militants to launch attacks into Afghanistan, The Times said.
US officials say the new intelligence points to the prospect that the terrorist network is gaining in strength despite more than five years of a sustained US-led campaign to weaken it, the report said.
The concern about a resurgent Al-Qaeda has been the subject of intensive discussion at high levels of the Bush administration and has reignited debate about how to address Pakistan's role as a haven for militants without undermining the government of General Pervez Musharraf, according to The Times.
Last week, senior White House counter-terrorism adviser Frances Fragos Townsend went to Afghanistan to meet with security officials about rising concerns on Al-Qaeda's resurgence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the paper said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Police protect girls forced to convert to Islam
Last updated at 17:04pm on 22nd February 2007
Extremist Muslims who force vulnerable teenage girls to convert to Islam are being targeted by police, Met chief Sir Ian Blair has revealed.
Police are working with universities to clamp down on "aggressive conversions" during which girls are beaten up and forced to abandon university courses.
The Hindu Forum of Britain claims hundreds of mostly Sikh and Hindu girls have been intimidated by Muslim men who take them out on dates before terrorising them until they convert.
Sir Ian spoke about the problem at a conference organised by the forum.
A Met spokesman said: "Neighbourhood officers work with university authorities in London and we would encourage anyone targeted in this way to seek help and support and where necessary use third party reporting facilities if they do not want to contact police directly."
Ramesh Kallidai, of the Hindu Forum of Britain, said: "Some girls are petrified because they are constantly being phoned up, having their door knocked.
"One girl was beaten up on the street and others have been forced to leave university."
⢠Met police chiefs are to review a controversial stop-and-search power used in the fight against terrorism. Assistant commissioner Andy Hayman, the overall head of Britain's anti-terrorist operations, said he had concerns about the number of stops carried out in London using Section 44 legislation.
02-23-2007, 08:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2007, 09:07 AM by Husky.)
Bharatvarsh's post 106 is far more important.
(1) BBC's repository on the Bali bombings which killed 202 people:
(2) And here's some other news on everyone's favourite cult, the Religion of Peace.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Egypt Blogger Jailed For Insulting Islam</b>
23/02/2007 10:38 AM
By Alaa Shahine
An Alexandria court convicted an Egyptian blogger on Thursday for insulting both Islam and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and sentenced him to four years in jail over his writings on the Internet.
Abdel Karim Suleiman, a 22-year-old former law student who has been in custody since November, was the first blogger to stand trial in Egypt for his Internet writings. He was convicted in connection with eight articles he wrote since 2004.
Rights groups and opposition bloggers have watched Suleiman's case closely, and said they feared a conviction could set a legal precedent limiting Internet freedom in Egypt, the Arab world's most populous country.
The London-based rights group Amnesty International said in a statement: "This is yet another slap in the face of freedom of expression in Egypt." The group considers Suleiman to be a prisoner of conscience, jailed solely for peacefully expressing his opinion, the statement added.
The Paris-based press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders said the sentence was "a disgrace" and the United Nations should respond by disqualifying Egypt from hosting an Internet Governance Forum in 2009.
"It is time the international community took a stand on Egypt's repeated violations of press freedom and the rights of Internet users," a statement added.
(Will India's exalted pseculars go to protest the stifling of Freedom of Speech in Egypt? No? Dommage.)
<b>Major Forum </b>
A fellow blogger who runs the "Rantings of a Sandmonkey" blog ( http://sandmonkey.org/) said: "It's a dangerous precedent because it will impact the only free space available now, which is the Internet. The charges were undefined and vague."
"Tell me. What does insulting the president mean? What is the difference between criticising religion and being in contempt of religion?" he added, asking to remain anonymous.
The Internet has emerged as a major forum for critics of the Egyptian government to express their views in a country where the states runs large newspapers and main television stations.
While Suleiman was the first blogger to go on trial for the content of his writings, other opposition bloggers have been arrested periodically during street protests and then held for weeks or months before being released.
Suleiman, a Muslim and a liberal, has not denied writing the articles but said they merely represented his own views. His lawyers said they planned to appeal the verdict, and one member of the defence team described the trial as unfair.
One of Suleiman's articles said that al-Azhar in Cairo, one of the most prominent seats of Sunni Muslim learning, was promoting extreme ideas. Another article, headlined "The Naked Truth of Islam as I Saw it", accused Muslims of savagery during clashes between Muslims and Christians in Alexandria in 2005.
He has also described some of the companions of the Muslim prophet Mohammad as "terrorists", and has likened Mubarak to dictatorial pharaohs who ruled ancient Egypt.
"I was hoping that he would get a harsher sentence because he presented to the world a bad image of Egypt. There are things that one should not talk about, like religion and politics. He should have got a 10-year sentence," said lawyer Nizar Habib, who attended the trial as a member of the public.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
(3) Post 106
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->UK Police protect girls forced to convert to Islam<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The UK government is able to protect Hindu and Sikh girls, but our own government won't. MMS is too busy trying to sell Indians to christoislamism (and failing that, to open India up to terrorism so that it can kill the inconvertibles) - in order to please his superior, Sonia.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Police are working with universities to clamp down on "aggressive conversions" <b>during which girls are beaten up and forced to abandon university courses</b>.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Is this the famous islamic 'seduction process' of kafir women mentioned in the news article of post 97? What flattery, I'm sure women from all over the world are standing in line to be thus wooed. It's true that kafir men are quite unable to give this to women, it being a gift that only christoislamics possess.
02-24-2007, 06:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2007, 07:10 AM by Husky.)
David Hicks, Australian convert to islam held in Guantanamo Bay:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Saturday February 24, 10:47 AM
<b>Cheney, Australia's Howard to discuss Iraq, Afghanistan</b>
Also likely to be on the agenda between the two men is the fate of <b>David Hicks</b>, an Australian arrested in Afghanistan more than five years ago who is currently being held without charges in the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> http://au.news.yahoo.com/070223/21/12ixk.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Saturday February 24, 09:42 AM
<b>Howard, Cheney to discuss troop deployments</b>
Mr Howard will also ask Mr Cheney to ensure that Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks is brought to trial quickly.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> http://au.news.yahoo.com/061219/2/11ths.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Saturday February 24, 05:58 AM
<b>Hicks was al-Qaeda golden boy: Abbasi</b>
Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks was al-Qaeda's "golden boy" who wanted to go back to Australia to rob and kill Jews, a former inmate has claimed.
Feroz Abbasi has written in a document for US government terrorism investigators that Hicks was also willing to undertake suicide missions, including crashing a plane into a building.
The former British detainee wrote that Hicks was the terrorist organisation's "24 carat Golden Boy", their top recruit, according to details in next week's Time magazine and published The Australian newspaper.
But Abbasi, who was released in 2005 without charge, has since signed a statement which repudiates everything he has written about the Australian.
In his original statement, Abbasi also wrote that Hicks wanted to "go out with a last big adrenalin rush".
"He once told me in Afghanistan that if he were to go into a building of Jews with an automatic weapon or as a suicide bomber he would have to say something like 'There is no God but Allah' etc just so he could see the look of fear on their faces before he takes them out," he wrote.
Abbasi was detained in Afghanistan in 2001 after he was found with a hand grenade in his underpants.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><b>ADDED:</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Saturday February 24, 11:40 AM
<b>No stone unturned for Hicks: Cheney</b>
US Vice-President Dick Cheney says everything is being done by his government to have Australian terror suspect David Hicks brought to trial as soon as possible.
Mr Cheney was speaking to reporters after holding talks in Sydney with Prime Minister John Howard.
During the one-hour meeting Mr Howard stressed Australia's disappointment at how Hicks had spent five years being held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba without having gone to trial.
Mr Cheney said Hicks had now been charged and the US Defence Department was now deciding whether a military commission would be convened to try Hicks.
"Mr Hicks is near the head of the queue," Mr Cheney said.
"We can't interfere with that process.
"It's a judicial process. We can't influence it. That would be a violation of the procedure.
"But I do expect that in the not too distant future that ... will get resolved.
"I can assure you we will be doing everything we can to deal with these matters in as expeditious manner as possible."
<b>Mr Howard said while he did not sympathise with Hicks,</b> he did stress to Mr Cheney his concern about the amount of time it was taking for him to be put on trial.
"I have asked ... that the trial be brought on as soon as humanly possible and that there be no further delay," Mr Howard said.
"I have put that very plainly and I have put that in the context of direct speaking of close friends."
During their talks in Mr Howard's Sydney office, the pair also discussed issues to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, China and Indonesia.
Mr Cheney will join Mr Howard and several senior federal government ministers for lunch at Mr Howard's official Sydney residence, Kirribilli House, on Saturday afternoon.
Mr Howard said he expected to again raise the issue of Hicks during their lunch.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(Chances are high that Hicks is indeed an islamterrorist)
Old news. Again: don't know if it's already been posted here. (Hard to keep track of the countless islamoterrorist stuff)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>72 Muslims suspended at the Paris airport </b>
By Katrin Bennhold
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
ROISSY, France: The French authorities charged with assessing security risks at Charles de Gaulle airport have stripped 72 suspect Muslim workers of their security clearance, but about a dozen others are still working in the most restricted areas, including some cleaning planes and handling baggage for flights to the United States, according to a government security official and the airport workers themselves.
Some terrorism experts are asking why the government has not moved faster to suspend access for employees who may constitute a security risk, especially since details have emerged about some of the suspended workers. <b>Several of them are suspected of having trained in terrorist camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and one was friends with the "shoe bomber," according to the security official in charge of the case.</b>
Some of those suspended have sued, complaining that they were unfairly targeted, and labor unions have taken up their case. Others, notified more than a month ago that they might lose their security clearance, are still waiting for a summons from the authorities and hope to retain their access badges.
One is Hassane Tariqui, 37, a French citizen of Moroccan origin who supervises cleaners inside passenger planes, most of them bound for the United States. On Sept. 21, he received a letter from the authorities informing him that his attitude and personal behavior posed a risk to airport security.
But he is still in his job, cleaning planes for Air France, Delta, Continental and American. On Monday, he said, he was on five U.S.-bound planes, including an Air France flight headed for New York.
"If they really think I am a security risk, why am I still allowed to work here?" said Tariqui, who has been employed for 16 years at Charles de Gaulle, France's main international airport.
Labor unions say that since April about 90 Muslim employees at the airport received letters identical to the one sent to Tariqui.
Investigators have had Charles de Gaulle under scrutiny for signs of Islamic radicalism for some time. The airport, north of Paris, is situated near troubled suburbs where rioting erupted last year. Unions estimate that at least one-fifth of its 83,000 employees are Muslim.
Jacques Lebrot, the official in charge of the investigation, said in an interview that some of the employees who had received the letter were still working because French law required him to give them an opportunity to respond before he could take away their accreditation, and it took time to summon them all.
All of the men who received the letter came to the attention of intelligence services in an anti-terrorist probe at French airports ordered by the Interior Ministry in May 2005, Lebrot said, and 72 had their security clearance canceled after questioning. He said that an additional 68 who were investigated had been cleared and never received the letter.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Homeland Security Department, Joanna Gonzalez, declined to comment, saying the matter fell under French jurisdiction.
Lebrot, deputy prefect in the Seine- Saint-Denis district where the airport is located, said the letters had targeted employees suspected of links with movements or people who rejected "France and our values," or who were suspected of having traveled to countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some who lost their accreditation are believed to have spent time in terrorist training camps and extremist Islamic schools in the two countries, Lebrot said, without giving details.
<b>One employee, he said, was found to have been a friend of Richard Reid, a London-born convert to Islam who tried to blow up a flight from Paris to Miami in December 2001 using explosives hidden in his shoes. Reid is serving a life sentence in Colorado.
Another man is believed to have been close to a senior figure in the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, an Algerian terrorist group with links to Al Qaeda, Lebrot said.</b>
French terrorism experts have expressed dismay over the time it took to identify such suspects.
"We need an emergency procedure to revoke badges, provided that the intelligence that calls the security of an employee into question is serious," said Alain Marsaud, head of the National Assembly's study group on civil defense and France's anti-terrorism chief in the 1980s.
According to the CFDT labor union, the men who received letters worked for at least eight companies operational at Charles de Gaulle. These included ACNA, an aircraft cleaning company owned by Air France; Chronopost, an express mail-delivery company owned by the French postal service; Connecting Bag Services, a subsidiary of Worldwide Flight Services, a Texas-based cargo handling company; and FedEx, the American delivery firm.
Earlier this year, the police shut down 29 makeshift Muslim prayer rooms that had been set up in locker rooms at the airport, with the written approval of companies like Connecting Bag Services. The closures coincided with publication of "The Mosques of Roissy," a book by Philippe de Villiers, an extreme-right politician, that briefly climbed the best-seller list after claiming that the airport had become a hotbed of radical Islamic thought.
Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who is seeking the French presidency on a tough platform against illegal immigration, visited the airport in April to examine security arrangements. At the time he said that intelligence services were investigating 122 airport workers and that 60 percent of them risked losing their security clearance.
Muslim organizations and human rights groups have accused the authorities of waging an anti-Muslim campaign in a presidential election year.
The CFDT, France's largest union, filed a discrimination complaint in mid-October, and at least 10 airport workers who lost their jobs - nine baggage handlers and a security guard - have sued. A hearing for at least six of the cases is scheduled for Nov. 10 at the Cergy-Pontoise administrative court outside Paris.
The plaintiffs are practicing Muslims who have worked at the airport for three to nine years; the nine baggage handlers are of North African descent, while the security guard is a Frenchman who converted to Islam and married a Moroccan woman.
The questions they were asked by Lebrot's team after receiving the letter focused on their religious practices, one of their lawyers said.
"They were asked how often they go to mosque, whether they had been to Mecca and whether they know any imams," the lawyer, Eric Moutet, said in a telephone interview. "We have not seen any objective evidence against our clients. The only common denominator we see today is that they are all Muslim."
Lebrot, who has not made available any evidence against the men on the grounds that this would compromise intelligence sources, insists that the decision to bar some airport employees has nothing to do with their religion.
"Monsieur or Madame X who goes to pray in the mosque and travels to Mecca for the pilgrimage is not a problem for us," he said.
His office, he added, had authorized 57,532 airport access badges in the first nine months of 2006. "When people accuse us of targeting Muslims," he said, "they only talk about those who received the letter, never about the tens of thousands who didn't."
While many complaints have focused on alleged discrimination, other critics have questioned the probe's efficiency.
A baggage handler for Connecting Bag Services who asked not to be identified said that about half of the company's 850 employees were on temporary contracts. "Many of these guys who come in for two weeks are bearded," he said in reference to the traditional Muslim beard that is usually a sign of religiosity. "Maybe they should be vetted more."
Other European countries have also confronted the possibility that Islamic radicals could be employed at their airports.
In Germany, a probe of airport staff was begun after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and vetting procedures for access badges were tightened in 2002, Interior Ministry officials said. In Britain, vetting procedures at airports are constantly updated, a Transport Department spokesman said.
France ran an extraordinary security check on all airport employees from Sept. 12, 2001, to early 2002, and in 2003 created Lebrot's post, for the first time dedicating a local government office to Charles de Gaulle airport. The probe ordered last year will continue, Lebrot said, adding that the men whose security clearance has been revoked will be monitored by domestic intelligence services.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-26-2007, 07:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 07:57 AM by Husky.)
More old news.
Terrorists really appreciate the usefulness of the burka. Comes in handy. And that's what the lobby for cultural-sensitivity is for, after all. Pseculars in India can only agree.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From The Times October 09, 2006
<b>Suspect in terror hunt used veil to evade arrest</b>
By Sean OâNeill and Anthony Browne
A MALE suspect in a major anti-terrorist investigation in Britain escaped capture by allegedly disguising himself as a Muslim woman dressed in a burka, The Times can reveal.
The man, who was wanted in connection with serious terrorist offences, evaded arrest for several days as police searched for him across the country.
The fact that a fugitive remained at large after disguising himself in an Islamic dress which covered his face will further fuel the debate sparked by Jack Straw, Leader of the House of Commons, about the wearing of the veil.
Details of the manâs true identity were circulated to ports and airports to try to prevent him leaving the country.
He was eventually caught and is now one of more than 90 suspects in British prisons awaiting trial on terror charges.
The suspectâs name and the detail of the offences he is accused of cannot be revealed because of the danger of prejudicing his forthcoming trial.
<b>It is the first time that a male suspect has allegedly disguised himself as a Muslim woman in Britain. However, the tactic has been used frequently by Islamist fighters â including suicide bombers â in Iraq and Afghanistan. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the former leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, often dressed in a burka to evade American forces hunting him.</b>
Counter-terrorist agencies in Britain and Europe have long been concerned about the readiness of male Islamist terrorists to wear female clothing.
(Cross-dressing j-hadi terrorists who actually hate cross-dressers. Walking contradictions.)
The issue of people hiding their faces under the burka, which covers the whole face, or behind the niqab, which exposes only the eyes, has also posed difficulties for banks, immigration authorities and benefit offices. But questions of security have tended to be overruled by the need to maintain good community relations.
(Foolish, it's an invitation for danger.)
Shahid Malik, Labour MP for Dewsbury, expressed concern that the issue could create unnecessary tension. âIf this is true, then it is the first case of its kind in Britain and an isolated incident. We must not get hysterical about it. There have been many hundreds of cases where robberies have been committed by men wearing womenâs stockings on their heads â but no one is talking about banning stockings.
(Here we see a first-hand example of the 'logic' of an islamic 'brain'. What is it about islamics and their talent for pathetic attempts at analogies?
No regular person wears stockings over their head. Only some robbers do. Hence a person with stockings over their head is immediately a focal point of suspicion. Banning people from covering their faces with stockings is sensible, but quite unnecessary, since no one except criminals do this.)
âThe important thing is that the police and the security services should feel comfortable and confident about stopping anyone who they have suspicions about, whatever they are wearing.â
Speaking on the BBC, John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister, said: âI fear sometimes people might use it in a more prejudiced way and I am concerned it may damage relations rather than improve them.â
He added that he would not follow Mr Strawâs practice of asking Muslim women in constituency meetings to uncover their faces.
Patricia Hewitt, the Health Secretary, also disagreed with Mr Strawâs stance. She said that in the past she had regarded the veil as a symbol of womenâs oppression, but changed her mind after a meeting with a Muslim woman in her constituency. âSheâd made the decision â not her parents or anybody else â that she wanted, as part of her statement of her faith, to wear the veil.â
However, Mr Straw was backed by Phil Woolas, the minister responsible for community cohesion, race and faith, whose Oldham constituency contains a large Muslim population. Writing in the Sunday Mirror, he said: âMost British-born Muslims who wear it do so as an assertion of their identity and religion. This can create fear and resentment among non-Muslims and lead to discrimination. Muslims then become even more determined to assert their identity, and so it becomes a vicious circle where the only beneficiaries are racists like the BNP.â
Anila Baig, a columnist on The Sun newspaper, reported that at Leeds-Bradford airport no member of security had asked her to remove her niqab to check her identity against her passport picture.
Muslim organisations have complained about receiving hate mail since Mr Straw referred to the veil as âa visible statement of separationâ in his local newspaper. A spokesman for The Muslim Safety Forum said that there had been an increase in attacks against Muslims, and added: âWe are concerned that Jack Strawâs comments will be picked up by certain elements of the community who want to spread Islamophobia.â<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-26-2007, 08:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 08:52 AM by Husky.)
Dutch news:
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/ar...n/ja/index.html has the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Suspects of jihad-recruiting incarcerated for 3 more months</b>
by Saina from Breda
Thursday 22 Februari 2007
On Wednesday, the Rotterdam court has extended the provisional detention of the 5 suspects who stand accused of enlisting/recruiting muslims for an international jihad.
The lawyers of the suspects, 4 men and a woman, requested of the judge to lift the provisional detention or suspend it. According to the members of council, there would be insufficient incriminatory material against the suspects. The court did not comply with their request.
The suspects are custody in the heavily guarded terrorist-department in Vught (men) and the prison De Schie in Rotterdam (women). The judge did not grant hearing to their request to leave it at the regular provisional detention-sentence.
The judge was in agreement with the Public Ministry (OM). The thus-far known information about the manner of recruitment into the violent religious-war was the determining factor.
Thanks to a tip of the intelligences services AIVD in November 2006, the Nationale Recherche [National Investigation] got onto the scent of the recruiting practices. The suspects would have recruited 3 young men from The Hague to take part in the holy war as jihad-soldier.
The three men travelled to Bakoe, the capital of Azerbaijan. There they were arrested by the police who had in the mean time been informed. The men were not prosecuted and were brought back to The Netherlands by the Hague police.
From investigation, it turned out that the trio was recruited by vindictive and inciting/inflammatory films. The 'duty' to take part in the holy war was also pointed out [to them].
At the start of November, the Nationale Recherche arrested 5 men and a woman in Amsterdam and the Hague. The sextet consisted of 2 Maroccans, a Turkish person, a Tunisian and 2 Dutch people of foreign origin. For the 5th man, the provisional detention was suspended earlier. The OM (Public Ministry) would still like him to appear before the bench.
One of the suspects, Murat O, would have approached them for the jihad. Another suspect, Mohamed M., were to help O with the training of the recuited jihad-soldiers. A third suspect, Mohamed W., would have carried out the administrative transactions.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->See image at http://www.elsevier.nl/artimg/200702/Jihad.jpg
02-26-2007, 09:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 09:45 AM by Husky.)
The following mentions two generally separate topics, which are showing some overlap:
(1) Foreign secret services meddling in the Netherlands
(2) Islamists in the Netherlands
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/ar...n/ja/index.html contains the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Foreign spies are influencing foreign-origin citizens</b>
Thursday 1 February 2007
Minister of Foreign Affairs Johan Remkes (VVD) warns of foreign secret services who are exercising an 'undesirable influence' on Dutch citizens of foreign-origin.
On the other hand, radicalising muslims are increasingly more often seeking out contact with more experienced jihadists from other countries, Remkes said today in a debate with the House of Representatives/Commons.
<b>Malignant influence</b>
The government man did not want to say from which countries the spies originate. But 'it happens now and then' that foreign security services spy here without them working with the [Dutch] General Intelligence and Security Services (AIVD).
It can concern political, scientific and corporate espionage, but in increasing measure, the [foreign] security services are also excercising a malignant influence on Dutch citizens of foreign origin. When the Dutch government finds out about this, 'penetrative/involved discussions and measures' follow, so says Remkes.
<i><b>Also</b></i> a big worry for the minister is the Dutch jihad-networks, that are 'internationally orienting [themselves]' with increasing frequency: they turn to experienced muslim-extremists for knowledge/information. They do this increasingly more often via the internet.
The National Coordinator for Terror-combat Tjibbe Joustra also pointed out recently to the expanding/increasing influence of the internat on the radicalising Dutch muslims.
Further, Remkes pointed out today to the still <b>growing salafist influence</b> on the Dutch mosques. The salafists, who often adher to anti-western and undemocratic streams of thought, are hard to tackle according to Remkes, because they often stay just inside the law. Imams and mosque-committees are however addressed[/held accountable] about the radical movement.
By Robert de Witt<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(Wonder if the foreign spies they are referring to are the same that the Serbians, Russians, Belarussians, French and other European Intelligence agencies have been referring to...)
02-26-2007, 10:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 10:24 AM by Husky.)
Even in ueber-tolerant Netherlands, the islamics are whining that the rules aren't as flexible as they would like and complaining about the image that their terrorist imams have given themselves.
My annoying, interrupting comments interspersed in purple.
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/ar...n/ja/index.html for the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'Imams are leaving The Netherlands in massive numbers'</b>
Thursday 18 January 2007
Imams are not feeling at home here and are leaving in massive numbers for countries like Belgium and Spain, where they think to have more freedoms. Their replacements are often illegals without any experience.
(Good luck finding a more tolerant western country than the Netherlands. Ingrates.)
That is what Mohamed Ousalah, vice-chairman of the Union of Imams in The Netherlands (VIN), says today in De Telegraaf.
<b>'Amateur Imams'</b>
'The situation is critical. In The Hague, Utrecht and Amsterdam, tens of imams have already left,' so says Ousalah. Because of the departure of the imams, 180 of the <b>450 mosques</b> would be without spiritual leader.
( <!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--> So many mosques in the little Netherlands!)
To prevent that 'amateur imams' will preach to the faithful of the Dutch mosques, Ousalah as the vice-chairman of the VIN has had to increasingly more often play backup in a Utrecht mosque. Their replacements are mostly unqualified and even often illegals without any experience.
<b>Naturalising-training course</b>
Vice-chairman Driss el-Boujufi of the Union of Maroccan Muslim Organisations in The Netherlands says, in a response column to the newsservices ANP, that the rules of the Dutch government are too strict.
(In other words: 'We want to have no more security checks; then we can easily bring in islamoterrorist imams again, like we were doing before!')
El-Boujufi says that a vacancy for imam must first be reported at the Centre for Work and Income (CWI). If after half a year a suitable and qualified imam is not yet found, than the mosque-management can then search in other countries.
Often, inexperienced imams are brought over from neighbouring countries like Belgium and France then. But they must then first also take a naturalising-training course, so says el-Boujufi.
(Oh, boo-hoo. Where's my tissue?)
<b>Anti-islamic mood</b>
Ousalah imputes the massive exodus of imams to the negative image of the imams in The Netherlands: according to him, they have been associated with extremism and terrorism by politicians and the media ever since the attacks of 11 September 2001 and the murder of Theo van Gogh.
(Ever the victims. Of course it's not the islamoterrorists who were to blame for their own image!
An Islamoterrorist imam cursed Theo van Gogh. An imam preached against Van Gogh, inciting a listening faithful to the murder. Mosques and islamic schools in the Netherlands celebrated the downing of the WTC in America. Gee, I wonder where the image the Dutch have of islamics comes from...)
In The Netherlands, an 'anti-islamic mood' would apparently be prevailing, more than in other European countries. And politicians are contributing to that by '[unfamiliar Dutch phrase, then] calling for expulsion'.
(Oh poor victimised jihadis, never like it when their j-hadism is finally recognised in a host country.)
But Ousalah says also that many imams leave because they don't have a valid residence-permit. A few religious leaders would in the meantime be living again in Marocco, because they have lost all hope of a Dutch residence permit.
(Evil Dutch government. Why won't it speed up the residency for islamic imams, while still dealing with other migrants and refugees' residency in the normal speed?)
Start of November, minister of Integration Rita Verdonk didn't manage to expel the imam Bersham of Eindhoven's Al Fourkaan mosque, who was preaching radical islam according to the AIVD (Dutch Intelligence and Security Services). According to the Amsterdam court, The Netherlands is not allowed to expel foreigners for no reason, even if they are considered to be 'dangerous to the state' by the security services.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&:blink:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo--> That last is very foolish. Come on Netherlands, don't become a Dhimmistan. Kick out individuals known for being a danger to the state.
See also posts 264 and 260 of the last Islamism thread for further/background information on imams as well as visiting preachers in the Netherlands.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->tolerant <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Netherlandsâs laws are different, but people do what they have to do. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I don't consider them tolerant when it comes to outsiders.
02-26-2007, 10:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 12:37 PM by Husky.)
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/ar...n/ja/index.html has the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mosque: Cabaret artist from Amsterdam can be killed</b>
Tuesday 23 January 2007
A spokesman for the As soenah mosque in Amsterdam thinks that cabaret artist and law student Ewout Jansen, son of Arabian-expert Hans Jansen, can be killed for the jokes he makes about Islam.
That is what is reported by Folia, the weekly paper of the University of Amsterdam. The paper spoke to some managing members of the mosque, located in the city-region Westerpark, about the 23-year old cabaret artist.
Reason for the conversation are some jokes about islam that Jansen makes in his performance. As a relative unknown cabaret duo, Jansen and Etienne Kemerink perform with their show 'Our Father' in the little halls of the country, but sometimes also in high schools. Especially in vmbo-schools [a secondary school stream], his jokes on islam evoke angry reactions of muslim boys, so he told us earier in an interview with Campus-tv.
Folia wanted to know of the As soenah mosque how it thought about Jansen's jokes.
During the interview the translator of the mosque tells Folia that the cabaret artist can be 'beaten or be killed' for his jokes about muslims. 'A muslim *must* react (if someone makes jokes about islam). He must say: "Stop with that nonsense." A radical muslim can beat him, or kill him.'
<b>'Finish [someone] off'</b>
On the question of whether he approves of that, the man [translator] answers: 'Yes. If he goes too far, it's allowed. He may finish him off. One may not insult islam.' (Listen to a part of the Folia-interview.) If the judge does not intervene, a muslim must take the law into his own hand, according to the man. He then adds to it a comparison with the murdered filmmaker Theo Van Gogh. 'He was threatened many times. But he ignored them.'
Jansen takes the incident quite laconically. 'I did for a moment get shocked when I heard it, but I'm not afraid,' he tells Elsevier.nl. He thinks that the translator let himself go a bit without intending to. 'The imam of the mosque had already walked away when the translator said that, so I don't think this is the opinion of the mosque-management.'
He doesn't feel personally attacked. 'The imam got to see a bit of our show. After that he said that jokes about islam, no matter how innocent, are not at all allowed. So that is not specially directed at me. He actually wants a complete ban on muslim-jokes, and that is of course not realistic.'
Jansen does not intend to adjust his show. 'Many cabaret artists moderate their tone, but I think that's a bit cowardly.'
The As soennah mosque can not be reached for comments. In haste, PvdA [political party] alderman [lawkeeper] Ahmed Aboutaleb has visited the mosque, his representative tells [us]. <b>There he was told that the man, who is the translator according to Folia, has no connections with the mosque-management. It would have been a coincidental visitor. </b>The mosque let Aboutaleb know that the incident was strongly to be regretted and is planning to ban the man from entry into the mosque.
Elsevier still waits from a reaction from the editor of Folia.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Don't you just love islamic backpeddling?
Where are India's pseculars who came up for MF Hussain's Freedom of Speech? On one of their paid/sponsored visits overseas, will they consider dropping by in The Netherlands and criticise the intolerant anti-freedom of speech islamics of this mosque? Won't they defend poor student Jansen and this show of his, for its freedom of speech? After all, Jansen's attitude to the death-threat is typically the laissez-faire Dutch attitude, doesn't his character deserve defense, especially since the Indian pseculars failed to come up for Theo van Gogh?
Must read
02-26-2007, 12:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 03:36 PM by Husky.)
<b>Mudy's post 116 (immediately above) is more important.</b>
Netherlands is afraid of islam and of the consequences of putting its foot down. Islam is winning, then?
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/politiek/art...n/ja/index.html has the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Ministry fears violence because of burqa ban</b>
Monday 20 November 2006
In an internal memo, the ministry of Foreign Affairs warns that Netherlands must 'seriously take into account' the violent protests in islamic countries due to the burqa ban.
Foreign Affairs is afraid of a repetition of the situation such as the Danish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, so writes the AD [newspaper]. The comic cartoons led end last year to massive demonstrations in islamic countries, whereby many died. Western embassies were also attacked.
'In the current climate, a vehement reaction is to be expected,' so it is written in the notice. The proposed ban was world-news last weekend. Malaysia condemned a burqaban Sunday in name of 57 islamic countries. It is, according to the country, a discriminating measure that violates the rights of muslims.
Friday, minister of Immigrant/Foreigner Affairs Rita Verdonk (VVD) gave to know that she was working on a law-proposal that bans the burqa in (semi-) public places, such as on street and in public transport. According to the minister, there are no legal obstactles to such a ban.
The notice of Foreign Affairs not only warns about the consequences of a burqa ban, but also for the risks that the continuation of the film Submission of senior member of parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, brings with it.
'In view of Submission II, the government is seriously worrying about the international reactions and how this can be contained,' it says in the notice.
By Ingrid van der Chijs<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The following is related to post 255 of previous Islamism thread
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/politiek/art...n/ja/index.html has the original of the following.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hirsch Ballin dismisses sharia-wills</b>
Friday 22 December 2006
Muslims aren't allowed to have wills drawn up as per the islamic laws where daughters get only half of what their brothers get, minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin of Justice (CDA) finds.
Notaries who've been asked to draw up such wills, would have to refuse this, Hirsch Ballin declared today after written questions from party-chairman Geert Wilders of the Partij voor de Vrijheid (Party for Freedom).
In November it turned out, according to professor Islamic Law Ruud Peters, that muslim parents in The Netherlands were on grand scale already drawing up their testaments 'conforming to the islamic sharia law'. Notaries would, sometimes with difficulty, agree to this, because the Dutch contract rights after all offers/allows room for this.
Wilders called this 'schocking' and demanded explanation from minister Hirsch Ballin. According to the minister, the judge will ultimately determine if the contents of a sharia-will is in conflict with the constitution of the Dutch (lawful) state. Disadvantaged daughters can therefore still appeal to the judges on the equality of man and woman.
Hirsch Ballin thinks that a will that has been drawn up on the basis of the sharia can also be declared void by the judge, because the contents of the document is in conflict with the public order of good usage/morals/customs.
Drafters of a will have, it is true, all freedom to determine to whom they wish to leave their possessions. But Hirsch Ballin finds that it can not be thus that daughters 'systematically' inherit less than their brothers.
By Robbert de Witt<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-26-2007, 04:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 04:25 PM by Husky.)
Two more older articles. My comments in purple.
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/ar...n/ja/index.html has the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hirsi Ali: charging imam is pointless</b>
Thursday 2 November 2006
<i>Image caption:</i> The imam had already been cursing Hirsi Ali frequently
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is not going to file a complaint against the imam of the As-Soennah-mosque who had cursed her and Theo Van Gogh two years ago. According to her, that will be pointless.
The Dutch justice system is not equipped to be able to punish islamic curses, says Hirsi Ali in de Volkskrant [paper]. 'Our justice system is rational. With mysterious theological language and fatwa-like prayer-pleadings one can do nothing.'
'O god, blind the vision of Ayaan Hirsi Ali like you have blinded her hart, O god, blind her vision, O god, bring a cancer to her brains. O god, bring her tongue cancer,' said sheikh Fawaz Jneid in August 2004 in a sermon.
In that same sermon he cursed filmmaker Theo van Gogh too. <b>A couple of months later, on 2 November, Van Gogh was murdered. His murderer, Mohammed Bouyeri, had probably heard the controversial sermon.</b>
The contents of the sermon were only made known this week. But the imam is not unknown to Hirsi Ali. In November 205, he wrote on the youth website www.elqalem.nl that Hirsi Ali 'will have to go bent over under the curses of Allah' and would be blown out of the House of Representatives/Commons 'by the wind of changed times'.
He also wrote that all imams had placed Hirsi Ali outside islam. That was, according to Hirsi Ali, the same as pronouncing a fatwa. The Public Prosecutor in The Hague, however, was unable to find any punishable facts, because Fawaz had not directly called for the use of violence.
The imam defended himself this week by saying that with his sermon in August he rather managed to channel the anger of the islamic youth. 'It is a way of blowing off steam if you are unable to get justice on earth,' said the imam on Tuesday.
(Liar, but then, it's okay to lie in islam.)
Hirsi Ali does not agree with that. 'One does not channel anger with screaming emotions,' she says.
It is exactly two years ago today that Van Gogh was murdered. Other than last year, there has been no official memorial gathering. The Stichting Vrienden van Pim Fortuyn [Institution Friends of Pim Fortuyn - the Dutch parliament member murdered by a faithful islamic] has however organised a little memorial service. The Stichting [Institution] puts flowers in the place of the murder.
Listen to the sermon
By Ingrid van der Chijs<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/ar...n/ja/index.html has the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Controversial islamologist professor in Rotterdam</b>
Friday 15 December 2006
<i>Image caption:</i> Islamologist and Arabist Tariq Ramadan pleads for a European islam.
The Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has appointed the controversial islam-expert Tariq Ramadan as guest professor to 'build a bridge between the different cultures'.
The municipality of Rotterdam sets aside 200,000 Euro a year for the guest professorship, that can be extended after two years, alderman [lawkeeper] Orhan Kaya of Participatie (Groenlinks) [Greenleft, political party] made public today.
(Orhan Kaya, where's that name from?)
Tariq Ramadan is going to deliver a contribution to the research on 'citizenship and identity', and on 'integration and multiculturalism'. The Swiss of Egyptian origin writes and preaches much about the islamic societies in Europe. Ramadan finds that muslims in Europe can be loyal to their faith, and simultaneously to their new fatherland. <!--emo&:roll--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ROTFL.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ROTFL.gif' /><!--endemo-->
For that, a new, European islam must be set up, because to be able to integrate, European muslims must not place their religion overboard.
<b>Ramadan considers islam to actually be the 'anti-dote' for the European secularism/secularisation.</b>
(Perhaps our pseculars should be informed how an islamic expert professor correctly describes islam: as secularism's nemesis. But then, deep-down, Indian pseculars know that christoislamics only really want psecularism in non-christoislamic countries, not real secularism.)
He also resists strongly that terrorism is becoming equated/connected to islam. There are, Ramadan declares, also millions of muslims who are doing constructive work in Europe.
Even though the islam-expert denounces islamic terrorism, he is still considered controversial. In September 2006, the American ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to provide him with a visa, because he had donated money to two organisations that colelcted money for the Palestinian terror-organisation Hamas.
Ramadan also resisted against the American invasion of Iraq with the argument that America wanted to protect Israel in this way, and he called the American vice-minister of Defence Paul Wolfowitz a 'zionist' because of this.
The Swiss is also known to the Dutch islam-debate: during a conference about the future of Europe in Sweden in June of this year, he collided hard against Ayaan Hirsi Ali: he accused Hirsi Ali then of not trying to bring about any other mentality amongst muslims, but only to want to do a favour to the western public.
By Robbert de Witt<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-26-2007, 04:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2007, 04:37 PM by Husky.)
Again: two more articles. International news, not Dutch local news this time.
Turkish hackers have hacked into a Belgian army website. (There was a British hacker a while back who had remarked that while he was hacking into the cordoned-off American defence website, he noted that anonymous Turkish and Chinese hackers were simultaneously doing the same.)
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/internet_en_...n/ja/index.html has the original
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Turkish nationalists hack Belgian army website</b>
Monday 15 January 2007
A group of Turkish nationalists that calls itself the Grandchildren of the Ottoman Empire, has on Sunday hacked the website of the Belgian army.
Surfers who sought out the page of the ministry of Defence, ended up at another site. The page was signed 'Hacked by VolTigoRe - Turk Forcers'.
In bad English, the hackers wrote that they were defenders of islam. <b>The group justified the Armenian genocide.</b> The Turkish nationalists claimed that 'the Turkish did have to defend themselves against the Armenians, who have killed many Turks'.
<!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The group denied that there is a problem with Kurds in Turkey. The hackers called the Kurdish Workersparty PKK a terrorist organisation that is being supported by the west.
Finally, the pirates threatened that they 'will never stop with the hacking of your websites if mistakes are made about Turkey'. According to Belgian media, the text disappeared from the website in the course of the day. The site was still out of air monday morning.
Why the Turkish nationalists chose the website of the Belgian ministry of Defence, is unclear. The ministry is going to register a complaint and is taking extra measures to prevent a repetition.
By Ingrid van der Chijs<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/europese_uni...n/ja/index.html has the original
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Germany: EU must train imams</b>
Friday 12 January 2007
<i>Image caption:</i> Imams must help with integration and the combating of terrorism on own soil.
Imams who are working and living in the European Union (EU), would have to be trained by the EU, so that they can help with the integration of muslims, the combating of tensions and of home-grown terrorism.
That's what Germany, which has been chairman of the European Union (EU) since 1 January, has said, the EUobserver reported on Friday.
The German minister of Internal Affairs Wolfgang Schaeuble said last night that he, as long Germany is chairman of the EU, together with the European Commission is going to encourage initiatives whereby imams will be trained.
'A part of the islamic world has yet to bring the Enlightenment to development. We must not be arrogant, but helpful. After all, for centuries, horrible things have happened in the name of christendom, until the Enlightenment came,' thus spoke Schaeuble.
(Christoislamism is one religion. Yet how likely is an 'enlightenment' in islam to happen? Also, it must come from within the islamic populace, not be planned and schemed and influenced from the outside. So it's not going to happen.)
The minister laid stress on the risks of muslims in Europe who live in their own, separate communities. According to him, integration is fundamental, at least, if Europe wants to prevent parallel societies.
The politician said that Germany is going to plead for an inter-cultural and interreligious dialogue in the EU.
'We understand that islam is a part of Germany and that muslims have equal rights, but this also means that they [muslims] must accept the fundamental rights and duties in our society,' said Schaeuble.
(Good luck with that. Tell me how Europe turns out in a decade or two. Eurabia, I mean.
Muslims will never accept the 'fundamental rights and duties' of western society. But some insist on hitting their head against the same rock over and over again.)
<b>Illegal immigration</b>
The German impressed the importance for the 27 EU-memberstates of dealing very firmly with illegal immigration. He discussed the German plan to make the police-corps of the different EU-countries work together more and to exchange data.
By Claudia van Zanten<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-26-2007, 04:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-06-2007, 06:08 PM by Husky.)
Two articles on Christoislamism in Africa:
http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/buitenland/a...n/ja/index.html has the original.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Somalia: pray five times or be beheaded</b>
Thursday 7 December 2006
In Bulo Burto, a city in the south of Somalia, all inhabitants have to lead the life of a good muslim. That means, pray five times a day on pain of death.
'As muslims we must practise our religion completely and not in part, that is what our religion spurs on on to do,' sheikh Hussein Barre Rage, the leader in the Somalian city of the fundamentalist Undion of Islamic courts, has said to the pressbureau Associated Press on Wednesday.
During prayer time, it must be quiet on street: shops and theerooms must close. <b>Inhabitants of the town who do not kneel before Allah five times a day are beheaded.</b>
(Hear that? It's Teesta Seetalwaddle jumping around to live in her islamic pardees of Somalian city Bulo Burto.)
Fundamentalist militias, united in the Union of Islamic Courts, are on the verge of bringing down the internationally recognised interim government of Somalia. Last summer the islamists got the capital Mogadishu in hands.
Everywhere where the militias have their say, strict islamic laws are brought in, such as in Bulo Burto. The courts establish public executions and corporal punishments and in some places, women are no longer allowed to swim in the sea.
The situation in Somalia threatens to become a regional issue because neighbouring country Ethiopia is supporting the government, while Eritrea is supporting the militias. <b>The Security Council of the UN has in the meantime adopted a resolution that allows a African peaceful power?/peacekeeper? to act.</b> Neighbouring countries Ethiopia, Kenya and Dyibouti may not take part of the peacepower [peacekeeping? peacecorps?], <b>that might possibly come under leadership of Uganda</b>. The peacekeeping/corps/power must prevent that the islamists will completely bring down the Somalian government.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->What the? Christian theocracy Uganda - in near-constant civil war thanks to its various holy-moly christian militias threatening and murdering the populace - is some sort of benign, impartial force of peace for the fast-islamising Somalia?
Did I go to sleep, and wake up in the twilight zone? <!--emo&:blink:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Uganda is very nearly a Christian theocracy, where militant Christian terrorist armies like the <i>Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)</i> and <i>Uganda Democratic Christian Army (UDCA)</i> go around killing people.
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The LRA is fighting for a Christian theocracy.
-- <i>Heidelberg Institute on International Conflict Research (Germany), report</i><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> ( http://freetruth.50webs.org/Overview4.htm )
While the UN didn't want Ethiopia to get involved (see above), the US thought it rather expedient:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>US used Ethiopia base to look for al-Qaeda in Africa</b>
New York Times
Posted online: Saturday, February 24, 2007 at 0000 hrs Print Email
WASHINGTON, February 23: The American military quietly waged a campaign from Ethiopia last month to capture or kill top al-Qaeda leaders in the Horn of Africa, including the use of an airstrip to mount airstrikes against Islamic militants in neighbouring Somalia, according to US officials.
The largely clandestine relationship with Ethiopia also included significant sharing of intelligence on the Islamic militantsâ positions and information from American spy satellites with the Ethiopian military. Members of a secret American Special Operations unit, Task Force 88, were deployed in Ethiopia and Kenya, and ventured into Somalia.
The counterterrorism effort was described by US officials as a qualified success that disrupted terrorist networks in Somalia. This led to the death or capture of several Islamic militants and involved a collaborative relationship with Ethiopia.
But the tally of the dead and captured does not as yet include some al-Qaeda leaders â including Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam â whom the US has hunted for their suspected roles in the attacks on American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
It has been known for several weeks that American Special Operations troops have operated inside Somalia and that the US carried out two airstrikes on al-Qaeda suspects. But the American cooperation with the recent Ethiopian invasion into Somalia and use of an airstrip have not been reported.
When Ethiopian troops first began a largescale military offensive in Somalia late last year, US officials denied that the Bush administration had given its tacit approval to the Ethiopian government. Over the past weeks, officials from several American agencies have described a close alliance between Washington and the Ethiopian government.
The Pentagon declined to discuss details of the US operation, but some officials agreed to provide specifics because they saw it as a relative success story. John D Negroponte, the director of national intelligence at the time, then authorised spy satellites to be diverted to provide information for Ethiopian troops.
The deepening American alliance with Ethiopia is the latest twist in the USâ on-and-off intervention in Somalia, beginning with an effort in 1992 to distribute food to starving Somalis and evolving into deadly confrontation in 1993 between American troops and fighters loyal to a Somali warlord, Mohammed Farah Aidid. The latest chapter began last June when the Council of Islamic Courts, an armed fundamentalist movement, defeated a coalition of warlords backed by the Central Intelligence Agency and took power in Mogadishu, the capital. The Islamists were believed to be sheltering al-Qaeda militants involved in the embassy bombings, as well as in a 2002 hotel bombing in Kenya.
While Washington resisted officially endorsing an Ethiopian invasion, American officials from several government agencies said that the Bush administration decided last year that an incursion was the best option to dislodge the Islamists from power.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->What a mess everyone has made of Africa. Wish the christoislamaniacs would leave Africa and its still-African-minded people (that is, the non-converts) in peace.
<b>More news on Somalia fighting the islamists at</b>