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Islamism - 6
Who was Musaylamah and what did he do? Who were his supporters and what became of them?
<b>Kosovo Blowback Reaches America</b>
by Srdja Trifkovic
This is according to Muslim text
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Who was Musaylamah and what did he do? Who were his supporters and what became of them? <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, the successor to the Prophet, stood firm against this blind and destructive movement. From the Muhajireen and Ansar, he mobilized eleven armies each under a separate commander and dispatched them to various parts of the Arabian peninsula. Their purpose was to make the apostates return to the path of guidance and truth and to confront the leaders of the rebellion.

<b>The strongest group of apostates and the greatest in number were the Banu Hanifah among whom Musaylamah the Imposter arose, claiming that he was a prophet. Musaylamah managed to mobilize forty thousand of the best fighters among his people. Most of these however followed him for the sake of Allah or tribal loyalty and not because they believed in him. One of them in fact said, "I testify that Musaylamah is an impostor and that Muhammad is true but the impostor of Rabiah (Musaylamah) is dearer to us than the true man of Mudar (Muhammad ). "</b>

<b>Musaylamah routed the first army sent against him under the leadership of Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl. Abu Bakr dispatched another army against Musaylamah led by Khalid ibn al-Walid. This army included the cream of the Sahabah from both the Ansar and the Muhajireen. In the front ranks of this army was Baraa ibn Malik and a group of the most valiant Muslims.</b>

The two armies met in the territory of the Banu Hanifah at Yamamah in Najd. Before long, the scale of battle tilted in favor of Musaylamah and his men. The Muslim armies began to retreat from their positions.<b> Musaylamah's forces even stormed the tent of Khalid ibn Walid and drove him from his position. They would have killed his wife if one of them had not granted her protection.</b>

At that point, the Muslims realized in what a perilous situation they were. They were also conscious of the fact that if they were annihilated by Musaylamah, Islam would not be able to stand as a religion and Allah--the One God with whom there is no partner--would not be worshipped in the Arabian peninsula after that.

Khalid mustered his forces once more and began reorganizing them. He separate(i the Muhajireen and the Ansar and kept men from different tribes apart. Each was put under the leadership of one of its own members so that the losses of each group in the battle might be known.

The battle raged. There was much destruction and death. The Muslims had not experienced anything like this in all the wars they had fought before. Musaylamah's men remained firm amidst the tumult, as firm as immovable mountains although many of them had fallen.

The Muslims displayed tremendous feats of heroism. Thabit ibn Qays, the standard bearer of the Ansar, dug a pit and planted himself in it and fought until he was killed. The pit he dug turned out to be his grave. Zayd ibn al-Khattab, brother of Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with them both, called out to the Muslims: "Men, bite with your jaw teeth, strike the enemy and press on. By God, I shall not speak to you after this until either Musaylamah is defeated or I meet God." He then charged against the enemy and continued fighting until he was killed. Salim, the mawla of Abu Hudhaifah, and standard bearer of the Muhajireen displayed unexpected valor. His people feared that he would show weakness or be too terrified to fight. To them he said, "If you manage to overtake me, what a miserable bearer of the Quran I shall be." He then valiantly plunged into the enemy ranks and eventually fell as a martyr.

The bravery of all these, however, wanes in front of the heroism of al-Baraa ibn Malik, may God be pleased with him and with them all.

As the battle grew fiercer and fiercer, Khalid turned to al-Baraa and said, "Charge, young man of the Ansar." Al-Baraa turned to his men and said, "O Ansar, let not anyone of you think of returning to Madinah. There is no Madinah for you after this day. There is only Allah, then Paradise."

He and the Ansar then launched their attack against the mushrikeen, breaking their ranks and dealing telling blows against them until eventually they began to withdraw. They sought refuge in a garden which later became known in history as <b>The Garden of Death because of the many killed there on that day. The garden was surrounded by high walls. Musaylamah and thousands of his men entered and closed the gates behind them and fortified themselves</b>.

From their new positions they began to rain down arrows on the Muslims.

The valiant Baraa went forward and addressed his company, "Put me on a shield. Raise the shield on spears and hurl me into the garden near the gate. Either I shall die a martyr or I shall open the gate for you."

The thin and wiry al-Baraa was soon sitting on a shield. A number of spears raised the shield and he was thrown into the Garden of Death amongst the multitude of Musaylamah's men. He descended on them like a thunderbolt and continued to fight them in front of the gate. Many fell to his sword and he himself sustained numerous wounds before he could open the gate.

<b>The Muslims charged into the Garden of Death through the gates and over the walls. Fighting was bitter and at close quarters and hundreds were killed. Finally the Muslims came upon Musaylamah and he was killed.</b>

Al Baraa was taken in a litter to Madinah. Khalid ibn al-Walid spent a month looking after him and tending his wounds. Eventually his condition improved. Through him the Muslims had gained victory over Musaylamah.

In spite of recovering from his wounds, al-Baraa continued to long for the martyrdom which had eluded him at the Garden of Death. He went on fighting in battle after battle hoping to attain his aim. This came at the battle for Tustar in Persia.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->3. False Prophets:
Banu Hanifah were a tribe who lived in Yamamah, on the eastern boundary 33 of Najd. One of them, called <b>Musaylamah</b>, claimed that he too was a prophet; and sent this letter to the Prophet, "From Musaylamah the messenger of Allah to Muhammad the Messenger of Allah; peace be upon you. It has been given me to share with you the authority. Indeed half the earth is ours, and half belongs to Quraysh, but Quraysh are a people who are unjust." In answer the Prophet dictated a letter from him to Musaylamah: "From Muhammad the Messenger of Allah to Musaylamah the liar.

"Surely the earth is Allah's; He makes whom He will of His servants inherit it; and the final issue is in favour of the pious." (Al-A'raf-l28).

This Revelation came as an answer to Musaylamah's letter, and they are the same words said before by Musa (Moses) to his people, after enjoining them to ask Allah's aid, and be steadfastly enduring. <b>Musaylamah did not accept Islam, and the Prophet was occupied with the more urgent need to send Usamah, son of Zayd, in command of three thousand Muslims against the Arab tribes of Syria who fought the Muslim army at Mu'tah and killed Zayd, Ja'far and Ibn Rawahah</b>.

Of the other false prophets, Tulayhah was defeated by Khalid, and embraced Islam. Aswad, the Yemenite, was killed by his own people.<b> But Musaylamah lived until after the Prophet's death</b>, and was killed after a fierce battle with Muslims during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr.
The Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE.
Its Messianic nature and the role of the Jewish Exilarch
By Ben Abrahamson and Joseph Katz

Explores the conquests of Jerusalem in 614CE and 638CE within the context of previous attempts at Jewish restoration. Discusses reasons for a Persian-Jewish alliance and later a Judeo-Arab alliance. In an attempt to reconcile contemporary sources, an account is given of Babylonian Jewish Exilarch Nechemiah ben Hushiel, his brother Shallum (Salmaan Farsi) and nephew Yakov (Ka'b Al-Ahbar) who played pivotal roles in these conquests. Proposes that the twelve men who went to Mecca to meet with the Prophet were Jewish refugees from Edessa, by way of Medina. Suggesting that the authors of Sefer Zerubavel and of the Prayer of Shimon bar Yochai were Jews from Medina. Jerusalem and the Temple, attempts at restoration After the destruction of the Jewish Temple (70 C.E) and subsequent Jewish Revolt (135 C.E.), Jerusalem passed into the hands of Rome. It's name was changed by the Romans to Aelia Capitolina and Jews were officially forbidden to
live there.

Jerusalem, however, continued to serve as the focal point of Jewish national and spiritual aspirations. The hope of again making Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish Nation and rebuilding the Temple was kept alive among the Jews and Temple sympathizers dispersed in many countries

1. It is estimated that about six million Jews lived throughout the Roman Empire and another two million lived under the Persian Empire.
2 The Jews living in the Persian Empire were wealthier and enjoyed a much greater degree of freedom than their co-religionists living in the Roman Empire. At times the Jews in Persia attained semi-autonomy, collecting taxes and managing their own small army. Jews accounted for perhaps as much as 10% of the Roman Empire. The Roman government tried to influence its sizeable Jewish population, especially during it’s many wars with Persia
3, by rewarding or punishing Jews through it’s policies towards Jerusalem. It was in the interest of Rome to hint at promises of 'restoring Jerusalem' to try and sway its Jewish population from siding with Rome's long time enemy, or to Roman Invitations and Jewish attempts to rebuild the Temple 70 C.E., Temple is Destroyed
100 C.E., Trajan gives Jews permission to rebuild the Temple which, however, they neither could nor would make any use. 118 C.E., Hadrian allows the Jews to return to Jerusalem and grants permission for the rebuilding of their Holy Temple, but soon reneges.
132 C.E., Rebel Bar Kochba re-institutes ritual sacrifice in Jerusalem. Aspirations of rebuilding Jewish Temple.
138 C.E., Antoninus Pius allows Jews to return to Jerusalem.
332 C.E., 'Bordeaux Pilgrim' reports that Jews anoint the "lapis perfusus" rock near Hadrian's statues on Temple Mount.
333 C.E., Edict of Milan, Jews start to build Temple.
362 C.E., Julian besieges the Persian city of Ctesiphon. Julian plans to rebuild the Temple and even begins construction.
438 C.E., Eudokia (wife of Theodosius II) gives the Jews permission to pray on Temple Mount.
443 C.E., Eudokia permits Temple reconstruction.
512 C.E., Jewish Exilarch Mar Zutra II tries to make Jewish State in Persia
525 C.E., Joseph Asher Dhu Nuwas, King of the Jewish Kingdom of Arabia, revolts against Rome with Persian help.
584 C.E., Maurice sent Jewish builders from Constantinople to Jerusalem to repair Julian's structure on Temple Mount.
614 C.E., Persian-Jewish alliance conquers Jerusalem, and attempt to construct a temple on Temple Mount
638 C.E., Judeo-Arab alliance conquers Jerusalem. Jews build wooden Temple on Temple Mount
691-692 C.E., Dome of the Rock is built by 'Abd al-Malik on site of Jewish Temple punish them for misbehavior by further desecration of the sacred place
4 . These policies inflamed Jewish nationalism and may have helped to keep it alive.

Declaration of Jewish Independence, first in Persia then Arabia
With its elements of magic removed, al-Tabari's tale touched on a real incident. In 517, the enthronement of a Persian Rabbinite king led Christians to seize a major town of the Himyarite kingdom. After mustering an army, Dhu-Nuwas inflicted a costly defeat on the rebels, taking many prisoners, and destroying their church. In imitation of his cousin Mar Zutra II

94 who had declared his independence from Kovad in Persia, Dhu-Nuwas carried out some rash acts that eventually involved him in difficulties and brought misfortune to him and the kingdom of Himyar.

95 News of this deed soon reached Byzantium, a challenge of this sort could not go unpunished. But the Roman emperor, Justin I, was embroiled in a war with the Persians and a Samaritan revolt in Israel. He decided to write to the Christian king of Ethiopia, who was a good deal closer to Himyar, to act as Christendom's avenger. The Ethiopian king was more than anxious to oblige the emperor's request. In 518, when Ethiopian troops landed in Himyar. Dhu-Nuwas's forces soundly defeated the invaders. Flushed with success, he now saw himself as the champion of Arabian Jewry. It has been suggested by some scholars that Dhu-Nuwas's ultimate objective was the creation of a Jewish empire stretching from Babylon to the Red Sea.

96 In the meantime, a revolt in the northern Himyarite center of Najran (c. 523), which was inhabited chiefly by Christians, led to many casualties. The town's governor, a Christian named Harith (Aretas) ibn-Kaleb, although a feudatory of Dhu-Nuwas, resented his status as a vassal to the Rabbinite king (he may also have not performed his feudal duties in the war against Aidug). In any case, the governor's feelings were paralleled by the town's Christian population, which also refused to obey the king's orders. When the Najran rebels spurned Dhu-Nuwas's peace terms, he besieged the town and reduced its inhabitants to such straits as they were forced to capitulate.
Harith and several hundred of the rebels were executed, and burned in a great trench.
97 A heavy tribute was also levied on the remaining Christians in the kingdom in reprisal for the persecution of Jews in Christian countries
98 The Roman emperor, although anxious to eliminate the Rabbinite king, was still engaged in a conflict with Persia and preferred that his Ethiopian ally undertake the task. The Ethiopian Negus (ruler), Kaled Ella Asbaha, required little persuasion to go to war, for Himyar had expelled many of his nation (the Cushites) from Arabia. Dhu-Nuwas did not remain idle. He endeavored unsuccessfully to secure allies. The Arab tribes distrusted him because of his foreign lineage and Kavad I of Persia, in spite of predecessor's promises of assistance, did not like the idea of
autonomous armed Jewish kingdoms.

99 In Mahoza, he crucified Mar Zutra and Haninai on charges of misuse of the king's revenue, and now found it easy to simply ignore Dhu Nuwas' pleas.
By the year 525 CE, the Ethiopians and the Romans were ready to strike. The Negus of Ethiopia had put together and equipped a powerful army, and the Roman emperor had provided his ally with the necessary fleet to transport the troops to Himyar. Dhu-Nuwas took measures to prevent the landing of the Ethiopian army by barring the most likely invasion points with chains.

100 His efforts, however, proved fruitless, and the Ethiopian troops were able to disembark near Zafora (Thafar) on the Red Sea coast. Asbaha had taken steps to inform the Christian Arabs of the region of his plans, and they attacked the Himyarites as Dhu-Nuwas deployed his army to meet the invasion force of the Ethiopians. In the ensuing battle, the Rabbinite king fell back on his
faithful, courageous cavalry to repel the invaders, but they were overwhelmed by the larger army of the enemy. The capital of Dhu-Nuwas fell into the hands of the enemy, along with his wife, and all the treasures of his kingdom. Realizing that all was lost, and unwilling to be taken alive, the impetuous king charged his steed over a great rock jutting over the sea. The waves swept his body out to sea. So died the first and last Rabbinite king of Himyar.

101 But the royal family did not die out, we will revisit them when we explore the marriages between the Jews and the Quraish, the family of the Prophet.

102 After-effects of the Failed Attempts at Jewish Independence In Arabia, Eriat was granted rulership over Yemen by Abyssinia, a position he held until he was
assassinated by one of his army leaders, Abraha. Abraha, after reconciliation with the king of Abyssinia, took rulership over Yemen and built a Cathedral in San'a to advance Christianity in Arabia. Some of the leadership in Mecca, the Quraish, defiled this Cathedral by going to the bathroom in its halls. In Arabia, where laws of purity were derived from the Temple laws of Tumah and Taharah, this invalidated the house of worship for prayer and was the greatest insult. Abraha commanded his soldiers to demolish the Ka‘bah in Mecca. In 570 CE, Utilizing a massive attack on war-elephants which failed, he and his soldiers came to be known as the “Men of the Elephant”. This is the traditional year when the Prophet Muhammad is born. After the “Elephant” incident, the people of Yemen, under the leadership of Ma‘dikarib bin Saif Dhu Yazin Al-Himyari, and through Persian assistance, revolted against the Abyssinian (Ethiopian) invaders, restored independence and appointed Ma‘dikarib as their king. However, Ma‘dikarib was assassinated by an Abyssinian. About this time, the Ma'rib dam again collapsed,
the main irrigation infrastructure was destroyed. In 575 CE, Khosrau, the Persian king, appointed a Persian ruler over San‘a and thus made Yemen a Persian colony. The family of Dhu Yazin was thus deprived of royalty forever, as the Persian rulers maintained rulership of Yemen.
This had the effect of bringing Arabia in direct contact with Persia, and Bedouins were now seen encamped on the western bank of the Euphrates river. 581 CE, Hormisdas IV king of Persia, tyrannized the Jews, forcing many to flee, including the leaders of the academies; Roman Emperor Maurice defeated Hormizdas after a 4-year campaign. During this time there were many marriages between the Quraish and Jews in Arabia. The daughter of 32nd Exilarch Hofnai married Asad ibn Hashim, and Fatima the mother of the future Khalif, 'Ali abu Talib was born.

In 591 CE, Khosrau II became the Sassanid king of Persia. He followed Khosrau I's liberal policy towards the Jews. Within the Persian royal circles, the Jews had recognized rights and privileges, but due to the fanaticism of the people they were unable to exercise them. The doors of the academies remained shut and there remained much hatred between the Jewish and non- Jewish population. Khosrau considered the idea of relocating the some of the Jews, but the opportunity had not presented itself.
The failure of Persia to come to the aid of the Jews had lasting effects in both Babylon and Arabia. The Arabs blamed the Persians as untrustworthy, and felt the Jews of Persia had abandoned Dhu Nuwas.

103 Arabia was split between those who were for Persia and those for Byzantium. The role of Rabbinite Jews as teachers and judges in Arabia began to be resented;
anger at their claims of superiority and "pure" blood inflamed certain Arab tribes. The Exilarch, for his part, vowed revenge on the treachery of Kovad at Mahoza. Still others of the royal family, like Hushiel ben Hofnai, took to the study of Jewish Mysticism and angels. Hushiel distained the materialism of the previous Exilachs, and locked his children in his palace safe from riots, pogroms and politics. Hushiel had two sons, Nehemiah and Shallum – who destiny would be intertwined with the future of the Prophet.

<b>Conquest and Disaster at Jerusalem</b>
After the conquest of Caesarea, the entire country of Israel willingly submitted to Khosrau. The remnants of the Hebrew people took in hand their native zeal [The translation is uncertain: perhaps "manifesting desire for their homeland"] wrought very damaging slaughters among the multitude of believers. Going to the Persians, the Jews united with them. At that time, the army of the king of Persia was stationed at Caesarea in Israel.

119 The Jews and the Persians were joined by Benjamin of Tiberias, a man of immense wealth, who enlisted and armed additional soldiers. The Tiberian Jews, with those of Nazareth and the mountain cities of Galilee, marched on Jerusalem with the Persian division commanded by Shahrbaraz (Rhazmiozan 120 ). Later they were joined by the Jews of southern Israel; and supported by a band of Arabs, the united forces took Jerusalem by storm (July, 614 CE).

121 Shahrbaraz spoke with the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that they submit voluntarily and be kept in peace and prosperity. Now at first the citizens of Jerusalem submitted, offering the general and the princes very great gifts, and requesting that a loyal ostikan, governor, be stationed with them to preserve the city.

122 Five years after his appointment to lead the conquest of Israel, and the "ingathering of the Jewish nation", the Exilarch Nehemiah was made ruler of Jerusalem.
123 The Exilarch was a strong young man, handsome and adorned in royal robes.
124 He began the work of making arrangements of the rebuilding of the Temple, and sorting out genealogies to established a new High Priesthood.
125 The Jews were exuberant, but an uneasy, explosive, tension was in the air. Several months later a riot occurred in the city. A mob of the young Christians united and killed Nehemiah ben Hushial and his "council of the righteous".
126 They dragged their bodies through the street and dumped them over the city wall.

127 Then the Christians rebelled from Persian service. After this a battle took place among the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem, Jew and Christian. The multitude of the Christians grew stronger, struck at and killed many of the Jews.
The remainder of the Jews jumped from the walls, and went to the Persian army in Caesarea.

128 Then Xorheam assembled his troops and went and encamped around Jerusalem and invested it, warring against it for 19 days. Digging beneath the foundations of the city, they destroyed the wall. On the 19th day of the siege, the Judeo-Persian forces took Jerusalem. They put their swords to work for three days they slaughtering almost all the people in the city. Stationing themselves inside the city, they burned the place down.

129 According to Christian sources, the troops were then ordered to count the corpses; the figure reached 57,000. Thirty-five thousand people were taken alive, among whom was a certain patriarch named Zak'aria who was also custodian of the Cross.

130 Later sources would claim that the Jews purchased Christian slaves in order to slaughter them.

131 The Jews sought for the Staff of Aaron, the "Rod of Hefzibah"
132 , which they assumed to be what the Christians called "the remnant of the Holy Cross". They began to torment the clerics, executing some. Finally the
clerics pointed out the place where it was hidden. The Persians took it into captivity and also melted the city's silver and gold, which they took to the court of the king.
133 In conjunction with the Persians, the Jews swept through Israel, destroyed the monasteries which abounded in the country, and expelled or killed the monks. Bands of Jews from Jerusalem, Tiberias, Galilee, Damascus, and even from Cyprus, united and undertook an incursion against Tyre, having been invited by the 4,000 Jewish inhabitants of that city to surprise and massacre the Christians on Easter night. The expedition, however, miscarried, as the Christians of Tyre learned of the impending danger, and seized the 4,000 Tyrian Jews as hostages. The Jewish invaders destroyed the churches around Tyre, an act which the Christians avenged by killing two thousand of their Jewish prisoners. The besiegers, to save the remaining prisoners, withdrew.

134 The immediate results of these wars filled the Jews with joy. Many Christians became Jews through fear. A Sinaitic monk embraced Judaism of his own free will, and became a vehement assailant of his former belief.
135 The Judaic Nation was free from the Christian yoke for about fourteen years; and they seem to have deluded themselves with the hope that Khosrau would
resign Jerusalem and a province to them, in order that they might establish a Jewish commonwealth.
136 The Pivotal Years The Roman response was swift, to counter the Jewish insolence there was the largest ever meeting of Merovingian Bishops, the Fifth Council of Paris in Gaul (France), They decided that all jews holding military or civil positions must accept baptism, together with their families. Massive Jewish persecutions began to occur throughout Roman Empire. When news of the sack of Jerusalem reached Khosrau, he was terrified. He did not intend it to go this far. Now regarding those who had been arrested, an order was issued by the king to have mercy on them, to build a city and to settle them there, establishing each person in his former rank/profession. He commanded that the Jews be driven from the city, and the king's order was quickly implemented, with great urgency.

137 The Jewish troops were stationed outside the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount.
138 The distrust between the Jews and Khosrau reached its lowest point, as the Jews said that Khosrau had acted treacherously and plotted the assassination of Nehemiah.
139 There arose great discord between the allies, which ended in the deportation of many Jews to Persia.
140 Shallum, Nehemiah's brother was sold into slavery, until his redemption ten years later. Within a year after this victory the Persian troops over-ran Jordan, Israel and the whole of the Sinai Peninsula, and reached the frontiers of Egypt. Arabia was split between those who were for Persia and those for Byzantium. In Mecca, the followers of the Prophet, who had declared his support for Rome, were being fought under the command of the chiefs of the Quraish. The conflict had reached such a stage that in 615 CE, a substantial number of the Muslims had to
leave their homes and take refuge with the Christian kingdom of Habash, Abyssinia, which was an ally of the Byzantine Rome. The Romans were losing more and more ground every next day. In Asia Minor the Persians beat and pushed back the Romans to Bosporus, and in 617 CE, they captured Chalcedon (modern, Kadikoy) just opposite Constantinople. As a gesture to Rome, Khosrau issued an order to grant amnesty to prisoners. He orders Jewish soldiers to leave Jerusalem and forbade Jews to settle within a three mile radius of the city.

141 The Persians placed a certain Christian archpriest named Modestos over the city as governor.

142 Disillusioned with Persian promises, the Jewish soldiers did not heed Khosrau and continued to encamp outside golden gate. By 619 CE, the whole of Egypt had passed into Sassanid hands and the Persian armies had reached as far as Tripoli. The Emperor sent an envoy to Khosrau, praying that he was ready to have peace on any terms, but he replied, "I shall not give protection to the emperor until he is
brought in chains before me and gives up obedience to his crucified god and adopts submission to the fire god." But Khosrau, as a gesture to the Romans, allowed Heraclius to attack the Jewish troops outside the Golden Gate. The Persians withdrew all support. Trapped, the Romans violently slaughtered the Jewish regiment outside Golden Gate and left bodies to rot.

143 As many as 20,000 were killed. The Golden Gate was sealed. In Arabia, the year it was called "the Year of Sorrow".

144 It was during these events that the Prophet had his "Night Journey" vision, flying from Mecca to Jerusalem on a winged animal. Heraclius, unsatisfied with Persian gestures, went on a rampage killing every Jew found in Israel. Men, women and children are killed without mercy, sparking the author of "The Prayer of Shimon bar Yochai" to bemoan how quickly the Priests grant forgiveness to the soldiers after committing such attrocities. By 622 CE, the Roman Emperor Heraclius had assembled an international army against the Persians. He had retaken Judea from the Sassanid Persians and the Jewish cause looked hopeless. Signs of the Coming of the Prophet With the death of Nehemiah ben Hushiel, the Judaic nation tried to grapple with the meaning of these events in terms of their literary heritage. They would come to the Golden Gate to pray.

145 According to Jewish tradition, the Messiah of Joseph would die.
146 So Nehemiah must have been the Messiah of Joseph. This meant that the King Messiah was sure to follow. However, before the King Messiah would appear, he would be preceded by Elijah the Prophet. Their leaders said "A Prophet is about to arise; his time draws near. We shall follow him; and then we shall slay [our enemies] with [divine] slaughter…"
147 As the common people became aware of the Prophet, "they spoke one to another – surely know that is the same Prophet whom the Jews [Cohenim, Priests] are warn us about ."
148 Daniel had prophesied that there would be seventy weeks of years until the Temple would be rebuilt. And 490 (70x7) years had passed from the destruction of Bar Kochba's armies until this year (622 CE). Bar Kochba was a failed Messiah, now would come the true warrior Messiah. "A warrior with 'the helmet of deliverance on His head' and clad in armor".

149 "He will don garments of vengeance (as his) clothing and will put on a cloak of zealousness".

150 "He will fight the battle of Gog ha-Magog and against the army of Armilos (Heraclius)".

151 Although rare, even in Arabia, parents hoping that their child might be this Messiah might name him after Daniel, Ish hamudot,
152 Man of Delights – Muhamud.
In 620 CE, the Prophet Muhammed overcome by despondency at these successive developments, and by the renewed opposition of the Quraish, set out for Tayif (sixty or seventy miles to the east of Mecca). The Prophet was working hard to turn the hearts of the Arabian tribes from their fallacies. Against the Sadducean traditions, he stressed resurrection from the dead, and the importance of prayer five times a day. After being unsuccessful in trying to convince them of his message, he was met by the Prophet Addas at the outskirts of the city. Here he received a vision of concerning the souls of those slaughtered at the Golden Gate. These "souls of the Garden" or Jinn, Genii

153, accepted the Prophets message. The Qur'an puts it: "And when [the Lord] turned towards you a party of the Jinn who listened to the Quran; so when they came to it, they said: Be silent; then when it was finished, they turned back to their people warning (them). They said: O our people! we have listened to a Book revealed after Moses verifying that which is before it, guiding to the truth and to
a right path".

154 In short the Jewish souls were willing to accept his message.
The Jews seek a New Leader The "council of the righteous", i.e. twelve people representing the tribes of the Jews convened at the city of Edessa. When they saw that the Persian troops had departed and left the city unprotected, they closed the gates and fortified themselves. They refused entry to Roman troops.
Heraclius gave the order to besiege it. When the Jews realized that they could not resist militarily, they promised to make peace. Opening the city gates, they appeared before Heraclius. Heraclius ordered that they should go and stay in their own place [Yathrib]. So they departed, taking the road through the desert to Tachkastan to Arabia.

155 The Jews called the Arabs to their aid. Their situation was desperate. They tried to support their arguments through quotes from the Torah. Although the Arabs were agreed that they were similar in faith, they were unable to achieve any commitment on military support, for they were divided from each other by their form of religion.

156 The Romans had blocked all Hagg pilgrimages to Jerusalem, and so many were making the 'Umra, the minor pilgrimage to Mecca instead. The people of Yathrib had traveled to Mecca to ask questions of the Prophet, and a few converts had already been made. During the Hagg pilgrimage of 620 CE, six or seven people of the Judaic tribe of Khazraj had declared allegiance to the Prophet. During the Hagg pilgrimage of 621 CE, the "council of the righteous", met with the Prophet together with representatives of the Khazraj and the Aus. The Prophet ordered them all to assemble together and to unite in faith. He set out the principles of religious coexistence between Jew and non-Jew, the seven laws of Noah.

157 As far as Israel and its re-conquest by Rome, he said: "God promised that country to Abraham and to his son after him, for eternity. And what had been promised was fulfilled during that time when [God] loved Israel. Now, however, you are the sons of Abraham, and God shall fulfill the promise made to Abraham and his son on you. Only love the God of Abraham, and go and take the country which God gave to your father, Abraham. No one can successfully resist you in war, since God is with you".
158 So pleased with this response, the council pledged their allegiance to the Prophet in what is called "the first pledge of Al-Aqabah ". During the Hagg pilgrimage of 622, seventy residents of Yathrib pledged their lives to support the Prophet. This was "the second pledge of Al-Aqabah." They invited the Prophet to Yathrib to be their king. On June 20, fleeing the pro-Persian persecution of the Quraish, the Prophet and Abu Bakr traveled from Mecca southward to the cave of Thaur. On Yom Kippur, September 24, 622CE, the Prophet arrived safely in Yathrib, being announced from the rooftops by a Jew.

159 Being an urban dweller of Mecca, the Prophet kept the lunar calendar of the Sadduceans who did not accept Hillel II's mathematical calendar.

160 When he arrived in Yathrib he was surprized to find the Jews fasting. He ordered his followers to immediately begin to fast, even midday. For 18 months, the Prophet took apon himself the Rabbinite traditions. Not since Dhu Nuwas, had such a Rabbinite ruler tried to unite the diverse tribes of Arabia. The Prophet was officially elected king of Yathrib (Medina), by the council of elders. The charter of Medinah was drawn up declaring the rights and mutual military obligations of the Jewish and Judaic followers of the Prophet.
161 A Mosque for the Prophet was built on the ruins of an ancient Synagogue.

162 As Heraclius was attacking both Jew and heretic, the economy of Yatrib was
strained by Jewish and Christian refugees. The Prophet consolidated the strength of his followers, and the kernel of an Islamic state was formed. The fame of the Prophet had grown, even Shallum ben Hushiel, the brother of Nehemiah, heard of the Prophet's fame as he was picking dates for his slave master in the outskirts of the city. In general, Arabs trace their roots to one of two major tribes Qahtan (Zealots) and Adnan (Sadduceans). When the two tribes joined in Medina to create what became the first Islamic society led by the Prophet, those related to Qahtan were named al-Ansar (Helpers) who were the residents of Medina at that time; and those from Adnan and their allies who traveled to Medina and were called al-Muhajireen (Immigrants). The Byzantine called them Ishmaelites and Hagarenes.
Meanwhile the Persians were beginning to loose. Heraclius had retaken Judea from Sassanid Persians, and marched as far as Ecbatana, the ancient capital of the Medes. Heraclius had set off quietly for Trabzon from Constantinople via the Black Sea and started preparations to attack Persia from rear.

163 Changing of the Qiblah For four years, Heraclius had declared absolute and total war on the Jews. The Persians had abandoned them as well. In the years after the slaughter of the Jewish troops at the Golden Gate, Heraclius sought other ways to punish the Jews for the insolence. In addition to the first forced conversions in history to be sanctioned by the imperial government occurring throughout the Roman Empire, Heraclius sought to strike at the heart of their faith. In an affront reminiscent of the defiling of the Cathedral of Sana, he ordered the Temple Mount to be used as the city's latrines. Some aqueducts were rerouted to the Temple Mount at a slightly lower elevation, to allow a flow of water to the Temple Mount. This was not hard to do because in ancient times the water had been used to wash the blood of sacrifices away from the Temple mount. Heraclius also installed a beautiful statue of an unclothed lady, which according to Sefer Zerubavel, inspired further immoral deeds on the Temple Mount.

164 In the literature of the time, the Temple Mount was referred to as "House of filth near the market."

165 The filth, "which was then all about the holy sanctuary, had settled on the steps of the gates so that it even came out into the streets in which the gate opened, and it had accumulated so greatly as almost to reach up the ceiling of the gateway."

166 Years later, the Muslims would call the Church of the Anastasis al-qumamah, the Dungheap, because of the disrespect of the Christians towards the Temple Mount.

167 To the Judaic Nation, this was an insult. To the Sadduceans of Arabia this was a crisis. The Sadduceans were particular in cleanliness, equating cleanliness with the biblical concepts of Taharah, purity. Arabs traditions said that the ancient Israelites would cut off their skin, should any waste fall on it. The Arabs would not pray in the direction of a bathroom, nor go the bathroom while facing the holy places of Jerusalem or Mecca. The Rabbinites however continued to pray towards Jerusalem. This troubled the Prophet. In the end he was answered by a divine revelation which indicated that the faithful should not pray towards Jerusalem, only
towards Mecca. Further, this would be the mark of distinction between his followers and others. Dhu Nuwas was born of foreign descent; he adopted foreign customs and tried to unite the Arab tribes under a foreign banner, and failed. The Prophet Muhammed was an Arab. He was of the tribe of the Quraish; and they had been resident in Arabia for over six hundred years. Their version of Sadducean Judaism was closer to the heart of the Arabian tribes than any Persian custom. The Sura Al-Baqara (the sacrificial cow) was given at this time. It is a Sura written primary to a Jewish audience, yet the laws of Salat, Prayer; Zum Fasting; Zakat, Charity; Haj, Pilgramage and Jihad, Religious War reflect an intention to back away from the Prophets original embrace of Rabbinite custom and return to Sadducean custom. For example, the laws forbidding wine, and of mourning during Ramadhan (Sefirah) to include complete fasting during the day. The Prophet envisioned an Umma (Judaic Nation) of the faithful that had different modes of religious worship. The non-Jews would follow the Mesanî

168 , the seven laws of Noah. The Jews would keep the Sabbath and Kosher laws: "The Sabbath was appointed only for those who were distinguished by it, and the Lord will judge them on the Day of Resurrection according to their distinction."

169 As there was a change of Qibla, there was a change in the war. Heraclius started his counter attack in 623 CE. from Armenia. Next year, in 624 CE, he entered Azerbaijan and destroyed Clorumia, the birthplace of Zoroaster, and ravaged the principal fire temple of Persia. This was the same when the Muslims their first victory at Badr.

The Battle of Badr, 'Uhud and Khandaq; the Expulsion of the Priestly Tribes
As mentioned above, the Bani Qainuqa, Bani Al-Nadir and Bani Quraizah were tribes made up of Cohenim, Priests. The Bani Qainuqa were the priests of the Khazraj and the Bani al Nadir and the Bani Quraizah were the priests of the Aus.

171 Because of their Cohen status and careful marriages; they had a certain prestige as the only native population the Rabbinite Jews still considered "Jews". As Cohenim they performed teaching, religious, judicial and semi- governmental services to their client tribe. When the Prophet began to become more than a Prophet, and function as judge, ruler and military chief, these "Jews" – more than any other tribe in Medinah – began to oppose the Prophet. In addition, Khaibar was settled by the remants of the Sadducean High Priesthood, and at one time they had controlled the Ka'aba. They held a particular animosity to the Quraish, the Prophet included, who had taken back religious control from them.

172 In 624 CE, Mecca attacked Medina without success at the battle of Badr. The three tribes mentioned above had actually hoped that the pro-Persian Quraish would have won. Three Sadducean "prophets" who predicted the future success of the Persians, were assassinated by the zealous followers of the Prophet.

173 The Bani Qainuqa openly and collectively broke their covenant. Descendants of the fighters of Bar Kochba, they were proud of their bravery and valor. Being blacksmiths by profession even their children were well armed and they could instantly muster 700 fighting men from among themselves. They were also arrogantly aware that they enjoyed the protection of the the Khazraj. Abdullah bin 'Ubbay (Abbaya), the chief of the, Khazraj, was their chief supporter. The Prophet laid siege to their quarters. The siege had hardly lasted for a fortnight when they surrendered and all their fighting men were tied and taken prisoners. Abdullah bin 'Ubayy came in support of them and insisted that they should be pardoned. The Prophet conceded his request and decided that the Bani Qainuqa would be exiled from Madina leaving their properties, armor and tools of trade behind.

174 In 625 CE, the Quraish met the Prophet's army at 'Uhud. They resolved to avenge their defeat at Badr. The Bani Nadhir would not prophecy in support of the Prophet. With poor morale, only a thousand men had marched out with the Prophet against three thousand men of the Quraish, and three hundred Jews under Abdullah ibn Ubayya returned. During the battle of Uhud the Prophet was wounded and his followers suffered reverses. The opponents of the Prophet in Medina were further emboldened. The chief of the Bani Amir treacherously slaughtered seventy followers of the Prophet. Afterwards, Amr bin Umayyah Damri slew by mistake two men of the Bani Amir in retaliation. These two actually were actually allies, and had been mistaken for the enemy. Because of his mistake their blood money became obligatory on the Prophet. Since the Bani an-Nadir were the priests of the Bani Amir, the Prophet went to them to ask for their help in paying the blood money. While he was there, he received a divine revelation that the Bani Nahdir were going to assassinate him. He left suddenly and ordered their expulsion from Medina. Meanwhile Abdullah bin Ubayy sent them the message that he would help them with two thousand men and that the Bani Quraizah and Bani Ghatafan also would come to their aid; therefore, they should stand firm and should not go. On this false assurance they responded to the Prophet's ultimatum saying that they would not leave Madinah. The Prophet laid siege to them, and after a few days of the siege they agreed to leave Madinah on the condition that they could retain all their property which they could carry on thee camels, except the armor.

175 In 627 CE, the battle of Khandaq (Battle the Trench) took place. The Meccans had left 'Uhud, without despoiling the people of Medina. The Prophet foresaw that they would return again to attack Medina. Steps were immediately taken to protect the city. The Prophet was joined by Shallum ben Hushiel, after freeing him from slavery. Although only in his late twenties, Shallum was knowledgeable in many tactics of war. He suggested to the Prophet to build trenches around the city, something that had never been seen in Arabia before. There was a combined raid by many of the Arab tribes, who wanted to crush the power of Madinah. It had been instigated by the leaders of the Bani an-Nadir, who had settled in Sadducean Cohen-City Khaiber after their banishment from Madinah. They went round to the Quraish and Ghatafan and Hudhail and many other tribes and induced them to gather all their forces together and attack Madinah jointly.

176 An unprecedentedly large army of the Arab tribes marched against the small city of Madinah. From the north came Bani an-Nadir and Bani Qainuqa who after their banishment from Madinah, had settled in Khaiber and Wad il Qura. From the east advanced the tribes of Ghatafan, Bani Sulaim, Fazarah, Murrah, Ashja, Sa'd, Asad, etc. and from the south the Quraish, along with a large force of their allies. Together they numbered from ten to twelve thousand men. They laid siege to Medina without success. They succeeded partially to incite the Cohen tribe of Bani Quraizah, who inhabited the south eastern part of the city, to rebellion against the Prophet. Meanwhile the Prophet went on the offensive and routed the combined armies. After discovering the aborted treachery of the Bani Quraizah, he dispatched Ali with a contingent of soldiers as vanguard towards the Quraizah. This was followed by the whole of the Muslim forces. In the end, unlike any previous treatment of the Cohenim, all the male members of the Quraizah were executed, their women and children were taken prisoner, and their properties were distributed among the Muslims.

177 Christian followers antagonistic to Jewish followers of the Prophet Up to 624 CE, there is little allusion to Christianity in the Qu'ran. Early reference to nasaara,
178 Christians had been to the sabioona, Judaic Sabians, who were also called nazoreans.
179 They were descendants of Temple Sympathizers who were rejected by Sadducees and Rabbinites, and had begun to accept Christianity. As far as the Prophet was concerned they were all part of the Judaic Nation, descendants of Abraham, and People of the Book. But the Heraclius' persecutions of Jews and heretics had brought many Syrian Christians to Medinah, ansar. Though differing in doctrine, all these Christians had one thing in common, their hatred for the
Jews. The Prophet had been influenced in his early years by a Sabian prophet Bahira

180 who had recognized in him the "mark of prophethood". Although the Prophet's first experience of Christianity was the Sabian variety, few in number, and some of which were astrologers. After 622 CE, the numbers of more traditional Christian followers who declared their submission began to swell. The Prophet had bitterness towards the Sadduceen Cohenim, because they had not aided him in his campaigns according to his expectation. He wished to purge Arabia of these false prophets and priests. The Christians converts wanted to enlarge on this. They wanted to make the war between Muslim and non-believer, to one of Muslim against Jew.

181 After seeing the results of this resentment – the slaughter of the Quraizah – Shallum, son of the Exilarch Hushiel, perceived the dreadful predicament, went to Prophet, and offered him his submission.

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Shallum ben Hushiel (Salmaan Farsi) finds the Prophet Shallum was the son of the Exilarch Hushiel, who had turned to mysticism during some of the worst persecutions of Persian King Kovad.

183 Shallum was the second son, after Nehemiah. While Nehemiah was groomed to be the next Exilarch, Shallum was kept hidden in the Exilarch's palace, a virtual prisoner, to protect him from the Mazdokite riots.

184 Shallum's learning and position increased over the years, until he obtained the position of custodian of the academy, where his duty was to see that the learning was continuous and did not stop for a single hour, day or night.

185 One day the Exilarch was very busy with his duties and he said to Shallum: "My son, as you see, I am too busy to go out to the estate now. Go and look after matters there for me today." On the way he crossed the Euphrates river and saw the camps of Arabian Bedouin which attracted his attention. They spoke about the wars in Ash-Sham, Syria Palestine, and Shallum felt drawn to their cause.

186 He was stirred by the feelings of nationalism then current, and felt no great loyalty to the Persian ruler. Several times the Persians had betrayed the Jews, and even tried twice to wipe out the Exilarch. They had even crucified his great-grand father Mar Zutra III and Mar Haninai on the bridge of Mahoza on charges of misuse of funds.

187 After his father found out about his nationalistic intentions, he reprimanded Shallum. He became upset and afraid that Shallum would leave. So he kept Shallum locked up in the palace and put a chain on his feet.

188 After the passing of Hushiel in 608 CE, Nehemiah was appointed by
Khosrau as the symbolic leader of the Persian troops. Shallum accompanied his brother's caravan to Israel. He admired his brother, who was an ascetic who longed for the Hereafter and engaged in worship day and night.

189 After Nehemiah's violent and tragic death and the decree
for all Jews to leave Jerusalem, Shallum attached himself to a band of soldiers who revolted from Persian command. The Persians cruely suppressed the revolt and Shallum was sold into slaverly. He was taken to Wadi al-Qura (between Madinah and Syria) and sold as a servant to a Jewish resident there. Eventually Shallum was sold to the Jew's nephew belonging to the tribe of Banu Quraizah. This nephew took Shallum with him to Yathrib. At that time the Prophet was inviting his people in Mecca to Islam but Shallum did not hear anything about him then because of the harsh duties which slavery imposed upon him. When the Prophet reached Yathrib after his hijrah from Mecca (in 622), Shallum was in fact at the top of a palm tree belonging to his master doing some work. He took dates to the Prophet as a gift, and was impressed by the Prophet's scrupulous honesty, especially compared to the house of the Exilarch which was mired in dubious fiscal policies. Shallum declared his submission to the Prophet.

190 Although Shallum tried to keep his background a secret, it turned out that Prophet's foster brother, Ali ibn abu Talib, was related through his mother Fatima to the Exilarch line. Learning of the royal descent of Shallum, in 624 CE, Ali encouraged the Prophet to release Shallum from slavery by paying his Jewish master.

191 When word began to spread about Shallum, it led to rumors among the Jews that Nehemiah ben Hushiel had been resurrected from the dead, and in the presence of the Prophet Elijah.

192 Shallum began to play an important role in the struggles of the growing Muslim state. He was known as Salman al-Farsi, Shallum the Persian. At the battle of Khandaq, he proved to be an innovator in military strategy. He suggested digging a trench or khandaq around Madinah to keep the Quraish army at bay. When Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Makkans, saw the ditch, he said, "This stratagem has not been employed by the Arabs before." Shallum became known as
"Salman the Good". He was a scholar who lived a rough and ascetic life.

193 In 625CE, the Persians were defeated by Romans in attack on Constantinople. The Byzantine forces continued to press the Iranians hard and in the decisive battle at Nineveh (627 CE) they PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com dealt them the hardest blow. They captured the royal residence of Dastagerd, and then pressing forward reached right opposite to Ctesiphon, capital of Iran in those days. In 628 CE. in an internal revolt, Khosrau Parvez was imprisoned and eighteen of his sons were executed in front of him and a few days later he himself died in the prison. This was the year when the peace treaty of Hudaibiya was concluded, which the Quran has termed as "the supreme victory", and in this very year Khosrau's son, Kovad II, gave up all the occupied Roman territories, restored the True Cross and made peace with Byzantium. In 628 CE, the Emperor himself went to Jerusalem to install the "Holy Cross" in its place, and in the same year the Holy Prophet entered Makkah for the first time after the Hijrah to perform the `Umra-tul-Qada'.

194 Meanwhile wholesale persecution of the Jews continued, in 629CE, Dagobert orders the Jews of the Frankish empire to accept baptism or to emigrate.

195 In 629 CE, there was the battle of Khaibar. The Cohenim of Khaibar had not shown any hostility toward the Muslims until the leaders of Banu al Nadir settled among them. The most prominent leaders of Banu al Nadir who settled in Khaibar were Salam ibn Abu al Haqiq, Kinanah ibn Abu al Haqiq, and Huyayy ibn Akhtab. When they came to Khaibar, the people accepted their leadership.

196 The leadership of these three men was enough to drag the Cohenim of Khaibar into conflict aimed at retaliation against the Muslims. During the Battle of Khandaq, the Cohanim of Khaibar, led by the leaders of Banu al Nadir, hoped to regain control of the Ka'aba. They played a significant role in the incitement of Quraysh and the desert Arabs against the Muslims. The Prophet sent a letter to them, via Ali and Shallum (Salmaan Farsi), calling them to submit to the Prophet and reminding them of what their own Scriptures said about his coming.

197 . Ali managed to convince the guards to open the fortress gate. Ali took a lead role in the siege. Shallum also was awarded lands in Khaibar for his role in the battle. In spite of the Muslims' desperate need before Khaibar, the Prophet would have preferred the Cohen's submission to receiving their booty, as is made clear by his command to Ali. Nor did he want to destroy or expel the Cohenim; for this reason he accepted the peace agreement which the Cohenim of al Qamus, al Watih and Salalim offered. After the agreement – according to which the Cohenim accepted expulsion from Khaibar – had been made, he agreed to let them stay in Khaibar according to their request, an indication of tolerance and justice. Prophet allowed the Cohenim to stay in Khaibar on the condition that they work in agriculture and spend their own money on it, and that the Muslims would receive one half of their crops.

198 Unlike the Banu Quraiza, the men of Khyabar were not executed and their women and children were not made slaves. This was directly due to the mediation of Ali and Shallum (Salmaan Farsi). There were many followers of the Prophet who were not happy at this state of affairs, particulary the Christian followers of the Prophet, and the tension between the groups threatened to come to a boil. To Save the Jews of Israel from Byzantine slaughter In 628, After the defeat and death of Khosrau, Heraclius came as victor into Jerusalem. The Jews of Tiberias and Nazareth, under the leadership of Benjamin of Tiberias, changed sides and joined him as allies. It is said that the Emperor would have kept peace with them had not fanatic monks instigated him to a massacre. Only a few Jews escaped into Egypt or sought refuge in caves and in forests.

199 In atonement for the violation of an oath to the Jews, the monks pledged themselves to a fast, which the Copts still observe.

200 Heraclius is said to have dreamed that destruction threatened the Byzantine Empire through a circumcised people. He therefore proposed to destroy all Jews who would not become Christians; and he is reported to have counseled Dagobert, king of the Franks, to do the same.

201 In the Tiburtine Sibyl said that the Jews of the Byzantine Empire would be converted in one hundred and twenty years (by 628 CE).

202 In 630 CE, the Prophet, with 10,000 Islamic warriors, captured Mecca without resistance. After claiming the religious center of the Ka'aba, the Prophet was now the spiritual and military leader of all Arabia and all muslims. For the first time, the various militias of Arabia were able to gather together under one leader, not even under Dhu Nuwas was there this amount of unity. It might have ended here, but with increased pressure from the Judaic tribes of Arabia, and constant assurances from Shallum, that the Exilarch's people would come to the aid of the Prophet, the horizons of Islam began to grow. The first goal outside Arabia was to save the Jews of Israel from Byzantine slaughter.

203 Shallum may also have dreamed of Jerusalem as his capital. The troops assembled "from Havilah to Shur."

204 All the remnants of the sons of Israel assembled and united with the Arabs and became a large force. Under the command of Ali and Shallum, they entered the Sinai, opposite Egypt. The Byzantine army was encamped in Arabia (trans-Jordan). The Muslims fell upon them suddenly, struck them with the sword and put to flight Emperor Heraclius' brother, Theodosius. Then the Muslims turned and encamped in Arabia (trans-Jordan).

205 After this first victory against an international army, the Prophet sent letters to all rulers of the world explaining Islam. In his letter to Heraclius, he demanded that he relinquish Israel. He dispatched a message to the Byzantine emperor, saying: "God gave that country as the inherited property

206 of Abraham and of his sons after him. We are the sons of Abraham. It is too much that you hold our country. Leave in peace…" The Emperor rejected this. He did not provide a fitting response to the message but rather said: "The country is mine. Your inheritance is the desert [Arabia]. So go in peace to your country."

207 Just before he fell sick, the Prophet had given orders for an expedition to Israel. Usama ibn Zeid led a contingent of soldiers as far as Yavneh near modern day Tel Aviv.

208 Death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr's Appointment, and Shallum's Rebellion
In 632 CE, the Prophet Muhammed passed away. The council of Medina tried to elect a successor, Sa'd ibn 'Obada of the Khazraj, but the Muslims were bitterly divided, they even considered appointing two leaders: Judaic (Khazraj) and Sadducean (Quraish). A small number of companions of the Prophet chose Abu Bakr as Khalif, replacement. The followers of 'Ali did not approve of this, because it meant that the government would be controlled by the family of Quraish. 'Ali himself delayed in doing homage to Abu Bakr. Shallum attempted to rally some
Bedouin tribes to depose Abu Bakr. Judaic and disaffected Sadduceans joined forces against Abu Bakr and his general Khalid. Khalid's forces were made up of many Christian converts to Islam. At least five kahanah, cohens, prophets had appeared in Arabia who claimed to be prophets along with Muhammad: a Judaic prophet in Medina and the prophetess Hefzibah (Sajah); and three Sadducean prophets al-Musaylimah al-Kathib, al-Aswad and Tulayha ibn Khuwaylid. Some of the prophets had been assassinated during Muhammed's lifetime, but now the Judaic prophetess Hefzibah arrived from Mesopotamia at the head of a great host and joined Musaylamah in Yamamah.
209 Musaylamah's army of forty thousand achieved a degree of success against the first troops sent against him by Abu Bakr. Musaylamah's forces retreated into
a garden surrounded by high walls. This garden later became known in history as the garden of death. The Muslims had never experienced this amount of fighting among themselves before. There were many deaths and much destruction. Many "readers", Muslims who recited the Qur'an by heart, were killed on both sides.
210 The rebellion was crushed, and Shallum fled to Al- Bahrein.
211 This group of Judaic zealots would later be called the Kharajites.

212 Abu Baker did much to try and unite the faithful. He brought the mutinying tribes back under his control and he began to collect the fragments of what would become the Qur'an. But the struggle for unity of Islam brought about the codification of Islam, and the diversity that was once apparent under the Prophet was lost. Islamic tradition ascribes the preservation of Islam to Abu Bakr: "On the death of Mohammad, in a little bit the Faithful would have perished utterly. But the Lord strengthened the heart of Abu Bakr, and established us in the resolve to give place not for one moment to the Kafir;—giving answer to them but in these three words Submission, Exile, or the Sword."

213 In reality one form of Islam was being raised above the others, the Quraish'
Sadducean variety as espoused by a major influx of Christian converts to Islam. But for now, there was peace between all the factions for the sake of the new faith. The Conquest of Persia and Shallum's Return Chaldea and southern Syria belong geographically to Arabia. The Judaic tribes inhabiting this region, partly (at least in name) Christian, formed an integral part of the Judaic nation and as such fell within the immediate scope of the new faith. Four years previously (627 CE), Heraclius had marched from the Black Sea and decisively routed the Persians on the field of Nineveh.

214 He advanced triumphantly to the gates of the Persian capital. The Persians troops mutinied and killed Persian king Khosrau in November, 628 CE. In the space of four years afterwards, the royal title was assumed by nine candidates, who disputed, with the sword or dagger, the fragments of an exhausted monarchy.

215 Being informed of the chaos in Persia and the threat to Jews in Babylon, Shallum (Salmaan Farsi) longed to go there. Seeing rebellion and discord
Shallum began to regret his opposition to Abu Bakr.
In 633CE, after helping helped to reclaim Al-Bahrein, Shallum traveled with Al-Muthanna along the Persian Gulf to reduced Al-Katif, and carried his victorious arms into the delta of the Euphrates. Al-Muthanna was of the Bekr tribe which lived in that area. Al-Muthanna's column swelled to 8000 men. But Abu Bakr, anticipating opposition, sent his general Khalid was to subdue Chaldea. When Al-Muthanna was overwhelmed by Persian troops by the by the Great Canal (a branch of the Tigris which runs across the Peninsula), Khalid, joined him and routed the enemy. Khalid scoured the country, killing all the men fit for war and taking their women captive.
But the Jewish peasants he left unharmed. Shallum was chosen to send tidings of the victory of the Battle of Ulleis to Abu Bakr, afterwards he returned to the field of battle. By "conquering sixty places", Shallum's became reconciled to Abu Bakr, and was received in favor. The Arab kingdom Hira was besieged and capitulated to Khalid, while Persia was paralyzed by internal troubles. Siege was laid to Al-Anbar, a fortress on the Euphrates some eighty miles above Babylon. The army attacked 'Ain at-Tamr, the Spring of the Date palm, a fortress on the desert border three days' journey farther west. The Persian troops were here supported by a great gathering of soldiers, and among them the same Jewish Taghlib which had followed the prophetess Hefzibah (Sajah) to Al-Yemama. They met Khalid as he approached, but were repulsed. The Persian governor seeing the route from the ramparts, fled and left the fugitives to defend themselves as best they could. Khalid beheaded their leaders in front of the city walls, and every adult male of the garrison led forth and put to death; while the women and children were made over to the soldiers or sold into slavery.
In 634 CE, Abu Bakr passed away, but before his death 'Umar was nominated to be the next Khalif. For Khalid's many acts of cruelty, 'Umar recalled him to Arabia. Shallum was placed in command of the troops.

216 In a Jewish academy nearby, forty students joined the invading forces. Amongst them were progenitors of several distinguished men, such as Ibn Ishak the historian, and Musa the conqueror of Spain. Shallum, the brother of an Exilarch betrayed by the Persians, rose up to overthrow the Sassanian Dynasty. He commanded a zealous army of Kharajites and trained them to achieve two aims: Get the Paradise of the Earth (Iran) or die for the paradise of heaven. Shallum using his accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and culture, adapted the teachings of the Prophet into a universal religion that included Jews and Persians.

217 He supported the Jewish academies in Pumbedita and Sura. He translated the Qur'an into Persian, something that until now had been strictly limited to Arabic. In 637 CE, Shallum, defeated the Persian army of 20,000 soldiers in the battle of Qadisiya. He went on to capture the Persian capital Ctesiphon and occupy all of Iraq. Shallum established his capital in Mahoza, the ancient seat of the Exilarch. By this time he had two children Heman (Abdullah ibn Saba) and Yaakov ('Ka'b al-Ahbar). Heman he sent to the 'Umar's court and Yaakov was sent to the Yeshiva in Pumbedita to undergo rabbinical training. Two and half years, Shallum died and was buried in Mahoza. The city is now called Salman Pak, in honor of Shallum.
After his death, his zealous followers misused the opportunity and put the country under military rule. The Zoroastrians reported that they burned their libraries and books. They destroyed castles and forced their followers to believe nothing but Islam. No one was allowed to say: this is my land and I am an Iranian in my country, but one only could say: I am a Moslem, and I am a servant to my Arab masters. Shallum (Salman Farsi) was recognized by Arabs and Jews as a hero, his name even appears in the Qur'an, while to Iranians Salman Farsi was a traitor.

<b>Conquest and Victory at Jerusalem</b>
'Umar decided to return to the aborted conquest of Israel. What was originally a mission of mercy became a mission of conquest. The Muslim army was in three divisions of 5000 men each, the commanders being 'Amr ibn al-'As, Shurahbil ibn Hasana, and Yezid. To each of these divisions one of the districts of Syria-Palestine was assigned as its field of operations. 'Amr and his Jewish troops were to make for Ayla, at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba, and thence invade southern Syria or Israel. Shurahbil and his Sadducean troops were to make first for Tebuk, whence the latter was to invade central Syria, while Yezid and his formerly Christian troops pushed on towards Damascus. Mu'awiya, the future Khalif, bore the standard of his brother Yezid. Hebron (with its tombs of the Jewish patriarchs) fell to 'Amr, but a greater battle awaited.
In 635, Battle of Yarmuk occurred. Convinced that the Rome was at war with the Jews, Emperor Heraclius decreed forced baptism on North African Jewish communities. Heraclius started organizing an international force
218 , as many as 70,000 troops. The Muslims reached Damascus,
but were forced to withdraw to Yarmuk. Heraclius ordered that his troops were to persue the Muslims, stipulating that they were not to engage them in war, but rather to keep on the alert until he could assemble his other troops and send them to help. Now the Byzantines reached the Jordan and crossed into Arabia [trans-Jordan]. Leaving their campsite on the riverbank, the Byzantines went on foot to attack the Muslims' camp. The Muslims, however, had placed

History of "Palestine" 1273 BCE to 1948
The only time "Palestine" was ruled by "Palestinians" or any people from the Arabian Peninsula was briefly around 635 A.D.

"The only Arab domination since the Conquest in 635 A.D. hardly lasted, as such, 22 years...," the Muslim chairman of the Syrian Delegation attested in his remarks to the Paris Peace Conference in February 1919.

"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel... " Zuheir Muhsin, late Military Department head of the PLO and member of its Executive Council, Dutch daily Trouw, March 1977

A.D. Ruler *
1273 BCE Israel Conquest of Canaan ** under Joshua,
423 BCE Iranian Babylon invades and destroys First Temple [Persian empire was based in modern day Iran]
371 BCE Israel
Iranian King Cyrus issued decree to restore Jewish Nation
312 BCE Israel
Greek Battle of Gaza; Seleucus controls Syria and Babylonia [Seleucid empire was based in Macedonia, northern Greece]
285-246 BCE Israel
Egyptian Rule of Ptolemy II
199 BCE Israel
Greek Seleucid monarchy occupies Judea **
175 BCE Israel
Greek-Syrian Antiochus Epiphanes came to throne in Syria
168 BCE Israel
Greek-Syrian Pagan idol set up in Temple
165 BCE Israel
Greek-Syrian Macabean Revolt, beginning of Hasmonean dynasty
142 BCE Israel Shimon rules and gains Judean indepence
135-104 BCE Israel Rule of Yochanan Hyrkanus
104-103 BCE Israel Rule of Yehudah Aristobulus
103-76 BCE Israel Rule of Alexander Yannai
76-66 BCE Israel Rule of Salome Alexandra
63 BCE Israel
Roman Civil War: Hyrkanus vs. Aristobulus. Pompey intervenes, Conquest of Jerusalem by Pompey, Judea becomes Roman Vassal.
47 BCE Israel
Roman Caesar appoints Antipater ruler of Judea
70 Roman The Romans conquer Jerusalem
132-136 Roman Jewish revolt under Bar Kochba; final defeat of Judah and loss of political sovereignty, rename area to "Palestine" **
351 Roman Jewish revolt to end foreign rule; Roman Empire adopts Christianity.
395 Turkish Palestine part of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, still called Judea or Judah.
438 Turkish Empress Eudocia allows Jews back to Temple site, misinterpreted by Jews as return to nationhood.
614 Iran Persian conquest under Chosroes (with the support of a Jewish army).
628 Turkish "Palestine" reconquered by the Byzantines
633-637 Syrian Arab conquest; shortly afterward, attempt by Jews to restore their nation.
639 Syrian Muawiyah Arab governor.
660 Syrian Muawiyah is made the first Omayyad Caliph of Damascus.
661 Syrian Murder of Ali; Omayyad Dynasty begins.
750 Iraq Last Omayyad Caliph defeated; reign of the Abbassid Caliphs of Baghdad (Persian, Turk, Circassian, Kurd).
878 Egyptian Ahmad, b. Tulun, a Turkish general and governor of Egypt, conquers Palestine; reign of the Tulunides (Turks).
904 Iraq The Abbassids of Baghdad reconquer Palestine.
906 Carmathians Inroads of the Carmathians.
934 Egyptian The Egyptian lkhshidi princes conquer Palestine; their reign begins.
969 Egyptian The Fatimid Caliphs of Cairo conquer Palestine.
969-971 Carmathians War with the Carmathians.
970-976 Turkish Byzantine invasion.
1070-1080 Turkish Seljuq Turks conquer Palestine.
1099 Crusaders The Crusaders conquer Jerusalem, massacre the Jewish and Muslim populations; reign in parts of Palestine until 1291.
1187 Crusaders Saladin of Damascus, a Kurd, captures Jerusalem and the greater part of Palestine.
1244 Mongolian The Kharezmians, instigated by Genghis Khan, invade Palestine; Jerusalem's population is slaughtered, the city sacked.
1260 Egyptian Mameluk Sultans of Egypt defeat Mongols at Ain Jalut, in Palestine; their reign begins.
1260 Egyptian Mongol invasion; Jerusalem sacked.
1291 Egyptian End of the Latin (Crusaders) Kingdom.
1299-1303 Mongolian Mongol invasion.
1516-1517 Turkish The Ottomans conquer Palestine.
1799 French Napoleon conquers Palestine, but is defeated at Acre.
1831 Egyptian Ibrahim Pasha, adopted son of Egypt's Viceroy, occupies Palestine.
1840 Turkish Ibrahim Pasha compelled by the Powers to leave Palestine; Turkish rule restored.
1840 Turkish English writers and statesmen begin to discuss the possibility of a Jewish restoration.
1871-1882 Turkish First Jewish agricultural settlements.
1909 Turkish Foundation of the all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv.
1917-1918 British Allies occupy the whole of Palestine, east and west of the Jordan River; British military administration, end of Ottoman reign.
1917-1918 British Balfour Declaration granting "Jewish Homeland" internationally approved.
1920 British British (pre-Mandate) civil administration; Turkish sovereignty renounced, treaty includes Balfour Declaration
1922 British Palestine Mandate; Jewish National Home confirmed.
1923 British Palestine Mandate comes into operation.
1923 British Seventy-five percent of Palestine is set aside as an independent Arab "Palestinian" state, Transiordan.
1925 British Hebrew University of Jerusalem opened.
1927 British High Commissioners receive Commission for Transjordan.
1929 British Arab revolt.
1936-1939 British Arab revolt and civil war.
1946 British Establishment of Arab state of Transiordan.
1948 Israel End of Mandate for Palestine; establishment of State of Israel; Arab-Jewish war.
1948 Israel Eastern Palestine-Transjordan-.occupies the West Bank area of Western Palestine, becomes "Jordan," constituting over eighty percent of Palestine.

* For familiarity we cite the closest modern country which contained the seat of power at the time.

** Canaan, Judea and "Palestine" refers to both the East and West banks of the Jordan river, what is Israel and Jordan today..

Source: Joan Peter's "From Time Immemorial" Harper & Row Publishers
(with over 150 pages of well sourced footnotes) and
"History of the Jewish People - The Second Temple Era" by Mesorah Publications

Kaaba is the centre of the universe. Proved.




Two on the same topic:

<b>Hamas Mickey Mouse Teaches Jihad</b>
A new black and white rodent has appeared on Palestinian television, and it's not the Mickey Mouse you're used to. This one teaches children about AK-47s and Jihad on behalf of the Islamist group Hamas.

Update: On Wednesday, after this story went live, the Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti announced that the Hamas-affiliated television station al-Aqsa TV had complied with a government request to pull the show "Tomorrow's Pioneers" for "review." <b>He said the use of a cartoon character to urge Palestinian children to fight Israel and work toward world Islamic domination was a "mistaken approach."</b>

[Image caption from Youtube: A Jihadist Mickey Mouse shows children how to hold an AK-47.]

If one were to choose the imaginary creature most responsible for the rise of the Disney empire, Mickey Mouse would have to be high on the list. Now, the Palestinian militants at Hamas are hoping the dancing and singing mouse will be able to do the same for Islamist holy war.

<b>A children's show which airs each Friday on al-Aqsa television, a station run by Hamas which broadcasts in the Palestinian Territories, now employs a singing, squeaking, dancing mouse named Farfour</b> to connect with young viewers. But despite having a name that means "butterfly," Farfour is clearly a Mickey Mouse rip-off. The only difference being that this rodent is doing his best to transform show viewers into rifle-toting Islamist Mouseketeers.

"The people firmly stand, singing this to you. ... Its answer is an AK-47. We who do not know fear, we are the predators of the forest," Farfour squeaks in one episode while miming the throwing of a grenade and the shooting of a rifle. In another, his mousey voice warns: "Oh Jerusalem we are coming. Oh Jerusalem, it is the time of death. Oh Jerusalem, we will never surrender to the enemy, and we will never be humiliated. It is beloved Palestine that taught us what to be. And taught us to be soldiers of the Lord."

<b>The show, called "Tomorrow's Pioneers," is hosted by a little girl named Saraa</b> -- wrapped in a headscarf -- who does her part to indoctrinate her viewers, saying in one episode that "I remind you that al-Aqsa and the prisoners are a responsibility on our shoulders, and Allah will ask us on Resurrection Day what we gave for their sake."

Israel has reacted strongly to the show. An Israeli group which monitors Palestinian television, Palestinian Media Watch, told the AP that the Mickey clone "takes every opportunity to indoctrinate young viewers with teachings of Islamic supremacy, hatred of Israel and the US, and support of 'resistance,' the Palestinian euphemism for terror."

An official in Prime Minister Olmert's office, David Baker, told the Associated Press: "There is nothing comic about inciting young generations of Palestinians to hate Israelis."

Aside from the dancing mouse, though, it's hard to imagine the show being particularly attractive to young viewers. Hostess Saraa doesn't skimp on the political indoctrination, and the mouse frequently admonishes viewers to observe their religious duties, like praying five times a day, as a "cornerstone" for Islamic world domination.

Ironically, though, children who watch "Tomorrow's Pioneers" might learn to rattle off the names of world leaders better than those who grew up with the real Mickey. <b>"We will win, Bush!" Farfur squeaks at one point. "We will win, Condoleezza! We will win, Olmert! We will win Sharon!"</b> Farfur pauses after mentioning the former Israeli prime minister who has been in a coma for over a year. "Ah, Sharon is dead," he says.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Militant 'Mickey Mouse' pulled off air </b>
By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, Associated Press WriterWed May 9, 8:46 PM ET

Hamas militants have suspended a TV program that featured a Mickey Mouse lookalike urging Palestinian children to fight Israel and work for global Islamic domination, the Palestinian information minister said Wednesday.

Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said the character — a giant black-and-white rodent with a high-pitched voice — represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.

He said that the program was pulled from Hamas-affiliated Al Aqsa TV at his ministry's request and "placed under review."

The character, named "Farfour," or "butterfly," but unmistakably a copy of the Disney character, preached against the U.S. and Israel each Friday on the show called "Tomorrow's Pioneers."

<b>"You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists," Farfour squeaked on a recent episode. "We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers."

Children called in to the show, many singing Hamas anthems about fighting Israel.</b>

A spokeswoman for Burbank, Calif.-based Walt Disney Co. did not return phone calls seeking comment, and the Gaza TV station had no comment.

The program was opposed by the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., which is controlled by the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a Hamas rival that shares power with the militants in the Palestinian government.

Barghouti is an independent aligned with neither Hamas nor Fatah.

<b>Loyalists of Hamas, which is sworn to the destruction of Israel, launched the Al Aqsa satellite channel last year.</b> Bearded young men read the news and Islamic music is layered over footage of masked militants firing rockets into Israel. The channel also broadcasts talk shows, programs about the disabled and cartoons.

<b>Hamas loyalists also run at least five news Web sites, a newspaper and a radio station.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Muslim children in India are thankfully still largely deprived of islamic education updated for the modern times complete with Mickey Mouse. But perhaps the latest in islamic kindy-playtime-curriculum will be introduced in TSP soon?

Even Palestinian children are taught the real meaning of the 'Religion of Peace'.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Friday May 11, 08:17 PM
<b>London terror suspects' probe continues</b>
British police have been given five more days to question four suspects arrested this week in connection with the 7/7 London bombings, including the widow of ringleader Mohammad Sidique Khan.

"There was an extension granted which lasts until Wednesday for all four," a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said.

"Questioning continues and all four remain in custody."

Khan's widow Hasina Patel, her brother and two other men were detained on Wednesday on suspicion of the commission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism.

Terrorism suspects can be held for questioning for up to 28 days in total, but police must apply to a judge to extend their initial detention after the first 48 hours and then at weekly intervals.

Khan and three other young British Muslims blew themselves up on July 7, 2005, killing 52 people on three London underground trains and a bus in the first suicide attacks by Islamist militants in Western Europe.

Wednesday's arrests were the second set within weeks. Three men were charged last month with conspiring with the bombers.

Police say a key focus of their investigations is to trace people who may have known what the bombers were planning or provided them with logistical support such as money or accommodation.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From the above: 'the first suicide attacks by Islamist militants in Western Europe.'
And again, the rest of Europe is ignored.
Orthodox Serbia is constantly terrorised but no one in the west cares. International TV news doesn't have the time of day for them. They're expendable, after all. <i>Way</i> more than 52 Serbians have been murdered thanks to islamis. But still, only the 'first salami suicide attacks in W Europe' count and it gets special mention as if it somehow highly significant. Strange world. It's news like this that desensitizes people to the plight of others: unless it happens to the US or W Europe it doesn't count, it's not important, it's no problem.

Doesn't matter that Serbia and Russia and Greece - all Orthodox, note - have had to deal with various levels of terrorism for a long time. But oh my, when something like this happens to W Europe or US, the world <i>must take note</i> and <i>something must be done</i>: time to declare 'war on terror'.
Of course, it hardly needs to be said that there's <i>zero</i> room to discuss jihadi-terrorism against non-Europeans like Thais, Sudanese, Phillipinos and Indians naturally.
Day-in, day-out, the media keeps reinforcing this hierarchy. The majority of the world is ignored or presented as though 'they brought the jeehad on themselves for not treating their salami populations well' - if it isn't too busy pondering the non-mystery of 'why are they so poor?'

One good thing comes through in the above article, though: they've started using the word 'Muslims', rather than only 'Islamists' (the latter also makes an appearance above).
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Islamic body defends separating Muslim wife from Hindu

May 14, 2007 10:28 IST

Islamic authorities in Malaysia insist they were right in detaining a Muslim woman who was living with her Hindu husband as their marriage was illegal under the country's laws.

Officials of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) raided the home of a truck driver Magendran Sababathy on April 28 and took away his wife Najeera Farvinli Mohamed Jalali, telling the couple that their marriage under Hindu rites was illegal since she was a Muslim.

"Certain media reports had made out the detention to be a case of Jais trying to break up families. That is not true at all. The woman was detained on suspicions of committing khalwat (close proximity) because she was with a man," said Jais director Datuk Mohd Khusrin Munawi.

Munawi said Jais did not use any coercion or was prejudiced in the matter. "We detained the woman based on complaints and also because she could not produce any relevant marriage documents when asked."

He also claimed that the woman had voluntarily asked authorities to place her in a rehabilitation centre meant for erring Muslims to 'strengthen their faith.'

"We can prove all our procedures were conducted according to the law and without any coercion involved," he said.

<!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+May 15 2007, 02:11 AM-->QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ May 15 2007, 02:11 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Islamic body defends separating Muslim wife from Hindu
Munawi said Jais did not use any coercion or was prejudiced in the matter. "We detained the woman based on complaints and also because she could not produce any relevant marriage documents when asked."
He also claimed that the woman had voluntarily asked authorities to place her in a rehabilitation centre meant for erring Muslims to 'strengthen their faith.'

"We can prove all our procedures were conducted according to the law and without any coercion involved," he said.
http://www.rediff.com/news/2007/may/14malaysia.htm<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]68781[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Thanks for highlighting that.
Is that why the wife was the one to insist her children be raised Hindu by her husband? Because until that time these kids had actually been with her after the enforced separation. Does that sound vaguely like anything a faithful Muslimah would do? No, because she already had custody, had she been a proper Muslim she'd never have brought the matter up, let alone ask that her husband should be given the kids <i>and raise them Hindu</i>.

<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+May 5 2007, 05:21 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ May 5 2007, 05:21 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->http://www.metimes.com/storyview.php?Story...03-060203-5633r
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hindu gets custody of children from Muslim wife</b>
May 3, 2007

During a high court hearing west of Kuala Lumpur, Raimah, 39, clad in traditional Malay floor-length attire with a Muslim headscarf, <b>told the judge that she was voluntarily giving up custody of her children.</b>

"I agree to hand over the <b>custody of my children to my husband to be raised as Hindus</b>," Raimah said, before she broke down in tears.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]68329[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->If she was a faithful, would she have let her children be raised in kaffiriness? No. But she's not a faithful. She's not crying about that. She is naturally overwhelmed by the fact that through her conscious, voluntary decision, she will be losing her children (she retains visiting rights, but that means little to parents I'd think).
She's been caught, she decides it's too late for her - so she tries to spare the rest of her family from sharing in her fate.
Depressing events.

Malaysian authorities spinning around in logislamic circles there.
Why in the world would anyone believe the dawaganda of 'peaceful Palestinians oppressed by evil Israel'? Even the Palestinians may soon come to realise that their Religion of PEACE is their real enemy.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Wednesday May 16, 04:43 PM
<b>Five Fatah guards killed in Gaza gun battles</b>
GAZA (Reuters) - <b>Hamas gunmen stormed the home of President Mahmoud Abbas's top security chief in Gaza and killed at least five Fatah guards on Wednesday in factional fighting that pushed Palestinians closer to all-out civil war.</b>
The fighting at the home of Rashid Abu Shbak, one of the most powerful Fatah leaders, came shortly after mortars struck near Abbas's Gaza office and gunmen attacked a Hamas position outside the Interior Ministry building.

Palestinian officials said the widening hostilities could quickly destroy a two-month-old unity government formed between ruling Hamas Islamists and Abbas's secular Fatah faction.
(Secular has a different meaning in this salamistan.)

At least 16 Palestinians were killed on Tuesday.

A Fatah official said at least five security men, including one member of Abbas's elite presidential guard, were killed in the attack on Abu Shbak's home. At least 15 others were wounded. Abu Shbak was apparently not at home at the time.

"Hamas's political leadership is participating in the assassination and murder of Fatah men," said Abu Qusai, a spokesman for the <b>al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades militant group, which is part of Fatah.</b>
(Like I said, 'Secular' has a different meaning among these guys. Fatah's al-Aqsa militant wing is the one that is creating their own wholly faithful kindergarten brainwashing programmes - complete with a Mickey Mouse clone teaching Palestinian kiddies how to shoot infidels.)

Hamas, blaming Fatah, said the attack was triggered when shots were fired from Abu Shbak's house at a passing Hamas patrol.

During Wednesday's fighting, gunmen also pounded the main headquarters of the Fatah-dominated Preventive Security service with mortar bombs, sparking another gun battle in that area.

Hours earlier, gunmen shot and wounded an Egyptian official as he attempted to monitor the latest short-lived truce called by Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas at the end of the worst day of bloodshed in months.

<b>The Saudi-brokered unity government deal failed to resolve the crucial issue of control over security forces, and left armed groups fighting deadly turf wars. At least 30 have been killed since the fighting erupted on Friday.

Fatah's forces are larger in number. But many analysts believe Hamas's Executive Force and armed wing are better equipped and organized.

In Tuesday's most decisive battle, Hamas gunmen killed eight members of Abbas's Presidential Guard in an attack near Gaza's Karni commercial crossing with Israel, the strip's economic lifeline.</b>

The U.S. administration has earmarked tens of millions of dollars to provide training and non-lethal equipment to Abbas's presidential guard and to bolster security at Karni.

In an attempt to shift the focus of fighting towards Israel, Hamas militants in Gaza fired makeshift rockets at the nearby Israeli town of Sderot, where schools were closed for the day.

No injuries were reported in Sderot on Wednesday. Four were injured by rocket fire on Tuesday.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Salaamis anywhere in the world don't get along. They only unite to attack any kaffiri people breathing peacefully somewhere nearby.
Just like christianity.
The <b>Grand Delusion Islam</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+May 17 2007, 08:16 AM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ May 17 2007, 08:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The <b>Grand Delusion Islam</b>[right][snapback]68895[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->That linked to a blog called GatesOfVienna which linked to:

Ex-muslims in Germany.
"Wir haben abgeschworen" (We have sworn off/abjured)
There were always many in Germany who just slowly but consciously left islam.

Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime = central committee of ex-muslims.
On this page, it says they're meeting with the committee of ex-muslims in The Netherlands. Good.
Trial of attempted terrorist attack in Australia in March 2006. Later that year, NSW police were still investigating and told the press the media had confused 3 separate terrorist incidents that were being reported at the time as being somehow related (Nov 2, 2006). The following is one of those 3 terrorist incidents and it is court now:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Thursday May 17 (2007), 05:45 PM
<b>Australian planned bombing 'to prove love'</b>

Photo : AFP 
SYDNEY (AFP) - An Australian woman planned to explode a car bomb in Sydney's main nightlife district to prove her love for her jailed boyfriend, a court was told Thursday.

Jill Courtney, 27, was "obsessed" with Hussan Kalache, who had promised to marry her if she carried out a "mission", police said in a statement presented in court.

They said she had Kalache's name and prison number tattooed "over various parts of her body," and that he had wanted Courtney to "prove her love to him by undertaking a 'mission' before he would commit to marriage."

She was ordered to stand trial on charges of conspiring to commit murder and place explosives in a public place. The police said Courtney denied the allegations.

According to the statement, a tip-off that a car-bomb would explode in the Kings Cross area in Sydney <b>on March 24 last year</b> led them to Courtney, who lived with her father.

Investigations revealed she and Kalache, now 28, were in a "turbulent" relationship and she was obsessed with marrying him.

"During (one) conversation Kalache states that after the 'mission' is completed he will marry the accused immediately," the statement said.

Courtney allegedly approached a number of people asking for assistance in buying materials and making a bomb.

When her home was searched, police seized a timing kit, chemical lists and items which they said could be used in the construction of a bomb. A wig was also found.

A notebook allegedly detailing the "mission plan" said: "Go place, set it up, leave, do it, go to borrowed car, change clothes, wig, drive home."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Yahoo Australia's news is not permanent. Here's The Australian (May 17, 2007) with pretty much the same story:

Of course, we can just guess that the Religion of Peace is involved. But why guess, when the proof is there? The woman Jill Courtney is a convert to islam and her boyfriend is a faithful salami of course:
<b>Aussie jihadists lured</b>
Nov 03, 2006:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->NSW Counter Terrorism Commander Nick Kaldas confirmed a Muslim convert was in jail facing charges of conspiring to murder over an alleged Kings Cross bomb plot.

Police claim that Jill Courtney, 26, made the plans with convicted murderer Hussan Kalache, 28, over nine months to March 23 this year.

Courtney was arrested at Casula on March 24.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Around same time last year, they figured all of this out, why then is it taking so long:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Monday, May 15, 2006. 3:37pm (AEST)
<b>Court hears of alleged bomb plot</b>
The case against a second person charged with plotting to bomb a public place has been heard briefly in a Sydney court.

Hussan Kalache, 28, is charged with conspiracy to put explosives in a public place and conspiracy to murder.

A charge sheet tendered to Sydney's Central Local Court alleges that he conspired with Jill Courtney between July of last year and March of this year.

Ms Courtney was charged in March with the same offences.

Mr Kalache did not appear in court today and the case was adjourned until July.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Another similar incident that has been missed out:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hindu hubbies on warpath with Islamic authorities (Malaysiakini)       
Friday, 20 April 2007 

Two Hindu men said they were battling Islamic authorities after being forcibly separated from their Muslim wives in cases highlighting growing religious tensions in the country.

Suresh Veerapan issued a plea for help after his wife Revathi Masoosai and their baby were forcibly removed from their home and she was put in Islamic rehabilitation camp.

He said Revathi, an ethnic Indian and practising Hindu born to Muslim parents, was sent to the camp for 100 days in January by Islamic authorities in western Malacca state.

Her detention was extended Wednesday by a syariah court by 80 days, Suresh said, adding Islamic authorities in March had also taken the 16-month old baby from him and given the child to his Muslim in-laws.

"We are treated like animals, not humans, the way they have separated me from my wife and baby," said a weeping Suresh, adding that Islamic officials were now keeping him from visiting Revathi.

"When I asked them why the extension, they told me she did not cooperate with the authorities there," Suresh told AFP.

Revathi's detention is the latest in a string of religious conflicts involving Muslims and non-Muslims which have sparked outrage in multi-ethnic Malaysia.

Fighting to get children back

In a separate case, another Hindu man vowed to fight Islamic authorities for custody of five of his children who were forcibly separated from him, along with his Muslim wife.

P Marimuthu said his wife Raimah Bibi Noordin and their five young Hindu children were taken from their home two weeks ago by religious officials, who said she was a Muslim.

Raimah and the children are being held in a ethnic Malay Muslim village in western Selangor slate.

"I just want to at least get my children back, I do not want them to be Muslims as they were brought up as Hindus," Marimuthu told AFP, adding he had one son living with him who escaped the raid.

Marimuthu said that Raimah, an ethnic Indian, was adopted by an Indian Muslim family and was a practising Hindu.

Rights groups have condemned the actions of the Islamic authorities in Raimah's case, saying they breached the country's constitution, which guarantees freedom of religious practice.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"We are treated like animals, not humans, the way they have separated me from my wife and baby," said a weeping Suresh, adding that Islamic officials were now keeping him from visiting Revathi.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Another matter. Salamis won't even leave salamistans alone.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sunday May 20, 03:42 PM
<b>Lebanon army battles militants at Palestinian camp</b>
TRIPOLI, Lebanon (Reuters) - Lebanese troops battled militants linked to al Qaeda at a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon on Sunday and at least three soldiers were killed, security sources said.
At least four more soldiers were wounded in the clashes with militant group Fatah al-Islam at the Nahr al-Bared camp near the northern port city of Tripoli, the sources said.

There were also casualties among the militants, witnesses said. Lebanese television station LBC said three militants were killed in the fighting that started before dawn.

Fatah al-Islam gunmen also attacked a Lebanese army vehicle on patrol in the Koura region of northern Lebanon, wounding some soldiers, security sources said.

Witnesses said the rattle of assault rifles and machine guns could be heard, and thuds from explosions rocked the Nahr al-Bared area. A military source said the clashes began after an army post on the outskirts of the camp came under fire from Fatah al-Islam gunmen.

Security forces also clashed with gunmen in Tripoli itself while trying to arrest suspects in a bank robbery, security sources said. Four members of the security forces were wounded.

The Lebanese army cannot enter Palestinian refugee camps in line with a 38-year-old agreement but it had tightened its grip around the camp since <b>authorities charged members of the group with carrying out a twin bus bombings in a Christian area near Beirut that killed three civilians in February.</b>

<b>Fatah al-Islam was formed last year by fighters who broke off from the pro-Syrian Fatah Uprising group.

Lebanese officials say the group is merely a front for Syrian intelligence in Lebanon, something both the group and Syria deny.</b> Fatah al-Islam statements have appeared on Islamist Web sites known to publish al Qaeda statements.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Let us hope Martha Nussbaum won't be using her logic to argue that the twin bus bombings in the christian area near Beirut were in fact merely spontaneous explosion-combustions for which the 'poor innocent' islamoterrorists have wrongly been blamed. Oh wait, that won't happen because the victims here are probably Lebanese <i>Christians</i> and christians are at the top of the Nussbaum's christian hierarchy. Their lives are above salamis, whereas those of 'the Hindoos' are far below that of salamis.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->युवती के अपहरण की सूचना से न्यू फ्रेंड्स कालोनी में सनसनी

नई दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता : न्यू फ्रेंड्स कालोनी इलाके में रविवार की देर रात हिंदू युवक से प्रेम विवाह करने को लेकर नाराज मुसलिम युवती के परिजन उसे जबरन अपने साथ ले गए। युवक तथा युवती दोनों बुलंदशहर के रहने वाले हैं। युवती के परिजनों ने ही उन्हें बातचीत के लिए जाकिर नगर में बुलाया था। युवक तथा उसके दोस्तों द्वारा युवती के अपहरण की सूचना से सकते में आई पुलिस तत्काल घटनास्थल पर पहुंची। लेकिन तब तक परिजन युवती को लेकर जा चुके थे। पुलिस ने इलाके की घेराबंदी कर तलाश शुरू कर दी है। समाचार लिखे जाने तक इस संबंध में मामला दर्ज नहीं हो पाया था। इधर देर रात घटनास्थल पर कवरेज के लिए पहुंचे टीवी चैनल कर्मियों से स्थानीय लोगों ने न केवल मारपीट की, बल्कि उनके कैमरों को भी तोड़ दिया।
  बुलंदशहर निवासी पवन तथा मुसलिम युवती परी ने परिजनों की मर्जी के खिलाफ जाकर प्रेम विवाह कर लिया था। दोनों घर छोड़कर कहीं अलग रह रहे थे। घटना से नाराज युवती के परिजनों ने जब उसे बुलाया तो उसने मना कर दिया। तब परिजनों ने चाल फेंकते हुए दोनों को समझौता करने के लिए दिल्ली में बुलाया। जाकिर नगर गली नंबर 17 में प्रेमी युगल व युवती के परिजनों में बातचीत होनी थी। रविवार शाम पवन अपने कुछ दोस्तों के साथ परी को लेकर जब निर्धारित स्थान पर पहुंचे तो वहां पहले से मौजूद युवती के पिता व अन्य परिजन जबरन उसे कार में डालकर ले गए। पवन व उसके दोस्तों ने घटना की सूचना पुलिस को दी।
  युवती के अपहरण की सूचना पर पुलिस मौके पर पहुंची तो वहां मामला प्रेमी-प्रेमिका का निकला। तत्काल पुलिस ने दिल्ली की सीमाएं सील कर वाहनों की जांच कराई लेकिन सफलता नहीं मिली। माना जा रहा है कि युवती को लेकर परिजन कालिंदी कुंज के रास्ते से नोएडा सीमा में प्रवेश कर गए। समाचार लिखे जाने तक पुलिस पवन व उसके दोस्तों के बयान ले रही थी।

A muslim girl from Bulandshahr, Pari, has converted to Hinduism and married a Hindu man Pavan in Delhi last week. yesterday, parents of the girl invited the couple to come to their relatives house in New Friends Colony area and negotiate. (NFC is in a muslim-dominated neighbourhood and Jamia Milia Islamia university is in its heart.) When the couple went there, the relatives kidnapped the wife and drove away. Police is investigating. (Pavan later told on IBN, that BSP's muslim MLA from BulandShahr with criminal history called him up offering to mediate. He offered that should Pavan convert to Islam, all would be frgiven and the wife would be returned to him.)

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