10-13-2005, 09:43 PM
The Growing AID-India Scandal
10-13-2005, 09:44 PM
Here it is on our front page - Open letter to Sandeep Pandey <!--emo& ![]()
10-14-2005, 12:10 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>AID and ASHA key functionary rejoice as earthquake kills thousands</b> http://www.charitymonitor.com/temp/AID_and..._earthquake.htm I have been reading disturbing reports about the connections of AID and ASHA with violent Communist and sectarian Islamic groups.[1] I have also been reading how AID and ASHA divert funds through Communist outfits. But, I am totally shocked by the kind of discussion which takes place between AID and ASHA bigwigs in tightly controlled AID and ASHA mailing lists. Let the public form their opinions about AID, ASHA and their founders after reading these excerpts.[2] 1.    AID and ASHA key functionary celebrates natural disasters After the recent earthquake destroyed more than 40,000 people in Pakistan and India, here is what a key AID functionary writes: <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>Seems a wonderful year to be busy with community service and lot of opportunities to help people in need. We had an early start with Tsunami, then the rains in Mumbai and floods in AP, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita which kept everyone in US busy and now the present earthquakes in Northern parts of India. How blessed are we to have hands filled with such great opportunities.</b> I remain, Biswanath Gouda[3]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> What is tragedy to the victims of these natural disasters is, it seems, wonderful blessing and opportunity for AID and ASHA leadership. How different are these groups from missionary groups which see disasters as opportunities to convert? I am disgusted. It is sickening to see to what levels people would stoop for political gains. 2. Welcome earthquake! Sandeep Pandey wants to collaborate with Geelani Sandeep Pandey, the founder of ASHA, and whose connections with terrorist groups were recently exposed, writes: <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>dear friends, a groups of volunteers is likely to go to kashmir and we are also trying to see (subject to approval from the pak. govt.) whether another can go to pakistan. talk to SAR Geelani at delhi univ. he too must be doing something towards relief efforts.</b> love, sandeep[4] <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <b>S A R Geelani was suspected of masterminding the terrorist attack on the Indian parliament and tried in the Indian courts. Even though the Supreme Court acquitted him on technical grounds,</b> it took note of Geelaniâs untruthfulness and contradictions and explicitly stated that the needle of suspicion pointed towards Geelani.[5] Why does Sandeep Pandey want to work with a terror suspect, who barely escaped punishment on technical grounds? Did Sandeep Pandey visit the tsunami-devastated regions of South India, Sri Lanka or Indonesia. Why is he so keen on visiting Pakistan? What is his Pakistan connection? 1. AID and the Pakistan connection A mail from Ravi and Aravinda reveals the possible Pakistan connection. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Our volunteers are also contacting the Association for Development of Pakistan (ADP) that formed in the USA 3 years ago, inspired by AID, especially with the help of AID-Boston volunteers. If ADP gets into relief efforts in Pakistan then individuals can considering donating to it.</b> Regards Ravi and Aravinda[6]. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Very soon, AID may come up with a public announcement to raise funds for ADP, which is an offshoot of AID itself! During the tsunami crisis, AID clandestinely diverted funds to the violent Communist group DYFI, and once exposed, hastily deleted references to DYFI on its web pages.[7] Who will ADP, that is AID Pakistan, divert funds to? I read that Jamat ud Dawa, the former Lashkar-e-Tayiba, is active in providing ârelief.â[8] After DYFI, would it be the turn of Jamat ud Dawa? Will the AID bigwigs clarify? 2. Is Kashmir still part of India? ASHA does not think so Lalita Ramdas, reports on behalf of her Pakistani informant: <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->One look at the map tells us that with other roads being blocked or severaly damaaged, one of the logical approaches into <b>Pak administered Kashmir</b> â esp Muzaffarabad - is from the <b>`Indian' side</b> of Kashmir - across the line of Control. Lalita/Lolly Ramdas[9] <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Well, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir becomes Pak administered Kashmir but Indian Kashmir is sandwiched within quotes. In other words, Lalita Ramdas doesnât think that Kashmir belongs to India. Friends, if this is the level of patriotism of ASHA and AID top brass, is this not time for local AID and ASHA chapters to sever all links with their pro-Pakistan leadership? The Indian community which donates to ASHA and AID should be made aware of the true face of these people. Yours truly, AID volunteer (Anonymous) [1] http://www.india-forum.com/articles/46/1/O...-Sandeep-Pandey and http://charitymonitor.com/web/index.php?op...ection&id=11&It emid=40 [2] Emails have been leaked by disgusted AID and ASHA volunteers. All typo errors have been reproduced verbatim from the emails. Necessary portions have been highlighted. [3] Email written at 06:50 PM on October 8, 2005 [4] Email written at Mon, 5:55:37 PM on October 10, 2005 [5] http://www.rediff.com/news/2005/aug/04geelani.htm [6] Email written at 10:31:20 AM on October 8, 2005 [7] http://www.rediff.com/news/2005/jan/03amit3.htm and Version of 30th December, 2004 http://www.geocities.com/aid_india_info/2.pdf and Version of January 4th, 2005 http://www.geocities.com/aid_india_info/1.pdf. [8] http://us.rediff.com/news/2005/oct/10spe...&file=.htm [9] Email forwarded by Sandeep Pandey at 5:50:04 PM on October 10, 2005<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
12-08-2005, 06:14 PM
AID brings out petition opposing slander
12-08-2005, 07:01 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-vijnan_anand+Dec 8 2005, 06:14 PM-->QUOTE(vijnan_anand @ Dec 8 2005, 06:14 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->AID brings out petition opposing slander
http://www.petitiononline.com/signaid [right][snapback]42688[/snapback][/right] <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Seems like they are getting a lot of support.Some of the comments are hilarious. <!--emo&:roll--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ROTFL.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ROTFL.gif' /><!--endemo-->
12-16-2005, 05:35 AM
We all are aware of the "work" done by AID. But very few are aware of the work done by organizations such as Ekal Vidyalaya, which are working hard day and night to eradicate illiteracy from India, without any fanfare or fame.
Within last 10-15 years they have set up nearly 15,000 schools and they are educating 500,000 children. Yes, it is half a million children! They plan to expand and have 100,000 schools. I don't think organizations such as AID and ASHA can even dream of these kinds of numbers. We all want to make ASHA & AID go away one way or another. However stopping contributions to ASHA & AID is not the only way to do that. To effectively finish them we have to support organizations that are doing real work of educating Bharat. Check out two videos of Ekal Vidyalaya work. I will upload more soon. Remember, to make a line smaller, we have an option to draw a bigger line too <!--emo& ![]() Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/?v=9oSomiwKVC0 Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/?v=PYPSEFGLRqI There are tons of more videos. I will upload them soon too. Cheers <!--emo& ![]()
02-20-2006, 02:58 PM
Does anybody have this AID-INDIA and Tamil nadu science forum's "ANTI-Pokhran" day article...
the Google cache seems to be removed. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->scisec ... The most classic and blatant example of this is the "Jai Vigyan" slogan raised after the Pokhran blasts and the declaration of May11th as national technology ... www.aidindia.org/tnsf/ Resources/Gen_Articles/scisec.html - 42k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> bengurion.
06-15-2006, 07:50 PM
<b>AID conference at Columbus, what happened there? Silence on tsunami money.</b>
Strategy: 1. invent names and acronyms. 2.show distribution with same actors having different names. Why is there silence on tsunami money collections? SepiaMutiny's question still remain valid: Do you know what you are funding? http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/archives/000861.html Tsunami? What tsunami? First and last Tsunami relief report of Jeevansathi Balaji Sampath and his glory is dated Jan. 2005 at http://www.aidprojects.org/trac/issue1/2/ Goodwill is NOT enough say tsunami aid workers in Sept. 2005. http://www.phmovement.org/events/tsunamichennai.html See Critique of Rejuvenate India Movement (RIM) by Balaji Sampath at http://www.employees.org/~krishnap/balaj...e_rim.html Balaji Sampath Wins MIT Global Indus Technovator Award January 19, 2006. http://www.ece.umd.edu/News/06_01_19_sampath.html http://survivors.aidindia.org/site/content/view/245/1/ Want to see the list of jeevan-saathi's and saathi's? It is at http://saathi.aidindia.org/new/content/b...ory/17/54/ (Ravi Kuchimanchi and LS Aravinda -- said to be husband-wife team are both jeevan-saathi's; So are Michael Mazgaonkar-Swati Desai a husband-wife team of saathi's.). List of so-called 345 'projects' and 222 'ngos' is at http://www.aidprojects.org/indiamap.asp?cm...0&state_nm=grey Annual budget of ActionaidIndia, secunderabad: Rs. 65 crores http://www.aidprojects.org/ngos-edit.aspx?...gin=guest&id=35 How does ASHA based in San Jose, CA become an NGO of AID? See http://www.aidprojects.org/ngos-edit.aspx?...in=guest&id=224 See Project List of AID India from an apartment in Mumbai, controlled by Kuchimanchi, cost $100666 Add also AID Maharashtra (also controlled by Kuchimanchi): $132422 http://www.aidprojects.org/ngos-edit.aspx?...in=guest&id=234 http://www.aidprojects.org/ngos-edit.aspx?...in=guest&id=170 After all, he is the founder, so he has to control the chunk. Who pays for his travel costs to and fro from Mumbai to USA? Are all travel costs of Jeevansaathi's fully subsidised? Werel these questions asked in the AID Conference in Columbus? (Wondering how Medha Patkar gets her financial support?) See also Ravi Kuchimanchi at Bombay Sarvodaya Friendship Center (coor. Daniel Mazgaonkar; whoever said that saathi is NOT a family affair?) http://www.aidprojects.org/ngos-edit.aspx?...gin=guest&id=85 http://www.aidprojects.org/ngos-edit.aspx?...gin=guest&id=59 Still wonder why all the links are broken at http://peace.aidindia.org/content/category/1/1/49/ <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> What: AID Conference 2006 is on the memorial day weekend (May 27, 28, 29) at Columbus, Ohio. The url is http://conference.aidindia.org/ Why:   We, AIDers in the US have been celebrating Memorial Day weekend, since 1999, as the AID Conference weekend. This is an occasion for all of us, committed towards the goal of a developed India, to get inspired, informed and exchange ideas. Keynote Speeches:  Can be found at http://conference.aidindia.org/content/view/268/181/ Schedule:  Can be found at http://conference.aidindia.org/component/o...per/Itemid,214/ Interactive sessions:  Can be found at http://conference.aidindia.org/content/view/270/184/ I cannot come to Columbus: You can try to catch up on daily updates in the video section at http://conference.aidindia.org/content/view/285/204/ Websites:  Relevant links are    www.aidindia.org (aid website)    www.aidsfbay.org (my chapter)   http://survivors.aidindia.org/site/index.php ( tsunami relief and rehab website)   http://narmada.aidindia.org (narmada campaign website)   http://bhopal.aidindia.org/ (bhopal campaign website)   http://www.aidprojects.org/indiamap.asp (projects page of aid)    http://chennai.aidindia.org/new/ (aid chennai website)       coming together is the beginning.       keeping together is progress.       working together is success. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
08-02-2007, 01:22 PM
Sandeep Pandey's Reply to "Open Letter ..."
---------------------------------------------------- Here is the reply Sandeep Pandey wrote in 2005 itself to the questions posed to him anonymously in "Open Letter ...". While the article "Open Letter ..." has been posted on this India-Forum since 2005, Sandeep Pandey's reply has not been posted, giving the false impression that he chose not to reply -- a charge leveled against him in "Open Letter ...". Can somebody now set this false impression right by attaching this reply from Sandeep Pandey alongside the article "Open Letter ...". Thanks, Rahul ---------------------------- Replies to an âOpen letter to Dr. Sandeep Pandeyâ from an âAnonymous Former AID donorâ. By Sandeep Pandey (written in 2005) 1. Dr. Pandey, who is sponsoring your present tour of the USA? How much expenditure does it incur? Don't you think that the money spent on this tour could have been better used to help poor people in India instead? Ans: My present trip is sponsored by India Friends Association, Indians for Collective Action, individual donations from Asha volunteers, AID and grants from several Universities. Now what this money could have been best spent on is a debatable issue but what I can assure you is that my trip is taking place at the minimum possible expenditure. This trip is giving me an opportunity to explain our work to a lot of people, receive feedback and as a result generate further support for activities back home. 2. Dr. Pandey, you participated in a meeting honoring Naxalites who have murdered law enforcement officers and civilians.[2] CPI-ML, which organized the meet, has also announced in its publication that you attended the meet and called for revolutionary fronts like CPI-ML to unite.[3] You claim to be a Gandhian. Could you please explain how a Gandhian could support Naxalite terrorist organizations? Ans: I support only the pro-poor stands of CPI-ML. Ideologically, I do not support violence and have never instigated violence anywhere. In the meeting that you refer to I had called for unity of Gandhian, Socialist and Left organizations to fight the communal forces. Now, CPI-ML is a political party which participates in parliamentary democracy in India and they even had 7 seats in the last dissolved Bihar assembly. If they are doing anything against the law, the law and order machinery in India will take care of it. In any case, the violence that you are accusing them of indulging in is not by their own choice. I have closely observed once as a journalist for Hindi daily âNabharat Timesâ in Ballia when mostly dalit members of the organization were at the receiving end of violence inflicted on them by powerful Yadav landlord army. I have also met their members in Siwan who have suffered lot of violence at the hands of goons of mafia don Member of Parliament Shahabuddin. Do you remember the young student leader, former President of JNU Studentsâ Union, Chandrashekhar, who was killed while making a speech at an important junction in the heart of Siwan city? Chandrashekahar was an AISA member, which is the student wing of CPI-ML. I work with CPL-ML because they work for poor and are even willing to risk their lives when fighting powerful vested interests. Some of them are very idealistic people. 3. Dr. Pandey, CPI-ML, whose conference you attended, calls for armed revolution and for raising an army.[4] Is it not hypocrisy to claim that you are a Gandhian but still attend CPI-ML conferences that call for armed revolution?[5] How does the violent and fundamentalist ideology of groups like CPI-ML fit into your self-professed Gandhian ideals? Do you wear one mask in front of American donors and volunteers and another in front of violent CPI-ML activists? Ans: I do not support armed revolution. Youâre just picking on one thing â my attending the CPI-ML meeting. Youâre not telling your audience about my direct efforts which involve constructive cooperation with the government authorities in improving the situation for poor people in Hardoi through the right to information movement. Additionally, I attend meetings organized by a number of groups and political parties. I have also addressed a big meeting of Congress Party workers in Jan. 2005. 4. Dr. Pandey, many ASHA donors and volunteers live in America and some are even US citizens. You have called America "the biggest evil power on earth"[6] and "the biggest terrorist state."[7] If so, why do you and ASHA, which you founded, raise funds from the USA? Ans: I distinguish between the policies of American Government of Imperialism and Militarism and the American people. Donât you remember Gandhi was able to distinguish between the British as individual and their policies of domination of India. Youâll be surprised to know that an American citizen James Fassett Carmen walked along with us against Coca Cola from Ballia to Varanasi last year. The American government has killed more number of innocent people all over the world than any single organization. I have American friends who donât have problems with me calling America as the biggest terrorist state. 5. Dr. Pandey, while you have no qualms about calling a democratic state like America terrorist, you have never used such words for real terrorists like the Al Qaeda and Taliban. In fact, you turned into an apologist for Al Qaeda in an interview you gave to a Muslim newspaper in the aftermath of the 9/11 massacre. Even though it had been proven that it was Al Qaeda terrorists who carried out the attacks you claimed that nobody knew who perpetrated the crime.[8] Could you please explain why you chose to whitewash a terrorist crime but didn't take side with American victims? Ans: I do not support any terrorist organization, including Al Qaeda. What I have questioned is the US without providing proof of who was behind the 11/9/2001 incidents went and attacked Afghanistan, killing common citizens of Afghanistan, who obviously had noting to do with the attack in US. I condemn US Government as much as Al Qaeda and sympathize with victims of Afghanistan as much as victims of 11/9. 6. Dr. Pandey, in the same interview, you also expressed support for Kashmiri separatism. But you have never expressed your support for and sympathies with Kashmiri Pandits, who are victims of Islamic terrorism. The entire Kashmiri Pandit community of more than 700,000 was ethnically cleansed from Kashmir and nearly 400,000 of them languish in refugee camps. Why did you not ever support the victims but instead supported the oppressors? Ans: I have again supported victims of violence in Kashmir and no oppressors. These victims could be Hindus or Muslims. What I have said is that the problem of Kashmir must be solved according to the wishes of people of J&K, Hindus and Muslims both. I have been informally approached by some Kashmiri Pandits and may attend any meeting to discuss their issue if invited. 7. Dr. Pandey, the newspaper mentioned above has sympathized with the Taliban.[9] Do you agree with their Taliban sympathies? If not, why would a person like you, who calls himself a Gandhian, disseminate his views through such media channels, implicitly giving them credibility? Ans: These âconclusionsâ are not based on anything I have said or done. I do not support the Taliban and have not presented any articles to their media channels. 8. Dr. Pandey, recently you wrote an opinion editorial for Al Jazeerah, where you demanded the release of an alleged Muslim criminal charged with abducting a woman.[10] Would you please explain why you opted to associate with a media outlet that has openly expressed anti-Semitic hatred and has been credibly accused of being connected to terrorist groups including Al Qaeda? Al Jazeerah has no circulation in India. Yet you chose it among several possible venues to publish your opinion on an issue concerning an alleged petty criminal from India. And perhaps even more surprisingly, Al Jazeerah published your piece. Which audience were you appealing to? What is your connection with Al Jazeerah? Ans: I did not send any article to Al Jazeerah and would like to see the link of such an article. What you refer to is a letter that I had written to Home Secretary of U.P. Government to release my friend Moosa Azmi, which was posted on dailysouthasian@yahoogroups.co.uk. He is not a Muslim criminal. He is part of the National Coalition for Dalit Human Rights and is dedicated to one of the most oppressed communities in our nation. He is a genuine social activist and a colleague who has been to jail with me in Varanasi in the anti-Coca Cola agitation in September 2003. I am surprised that you can call somebody a criminal when you do not even know him. Fortunately, Moosa is out of jail after 33 days and the woman who you claim to have been abducted, who wanted to marry a Dalit man and stayed at Moosaâs place for two days after running away from her home, is now back with her parents. 9. Dr. Pandey, you have participated in several conferences and meetings organized by ASHA and AID in support of Muslim victims of the Gujarat riots. AID and ASHA have never organized any meeting, seminar, conference, or campaign in support of Hindu victims anywhere, but several other groups have organized such events in solidarity with victims of Islamic terrorism in Kashmir. Why have you never participated in or even expressed your support for such events? Do you think Hindu victims do not deserve sympathy? Would you urge ASHA and AID to make amends and sponsor events to express support for the Hindu victims of Islamic terrorism in Kashmir and Bangladesh? Ans: Again you seem to be drawing your own conclusion. Asha has never been the lead organizer of any such meetings though members have participated. If you organize a meeting to support Hindu victims of Islamic terrorism in Kashmir and Bangladesh, I will attend it. While we do not make any distinction between Hindu and Muslim groups, it would behoove you to look at the communities supported through Asha projects. (www.ashanet.org) 10. Dr. Pandey, as mentioned above, ASHA and AID have never sponsored an event in support of Hindu victims of terrorism and ethnic cleansing. But they have sponsored extremely sectarian events in association with groups such as the Indian Muslim Council USA (IMC-USA).[11] One of the key speakers in one such convention was Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi who founded the banned Islamic terrorist organization, Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).[12] Would you be willing to publicly state that ASHA and AID should not associate with such organizations? Ans: I do not have any role to play in the decision making of Asha and AID in US. Asha functions in a decentralized manner with local chapters free to take decisions about their involvement in any event. We do not work with any sectarian organization, Hindu or Muslim. 11. Dr. Pandey, would you be willing to ask ASHA and AID to co-sponsor events with Hindu organizations like the Ramakrishna Mission, Sathya Sai Organization, and ISKCON Bangalore which do exceptional charitable work all over India and serves poor people everywhere without regard to religion, caste, or language? Ans: Iâll work with any organization doing constructive work for the betterment of humanity. Our only condition is that they should not be communal, i.e., they should not spread hatred against any other community. In Ayodhya I work with mostly Hindus, Sadhus and Saints, to ensure that the Ram temple issue is not used by organizations seeking political power by exploiting peopleâs religious sentiments and that the peace and harmony of Ayodhya is preserved. I have worked closely with people like Swami Agnivesh, and Acharya Satyendra Das, the chief priest of RamLalla Mandir, Ayodhya (the site of the proposed Ram Temple). 12. Dr. Pandey, last but not the least, do you unequivocally and without reservation denounce Communist and Islamic terrorism? Will you publicly denounce Communist and Islamic terrorist organizations? Ans: I denounce terrorism. But I support the Communist Parties in India because they raise the issues of poor people and for them the issues are more important than merely political power. They certainly have more integrity than the right wing Hindutva groups who are merely interested in political power. The BJP went back on all its commitments, including that of âSwadeshiâ when it was in power. 13. Dr. Pandey, during the tsunami fund raiser, AID channeled funds through the Democratic youth Federation of India (DYFI), the youth wing of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), which has been implicated for fomenting violence.[13] The AID website also reported this. However, when the news became public, and people started to express reservation over AID's funding of communist outfits like DYFI, AID started removing the references to the diversion from its website.[14] Do you think what AID did was ethical? Would you publicly condemn AID for diverting charity funds to outfits that engage in violence? Ans: DYFI is the youth wing of CPM, which is a party in power in West Bengal and has an important role to play in the running of the UPA Government. I personally have no problem in working with DYFI. Today on University campuses of India Left groups are the only idealistic groups who stick to any principles at all. Rest of the political groups resort to money and muscle power to maneuver their way in politics. ----------------------------------------- END OF SANDEEP PANDEY's REPLY ---------------------------------------------- <!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Sep 22 2005, 06:18 PM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Sep 22 2005, 06:18 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->To: Westin Hotel Patrons We, patriotic citizens of America and friends of America, object to Westin Hotel at Santa Clara in California hosting a sympathizer of a known terrorist group on Oct 2, 2005 and will boycott Westin Hotel if the event is not cancelled. Sandeep Pandey, who is scheduled to be felicitated at the event, has repeatedly called America "the biggest evil power on earth"[1] and "the biggest terrorist state."[2] Sandeep Pandey is a sympathizer of the violent Naxalite group, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation (CPI-ML), which calls for an armed revolution and for raising an army.[3] He has been a delegate at the convention of this group honoring the "comrade martyrs", a euphemism for terrorists killed by police when they attempted violent actions on civilians.[4] The US Department of State has listed certain Naxalite groups as terror groups for their use of violence to achieve their ends.[5] All Naxalite groups have the same root and are merely various factions of the parent group. Most of the time, they break away and rename themselves in order to evade the State Department's 'terrorist' tag. CPI-ML has gratefully acknowledged the support of Sandeep Pandey.[6] Sandeep Pandey has repeatedly expressed solidarity with violent terrorists, who massacre civilians and law enforcement officials by blowing them up with landmines.[7] Sandeep Pandey has stressed "the need of unity of revolutionary Communist organizations like CPI-ML."[8] Patriotic Americans around the country and well-wishers of America from other democracies object to Westin Hotel hosting a supporter of violent Communist groups and demand that Westin Hotel immediately withdraw permission to use its facilities. If Westin Hotel refuses to withdraw permission, we will boycott Westin Hotel in future. We also urge all those who care for America and our values to call 888-625-5144 and cancel your reservations at Westin if you have made any plans to stay with them. God Bless America! Land of the Free! Home of the Brave! References: [1] http://www.milligazette.com/Archives/2004/...200434.ht\ m [2] http://www.blonnet.com/bline/2002/09/05/st...90502790300.htm [3] http://www.cpiml.org/pgs/partyprogram/prog.htm [4] http://www.rediff.com/news/2002/nov/15naxal.htm [5] http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2003/31759.htm [6] http://www.cpiml.org/liberation/year_2003/...ary/feature.htm [7] http://www.cpiml.org/liberation/year_200...ary/up.htm [8] http://www.cpiml.org/liberation/year_2003/...ary/feature.htm Sincerely, The Undersigned http://www.petitiononline.com/no2naxal/petition.html [right][snapback]38742[/snapback][/right] <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
08-02-2007, 07:04 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->While the article "Open Letter ..." has been posted on this India-Forum since 2005, Sandeep Pandey's reply has not been posted, giving the false impression that he chose not to reply -- a charge leveled against him in "Open Letter ...". <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Can you tell us as to when was Sandeep Pandey's reply to 'Open Letter...' sent to India-Forum by either Sandeep Pandey or any Asha/AID official? By email or as a post in this forum? While it can't confirmed that you are Mr Pandey or posting it on behalf of ASHA or AID, we'll let your post stand as is and members of IF or author of 'Open Letter..' can respond if need be. Also, <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sandeep Pandey's reply has not been posted, giving the false impression that he chose not to reply<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Please, India-Forum did not prevent Sandeep Pandey from responding on a dozen plus websites owned and operated by ASHA, AID, India Friends Association, Indians for Collective Action etc.
08-02-2007, 08:04 PM
SO now Sandeep Pandey is confirming everything that ASHA, AID, India Friends Association, Indians for Collective Action are linked or part of Communist/Naxalist and they are happy to work with DYFI. So Pandey work for Communist and fooling innocent students in US.
08-02-2007, 10:50 PM
I wonder why the good Dr. Pandey did not use "People's Liberation", the official weekly of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) to publish his reply. His good Comrades Vijay Prashad and Biju Matthew do....
Anyway, I am so glad to read his clarifications. A self-described Communist supporter, and proud of it. The great man is honest about his numerous convictions. Interesting to see his close links to the Marxist-Leninist (now called Maoist) wing of the Communist Party, aka "Naxalites". <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> DONATE TO ASHA. SUPPORT WORLD COMMUNISM <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Since, as Dr. Pandey implies so clearly, their motto is <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Rob the Rich and Feed the Poor And We ARE the Poor <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> I am so glad that IndiaForum is enabling such an honest airing of Comrade Pandey's views. (sorry, real Comrades should not use capitalist prefixes like "Dr". or "Gen." or "Saint") |
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