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Media In India/elsewhere -2
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->There are number of NRI businessmen with develop India focus<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Till there is no profit, it is difficult to get penny out of anyone.
We tried to raise fund for couple of very serious current issues, Let me tell you, it is/was impossible task. Even amount was very low (100K).
TOI is very difficult to break, 4-5 years back someone tried to take over. 7-8 years back TOI was really in Toilet but they came up with novel idea, now news in TOI are paid by source/ vested parties.

TOI is now grand ad paper.

When Ambani tried dry run, they paid more than double to staff, lot of people from HT,IE and TOI joined Ambani's "Times".
4-5 years back lot of people joined media houses in China, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Good people had left these newspapers, now JNU is directly marching to all these houses.

In India, regional paper in regional language is more effective or audio/visual version.

Visual and Audio leave long lasting effect.
Muppalla: I believe in one of the Koreas - (has to be South, can't imagine L'll Kim allowing it in North), someone started an online newspaper/media type website called 'Oh my news' or something along the lines. It was a media outlet with content driven by citizen contribution. It played a crucial part in changing outcome of a national election in '03 or '04. See if there's a case study on this, post here if you find it. I'll look do the same. Others can pitch in too.
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Sep 15 2007, 02:51 PM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Sep 15 2007, 02:51 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Muppalla: I believe in one of the Koreas - (has to be South, can't imagine L'll Kim allowing it in North), someone started an online newspaper/media type website called 'Oh my news' or something along the lines. It was a media outlet with content driven by citizen contribution. It played a crucial part in changing outcome of a national election in '03 or '04. See if there's a case study on this, post here if you find it. I'll look do the same. Others can pitch in too.


I still have to search for case study.

<b>It is more important that what we write in BR and IF is available in all the local Indian languages to make the people at large aware of real India as compared to the drivel that is reaching them.</b>

We need to find a biz model to defeat DDM. Whether we can get investments can be looked into afterwards. a Business model based on passion will definitely bring dividends.

M.K. Gandhi united Indians to rise against foreign rule. LKA united sleeping Hindus to rise and know their glorious past using Ram temple movement. We need some Unknowns to unite Indians at large to destroy the DDM otherwise ours and future generations are getting consumed by the drivel.
It was South Korea. Not sure whether we can do it in India, South Korea never blocked information, Indian Government is Third Reich in different bottle, they will block IP in India or send legal notice as the did for some bloggers.
TOI and HT used legal bogus clause to suppress other online news provider.
Rediff before HT took over, went through lot of problem with media mafia.
Even some idioits tried some stunts with India-forum

With capitalization, Babus are losing their power, there status will be like what we see in US or South Korea, which is zilch, and no one give them any hoot. Babu and media mafia nexus is a major problem.

Beware of al-Qaeda, but equally beware of al-Qaeda watchers.
(Copyright 2004 B Raman.)
From BRaman's piece above:

7.Unfortunately, in India, there is an uncritical fascination for foreign analysts----particularly Western. The case of Alexis Debat is a wake-up call for our analysts not to let themselves be misled by this new crop of Al Qaeda watchers. By all means read them, if you have the time, but don't be carried away by them. Use your own knowledge and insights from the Indian experience and use your own judgement.

Very right, Sir. Indians have lost their self-confidence on a lot of issues. Fascination for Gori Chamdi has gotten the Vatican-agenda-*itch's party into power..

Wake up, India!!!

Misinformation by media can greatly damage society: Jaiswal

Mount Abu (Raj), Sept. 24 (PTI): Asking journalists to engage themselves in responsible and "solution-oriented" work, Union Minister of State for Home, Sriparakash Jaiswal, has said any misinformation or suppression of truth by the media can cause great damage to society.

"Pursuit of profit has become a priority in almost all professions and media is no exception. But in the greater interest of the country and its citizens, let monetary consideration do not dilute media's responsibility for social uplift," he said.

Jaiswal, after inaugurating a three-day All-India Media Conference organised by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya here Saturday, also spoke on people's expectation for proper guidance from mass media in matters of public interest.

"The act of misinformation and suppression of truth by the media could cause great damage to peace, health, harmony, hope and happiness of the people and the society," he said.

Jyoti Basu hits out at media

Santanu Banerjee | New Delhi

Embarrassed by the media interpretation of the recent 'pro-nuclear energy' statement of Marxist patriarch Jyoti Basu and West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, the CPI(M) has undertaken a damage control exercise and said the support for nuclear energy was not same as favouring the India-US nuclear deal.

Coinciding with CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat's clarification on Saturday that the party was "not averse to self-reliance in nuclear power but against any pact with the US on this issue," party's mouthpiece Ganashakti began an aggressive campaign against media for trying to portray that the CPI(M) was a house divided on the India-US nuclear deal.

"The party will not function by newspaper directives," was the lead in Ganashakti of September 22, quoting Basu.

Interestingly, in the report Jyoti Basu himself refuted the argument that support for nuclear power was same support of the India-US civil nuclear agreement.

"The support for nuclear energy self-reliance should not equate with the support for nuclear deal with US," he said.

Another report in the paper questioned media's alleged closeness with the policy-makers of Capitol Hill.
<span style='color:red'>
The paper quoted an India-based former CIA agent Johan Smith's memoirs which said: "American officials or CIA representatives decide what they (most of the Indian newspapers and reporters) should write. There are several newspapers and reporters in India who abide by US officials' directives."</span>

Bhattacharjee's loud thinking with the business leaders in Kolkata has caused deep embarrassment to the State party leadership.

Left insiders feel Bhattacharjee's 'pro-nuclear statements and his remarks that he did not approve of blind Americanism,' may come up for discussion in the Politburo and central committee meeting, which will begin in Kolkata from September 28.

Importantly, some of the Left leaders had sought clarifications on Bhattacharjee's statements from Karat when they recently had had a brief meeting the day they confabulated together before the UPA-Left committee on nuclear deal met last week

While both the Politburo and the Central committee are expected to examine the prospect of a strategy for a mid-term general elections and how to dissociate the party from the Congress-led UPA's 'anti-poor policies' besides strategies to combat Government imposed polls when not many, particularly West Bengal Government, are not exactly ready for an election.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The paper quoted an India-based former CIA agent Johan Smith's memoirs which said: "American officials or CIA representatives decide what they (most of the Indian newspapers and reporters) should write. There are several newspapers and reporters in India who abide by US officials' directives."
No surprise here, I can list known agent, start from PMO Barua, SInghvi, Shekhar Gupta .......
<b>Modi vs English media sepoys</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Rajdeep Sardesai that other grinning twit, also came dressed cartoon-like in a saffron kurta to interview Modi at a Hindustan Times sponsored leadership summit, hoping to draw appreciative guffaws from his followers and seeking to put on display his Nominal Hinduism. A frothing Sardesai instead got ripped by an astute Modi, who managed to keep his cool despite Sardesai repeatedly waving his pen very near Modi’s face.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Don't know if this got posted already.
Trashy anti-Hindu English-language 'Indian' media - doesn't care about a kid being terrorised. Instead, resorts to spinning a caste fable (ignoring the actual plight of victim in favour of Big Story/Big Lie) - until it got caught in the lie:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The great joke that is Indian media - part 3
Posted on June 16, 2007 by B Shantanu
Courtesy Barbanindian, here is Part - III in the “great joke that is Indian media” series.

It mentions another piece of remarkably sloppy reporting by <b>CNN-IBN</b>. Excerpts:
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->“This morning they ran another sob story, a Dalit boy mercilessly beaten up by lawyers. Not only that, he was tied up to a tree and his head tonsured in full public view. Well, guess what? the perp turned out to be the boy’s own relative, hence another Dalit.

Not only that, the “boy” is apparently 22-year old.

I guess someone must have pointed it out, because a few hours later the story was edited to take out Dalit from the headline and body of the story.”<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->


Read part 1 and part 2 here…and while on the subject of media, also have a look at “Barkha Dutt Ko Gussa Kyon Aata Hai?“, courtesy PrudentIndian.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Oh, it's CNN IBN - the baptist media. Christolying is natural for them, and comes out regularly too.
Uma Khurana, a teacher in a Delhi school,who was subjected to public humiliation due to the so called investigative journalism has at last been exonerated. The Delhi police after investigation has finally reported to the Court that there is no evidence of any criminal activity or wrong doing on the part of this teacher.
Howver, the cases registered against all the conspirators will continue. I feel the misuse of the right to freedom of speech and expression by all the conspirators in this particular case need to be given severe punishment so that others think twice before doing such things.

Another case of investigative journalism has caused a minor political storm, which may gather momentum in the future. This relates to allegation that Gujarat CM extended support to the rioters in Gujarat. Let us see if it an any way affects the fortunes of Shri Modi in the next elections in the State.
Worth a read:
Fake Stings and Secular Games
Tehelka sting
Fake but accurate?
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Oct 31 2007, 11:26 PM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Oct 31 2007, 11:26 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Worth a read:
Fake Stings and Secular Games
Tehelka sting
Fake but accurate?
[right][snapback]74718[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Have a strange feeling. What if Congressis and their helpers figured that Modi getting re-elected this time might be inevitable. But, wanting to make the major win in 2009, they can't bother trying to govern better since they intend on sending India into the gutter anyway.
The only way they can get elected is to pull-down the opposition, and the congressi card has always been to stoke communalism. In this case: making the conditions in Gujarat such that communalism comes to a boiling point for when Modi gets reelected (so they can pin another riot situation on Modi, to be used against him and the BJP in 2009). Even the psecular congressis know communal actions always start on islami side, as it's impossible to get Hindus to pick a fight. (Islamis already go off spontaneously at regular intervals; so then all that needs to be done is to just wind up them toy jihadi soldiers when the psecular media and their congress bosses require it.) Then this Tehelka Op would merely be to incense the already heady islami jihadis in Gujarat, rest of India and, of course, their cavalry - the TSP infiltrators. After all, nothing is as predictable as the islamic jihadi who will bite the bait faster than Testy Teesta can say 'camera, action'. Once that ball is rolling, the rest of the bloody movie - though a little less easy to script beforehand because Hindu response is usually unpredictable (which is why the precipitated islami action must be ultraviolent to get Hindus to do anything) - can be edited later to make it fit their intended screenplay.
Then, as before, Congress can count on the US and ISI help. US and the media will provide the international condemnation (their headlines are ready: Hindooooootva); ISI will provide the backup, contact network and logistics to the Indian islamis. Come 2009, Congress hopes to be back behind the reins so they can do their master's bidding. WitSSel will already be preparing to crash the next California Textbook party; Sonia would be preparing her oscar acceptance speech; and the US would already spellchecked their editorials on how their crown prince Rahul has won Indian hearts through the sheer KKKarisma of the Gandhi dynasty.

Nasty feeling.
<i>U. Narayana Das</i>
TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/33bofh
Tarun Tejpal's ripping-off painters?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The <b>Delhi </b> <span style='color:red'>(not Gujarat)</span> High Court has summoned Tehelka editor-in-chief Tarun Tejpal and his sister Neena Tejpal in a case filed by well-known painter Raghu Vyas seeking damages of Rs one crore for allegedly infringing his copyright of one of his paintings.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Spenta Productions | THE TRUTH BEHIND ‘300’

For many Iranians the cinematic movie '300' may come as a shocking revelation. But to those of us who came up through America's school system, the 'Battle of Thermopylae,' which is what the movie '300' is based on, is as familiar as George Washington's fabled "cherry tree" episode.

The Battle of Thermopylae was of course written by the classical Greek author, Herodotus, who lived in the Persian city of Halicarnassus. His book, 'The Histories' became part of Western folklore only recently. It was not until about 1850 that America embraced Herodotus as the leading authority on Persian history.

Before 1850, however, the West had a very favorable impression of the Persian Empire. That's because the West's main source for Persian history was the Bible and the 'Cyropaedia,' written by another Greek author named Xenophon.

But the Cyropaedia glorified the monarchy of Cyrus The Great, and in the wake of two bloody revolutions fought by America and France to liberate themselves from their own monarchies, a major campaign began, around the mid 19th century, to promote democracy throughout the rest of Europe, and Herodotus was the perfect propaganda tool.

Herodotus was a democratic groupie and was quickly ushered in as the "Father Of History." Around 1850, his 'Battle Of Thermopylae' came to symbolize the West's struggle for democracy against the powerful forces of Persia's monarchy.

The story is easy to buy into: 300 brave Spartans saved Western democracy from 2.7 million evil Persians. But aside from the fanciful numbers which need decimal-point adjustments, this whimsical tale has far graver consequences than a mere biased account of history.

The 'Battle Of Thermopylae' has been the single most powerful wedge, which has divided East and West for over 2 millennia. In a time when East and West should be reconciling their differences, along comes the movie '300' to drive that wedge even deeper.

What is most disturbing about this movie is not that it lacks historical accuracy. It is not that Xerxes, the Grandson of Cyrus The Great and loving husband of Esther, is shown as an oversized drag queen. It is not even the outdated racist cliché of casting the Persians as Africans and the Spartans as white, blue-eyed 'Chippendale dancers,' when in reality the roles may well have been reversed.

What is so distressing about this movie is the realization of the tremendous power Hollywood wields in determining a people's identity. It is the same nightmare Native Americans endured during the whole 'cowboy-movie' genre.

But for those who are quick to dismiss '300' as a fleeting fantasy flick aimed at the insignificant, 17 to 24 year-old male video-gamer, think again. First there was Alexander, now '300,' next could well be the 'Battle Of Marathon,' another one of Herodotus's glowing accounts of ancient Persia.

Herodotus is accepted blindly by virtually all Western demographics. Even the New York Times is not immune. Here is how it described the Persians in its April 20, 2004 issue about the Battle Of Marathon:

"the defeat of a ruthless state (Persia) that had enslaved much of the known world from the Balkans to the Himalayas."
- William J. Broad,   
(NY Times)   

<img src='http://www.spentaproductions.com/images/Achaemenid_Empire_Map_550.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Persian Empire Cyrus The Great

"the ancient Greeks defeated the Asian invaders (Persia) and saved Europe in what scholars call one of the first great victories of freedom over tyranny"
- William J. Broad,   
(NY Times)   

What stretches the limits of hypocrisy is that there isn't a single shred of archeological evidence that the Persians ever owned slaves. Yet we know that slavery was an integral cornerstone of Greek society. Aristotle's manifesto even sanctions it. Persia, which was once a haven for runaway slaves from Egypt, Greece, and later Rome, is today branded as a slave-hungry empire by cultures which were built on slavery!

What makes Herodotus's propaganda so difficult to refute is that it is peppered with facts. But in reality, it is a desperate diatribe. Perhaps his biggest ploy is his attempt to equate democracy with freedom. These two words are used virtually interchangeably throughout his book. And the West has swallowed it hook-line-and-sinker.

But America's founding fathers knew better. They implemented many safeguards to protect freedom from the pitfalls that mired Athenian democracy. Even Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others which have been tried."

Democracy may well be the best form of government. But what makes America great is not so much democracy, as it is its Bill Of Rights. And this is exactly what made Persia Great. Democracy can often lead to tyranny by the majority as was the case in democratic Athens, where women, slaves and foreigners did not have the right to vote.

In monarchic Persia, however, women enjoyed a level of gender equality unmatched even to this day, and slavery was not practiced. The fact is, Persia's monarchy was more free than Athens' democracy, all because of Persia's Bill Of Rights.

No one exemplifies Persia's freedom better than Herodotus himself. He describes Athens as the bastion of freedom, yet he chose to live in Persia. Xenophon, on the other hand, who actually lived in Athens, reminisces enviously about the monarchy of Cyrus The Great.

Herodotus claims Persia had enslaved most of the known world, yet we know Herodotus was not a slave. He traveled freely throughout the empire, openly criticizing it.

Why did Herodotus not live in Greece? Because Persia - the empire he is so quick to demonize - afforded him the very freedom to publish his scathing report of it. People want to live where their god-given rights are protected, regardless of whether its democratic or monarchic.

These god-given rights were first drafted into law by the founder of the Persian empire, Cyrus The Great. In fact, ancient Persia may well have served as the blue print for America's Bill Of Rights. Both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the architects of America's Constitution, were great admirers and owned several copies of Xenophon's Cyropaedia.

Today, no other country resembles ancient Persia as closely as does the United States. If any country should sympathize with, rather than celebrate, Persia's quagmire in Greece, it is the United States. Few events in history mirror America's war on terror as closely as Persia's war on Greece.

The Greeks had been carrying out terrorist attacks on Persian holdings for years. They had attacked Persian cities, set fire to Persian temples, disrupted key trade routes, and pirated merchant ships crossing the Bosphorus. They incited rebellions inside Persian provinces, but perhaps most abhorrent to the Persians was the ease by which the Greeks broke their treaties and betrayed Persia's trust.

Rather than resort to violence, however, Persia tried to keep the Greeks in check by financially supporting Greek politicians who were "pro-Persian," much the same way America fights its proxy wars. But what finally triggered Persia's wrath was an act rarely mentioned in the West, though well documented, even by Herodotus (7:11).

Persia's 9/11:

In 498 BCE, Athens carried out a terrorist attack on Sardis, a major Persian city, which made 9/11 seem like child's play. Aristagoras, an Athenian, set fire to the "outlying parts" of Sardis trapping most of its population "in a ring of fire." (Herodotus 5:101)

More innocent civilians died at the hands of Aristagoras than Osama bin Laden could ever hope to kill. And just as most of the world supported America's retaliation against Al Qaeda, so did it rally in support of Persia's attack on Athens.

The Spartans were not even targets of Persia's attack, until they violated a universal protocol by killing a Persian messenger who Herodotus claims was asking for Sparta's submission but in reality was probably sent by Persia's king, Xerxes to convey the same message America sent to the entire world after 9/11: "you're either with us, or against us."

The Spartans were Greek Jihadists who lived only to die. They were by all accounts ruthless savages who murdered Greek slaves known as "Helots" just for sport, cultivated a culture of thievery and rape, and practiced infanticide, as the movie '300' rightly points out in its opening scenes. Sparta was not even democratic. It was an oligarchy at best. Despite knowing all this, the West continues to hail the Spartans as the saviors of Western democracy.

Yes, the Spartans died fighting a foreign invader. But so do countless terrorists. Yet few would consider them "good guys." Those who do are then not much different from Westerners who cheer for the Spartans.

Persia was drawn into a protracted war against terror, much the same way the U.S. was. Cheering for the Spartans merely because they were underdogs, is like cheering for Osama bin Laden today.

The Power Of Film:

History is no longer written by the victors, it is written by filmmakers. Most minority groups in America have come to realize this fact and are quick to bankroll films that communicate their stories to the rest of the world. Perhaps the movie '300' was a necessary wake-up call for the Iranian/Persian community to support responsible filmmakers, who report history with honesty and integrity.

Alex Jovy's epic movie about Cyrus The Great could have done wonders for the Iranian image (www.chahayagroup.com). But Alex Jovy's movie today sits idle due lack of money. My documentary film about Cyrus The Great has languished for a mere want of $400,000 (www.spentaproductions.com/cyruspreview.htm).

Iranians are the most affluent minority group in America. If they set their mind to it, they could set the historical record straight virtually overnight. Until then, their history will be written by the likes of Zack Snyder.

Cyrus Kar<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Rob Ager's Video Analysis of Kubrick's The Shining:

two parts (part 2 contains the political analysis):
part 1
part 2

<b>Warning</b>: very disturbing and graphic images

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Western Genocide, Symbolism in "The Shining"</b>

Another interesting analysis: http://www.drummerman.net/shining/essays.html

<b>American paradise built on dead indians. This movie could also be referring to western (more specifically Anglo) crimes in Asia or Africa.</b>

Of course, you know there's two sides to the story. But Kubrick presents some interesting symbolism and cryptic ideas.

Question: Do westerners overlook (The Overlook Hotel) thier past? Are westerners trying repress the truth about thier past?

'White man's burden' of imperialism is a variation of 'the great commission for evangelization' found in Christianity.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Create pro-Hindu media to save Hindus & Bharat

November 10, 2007

By J.G. Arora

Why are Hindus so self-effacing that they follow the agenda set by anti-Hindus and act against their own interests? The tragedy is that most Hindus are self-alienated by Macaulayan education and brain-washed by anti-Hindu media.

In the recorded history of thousands of years, Hindus have never been disgraced so much as at present; and have never felt as vulnerable as now. Religion is a matter of faith. But in September 2007, Hindu-bashing achieved new heights when the Union Government’s affidavit filed before the Supreme Court claimed that Ram and Ram Sethu, sacred symbols of Hindu faith, never existed. This affidavit attacked the very foundations of Hindu faith.

Though the affidavit was withdrawn after protests, the government’s contempt for Hindu sentiments had been affirmed. This shame heaped on Hindus is the latest of such insults and is a part of anti-Hindu forces’ design to demolish hinduism the way other native religions and cultures have been destroyed elsewhere.

This affidavit would never have been filed if truncated Bharat had been proclaimed a Hindu republic in 1947 as a natural outcome of India’s Partition on religious basis and creation of Pakistan as demanded by Muslims. And why cannot there be a Hindu Bharat when the world has over a hundred Christian and 57 Muslim countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, which used to be Hindu lands?

Why are Hindus so self-effacing that they follow the agenda set by anti-Hindus and act against their own interests? The tragedy is that the most Hindus are self-alienated by Macaulayan education and brain-washed by anti-Hindu media.

Truncated India i.e. Bharat should have re-asserted itself after 1947. Instead, fake ‘secularism’ which implies ‘anti-Hinduism’ has seized and ruined the Hindus.

Genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir, infiltration of countless Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators bent upon creating one more Muslim country on Bharat’s soil, global missionary organisations Christianising India, government control over Hindu temples whereas no mosque or church is covered by such control, special privileges to non-Hindus under Article 30, special rights to Muslim majority Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370, and provision of Haj subsidy though none of 57 Islamic countries gives any such subsidy are just some of secular oddities of India.

Anti-Hindu media

In any democracy, media is the most potent weapon of attack and shield of defence. In India, most of the mainstream print and electronic media are controlled by compulsive anti-Hindus who masquerade as secularists. Though media is supposed to guard national interests, most of the Indian media is an ally of various anti-Hindu outfits, and has a similar anti-Hindu agenda.

This media is denigrating and distorting Hinduism, demonising Hindus, spreading misinformation about Hindu scriptures and dividing Hindu society on caste-basis though based on Vedas hinduism does not permit any caste system. It is also distorting history.

The editorials, articles and general treatment of news in most newspapers are anti-Hindu. Media suppresses and censors Hindu perspective on every event and displays its anti-Hindu slant. Same anti-Hindu agenda is visible in many television channels.

For mainstream media, genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir are no news whereas Gujarat riots which started after Hindu rail passengers were torched at Godhra are always in the news. Hindus killed in Sabarmati Express do not matter for media; nor do victims of terrorism evoke any sympathy.

Similarly, the late Pope John Paul II’s call to convert Asia to Christianity given in New Delhi in 1999 created no outrage in anti-Hindu media. Conversion of Hindus to Christianity by fraud and inducement creates no ripples.

Most of the media supports divisive Sachar Commission report and Muslim reservation in government jobs though reservation on religious grounds is unconstitutional and though there can be no Muslim reservation after the creation of Pakistan as demanded by Muslims.

Demographic invasion

Shockingly, media is silent about Pak-Bangla design to plant one more Muslim country on Indian soil by planned infiltration of countless terrorists and crores of their nationals. To prevent the creation of more Pakistans on Indian soil in future, one must remember how Pakistan was created.

Though even Will Durant, the American historian, calls Muslim rule in India as the bloodiest story in history, media paints a rosy picture of Muslim rule in India.

Entire Indian sub-continent used to be Hindu land with zero Muslim population till 711 when Muhammad bin Qasim’s Arab army attacked Sindh. Hindus lost Afghanistan in 987, and present day Pakistan and Bangladesh to Muslims in 1947. While Hindus fought bravely to defend their religion and motherland, they lost millions of lives and saw destruction of thousands of temples during the repeated Muslim attacks for a thousand years.

After overthrow of Muslim rule, India was under the British from 1857 to 1947. Formed in 1906, Muslim League demanded Pakistan for Muslims in 1940. On March 23, 1940, Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented his ‘two nations theory’ stressing that Hindus and Muslims belonged to two different religions and civilisations; and were two separate nations and could never live together in one country; and demanded Pakistan, a separate country for Muslims, comprising of Muslim majority areas in India.

In 1945-46 elections, Muslims voted for creation of Pakistan. In 1947, the Muslims got a third of Bharat’s land as Pakistan.

Natural consequence of creation of Pakistan should have been the declaration of truncated Bharat as a Hindu republic and exchange of population as demanded by Muslim League. This would have been the permanent settlement of Hindu-Muslim conflict. However, though most Hindus and Sikhs have been driven out from Pakistan and Bangladesh, most of Indian Muslims who had demanded Pakistan and exchange of population did not go to Pakistan. Rather, the present percentage of Muslim population in India is much higher than that in 1947.

And to plant one more Islamic country on Indian soil, Pak-Bangla combine has sent crores of infiltrators into India during the last many years.

Despite the Supreme Court’s judgements delivered on July 12, 2005 and December 5, 2006 to deport infiltrators, the government has taken no follow-up action in this regard. Rather, the government’s policy of soft borders is inviting more infiltrators every day.

Unfortunately, media is silent when Bharat is being hammered and grabbed by Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators.

“Uttishth Bharat” (Get up Bharat)

Since history warns that advanced civilisations were attacked and defeated when they became too soft and lost the will to fight, the most crucial concern for worldwide Hindu society now should be the survival of hinduism and Hindu civilisation.

It is deplorable that though there are numerous countrywide daily newspapers and television channels promoting anti-Hinduism in the name of secularism, there is no all-India daily newspaper or television channel projecting Hindu concerns. As a result, Hindu concerns remain suppressed; and the writers, journalists and activists defending Hindu interests remain like warriors without weapons.

Since most Hindus have been de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education and brain-washed by anti-Hindu media, only pro-Hindu mass media will awaken, unite and strengthen Hindu society. It will educate Hindus about Hindu religion, Hindu heritage and Hindu history; and make them pro-active to save hinduism and Bharat. Besides, it will liberate Hindus from sham secularism.

Pro-Hindu media will restore Hindu self-esteem and fighting spirit. It will expose the lies of terrorist friendly media, and debunk deceptions like multi-culturalism, Aryan invasion theory and the so-called caste system.

This media will also help to create a genuinely secular political party which would give justice to all and appease none. It will help to remove enactments and laws which discriminate against Hindus. It will liberate Bharat from countless terrorists and crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators bent upon creating one more Muslim country on Bharat’s soil.

Helped by this weapon, hinduism and Hindu civilisation will survive and prevail. Accordingly, all pro-Hindu organisations, individuals and Hindu social and religious leaders all over the globe should do their utmost to create the all-India pro-Hindu daily newspapers and television channels at the earliest.

This is the only way to save hinduism and Hindu identity of Bharat.

As per Kathopnishad, “Uttishthta jaagrta praapya varaan nibodhat” (Arise, awake, and do not stop till the goal is achieved). When pro-Hindu mass media is in place, no government will ever question the existence of Bhagwan Ram and Ram Sethu.

(The author is former Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and can be contacted at jgarora@vsnl.net)

Source: organiser.com

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->VIEW: Karl Popper to Karl Rove — and back —George Soros

It is possible to inoculate the public against false arguments by arousing resentment against Orwellian Newspeak. What is needed is a concerted effort to identify the techniques of manipulation — and to name and shame those who use them

In his novel 1984, George Orwell chillingly described a totalitarian regime in which all communication is controlled by a Ministry of Truth and dissidents are persecuted by political police. The United States remains a democracy governed by a constitution and the rule of law, with pluralistic media, yet there are disturbing signs that the propaganda methods Orwell described have taken root here.

Indeed, techniques of deception have undergone enormous improvements since Orwell’s time. Many of these techniques were developed in connection with the advertising and marketing of commercial products and services, and then adapted to politics. Their distinguishing feature is that they can be bought for money. More recently, cognitive science has helped to make the techniques of deception even more effective, giving rise to political professionals who concentrate only on “getting results.”

These professionals take pride in their accomplishments, and may even enjoy the respect of an American public that admires success no matter how it is achieved. That fact casts doubt on Karl Popper’s concept of open society, which is based on the recognition that, while perfect knowledge is unattainable, we can gain a better understanding of reality by engaging in critical thinking.

Popper failed to recognise that in democratic politics, gathering public support takes precedence over the pursuit of truth. In other areas, such as science and industry, the impulse to impose one’s views on the world encounters the resistance of external reality. But in politics the electorate’s perception of reality can be easily manipulated. As a result, political discourse, even in democratic societies, does not necessarily lead to a better understanding of reality.

The reason democratic politics leads to manipulation is that politicians do not aspire to tell the truth. They want to win elections, and the best way to do that is to skew reality to their own benefit.

This insight should lead us not to abandon the concept of open society, but to revise and reaffirm the case for it. We must abandon Popper’s tacit assumption that political discourse aims at a better understanding of reality and reintroduce it as an explicit requirement. The separation of powers, free speech, and free elections alone cannot ensure open society; a strong commitment to the pursuit of truth is also required.

We need to introduce new ground rules for political discourse. These cannot be identical to scientific method, but they should be similar in character, enshrining the pursuit of truth as the criteria on which political views are to be judged. Politicians will respect, rather than manipulate, reality only if the public cares about the truth and punishes politicians when it catches them in deliberate deception. And the public should care about the truth because deception misleads people in choosing their representatives, distorts policy choices, undermines accountability, and destroys trust in democracy.
Recent history provides convincing evidence that policies based on a misrepresenting reality backfire. The Bush administration’s response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 — declaring a War on Terror and treating criticism as unpatriotic — succeeded in gathering public support, yet the results were the exact opposite to what the Bush administration intended, both for itself and the United States.
The practical difficulty is in recognising when political professionals are distorting reality. There is an important role here for the media, the political elite, and the educational system, which must all act as watchdogs. In addition, the public needs to be inoculated against the various techniques of deception. The most effective techniques operate at the subconscious level. When emotions can be aroused by methods that bypass consciousness, the public is left largely defenceless. But if the public is made aware of the various techniques, it is likely to reject them.

One influential technique — which Republican pollster Frank Luntz says that he learned from 1984 — simply reverses meanings and turns reality on its head. Thus, Fox News calls itself “fair and balanced”, and Karl Rove and his acolytes turn their opponents’ strongest traits into their Achilles’ heels, using insinuations and lies to portray the opponents’ achievements as phoney. That is how insinuations of cowardice and foul play helped defeat two highly decorated Vietnam War veterans, Senator Max Cleland in 2002, and John Kerry in 2004, while Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney — both of whom avoided military service — were portrayed as true patriots.

Another technique is transference: accusing opponents of having motives or using methods that characterise the accuser himself. For example, David Horowitz, who accuses me of being “the Lenin of the anti-American conspiracy”, is a former Trotskyite for whom opponents are never adversaries to be debated, but rather enemies to be crushed.

The American public has proven remarkably susceptible to the manipulation of truth, which increasingly dominates the country’s political discourse. Indeed, a whole network of publications, some of which manage to parade as mainstream media, is devoted to the task. Yet I believe that it is possible to inoculate the public against false arguments by arousing resentment against Orwellian Newspeak. What is needed is a concerted effort to identify the techniques of manipulation — and to name and shame those who use them.

Now is an ideal time to begin that effort. Americans are now awakening, as if from a bad dream. What we have learned from recent years’ experience — what we should have known all along — is that the supremacy of critical thought in political discourse cannot be taken for granted. It can be ensured only by an electorate that respects reality and punishes politicians who lie or engage in other forms of deception. —DTPS

George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management, and of the Open Society Institute


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