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Year 2012 -satya/dwapara Yuga
Some Nazi relic technology:

<img src='http://www.zamandayolculuk.com/cetinbal/FJ/hitlerufoo1.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />


Russian copies:
<img src='http://www30.websamba.com/saxon_realm/misc/russian-saucerA.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://www30.websamba.com/saxon_realm/misc/russian-saucerB.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Submarine Technology

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->What is a proven fact is in the submarine industry the Germans were using concentrated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for fuel. The US did briefly and the UK did for a little bit. But everyone washed their hands of using H2O2 because of the deaths & injuries from accidents with the H2O2. Except for Germany. Very few accidents. And their program was very successful<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->the XVII or XVIII were the initial test vehicles. Except one problem that they trade speed for range. If they want range, they can have it, but they won't be fast. But they can out do Allied subs when it comes to spped. Except the lose range considerably.

a XXIII was set up with a fuel oil tubine/H2O2 generator combo. Only a little bit about 25 years ago. But I recall hearing that the design should have been good enough to make a sub last a very long time at sea.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->


Technical information for Wa 201 (Type XVIIA)
Oil Supply (tons): 18 max + 34 (H2O2)

Technical information for Wk 202
Oil Supply (tons): 14 max + 40 (H2O2)

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Some insight might be gleaned from the fact that between October 1942 and September 1944 16 German U-boats were sunk in the South Atlantic area. And... some of these submarines did appear to be engaged in covert activities. <b>A fine example of this would be that of U-859 (TYPE IXD) which, on 4 April 1944 at 04.40hrs, left on a mission carrying 67 men and 33 tons of mercury sealed in glass bottles in watertight tin crates</b>. The submarine was later sunk on 23 September by a British submarine (HMS Trenchant) in the Straits of Malacca and although 47 of the crew died, 20 survived. Some 30 years later one of these survivors spoke openly about the cargo and diverslater confirmed the story on rediscovering the mercury. The significance being that <b>mercury might have been usable as a fuel source for certain types of aerospace propulsion</b>. Why would a German submarine be transporting such a cargo so far from home?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

"Verblieb zur Zeit noch nicht geklaert" = Remains to this time still not clarified."
<img src='http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/6683/bootyg9.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/9349/bootdv9.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

As the text says both of this people were official members of the first German expedition to Neuschwabenland. This is the list, and the names are underlined:
<img src='http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3568/bootdm6.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->There have always been tales floating around that the Germans were involved in some kind of plot to claim Antarctica as a territory, or at least use it for some kind of research or base for military operations. Little is known of these strange expeditions, but they did in fact take place. Available information is scanty, so if you know anything about this or other subjects on this site, please see the Contributors Wanted page.

The very first German Antarctic expedition was carried out in 1873, under Sir Eduard Dallman who was working on behalf of the newly founded German Society of Polar Research. On that voyage, he discovered new Antarctic routes, and the "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Inseln" at the western entrance of the Biskmarkstrasse along the Biscoue Islands. Within 60 years, 2 further expeditions took place, in 1910 and 1925.

In the years leading up to the Second World War, the Germans tried to establish control over parts of Antarctica, and their desire to posses bases there grew stronger. At this time, Antarctica was not politically stable due to international treaties, and a the only way Germany could stake a claim over that territory would be actual occupation. Hitler was anxious for a foothold in Antarctica, and such an action could be used for the Propaganda Board as a further demonstration of the coming "Superpower Germany."

On the other hand, further provocation of the Allies had to be avoided for some time. Germany's actions in Austria and other countries had pushed to the limits the relationship between Germany and the Anglo-French Allies. As much as Hitler wanted lands in Antarctica, he was not prepared to go to war over them.

Thus, the idea of a semi-civilian expedition in cooperation with Lufthansa came into being. Command of the expedition was given to Captain Alfred Ritscher, who had already led some expeditions to the North Pole and proved courageous and skillful in dangerous situations. The expedition's ship was the called Schabenland, a special freighter capable of carrying and launching aircraft. It had been in use since 1934 for trans-Atlantic mail delivery. <b>The aircraft it carried was the famous Dornier Wal (Whale). These aircraft were mounted on steam catapults on the deck of the ship, and thus could be started and refueled on board the vessel. The Schwabenland was prepared for the expedition at the Hamburg shipyards, carrying a cost 1 million Reichsmark, nearly a third of the total expedition budget</b>.

Meanwhile, the crew was assembled and trained by the German Society of Polar Research. The society also invited Richard E. Byrd, the most famous American Antarctic researcher, to join the expedition. Byrd arrived in Hamburg in mid November of 1938 and was given a tour of the expedition preparations, including meeting the crew. In the end, though, Byrd declined and returned to the US, later becoming an Admiral in the USN and fighting the Germans during the war. There are unsubstantiated stories that Byrd was assigned to destroy a secret German base in Antarctica towards the end of the war (supposedly called Base 211) but I have not verified these accounts.

The Schwabenland left Hamburg on December 17, 1938, and headed to the Antarctic on a precisely planned route (see map below). She reached the pack ice on January 19 1939 at 4° 15´ W and 69° 10´S. Over the following weeks, 15 Wal flights took place over roughly 600,000 square km. These were photographic missions, and using the special Zeiss Reihenmessbildkameras RMK 38 cameras, they mad more than 11,000 pictures of the area. Old Norwegian maps from 1931 were proven to be wrong and changed accordingly.

Nearly one fifth of Antarctica was observed and charted this way. Valuable information was documented for the first time, but the lands were simultaneously claimed to be German territory. To stress this claim to the other powers, the two Wal aircraft dropped several thousand small Nazi flags, as well as special metal poles with expedition's insignia and the swastika. The whole territory now got the name Neuschwabenland (New Schwabenland). This name is actually still valid and is often used to describe the area in question.

<b>Interestingly, the expedition apparently discovered several ice free regions with lakes and small signs of vegetation. The expedition's geologists said that this phenomenon was due hot sources in the ground</b>.

In mid February of 1939, the Schwabenland left the Antarctic. It took two months to get back to Hamburg, and Ritscher used this time to organize the results, maps and photos. Captain Ritscher was so surprised by the results of the flights that he immediately planned second, fully civilian, expedition, using lighter airplanes with skis. These plans were, however, canceled with the onset of World War 2.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

The newest claim concering the German base at Neuschwabenland has just been made by British researcher and civil servant with an agency of the UK Ministry of Defense, James Robert, who, in the Nov.-Dec. 2005 edition of Nexus magazine, claims that:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"But their most interesting exploit was discovering an underwater trench that went straight through Antarctia by way of a connection of subterranean lakes, caves, and crevasses and ancient ice tunnels".

This is possible because this huge rift valley starts at the South Pole, runs through Neuschwabenland, under the South Atlantic to Cape Town and up East Africa forming the African Rift Valley and finally ending at the Dead Sea in Israel.

Today, much of Antarctica has been put off limits to outsiders by the Russians, British and most of all the Americans. Something is being hidden in Antarctic to this very day.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A work drawing/plan of the first Haunebu model, built in 1939... It had a diameter of 25m. It flew thanks to what the Germans called a "Mag(netic) Field Impulser", as specified on the plan...
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/HAUNEBU_I_plan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

A work drawing/plan of the Haunebu II model, built in 1942/1943. It's diameter varied from 26m to 36m.
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/HAUNEBU_II_plan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

A work drawing/plan of the Haunebu II model, built in 1942/1943. It had a diameter of 71m.
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/Haunebu_III_plan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

The Andromeda was a craft with a diameter of 139m that was meant to transport troops, up to 5 saucers, and equipment. It was probably not built, although they could have done it easily... Maybe some of the "flying cigars" that have been seen are later models...
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/ANDROMEDA_plan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
The Vril society built their first working flying saucer already in 1934! They started working on flying saucers in 1922. The Vril-8 Odin was built by the NAZIs somewhere around 1945... [
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/VRIL5.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

This is the model that was built after The Vril 5. Here it's on a base, with a car parked behind it...
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/VRIL6.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Another picture of the Vril 6 on an airbase, with a man holding on to it.
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/VRIL2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
The 1st Vril model, built around 1941.

Some sources say RFZ stands for "Rund Flugzeuge", meaning "Round Airplane", while others say it stands for "Reichsflugzeuge", meaning "Airplane of the Reich".

Probably a model from the Haunebu series. The Nazis built their first Haunebu in 1939...

<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/RFZ6.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Detail of the Haunebu's gun. The NAZIs tried several methods of mounting guns on their saucers, but the guns made the saucers very unstable. So they ended by giving up on that idea and later used what was called a "PHASER" weapon, which stands for "Phased Energy Rectifier", a weapon that put out a single shaft of concentrated phasic energy that could tore through armor.
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/Haunebu_gun.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Have you also studied the development of Occultism in Russia at around the same time? A series of theosophists and spiritists appeared in Russia before the dawn of the last century. Many of them studied the tantra practices from 'pagans' like bouls and sibarian tribals and other "hidden" peoples. Some went to India and tibet.

Of note is the final and major of these - Gurdjieff, an armenian.

This process got abruptly aborted with the communist rise. With that, some of these schools and soceities, including that of Gurdjieff's own, quitely disappeared and later resurfaced in USA (and some in UK) where they continued with an insignificant and low profile.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1866?-1949) was born in Russian Armenia. He spent years searching in Central Asia, North Africa, and other places for a hidden tradition whose traces he had encountered in youth. During this search he came into contact with certain esoteric schools. In the early 1900's he brought to Europe a teaching that he had developed from the results of this contact.

Gurdjieff's basic teaching is that human life is lived in waking sleep; transcendence of the sleeping state requires a specific inner work, which is practiced in private quiet conditions, and in the midst of life with others. This leads to otherwise inaccessible levels of vitality and awareness.

Are you by any chance referring to Mme Blavatsky ?

<img src='http://www.uwm.edu/People/ajhansen/3.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
She is responsible for having established a way of thinking and the bases which would later give place to societies such as the Thule society and the nazi esotherism.

It is interesting to know her point of view (later people following it would be called theosophists), and anyone seriously studying the Thule society and others must know at least the basics about Madame Blavatsky.


here are some more pictures of the RFZ's:
Yes Raju, Blavtsky was also one of them.



Some painting or sculpture that I had come across depicting the arrival of Rama in Ayodhya from Lanka - was showing the pushpaka vimana in it, which looked quite similar in appearance to the images you posted above (thanks!). Just an interesting thought. The sculptures/painting were certainly much older. Let me see if I can find.
If one takes a look at that Andromeda Great model, this article will make more sense..


When a British computer nerd went looking for data on UFOs, he got sucked into America's War on Terror. Meet the new face of International Terrorism.

Gary McKinnon doesn't smoke dope anymore. It used to be a part of his life, a shortcut to calm on those long nights he spent perched at his computer, escaping his boredom and exploring the universe. But those nights brought him to where he is today, so he gave up weed without hesitation. "Wouldn't you?" he says, a sardonic smile creeping across his angular face. It's late morning on a winter day, and McKinnon sits at his table in the Bird in Hand, a pub in a far reach of North London, biding his time in legal limbo.

The man whom former U.S. attorney Paul McNulty has accused of having orchestrated "the biggest military hack of all time" isn't sure how long he'll remain out of prison. <b>He's also not sure what harm he's done to the United States. (Nor, apparently, is the United States.) But McKinnon, unnoticed by the handful of serious drinkers bothering the barmaid, is alert and intelligent, and his voice quietly carries an unblinking certainty. Especially when he speaks about the great loves of his life: science fiction and UFOs</b>.

It wasn't so long ago that the 40-year-old Scotsman was a teenage boy migrating to London with his family or, after that, a working stiff with dreams of becoming an actor. There's certainly a soulfulness behind his sharp, Bowie-esque features, but he's landed just one onscreen role, in a small British sci-fi film called Lunar Girl. In his twenties and thirties, he parlayed a childhood interest in computers into a career as a systems administrator. At night, he would get stoned and surf online, trying to satisfy his long-standing curiosity about UFOs. Eventually, his thirst for proof of other worlds would bring about his downfall.

Soon—no one knows exactly when—McKinnon's fate will be determined by the Court of Appeal. He's within one flick of extradition to the U.S., where he faces up to 60 years in prison, or perhaps indefinite detention in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Prosecutors call McKinnon a ruthless hacker who wreaked havoc on America's most vital defense systems. McKinnon's legal team and human-rights activists deny such claims and offer dark interpretations of the prosecution: They say that McKinnon's a harmless, self-described "bumbling computer nerd" who inadvertently shamed the U.S. by effortlessly penetrating its post-9/11 government networks—and that the embarrassed superpower is making an example of him for wayward hackers everywhere.

McKinnon was arrested for hacking in Britain in March 2002 and indicted by the U.S. that November. Under the U.K.'s Computer Misuse Act, he'd be looking at a few years in prison, says his lawyer, Karen Todner. But unfortunately for him, Britain and the U.S. enacted a treaty in January 2004 that permits the U.S. to push for his extradition without having to present a case against him. In fact, Britain's National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU), which initially arrested him, says it was told to "de-arrest" him, clearing a path to a potential U.S. prison term that could last the rest of his life.

"He's a British citizen, he was arrested by British authorities, and the crimes were committed in Britain," Todner says. "But America say they want him, and under the new extradition treaty, they're very close to getting him."

In 2003, the computers of the U.S. Department of Defense logged 54,000 attempted intrusions. That number leaped to 79,000 in 2004, 1,300 of which were successful. The vast majority of those breaches were of "low-risk" computers, according to the Joint Task Force for Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) under the U.S. Strategic Command. "The nature of the threat is large and diverse," a JTF-GNO spokesperson says. "It includes recreational hackers, self-styled cybervigilantes, various groups with nationalistic or ideological agendas, transnational actors, and nation-states."

In recent years, punishments by the U.S. have paled next to the 60 years McKinnon may face. Ikenna Iffih of Boston got two years' probation and a $5,000 fine in 2000 for hacking computers at NASA and the Department of Defense, intercepting log-in names and passwords and sabotaging communications. Kenneth Kwak of Chantilly, Virginia, was sentenced to five months in prison last May for using remote-control software to monitor his Department of Education supervisor's e-mail and other Web activity. Overseas hackers have received similar punishments. Ehud Tenenbaum was given an 18-month prison sentence in 2001 in his home country, Israel, for masterminding attacks on Pentagon networks (and two California teens working with him got probation). American officials never attempted to extradite Tenenbaum. But they want McKinnon.

The U.S. charges McKinnon with having penetrated 92 networks belonging to the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Department of Defense, and NASA, and having paralyzed the computers used by these agencies, inflicting some $900,000 in damage. Christopher Christie, then Newark's U.S. attorney, called McKinnon "an incredibly sophisticated cybercriminal" who had shut down the network at the Naval Weapons Station Earle, in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey, shortly after September 11, 2001—"when we, as a nation, had to summon all of our defenses against further attack." His case was announced to the media by Paul McNulty, then the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, whose all-star cases include "20th hijacker" Zacarias Moussaoui and "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh.

McKinnon insists his motivations were benign: He says he wanted information about UFOs and suppressed technology. Once, he says, he found an Excel file deep within a network of the U.S. Navy: a list of officers marked "non-terrestrial," supporting (in his mind, anyway) a popular UFOlogy rumor: that the U.S. maintains weapons and military bases in outer space. "But I saw other stuff," he says. "The U.S. were hot on North Korea, and the jailer files in military bases in America astonished me. Worrying stuff. Murders, rapes, drugs, violence. This is just before these guys were about to be sent to Afghanistan."

His hacking name was SOLO—with good reason, he says. "I never told anyone other than a few friends what I found, never helped anyone else hack," he says. In 2000, trying to reinvigorate a faltering life—a troubled relationship, a career dependent on temporary contracts—he began his obsessive late-night, pot-fueled cybersearches. "It was a distraction from problems," he says. "I stopped looking for work, never thought about going on holiday."

McKinnon has admitted in many public statements to unauthorised access of computer systems in the United States including those mentioned in the United States indictment. He claims his motivation, drawn from a statement made before the Washington Press Club on May 9, 2001 by a group of high level ex-military and civilian sources known as "The Disclosure Project was to find evidence of UFOs, antigravity technology, and the government suppression of "Free Energy", all of which he claims to have proven through his actions. [4].

In his interview with the BBC he also claimed that "The Disclosure Project" says there is "extra-terrestrial and origin and [they've] captured spacecraft and reverse engineered it." He also claimed to have downloaded a low-resolution image of "something not man-made" and "cigar shaped" floating above the northern hemisphere. He said that unfortunately he did not manage to get a screenshot or recording of the image because he was "bedazzled" to see the image, could not remember the capture function in the software RemotelyAnywhere, and that he was "cut off" from his connection.

He became adept at tapping networks without assigned administrator passwords and pushing open their unlocked doors. In 2001, looking for evidence that the U.S. was scrubbing images of UFOs from satellite photos, he claims to have accessed computers at NASA's Johnson Space Center and found folders marked "raw" and "processed." "I started downloading a 'raw' image through my dial-up connection," he says. "It was a hemisphere of the Earth and, in front of it, a cigar-shaped vessel that was totally smooth: no rivets, seams, or aerials. Not man-made—no way." He pauses. "As I was looking," he says, "I saw the mouse move on the screen, and someone cut the connection. Bang—I was out of NASA."

Next came the Pentagon. It took him months to disable the security, but once inside, he says, he found he was far from alone. "<b>I looked up the IP addresses for the other connections to the system, and the majority weren't military," he says. "There were American colleges, and people from Holland, Germany, China, Turkey, all over the place. So I took it for granted there was a permanent tenancy of foreign hackers within the Pentagon's computers</b>." Sometimes he set up his own passwords, which denied other hackers access, and left admonishing messages of "hacktivism" for system administrators. "U.S. foreign policy is akin to government-sponsored terrorism these days," he wrote. "I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels."

His passion remained UFOs, whose potential to benefit mankind he still discusses with seemingly guileless enthusiasm. But the Pentagon documents he was amassing intrigued him. "Even those jailer files from the military bases would have been a shocking story," he admits, "let alone the rest."
He grins weakly. "Then there was the knock at the door."

In March 2002, British high-tech-crime investigators arrested McKinnon, questioned him, and released him on police bail. "They were pretty laid-back about things," McKinnon says—the officers even told him they were instructed to ask him if he belonged to Al Qaeda. But they took his hard drive to Washington, he says, where they met with the U.S. Navy. That June or July, British officers arrested him again, and the mood had soured.

Todner, McKinnon's lawyer, met that summer and autumn with American officials, who were keen on a deal. They offered 6 to 10 years, Todner says, with no guarantee that a longer sentence wouldn't be imposed and with no right of appeal. When McKinnon turned the offer down, he says, an attaché to the U.S. embassy warned that McKinnon would be "prosecuted to the max." The U.S. indicted him in November 2002.

Despite its synchronized portrayal of McKinnon's master cunning, the U.S. didn't immediately seek extradition, and the case fell silent. For more than two and a half years, McKinnon was a free man. The information-technology industry blacklisted him, he says, so he took a job at a warehouse and tried to keep his name out of the papers. But with the extradition treaty established, the U.S. decided to get the ball rolling in June 2005.

The treaty permits the U.S. to extradite McKinnon without having to provide prima facie evidence (an arrangement that does not apply to Britain's extradition of American suspects). And indeed, in his hearings in July 2005, hard evidence of his alleged crimes was significantly absent. The British courts signed off on McKinnon's extradition last May, and the Home Office, Britain's analog to the U.S. State Department, backed up the decision and dismissed his first appeal.

"It was a simple case, with a few years in prison likely," Todner says. "And then the Americans said, 'We want him. Back off.' And the NHTCU did just that. I'd never seen anything like it." McKinnon now awaits a ruling from the Court of Appeal, which is delayed pending a decision on another high-profile extradition case. Nevertheless, Todner says, "it could happen very quickly. A phone call, and not long after, Gary could be on a plane."

The U.S. seems to be tiptoeing from the McKinnon case, which it once trumpeted as a breakthrough in its War on Terror. In 2002, Paul McNulty had called the arrest a warning: "If you hack us, we will find you, and we will prosecute you, and we will send you to prison." But when asked to define McKinnon's motivation, he had offered only, "I suppose he was hoping to gain access to classified information." McNulty, now U.S. deputy attorney general, did not respond to a request to discuss the case for this story—nor did most other officials and agencies contacted.

In a 2003 report, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Hunt, who is now a colonel and the director of technology and analysis at the JTF-GNO, said McKinnon's "simple but clever" hack was "hardly unique," and that it resulted in "loss of services at a time when it was not decisive to U.S. security." And one well-placed U.S. military insider says, "The government contends he did serious damage: the same government that contended Saddam was in cahoots with bin Laden and that Iraq had piles of nerve gas. Yes, I believe the hacker did serious damage—serious damage to the egos of the people in charge of the various websites."

Yet the case rumbles on, its threat of a 60-year sentence still horrifyingly intact, and naturally, McKinnon calls the prospect "absolutely terrifying." A couple of days after the conversation at the Bird in Hand, he's sitting in a pub in central London, watching the rain beat the streets and checking his watch so he'll be on time to meet his girlfriend of two years. (McKinnon's previous girlfriend was also hauled in for questioning.) He and his current girlfriend occasionally manage to joke about the case. "Sometimes I think she's nearly as petrified as I am," he says.

McKinnon has a quick, dismissive rebuttal for every accusation. On the breach of the Naval Weapons Station Earle: "Pure crap," he scoffs. "It may have happened, but it certainly wasn't me. All that just-after-9/11 stuff—I resented that." On leaving the Pentagon vulnerable to other hackers: "Very unlikely. A lot of the time, I'd be setting passwords. The Americans claim this is damage, but it actually made their systems safer." On his ominous hacktivism messages, claiming that he would "disrupt at the highest levels": "My 'disruption' was the hacktivism," he says. "Messages. Stupid, late at night, and under the influence—not a threat. Remember, that's the only evidence they've produced. It could be all they've got." But under the treaty, it could be all they need.

McKinnon knows that one way or another, extradited or not, he will have to go to prison. "It was against the law; I shouldn't have done it," he says. "I thought I was doing it for the right reasons, but it wasn't worth..." He trails off. For the moment, he's a free man, and he has the rest of the day to spend with his girlfriend: a film, some shopping, maybe a drink or two. He drains his pint and smiles: "But really, I'll just be waiting."

<img src='http://missilegate.com/rfz/images/112.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Same as in this diagram
<img src='http://thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr/ufo/ANDROMEDA_plan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Alright...was easy.

One of these is here:

<img src='http://inlinethumb64.webshots.com/25087/2151163150100818794S500x500Q85.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

The Pushpak Aircraft
by Balasaheb Pandit Pant Pratinidhi
Source: Chitra Ramayana by Ramachandra Madhwa Mahishi, Illustrated by Balasaheb Pandit Pant Pratinidhi
Bodhi, that image does not load.

Will it be true to conclude that German technological leap pre WWII was mainly due to access to buddhist and hindu texts which gave them access to new sciences and fields previously unknown to west like abnormal phenomenon as well as occult, which probably acted as medium to give breakthroughs ?

Also post WWII the German technological prowess was divided amongst US, Russia, France, and China to a smaller extent. <b>The entire western world still rests on the laurels of that German breakthrough in profiting from its eastern discoveries</b>.

US shipped hordes of German engineers to Huntsville: Alabama, Fort Wright, Cape Canaveral via operation paperclip and spirited away as war booty lot of Nazi files and technology.

USSR (first country to possess intercontinental missiles: direct from Peenemünde ; first man in space: direct from German technology: Yangel, von Ardenne...)

France: SNECMA biggest postwar aeronautics French concern, filled up with Germans, this was confirmed by SNECMA's CEO privately. And Ariane rockets are German technology too.

China: a space power. Its rockets are German technology (Wolfgang Pilz, Peenemünde).

+ Spain, Argentina, Egypt, Lybia, Iraq, etc...

I have not studied the particular subject enough to support with assertion what you said.

however this much is clear. During the medieval India, Indian intellect was busy fighting a war of survival, and at best trying to preserve and pass on some memory of the past knowledge. Mathematics, Medicine, Astronomy, Navigation, Manufacturing, Metallurgy, Military - and many humanities like Law, Polity, Diplomacy, Language, Socialogy, Accounting, Public Administration - all these subjects Indians were not able to pursue for growth and natural modernization, because of the prevailing tyranny of various colonializations. So, of these subjects in India, today if you try to trace back - you reach at a plethora of some faint memory and some hints myred in mythology. They are kind of lost to us except for some parts and pieces. It is painful to see the situation. That world is largely lost to us now.

During the same period, Europe (with Germany and Russia in lead) were freeing themselves up of the 'true' Christianism, and parallelly trying to gain more traditional-sourced knowledge, including the spiritual. This happened earlier via reviving some of the traditional 'pagan' knowledge, some via Arabic colonialization and subsequent liberation, and finally via gaining direct access to stealing and smuggling our own knowledge-body with the European colonization and accompanied loot of the entire Asia. With the new knowledge, and dominance of many types, Leuko-Anglo world surpassed the rest by a few centuries.
Let us explore the SS connection to Tibet further:


<b>German expeditions video: Neuschwabenland, Middle East, South America, Tibet.</b>

Um den Anspruch des NS-Regimes auf Weltherrschaft mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden zu begründen, rüstete das „Dritte Reich“ aufwendige Expeditionen aus, die nur einem einzigen Ziel dienen sollten: Beweise für die kulturelle Überlegenheit der germanischen Rasse zu finden.

Dazu diente auch ein Forschungsunternehmen, das von Heinrich Himmler und seinem Amt „SS-Ahnenerbe” geleitet wurde. Im Auftrag des SS-Chefs fahndete 1938 der Zoologe Ernst Schäfer mit seinem Team nach Beweisen für abstruse Theorien, die im Dunstkreis Himmlers als „Wissenschaft“ gehandelt wurden. Himmler glaubte an eine nordische Herrenrasse, die den Untergang des sagenhaften Atlantis überlebt habe. Einige Überlebende sollten sich angeblich nach Tibet gerettet haben. Die deutsche Industrie finanzierte die Expedition mit erheblichen Mitteln.

Ein Einreisevisum erhielt Expeditionsleiter Ernst Schäfer nur mit Hilfe der Briten, die zu jenem Zeitpunkt die deutsche Regierung nicht verärgern wollten. Schäfer selbst hielt im Hinblick auf die "Verwendbarkeit für die Kriegswirtschaft und künftige Siedlungsgebiete im Osten" Ausschau nach geeigneten Getreidekörnern, Samen und einer robusten Pferderasse, die im Krieg eingesetzt werden sollte. Bruno Beger, Anthropologe und SS Obersturmführer, vermaß die Schädel von über 200 Tibetern und forschte in den Gesichtern der Himalaja-Bewohner nach „arischen Zügen“. Aber was mit spinnerter Germanen-Schwärmerei begann, endete bei grausamen Experimenten an vermeintlichen „Untermenschen“.

Nach der Reise zum Dach der Welt arbeitete Beger an einem Forschungsprogramm zur Erstellung einer vergleichenden Skelettsammlung. Dazu wurden Häftlinge eines Konzentrationslagers selektiert und ermordet.

„Der Film beleuchtet ein weitgehend unbekanntes Kapitel der NS-Wissenschaft zwischen Tibet und Auschwitz“, erläutert Wolfgang Fandrich, MDR-Redaktionsleiter Zeitgeschehen. „Rassenwahn und Forschergeist“ gingen bei den Expeditionen der Nazis eine unselige Verbindung ein. Das Urteil über die Wissenschaftler, die unter der Hakenkreuzfahne ferne und exotische Länder erforschten, fällt eindeutig aus: Sie stellten sich in den Dienst einer kruden Ideologie und eines menschenverachtendes Regimes.“


I will edit the URL of the image.


Blavtsky, and many decades after her, Gurdjieff. The prime similarity is
- the yearning for the knowledge that was traditional, lost and, hidden for survival
- mentions of remarkable, masters of the past.

difference was, while Blavtsky came to India and made her home at Prayag, contributed through writings, and rejected Christianism - Gurdjieff never visited India never directly mentions it, though if you read a bit of his works traditional India's influence is very obvious, and also he did not 'reject' christianism - just ignored it or even little bit tried to salvage it from ignorance.

more on him:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Gurdjieff was born probably in 1866 of a Greek father and an Armenian mother in Alexandropol (now Gumri), Armenia, a region where Eastern and Western cultures mixed and often clashed. The environment of his childhood and early adolescence, while suggesting a near-biblical patriarchal culture, is also marked by elements not usually associated with these cultural traditions. The portrait Gurdjieff draws of his father, a well-known ashokh, or bard, suggests some form of participation in an oral tradition stretching back to mankind’s distant past. At the same time, Gurdjieff speaks of having been exposed to all the forms of modern knowledge, especially experimental science, which he explored with an impassioned diligence. The influence of his father and certain of his early teachers contrasts very sharply with the forces of modernity that he experienced as a child. This contrast, however, is not easily describable. The difference is not simply that of ancient versus modern worldviews or patterns of behavior, though it certainly includes that. The impression, rather, is that these “remarkable men” of his early years manifested a certain quality of personal presence or being. That the vital difference between human beings is a matter of their level of being became one of the fundamental elements in Gurdjieff’s teaching and is not reducible to conventional psychological, behavioral, or cultural typologies.

<i>Meetings with Remarkable Men</i> shows us the youthful Gurdjieff journeying to monasteries and schools of awakening in remote parts of Central Asia and the Middle East, searching for knowledge about man that neither traditional religion nor modern science by itself could offer him. The clues to what Gurdjieff actually found on these journeys are subtly distributed throughout the narrative, rather than laid out in doctrinal form. Discursive statements of ideas are relatively rare in the book, and where they are given it is with a deceptive simplicity that serves to turn the reader back to the teachings woven in the narrative portions of the text. Repeated readings of Meetings with Remarkable Men yield the realization that Gurdjieff meant to draw our attention to the search itself and that what he intended to bring to the West was not only a new statement of what has been called “the primordial tradition,” but the knowledge of how modern man might conduct his own search within the conditions of twentieth-century life. For Gurdjieff, as we shall see, the search itself, when rightly conducted, emerges as the principal spiritualizing force in human life, what one observer has termed “a transforming search,” rather than “a search for transformation.”


In 1938, Ahnenerbe president Walther Wüst proposed a trip to Iran to study the Behistun Inscription, which had been created by order of the Achaemenid Shah Darius I--who Wüst believed to have been of Nordic origin. The inscriptions were recorded atop steep cliffs using scaffolding that was removed after the inscriptions were made. Unable to afford the cost of erecting new scaffolds, Wüst proposed that he, his wife, an amanuensis, an Iranian student, a photographer, and an experienced mountaineer be sent with a balloon-mounted camera. The onset of the war however, saw the trip postponed indefinitely.



In 1937 Himmler decided he could increase the Ahnenerbe’s visibility by investigating Hans F.K. Günther’s claims that early Aryans had conquered much of Asia, including attacks against China and Japan in approximately 2000 BC, and that Gautama Buddha was himself an Aryan offspring of the Nordic race. Walther Wüst would later expand upon this, stating in a public speech that Adolf Hitler’s ideologies corresponded with those of Buddha, since the two shared a common heritage.


Ernst Schäfer was a member of the SS when he showed up at the German consulate in Chung-King in 1935. Schäfer had just returned from a trip through parts of Asia, mainly India and China, in which the other two heads of the expedition had abandoned him in fear of native tribes.

Schäfer turned the expedition from a complete failure into a great success, and the SS took note, sending him a letter informing him of a promotion to SS-Untersturmführer and summoning him back to Germany from Philadelphia where he was organizing the collection from his voyage. In June 1936, Schäfer met with Himmler, who consequently informed Sievers and Galke to start organizing an expedition to Tibet.

Schäfer recruited young, fit men who would be well suited for an arduous journey. At age 24, Karl Wienert (an assistant of Wilhelm Filchner, a famous explorer) was the team’s geologist. Also age 24, Edmund Geer was selected as the technical leader to organize the expedition. A relatively old teammate at the age of 38 was Ernst Krause (not to be confused with the German biologist of the same name) was to double as a filmmaker and entomologist. Bruno Beger was a 26 year old Rassekunde expert and student of Günther who was to be the team’s anthropologist.

The Expedition

The first problem to come up for the Tibetan expedition occurred during a duck hunting accident on November 9, 1937 when Schäfer, his wife of four months, and two servants were in a rowboat. A sudden wave caused Schäfer to drop his gun which broke in two and discharged, mortally wounding his wife. Despite subsequent emotional problems, Schäfer was back to work on the expedition in eight weeks.

In July 1937 the team suffered another setback when Japan invaded China. ruining Schäfer’s plans to use the Yangtze River to reach Tibet. Schäfer flew to London to seek permission to travel through India, but was turned down by the British government who feared an imminent war with Germany.
In a move that lost the Ahnenerbe’s support, Schäfer asked Himmler for permission to just show up in India and try to barge his way into Tibet. Himmler willingly accepted, even helping Schäfer by contacting influential people, including Germany’s foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. On April 21, 1938 the team departed from Genoa, Italy on their way to Ceylon where they would then travel to Calcutta, India.

The day before the team left Europe the Völkischer Beobachter ran an article on the expedition, alerting English officials of their intentions. Schäfer and Himmler were both enraged: <b>Schäfer complained to the SS headquarters and Himmler in turn wrote to Admiral Barry Domvile. Domvile was a Nazi supporter and former head of British naval intelligence who gave the letter to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who allowed the SS team permission to enter Sikkim, a region bordering Tibet</b>.

In Sikkim’s capital of Gangtok, the team assembled a 50-mule caravan and searched for porters and Tibetan interpreters. Here, the British official, Sir Basil Gould observed them, describing Schäfer as “interesting, forceful, volatile, scholarly, vain to the point of childishness, disregardful of social convention,” and noted that he was determined to enter Tibet regardless of permission.

The team began their journey June 21, 1938, traveling through the Teesta River valley and then heading north. Krause worked light traps to capture insects, Wienert toured the hills making measurements, Geer collected bird species and Beger offered locals medical help in exchange for allowing him to take measurements of them.

In August 1938, a high official of the Rajah Tering, a member of the Sikkimese royal family living in Tibet, entered the team’s camp. Although Beger wished to ask the guest’s permission to measure him, he was dissuaded by the Tibetan porters who encouraged to wait for Schäfer to return from a hunting trip. Schäfer met with the official, and presented him with mule-loads of gifts.

In December 1938 the Tibetan council of ministers invited Schäfer and his team to Tibet, although forbid them from killing any animals during their stay, citing religious concerns. After a supply trip back to Gangtok, where Schäfer learned he had been promoted to SS-Hauptsturmführer, and the rest of the team had been promoted to SS-Obersturmführer.
During the trip to Tibet’s highlands, Beger began making facial casts of local people, including his personal servant, a Nepalese Sherpa named Passang. During the first casting, paste got into one of Passang’s nostrils and he panicked, tearing at the mask. Schäfer threatened the employment of the porters who had seen the incident, if they told anyone.
On January 19, 1939, the team reached Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Schäfer proceeded to pay his respects to the Tibetan ministers and a nobleman. <b>He also gave out Nazi pennants, explaining the shared symbol’s reverence in Germany.[1] His permission to remain in Lhasa was extended, and he was permitted to photograph and film the region</b>. The team spent two months in Lhasa, collecting information on agriculture, culture, and religion, even receiving a copy of the 108-volume encyclopedia of Lamaism (only three copies of which had been given to Europeans and had never been translated).

After leaving Lhasa, the team traveled to the Yarlung Valley--a region British officials had been denied entry into. The team observed the valley and the ancient stronghold of Yumbulagang, but the approaching war threatened their research, and they began preparing plans to return via a flight from Calcutta to Baghdad, and eventually back to Germany. <b>Their final inventory included nearly 2,000 photographs, 17 head casts and the measurements of 376 people, as well as having sent back specimens of three breeds of Tibetan dogs, rare feline species, wolves, badgers, foxes, animal and bird skins, and the seeds for 1,600 types of barley, 700 varieties of wheat, 700 varieties of oats and hundreds of other types of seeds. In addition, the team had been given a Tibetan mastiff, a gold coin and the robe of a lama( believed by Schäfer to have been worn by the Dalai Lama) to be gifted to Adolf Hitler</b>.
Schäfer arrived in Munich on August 4, 1939, and was greeted personally by Himmler, who presented him a Totenkopfring. Because of the war, Schäfer’s writings about the trip were not published until 1950, under the title Festival of the White Gauze Scarves: A research expedition through Tibet to Lhasa, the holy city of the god realm.

Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/ahnenerbe
Raju: have edited the image URL. Also see 176.
Now it is clear.

So Gurdjieff was Blavatsky-lite, what constituency was he addressing ?

here is another western researcher on vimanas,

Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology
From The Anti-Gravity Handbook

by D. Hatcher Childress

Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important
fact. While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps
Governmental Military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient
India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian flying vehicles comes
from ancient Indian sources; written texts that have come down to us through
the centuries. There is no doubt that most of these texts are authentic;
many are the well known ancient Indian Epics themselves, and there are
literally hundreds of them. Most of them have not even been translated into
English yet from the old sanskrit.
<b>The Indian Emperor Ashoka started a "Secret Society of the Nine Unknown
Men": great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalogue the many
sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he was afraid that the
advanced science catalogued by these men, culled from ancient Indian sources,
would be used for the evil purpose of war, which Ashoka was strongly against,
having been converted to Buddhism after defeating a rival army in a bloody
battle. The "Nine Unknown Men" wrote a total of nine books, presumably one
each. Book number was "The Secrets of Gravitation!" This book, known to
historians, but not actually seen by them dealt chiefly with "gravity
control." It is presumably still around somewhere, kept in a secret library
in India, Tibet or elsewhere (perhaps even in North America somewhere). One
can certainly understand Ashoka's reasoning for wanting to keep such
knowledge a secret, assuming it exists</b>.
Ashoka was also aware of devastating wars using such advanced vehicles
and other "futuristic weapons" that had destroyed the ancient Indian "Rama
Empire" several thousand years before. Only a few years ago, the Chinese
discovered some sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the
University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna (<i>Raina?</i>)of the University
said recently that <b>the documents contain directions for building interstellar
spaceships! Their method of propulsion, she said, was "anti- gravitational"
and was based upon a system analogous to that of "laghima," the unknown power
of the ego existing in man's physiological makeup, "a centrifugal force
strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull." According to Hindu
Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate</b>.
Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called "Astras"
by the text, the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any
planet, according to the document, which is thought to be thousands of years
old. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of "antima"; "the
cap of invisibility" and "garima"; "how to become as heavy as a mountain of
lead." Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously,
but then became more positive about the value of them when the Chinese
announced that they were including certain parts of the data for study in
their space program! //<i>contrast behaviour of dhimmis to the Chinese who aren't mentally enslaved</i> This was one of the first instances of a government
admitting to be researching anti-gravity.
The manuscripts did not say definitely that interplanetary travel was
ever made but did mention, of all things, a planned trip to the Moon, though
it is not clear whether this trip was actually carried out. However, one of
the great Indian epics,the Ramayana, does have a highly detailed story in it
of a trip to the moon in a Vimana (or "Astra"), and in fact details a battle
on the moon with an "Asvin" (or Atlantean") airship. This is but a small bit
of recent evidence of anti-gravity and aerospace technology used by Indians.
To really understand the technology, we must go much further back in
time. The so-called "Rama Empire" of Northern India and Pakistan developed at
least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian subcontinent and was a nation
of many large, sophisticated cities, many of which are still to be found in
the deserts of Pakistan, northern, and western India. Rama existed,
apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the mid- Atlantic Ocean,
and was ruled by "enlightened Priest-Kings" who governed the cities.
<b>The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu
texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities." According to ancient Indian texts, the
people had flying machines which were called "Vimanas." The ancient Indian
epic describes a Vimana as a doubledeck, circular aircraft with portholes and
a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer. It flew with the "speed of
the wind" and gave forth a"melodious sound."</b> There were at least four
different types of Vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders
("cigar shaped airships"). The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so
numerous, it would take volumes to relate what they had to say. The ancient
Indians, who manufactured these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals
on the control of the various types of Vimanas, many of which are still in
existence, and some have even been translated into English.
The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise dealing with every
possible angle of air travel in a Vimana. There are 230 stanzas dealing with
the construction, take-off, cruising for thousand of miles, normal and forced
landings, and even possible collisions with birds. In 1875, the Vaimanika
Sastra, a fourth century B.C. text written by Bharadvajy the Wise, using even
older texts as his source, was rediscovered in a temple in India. It dealt
with the operation of Vimanas and included information on the steering,
precautions for long flights, protection of the airships from storms and
lightning and how to switch the drive to "solar energy" from a free energy
source which sounds like "anti-gravity." The Vaimanika Sastra (or
Vymaanika-Shaastra) has eight chapters with diagrams, describing three types
of aircraft, including apparatuses that could neither catch on fire nor
break. It also mentions 31 essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials
from which they are constructed, which absorb light and heat; for which
reason they were considered suitable for the construction of Vimanas.
This document has been translated into English and is available by
writing the publisher: VYMAANIDASHAASTRA AERONAUTICS by Maharishi
Bharadwaaja, translated into English and edited, printed and published by Mr.
G. R.Josyer, Mysore, India, 1979
(sorry, no street address). <span style='color:purple'>Mr. Josyer is
the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Investigation, located
in Mysore</span>. There seems to be no doubt that Vimanas were powered by some sort
of "anti-gravity." Vimanas took off vertically, and were capable of hovering
in the sky, like a modern helicopter or dirigible. Bharadvajy the Wise refers
to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts of air travel in antiquity.
These sources are now lost. Vimanas were kept in a Vimana Griha, a kind
of hanger, and were sometimes said to be propelled by a yellowish-white
liquid, and sometimes by some sort of mercury compound, // <i>Plz refer to mercury being carried in large quantities in a German submarine which was capture enroute probably on way to a German base rumored to be shwabenland</i> though writers seem
confused in this matter. It is most likely that the later writers on Vimanas,
wrote as observers and from earlier texts, and were understandably confused
on the principle of their propulsion. The "yellowish- white liquid" sounds
suspiciously like gasoline, and perhaps Vimanas had a number of different
propulsion sources, including combustion engines and even "pulse-jet"
engines. <b>It is interesting to note, that the Nazis developed the first
practical pulse-jet engines for their V-8 rocket "buzz bombs." Hitler and the
Nazi staff were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent
expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 30's, in order to
gather esoteric evidence that they did so</b>, and perhaps it was from these
people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information!
According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabarata, and the Ramayana,
one Vimana described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed
on a mighty wind generated by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down,
backwards and forwards as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, the
Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of
mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame." Another
work called the Samaranganasutradhara describes how the vehicles were
constructed. It is possible that mercury did have something to do with the
propulsion, or more possibly, with the guidance system. Curiously, Soviet
scientists have discovered what they call "ageold instruments used in
navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The
"devices" are hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone
with a drop of mercury inside.
It is evident that ancient Indians flew around in these vehicles, all
over Asia, to Atlantis presumably; and even, apparently, to South
America.Writing found at Mohenjodaro in Pakistan (presumed to be one of the
"Seven Rishi Cities of the Rama Empire") and still undeciphered, has also
been found in one other place in the world: Easter Island! Writing on Easter
Island, called Rongo-Rongo writing, is also undeciphered, and is uncannily
similar to the Mohenjodaro script. Was Easter Island an air base for the Rama
Empire's Vimana route? (At the Mohenjo- Daro Vimana-drome, as the passenger
walks down the concourse, he hears the sweet, melodic sound of the announcer
over the loudspeaker,"Rama Airways flight number seven for Bali, Easter
Island, Nazca, and Atlantis is now ready for boarding. Passengers please
proceed to gate number..") in Tibet, no small distance, and speaks of the
"fiery chariot" thus: "Bhima flew along in his car, resplendent as the sun
and loud as thunder... The flying chariot shone like a flame in the night sky
of summer ... it swept by like a comet... It was as if two suns were
shining. Then the chariot rose up and all the heaven brightened."
<b>In the Mahavira of Bhavabhuti, a Jain text of the eighth century culled
from older texts and traditions, we read: "An aerial chariot, the Pushpaka,
conveys many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of stupendous
flying-machines, dark as night,but picked out by lights with a yellowish
glare</b>." The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems, thought to be the oldest of all the
Indian texts, describe Vimanas of various shapes and sizes: the
"ahnihotravimana" with two engines, the"elephant-vimana" with more engines,
and other types named after the kingfisher, ibis and other animals.
Unfortunately, Vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were
ultimately used for war. Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Vailixi," a
similar type of aircraft, to literally try and subjugate the world, it would
seem, if Indian texts are to be believed. The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins"
in the Indian writings, were apparently even more advanced technologically
than the Indians, and certainly of a more war-like temperament. Although no
ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has
come down through esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their flying
Similar, if not identical to Vimanas, Vailixi were generally "cigar
shaped" and had the capability of manoeuvering underwater as well as in the
atmosphere or even outer space. Other vehicles, like Vimanas, were saucer
shaped, and could apparently also be submerged.According to Eklal Kueshana,
author of "The Ultimate Frontier," in an article he wrote <span style='color:purple'>in 1966</span>, Vailixi
were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common ones
are "saucer shaped of generally trapezoidal cross- section with three
hemispherical engine pods on the underside." "They use a mechanical
antigravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horse
power." The Ramayana, Mahabarata and other texts speak of the hideous war
that took place, some ten or twelve thousand years ago between Atlantis and
Rama using weapons of destruction that could not be imagined by readers until
the second half of this century.
The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas, goes on to tell
the awesome destructiveness of the war: "...(the weapon was) a single
projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent
column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns rose in all its
splendour... An iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which
reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.... the
corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out;
pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white.... after a
few hours all foodstuffs were infected.... to escape from this fire, the
soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their
equipment..." It would seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war!
References like this one are not isolated; but battles, using a fantastic
array of weapons and aerial vehicles are common in all the epic Indian books.
One even describes a Vimana-Vailix battle on the Moon! The above section very
accurately describes what an atomic explosion would look like and the effects
of the radioactivity on the population. Jumping into water is the only
When the Rishi City of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archaeologists in the
last century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them
holding hands, as if some great doom had suddenly overtaken them. These
skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with those found
at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities whose brick and stonewalls have
literally been vitrified, that is-fused together, can be found in India,
Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical
explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an
atomic blast.
Futhermore, at Mohenjo-Daro, a well planned city laid on a grid, with a
plumbing system superior to those used in Pakistan and India today, the
streets were littered with "black lumps of glass." These globs of glass were
discovered to be clay pots that had melted under intense heat! With the
cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the wiping out of Rama with atomic
weapons, the world collapsed into a "stone age" of sorts, and modern history
picks up a few thousand years later Yet, it would seem that not all the
Vimanas and Vailixi of Rama and Atlantis were gone. Built to last for
thousands of years, many of them would still be in use, as evidenced by
Ashoka's "Nine Unknown Men" and the Lhasa manuscript.
That secret societies or "Brotherhoods" of exceptional, "enlightened"
human beings would have preserved these inventions and the knowledge of
science, history, etc., does not seem surprising. Many well known historical
personages including Jesus, Buddah, Lao Tzu, Confucious, Krishna, Zoroaster,
Mahavira, Quetzalcoatl, Akhenaton, Moses, and more recent inventors and of
course many other people who will probably remain anonymous, were probably
members of such a secret organization. It is interesting to note that when
Alexander the Great invaded India more than two thousand years ago, his
historians chronicled that at one point they were attacked by "flying,fiery
shields" that dove at his army and frightened the cavalry. These "flying
saucers" did not use any atomic bombs or beam weapons on Alexander's army
however, perhaps out of benevolence, and Alexander went on to conquer India.
It has been suggested by many writers that these "Brotherhoods" keep some of
their Vimanas and Vailixi in secret caverns in Tibet or some other place is
Central Asia, and the Lop Nor Desert in western China//<span style='color:purple'>another cue for invasion of Tibet ?</span> is known to be the
centre of a great UFO mystery. Perhaps it is here that many of the airships
are still kept, in underground bases much as the Americans, British and
Soviets have built around the world in the past few decades. Still, not all
UFO activity can be accounted for by old Vimanas making trips to the Moon for
some reason.
Undoubtedly, some are from the Military Governments of the world, and
possibly even from other planets. Of course, many UFO sightings are "swamp,
gas, clouds, hoaxes, and hallucinations, while there is considerable evidence
that many UFO sightings, especially "kidnappings" and the like, are the
result of what is generally called "telepathic hypnosis."


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