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The Real Indian IQ
Understanding the psy-ops on low Indian IQ

First of all the british could not justify to their public,
on the morality of colonising a place where 20% of the population is above the white range and another 40% within the white range

Only the SC/ST/Muslim would be below the white range

Next the xtian missionaries depend on funding from the western public
and the public is unlikely to fund an effort where the chances are weak as against a high IQ opposition

Third, western foreign policy has been to look down on India, and this again is impossible once you acknowledge the real indian IQ

Fourth the indology departments and marxists are bent on maligning India,
and spreading the news that Indian IQ at the upper end, can match the jews, will put them out of business

In any case, the truth cannot be hidden for long
Think what happens when a racist gora, who has read Indian iQ is 80, goes up against a dark brown south Indian of 140IQ
Gsub, take the test I posted and see if results are similar to the estimation you made of your personal IQ by using your GRE score.
<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Jun 28 2008, 08:22 AM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Jun 28 2008, 08:22 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Gsub, take the test I posted and see if results are similar to the estimation you made of your personal IQ by using your GRE score.

In 1982, Mensa admitted me based on GRE scores
and in MENSA, SAT and GRE scores pre-1995 are accepted in toto

I attempted the test and I scored 115

What I found is that this test is entirely visuo-spacial
and fiendishly difficult as compared to Mensa and SAT and GRE

Perhaps there is something in the Indian genome IQ that tilts against
visuo-spacial IQ and in favor of verbal IQ

East Asians on the other hand have very good visuo-spacial due to the chinese
pictographic scripts

Shri G.Subramniam's many posts offer estimates about the Indian IQ.

--I think a few more years are required before we can make an accurate estimate of the SC/ST IQ. Even now, most of them are first generation learners and there is a possibility that they may catch up with the others, and be as productive as anyone else.

--IQ which is broadly indicative of general intelligence (abilities of judgment, conceptual understanding and manipulation, reasoning) is likely to play a role in the preservation of our culture as well.

Till about a hundred years ago, Hindus had a group of people, the Brahmanas, to preserve our traditions and civilizational knowledge. The other jatis took care of the non religious/traditional activities, and supported the Brahmanas through grants due to which they seldom had to worry for their livelihood. Though Brahmanas excelled in almost all spheres, their primary duties were never neglected and the continuation of the tradition was assured.

Nowadays, everyone has to earn their livelihood though secular activities, and this invariably involves training in Western systems of science and commerce. In such a situation, to maintain and pass on the tradition, Brahmanas have to master two different types of learning; traditional scholarship and the modern scholarship. Each of them can occupy a lifetime and neglecting either leads to loss of Brahmana-hood or starvation. For some time, due to the presence of Government jobs, it was somehow possible to balance the two and continue. With the advent of meritocracy, and increased specialization in the professions, Brahmans will find it difficult to maintain the balance. The cut off IQ for Brahmana-hood will grow higher and higher. In the current generation, the number of families in which the traditions and rites are preserved, even nominally, is frighteningly low.

Most Brahmana families choose to do away with their customs and adapt to the world. Now that may be an indication of high IQ but the fact remains that to maintain the traditions highly intelligent persons are required, and the traditions themselves need to be preserved so that a semitic harvest does not occur in India.

Any strategies/opinions/solutions regarding this problem?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In any case, the truth cannot be hidden for long
Think what happens when a racist gora, who has read Indian iQ is 80, goes up against a dark brown south Indian of 140IQ <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

This has happened time and again to me. Its denial at first and then grudging acceptance but never overt recognition.
I took that Ravens Matrices, got 102, the questions get harder as u go along and as G.Sub said the test is entirely visuo spatial and North East Asians may be better at it because of how their scripts are.

I think Indians do perform better at verbal tests because of our long history of learning multiple languages that continues to this day.
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 28 2008, 07:42 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 28 2008, 07:42 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I attempted  the test and I scored 115
Hey Gsub, the test I posted was the Advanced Progressive Matrices for people of higher intelligence. That must be why it was difficult.
<!--QuoteBegin-ramana+Jun 29 2008, 12:16 AM-->QUOTE(ramana @ Jun 29 2008, 12:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In any case, the truth cannot be hidden for long
Think what happens when a racist gora, who has read Indian iQ is 80, goes up against a dark brown south Indian of 140IQ <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

This has happened time and again to me. Its denial at first and then grudging acceptance but never overt recognition.

I was on some blogs where they were talking about Indian IQ being 80
And one of the goras said, that if Indian economy grows at 8% for the next 20 years
those claiming Indian IQ is 80 will start to look stupid

In the pre-1990 stage, I came up against a lot of denial
since then it has been grudging acceptance

I question the very basis of modern IQ claims

Goras got on top of the world due to better armies
not due to intelligence
Just like genghis khan

While genghis khan never claimed superior IQ
the goras claimed superior IQ

The only way to justify colonialism against India and China
was to black out the IQ

The only way to discriminate against Indian, Chinese and Japanese
immigrants is to black out the IQ

It is first of all essential to understand that
Upper end white IQ is under no threat from
the arabs, the hispanics and the south east asians

North east asians and Indians pose a problem to the racists

In the case of east asians, it is possible to swallow it
because they are of relatively fair skin, amenable to xtianity and
willing to whore their women out to whites, even to low class whites

Indians pose a problem
Unlike the chinese who are open to jeebus, Indians are not
Next Indians represent paganism

Some of the whites will accept high Indian IQ due to AIT
But that again fails due to empirical evidence
The darker south Indians score better at the same caste level
( due to islamic massacres in north India )
This leads to severe cognitive dissonance
That a guy with a skin darker than African americans can score
better than the Jews in IQ

I also question the cold weather hypothesis for high IQ among
east asians
The theory is that the ice age when food was scarce helped to prune
out the low IQ among the east asians
But this does not explain why those who live in the desert, an equally harsh
environment dont have high IQ

I have a theory for the existence of high IQ among Indians
First every caste had to super-specialise on certain skills
Second, men got a good job, only if they were super-good in their specialty
And finally a small amount of polygamy / serial monogamy ( first wife died in childbirth ) has meant that these men had 2 - 3 wives
and this acted as a filter

The off-shoring of jobs to India also has the whites in cognitive dissonance
First they claim all the high IQ Indians are in the USA, in reality maybe 20% of the
high IQ segment migrated
The other 80% of the high IQ segment stayed back and this represents 20% of the Indian population
essentially an unlimited pool of low cost talent

Offshoring is happening because indian workers are better
No businessman will get dumb workers just to save a few bucks
Even a small amount of screw ups will doom his business
It is a bonus that the better performing Indian workers are also

<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Jun 29 2008, 02:23 AM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Jun 29 2008, 02:23 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 28 2008, 07:42 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 28 2008, 07:42 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I attempted  the test and I scored 115
Hey Gsub, the test I posted was the Advanced Progressive Matrices for people of higher intelligence. That must be why it was difficult.

I realise that
It is calibrated to test over 140IQ,
because the standard matrices test is inaccurate for over 140IQ
<!--QuoteBegin-ramana+Jun 29 2008, 12:16 AM-->QUOTE(ramana @ Jun 29 2008, 12:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In any case, the truth cannot be hidden for long
Think what happens when a racist gora, who has read Indian iQ is 80, goes up against a dark brown south Indian of 140IQ <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

This has happened time and again to me. Its denial at first and then grudging acceptance but never overt recognition.

This is not just due to going up against south indian brahmins

The velala caste from sri lanka, by empirical observation of the diaspora is
midway between south indian brahmins and indian velalas

Very many dark sri lankan velalas are doing amazingly well
<!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+Jun 29 2008, 12:49 AM-->QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ Jun 29 2008, 12:49 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I took that Ravens Matrices, got 102, the questions get harder as u go along and as G.Sub said the test is entirely visuo spatial and North East Asians may be better at it because of how their scripts are.

I think Indians do perform better at verbal tests because of our long history of learning multiple languages that continues to this day.

In real world IQ, what matters is SAT and GRE not ravens matrices
<!--QuoteBegin-brahma+Jun 28 2008, 10:20 PM-->QUOTE(brahma @ Jun 28 2008, 10:20 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Shri G.Subramniam's many posts offer estimates about the Indian IQ.

--I think a few more years are required before we can make an accurate estimate of the SC/ST IQ. Even now, most of them are first generation learners and there is a possibility that they may catch up with the others, and be as productive as anyone else.

Most Brahmana families choose to do away with their customs and adapt to the world. Now that may be an indication of high IQ but the fact remains that to maintain the traditions highly intelligent persons are required, and the traditions themselves need to be preserved so that a semitic harvest does not occur in India.

Any strategies/opinions/solutions regarding this problem?

IMHO, if you look at vietnamese immigrants to the US
very many illiterates in the next generation manage to go to engineering school
in the US
In the case of the elite SC/ST, 2nd or 3rd generation affirmative action, I dont see
So I dont think there will be more than 5% of SC/ST who can function well

on the other hand, I have seen several peasant caste Indians do remarkably well
in the west, and if this trend continues, my model will have to move up the peasant IQ by 5IQ

As far as maintaining brahminical tradition,
in the past the merchant castes did the funding

As money comes into the hands of the merchant castes and peasant
castes, and they desire sanskritisation, this can happen
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I also question the cold weather hypothesis for high IQ among
east asians
The theory is that the ice age when food was scarce helped to prune
out the low IQ among the east asians
But this does not explain why those who live in the desert, an equally harsh
environment dont have high IQ<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

From Richard Lynn's site:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The theory I have advanced to explain these race differences in IQ is that when early humans migrated from Africa into Eurasia they encountered the difficulty of survival during cold winters. This problem was especially severe during the ice ages. Plant foods were not available for much of the year and survival required the hunting and dismembering of large animals for food and the ability to make tools, weapons and clothing, to build shelters and make fires. These problems required higher intelligence and exerted selection pressure for enhanced intelligence, particularly on the Orientals.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Why are Inuits etc also not scoring exceedingly high on intelligence tests?
<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Jun 29 2008, 03:48 AM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Jun 29 2008, 03:48 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I also question the cold weather hypothesis for high IQ among
east asians
The theory is that the ice age when food was scarce helped to prune
out the low IQ among the east asians
But this does not explain why those who live in the desert, an equally harsh
environment dont have high IQ<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

From Richard Lynn's site:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The theory I have advanced to explain these race differences in IQ is that when early humans migrated from Africa into Eurasia they encountered the difficulty of survival during cold winters. This problem was especially severe during the ice ages. Plant foods were not available for much of the year and survival required the hunting and dismembering of large animals for food and the ability to make tools, weapons and clothing, to build shelters and make fires. These problems required higher intelligence and exerted selection pressure for enhanced intelligence, particularly on the Orientals.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Why are Inuits etc also not scoring exceedingly high on intelligence tests?

His conclusions are that the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) have the highest mean IQ at 105. These are followed by the Europeans (IQ 100). Some way below these are the Inuit (Eskimos) (IQ 91), South East Asians (IQ 87), Native American Indians (IQ 87), Pacific Islanders (IQ 85), South Asians and North Africans (IQ 84). Well below these come the sub-Saharan Africans (IQ 67) followed by the Australian Aborigines (IQ 62). The least intelligent races are the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert together with the Pygmies of the Congo rain forests (IQ 54).

Inuits score way below the east asians
I submit that the Inuit environment is much harsher than the east asian environment and yet they are of much lower IQ

IMHO, I have a better theory,
civilization and IQ are like a positive feedback loop, a virtuous cycle

As civilization develops, you get demand for high IQ professions which increases civilization which in turn increases demand for and darwinian selection for high IQ

Civilization is the IQ marker
Some excerpts from Lynns IQ book
Sinha 1968, provides data for 9 IQ studies in India using colored
Ravens Matrices, the tests were done in Trivandrum, Patna, Allahabad, Cuttack, -- giving IQ of 81


Rao and Reddy, 1968, did a colored progressive ravens matrices test in rural and urban Andhra - giving IQ of 82


In 1992, a ravens matrices test was done in Delhi, - giving IQ of 82


So there is no mention of socio-economic status or caste ( check for malnutrition and literacy )

The anomalous case of India should be noted. Since the publication of their book, Lynn has observed that the Asian Indian IQ is the same as that of English speaking caucasians when Indians are reared in an economically developed environment.

The Mathematical Association of America runs a contest for the extremely bright and prepared among high-school students. It is called the United States of America Mathematics Olympiad, and it "provides a means of identifying and encouraging the most creative secondary mathematics students in the country."

An unedited section of a list of those recently chosen: Sharat Bhat, Tongke Xue, Matthew Peairs, Wen Li, Jongmin Baek, Aaron Kleinman, David Stolp, Andrew Schwartz, Rishi Gupta, Jennifer Laaser, Inna Zakharevich, Neil Chua, Jonathan Lowd, Simon Rubinsteinsalze, Joshua Batson, Jimmy Jia, Jichao Qian, Dmitry Taubinsky, David Kaplan, Erica Wilson, Kai Dai, Julian Kolev, Jonathan Xiong, Stephen Guo.

The math olympiad is heavily visuo-spacial
The US olympiad team is 2 Indians, 8 chinese, 1 korean, 7 jews
and 5 wasps
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 29 2008, 02:51 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 29 2008, 02:51 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->IMHO, if you look at vietnamese immigrants to the US
very many illiterates in the next generation manage to go to engineering school
in the US
In the case of the elite SC/ST, 2nd or 3rd generation affirmative action, I dont see
So I dont think there will be more than 5% of SC/ST who can function well
on the other hand, I have seen several peasant caste Indians do remarkably well
in the west, and if this trend continues, my model will have to move up the peasant IQ by 5IQ[right][snapback]83506[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Several things come to mind. Unorganised:

1. Vietnamese civilisation ended quite recently due to christoism and communism. Until then, they were going head-on against their long-time competitors, the Cambodian civilisation. They had a long history of civilisation and if it weren't for christocolonialism, followed by christodictatorship in S Vietnam in the 1950s and communist dictatorship in N Vietnam, they would not have become illiterate. And if it weren't for communism brought on by America's christos, Cambodia's educated class (many of whom were teachers) wouldn't have been murdered out.
Very bright people.

<b>EDITED:</b> 2. On the matter of 'China being ethnically homogeneous' as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, this assumption is false. For instance, the Akha (a subgroup of the <i>Hani</i>) were originally an indigenous ethnic group from China. Due to various factors - not all of them pleasant, IIRC - many of them migrated to neighbouring hilly regions in Thailand, Laos, Burma and thereabouts.

3. The main point I wanted to make:
The comment on Indian Girijan and Harijan population is not correct. They could easily learn, but the methods employed in western education do not always help all individuals learn. (That may account for the estimate of 5% you mentioned that do well in western-type school system, whereas the others may find the same system harder to work with.)
The skill of a teacher (in Hindu Dharma) lies in finding ways to teach so that every single student can comprehend the material. It is why Hindu teachers like my Grandfather was able to make all his students succeed. The effort of the student is at least equally important, but all his students had the willingness, motivation and effort. Not everyone immediately scored the top marks when they went to college even though they all passed; but because christobritish bigotry destroyed a lot of Hindu schools, many of the students were at that stage 1st generation students again when it came to some subjects. Subsequent generations, having gained some background in these same topics, therefore did do better. And this trend can only continue to improve in the future. Dharmics are open to education. It is only the narrowminded that convert to christoislamism or even to communistics (who then call themselves "Dalits") that remain close-minded, and you should not include them in your assessment of the capabilities of Hindus.

People keep forgetting that humanity only got intelligent over time and by being faced with new situations. Even over a shorter and more recent timescale various effects on intelligence and capabilities can be seen:
- Joseph McCabe tells how the dark ages in Europe brought even the literate Romans of ancient times into total illiteracy until about the 17th or was it 18th century.
- Remember also how illiterate Dickensian christo-england was because of centuries of christoism. The faithful upper castas of christoBritain regularly said that the lower castas could not be taught. They were wrong.
- The French aristocratic christo-snobs of the great catholic tyranny said that the French peasantry were like animals and could be taught no more than animals. They were just as wrong. France has very few aristocrats now but it is well-educated.
- The Germanic people could not write until they got their writing system from the Mediterranean, then things went downhill during christianism but look at where they went after Enlightenment. Consider comparing that last to their intermediate state at the time of arch-antisemite Maarten Luther's time, where everyone including the 'literate' Maarten, imagined that the 'devils' were everywhere waiting to pounce on the christos. As one learns in history class, medieval christo-Europe wouldn't bathe because they believed the accumulation of dirt and stink would help keep the devils at bay, while bathing would supposedly make one an easy target. :christologic Christo-stupourstition is a natural consequence of the ignorant mindset created by christoism. This is the only sort of 'education' the christians got for centuries, while for the rest they were kept ignorant and illiterate on purpose.

If Germans could become literate and intelligent (only thanks to encountering Greco-Roman civilisation again) after being broken by centuries of deep christomania, then Hindus certainly can be restored - we have had fewer centuries under christoBritish, though Bharatam has had one millennium under islam. We have one additional disadvantage: the christian heel is still trying to stamp us out. They have taken over a lot of Indian education and with their maleducation (and pro-christian reservation, like St Stephens will favour only christo Dalits - but it sounds like a thoroughly incompetent school anyway) try to keep the Hindu population down. Communists have taken over the remainder of Indian education, so you get the kind of ignorance that presumably passes for education that was spread in other communist countries like Cambodia. Neither christo nor communist education allows for independent thought. The people they convert can only parrot psecular speak and think that that is "intelligence". (Islamics don't even get anything resembling education.) It is only the Hindus who are showing true intelligence, formulating their own questions and discovering the answers - <i>in spite of</i> christocommunism. No doubts in my mind that the Hindu Girijan and Harijan communities can and will rise very well.

That certain Hindu communities are showing some cleverness today is the residue of past generations. It is not due to any virtue of the current generations, but rather because these communities had not been so drastically affected by the christobritish's christian destruction of Hindu centres of education as the now-disadvantaged Hindu communities were. The christobritish snobs detested the Girijan and Harijan Hindu communities even as they intended to use them to break Hindu society. According to christoBritish castaist views, when they started viewing these people as belonging to some lower stratification of Hindu society, they concluded that this meant that the upper casta British invaders of India were therefore even further removed in social standing from the Girijan and Harijan. That is why they felt greater odium toward them - though they would consort with them as missionary-to-mouldable-heathen, they never considered them as being on equal standing. It is very odd to see christo 'Dalits' celebrate Macaulay and English when they obviously have never read the colonial views on 'Dalits' (other than possibly the later missionary literature that feigned compassion for entirely different purposes). These christo-conditioned Indians have no clue about how Paine's Rights of Man was received in christoBritain, nor of how rigid and uncompromisingly castaist christoBritish society was: two English men were still not equal even when they were both 'white', if one was aristocrat and the other working class or even merchant class (WWI and after started changing this, but <i>very</i> slowly). The Irish came lower in christocasta system than any Englishman even long after the Napoleonic wars. What then to say of the dark Hindus in Macaulay's time? Imagining those christoBritish as being benignly predisposed is completely unfactual and the sort of fraud that only christowhitewashing of history can dream up. "Macaulay and English" indeed. Like I said, no independent thought in the christo-conditioned.

Unsurprisingly, Lynn and other christoconditioned racists in the west continue that christocolonial uppityness towards the non-urban communities of non-European nations. For them it is of utmost importance that tribes and dark populations of the world be shown as not intelligent. It is part of the "White human <i>evolved</i> from brown" theory that is essential to racists (appearance including colour is another important trait for them in their skewed idea of evolution). They don't like the idea that other populations continue to evolve <i>alongside</i> - No, they MUST have it that one population is at the top and represents humanity in the Now, while the rest (because we still exist and aren't done away with yet as Lynn and Pearson want) must be mere 'relics' of older stages of human progress that should, by their expectations, extinct any time now. That way they feel better and more superior.

They can't imagine that different human communities can co-exist on the same planet and independently continue to evolve without (as per their reasoning) all moving toward the same 'ultimate white' look. It's the same way the western world monotheistically expects all other countries in the world to 'progress' to the same 'first world' concept of civilisation they are at, as if that is the height of human civilisation today. (We do know how they got there. Looting and enslaving Africa, genociding Americas, colonising and looting Asia.) And just like they argue that christoislamic monotheism is the evolution of all concepts of God. A big No to the Losers: christoislamicommunazism is not the epitomy of human philosophy and thought, as they imagine. It is instead a conglomeration of the meannest and most backward of all the lowest tendencies in humans.

4. I think IQ is very flawed as a tool to measure human intelligence with (and the capacity for the same) if the Kalahari Bushmen don't rank very high. I've watched a documentary on the skills they have developed (including but not limited to survival skills) and they are very specialised and capable. They're obviously clever enough to perfect the skills they need in their environment, so perhaps Lynn is just being the haughty racist he always was when he draws more of his dribble-drenched conclusions.
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Jun 29 2008, 11:40 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Jun 29 2008, 11:40 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->2. On the matter of 'China being ethnically homogeneous' as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, this assumption is false. For instance, the Akha (a subgroup of the <i>Hani</i>) were originally an indigenous ethnic group from China. Due to various factors - not all of them pleasant, IIRC - many of them migrated to neighbouring hilly regions in Thailand, Laos, Burma and thereabouts.[right][snapback]83527[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Was able to find at least some partial substantiation for the above quoteblock in britannica:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hani</b> people also called <b>Woni</b> or <b>Houni</b>

an official nationality of China. The Hani live mainly on the high southwestern plateau of Yunnan province, China, specifically concentrated in the southwestern corner. There are also several thousands of Hani or related peoples in northern Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam and in eastern Myanmar (Burma). Altogether they numbered some two million in the early 21st century.

Thirteen subgroups of this official classification call themselves by other names, but they speak mutually intelligible Tibeto-Burman languages of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Classified as tribes of the larger Yi ethnic group, the Hani are believed to be a branch of the ancient Qiang from the north, appearing in the Dadu River region in Han times. They were slightly infiltrated by Thai who were fleeing the Mongols. Contemporary Hani are mostly farmers who produce two excellent types of tea and are also known for their remarkable terraced rice paddies.

<b>A distinct subgroup of the Hani known as the Akha</b> live in China, as well as parts of Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. <b>They are believed to be of Chinese origin, though, for a variety of reasons, they have lived a wandering life.</b> A notable feature of female dress is an elaborate headdress made with silver or white beads and silver coins. This and other features of the Akha culture are dissipating under pressure of both missionary work and other outside forces.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The chinese are not homogenous
DNA studies show 2 main types of chinese with the Yangtze river the dividing line
At least 10% are visible minorities
Possibly another 20% are minorities who declare themselves Han for political advantage

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