WHat Girish Karnad will say to rape victim?
Atleast you had gain baby, what a uplifting time for you.
These morons are disease.
05-18-2008, 04:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2008, 04:32 PM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+May 18 2008, 06:48 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ May 18 2008, 06:48 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->WHat Girish Karnad will say to rape victim?
Atleast you had gain baby, what a uplifting time for you.
These morons are disease.
[right][snapback]81739[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Ouch. But what an accurate analogy.
Kommunist Komrade Karnad (KKK) is no different from Portuguese-converted christos of today who are not just in denial but regularly write about what a blessing it is to be christian (and then talk about their christian 'heritage'). Sure, they're so blessed and at peace with their Hindu ancestors having been butchered into conversion. What do they care, as the ancestors who suffered were only Those Dratted Heathen Hindoos anyway ("they deserved it and afterwards went to hell accordingly"). Oh and the Goan Inquisition: Can't even read about all the things the Faithful Christoterrorists did to the victims without getting sick.
Oh well, must allow for any passing christoterrorists to learn about christoterrorism in India. So here's "Historian deSouza on the Goa Inquisition":
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The Goan inquisition is regarded by all contemporary portrayals as the most violent inquisition ever executed by the Portuguese Catholic Church.</b> It lasted from 1560 to 1812. The inquisition was set as a tribunal, headed by a judge, sent to Goa from Portugal and was assisted by two judicial henchmen. The judge was answerable to no one except to Lisbon and handed down punishments as he saw fit. The Inquisition Laws filled 230 pages and the palace where the Inquisition was conducted was known as the Big House and the Inquisition proceedings were always conducted behind closed shutters and closed doors. <b>The screams of agony of the culprits (men, women, and children) could be heard in the streets, in the stillness of the night, as they were brutally interrogated, flogged, and slowly dismembered in front of their relatives. Eyelids were sliced off and extremities were amputated carefully, a person could remain conscious even though the only thing that remained was his torso and a head.</b>
Diago de Boarda, a priest and his advisor Vicar General, Miguel Vazz had made a 41 point plan for torturing Hindus. Under this plan Viceroy Antano de Noronha issued in 1566, an order applicable to the entire area under Portuguese rule :
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Jeebus creepus! Historian de Souza is a Goan Catholic himself... How can christoterrorists make his statements disappear or neutralise them? I know, we can call upon Girish KKKarnad and Couto's âGoa: A Daughterâs Storyâ to give us their history-defying spin: "Bad things happened but we're like in a good place now. And we have faith that non-existent jeebus has saved us."
Yes, I see how such lame excuses will make it all better.
Why doesn't christo Couto just come out and say it: it applauds what the Portuguese did because now it is saved. Who cares of the 'little discomforts' its heathen ancestors suffered such as enduring christo-administered mutilations/dismemberments whereby (as per the historian T.R. de Souza) "a person could remain conscious even though the only thing that remained was his torso and a head". Praise jeebusjehovallah whose love just feels <i>so</i> good.
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+May 17 2008, 02:05 AM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ May 17 2008, 02:05 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+May 9 2008, 08:02 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ May 9 2008, 08:02 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Commie retard Girish Karnad justifying Goan Inquisiton and forcible conversions of Hindus:
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->âGoa: A Daughterâs Storyâ is open to controversial readings in the polarised climate of today and Couto is anxious that some of her chapters are not misinterpreted. She admits that conversions were violent but argues that violent birth certainly does not preclude 400 years of nurturing. And as for misinterpretation, any grist is suitable for mills that seem to grind against communal harmony and the sustenance of the Indian-ness of pluralism. Her doubts were dispelled by Girish Karnad: âYou should go by what you know or feel in your bones to be right â that even if conversions were forced or violent, the faith that people gained from them could prove to be culturally and spiritually enriching.â
Reminds me of a young black woman on TV. It was a program about slavery. They interviewed a couple of black people towards the end, And Sister says, "Yeah, slavery was bad, but I would not have been here (in US) without it". <!--emo&:unsure:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='unsure.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&<_<--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Actually, what <i>this</i> reminds me of is the infamous Catholic Dinesh D'souza's verbal diarrhoea not so long ago, suggesting that slavery was a <i>good</i> thing for African Americans, because look how poor most of Africa is today and how much better-off African Americans are compared to their counterparts in Africa. He also suggests that British imperialism was a <i>good</i> thing for Indians, because, hey, without imperialism, would we have all learnt to speak English?
Of course, that good old D'souza's parents also happen to be from the former, brutually-raped Portuguese colony, Goa, is just a 'happy' coincidence.
By the way, for those that are interested in a well-written rejoinder (rebuke) to D'souza's more recent bout of stomach-flu "What's so great about christianity' where he raves about the 'magnificence'' of Christianity and how much it has done for humanity (at least, according to his fantasies), please check out:
05-23-2008, 12:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2008, 12:26 PM by Bodhi.)
final results of the panchayat election in west bengal are out:
<img src='http://bp2.blogger.com/_UwwzmzFWHXA/SDYwO9fD3BI/AAAAAAAACRc/SWRm6nY7Y7I/s400/23zzbuddhabig.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Gram Panchayats:
1597 Left (down from 2303 in 2003)
1479 opposition (up from 744)
Panchayat Samitis:
183 Left (down from 265 in 2003)
126 opposition (up from 40 in 2003)
Left routed from Nandigram and Singur - both of which overwhelmingly went to Trinamul and SUCI.
If this is in rural areas, imagine the situation in uban areas with access to information!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->How CPM captured, and holds on to rural Bengal
By Nitish Sengupta
Deccan Chronicle, 22 May 2008
In the past week or so, during the panchayat elections in West Bengal, the CPI(M) cadre in Nandigram, Khejuri, Keshpur and many other pockets in the state have gone crazy violating criminal laws and constitutional rights in order to retain their physical control over their areas of influence. The CPI(M) men committed murders, raped women on a very visible scale and physically prevented independent intellectuals and human rights workers from visiting Nandigram â including such well-known persons as filmstars Aparna Sen and Saoli Mitra, not to speak of political leaders like Mamata Banerjee. The CPI(M)'s Lok Sabha MP for that region has openly entered into verbal confrontation with the commanding officer of the CRPF in the area, actually threatening him in the face of television cameras. They have physically beaten large numbers of men and women, snatched their voter identity cards and confined them to their homes in an attempt to prevent them from going to the polling booths to cast their votes. All this has happened in the open, with the CPI(M) leadership not showing any sign of remorse or regret, or even trying to reassert control over their belligerent cadre.
People often wonder how the CPI(M) has been able to retain control over rural West Bengal for as long as three decades. The answer lies in the fact that they have been making full use of the resources of the panchayati raj institutions gifted to them unwittingly by Rajiv Gandhi, who introduced the practice of giving direct finances from the Centre to the panchayats and even amended the Constitution for this purpose. Since that time the CPI(M) has retained full control on the panchayat elections so that they can directly gain access to its great resources and can claim that all the welfare and development measures undertaken by the panchayats, many of them coming from the Centre, are actually being done by their party. Unlike most other states, the CPI(M), after coming to power in West Bengal during a phase of absent-mindedness by the people in 1977, started the practice of fighting panchayat elections on a political basis and getting control over the panchayats, which they have not given up since then. To help them to win elections they resorted to making their cadre take physical control over vast rural areas. Ordinary voters are simply not allowed to vote. At times non-CPI(M) candidates are prevented by physical force from submitting their nominations, thereby ensuring the election of a large number of CPI(M) candidates unopposed. In order to retain this physical control, the cadre has been armed to the hilt, having their own guns, bombs, swords, spears and other weapons, which they use without any restraint against their political opponents. The police force has been politicised to an extent unknown anywhere else in this country. Most of the policemen recruited in West Bengal over the last two decades are CPI(M) cardholders or at least CPI(M) sympathisers, as are schoolteachers in the districts. Politically subservient station house officers have been posted in all thanas. They do not register any criminal complaint without a nod from the local CPI(M) boss. They even refuse to register FIRs in the normal course, although they are under obligation to do so under the Criminal Procedure Code. It is the secretary of the local CPI(M) unit, popularly known as the LCS, who is the main power centre in rural areas. Even ministers look for his recommendation in most cases. There has thus been a massive politicisation and criminalisation in rural areas of West Bengal. In every parliamentary constituency, the CPI(M) takes care to retain one Assembly segment under its tight physical control so that no matter how voters elsewhere vote, nearly 100 per cent polling in favour of their candidate in this segment usually ensures the victory of the CPI(M) candidate.
Strangely enough, the leadership of the CPI(M) in West Bengal, outwardly known as bhadralok leaders for their culture and intellect, choose to turn a blind eye towards the criminal activities of their cadre and the widespread violation of constitutional provisions and fundamental rights, as well as the usual provisions in our criminal law ensuring human rights. This explains why, unlike their counterparts in Kerala who know how to court defeat once every five years or so, the CPI(M) in West Bengal has never known defeat and has been uniformly successful in all elections to the Lok Sabha, the Assembly and panchayats over the last three decades. It is an amazing case where the proletariat of Karl Marx fell victim to Lenin's party, and Lenin's party in turn fell victim to the Stalinist and Maoist cadre. One does not know when West Bengal is going to be rescued from this captivity, which has destroyed its spirit, intellect and culture for several generations, not to speak of the steady economic decline which has downgraded what was once the foremost state of India during the halcyon days of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy into one of the most backward states in the country.
Today the CPI(M) stands isolated not only from the intellectuals, artists and other right-thinking sections of the people, but also from its own political allies like the Revolutionary Socialist Party and the Forward Bloc within the Left Front. Even the CPI(M) patriarch, Jyoti Basu, who built the United Front from scratch, lamented that the Left Front today is as good as non-existent. There are reports of armed clashes between the CPI(M) on the one hand and its allies in the Left Front on the other, leading to the death of people and destruction of property. It is only the CPI(M)'s cadre in the rural areas, a law unto themselves, who are sustaining their political party in power.
Dr Nitish Sengupta, an academic and an author, is a former Member of Parliament and a former secretary to the government of India
Hindus don't believe it when communistics say they are secular, for so many reasons. Here's one:
Another instance of communistics favouring its ideology of christoislamicommunazism while beating on Hinduism.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>CPM Leader is in Saudi Arabia</b>
29/05/2008 15:00:52Â HK Correspondent
Kannur: Senior CPM Leader and Member of Parliament from Kannur AP Abdullah Kutty is now in Saudi Arabia for doing his Umrah at Makkah.
He went there along with his wife Dr.Rosna and other family members.He went there a week ago and today he is in Jeddah after completing his Umrah.
Last year CPM Malappuram District Secretary Saidalikutty also went there to do Umrah.
<b>CPM did special arrangements for their muslim comrades to do Salah during their Ernakulam Dist.Conference last year.
However, the same CPM suspended one local committe member for doing Ganapathy Pooja during his house warming cenemony!!. They suspended another party member last year for going to Sabarimala!!</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
06-24-2008, 09:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2008, 06:16 AM by acharya.)
I had the âsowbhagyamâ of meeting with a self-professed âleft-leaningâ intellectual yesterday. A brief background about the gentleman: he is a beef-eating, Tamil Brahmin (by birth), missionary school educated, IIM Graduate, about 45 yrs old, reached US some 15 years ago at the age of 30 or so, is an established management scholar, knows Balaji Sampath (of AID and âranked 6th in JEE!â) personally, and thinks that Madhav Chavan of Pratham is a very famous person in India (sorry, but I heard this name for the first time!).
We had an approximately two hours âchatâ in presence of American/Chinese folks. Well, actually, I and others prompted the gentleman and the gentleman talked and talked and talked. The Chinese and the Church going audience were enthralled by the gentlemanâs thoughts about India.
What I heard directly from the horses mouth (this was my first direct interaction with a left-leaning, otherwise intelligent, individual) confirmed what I had heard second/third hand from some folks here and at other places. Here is a summary of what I heard first hand (and I am not making it up!):
1. India is a notional country.
2. The person openly professed that he is not an Indian because of (1) above.
3. In any case, this person is not comfortable being a part of the culture âthat oppresses 600 million peopleâ.
4. India has occupied Kashmir (and Juna Garh and Hyderabad to a lesser extent) by fraudulent means. Therefore, the people of Kashmir should decide whether they want to be a part of India or not.
5. Not only the Kashmiri terrorists, but also, LTTE folks are âfreedom fightersâ. LTTE âfreedom fightersâ are fighting for âliberationâ of Tamil Nadu as well.
6. It is okay, in fact âlogicalâ, if large chunks of India break away â special focus was on Kashmir, followed by Assam and the rest of the North East.
7. The gentlemanâs inspiration to work comes from Jesusâs sermon on the mount. When I asked him whether he had heard anything about bhakti, karma, & jnana yoga, he answered in affirmative. But, of course, Indian philosophy cannot guide any good action.
8. Gujrat riots was a âpogromâ since the âentire government machinery was involved in the massacreâ. Also a total of â5300â people were killed. Thankfully, the gentleman knew that about 25-30% of them were Hindus.
9. When I asked about âcommunist goonsâ in Kerala killing other people, the gentleman laughed it away.
10. There is no religious motive for Pakistanâs support to terrorism in Kashmir. The only thing they want is to avenge separation of Bangladesh, which makes terrorism and Pakistani support to it âunderstandableâ.
11. Maintaining military in Kashmir costs âthousandsâ of crores annually. Therefore, we should allow it to separate.
12. India should not have any big dreams. In particular, the pursuit of UNSC seat takes away from poverty alleviation. And, in any case, UNSC seat is only to veto the Kashmir issue when required.
13. Indians should not be proud of their heritage and culture, not even be aware about it, since it does not matter at all. In any case, there is nothing at all to be proud about.
14. India is in an absolutely bad shape, and will continue to be in it. Nothing has improved at all on social, educational, technological fronts since independence.
15. âAryansâ did invade India and Dravids, especially Tamils, are the âoriginalâ inhabitants of India.
16. Communist support to Indiaâs invasion in 1962 is okay since âHindu parties also supported the British.â
17. India should not spend too much on defense (thankfully, he did not advocate zero spending). Places such as Siachin are especially useless and it costs thousands of crores to maintain troops there. We should also give up our âcompletely uselessâ territory where ânot a blade of grass grows.â (reminded me so much of our Late Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru)
As we know, this guy and the ideology he represents is a grave threat to the Indian nation. E.g., Pratham reaches several million kids (or so they claim). I wonder whether this sort of âeducationâ includes âdeIndianizingâ kids and turn them into self-loathing citizens and an easy target for our various friends from abroad.
I am sure everyone here does their bit to counter this challenge. To those who donât, this is my humble request to do whatever they can to counter this threat the Indian nationhood. Every small action counts. Buy and distribute nationalist books, visit nationalist workers in the field â itâs a morale booster for them, donate, write articles, deliver lectures, organize shows, educate friends in US and India etc. - do whatever you can. Visiting BR is very good, but please be a BRF-ite in the real world as well (if you are not, that is)!
On a broader level, why does Indian education system produce people with such attitudes? How do we fix it? When Chinese communists can be Chinese nationalists and Cuban communists can be Cuban nationalists, why can't Indian communists be Indian nationalists?
Ashok Sarraff
Can these people be casually asked to give us their opinion on Jeebus being a Roman creation as per the CM hypothesis? And why a hypotheis so statistically and historically sound should be considered untrue, and the existence of the jeebus be taken at face value just because a tradition that has slaughtered hundreds of millions tells you to?
I know these guys will laugh at you, but expose their jeebus-love and challenge their rationality, which they seem so proud of. It will get you nowhere for moment, but it will spread the word. IMO, the most effective way to counter-attack is to pull the magic carpet from under their feet.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>CPM demotes Muslim MP for Umrah</b>
J Gopikrishnan | New Delhi
As per the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) brand of 'secularism', backing Muslims on the Amarnath shrine land transfer issue is the order of things. But when it comes to allowing a party MP from the same community to practice his religious beliefs, the knives are brought out against him. Â
The CPM has censured and demoted its<b> Kerala MP Abdullah Kutty for travelling to Mecca for performing Umrah two weeks ago. The young MP from Kannur, who went to Mecca in the first week of June, invited the wrath of the party's State unit for "defying" the party's ideology.</b>Â <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The district committee took disciplinary against him on June 19 and demoted him to a simple member in the local committee. Prior to the action against him, Kutty was an area committee member.
<b>Incidentally, the party first "charge-sheeted" him for having performed the religious ceremony in Mecca. Later, conscious of the fact that the decision could invite backlash from the Muslim community, the party claimed Kutty was punished for delivering a speech against bandhs and hartals. </b>
<b>But talking to The Pioneer over phone, Kutty said: "Disciplinary action was initiated against me after I returned from Mecca. The so-called controversial speech is an old issue anyway. A number of leaders had aired the same view on bandhs and hartals."</b>
He added, "The timing of the party's disciplinary action against me has made people believe that I have been convicted for performing Umrah. But the party denies that the action was caused by my having undertaken the religious trip."
Kutty refused to comment further, saying, "I am a dedicated party member and can't clarify all your queries since I have been censured."
Party insiders feel that Kutty has been penalised by CPI(M)'s State secretary and Politburo member Pinarayi Vijayan for his allegiance to the rival faction, led by Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan.
07-04-2008, 03:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2008, 11:23 PM by shamu.)
Kerala history book modifications by communists. Sorry, it is in Malayalam.
7th STD text Book Controversy
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Marxist in Mecca </b>
The Pioneer Edit Desk
Religion is now a fellow traveller
In taking disciplinary action against its MP from Kannur in Kerala, Mr Abdullah Kutty, and demoting him in the party hierarchy for visiting Mecca on an Umrah, the CPI(M) has -- grant it this -- been perversely even-handed. In 2006, it had admonished Mr Subhas Chakraborty, the maverick Sports Minister of West Bengal, for worshipping at a Kali temple and declaring that he was a "Hindu and a Brahmin and only then a Marxist". He had also, around the same time, written an article comparing Mr Jyoti Basu to Lord Krishna. An overdose of the opiate of the masses -- the favoured Marxian expression for religion -- was too much for the CPI(M) leadership to tolerate. Episodes such as these, comic and bizarre as they may seem to mainstream society, exhibit the Indian Left's wrenching surrender to faith and religion as phenomena essential to the human condition. Indeed, as religion saw a surge and a grand revival in the dying decades of the 20th century, the certitudes of fellow travellers took a knocking. In the 1990s, an American Enterprise Institute survey of democracies assessed India, Ireland, Poland and the United States as the world's most spiritual societies. In Ireland, Communism is absent. <b>In the US, liberal, god-denying intellectuals are limited to campuses on the East Coast and in Berkeley, and to Prof Noam Chomsky's private dinners. Poland led the first major successful assault on Marxism by a faith-based group -- in the 1980s, the Catholic Church, blessed by Pope John Paul II (himself a Pole) and President Ronald Reagan, was a force multiplier for the Solidarity movement against the Soviet-backed dictatorship. In India, the Left has ceded ground inch by inch. While there has been no sudden, dramatic turnaround, the political and public discourse vis-Ã -vis religion is far different today than what it was in, say, 1983, 25 years ago.</b>
Despite 30 years of 'progressive' rule in West Bengal, the CPI(M) leadership there still sees Durga Puja as an important occasion for mass mobilisation and winning over voters. <b>Sikh comrades, led by the valiant Mr Harkishen Singh Surjeet, have not discarded the religious symbols introduced by Guru Govind Singh</b>. The wife of the General Secretary of the CPI(M) -- who is a redoubtable Communist herself -- wears a large, very visible bindi on her forehead, inspired perhaps by millions of Hindu women who do so likewise in the belief that they are protecting their husbands from enemies (bourgeois parties and forces of imperialism). Even in the public protests against the visiting US President George W Bush in 2006, the Communists addressed large crowds of religiously inspired Muslims. The concerns of the Muslim community were brought up again, only this past month, in an eleventh-hour attempt to thwart the India-US nuclear deal.
Fittingly for a world view built on the study of contradictions, Communism is trapped in the crevices between theory and praxis. In Xinjiang, Islamists are faith-based zealots terrorising the Chinese state. In Jammu & Kashmir, they become innocent victims of the Indian state. In Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez can expel Christian missionaries working among aboriginal tribals, accusing them of "imperialist infiltration" and CIA links. <b>In India, the Communists will defend the very missionaries against supposed fascist Hindu depredations</b>. May Karl Marx, descendant of Jewish rabbis, show them the light. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--> Speaker Somnath Chatterjee may quit
9 Jul 2008, 0404 hrs IST, Bhaskar Roy,TNN
NEW DELHI: After the withdrawal of support to the government by the Left, Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee does not seem to have an option but to step down.
Though Congress is careful to keep him out of the vortex of the current slugfest with the Left, Chatterjee, according to sources, has made up his mind to quit the position he accepted as an acknowledgement of the UPA-Left bonhomie in the heady summer of 2004.
"He was a consensus choice but above all he is a disciplined partyman," a source close to Chatterjee said amidst intense speculation about his future move.
Sources said that Chatterjee would prefer to give up his hallowed seat to be able to vote along with the other Left members.
Biman Bose, CPM Politburo member and Left Front chairman in West Bengal, has said that the Left can consider supporting a BJP-led coalition if that party sheds what he called its âcommunal agendaâ.
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In surprising remarks made in London on Thursday, he also said the Left may have made âa mistakeâ by not withdrawing its support from the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government earlier and accused the Congress of trying to âbail outâ the US Republican Party through the nuclear deal ahead of US elections.
<b>Comrades try to justify voting with BJP, some not so sure</b>
Posted online: Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 0142 hrs Print Email
Bidyut Roy & Ravik Bhattacharya
Kolkata, July 12:The CPM may have denied that its veteran leader Jyoti Basu had questioned the partyâs decision to vote with the BJP against the UPA Government but clearly, the questions Basu raised have touched a raw nerve in the partyâs leadership.
Contacted for his comment on Basuâs remarks, Shyamal Chakravarty, a senior central committee member and one of the partyâs spokesmen, said: âI will not make any comment.â His colleague Bejoy Konar, too, declined to comment. The Sunday Express spoke to Left MPs here when asked about voting with the BJP, many of them â some didnât want to be identified â justified the decision. Some, however, pointed out that the Politburo had decided only to withdraw support and had not taken a call on whether to vote against the Government. But with General Secretary Prakash Karat making it clear that there will be a vote and his colleague Sitaram Yechury echoing it today, the comrades know there may not be much choice.
â¢Basudev Acharya, CPM MP: âWhy are you looking at it from that angle? Look at it from the other angle: The BJP is going to vote with us. The issue is ours. I will follow the party stand against the Congress.â
â¢Sudhansu Sil, CPM MP: âWhen we gave support to the Congress to form the UPA government, the communal BJP was a greater danger. But now the situation has changed. We are going to vote against the Congress for a national cause.â
â¢Amitava Nandy, CPM MP: âI will follow the party guideline and vote against the Congress government even if it means voting with BJP.â
â¢Joachim Baxla, RSP MP: âI am still undecided. When we withdrew support from the UPA government, we had no intention to topple it. I am yet to get any whip from the party.â
â¢Hiten Burman, Forward Bloc MP: âI am still undecided. My party has not directed anything. I will take a decision after the party secretariat meeting on July 20. Voting with BJP will become an issue.â
â¢Probodh Panda, CPI MP: âYes, I will vote with the BJP as the Left alliance has decided.â
â¢Anil Basu, CPM MP: âIt is true we will have to face this question of voting with BJP on the same platform. We will have to find answer to this inside Parliament and outside it. Politburo decided withdrawal of support but not what to do thereafter. The decision in this regard is yet to be finalized.â
â¢Gurudas Das Gupta, CPI MP: âBJP is our fundamental enemy. The question you are asking is your personal interpretation, not ours.â
â¢Basudev Burman: CPM MP: âEight days are still left for the vote. Many things can happen. Ask this question to party higher-ups. I have not been communicated anything so far by the party.â
â¢Sujon Chakravarty, CPM MP : âNo official whip has yet been issued. We did not want to dislodge the government but we have been pushed to the wall. But keep this in mind...BJP will vote for momentary gain, we are voting for the countryâs sovereignty.â
â¢Tarit Topadar, CPM MP: âUnity of the Opposition is transient. No party mandate has come so far but it looks logical that we will have to vote with BJP. BJP, however, is also a pro-American lobby.â
<b>Veteran CPM leader Surjeet passes away</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Noida, August1: Harkishan Singh Surjeet, the pragmatic Marxist leader, who played a key role in keeping BJP out of power in 1996 and helped Congress form a coalition government at the Centre eight years later, died in Noida, near Delhi, on Friday after prolonged illness.
92-year-old Surjeet, who was convalescing at the Metro Hospital in nearby Noida since July 25, breathed his last at 1335 hours, CPM general secretary Prakash Karat said.
08-04-2008, 05:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2008, 05:31 AM by shamu.)
Hundreds bid adieu to Surjeet
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Following a gun salute by Delhi police personnel, who fired three rounds in the air, <b>the pyre was lit by his eldest son</b>, Paramjeet Singh, at 5.20 p.m. The funeral was also attended by Mr. Surjeetâs wife, Pritam Kaur, his two sons and daughter.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Isn't this a religious practice? Why didn't they cremate him in electric crematorium?
<!--QuoteBegin-shamu+Aug 4 2008, 05:30 AM-->QUOTE(shamu @ Aug 4 2008, 05:30 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Hundreds bid adieu to Surjeet
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Following a gun salute by Delhi police personnel, who fired three rounds in the air, <b>the pyre was lit by his eldest son</b>, Paramjeet Singh, at 5.20 p.m. The funeral was also attended by Mr. Surjeetâs wife, Pritam Kaur, his two sons and daughter.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Isn't this a religious practice? Why didn't they cremate him in electric crematorium?
Why even cremate the SOB
why not bury the muslim loving SOB
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Isn't this a religious practice? Why didn't they cremate him in electric crematorium?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Thats what I was searching, unable to find whether they had done any Sikh prayers or not. Everywhere they are saying who was present, but no mention or not reported that Sikh priest was present. But his son is performing ritual it means religious ritual took place. These commies are biggest fraud.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Surjeetâs body was consigned to flames on an elevated platform built in the memory of late Deen Dayal Upadhyay, a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ideologue and the erstwhile Jana sangh president.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Chinese Ambassador to India Sun Yuxi, CPI National Secretary D Raja and BSPâs Satish Chandra Mishra came to the CPI(M) office and paid floral tributes at the portrait of Surjeet.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>'I am a Communist who believes in God'</b>
Commie if he visit temple that is a problem but Muslim or Christian Commies are acceptable. What a double standard?