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Amarnath Land Deal
<!--QuoteBegin-LSrini+Aug 17 2008, 04:21 AM-->QUOTE(LSrini @ Aug 17 2008, 04:21 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Makes some very valid point.  But Vir Sanghvi doesn't quite think the unthinkable.  The unthinkable is to <b>treat the way China treats Tibet, by move its own citizens to Tibet and make Tibetans the minority</b>.  And come any sort of plebiscite, they would always vote against secession.  It is time to treat kashmiris like every other Indian.
[right][snapback]86574[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->1. So many islamics in Kashmir don't belong there: they're from TSP and Afghanistan too and even beyond.

2. Repatriation of Kashmiri Hindus back into Kashmir is not the same as Chinese being planted in Tibet, because Chinese are not from Tibet and don't belong there. But Kashmiri Hindus belong in Kashmir.

3. In fact any and all Hindus (of India at least) should have a right to settle in Kashmir. Hindus regularly settled in different parts of India thanks to Hindu Rajas giving them refuge from islamism or christoterrorism (like Goa) or inviting them over in earlier times.

4. Islam has no rights to demand anything special in Bharatam. It has TSP and Bangladesh and Afghanistan all to itself, all islam-only theocracies.
In comparision to the Independence Day Celebration organized by Samiti, Government's function was nothing. People turned out in thousands to attend Samiti's 15-Aug celebration. The whole day was celebrated by protesters without any untoward incident and without any anti-government slogans.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jkcd15-1_1218853330_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jaa-7-c-3-1_1218853403_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jkcd46-c-3-1_1218853399_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<span style='color:red'>देशभक्ति और आस्था का अनूठा संगम</span>

जम्मू, हमारे प्रतिनिधि : जब अपनी ही सरकार बेगानी हो जाए, तब ऐसा होता है। जब सरकार नासमझी में अपने किसी काम से जनता की भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचा दे और माफी मांगने के बजाय उलटे आंखें दिखाती रहे, तब ऐसा होता है। जब लोग यह मान लें कि पूरा का पूरा सत्ता प्रतिष्ठान ही पूर्वाग्रहग्रस्त है, तब ऐसा होता है। श्री अमरनाथ की भूमि के लिए आंदोलन के दौरान जम्मू के लोगों से राज्य व केंद्र सरकार, उनके मंत्री, उनके प्रशासनिक व पुलिस अधिकारी पेश आए, आज शुक्रवार को स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर जम्मू की स्वाभिमानी जनता ने उसके प्रति अपनी भावनाएं स्पष्ट कर दीं। इसके लिए उसने न तो सरकार के खिलाफ कोई नारा लगाया और न ही उसके प्रति किसी प्रकार की नफरत प्रदर्शित की। सरकार को यह संदेश देने के लिए जम्मू के लोग उससे खुश नहीं हैं, स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर सरकार की ओर से आयोजित होने वाले कार्यक्रम में कोई भी आम नागरिक नहीं पहुंचा। इसके विपरीत संघर्ष समिति की ओर से आयोजित स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह में लगभग सारे जम्मू ने पहुंचकर सरकार को यह संदेश भी दे दिया कि श्री अमरनाथ की भूमि वापस लेने के लिए उसका आंदोलन बिलकुल उचित है और भूमि वापस होने तक यह आंदोलन रुकने वाला नहीं। यह जम्मू और देश के स्वाभिमान का प्रश्न है।

अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति के आह्वान पर मुबारक मंडी में आयोजित स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह में भाग लेने वाले हजारों लोगों के जोश को देखकर इस बात में संदेह का कोई आधार नहीं बचता कि महाराजा हरि सिंह ने जम्मू-कश्मीर का भारत में विलय करने जो फैसला लिया था, वह पूरी तरह उचित था। संघर्ष समिति की ओर से मुबारक मंडी के अलावा बाहू प्लाजा में भी एक समारोह आयोजित किया गया जहां बड़ी संख्या में लोगों ने हिस्सा लिया। जम्मू के साथ-साथ संभाग के सभी जिलों में सरकार से अलग आयोजित स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह में बड़ी संख्या में लोगों ने पहुंचकर देशभक्ति का जज्बा दिखाया। बारिश के बावजूद दूर-दूर से लोग भारत माता की जय और बम-बम भोले के जयघोष लगाते मुबारक मंडी पहंुचे। कार्यक्रम शुरू होने तक बारिश थम गई। तिरंगे के सामने नतमस्तक देशभक्तों की संख्या इतनी ज्यादा थी कि सबको मुबारक मंडी परिसर के अंदर जगह मिल पाना संभव नहीं था। जिसको जहां जगह मिली वह वहीं खड़ा होकर भारत माता की जय, बम-बम भोले के जयघोष लगाने लगा। बहुत से लोग कार्यक्रम का आंनद लेने के लिए हाईकोर्ट काम्पलेक्स, डिवीजनल कमिश्नर कार्यालय, पिंक हाल और दूसरी इमारतों के ऊपर चढ़ गए। देखते ही देखते युवाओं ने मुबारक मंडी के हर गुंबद पर तिरंगे फहरा दिए। कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने के लिए युवाओं के साथ बच्चे, महिलाएं, बुजुर्ग भी बढ़चढ़ कर पहुंचे। छोटे-छोटे बच्चों का तो जोश भी देखते ही बनता था। कोई सिर पर केसरी पगड़ी बांधे हुए था तो किसी ने चेहरे पर तिरंगा बना रखा था।
In Samiti's independence day functions, honour to hoist the flag was given to the families who have lost their dear ones.

Abhay Pratap, 7 year old son of Martyr Sanjeev Singh addressed the people too and asked whether they would let down the cause for which his dad had laid down his life? 'NO!', people resonated. All eyes became wet again.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jaa-9-c-2-1_1218853400_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Other family members of martyrs addressed the people too.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jaa-11-c-3-1_1218853402_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
An exhibition was arranged with memorabilia of martyrs.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jaa-4-c-3-1_1218853401_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080816/07/jmu15jaa-1-c-3-1_1218853398_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Likewise in Bishnah, honour to hoist the flag was done by Shilpi Varma and Anmol Varma, the widow and son of Kuldeep Kumar Varma.

After the national anthem, Anmol Varma addressed the people with a short but emotional speech. He said he might be small, but was big enough to understand why his dad had died and not forget what police had done. 'I would wait for growing up to avenge the cause for which my father has died, and fufill his dreams. His sacrifice would not go waste.' He ended with, 'Long Live Movement, No rest till Amarnath Land is liberated.'

Thousands were moved to tears hearing such brave words of Anmol Varma.

<span style='color:red'>पिता की कुर्बानी बेकार नहीं जाने दूंगा : अनमोल</span>

बिश्नाह, संवाद सहयोगी : श्री अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति की घोषणा अनुसार कस्बावासियों ने सरकारी कार्यक्रमों का बहिष्कार कर संघर्ष समिति की बिश्नाह इकाई ने ब्योत्रा हाल में अपने कार्यक्रम में झंडे की रस्म अदा की। तय कार्यक्रम के मुताबिक राजनीति को एक तरफ रखकर इस बार कस्बे में झंडा फहराने की रस्म को श्री अमरनाथ श्राइन बोर्ड भूमि आंदोलन में शहीद हुए कुलदीप वर्मा की पत्नी शिल्पी वर्मा व उसके बेटे अनमोल वर्मा ने अदा की। तिरंगा फहराने की रस्म के साथ राष्ट्रीय गान शुरू किया गया। उसके बाद अलग-अलग नेताओं ने लोगों को संबोधित किया। पर जब अनमोल वर्मा ने अपना भाषण शुरू किया तो वहां मौजूद हजारों लोगों की आंखें नम हो गईं पर उस मासूम की जुबान से निकले शब्द इस प्रकार थे। अनमोल ने कहा कि मेरी उम्र भले ही छोटी है पर इतना छोटा भी नहीं कि अपने पिता के शव के साथ पुलिस ने क्या किया है उसे भूल जाऊं। मैं बड़ा होकर इसका बदला लूंगा और अपने पिता जी के अधूरे सपनों को जरूर पूरा करूंगा। अपने पिता की कुर्बानी को व्यर्थ नहीं जाने दूंगा। इंकलाब जिंदाबाद हम जमीन वापस लेकर रहेंगे।
Need to copy russian methods in chechnya to deal with kashmiri muslims


"I remember a Chechen female sniper. We just tore her apart with two armored personnel carriers, having tied her ankles with steel cables. There was a lot of blood, but the boys needed it."

"The main thing is to have them die slowly. You don't want them to die fast, because a fast death is an easy death."

"The summary executions don't just take place against suspected fighters. One 33-year-old army officer recounted how he drowned a family of five--four women and a middle-aged man--in their own well."

"You should not believe people who say Chechens are not being exterminated. In this Chechen war, it's done by everyone who can do it," he said. "There are situations when it's not possible. But when an opportunity presents itself, few people miss it."

"I would kill all the men I met during mopping-up operations. I didn't feel sorry for them one bit."

"It's much easier to kill them all. It takes less time for them to die than to grow."

"So there will be one Chechen less on the planet, so what? Who will cry for him?"



Not only does the stuff you mention sound cruel and inhuman but it sounds impractical and purely propaganda material (pregnant-woman-slit-womb). Its adharmic to the core. No hindu is going to carry out that kind of war, not now and not at any time in the future.



Vir Sanghvi's article is very well written and belongs to the recognize-the-moment category. I havent seen such scathing article that basically gives up on Kashmiri Muslims in mainstream media. I cannot believe Vir Sanghvi is writing this stuff..

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The short answer is: damn all.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

He is basically saying the hell with you guys. KMs have totally lost the war of hearts-and-minds. Remember 2-3 years ago Madhi Kishwar wrote this


and this


and now Vir Sanghvi says this about mehboobaji

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And even the major political parties do not hesitate to play the Pakistan card — Mehbooba Mufti is quite willing to march to the Line of Control.

I think KMs went too far this time in playing their games of brinkmanship.
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Aug 17 2008, 11:21 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Aug 17 2008, 11:21 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Need to copy russian methods in chechnya to deal with kashmiri muslims
The site looks like a Muslim propaganda site, but its not too far from describing how Russians actually deal with them. It is well known that Russians bury Chechen terrorists in pigskin. So I agree. Only an equivalent response in violence and cruelty has ever been appreciated by Muslims. Hindus will never learn this, therefore they are destined to wallow in self-pity and refugee camps.
Whole article is about how peaceful KMs are.


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Agitations in Kashmir are no more about the Amarnath land row or the alleged economic blockade imposed on the Valley, hitting the fruit industry. From the silent merchant, who sports a black flag on the counter, to the slogan-shouting masked youth driving around town with green flags, the protests are all about freedom now.

After the staggering turnout for the funeral of senior Hurriyat leader Sheikh Abdul Aziz in Pampore on Saturday, leaders of the separatist groups say they no more have any say in the scheme of things and it is the people who are leading them.
Agitation in Kashmir is nothing but an attention-diversionary technique to drown the voice of Hindus. And it is working. Suddenly the center of gravity in the media and government's focus has shifted back to valley.
Loudspeakers from the Mosques in Valley declaring independence 24X7. Asking Indians and Kafirs to leave valley by Aug 21.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080818/10/jmu17jkcd16-1_1219034710_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Labourers from Bihar (mostly muslims) fleeing valley.

KM asked by APHC to only carry the Green Islamic Flag with Allah-o-Akbar written in Arabic.

English media would never report such news.

<span style='color:red'>इस्लामी कट्टरपंथियों का खुला देशद्रोह</span>

जम्मू, संवाद सहयोगी : घाटी में आर्थिक नाकेबंदी के नाम पर गैर कश्मीरी मुस्लिमों पर अलगाववादियों का कहर जारी है। स्थिति यह है कि उनसे लूटपाट व मारपीट की जा रही है और जबरन पलायन करने को मजबूर किया जा रहा है। इससे सबसे अधिक प्रभावित बाहरी राज्यों के श्रमिक हो रहे हैं। सुरक्षाबल मूकदर्शक बन तमाशा देख रहा है और उपद्रवी घाटी को स्वतंत्र इस्लामिक राष्ट्र घोषित कर रहे हैं। रविवार सुबह 22 एसआरटीसी की बसों से जम्मू रेलवे स्टेशन पहुंचे करीब दो हजार श्रमिकों ने बताया कि घाटी की सड़कों पर नफरत से भरे लोग हाथों में हथियार लेकर बाहरी राज्यों के लोगों को 21 अगस्त तक घाटी छोड़ने का ऐलान कर रहे हैं। मस्जिदों पर लाउडस्पीकर लगाकर ऐलान किया जा रहा है कि कश्मीर अब आजाद हो गया है इसलिए सभी गैर मुस्लिम तुरंत भाग जाओ नहीं तो कत्लेआम होगा। इस बारे में बिहार निवासी अब्दुल रहमान ने बताया कि वह खानपुरा इलाके में किराये के कमरे में रहते थे। गत शुक्रवार रात जब वह अपने साथियों के साथ सो रहे थे तो लोगों का एक हुजूम उनके घर में घुस आया और उनकी तलाशी लेनी शुरू कर दी। कमरे में दर्जन भर बाहरी राज्यों के श्रमिक थे, जिनमें से हिंदुओं को एक तरफ और मुस्लिमों...

<span style='color:red'>नाकेबंदी का विरोध या इस्लामीकरण का एजेंडा?</span>

श्रीनगर, जागरण ब्यूरो : आर्थिक नाकेबंदी का दुष्प्रचार करके कश्मीरी अवाम को मुजफ्फराबाद मार्च के लिए उकसाने वाली हुर्रियत कांफ्रेंस अब संयुक्त राष्ट्र (यूएन) को भारत के जुल्मों की झूठी कहानी सुनाएगी। इस उपद्रव के बहाने हुर्रियत कांफ्रेंस किस तरह कश्मीर को इस्लाम के गढ़ में बदलने की साजिश रच रही है, यूएन मार्च के बहाने यह सच भी सामने आ गया है। मार्च में शामिल होने वाले लोगों से सिर्फ और सिर्फ हरे रंग का अल्लाह-ओ-अकबर लिखा इस्लामी झंडा लेकर आने को कहा गया है। उल्लेखनीय है कि हुर्रियत कांफ्रेंस ने श्रीनगर-मुजफ्फराबाद मार्च के बाद 18 अगस्त सोमवार को संयुक्त राष्ट्र के स्थानीय कार्यालय जाने की घोषणा कर रखी है। उसी संदर्भ में आज शनिवार को यहां कट्टरपंथी सैयद अली शाह गिलानी और मीरवाइज उमर फारूक ने संयुक्त रूप से पत्रकारों को बताया कि हुर्रियत समेत विभिन्न अलगाववादी संगठनों की साझा समन्वय समिति की बैठक में देर शाम यह फैसला लिया गया कि सोमवार को कोई घर में न रहे। सभी टीआरसी मैदान में जमा हों और वहां से कश्मीर में जारी भारत के जुल्मों के खिलाफ और आजादी के हक में एक ज्ञापन देने के लिए यूएन कार्यालय चलें। इस दौरान प्रदर्शनकारी किसी भी संगठन का झंडा लेकर नहीं चलेंगे। उनके हाथ में या वाहनों पर सिर्फ एक ही झंडा हो। हरे रंग के इस इस्लामिक झंडे पर अल्लाह-ओ-अकबर लिखा हो।
Even as the Jammu Movement entered 50th day, unity and mass support continues.

Traders Association continued to organize the distribution of the necessary commodities to poor families in every locality.

Many local business have started community kitchens.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080818/10/jmu17jaa-08-c-3-1_1219034785_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080818/10/jmu17jkcd13-c-3-1_1219034772_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080818/10/jmu17jaa-07-c-3-1_1219034784_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<span style='color:red'>जनता की सेवा में उठे सैकड़ों हाथ</span>

जम्मू : कहीं सांप्रदायिकता की बुआई की जा रही है तो कहीं जनता की सेवा में सैकड़ों हाथ उठकर इंसानियत की मिसाल कायम कर रहे हैं। पिछले पचास दिन से जारी जनआंदोलन के चलते जरूरतमंदों में खाने-पीने के चीजों की किल्लत हो गई है। इससे हर कोई वाकिफ भी है। इसी के चलते जनता की सेवा में आगे आने वालों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है। शहर का शायद ही कोई ऐसा मोहल्ला बचा होगा जहां या जिसके आसपास मुफ्त लंगर न लगाए गए हों या फिर राशन आदि वितरित न किया जा रहा हो। रविवार को भी ऐसे ही लंगर जगह-जगह लगाए गए। गंग्याल में दस लोगों ने जेब से खर्च कर लोगों की सेवा के लिए विशाल लंगर लगाया जिसमें सैकड़ों की संख्या में लोगों ने भोजन किया। इनमें कारपोरेटर सतीश शर्मा, वार्ड प्रधान पूरन चंद वर्मा, राकेश सिंह, रशपाल वर्मा, देवेन्द्र वर्मा, वर्मा केबल स्टाफ, विपिन कुमार, कर्म चंद, सरदारी लाल, कुलदीप सिंह शामिल हैं। स्वयं सेवकों की सेवाओं की भी सराहना की गई। नानक नगर के सेक्टर पांच में पूर्व मेयर मनमोहन सिंह चौधरी के नेतृत्व में लंगर लगाया गया। न्यू प्लाट में स्थानीय लोगों ने यज्ञ के बाद भंडारे का आयोजन किया। जिसमें शांति के लिए प्रार्थना करने के साथ लोगों की दिक्कतों को दूर करने पर बल दिया। अफगाना मोहल्ला वेलफेयर सोसायटी ने भी राशि एकत्र कर खाने-पीने के मोहताज लोगों के लिए में राशन वितरित किया। इससे पूर्व सोसायटी ने एक बैठक कर सरदारी लाल सजगोत्रा की अध्यक्षता में एक टीम गठित की जिसने इलाके में रहने वाले चार सौ परिवारों की निशानदेही की। टीम ने दस किलो आटा, एक किलो चीनी, एक किलो नमक, आधा-आधा किलो की दो दालें, चायपत्ती वितरित की। विक्रम चौक में डीएलएफ ने लंगर लगाया हुआ तो नानक नगर, पंजतीर्थी, रूपनगर , तालाब तिल्लो सहित शहर के लगभग हर मोहल्ले में ऐसे लोगों की कमी नहीं जन सेवा के लिए लंगर लगाए हुए हैं।

सांबा, संवाद सहयोगी : सांबा के व्यापारियों ने गरीब लोगों को दूसरी किश्त में राशन बांटा। विदित रहे कि श्री अमरनाथ श्राइन बोर्ड की जमीन वापसी के लिए पिछले डेढ़ महीने से आंदोलन चल रहा है, जिससे क्षेत्र के सारे कारोबार बंद पड़े हैं। रेहड़ी-फड़ी वालों का काम काज ठप्प हो कर रह गया है। सांबा के व्यापारियों ने इन्हीं गरीबों में दूसरी किश्त में आटा व आलू बांटे। पहली किश्त में दस-दस किलो के तीन सौ बैग बांटे गए थे। दूसरी किश्त में आटे के पांच-पांच किलो के पांच सौ बैग व दो-दो किलो आलू दिए गए।

Making an appearance in the Capital on Sunday, the Shri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti (SASS) struck a defiant note, saying its agitation in Jammu shall not stop until the Government has made available the 100-acre land for the Amarnath Yatra.

SASS convener Leela Karan Sharma also announced that the agitation would be taken to “other parts of the country”. “Jammu has always been discriminated against. There have been one hundred issues where the Valley has been favoured over Jammu. The present issue concerns our aastha (faith) and is thus non-negotiable,” he said.

<b>“Kashmir is the gateway of terrorism to India. If you want to save the country, you have to strengthen Jammu. We appeal to the people of India to stand behind the people of Jammu,” he added. Lambasting the Union Government for “turning a deaf ear to Jammu for the last 50 days”, Sharma said that “it has now become the entire country’s agitation”.</b>

The BJP that wants to take the Amarnath issue to every nook and corner of the country may call for a bandh on August 21 in support of the Amarnath demands. “The modalities are being worked out, and we welcome support from all quarters,” said an SASS functionary.

The five-member SASS team’s day-long-engagement in Delhi gave a peek into their future course of action. <b>With logistical help coming from local BJP functionaries — with some of them intimately connected with the Jammu and Kashmir affairs — Sharma and his aides first met Swami Ramdev at a gurdwara in Greater Kailash after arriving in the Capital early in the morning. “The meeting was held at the initiative of Swami Ramdev,”</b> claimed an SASS functionary.

“The yoga exponent was huddled with leaders of the Bhagirathi-Ganga Bachao Abhiyan meeting, and they all promised to take the agitation to various parts of the country,” claimed the SASS leader. An association of environmental activists and Hindu gurus opposed to the construction work on the Ganga in Uttrakhand, the Bhagirathi-Ganga Bachao Abhiyan enjoys the patronage of the RSS.

Sharma also met Vijay Kaushal Maharaj, a Ram Katha exponent, at a function organised by the Delhi BJP before leaving for Jammu late in the evening. “Vijay Kaushalji blessed our movement,” said an aide to Sharma. Sharma was also in touch with leaders of the BJP/RSS although he claimed he met no BJP leader.
SASS also talked of organising a march to Baltal apart from phased-out bandhs “to keep the movement alive” as well as opening of offices in other parts of the country.

<span style='color:red'>“There will be no let-up in the agitation in Jammu,” asserted Sharma, adding that “at least one lakh people will court arrest in Jammu on Monday”. “You call me a hardliner and then compare me with Syed Ali Shah Geelani. The difference however is that Geelani burns the Tricolour but we get record turnout in Jammu to unfurl the Tricolour,” said Sharma </span><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>when told that his militant posture was helping Pakistan achieve its objective in the Valley. </span> {So sick is the secular media mindset}

Asked if he agreed with the SASS taking the agitation to the rest of the country, with the BJP directly benefiting as a result, <b>former state additional advocate general and Congress leader, and also a key member of the SASS, B S Salathia, told The Indian Express: “The divide in the state is now between the anti-national, secessionist elements of the Valley, and the nationalist, secular people of Jammu. What’s the harm then if we take the support of the rest of the country?”

In Jammu, SASS rejected an invitation by Governor N N Vohra for talks. Samiti leader Brig (retd) Suchet Singh said they had already made it clear that they would not talk unless the Government came up with a concrete proposal. “Let them come up with what they want to talk about.</b> Besides, now the issue has become a national issue and talking here at this level seems a futile exercise,” he added.

<span style='color:red'>Amar Singh was napping during discussions: SASS</span>

New Delhi (PTI): The Shri Amarnath Shrine Sangarsh Samiti (SASS) on Sunday claimed Samajwadi Party leader <b>Amar Singh was “actually sleeping” during the discussions with the all-party delegation which visited Jammu and Kashmir recently.</b> “Many of the leaders who accompanied Home Minister Shivraj Patil as part of an all-party delegation to Jammu were just not interested in resolving the crisis. Amar Singh was actually taking a sleep when the talks were on,” SASS Convenor Leela Karan Sharma told reporters here.

<b>“I asked Amar Singh whether you had come here to sleep or listen to our grievances,” he said.</b> Sharma said the attitude of the delegation clearly pointed out to the lack of seriousness on the part of the Centre in addressing the demand of Jammu residents. Amar Singh was not immediately available for comments.

Clearing air from the allegations that the Samiti refused to speak to Muslim leaders during the visit by the delegation, Sharma said it was not a question about religion.

“We had refused to speak to representatives of those party who are responsible for the revocation of the order to grant land. Incidentally, the parties in question were Congress, National Conference and PDP. It was again incidental that the representatives of these parties were Muslims and from Kashmir,” he said.
BJP leaders have learnt how to keep Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh quiet. Amar Singh, a member of the all-party delegation to J&K, took everybody by surprise by diverting the discussion to how the BJP was ‘communalising’ the issue. While the Samajwadi Party leader was at his best; Home Minister Shivraj Patil was totally clueless about how to veer the discussion back on topic.

<b>Finally, BJP leader Arun Jaitley shot back: “Yes, we are proud of our association with the nationalist agitation in Jammu. The people who are on SIMI’s side should not try to teach us a lesson.” Amar did not say a word after that! </b>

Pioneer, August 18, 2008
Hindus in the past answered force with force. There's no point in people being foolishly chivalrous when it comes to the Total Wars of christoislamania. However, there's no need to descend to christoislamaniac gutters in speech/text (forget action).

I think the Indian armed forces should <b>shoot terrorists on sight, get every last one</b>. Never capture one to take it to trial, else it will turn out either like Afzal or the terrorists that India always hands over to TSP when blackmailed with hostages.

It may be easy to utter horrible things in anger, but no human could act that way.
Contemplating such things, even in extreme unreasonable anger, will make ancestors cut off their familial bonds.

What christoterrorists (be it christosettlers in Americas, christoterrorists in Nagaland, catholic ustashe in Croatia, christonazis in Germany, ...) and islamiterrorists (Albanians, Chechens, islamaniacs in Kashmir and rest of India, ....) do to their victims has nothing to do with our behaviour. Christoislamaniacs behave like demons because they are possessed by terrorist mindvirus ideologies that make their minds cruel and inhuman.
We are not responsible that christoislamaniacs do not care about the extreme cruelties they inflict (just as they inflicted in the past) on others and their own - their non-existent gawd possessing their formerly-human minds goads them on to gore.

Karma is relentless, we create it naturally as a process of living. But every cruelty binds one further into the sort of Karma one does not want to know of. There's this line in the Gita - from memory, the idea is repeated more than once in it - that wrath makes one descend into utter darkness in subsequent lives, that such a creature is tossed from miserable life to more miserable life in the violent cycle of their thoughts and gets further and further away from Bhagavan. This is not a path anyone should encourage.

In meting out deserved justice to terrorist ideologies and terrorist orgs - something which must absolutely be done - there is no remote reason to stoop to their disgusting sadism, because then what such a person imagines they are protecting and preserving (be it nature, society, peace, humanity or Dharma) is actually defiling and further destroying it. Christoislamic behaviour from Dharmics in retaliation to christoislamania will certainly destroy Dharma. But so will inaction. The Gita always speaks of the necessity of Action. In this context it also goes over how war and death and killing are sometimes a necessary part of life; yet even as it explains these facts of existence, in the chapter on Gunas it explains how everything in life - including Action - is of the three kinds of Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas). And that the consequences of the three are wildly different. Right Action is required. What is not Right Action - that is, wrong action, action motivated by wrong reasons, and inaction when action is required - is Adharma. And adharma brings forth only more adharma. And that is as far away from what Hindus want for Bharatam/the world, other Hindus/Natural Traditionalists/all humanity, or for one's own individual person.

I don't know what this 'Right Action' is in this situation, but so far I have always held that it is exactly that which is necessary for us to win (only going that far), but never going beyond that. (That is, that anything more will descend into vendetta and is bad for everyone.)

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The site looks like a Muslim propaganda site<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->It's a catholic site. Catholics hate Orthodox Russia with a vengeance we (or perhaps it's only me, since everyone here seems to be know-it-alls) can barely fathom. Vatican's quasi-private 'moral' support for Chechen islamiterrorism seems almost on par with their more public support of Palestinian christoislamiterrorism and Vatican's negation of Israel.
I think the fact that that site is catholic needs to be taken into account.

We are Pakistanis, says Geelani


Old habits die hard I guess - here we have a translation -> kaafiro = oppressors..

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Demonstrators shouting "We Want Freedom", " <i>Aiy zaalimo, aiy kaafiro , Kashmir hamara chhod do</i> " (<i>Tyrants and oppressors, leave our Kashmir</i>), as they marched past police barricades near the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) office in the summer capital Srinagar.

I think there will be war with TSP on this issue. `TSP is too boxed in and Geelani is acting on cues from there. Come September.

<!--QuoteBegin-ramana+Aug 19 2008, 12:52 AM-->QUOTE(ramana @ Aug 19 2008, 12:52 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I think there will be war with TSP on this issue. `TSP is too boxed in and Geelani is acting on cues from there. Come September.
I agree but I won't put coming Sept. They are not ready plus Unkle is still around on western sector and will try to muscle them. Now unkle can read Riot Act to Moron Singh and Queen on phone and they will perform.

According to news, Sept and Oct should be for Iran and Israel conflict in case BHO is ahead in polls, in case of Mc ahead BHO then Jan and Feb.

At this stage Paki Army is very week, Moron Singh is doing pretty good job destroying India from inside. For Pakistan next year before Monsoon or Winter will be best time. By then India will be quiet weaker and Pakistan will be strong if Kiyani rebuild its men moral and big preparation.

I think Kiyani will go for Diwali type strike all over in India of his choosing with minimum investment. Indians are known to call wolf on every incidence, their credibility is down or zero on blaming Pakistan.

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