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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 4

Hinduism influence on the rise
By Erin Roach
Sep 12, 2007

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Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple in Reno, Nev., shown praying here at the California Senate, also has led prayers in the U.S. Senate and the Nevada legislature.
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N SRK Ravi
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A Hindu chaplain who now has led prayers in the U.S. Senate, the California Senate and the Nevada legislature may reflect the growing influence of Hinduism in the United States spurred in part by America's technological ties with India, an interfaith evangelism expert said.

Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple in Reno, Nev., became the first Hindu to offer an official prayer in the U.S. Senate in July after praying in the Nevada State Assembly and the Nevada Senate earlier this year. On Aug. 27, he became the first Hindu to pray at the California Senate.

N SRK Ravi, director of the North American Mission Board's Evangelism Response Center and a former Hindu, told Baptist Press he had not heard of Zed before the chaplain prayed in the U.S. Senate and said Zed "has been a minor figure among the Indian Hindu community until recently."

But now Zed's followers are growing rapidly and a group called Friends of Rajan Zed has been established in India with goals of "working to maximize human potential, promoting and preserving peace and praying for humankind," according to the Reno Gazette-Journal Aug. 26. The group has asked Nevada's governor to declare July 12, the day Zed recited a prayer at the U.S. Senate, as Rajan Zed Day.

NAMB's Ravi said he's not sure whether Zed has a clear religious agenda behind leading prayers at American government institutions, but Ravi does believe Zed is using those open doors to show the growing Indian Hindu presence in the United States.

"Since the Johnson administration opened doors to non-European immigrants, Indians -- especially Hindu Indians -- immigrated in large numbers," Ravi told BP. "Current estimates range from 2.2 to 3 million Hindus in the United States. Those who come from India are the cream of the crop of Indian society, and they are highly educated and motivated individuals.

"Their influence is felt in the high-tech industry, hotel industry, financial field and medical field," Ravi said. "For the most part, immigrant Indian Hindus are nominal in their faith when they are in India; however, when they come to a new nation they do practice their faith devotedly."

The United States is now home to more than 800 Hindu temples, Ravi said, and this summer a $19 million Hindu temple was dedicated in an Atlanta suburb.

England's Hindu and Sikh Communities
Though the 400,000 Indian Hindus in England also feel alienated, you probably won't find them rioting in the streets of industrial towns like their Muslim counterparts. Most of the Muslims that came to England from South Asia were unskilled rural laborers, but the Hindus were well educated and were urban dwellers. Qualified teachers, doctors, businessmen, and army officers were ready to make their fortune in England after the South Asian colonies became independent of the U.K. in 1947. More came from Uganda in the early 1970s when dictator Idi Amin confiscated their property and sent them packing. These skilled people, many of them from the Patel people, went to England to start over. Today there are over 100 Patel millionaires in Great Britain according to estimates. Nine of them are actually billionaires.

Today, 83 percent of the Indians own their own homes. By contrast, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are at 40 and 36 percent respectively. Even those Indian nationals who do not make their fortune in the U.K. have hope that their children will be able to afford what they could only dream of possessing.

Ethnically, most of these immigrants are either from Gujarat (250,000) or Punjab (125,000). There are even more Punjabi Sikhs than there are Punjabi Hindus.

One of the things for which Punjabis are famous is their cuisine. Many restaurants boast of serving Punjabi food throughout the subcontinent of India. Opening a restaurant is a good way to make a living in today's U.K. There are more than 8,000 Indian restaurants in the U.K. That's more than the number that are in Delhi and Bombay combined! Though the number of Indian restaurants in India may be depressed because Indians don't usually go to restaurants in their own country, that number is still impressive.

Many of the Indian Hindus in England are more prosperous than the whites. A June 2001 article written by an English Hindu said, "The way Asians dominate the scene in the U.K. makes you feel that they are the core section of the society. Their integrity and resourcefulness have made a lot of British jealous. Jealousy would have been productive had it pushed the whites to do a spot of hard work. But they appear to sit back and fret and fume over the high standard of living Asians are increasingly enjoying. Some Indians chuckle at the very thought of being richer than most Britishers." Does this sound a bit smug?

The writer goes on to say, however, that South Asians in the U.K. told him, "Tension is so raw that we can taste it. Polarization has increased. We are tolerated, not accepted. Many of them remarked that after some years they would like to go back home-if for nothing else, at least to die in their own country."

With these attitudes, it seems as if it might be difficult for British Christians to reach out to their South Asian neighbors. Who is going to reach them? Fortunately, there are groups like Operation Mobilization, Christar and Gospel Missionary Union that send workers to reach these people for Christ.

Please pray for Open Doors' partners who are on the ground in Orissa. "What it does to missions, in general, is it puts a great deal of concern and fear into individuals," says Moeller. "Church planters within the Indian society are more cautious. But I can say from my conversations with other mission organizations that are directly involved in church planting there, the work goes forward."
This issue of tehelka has pictures of reconversions of xtians in orissa
Was the Swamiji killed in Kandhmal due to the reconversions in Orissa?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The Prophecy of John Dayal: Revelation No: 999</b>


Idiotic Indian and State Governments that did not heed to the Prophetic
words of John Dayal: John Dayal declared: "The recommendation made by
the NCM team that visited Orissa in January, 2008 that the State
Government must look into the speeches of Swami Lakshmanananda to
determine whether they amount to incitement to violence does not appear
to have been acted upon." Thus, had this advice was taken, the poor
85-years old-Swami would have been saved and redeemed, but none cared.
What Zoya Hasan(1) and Dileep Padgaonkar(2) would do?

Now it is too late to resurrect him! In a letter dated September 1, 2008
addressed to Shrimati Pratibha Patil, The President of India, John Dayal
writes like this(3): "We sincerely wish Swami Saraswati was not murdered
and he still might be alive if the state government had followed the
recommendations of the National Commission for Minorities. The NCM urged
the authorities to examine the speeches of Swami Lakshmanananda to
determine whether they amount to incitement to violence.We are confident
that, if this had been done, the swami would have been jailed and
protected from coming to any harm."

Note the lewd, cruel and merciless words recorded, that too addressed to
Indian authority. What he wants exactly? He clearly tells that the
Swamiji must have been arrested and jailed, so that the government could
have saved his life!

The Three-step-by-step Prophecy: The prophetic strategy has been as

** "We sincerely wish Swami Saraswati was not murdered and he still
might be alive if the state government had followed the recommendations
of the National Commission for Minorities."

So, none is responsible for the killing of Swami Saraswati - neither
Maoists nor the Christian militants, but the State Government is
responsible. It was sleeping since January 2008.

** "The NCM urged the authorities to examine the speeches of Swami
Lakshmanananda to determine whether they amount to incitement to

What the Swami Saraswati spoke? Neither the NCM report nor Prophet's
letter dated 01-09-2008 reveals. Anyway, whatever, he spoke had to be
covered under Section 29a of Indian Penal Code.

** "We are confident that, if this had been done, the swami would have
been jailed and protected from coming to any harm."

Thus, the Swami must have been arrested, as they suggested. Then, he
must have been tried and jailed. Then, he would have been saved, as he
could not have been killed on 23-08-2008, as he would have been inside
the jail!

The John Dayal's tirade against Swami Saraswati has been open and
glaring(4). The learned Dr. Describes Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati
with the following expressions: The self-styled Swami - the mastermind
of the anti Christian pogrom - the mastermind and financier of the hate
campaigns and violence against religious minorities - curse his
disobedient to go to hell - Lakshmanananda
Saraswati and his goons.

* the self styled Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati,
* the mastermind of the anti Christian pogrom in Orissa and a
leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad who has taken an oath to rid the
region of all those who are not Hindus, and who do not obey his dictat
on how they live their daily lives, including what their children must
study and what food they can, or cannot eat, and to hell with their
lifelong dietary habits.
* Lakshmanananda Saraswati, who figures in over 100 affidavits
filed before the Justice Basudev Panigrahi commission which begins
hearings on 14th July 2008 in Phulbani, as the mastermind and
* financier of the hate campaigns and violence against
religious minorities, made the following allegation as enumerated again
at a press conference on 10th July as to why he called a Bandh and
blocked traffic.

His Ashram is described as follows: martial arts taught - male inmates
of ashram cut trees for road blockade - if Gayanthri mantra was not
recited properly, they would be given the thrashing of their lives.

* This is an ashram with a few hundred young girls and women
who are taught Sanskrit and a few of the martial arts.
* At the swami's call, they come out, squat on the road while
their male colleagues chop down two trees on their side of the ashram's
boundary walls. All vehicles come to a grinding halt. Pedestrians and
motorcyclists who get caught by the swiftness of the operation are
given a simple test to prove their faith, and their loyalty to the
* They are asked to recite the 'gayatri' mantra. If they do,
and thereby pass the test, they are told as loyal Hindus they should
extend moral support to the road closure and stay back for three hours.
* If they cannot, they are given the thrashing of their

Swami Lakhsmananda 'stokes passion' in Kandhamal"!:Of late,
particularly, the Swami has become target. Their propagandist journals
blared like this(5), "Hindu World Council organizer Swami Laxmananda
'stokes passion' in Kandhamal"! So this old-man was strengthening
passion, fuelling passion, stirring up anger strong feelings,
encouraging rage, adding fuel to fire. Thus, the Christians cannot keep
quite or tolerate his nonsense and they have to raise and teach him a
lesson. The article contributed by James Varghese & Gospel for Asia, is
worth to read to understand their psyche, as giving a photo of the
Swamiji, they discussed the issue(6).


(1) Zoya Hasan is a professor of Centre for Political Studies in JNU,
New Delhi. Off. Phone : 26704422 Residence : Email :
zoyahasan@mail.jnu.ac.in Web Address :

(2) A journalist and editor of TOI etc.

(3) http://www.countercurrents.org/cd010908.htm

(4) Dr. John Dayal, Kandhamal situation report 8th July 08 Tumidibandh
incident: A Fact finding report by John Dayal, 9th July 2008, for full
details see at:


(5) James Varghese & Gospel for Asia, Hindu World Council organizer
Swami Laxmananda 'stokes passion' in Kandhamal,

(6) Vedaprakash, A Hindu Swami killed while celebrating "Janmasthami"
festival in Secular India! The Christians meddling in Orissa, killings
and communal issues, for details, see at:

<!--QuoteBegin-ramana+Sep 5 2008, 11:34 PM-->QUOTE(ramana @ Sep 5 2008, 11:34 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Was the Swamiji killed in Kandhmal due to the reconversions in Orissa?

These reconversions in tehelka were done AFTER the swami got killed

The tehelka reconversions appear to have some degree of coercion
but that was part of the reprisals after the swami got killed

When the swami was alive, the reconversions were voluntary

What seems to have happened is that once the xtians killed the swami,
hindu reprisals seem to have been focused on the pastors and padres
The hindu mobs seem to have focused on the source of the poison

Once the pastors and padres fled, the orphaned xtian Pana Dalits seem to have been
more amenable to reconversion

The irony is that when the swami was alive, he did 5000 reconversions in 10 years
Once the xtians killed the swami, the hindu mobs seem to have done 5000 reconversions in 10 days

In general, VHP follows the law regarding reconversion
They get the reconvertees to sign an affidavit and submit it to the collector

Whereas the xtian missionaries never do formal legal conversions, since they want to
do crypto-xtian
G.Sub's post above important.

Post 258 (of a christoterrorist pretending his terror fiction 'jeebus' has anything to do with the Hindu Vedas) is just more proof of how christianism inspires, promotes and encourages Lying. As a direct consequence, christos are compulsive liars. It's not their fault, they can't help themselves: their non-existent jeebus makes them lie (what can you expect when jeebus is itself a lie).

Similarly, John Dayal resorts to the christian occupation of lying when he insinuates that the Swami his kind murdered ever had to beat ("thrash" said christoterrorist John Dayal) any of the Hindus who learnt from him.
Terrorism and intimidation are prized christian traits, no need for christoterrorist John Dayal to try to pass famous christian tactics onto Hindus.

Am parroting what I had already said on the last page:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Christoterrorists, like the lying whitewashers they have always been, continue to accuse others of their own crimes.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Church backing Tripura rebels - BBC News, 18 April, 2000: </b>

The government in India's north-eastern state of Tripura says it has evidence that the state's Baptist Church is involved in backing separatist rebels. Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar said state police had uncovered details of the alleged link after questioning a church leader.

Mr Sarkar said that allegations about the close links between the state's Baptist Church and the rebel National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) have long been made by political parties and police. Now for the first time, he said, hard evidence supporting the allegations had been found.
The NLFT is accused of <b>forcing Tripura's indigenous tribes to become Christians and give up Hindu forms of worship in areas under their control. Last year, they issued a ban on the Hindu festivals of Durga Puja and Saraswati Puja. The NLFT manifesto says that they want to expand what they describe as the kingdom of God and Christ in Tripura.</b>

The Baptist Church in Tripura was set up by missionaries from New Zealand 60 years ago. It won only a few thousand converts until 1980 when in the aftermath, of the state's worst ethnic riot, the number of conversions grew.
Once again it turns out that conversions only took place when the people were most vulnerable.

<b>Hindu preacher killed by Tripura rebels - BBC News, 28 August, 2000 </b>

A tribal Hindu spiritual leader has been killed by separatist rebels in the northeastern Indian state of Tripura. ...the NLFT, broke into a temple near the town of Jirania on Sunday night and shot dead Shanti Tripura, a popular Hindu preacher popularly known as Shanti Kali.
The separatist group says it wants to convert all tribespeople in the state to Christianity.
The BBC correspondent in the region says the killing has created tension between the majority of tribals, who are Hindu or Buddhist, and the small number of Christian converts.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Christianism is such a distasteful murderous religion, the infected zombies/christos need to beat/murder people into submission. Swami was dealing with Orissa's Hindu communities who were already Hindu. He needn't tell them "such and such are Hindu traditions". Whereas christoism is alien to every sane humane mind and can only be forcefed.

John Dayal is only repeating the eternal christian terrorist pattern of scheming the murder of powerfully influential heathen persons, pretending it's a prophecy after they succeeded and then performing character assassinations of the murdered martyrs. Same old story to what christoterrorism did to
- Roman Emperor Julian (after an earlier murder attempt failed),
- 2 anti-conversion Sri Lankans: a Hindu spiritual leader and a Buddhist monk (after he had been sent death threats). The former was the victim of a christian assassination attempt and the latter a murder victim of christianism.
- the case of Hindu Swami Shanti Kali above who was murdered in the usual way by the gory christoterrorists.
Some hope. Christians in Kandhamal reconvert.

Hindus use Christian conversion methods to reconvert villagers
Phulbani: The stories go like this.
A poor, illiterate Hindu villager falls ill and looks for help at a Christian missionary-run medical facility. He’s offered a spurious, ineffective white substance and asked to take the “medicine” in the name of Jagannath. It doesn’t work. After days of suffering, the missionary gives the villager an authentic allopathic pill and asks him to take it in the name of Jesus. When it cures him,the impressed and grateful villager is asked to embrace Christianity.
Nowhere people: Christians outside a shelter at Raikia village in Orissa in this 30 August photo. Parth Sanyal / ReutersA paper mache or wooden idol of Jagannath, this state’s ubiquitous deity representing the lord of the world, and a bronze cross are both set on fire by missionaries. While Jagannath is reduced to ashes, the cross remains unscathed. The power of Christianity is “proven” before the enthralled would-be converts.
Or perhaps a clergy member will simply say “Jai Ganesh” to start a car—and it sputters. When he says “Jai Jesus”, it suddenly starts.
These are the alleged real scenarios offered by the local Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) office-bearers when asked why they are lashing out against Indian Christians and their missionaries.
The Hindu group accuses missionaries operating in Kandhamal—the scene of violence and rioting over the last few weeks—of deceitful methods to increase their flock.
“For the last 30 years, they have been targeting the poor and illiterate people of this area and converting them by fraud, deception and lure,” says Priyanath Sharma, the Vibhag Sampadak, or division secretary, for Kandhamal and Bhanjanagar. “If people convert of their own free will, we have no issues, but we oppose these methods vehemently.” He cites numbers from the 2001 Census, which shows the Hindu population of Kandhamal district has grown by 2% and Christians by 16%.

It was against this kind of proselytization that Laksmananda Saraswati, whose murder by unknown assailants on the night of 23 August, sparked off the current round of violence in the district, had worked since 1966.
While thousands of Christians have sought safety in camps, a smaller number is finding it safer to switch allegiances—and Gods. Hindu groups have devised “reconversion” campaigns of their own, including the use of gifts and social service programmes.
This district is one of the most backward and remote in Orissa. With practically no industry and the overwhelmingly tribal population dependent on marginal farming, poverty and illiteracy are rampant in the district. Lakshmananda, who set up a girl’s hostel, Kanya Ashram, for 250 inmates in Chakapada, also worked to promote literacy among the tribals and is revered by thousands of people in the district, especially the Kondhs, after whom the district was renamed. Most of the Christians are Panos, with Digal and Nayek common surnames.

“I converted to Christianity about 8-10 years ago because I was offered Rs750 every month by the missionaries for which I only had to attend church on Sundays,” said Bisraba Digal, 37, of Minia village.
“Now, I want to come back to Hinduism because I want to live in peace in my village and not at some refugee camp,” said the father of two after collecting his share of blankets, buckets and plastic sheets from the government relief truck parked nearby.
Dinakaran Digal and Pramod Digal, also of the same village, have similar stories to tell. While Dinakaran was born a Christian because his father embraced the religion, Pramod turned to the church a few years ago for a monthly stipend of Rs400. “Even that they did not pay in full or on time,” said a disenchanted Pramod, who has decided to come back to Hinduism.
They all say they have submitted applications to the local VHP volunteers to arrange a pratyavartan, or homecoming ceremony. According to Sharma, reconversion is an official process. “They make a written application to the sub-collector...with all their family details, which is then forwarded to us,” he said. “We then fix a date and ask them to come to the place where we hold...rituals.” They are given a talk about Hindu dharma, garlanded, gifted new clothes and sometimes, also shave their heads in penance.
According to a local priest and a VHP karyakarta, Sanjay Malik, almost 100 Christian families are expected to return to the fold after the current round of violence. “If they want to live here, this is the only way,” insists Malik, a Kandh who has attended religious discourses in Vrindavan and Kolkata. “It is there that I learnt to speak Hindi,” he says, smiling sheepishly.
“It is the most practical decision these people can make,” said Biswamohan Digal, an Army subedar from a long line of Hindu ancestors. If it’s not material lure and the dreams of a better lifestyle to those living in grinding poverty, it is the need to avoid social ostracization that drives conversion and reconversion in these parts.
In Sabaribatta village, Ladman Digal says he initially converted to Christianity because everyone else did—but came back to Hinduism after riots in December.
Some cite other reasons. “They (the missionaries) are a bunch of liars who collect money in our name and line their own pockets,” alleges Sugreev Digal, who did his pratyavartan ceremony in May. Now the saffron flag flies on his modest hut and vermilion dots his forehead. Another resident of the same village, Devdas Digal, who converted back to Hinduism in a ceremony in May said he did so because once he became a Christian he lost the scheduled caste, or SC, status he enjoyed as a Hindu. “We don’t get the benefits of reservation once we become Christians, so I decided to come back,” he said.
SC status allows the residents to avail reservation in educational institutions and government jobs; it is a contentious issue even within Christianity as leaders are split on whether Christians should follow the caste system. Christians also have sparred openly over the methods used for conversion

None of the missionaries or clergy accused in this area could be contacted by Mint; their followers said they have sought safety elsewhere. “Once they lose the SC status it is not easy to get it back but we do intercede on their behalf...and try to get their SC certificates back,” says Vinayak Senapati, a VHP member in charge of pratyavartan in the area. “After the riots, many realized their folly and want to return to Hinduism and have sent feelers but we have asked them to wait till the situation stabilizes.”
However, they admit that their attempts have merely brought back 10,000 odd tribals over the last 30 years. “In this same period, the missionaries must have converted almost a lakh tribals,” claims Sharma.
Disowning any responsibility for the current round of violence, Sharma and Senapati attribute the riots to a spontaneous outrage among the people, especially the Kondhs at their leader’s assassination. Senapati says “For years, they suffered at the hands of the wily Panos,” the Christians who are mostly converts, “and now it’s payback time.”



G.Sub's #267 above is important.
And Kharavela's #269 just above.

Continued from #268.
Hindus really have to know how common these predetermined christian murders/terrorist attacks are. Christos can't stand it when Natural traditionalists reconvert their own people or when they are influential amongst their own people when speaking against conversions.

Am copying and pasting the cases of the 1. attempted murder and 2. murder by christians of a Hindu and a Buddhist leader in Sri Lanka:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Assassination attempts on a Hindu religious leader of Sri Lanka in 2004: the "former Hindu Religious and Cultural Affairs Minister T. Maheswaran". He was also opposed to conversions. No one has been apprehended yet.
See Attempted Assasination on Anti-Conversion Hindu Religious Affairs Minister<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Refers to http://www.christianaggression.org/item_di...S&id=1080632354

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mysterious death of Buddhist leader, assassination attempts on Hindu leader - both opposed to conversions.
Death threats to Buddhist leaders who are against unethical conversions.

<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Venerable Gangodawila Soma Thera, 57, had arrived in Russia on October 10 on a ten-day visit to accept an honorary doctorate conferred on him by the International University Of Fundamental Studies (IUFS) in St Petersburg.
Mourners decorated the streets with yellow flags and levelled allegations against IUFS' Rector, a Sri Lankan who had invited the Venerable Soma Thera to Russia. <b>According to the Buddhists</b>, the Rector, who is also a Christian priest and a degree holder in Christian Theology, had invited the monk to Russia with ulterior motives.
They allege that <b>Soma Thera was eliminated because he was an outspoken critic of Christian missionaries who were converting Buddhists to Christianity.</b>
The Buddhist organizations say it is highly unlikely that a healthy Soma Thera would have suddenly had a heart attack the day of his arrival in Russia.

They claim Christian forces conspired and murdered the articulate and charismatic monk who was also the head of the Buddhist temple in Perth, Australia in the 1990s. Alleges <b>the convenor of the National Buddhist Monks Congress, the Venerable Ellawala Medananda Thera, "Money was channelled here to silence those who spoke against the work of certain radical Christian sects</b> that have even earned the wrath of the Roman Catholic Church here. <b>Soma Thera was right on top of their hit list."</b>

<b>Significantly, prior to his Russia visit, in several newspaper interviews, Soma Thera had spoken about a plot to murder him by these sects. The Sasana Sevaka Sangamaya, a lay organization formed by Soma Thera, claims it has information that Christian fundamentalists had arranged a sum of US $24,000 to silence him and Medananda Thera.</b>
"The Venerable Soma gave leadership to the Sinhala Buddhists who were blind to the threat to their religion. His voice was the true voice of the Sinhala Buddhists. Now that he is no more, there's no hope for us," laments retired literature teacher, Sumana Perera.
But Thera fell ill immediately, dying of a heart attack on December 12, after being bed-ridden for several weeks.
But the Christians aren't ready to be thrown to the lions.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(Note that it's long been shown how christians were never thrown to the lions: another christian jeebus-induced lie.)
From: Christian fundamentalists blamed for Ven. Soma's death - The Dhamma Times, December 24, 2003, also here<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The demise of Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thero happened to be an unbearable loss to all Sinhala Buddhist in Sri Lanka. It was him who woke up the Buddhists who were in a deep sleep. It was him who showed the real Buddhism to the label Buddhists. It was him who lit the light to the darkness of ignorance of Sinhala Buddhist people. His sermons had been blasts for the Christian Fundamentalist Evangelists.

Does Lindsay Beck [who wrote a Reuters news article presenting Christians as victims of persecution and blaming Sri Lanka's Buddhists] know, that <b>Soma Thero had been attacked on some occasions, by some Christians when he was doing sermons against unethical conversions? Why doesn’t the writer talk about the death threats, which Soma Thero got?</b> Can anyone say that the whole incident is not suspicious?
<b>Even though it is tried hard to emphasize that Buddhists have become powerful and they are harming Christians, the truth is in our own Buddhist land we have become helpless against the powerful hands of Christianity. Leading monks of the country are forced to shut their sermons, and they have started getting death threats as they have motivated to talk against the activities of fundamentalist sects, with the passing away of Soma Thero.</b>
(Just as a note, Sri Lanka is Hindu and Buddhist land - not just Buddhist.)

There are organized groups operated in Sri Lanka to collect information about active Buddhist laymen and monks. Even there are people who appears as monks to spy on the activities of Buddhists. There are enough people to support Churchism through the loopholes of corrupt politicians in Sri Lanka. Therefore the feelings arise are Anti-Buddhist, but not Anti-Christian.
From: Anti-Buddhist Feelings made Risen by exaggerated reporting<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Refers to http://www.shamika.50g.com/somathero/art...tibud.html

Exactly the same situation in Bharatam.

The following shows how powerful and organised christoterrorists are in Sri Lanka:
<b>"New Evangelical Movements and Conflicts in South Asia - Sri Lanka and Nepal in Perspective"</b>
http://www.rcss.org/policy_studies/ps_5_3.html (Regional Centre for Strategic Studies)
via http://freetruth.50webs.org/D4g.htm
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->...there is a great commitment on the part of the collective evangelical movement in Sri Lanka to expand rapidly in terms of the numbers of church structures and adherents. Much of their activities are geared towards achieving these twin goals. It is in this urge for expansion that one may locate the aggression of evangelism. Let me offer a personal example. On December 22nd 1997, I was interviewed over the air by the Sinhala service of the BBC. During the interview, I discussed in some detail what contemporary Buddhist cultural practices owe to Christian religiosity.
A few days later, I received an unsigned letter written in Sinhala, which made a number of observations and suggestions. <b>While congratulating me for my ideas, it stated that I would be given whatever help needed in the future to carry out my "activities." Interestingly, those who wrote the letter interpreted my academic discussion on cultural borrowing and culture change as an expression of anti-Buddhist sentiments. Hence their interest in me.</b> The letter went on to make the following points:
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"--- We believe that by spreading Christian and Catholic ideas in society, Sri Lanka can be greatly developed. For that purpose, we have mobilized media apparatus in all sections of mass media --- When you express ideas such as these through public media a few more times, our center will contact you again under our own name. We will also assist you in your economic problems. May you have a happy Christmas."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->In a sense, this letter shows the alertness in which sections of the evangelical movement looks for followers. If they perceive an individual is ready for conversion, or can be tempted, activities towards that end begin immediately. This letter is merely one of such activities. The reason why I have referred to this letter is, because it places in context the notion of aggressiveness, which I wanted to address. Similarly, in the Kelaniya area, two Buddhist monks and at least one Catholic priest have told me that evangelical workers visited their institutions to "talk about their ideas." Generally, visiting homes, the distribution of literature, and the performance of large public healing or prayers services are all parts of this rather aggressive outreach program. As noted earlier, all these activities are generally geared towards the expansion of the overall evangelical project, which in turn also give them much visibility in society.
From: New Evangelical Movements and Conflicts in South Asia - Sri Lanka and Nepal in Perspective<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->In India the christoterorrists are at least as powerfully setup.

Christoterrorism is scary it's so well organised everywhere. It gets away with murder. <i>Literally</i>. It gets all the money to continue its relentless vile terrorism against Natural Traditions; it has set up people in key places in the media and politics to work for it and to make sure that christianism is never punished for its sick torment of others.

<b>ADDED:</b> Also note how in general, there is an underlying understanding between the christian cults of catholicism and protestantism (including modern American-invented christian cults). They do the good-cop/bad-cop scenario, with catholics covering the insidious good cop playacting (infiltration, media, politics, inculturation, power-grabbing) and the free hand is then given to the protestant bad cop (outright violence including christoterrorist mobs, hatespeech, land-grabbing, temple demolitions/terrorist acts).
Following this pattern of temporary truce between mutually-despising christian cults, the catholic tyrant Sonia Goonda working for her pope also gives major support to European protestant meddling and the madder evangelical American loonies, besides the huge help she gives to her own catholiterrorism itself.

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