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Media In India/elsewhere -3

Fake news report. - False information based on few people

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Unfazed by bombings, India has an option: peace

By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, Associated Press Writer Fri Aug 8, 2:37 PM ET

NEW DELHI - With a deadly attack on its embassy in Afghanistan, Pakistani troops clashing with its soldiers in disputed Kashmir and Islamic militants bombing its cities, India has in recent months seemed a country under siege.
Just don't ask it to live like one.

Its ancient markets are as packed as ever. Its bright new malls bustle as never before. And few talk of avenging attacks that just a few years ago would likely have brought South Asia's nuclear-armed rivals to the brink of war.

It's a turn-the-other-cheek attitude that is tempting to see as weakness, and some here say it reflects the lack of options available to India, where seemingly no one wants to abandon a four-year peace process with Pakistan.

But in India's restraint, many here also see a pragmatic approach to a problem as old as the country itself. It's the response, they say, of a nation with ambitions to become a global powerhouse, not a mere player in an unending regional feud.

"We can't keep going back at it with Pakistan. C'mon man! Where would that leave us?" university student Sanjay Joshi asked. "We've done war. We're in a different place now. It's not about India-Pakistan.

"It's about India, what can we do as a country, what can we achieve," he said.

Sitting in one of the bright, new coffee shops that have sprung up in recent years throughout this land of roadside tea stalls, Joshi gave off the air of a man unrestrained by ancient traditions, old rivalries, past injustices.

One of his friends, 21-year-old Reema Sarin, said: "What do I care for Pakistan? We should all leave each other alone."

It's a sentiment that flies in the face of history.

Hindu-majority India and Muslim Pakistan were born in the bloody partition of the subcontinent at independence from Britain in 1947. They have fought three wars, held tit-for-tat nuclear weapons tests and engaged in countless battles before peace talks got under way in 2004.

For India, the timing could not have been better. Its economy was taking off and the dialing down of tensions with Pakistan allowed it to start carving out an identity separate from its troubled neighbor.

India could start claiming what it always considered its rightful place as a world power. It began lobbying for a U.N. Security Council seat, flexed its economic muscles and, within a year, it reached a landmark nuclear energy cooperation deal with the United States.

The agreement would reverse three decades of American policy by allowing atomic trade with India, which has not signed international nonproliferation accords.

India's leaders say the deal will help the country power its energy-hungry economy and raise its global standing.

However, the deal must still be approved by the Nuclear Suppliers Group of countries that export nuclear material.

A Western diplomat whose country belongs to the NSG said any serious ramping up of tension with Pakistan could make such approval difficult to secure. The diplomat insisted on anonymity because of the sensitivity of the deal.

But that doesn't mean India and Pakistan are close to securing a lasting peace.

Last month, tensions rose after a suicide car bombing at New Delhi's mission in Kabul killed 58 people. India and Afghanistan — and, reportedly, the United States — believe Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, orchestrated the attack.

The bombing is widely viewed as a Pakistani attempt to undermine India's budding friendship with Afghanistan, which Islamabad considers a strategic rear base in any potential conflict with India. Pakistan denies any role but has promised to investigate.

"We know the promise is weak, but there is relatively little India can do short of military action and we do not have the stomach for that," said Radha Kumar, the director at Jamia Millia Islamia University's Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Both India and Pakistan also blame each other for the 19 shootings this year across the fortified frontier in divided Kashmir, an overwhelmingly Muslim region in the Himalayas that lies at the heart of their rivalry. Once an everyday event, gunfire on the frontier had become rare since a 2003 truce.

The two countries nonetheless reaffirmed last weekend their commitment to the peace process at a regional summit in neighboring Sri Lanka.

India seems to have fewer answers for the 13 bombings that have struck the country's cities since October 2005, killing more than 552 people. The latest came in late July, when 22 synchronized explosions killed 42 people in the western city of Ahmadabad.

All have been blamed on Islamic militants, but no one seems to agree on who's responsible: homegrown militants? Pakistanis? Bangladeshis? A combination of the three?

Still, the attacks have done little to alter life for most Indians, as terror-related deaths only account for a fraction of India's 1.1 billion people. The U.S. National Counterterrorism Center reported 3,674 deaths from January 2004 to March 2007, second only to Iraq.

"Danger is everywhere. But I have to live my life," Manoj Bose, a 45-year-old fruit vendor in Ahmadabad, said a day after the bombings. He was back on the street selling fruit a block from where one of the blasts struck.

"What are the chances that I will be killed? I survived this time."
Man dies due to VHP-BJP blockade; many held
Since traffic was stalled in the cantonment area, a septuagenarian, Genda Ram, who had suffered a heart attack, could not get medical help on time. As he was being rushed in a three-wheeler to a nearby nursing home, the vehicle was stopped by protestors. Although an agitator did give him assistance in reaching medical facilities, Genda Ram died as a result of the delay.
<!--emo&:argue--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/argue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='argue.gif' /><!--endemo--> Interestingly, it was the same Bench that issued notices last week to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, the Press Council of India and the television channels on a petition to formulate guidelines to regulate coverage of media on issues pending in courts. The notices were issued in the context of media reporting on Aarushi murder case holding the father guilty of murder, which later was held baseless by the CBI.

In the present case, Prasad had been accused of planning the sting along with Amit Jogi, son of Congress leader Ajit Jogi in 2005 to trap Judeo and gain political mileage. Prasad had earlier moved the Chhattisgarh High Court questioning the charges pending against him, but the same got dismissed.

Though the Bench disputed on sting operations, it agreed to issue notice on Prasad's petition seeking response from the State Government.

Some brilliant sleuthing and blogging by Offstumped on the cheerleaders of SIMI:


Gag on media in J & K. Where are those who shout from rooftops about free speech?
J&K: Newspapers question SAFMA's silence

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Leading newspapers like Greater Kashmir and Rising Kashmir Daily have questioned the silence of South Asian Free Media Association on the crackdown on newspapers in the Valley. They have questioned the credibility of the organisation that professes to fight for the cause of press freedom.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sukhbir gets <b>baptised </b>at Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib
Anandpur Sahib: Bowing to pressure even from within the party, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal became an amritdari (baptised) Sikh on Wednesday. He got himself baptised by partaking Amrit (holy water) at Takht Keshgarh Sahib in this historic town, which is the birthplace of the 'Khalsa'. The junior Badal, son of CM Parkash Singh Badal, arrived here at 7 am and went to Takht Keshgarh Sahib, where he partook Amrit from the Panj Piaras (five beloved ones). 
Why they are calling it <i>baptised</i>?
Varsha Bhosle hospitalized Pray for her speedy recovery.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sources reveal that Varsha was obese and was taking treatment for various ailments.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Her case is overdose.
Not sure what kind of medicine these people are taking for obesity. Recently someone I know just died with diet medication, he was 35. My family is still hiding information, but I think Diet shops are still prescribing them phen-phen.
A response to Karan Thapar's article:


Hindustan Times Article "Whos the real Hindu?" http://humanrightsindia.blogspot.com/2008/...ran-thapar.html

By: Bandyopadhyay Arindam
9/9/2008 11:06:50 AM
Author's Home Page
Views expressed here are author"s own and not of this website. Full disclaimer is at the bottom.

(This is a response by Dr. Arindam Bandyopadhyay to the article by By Mr. Karan Thapar, "Who"s the real Hindu?" Hindustan Times, August 30, 2008)

Dear Mr. Thapar,
I am responding to your recent article "Who"s the real Hindu?" Hindustan Times. Hope you will have the opportunity to see it -

Dr. Arindam Bandyopadhyay.
"Does the VHP have the right to speak for you or I?"

(Definitely not for you, even if I am to assume that you are a Hindu, may be accidentally by birth, as was claimed by our first Prime Minister.)

"Do they reflect our views? Do we endorse their behaviour? They call themselves the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, but who says they represent all of us?"

(I agree. They definitely do not represent people like you and your journalist - intellectual crowd like Vir Sanhgvi, Rajdeep Sardesai, Sagarika Ghose and Barkha Dutt, nor the activists of the kind of Teesta Setalvaad, or the politicians like the Lalus and the Mulayams.)

"This Sunday morning, I want to draw a clear line of distinction between them and everyone else. My hunch is many of you will agree."

(Now where did you get the right for doing that? Did we give you the right? How did you imagine that even if we do not agree with VHP, we will agree with you?)

"Let me start with the question of conversion - an issue that greatly exercises the VHP"

(and, for your information, a certain Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who said "proselytizing under the cloak of humanitarian work is unhealthy, to say the least" and "If I had the power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytising.... it is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth.")

"I imagine there are hundreds of millions of Hindus who are peaceful, tolerant, devoted to their faith, but above all, happy to live alongside Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Jews."

(Smart move - lump all the non-Hindu religions together. Please leave the Sikh, Buddhist, Jains and Jews alone - they do not belong to the faiths you seem to represent- the "peaceful, tolerant, devoted to their faith" Muslims and Christians.

And "happy to live alongside"?

Yes, we did live happily alongside for the 700 years of Muslim rule. Only we lost maybe just a 100 million Hindus and had to accept, Jizya tax and put up to few atrocities such as having our daughters and sisters raped, our temples vandalized and razed and our properties taken away, but mostly we were happy to live like a second or third class citizen - we sure lived alongside.

Are you also representing the Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh, in your hundreds of millions? May be they don"t count since they are not Indians. Should I, say, include Hindus of Jammu and Kashmir or do Hindu minorities matter like their Islamic and Christian brethren?

And what about the 200 years of British rule, which Will Durant described as the most sordid and criminal exploitation of one nation by another in all recorded history.

Let me remind you what Lord Curzon, the late Viceroy of India, had said about India, "Powerful Empires existed and flourished here while Englishmen were still wandering painted in the woods, and while the British Colonies were a wilderness and a jungle. India has left a deeper mark upon the history, the philosophy, and the religion of mankind, than any other terrestrial unit in the universe."

And when the British left after a successful "loot" of over a trillion dollar (in today"s value) that funded the British Industrial revolution, India was transformed from a producer of about 25 percent of world GDP in 1750, to only 2 percent in 1900. Those 200 years of "benevolent" Christian British rule, left India with 20 million famine-related deaths, a literacy rate of 11% (1947) and a life expectancy of 25yrs (1921).

Sure some people did happily live alongside at that time and some still do praise the Christian British for "civilizing" us.

How about Goa under Inquisition from the Portuguese Church- requested by the venerated St. Francis Xavier himself, an unmatched saga of mayhem for over two centuries that outlasted even the inquisition in Europe and left less than 20,000 adherents to the their Pre-Christian faith from an original 250,000.)

"If any one of us were to change our faith how does it affect the next man or woman? "

(Now let"s start to look at some opinions of a few famous people about Christianity and Conversions.

Let me start with Swami Vivekananda. I hope he passes your scrutiny as an original Hindu of a Non- VHP kind. He was sent to represent Hindu Dharma to Chicago over a century ago - thankfully he had no secular media to face. And these are his words, "They come to my country and abuse my forefathers, my religion, and everything; they walk near a temple and say "you idolaters, you will go to hell" ... "If all India stands up, and takes all the mud that is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean and throws it up against the Western countries, it will not be doing an infinitesimal part of that which you are doing to us."

How about some westerner"s comment? Thomas Jefferson, the former US President, had mentioned, "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. ...were the Pope, or his allies, to send in mission to us some thousands of Jesuit priests to convert us to their orthodoxy, I suspect that we should deem and treat it as a national aggression on our peace and faith."

This is what Pitrim Sorokin, a Harvard sociologist had said, "During the past few centuries the most belligerent, the most aggressive, the most rapacious, the most power-drunk section of humanity has been precisely, the Christian Western world..During these centuries western Christendom had invaded all other continents; its armies followed by priests and merchants have subjugated, robbed or pillaged most of the non-Christians. Native Americans, African, Australian, Asiatic populations have been subjugated to this peculiar brand of Christian "love" which has generally manifested itself in pitiless destruction, enslavement, coercion, destruction of the cultural values, institutions, the way of life of the victims and the spread of alcoholism, venereal disease, commercial cynicism and the like."

And this is what thy holy Pope John Paul II, in 1999, on his visit to India said, "Just as in the first millennium, the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe, and in the second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the third Christian millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and vital continent (of Asia)."

I could expand or should l trust your journalistic curiosity to do some search yourself?

In case you still do not get the message - it is about preservation of dharma, of righteousness, of choosing between good and evil, of standing against atrocities, of pride and self-esteem, of patriotism and liberty.)

"And even if that happens with inducements, it can only prove that the forsaken faith" Do you mean "Hinduism? Did your mask slip for a moment? "had a tenuous and shallow hold." (on people of your stripe). "So why do the VHP and its unruly storm troopers, the Bajrang Dal, froth at the mouth if you, I or our neighbours convert? What is it to do with them? Let me put it bluntly, even crudely. If I want to sell my soul - and trade in my present gods for a new lot - why shouldn"t I? "

(Sure you can sell your soul and you proved it well. But let me reinforce the basics, never taught or learnt by you.

The reason is the concept of Bhartvarsha, the land later named as India, and her over 8000 yrs old Civilization, called the Indus - Saraswati Civilization. It is the purity of Bharat"s religion and culture and the tradition of her indigenous people who later came to be labeled as "Hindus" by foreigners. People of different faiths, languages and customs, lived and survived in this civilization. Jews and Parsis got their shelter after been persecuted everywhere. Tribes and sects lived happily in remote places without fear of their identity being trampled. And that was all because the "forsaken faith" of Hinduism did not preach proselytizing.

India is not a Muslim or Christian country even after 900 years of invasion, torture and annihilation because of the Hindus. You may not agree but there are many who do agree with what Annie Besant had to say, "After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect, none so scientific, none so philosophical and none so spiritual than the great religion known by the name of Hinduism. Make no mistake, without Hinduism, India has no future...And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism who shall save it? If India"s own children do not cling to her faith, who shall guard it? India alone can save India and India and Hinduism are one.

So if by this time you do not understand, Mr. Thapar, let me tell you once more clearly that the true Hindus, who have not sold their souls and who do not trade their gods, feel that the existence of Bharatvarsha and her Spiritual soul is threatened.

It is the only country in the world where the majority of the population are actually fighting for their right to live peacefully without being terrorized, to safeguard their culture and tradition, to prevent their history from being wiped out, to save their temples from being taken over, to defend their faiths in their religious deities and icons, to save their saints from being humiliated and murdered, to preserve their heritage from being destroyed, to pray to their own God of faith and to visit their own pilgrim sites, in their own country and with their own money.

Their unity is deliberately being divided. Their elected government and politicians are deaf to their needs. Taxes paid by them are openly and specifically allocated for the prosperity and development of their adversaries. Their newspaper and television media, by and large, ridicule them and identify with foreign faiths with foreign masters. Atrocities committed on them are not even reportable or "narrated objectively" whereas a mere allegation against them is good for headline news and warrants unqualified condemnation, without investigation or verification.

There is no body that they can trust. They have no spokesmen, no Government to ensure their welfare, no media to express their anguish, no academic to pen their chronicle.

They have their backs to the wall.

Their country has already been broken down to pieces - they cannot allow any further fragmentation.

They have realized that they have to fight back.

And that is what has started to happen - if you can put your ears to the ground - be it in Orissa or Jammu, you can hear the reverberations.)

"Even if the act diminishes me in your eyes, it"s my right to do so. So if thousands or even millions of Dalits, who have been despised and ostracized for generations, choose to become Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, either to escape the discrimination of their Hindu faith or because some other has lured them with food and cash, it"s their right. "

(I was sure waiting for this topic to surface.

Have you ever heard of Dalit Christian Mr. Thapar? A little enquiry on your part will tell you that the Dalit Christians, who account for over 70% of the 25 million Christians in India, have been largely converted by exploitation, coercion and the false hopes of egalitarian status but still suffer from the segregation, oppression and discrimination, only now at the hands of their fellow Christians of the upper castes. Conversion into the new faith has not redeemed them from the stigma of "untouchablity". A Dalit Christian has minimal say in the leadership and control, has minimal access to education (despite a wide network of Christian missionary schools and colleges), job opportunities and entrepreneurship development. Even in the local church communities, controlled by Christians of the "upper castes", Dalit Christians often have separate entries, separate place to sit, separate cups at the Eucharistic celebration, separate communion rails, and even separate cemeteries. Thus ends the Christian promise of equality, human dignity and egalitarian status through conversion

Have you ever criticized the Christian organizations for their Dalits and why they are "ostracized"?

You are fully aware that caste discrimination is a degenerated, socio-political evil manifestation of an ancient vocational order according to mental inclinations and unrelated to birth right. You also know this has been declared illegal in modern India. India had a President, a deputy Prime Minister, a Chief Justice, and currently has the Chief Minister of its largest state belonging to the lower caste. India is also the only country that has had religious minorities as its head of state not once but repeatedly, after its modern birth. But give me an honest answer. Who do you think perpetuates this social evil any more than our politicians and our media? So why is it that this ill politics of contemporary Indian society, of its lawlessness, exploitations and dominations, conveniently blamed primarily on Hindu religion?

Have you ever demonized the "faith of Christianity" for its Crusades, Inquisitions, anti Semitisms, witch burnings, black slaveries and the destructions of Mayans, Incas and Australian aboriginal civilizations, the African and Asian Colonization, besides the two world wars.

As a leading media personality, what have you or your clan done to eradicate this system, other than parroting the same politicians and laying the blame on Hindu Dharma that ensured a just state for thousands of years, with no caste problem, until the British landed on its soil?

And how does that justify Christian proselytizing and domination over the lower castes and tribes of the Indian populace?

At least bring a modicum of integrity to your profession, Mr. Thapar. Can you, for once, clear the web of lies, half-truths and disinformation that clouds your thoughts and write a "truthful" article on any of the topics like Joshua project, the 10/40 window, the Project Thessalonica, the Maranatha Volunteers, etc.)

"Arguably you may believe you should ask them to reconsider, although I would call that interference"( so conversion, by hook or by crook is okay but asking to reconsider is "interference",) "but you certainly have no duty or right to stop them. In fact, I doubt if you are morally correct in even seeking to place obstacles in their way. The so-called Freedom of Religion Acts, which aim to do just that, are, in fact, tantamount to obstruction of conversion laws and therefore, at the very least, questionable."

(So, the law of the nation is now incompatible with your Christian sympathy. How patriotic? Can you tell me why the church leaders including the holy one at Vatican, while saying that they do not indulge in forced conversions, are so worked up and demand the revocation of the law?)

"However, what"s even worse is how the VHP responds to this matter. Periodically they resort to violence including outright murder"

(So when an octogenarian VHP leader and his associates are killed brutally by mercenaries, it is not really violence or murder. It was the evangelist way of giving the message of their only God to a "heathen" idolator. It is okay to do so because they are subhuman Hindus of the VHP kind.)

"What happened to Graham Staines in Orissa was not unique"

(I am sure you know very well that it had nothing to do with VHP or Bajrang Dal, but you had to make your "anti VHP case". If you honestly do not know, I request that you consider an alternative profession.

Keeping in mind your selective amnesia and incompetence, I seriously doubt whether you remember the unique, sister Abhaya "suicide" case, who was "blessed" by the father in the Kottayam convent. It is been reported that a former Congress Prime Minister had tried hushing up the case and that the High court, had reprimanded the CBI for tampering with some relevant CDs. The case remains undecided for 16yrs.

Funny, no body called this a failure of the "Hindu" judicial system.)

"Last week it happened again. Apart from the utter and contemptible criminality of such behavior, is this how we Hindus wish to behave? Is this how we want our faith defended? Is this how we want to be seen? I have no doubt the answer is no. An unequivocal, unchanging and ever-lasting NO!"

(Depends on what kind of Hindu you represent.

In case you do not know, protest and violence is a natural instinct of all life forms, especially to defend the integrity of their being. Surely, you cannot be dreaming of depriving Hindus of their right to self defense. Though the world likes to believe and promote the "Gandhi" image of Hindus, there are other icons of Hindus - starting from the "mythological" Ram and Krishna to the Shivaji and Rana Pratap and the Subhas Bose and Bhagat Singh.)

"The only problem is it can"t be heard. And it needs to be. I therefore believe the time has come for the silent majority of Hindus - both those who ardently practice their faith as well as those who were born into it but may not be overtly religious or devout - to speak out." (They are speaking out - listen to the people of Jammu ,Orissa and Gujarat). We cannot accept the desecration of churches, the burning to death of innocent caretakers of orphanages, the storming of Christian and Muslim hamlets even if these acts are allegedly done in defense of our faith."

(But we should gladly accept the desecration of our temples, the Christian - Marxist mercenaries killing our Hindu monks and the Islamic terrorist bombing our hospitals.

We should accept the diversion of temple funds for churches and mosques, and the subsidy from the Hindu majority"s money to visit pilgrimages to Mecca and Jerusalem.

We should also accept the largest state subsidy to those secessionists of Kashmir, who howl anti-India slogans and hoist Pakistani flag, and yet successfully clamor to disallow the temporary use of a mere 40 hectares of land for the Hindus, on way to a pilgrimage in their own country.

We need to assure them that Hindus will take it lying down.

Why don"t you show us the way, Mr. Thapar?

Why don"t you announce Mr. Thapar, that the next time a Christian or Muslim wants to kill some Hindu that you choose to be the sacrificial cow; if they want to rape somebody they can pick her up from your family; and if they want to practice the art of "suicide bombing" they can go to your office address?)

"Indeed, they do not defend but shame Hinduism. That"s my central point. I"m sorry but when I read that the VHP has ransacked and killed I"m not just embarrassed, I feel ashamed. Never of being hindu but of what some Hindus do in our shared faith"s name."

(You already expressed a solution - sell your soul and trade your god. Have you considered the possibility that the majority of one billion Hindus may be embarrassed by people like you or actually consider the VHP inadequate to meet the challenge of defending India"s honor.)

"This is why it"s incumbent on Naveen Patnaik, Orissa"s Chief Minister, to take tough, unremitting action against the VHP and its junior wing, the Bajrang Dal."

(What kind of action Mr. Thapar? The one you prescribed for Mr. Modi, some time ago after the foolish, rabid Hindu fanatic Gujaratis elected him again as their Chief Minister? Do you remember writing, "Only the sudden removal of Narendra Modi can stop this..."
How many Modis are you willing to stop? How do you propose to derail the progressive Gujrati in his march towards his freedom - economic and spiritual? Did you not hear the five crore voices speaking through the ballot in Gujrat or the voices in Himachal and Karnataka?)

"This is a test not just of his governance, but of his character. And I know and accept this could affect his political survival. But when it"s a struggle between your commitment to your principles and your political convenience is there room for choice? For ordinary politicians, possibly, but for the Naveen I know, very definitely not. So let me end by saying: I"m waiting, Naveen. In fact, I want to say I"m not alone. There are hundreds of millions of Hindus, like you and me, waiting silently - but increasingly impatiently. Please act for all of us."

(It is said that during the British rule there was never more than 20-30 thousand British national in India at any one particular time. The British managed to rule for 190 years with the help of the "brown sahibs" who, as Thomas Macaulay defined, are a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, words and intellect.

Today how much we wish that the British had taken their pet brown sahibs along with them.

Max Muller, more than a century ago, while translating the Vedas, had wished that his translation "will tell to a great extent... the fate of India, and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It is the root of their religion, and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, the only way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last 3000 years."

If he was alive today, Mr. Muller could have been a very happy man to know you Mr. Thapar.

May Jesus and Allah together bless you, since you have chosen to forsake, the shallow faith of your forefathers.

We pray that may each member of the billion strong community, that you have chosen to misrepresent and misguide, find you and your ilk, worthy of pardon.

May India once again rise to forgive her own treacherous brood?)

Bandyopadhyay Arindam

^ About the above.

Did they post that to HT directly in reply to Thapar's sticky drool, or is this response only available in HHR and IVarta? It's very good. (Even if I can't quite make out whether those last 4 lines of the article are meant sarcastically or seriously.) Should be given a wide readership. I hope Dharmics write more of these.
References would make it impossible for terrorists to even dare thinking of formulating a reply. The very best the terrorists can do then is to hide from the facts by seeking shelter behind their famous shield of Void that they call 'faith'.

Just one thing:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Christian British rule, left India with 20 million famine-related deaths<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Note that this is not nitpicking, as it concerns millions MORE lives destroyed by the famines created by the christoBrits:
Francois Gautier has written that British records show how it was 25 million dead in Bharatam in a span of 100 years due to the christo-caused famines. (Take particular note of the numbers of Indian dead growing as time of christo influence wore on. I'll come back to this.)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->According to British records, one million Indians died of famine between 1800 and 1825, 4 million between 1825-1850, 5 million between 1850-1875 and 15 million between 1875-1900. Thus <b>25 million Indians died in 100 years</b> ! The British must be proud of their bloody record. It is probably more honourable and straightforward to kill in the name of Allah, than in the guise of petty commercial interests and total disregard for the ways of a 5000 year civilisation. Thus, by the beginning of the 20th century, India was bled dry and there were no resources left.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And in rediff, Gautier followed this data with:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->(Since Independence, there has been no such famines, a record of which India should be proud.)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
But that's not all though. The figure for <b>death-by-christoterrorist-famine</b> is in fact higher - FAR higher. It's that 25 million we've just seen <i>plus</i> an estimate of another unpreventable 8 millions made for the year Durant wrote <i>The Case For India</i> (1930). The following is taken from that book, p.52:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From 1770 to 1900, 25,000,000 Hindus died of starvation; 15,000,000 of these died in the last quarter of the century, in the famines of 1877, 1889, 1897, and 1900.185 Contemporary students 186 estimate that 8,000,000 will die of starvation in India during the present year.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->One wonders what the figures were for 1901-1929 and also what they were from 1931 upto independence, when Durant was no longer cataloguing them...

And before we try to put a brave face on such a calamitously large figure as we have already had to contemplate just now, we must bear with yet further evidence of the tragedy directly caused by the <b>christoterrorism</b> of the British. Durant's The Case For India again, p.51-52, describing death by disease brought on by christoism:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sir William Hunter, once Director-General of Indian Statistics, estimated that 40,000,000 of the people of India were seldom or never able to satisfy their hunger.182 Weakened with malnutrition, they offer low resistance to infections; epidemics periodically destroy millions of them. In 1901, <b>272,000</b> died of plague introduced from abroad; in 1902, <b>500,000</b> died of plague; in 1903, <b>800,000</b>; in 1904, <b>1,000,000</b>. 188 In 1918 there were 125,000,000 cases of influenza, and <b>12,500,000</b> recorded deaths. 184<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Again, look carefully at the dates of the Genocide-Due-To-Christoist-Disease alongside the associated mortality figures.
See the <i>Christo Rate of "Growth"</i> (i.e. DESTRUCTION) there? Notice how the figures increased with time?
<b>It's called Christianism's Exponential Rate Of Genocide</b>. Something people should teach in schools. Christian schools will especially love it, as it works out as proof for Jeebus' wondrous effects: the evidence is right there in the undeniable numerical figures, see! Praise be to jeebusjehovallah - it's just like gawd repeatedly shows in the babble's OT how he rains/smites down christoterrorisms aka "miracles" (pestilence, famines, wars, cruel oppressions) on people who wouldn't follow him. These were more of his miracles in christo-ruled heathen India! Those who don't believe and accept the 'greatness and endless love' of the non-existent jeebus-gawd now, will never do so!

Of course Karan Thapar is not a Hindu. He's just the same as Swarmy Uglyface. They fall under the category that Dhu described elsewhere: False Flag Operations. They are not Hindus, but cryptos. Thaper is likely of the crypto christian variety, while we know of Swarmy Uglyface that he is a communazi by his own admission. (Not that the particular terrorist subcult they belong to matters: Terrorista Behind Door No. 1 or Terrorista Behind Door No. 2 both look pretty much the same terrorista to us.)

The only reason Thapper wants to "speak for Hindus" is to try and influence his audience. Hmmm, should Hindus break it to him though or let him realise it on his own when he finds that cryptos' published tantrums are going absolutely nowhere?
Because, instead of influencing/subverting with their contrived writing as per their designs, they can <i>only</i> be annoying Hindus (at best!).
These crypto characters are not very clever. (But, like that other person said, christoislamicommunism has a <i>dumbing down</i> effect. Tja, cryptos should have read the Health Hazard Warning: "Don't get bitten by the christoislamicommunistic meme".)
Having said that, their woeful ineptitude will end up doing good for Hindu Dharma: with every spiteful little article they write, they would only be pushing more people away. So I think Hindus should encourage the Losers to go ahead and write more of these articles. Yes, they should keep it coming, by all means. Their bits of poison are acting as immunisation vaccinations. Arigatou.

The general Hindu public should stop accepting such characters merely on the latter's say-so: stop thinking that anyone who declares themselves Hindu (and then starts a tirade against Hindu Dharma and/or Hindus) is automatically a Hindu. If someone suddenly says they're your long-lost family member, you'd check them out to see they're not making it up, right? And if they start beating up or verbally abusing your family members, you'd pretty much want to keep them far away from you and yours, wouldn't you? Same thing.

We're not fools. But cryptos' supposing this of us says a lot about the ability of <i>their</i> mental faculties.
Unless otherwise linked, all the quoteblocks in this post are copied and pasted from
Hindu Wisdom's European Imperialism page, section Famines in British India: An enduring disaster of the Raj

Forgot to add to the colossal genocide-by-christoism figures already seen:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Author John Newsinger is Senior Lecturer: History. School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the Bath Spa University, UK. He has written in his book, The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire:
"the Bengal Famine of 1943-44.
The result was a terrible death toll from starvation and disease in 1943-44 that totaled more than 3.5 million men and women."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Another 3.5 million just between 1943-1944. How many more did the vampiric christos of britain kill in the unreckoned christo-oppressed years? I know I keep asking this, but I think it's one of those things we ought to know.

Statement by Jabez Sunderland:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"When the British first appeared on the scene, <b>India was one of the richest countries of the world</b>; indeed, it was her great riches that attracted the British to her shores. For <b>2,500 years before the British came</b> on the scene and robbed her of her freedom, India was self-ruling and one of the most influential and illustrious nations of the world."

(The following Sunderland quote is found in Durant's Case for India, p.8)
<b>“This wealth,” says Sunderland was created by the Hindus’ vast and varied industries.</b> Nearly every kind of manufacture or product known to the civilized world – nearly every kind of creation of Man’s brain and hand, existing anywhere, and prized either for its utility or beauty – had long, long been produced in India. India was a far greater industrial and manufacturing nation than any in Europe or than any other in Asia. Her textile goods – the fine products of her loom, in cotton, wool, linen, and silk – were famous over the civilized world; so were her exquisite jewelry and her precious stones, cut in every lovely form; so were her pottery, porcelains, ceramics of every kind, quality, color and beautiful shape; so were her fine works in metal – iron, steel, silver and gold. She had great architecture – equal in beauty to any in the world. She had great engineering works. She had great merchants, great business men, great bankers and financiers. Not only was she the greatest ship-building nation, but she had great commerce and trade by land and sea which extended to all known civilized countries. Such was the India which the British found when they came.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Meanwhile lying christoterrorist Dinesh de Souza with his "Two hollers for christocolonialism" is praying to jeebus and probably his other idol, winston churchill, nightly.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In India a large number perished by British brutality and <b>deliberate creation of famines</b>, violation of persons bodies and dignity; <b>in Palnad in Andhra, half of the population was said to be have perished every ten years, during several decades after the subjugation of the areas by Britain</b>. It seems as if <b>the intellectuals and leaders of Britain hated India, </b>and felt outraged that in spite of all their brutalities, smashing of Indian institutions, high extortions, and tortures, men made famines and expropriation of Indian resources to the British state, and thus the all round breakdown of Indian society, the Indians on the whole, could not be wiped out that easily. "

(source: Despoliation and Defaming of India – By Dharampal published by Bharat Peetham, Wardha Other India Press, Goa  p. 1 - 17). <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Dharampal need not be so kind as to give them any benefit of the doubt by saying it "seemed as if" the christoterrorists of Britain hated India. Because they did.
About the famous Whine-stoned Churchboy:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Amery was bemused by Churchill's “curious hatred of India ” and concluded that he was “really not quite normal on the subject”. Indeed Amery was not sure “whether on this subject of India he is really quite sane.” Provoked beyond endurance by Churchill’s bigotry, Amery, on one occasion, said: “<b>I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s”.</b> Amery was not a liberal or progressive, but a hardnosed right wing imperialist. And it was not just to Amery that Churchill made his feelings clear.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->History lecturer John Newsinger still writing about the opinions of Hitler's Twin Churchill and the above mentioned "less hitlerian?" Amery on the Bengal famine:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Churchill, “who seemed to regard famine relief as ‘appeasement’ of the Congress”. On one occasion <b>when presented with details of the crisis in Bengal , Churchill commented, “on Indians breeding like rabbits”. As far as he was concerned “the starvation of anyhow underfed Bengalis is less serious than sturdy Greeks”, a sentiment with which Amery concurred.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In February 1945 Churchill told his private secretary, Sir John Colville (1915-1987) that:
“the <b>Hindus were a foul race</b>…and he wished Bert Harris (Air Marshall Bert "Bomber" Harris (1892 - 1984) could <b>send some of his surplus bombers to destroy them</b>.” <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Did Whinestone 'Hitler' Churchboy really imply he wanted us to retaliate and return the favour of his christoterrorism's genocides of:
- 25 million by famine 1800-1900
- ~8 million by famine in 1930
- 3.5 million in Bengal famine of 1943-1944
- 15,072,000 by christo-caused (Durant quote above) "plague introduced from abroad" and low immunity to influenza due to christo-caused malnutrition = 272,000 (1901) + 500,000 (1902) + 800,000 (1903) + 1,000,000 (1904) + ???? + 12,500,000 recorded deaths in 1918
(Again: What are the numbers before, between and after these years/periods?)

So, when we total that, <b>limiting ourselves to counting JUST the <i>christofamine-and-disease-related</i> data provided by Durant and Gautier</b> (which gives no clue as to what happened in the years not related by them), we come to:
at least 51,572,000 millions in India genocided by christobrits and their christoterrorism

In future, Hindus have to give <b>that</b> figure - making it completely clear that it is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM established value - when whacking the crypto moles in our midst with the facts. (Be these MMS, Kandakaran Thapper or any other psecularly, 'progressively neutral' biblical twats.)

<b>ADDED:</b> And that's not even counting the outright massacres the genocidal christos from Britain perpetrated on Hindus, such as:
<!--QuoteBegin-acharya+Aug 30 2007, 03:37 AM-->QUOTE(acharya @ Aug 30 2007, 03:37 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->1857 mutiny revisited
India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...'
Author says British reprisals involved the killing of <b>10m</b>, spread over 10 years

Friday August 24, 2007
The Guardian[right][snapback]72649[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And then these figures on the reprisals to the Indian mutiny (an estimated 10 million) do not include other cases of butchery which the christoBrits in India perpetrated on Hindus at various other times of christocolonial rule (some examples of those can be found at http://hinduwisdom.info/European_Imperialism.htm)

Whenever anyone says anything remotely positive or even neutral about Whiney-Stoned-ChurchBoy, repeat how the Hitler of Britain (aka Winston Churchill) wanted to bomb Hindus to oblivion even after he and the faithful christoterrorists of his nation genocided 51.5 + 10 million Indians.
Make him more famous than he is. Go on, he - like the rest of his kind - deserves to be remembered forever for his "charitable, neighbourly, loving" christianism.

Flashback to 19th century again to commemorate more of that same "charitable, neighbourly, loving" christianism:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->William Samuel Lilly, in his India and Its Problems writes as follows:
"<b>During the first eighty years of the nineteenth century, 18,000,000 of people perished of famine</b>. In one year alone -- the year when her late Majesty assumed the title of Empress -- 5,000,000 of the people in Southern India were starved to death. In the District of Bellary, with which I am personally acquainted, -- a region twice the size of Wales, -- one-fourth of the population perished in the famine of 1816-77.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Manorama and NDTV say "SC issues notice to Gujarat govt not to publish Nanavati report"

BBC fakes Godhra pix

IT gurus: is this really photoshopped? I think it is, but I cant be sure..

Comment says it was 1st shown on Outleek by psec queen ARoy

Added: SABHA confirms

This picture must be analyzed by a professional. I tried zooming in few other pictures and saw similar blurring in the border. If the picture has hgh resoluton, the blurring is low. This hapens because image compression is performed by managing blocks of 8x8 pixels at a time.

If those pictures are photoshopped, they are going to be clinching evidence against psecs.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Taking a leap of faith
2 Oct 2008, 0327 hrs IST, Anubha Sawhney Joshi

He was born a Hindu. But despite belonging to an educated family, Bhavan Nath Paswan had to live a life of shame and ridicule. He was a chamar , lowest of the low according to the Hindu caste system. Paswan remembers the years of suffering.

AFAIK Paswan's are not Balmikis (name the mentioned group use for themselves now).

Seems like another manufactured "dalit" story that TOI routinely comes out with.
Interestingly TOI never published my comment on Tharoor's recent vomit questioning his repetition of the "St." Thomas myth, wonder on whose payroll they are.

And now this headline:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Kerala nun becomes India's first woman saint

Ya thats just it, there was no Andal, Mirabai etc or maybe they don't count because they were heathens not yet illuminated by the "Lords" teachings.
BhV, what you ppl are missing is the print edition. Everyday, one full page is dedicated to the black deeds of bloodsucking hindu fundamentalists, the horrible religion that Hinduism is with its Sati, untouchability, animal sacrifices etc; and immediately the next full page to the angelic religion of christianism, its miractles, its saints and the light they are bringing into the life of dalits. so on whose payroll they are is rather out there in open.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Anubha Sawhney Joshi<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Why after marriage they want to keep maiden name. Either keep maiden name or marriage name.?
<!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+Oct 13 2008, 06:38 PM-->QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ Oct 13 2008, 06:38 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Interestingly TOI never published my comment on Tharoor's recent vomit questioning his repetition of the "St." Thomas myth[right][snapback]89109[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Will you put your unpublished comment here so I can read it (and so too any others who may be interested)?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->wonder on whose payroll they are.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->- Pope sainting someone yet again for India.
- Indian media taken over by christofanatics, regularly spinning anti-Hindu articles to contrast against their frequent pro-christoterrorist fables.
- Indian cryptos writing biased, anti-Hindu articles in international herald tribune (and being given space to do so there) without admitting to the fact that the maoists who killed the Swami were just as christian as the rest of the christian mob that attacked him regularly.
- Murdering a Hindu Swami and getting away with it scott-free
- Neutralising Kanchi Shankaracharya's work by framing and foisting charges on him
- Christo-controlled govt getting its hands on Hindu temple funds
- Subsidising christoterrorists' trips to the ME
- ...
- ........
- ............ <too long>

These are not coincidences. You *know* this already.

<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Oct 13 2008, 06:51 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Oct 13 2008, 06:51 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->BhV, what you ppl are missing is the print edition.  Everyday, one full page is dedicated to the black deeds of bloodsucking hindu fundamentalists, the horrible religion that Hinduism is with its Sati, untouchability, animal sacrifices etc; and immediately the next full page to the angelic religion of christianism, its miractles, its saints and the light they are bringing into the life of dalits.  so on whose payroll they are is rather out there in open.[right][snapback]89110[/snapback][/right]
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Yes. True christianism - when it can't hack your heathen selves to death like they did the lovely Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati - will resort to two-faced lying.
But we can always go back to reading Richard Crasta, Alex Alexander, ..., and Hilda Raja's 'christian' POVs. It will probably make us all feel better - useless in righting our situation or saving our future, but it *will* make us feel better nevertheless. Because temporary peace of mind is just so much more important than a peaceful and secure future.

Hindus (IF exempt) think christianism is a joke, even as they may take islamism seriously. Forgetting that christianism has done far more damage to civilisations than even islamism has, <i>and</i> has had longer to hone its art of terrorism (ranging from physical tortures to propaganda/media's mental manipulations) to a perfect science. The first step in winning any war is to recognise the enemy. It's not hard in this case: they're regularly shouting at the top of their voices that they will destroy us. Why are Hindus playing at being blind and deaf - no one else ran into the arms of christo-caused extinction with willingness, let alone such eagerness.
Fight, darn it.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Why after marriage they want to keep maiden name. Either keep maiden name or marriage name.?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Mudy, that question is way too many steps ahead for me. I'm still stuck working out why she's got a *Hindu* name...
Sorry Husky, didn't save it since they previously did publish one of my comments against feminist double standards of Renuka Chaudhry.

I just asked Tharoor to stop repeating myths as history and linked www.hamsa.org, saying that people interested could find out more there.

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