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2009 Poll Prospects And Alignments-2
<b>Will Rajnikanth throw his lot behind BJP?</b>
13 Nov 2008, 1020 hrs IST, TNN

CHENNAI: Senior BJP leader L K Advani on Wednesday called on actor Rajnikanth at his residence in Poes Garden in Chennai, triggering speculation
about the superstar's political plans, but sources said the BJP veteran sought Rajni's support to boost his prospects of becoming the next prime minister. While the two held discussions for close to half an hour, Rajnikanth was later present at Narada Gana Sabha for a function in which the Tamil translation of Advani's autobiography, 'My Country, My Life' , was released. ( Watch )

According to sources, during the meeting over tea, Advani invited the superstar to campaign for the party in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. The meeting comes close on the heels of another actor-turned-politician and BJP leader, Shatrughan Sinha, saying on Saturday that Rajnikanth's fans were in for "a big surprise". Talking to reporters later after the function, Advani said the superstar had been "pressing" him for a long time to visit his house. "Today, I accepted the invitation and met him this evening at his house. This has been a longtime desire for him and for me and it was fufilled this evening. We talked about a lot of things, including his film, 'Sivaji' ... I quoted to him his public statement that he would take the political plunge at God's call. I told him that I appreciate that." On his part, the actor, when asked if he had been invited by Advani to campaign for BJP, was non-committal , merely saying, "nothing, nothing."

The meeting also revived talks of Rajni overcoming his prolonged hesitation to plunge into politics. In the run-up to the 2004 LS elections, as PMK cadres targetted Rajnikanth films, actor threw his weight behind the AIADMK-BJP combine . "My vote is for the BJP," he had then said.

Arresting Hindus Sadhus and Saints is another ploy of Congress to scare regional parties not to join BJP/NDA.
Advani promises Telangana State
Speaking at a Vijay Sankalp rally in Hyderabad, BJP Leader and the NDA’s Prime Minister in waiting, L.K. Advani promised to move legislation paving the way for a separate state of Telangana within 100 days if the NDA is voted back to power.


The full text of Mr. Advani’s speech can be found here.

It is interesting to note that legendary leftist ballad Gaddar known for his revolutionary poetry and causes attended Mr. Advani’s rally.

I am happy to see that many pro-Telangana champions who are not formally in the BJP have come to attend this rally. I must make a special mention here of Shri Gaddar, the legendary folk artist from Telangana. I hugely admire him for his artistic talent and for his deep concern for the poor and downtrodden. I sincerely thank him and other people like him for reposing faith in us.
That is indeed far more significant than the neither here nor there noises from a confused Chiranjeevi who seems to have no qualms claiming he has more in common with the undemocratic CPI-Mafioso. We can safely write-off mega star Chiru as an also ran closet communist.

The bigger story of the day however is that if a Gaddar participates in a BJP rally, it is an indication that the TRS and the rest of the pack have completely lost credibility in the eyes of the people of Telangana.

The BJP may well be scripting a steep and arduous come back trail in Andhra Pradesh if the Telangana sentiment picks up further momentum in the run up to the elections.
Now you now why Owaisi's MIM is agaisnt Telengana?
Muslim control will be restricted to Hyderabad, which will reduce their power.
Not even there.

What are the prospects of Rajnikanth in Tamilnadu? Can he lead an alternate movement to DMK and AIDMK? Need to return TN to mainstream India.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 13 2008, 03:13 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 13 2008, 03:13 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Muslim control will be restricted to Hyderabad, which will reduce their power.

What control they have now beyond Hyderabad? They are negligible in other parts of AP.

MIM's fear is different. They will be targeted for their historical mistakes in the Telangana region. It is the damn fear from Telangana population that is making MIM anti-Telangana state.

I will bet they will ask for a seperate Hyderabad state.
Two days ago , three top political leaders of Bihar and Jharkhand, namely Lallu Prasad Yadav, Ram Vilas Paswan and Nitish Kumar once again sat in the same platform and announced that their political differences will not come in the way of development of Bihar. They were attending the inauguration of reconstruction project for the Barauni fertilizer plant.

This is perhaps a sign that on the eve of the general election, all the three significant political forces in these two States may go in for some realignment of seats. If that happens, the electoral fortune of all three will change and this combination can give a tough fight for the 64 Lok Sabha seats in these two States. This combination will also become a major factor in the formation of the next government at the Centre.
Ram Vilas Paswan can somersault to Nitish and has been colleagues with him before in NDA; so, there is nothing new.
The front which you are alluding to is reaction to MNS in Maharashtra and has nothing to do with realignments.
Apart from Bihar which other state you are alluding to is not clear and all 3 belong to Bihar. Apart from Nitish as part of JD(U) and in turn NDA, the other 2 have no presence on their own outside Bihar. <!--emo&:felx--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/flex.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='flex.gif' /><!--endemo-->
How to establish the Pro-Hindu goverment in India ?
November 15, 2008

Kartik Krushna Truitiya

India is a predominantly Hindu nation. 83% of the Indian population is Hindu. But it is a matter of great regret that India is the only country in the world where the Hindu majority population is being ruled by the other 17% minority communities.

Sonia Maino Gandhi, the President of the ruling Congress Party is a practicing Catholic Christian. Her son Rahul Gandhi who is being groomed as the next Prime Minister of India is also a Christian. Sonia's daughter Priyanka Vadera and her husband are also Christians. India'a Defense Minister is A. K. Anthony, a Christian.

Sonia's closest advisors are: Margaret Alva (resigned yesterday), Oscar Fernandes, Ambika Soni, all Christians (yes, despite Ambika's Hindu sounding name, she is a Christian). India's Vice President is Mohammad Hamid Ansari. Ahmed Patel, Gulam Nabi Azad and Salman Khurshid – the core members of Sonia's think tank – are all Muslims.

Dr. Shakeel Ahmad is Minister of State in Home Ministry, a very sensitive post. One more fundamentalist Islamist E. Ahmed, President of the Indian Union Muslim League is the Union Minister for External Affairs. Mr. Abdul Rahman Antulay is the Minority Affairs Minister and Mr. Shafi Qureshi is the Chairman of National Commission on Minorities. In addition, Sonia's handpick Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy is also a Christian (again, to deceive the gullible Hindu public, he maintains a Hindu sounding name).

Prof. Valson Thampu, a Christian theologian, an academic and author, Chairman, NCERT Curriculum Review Committee, is a known Hindu baiter. Mr. John Dayal, Chairman of Indian Catholic Union, notorious for his hate mongering proclivity, is playing a very disastrous role in National Integration Council. Anti-Hindu UPA government uses the services of Mr. John Dayal and Mr. Kanchan Ilaya, another Hindu hater, to lobby with the U.N. and U.S. Congress, to drive a wedge in Hindu society and weaken it.

From the above, it is absolutely clear that India is actually being ruled either by the Moslems or by Christians. The situation for Hindus in India, in short, could be described as abysmally apocalyptic.

While most Hindus are busy in their daily chores like earning a living, doing yoga, making money, celebrating festivals, enjoying their lives, building temples, our adversaries have hatched very sinister plans to enslave us politically and then obliterate Hindu Dharma from the Indian soil. As a matter of fact, the Hindus are under a multi-pronged seize.

Muslim population in the world is approximately 1.3 billion. They have more than 54 countries. It is a paradox that Hindus with approximately one billion adherents in the world do not have even one country where they could live without any fear of being terrorized!

We must rectify this dichotomy at the earliest.

Because of our internal squabbles, in the medieval period, Afghans and Moguls used us to fight for them and finally they subjugated India. Now, because of our disunity, myopic vision, apathy, selfishness, greed, and ego-centric attitude, the Islamists, Christians and Communists are vying with one another to control Hindus politically.

The next Parliamentary elections are round the corner. If Hindus really want to jettison the anti-Hindu forces (such as Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Ramvilas Paswan, the deadly combination of Leftists-cum-Islamists), who have entrenched themselves in the corridors of power and reduced Hindus to second class citizens in their own country, Hindus have to shed their squeamishness, and make a Machiavellian move to end this sordid chapter of servitude and vulnerability.

Here are some of the suggestions which if implemented seriously could bring the desired results:

1. First of all, Hindus have to set their own house in order. RSS/VHP/BJP/ ABVP/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena/Akali Dal and other Hindu-Sikh groups should put their heads together and take an oath in the name of God that they would use all the resources at their disposal to ensure the victory of Hindu forces at any cost. They have to pledge sincerely that they would not say or do anything that would create a rift in the Hindu United Front.

2. There are 150,000 millionaires and 40 billionaires in India – mostly Hindus. Further, the assets of NRIs alone are worth one trillion US dollars. This colossal financial power of Hindus has to be used properly to revitalize and reinvigorate the Hindu nation. We have to convince our wealthy brothers that their riches will be reduced to zero in the next 75 years, if Hindus become a minority in India, as it happened in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian Kashmir.

3. We have to devise appropriate methods to approach these wealthy Hindus and encourage them to form a cartel of Hindu millionaires/ billionaires. We should urge all our Hindu brothers to play the role of Bhama Shah who had offered his entire wealth to Maharana Pratap Singh to fight the Mogul tyrant Akbar.

4. We should assuage the hurt feelings of our Hindu brothers, Sadhus and Sant Samaj who have grievances against the BJP and win back their trust. Then, we should organize and mobilize Dharmacharyas with the help of Acharya Sabha and Vishwa Hindu Parishad. If all of them work with a missionary zeal, we could certainly turn the tables on our opponents.

5. We should also feverishly try to bring back in our fold the leaders like Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Uma Bharati and others. We should suitably accommodate leaders like Kalyan Singh and Vinay Katiyar. (In the past, we have sought cooperation of Mayawati, Mulayam Singh, Ram Vilas Paswan, several times. Now, there is no harm in taking back our own people without humiliating them.)

6. We should hire media professionals and use E-mail system, print and electronic media intelligently and to the fullest possible extent.

7. If Hindus vote strategically, it is not hard at all to form a pro-Hindu government in India. Everything depends on how enthusiastically, forcefully and honestly we work.

8. If we manage to bring the 40% Hindu population to the polling booths, we can easily form a pro-Hindu government. I do not think it is a stupendous task.

9. Our leaders should learn to speak with unshakeable confidence in their capability and inflexible determination to achieve the requisite results.

10. If the BJP leaders come up with a clear cut resolve and message that upon being voted to power they would extripate terrorism from the Indian soil, I am absolutely certain that all the Hindu-Sikh people will vote for BJP.

11. Our leaders and volunteers should shun the lackadaisical attitude. We should carry on no-holds-barred high-decibel campaign to denounce and discredit our adversaries.

12. There are about 50 Parliamentary seats in India where non-Hindu votes do not count. We would suggest that VHP, Uma Bharati and other staunch Hindu leaders in consultation with BJP and RSS strategically field their candidates in these places. However, all the parties should ensure that Hindu votes are not polarized.

13. BJP can rake up a ruckus in their election campaigning on the question of exorbitant price rise and, thereby, they can utilize voters' disenchantment with the government in its favor.

We have to affirm: "Enough is enough." For the survival of Hindu civilization, it is absolutely essential that Hindus wake up from the deep slumber and learn to work in unison. There is no time for dilly-dallying.

The global race for conquering the soul of India is going on apace. Furthermore, we are familiar with the well-known adage that time and tide wait for none. Therefore, cudgel up your sleeves and be ready to take control of your destiny in your own hands.

We should also remember that limitations are only in the mind. In reality, nothing is truly unattainable for those who dream big.
<b>Lok Sabha poll decision likely on Dec 10</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A crucial meeting on the Union Budget called by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [Images] in New Delhi [Images] on December 10 may indicate whether the government prefers to go to the Lok Sabha polls in April after presenting the budget or pushes for a vote-on-account in December itself in order to hold the elections in February<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So expect dole and reduction in Petrol price.
<b>Unity Appeal to Hindu! voters, Activists and Leaders for Upcoming Elections</b>

November 13, 2008
Kartik Pournima

<i>Subject: Being in majority Hindus have a right to build their own destiny: Rule by the Coward, the Tainted and vote bank politicians under the garb of Secularism will make India bleed and disintegrate. </i>

Respected Hindu voters and Activists,

Aadarniya Hindu Leaders:


Despite six decades of freedom the fight to defend and foster India's real democracy is any thing but settled. Indications are clear that during the fast approaching election cycle it will be renewed at a higher level of intensity and of course for higher stakes. These are neither ordinary times nor would this be an ordinary election season. After years of Sonia-Singh Administration's failed and elusive policies the dream of strong, healthy, prosperous, peaceful and secure India is slipping away. As opposed to the tall claims made by the leaders in power, real wages are fast shrinking. The costs of food stuff, healthcare, housing, petrol and other necessities of life are going over the roof.

India's standing in the region and the world is literally in tatters and even the mini-states in its immediate vicinity are emboldened to openly violate its territoriality and sovereignty. The Republic is in shambles and the landmass known as Red Corridor has fallen under the control of Maoists where the writ of the Govt. does not exist. The Administration has proved totally incapable to bring under control or neutralize the armed, well organized and deep rooted insurgencies and separatist movements in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram. How can people of India as a nation, with every fiber of their being, stand these divisive and demoralizing policies of the reckless ruling class? At this critical juncture in the contemporary history of India, in order to change the course of the country, India needs desperately an historic transformational leadership for uniting the nation and moving it forward towards a better future.

The elections for the state legislatures in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh and Delhi are going to ensue in the next two months. They are not important only for setting up Governments with representative character in these states but they will also lay foundation for mobilizing the forces of change and progress in order to becoming triumphant during the Parliamentary elections early next year. In these elections Sonia-Singh and their team will represent the current failed policies and the status quo, while the BJP and its allies will represent the much needed change people have been craving for. Given the alarming insecurities in political, economic and national security arena brought about by the divisive policies of the Sonia-Singh Administration it will be desirable, in fact patriotic, on the part of the smaller parties to seek alliance and combine their strength with any of the major political parties seeking realistic change in the country. Their fragmentist performance will serve only the interests of the beneficiaries of the corrupt and authoritarian status quo.

The patriotic citizens must realize, that today when the Sonia-Singh Administration has proven incapable of handling the core issues of terrorism, national security and "one law one Nation", and follow the vote bank and appeasement policies without any regard for their disastrous consequences upon the national unity, its return to power through manipulated division of Hindu votes, could further weaken even defeat democracy and enhance the ongoing virtual anarchy in the country run by Jihadists and proponents of fanatic minorityism. They must uphold the philosophy of "Country First" or "Country before Every Thing" and resolve to fighting for progressive beliefs, for the real "moral values", economic, social & political justice and to getting this message across to the vast majority of Indians who want to rebuild their great nation and end the politics of deception, fear and division.

The most dangerous thing the people can do is to leave things as they are and let India's freedom and democracy go down the drain. At this important stage in India's modern history people must resolve to refuse surrendering their freedom, democracy, national unity and right to meaningful representation.

Let us explain here how these values so prominently enshrined in the Indian Constitution and political system are threatened by the actions, policies and strategies adopted and enforced by the Sonia-Singh Administration. It is important to briefly enumerate these examples as they are likely to have a direct bearing upon the outcome of the upcoming assembly and parliamentary elections.

(1) Sonia-Singh cannot eradicate Terrorism. In fact their policy of appeasement encourages it: Apart from the recent multiple explosions in Assam and prior to that in New Delhi, major terrorist strikes have taken place in Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Varanasi, Hyderabad, Malegaon, Panipat, Ajmer, Ludhiana, Lucknow, Faizabad, etc. killing Hindu men, women and children by the hundreds. In these terrorists attacks nothing not even Govt. offices, Parliament, court houses, hospitals, police, railway and bus stations and above all Hindu temples, homes and market places were spared. This should give an idea about the magnitude and strength of the terrorist networks and organizations in India engaged in executing anti-India and anti-Hindu agenda. Even the Home Minister Patil has confessed that presently there were more than 800 terrorist cells in India.

It must be noted that, due to stringent measures taken in the US, not a single terrorist explosion has occurred after the devastating one on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. But in India such attacks take place on every day basis and the incompetent authorities do nothing but issue meaningless condemnatory statements. The Sonia-Singh Govt. is so heavily crippled & compromised that it cannot even promulgate a stringent law or set up a department of "Homeland Security" lest that may displease and antagonizing the Muslims - one of the constituencies where it draws support from.

(2) Sonia-Singh Govt. has a totalitarian mindset; considers Parliament irrelevant - The Premier Signed an international treaty - the nuclear deal - without Parliament's approval against his pledges and duty: The research and spate of events has proved that Sonia-Singh Govt. has a totalitarian mindset. Accordingly the commitments made in the Parliament are not delivered as if they have no sanctity. In common parlance such breach of commitment could be equated with lying and therefore, worthy of resulting in impeachment and dismissal (Attachment A). Premier Singh, by usurping the powers of the sovereign body, never allowed any discussion on the economic or security aspects of the above referred treaty with Parliamentarians or Indian experts. Knowledgeable sources confirm that the monsoon session of the Parliament was cancelled to prevent exposure of the deep divisions on the nuclear deal. The US President Mr. Bush, on the other hand, satisfied every minutest concern of the US Congress on this deal till the last day and had them reflected in the legal agreement with India.

With the successful launch of India's Chandrayaan mission to the Moon, India proved the superior knowledge and capabilities of her scientists. Despite the demonstration of such brilliance by India's scientific community it is baffling why the Govt. would rush to sign an unequal and a subservient treaty - when China took thirteen years to negotiate a treaty on the subject and got the treaty on her own terms.

(3) The high level corruption as seen on July 22, 08 during the trust vote has earned India the title of "King of Corruption." When crores of rupees were allegedly paid for cross- voting or abstaining from voting; and this spectacle was massively broadcast and printed by the media, the Indian citizenry was horrified. The abuse of power and trampling upon the constitution went on so much that about half-a-dozen convicted MPs were brought from Tihar and other jails to attend the Parliamentary proceedings and vote. Nowhere in the world but in India is such criminalization of parliamentary proceedings possible. There are 543 MPs in the Lok Sabha. "Of them 117 have been charged and are being investigated for murder, rape, assault, extortion and robbery. Nineteen MPs have more than three criminal cases pending against them." This has disgraced India in the world and encourages corruption in all spheres by making criminality of character glamorous and acceptable to a desensitized society.

In the larger interests of mother India the current ruling cabal formed by the so- called secularists (read anti-Hindus) with Islamists, evangelists, communists, media owned by foreign and vested interests, and politicians for whom staying in power at any cost is far more important than defending national interest, has to be defeated. Apart from substantially curtailing the role of the Parliament and judiciary, Premier Singh's resolve: a) that Muslims have first priority over national resources; b) setting up Sachar Committee with pre- determined objectives; and, c) minority reservations based on creed and not on need - that violate the secular Constitution and hurt the wider national interest smacks of out right abuse of power and discrimination. Such politically motivated acts of favoritism are a clear proof of political corruption and utter disregard for the concept of equality of citizens.

(4) The course of events in India during the Sonia-Singh Admin. is a serious cause of concern. This Administration has become source of the problems confronting the nation rather than solving them. Giving it a writ to rule for additional five years could irreparably harm the nation particularly its economy, democracy, national security (attachment B) and unity. This group in league with secularists (read anti-Hindus) is responsible, among other issues for:

Failure to combat and wipe out the terrorist assault against the country from all sides. The official appeasement policy has encouraged this destructive force in many ways. The Islamists are not the only source of terrorism in India - contributions to this Wahabi modus operandi by Maoists, Naxalites and fundamentalist Christians, exemplified by the assassination of Swami Laxmanananda in Orissa, must not be under estimated.

Denigration of Hindus, Hinduism and their icons - examples:

Arrest of Kanchi Shankaracharya four years ago on concocted charges. He has neither been proven guilty nor exonerated, but kept under a cloud of suspicion despite the tall claims made by Ms. Jayalalitha, the then CM, that the Admin. had hard evidence against him!

Demolition of Ram Sethu and calling Lord Ram a myth;

Mass distribution of pamphlets in Karnataka -- "Satya Darshini" -- using highly abusive and provocative language against Hindu Gods.

Neglect of the farming community and agricultural and industrial infrastructure. Grant of large sums after farmers' suicides is palliative, but does not address their basic problems - whether the grant reaches the really needy has also been questioned;

(5) The first priority must be to take back India & its Govt. by throwing the Sonia-Singh combine and its allies out of power: - They should be replaced by a representative, responsive, transparent and an accountable administration. If such an administration composed of patriotic and honest people with high moral character and believing in rule by the majority was in place, the nation would have been served well and saved from the problems confronted by it now. The continuation in office of the present administration however, may make it absolutely difficult for the nation to preserve its unified character. Some experts believe that in view of the presence, fearless manipulation and toxicity of the divisive agenda of the Jihadists, evangelists and communists the country's chaotic conditions may further exasperate the already weakened system.

The real losers in this chaotic Bush style administration have been the unsuspecting people particularly the nation's national majority. In spite of the constraints imposed by the alliance partners, the BJP/NDA in comparison had performed reasonably well. Even then we cannot but recognize the need for this political formation for bringing in a new generation of leaders who understand the challenges of our times and are capable of dealing with them and other issues with unwavering resolve and determination. The blue print of their vision for "New India" where unity, security, integrity and prosperity are in abundance should be well defined, clear and precise.

(6) Hindus are brainwashed - there is an intellectual subversion of the Hindu mind: After decades of struggle India emerged as an independent country in 1947. Prior to that for centuries both the Muslims and Christians kept it under their occupation and brutal authoritarian rule. Even though the country is physically free of occupiers but the mind of its intelligentsia and the governing elite continues to be indoctrinated and severely subservient. The Indian social, political, educational institutions and the media are still controlled by anti- Indian and subversive elements. Through an invisible yet subtle crusade the Indian and world media in partnership with the pseudo secular political institutions are psycho programming and brainwashing Hindus for maintaining their slavish and colonial subjects' mindset and to a large extend they are succeeding.

The Govt. control of temples has deprived Hindus of dharma shiksha, dharma prachar and dharma sewa. They are kept ignorant of their heritage while the temple resources are abused, misused and siphoned away to fund the expansion of the predatory religions. Under the secularist philosophical dogma Hindu organizations are branded as communal and anti-minority. Using such methods of intimidation and contempt, the Indian officialdom and the ruling class compels Hindus to accept subservience without questions, protest and retaliation.

(7) Sonia-Singh combine showers Islamists, communists and missionaries who spread disunity and disloyalty, with generosity. The official laxities have heavily aided the successes of Jihadists in creating an atmosphere of insecurity and fear, their objective being destabilization of India leaving no town, city or state immune. The home minister has confirmed that there were more than 800 terrorist cells operating in various parts of the country. This year alone nearly 1,000 innocent civilian were killed and during the past decade some 18,360 civilians, almost all of them Hindus, were killed in these terrorist attacks and bomb blasts in various parts of India excluding the J&K State. The loss of life in India due to terrorist attacks is many times larger than the combined causalities suffered by the US in both Iraq and Afghan wars. From the looks of it we may be witnessing the rise of a renewed Islamic movement aiming at creating independent Kashmir, Assam and other areas, based on demographic subversion the Islamists have successfully engineered.

To assist these fragmentists the Indian Premier, without revealing any logical or constitutional grounds, assigned the first priority on country's resources to Muslims. Furthermore, the bleeding heart secularists shed tears and sympathize with them as "victims of circumstances"; their families are compensated and at times even considered for pensions. Sonia-Singh regime dismisses the victims of terrorism, generally Hindus, as collateral damage and cautions their families not to retaliate but maintain peace and harmony. The men in uniform who risk their lives and safety for public protection are demoralized by subjecting them to vigorous scrutiny by the self professed human rights activist NGOs.

The Christian population is stated to be only 2 to 3 percent, but there are estimates that with vigorous Christianization by massive foreign funding over decades they may be now some 8 % of the population. The anti national assertions by minorities exemplified by a) the Kashmiri Islamists demand of "Aazadi" and raising Pak-flags and slogans like "Pakistan Zindabad, We are Pakistanis and Pakistan is ours"; b) Running an energetic and high-visibility media campaign, the faculty and administration of the Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia are crusading to present terror suspects as victims; and, c) Massive Christian propaganda in the US maligning Hindu reaction to Swami Laxmanananda ji's assassination in Orissa. Such anti-national and disintegrative acts must not be overlooked.

(8) While voting Hindus must not ignore their creed, nation or Hindu samaj – Their unified and strong vote for setting up a real nationalist Govt. could be transformational as that could assure: a) a truly representative Govt.; b) rational state support based on need not on creed; c) a clear and well defined combat plan against terrorists and terrorism with intent to liberate the Indian society from this scourge ; d) restoring freedom of religion for Hindus by unshackling their temples from illegal Govt. control; e) renovating and reforming agricultural practices and infrastructure so vital to India's future and a step towards eliminating farmers' suicides; f) early exoneration of Kanchi Shankaracharya, who was arrested four years ago, though out on bail, but is kept under a cloud of suspicion; and, g) outlawing the religious based sectarian and irrational reservations that are creating divisions in the society and are now being extended to institutions of higher education like IITs and IIMs;.

(9) Developing a clear mission, mass movement and new Leadership: In today's India thanks to Sonia-Singh's misrule the Hindus are subjugated, discriminated and treated as second class citizens. This is their moment and this is their time to gather, solidify and exercise political power for governing and transforming the system so as to become main players for initiating vital changes impacting them. As a national majority they have a right and responsibility to be the designers, planners and architects of their new destiny. Therefore, it is the time for them to convincingly demonstrate their will, collective power, gumption and develop capacity for removing any and all hurdles in their way.

India needs progressive and pragmatic leadership that is focused on transforming the system, weeding out the deadwood and politicians with vested interests and the biased media. Such leadership could inspire the nationalist forces for ushering an era of hope, confidence and resolve that India has been awaiting for more than half a century.

To overcome the deficit in dynamic leadership for spearheading the important tasks in the public sector India needs the best and the brightest with a spirit of devotion, sacrifice, patriotism, hard work, organizing, oratory and communication skills. The successful campaign for his rise to power as the US President by Barack Obama, an unlikely black candidate, should be a lesson and guide in this regard. A well oiled electoral machine run by an army of young volunteers ready to move on a moments notice superseding regional, ethnic, racial, class, gender, topographic and climatic hurdles helped him in scoring this unprecedented victory in America's national history. Such a mass movement covering the grassroots of the political spectrum could be replicated in India with a relative ease. Should that really happen and India's national majority really lands on its justifiable seat of power that will mark the second liberation of the country after 1947.

(10) Respected Hindu voters, Aadarniya Hindu Leaders, Activists and well wishers: - Please do your best in unifying and galvanizing Hindus toward realizing Hindu governance. There must be a call for shared sacrifice and social responsibility. Hindus have to be organized, united and assertive, for therein lies their survival and the integrity of the motherland. Elections must be taken seriously as key to jobs, communal harmony, national security and prosperity and contested with missionary zeal at all levels. As already stated, in these elections Sonia-Singh and their team will represent the current failed policies and the status quo, while the BJP and its allies will represent the much needed change people have been craving for.

The manipulators of the Indian political system have reduced Hindus to a mere non-entity. That status for a strong national majority is as undemocratic as it is humiliating. They must refuse to accept such an indignity. As a meaningful yet constructive retaliation they need to mobilize, take initiative, come forward, assume leadership and offer sacrifices now. Unlike others we don't resort to throwing bombs, conduct Jihad and violence and kill innocent people. Even though non-violent, the electoral war is hardly insignificant for us.

This is our "Dharma Yudh" for rejecting the indignities and inhumanities mounted on us. This is our struggle for restoring the appropriate status of the Hindu Samaj. This is our sangharsh to establish the rule of law and real democracy. This is our chance to throw out of power those who insulted our gods, attempted to destroy Hindu history and heritage of India. Therefore, please place every thing else on the backburner and get involved in this "Maha Dharma Yudh". Take leave from every thing else and work for the victory of Hindu Dharma and become part of the electoral campaign locally, in villages, amongst dalits, OBCs , etc.

The idealism driven young generation should be on the front seat to fuel a new uprising against the de-Indianised elite and the tainted political practices. The youth particularly the College students who have the idealism, energy, maturity and drive for furthering the national cause should plunge into this campaign.

The fate of Hindus in Kashmir and in the North East should remind them that with a weakling Indian Govt. spearheaded by Sonia-Singh Bush loyalist combine they and their loved ones face a clear and present danger in every nook and cranny of India. With the pace setting example of Jammu Hindus for the Amarnath protests, they should urgently consider a mass Hindu electoral movement for every legislative and Parliamentary election and assert their right of majority rule - the underlying premise of partition. Letting this opportunity slip away could be extremely costly with far reaching consequences. It might even enhance the volume of anti-Hindu discrimination, conversion and violence. The continued punitive rule by Islamist, communist, Evangelist and pseudo-seculars' alliance might force them to live as poor and dependent colonial subjects - in a splintered India – a situation that should be unacceptable under any circumstances.

Thanks for your time and waiting to see you at the historical "Dharma Yudh".

By: Dr. Jagan Kaul
Krishan Bhatnagar
Hindu Jagran Forum (USA)

I have a question for you.

With the assembly elections sapping all the hopes of recovery, the mood of people no more reticent but openly revoltive of the UPA's lukewarm attitude to terror, Will Maino try a 'Kargil' to show she is against terror to win the next election?
<!--QuoteBegin-Savithri+Nov 28 2008, 03:27 PM-->QUOTE(Savithri @ Nov 28 2008, 03:27 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mudyji,

I have a question for you.

With the assembly elections sapping all the hopes of recovery, the mood of people no more reticent but openly revoltive of the UPA's lukewarm attitude to terror, Will Maino try a 'Kargil' to show she is against terror to win the next election?
Why she will do? No emotion attachment with Country India, she had only interest that is her family. Check her in-laws family history, do you think she had gall to do anything. What she will do, transfer as much money as possible to Swiss Bank and have good life in Zug, Living room windows open towards Zurich lake and nice mountain view.
From Deccan Chronicle

<b>As Sonia looks Leftward, it’s deja vu</b>
By Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

Even as temperatures outside come down, the political atmosphere is getting warmer by the day. No better evidence of this fact can be found than in the recent pronouncements by UPA chairperson and Congress president Sonia Gandhi wherein she evoked the memory of her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi when she presided over the nationalisation of much of India’s banking system four decades ago. <b>Her statements also make it apparent that the rhetoric of the party she leads would from now onwards veer distinctly Leftwards as the 15th general elections draw near.</b>

There have been deep divisions within the Congress on the ideological thrust of the government’s economic reforms programme. There is a substantial section in the Congress that has been opposed to the market-friendly policies followed by ardent liberalisers like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, finance minister Palaniappan Chidambaram and deputy chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia.

Even before the Left stopped supporting the Congress and the UPA following differences over the nuclear agreement between the Indian government and the US, the Communists were critical about what they contend is the government’s pro-rich economic policies. After supporting the UPA for four years, the worldwide recession has given the Left an opportunity to claim credit for not allowing the government to integrate the Indian economy more closely with the financial systems of the rest of the world.

<b>Realising that the UPA government and Congress have become unpopular because of inflation — especially the spurt in food prices earlier in the year — and that claims about "inclusive growth" lack substance, Mrs Sonia Gandhi is now clearly trying to occupy the high moral ground of Leftist economic ideology that has traditionally been a domain of the Communists</b>.

Addressing an audience of the well-heeled in the capital on November 21, she sarcastically remarked: "If you allow me the liberty of showing what is to you that proverbial ‘red rag to the bull’. Let me take you back to Indira Gandhi’s much reviled bank nationalisation of 40 years ago. Every passing day bears out the wisdom of that decision. Public sector financial institutions have given our economy the resilience we are now witnessing in the face of the economic slowdown… We will not be thrown off-course by the winds buffeting us from abroad…"

Lest she offend her PM too much, she quickly clarified: "There is no need for over-reaction, let alone for panic. There is no need for us to get back into the era of controls. At the same time we cannot allow things to spin out of control… In the changed scenario, liberalisation must be pursued within a framework of sensible but not heavy-handed regulation".

Then she went full-blast: "What concerns us most today is that this economic upheaval could grievously affect the most vulnerable sections of our society… The poor have had nothing to with the hubris of the rich. Their lives are spent close to the edge, simply trying to make their ends meet after a hard day’s toil.

They have nothing to do with the fancy-sounding financial instruments — derivatives and credit default swaps — that have ensnared so many and which very few even fully understand... Should they then become the victims of the unchecked greed of bankers and businessmen? Should the avarice of a few be allowed to inflict misery on the many?"

The tone and tenor of Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s speech was reminiscent of the dominant discourse in Indian politics during the 1960s and 1970s. Indira Gandhi’s 1971’s "garibi hatao" slogan was resurrected recently as "Congress ka haath, garib ke saath" and later modified to "Congress ka haath, aam aadmi ke saath".

Over the last five years, particularly in the run-up to the 14th general elections, there has been a Leftward shift in the Congress party’s public stance. Mrs Sonia Gandhi was, in any case, perceived to be more "Left of centre" than the PM and the FM on economic policy issues. It is common knowledge that she played a crucial role in ensuring the enactment of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act despite the reservations of quite a few important functionaries in the government.

Mrs Sonia Gandhi is today clearly trying to follow in her mother-in-law’s footsteps. Indira Gandhi headed the Union government in New Delhi for the first time on January 24, 1966, after her father and India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

She split the party three years later to establish the Congress(I), as also her supremacy. She successfully projected herself as an upholder of socialistic values while painting her opponents within the Congress as those in favour of a conservative status quo.

Her "garibi hatao" slogan caught the imagination of the people as did her stance on issues like bank nationalisation, abolition of privy purses, and land reforms.
Over the decades, many political analysts have argued that Indira Gandhi’s socialism was a sham and that her Leftist slogans were just a ploy to help her marginalise her opponents within the old guard of the Congress party or the so-called "syndicate". But this has not prevented successive Congress leaders from emulating her.

While her husband was alive, Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s aversion to politics was well known. One writer (Nicholas Nugent, Rajiv Gandhi — Son of a Dynasty) claimed that Mrs Sonia Gandhi had even threatened to divorce Rajiv if he ever entered politics. Rajiv commented on this later saying Sonia felt she would be losing him.

Another writer (Tariq Ali, An Indian Dynasty — The Story of the Nehru-Gandhi Family) wrote that Mrs Sonia Gandhi had at one point told a friend that she would rather have her children beg in the streets than have Rajiv join politics. Circumstances chose otherwise.

<b>The transformation of Indira’s daughter-in-law as a pucca desi politician is now complete.</b>

<i>Paranjoy Guha Thakurta is an educator and a commentator based in New Delhi</i>

<!--emo&<_<--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo--> That's right; this speech is w/ eye on '09 polls as they may require Left to form Govt in case NDA is not in outright majority. We can work for NDA majority to prevent all this.
All Advani supporters, leave your messages on the attacks at:


breaking news..

amma aligns with carrot

Summary: In five years, the stature of the PM and his government has declined palpably. Simultaneously, Parliament has reduced itself to a non-deliberative, non-serious, populist forum. These trends are ominous and need to be flagged by the citizenry, not just taken for granted
<!--QuoteBegin-Swamy G+Dec 5 2008, 09:24 PM-->QUOTE(Swamy G @ Dec 5 2008, 09:24 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->http://www.hardnewsmedia.com/2008/11/2412

Summary: In five years, the stature of the PM and his government has declined palpably. Simultaneously, Parliament has reduced itself to a non-deliberative, non-serious, populist forum. These trends are ominous and need to be flagged by the citizenry, not just taken for granted

Any numbers on how many days they worked this year?
<b>36% Would Vote For BJP If Elections Were To Be Held Tomorrow</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->L.K. Advani                                                                      27
Dr. Manmohan Singh                                                        23
Narendra Modi                                                                  19
Sonia Gandhi                                                                  13
Laloo Prasad Yadav                                                          11
Mayawati                                                                          6
If the general elections were held tomorrow, which political party would you vote for?
<b>Bharatiya Janata Party 36</b>
Delhi 49
Mumbai 33
Calcutta 26
Hyderabad 22
Bangalore 48

<b>Indian National Congress 28</b>
Delhi 31
Mumbai 19
Calcutta 11
Hyderabad 46
Bangalore  35

Other Parties      34
Samajwadi Party (6% in Mumbai) 2 
BSP  (4% in Delhi, 6% in Mumbai) 2 
Left  (4% in Delhi, 16% in Calcutta)  4 
Shiv Sena  (14% in Mumbai)  3 
Trinamool  (18% in Calcutta)  4 
No response  2
Enough to get full majority.

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