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Attack in Mumbai
Israel Government is disappointed by India's approach towards rescuing Nariman House hostage.
<b>De'f**k Chopra's Sermon on Larry King Live</b>:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->You know, there's 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That's 25 percent of the population of the world. It's the fastest-growing religion in the world. We cannot, if we do not appease and actually recruit the help of this Muslim world, we're going to have a problem on our hands.

In India, this is particularly inflammatory, because there’s a rise of Hindu fundamentalism. We saw what that did in Gujarat, where, you know, Muslims were scorched and they were killed, and there was almost a genocide of the Muslims.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India at this moment has to contain any reactive violence from the fundamentalist Hindus, which is very likely and possible.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->His new book is "Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Let him start by first getting rid of his foreskin this son of a b*
^ Important post on:
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Nov 28 2008, 02:28 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Nov 28 2008, 02:28 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>De'f**k Chopra's Sermon on Larry King Live</b>:[right][snapback]90951[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Nov 28 2008, 02:28 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Nov 28 2008, 02:28 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Let him start by first getting rid of his foreskin this son of a b*
[right][snapback]90951[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From what I understand of circumcision, I'm sure Deep-puke Choprat will greatly enjoy the experience: he is at the right age to most acutely feel it.

<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Nov 27 2008, 09:51 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Nov 27 2008, 09:51 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->As NSG moved inside the Taj for the final assault 30 mins back, its commandoes first shouted <b>'Har Har Har Har Mahadev'</b> - the old war cry of Marathas and Sisodiya Rajputs (as reported by NDTV-Hindi).  Now, this has become a matter of concern for Vinod Dua who is now ranting: if terrorists have no religion, why did NSG have to shout a communal slogan!!!
[right][snapback]90822[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Jai. The only good news in all this.
It is more than merely a Maratha and Rajput battle cry. It is the Hindu's victory cry. Only Shiva (Hindu Gods) can keep the commandoes safe. And by invoking him all christoislamiterrorism will be destroyed.
There is nothing communal about it: Bharatam is Hindu Rashtra. And the land (our Mother), as too all the lives therein, belong to Mahadeva. Those who don't like it - like the christos and cryptos working for christochannel NDTV or elsewhere in Bharatam - should really resettle far outside Hindu Rashtra where they may perchance not hear Hara Hara Mahadeva.

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 28 2008, 12:48 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 28 2008, 12:48 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Fox News.
Israeli Go Team in Bombay
[right][snapback]90855[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Hindus should learn from Israelis. Look how they always save their own. They are self-reliant, they neither seek nor need others' approval. They know to value their own people. They know to trust only themselves in the end.
Meanwhile, Hindus in their own country of Bharatam are not allowed to be safe because of the adherents of alien terrorist ideologies that are in power.

For Dharma to rule and be maintained, it must be wielded in strength and it must be expansionist.
Hindus have to be like Jews: our country, for us. And beat off any who attack us. If ever TSP or Bangladesh or christoterrorists attack us, defeat them and take over the lands they have occupied. Never give any of it back. Re-expand Bharatam to its original size. Recognise only one sovereign nation: our own. And then recognise those that respect us: Israel and the other Natural Traditionalists' lands. Help Natural Traditionalists to regain their lands.
And start learning to see all the *rest* as conquest territory - after all, it was christoterrorist Chris Patten who was trying to teach Hindus that the concept of nation states has fallen away. So they've fallen away in christoislamic nations? Great. That just means they're up for grabs by everyone else.
Start thinking offensively, plan as a winner. Start viewing every christoislami as one more potential entrant into the human/Dharmic/Natural Traditionalist fold (versus their perverted viewing of every Hindu/inconvertible as sheep for their cannibal gawd).

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 28 2008, 02:23 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 28 2008, 02:23 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Israel Government is disappointed by India's approach towards rescuing Nariman House hostage.
[right][snapback]90950[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Well, when a conniving islamiterrorism-sponsoring christogovt - anti-semitic, of course (catholic tyrant Sonia's family has links to Mussolini and fascism besides) - is in charge and keeping itself in power by the most undemocratic means, is it any wonder that the anti-Israeli christos ruling Bharatam are utterly disinterested in rescuing Jewish hostages? One need but look at the manner the christogovt treats the Hindus for proof of how christoterrorist and pro-islami it is.

Here's an earlier christian-conditioned son of Macaulay - whose house predictably gravitated towards and married into fascist Sonia Goonda's:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In a letter to [President] Dr Raajendr Prasaad (November 17, 1953) <b>Nehru wrote:</b> ‘The Hindu is certainly not tolerant and is certainly more narrow-minded than almost any person in any other country except the Jew.’ This was the man in whom the overwhelming majority of people in BhaaratVarsh reposed their trust! It is not just Hindus that he despised, but also the Jews. No wonder his foreign policy was pro-Arab and anti-Israel – a policy that ill-served the nation.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->When Hindus regain their Bharatam and drive off christoislamicommunism from within and from its borders, there will no longer be any fear for Hindus/Dharmics in Bharatam. And consequently there will no longer be any fear for Jews, Tibetans, Parsees or other Natural Traditionalists in the country.

<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Nov 28 2008, 02:58 AM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Nov 28 2008, 02:58 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Are you kidding? Arundhoti Roy, Teesta, Turdesai, will do <b>fast until death unless they are all released.</b>[right][snapback]90879[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And welcome. Therefore, when we do not release the terrorists (actually, need to either interrogate-and-dispose or shoot them on sight instead), all their christoislami 'psecular' terrorist fans will have committed suicide? So terrorists dead and terrorists' terrorist fans dead too. I fail to see in what manner this does *not* benefit us/humanity...
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Israel Government is disappointed by India's approach towards rescuing Nariman House hostage. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
the indian top brass was busy saving people in the five star hotels

<b>India's political leadership to blame: Wall Street Journal</b>

New York: India's ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) has done little to launch an effective fight against terrorism and may "pay a price for its incompetence" in the elections next year, the Wall Street Journal said in its lead editorial on Friday.

"A lack of political leadership is to blame," The Wall Street Journal said as India's financial capital continued to battle terrorists who had struck in 10 places in the city Wednesday.

The Mumbai terror attacks, in which at least 125 people have been killed, have been covered extensively in both the print and online edition of this New York-based daily financial newspaper.

"It (the ruling party) may pay a price for its incompetence at the national polls next year," the newspaper said.

"Yesterday Prime Minister Manmohan Singh promised that 'every perpetrator would pay the price'. Yet his Congress Party has done little more than bicker with its coalition allies over the past five years on how best to fight terrorism," the journal said.

Observing that the attacks are a reminder that India is at the top of the terror target list, the newspaper said this is because India is an easy target.

Not only are its intelligence units understaffed and lack resources, coordination among State police forces is also poor. "The country's anti-terror legal architecture is also inadequate; there is no preventive detention law, and prosecutions can take years," it said.

"Wednesday's attacks should arouse Indians to better confront the terror threat, while reminding all democracies how dangerous that threat still is," it said.

In another opinion piece published by The Journal, author Sadanand Dhume blamed the Congress for scrapping the anti-terror law POTA. "On taking office in 2004, one of the first acts of the ruling Congress Party was to scrap a federal antiterrorism law that strengthened witness protection and enhanced police powers," he wrote.

"The Congress Party has stalled similar state-level legislation in Gujarat, which is ruled by the opposition Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. And it was a Congress government that kowtowed to fundamentalist pressure and made India the first country to ban Mumbai-born Salman Rushdie's 'Satanic Verses' in 1988," he said.

Dhume, a Washington-based writer and author of "My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with an Indonesian Islamist", said the Indian approach to terrorism has been consistently haphazard and weak-kneed.
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Nov 28 2008, 02:28 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Nov 28 2008, 02:28 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>De'f**k Chopra's Sermon on Larry King Live</b>:

<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->His new book is "Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Let him start by first getting rid of his foreskin this son of a b*

Peddling his book, having reached his "whitehood".. disgusting soul...

<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Nov 28 2008, 04:20 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Nov 28 2008, 04:20 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->In a letter to [President] Dr Raajendr Prasaad (November 17, 1953) <b>Nehru wrote:</b> ‘The Hindu is certainly not tolerant and is certainly more narrow-minded than almost any person in any other country except the Jew.’ This was the man in whom the overwhelming majority of people in BhaaratVarsh reposed their trust! It is not just Hindus that he despised, but also the Jews. No wonder his foreign policy was pro-Arab and anti-Israel – a policy that ill-served the nation.

for context sake, the Correspondence was a protest letter from Nehru to Dr. Rajendra Prasad, when the latter, being President of India, decided to inaugurate the Somanath temple rebuilt at its original site on the initiative of Sardar Patel, the then deputy PM. Prasad's response was, 'Jawaharlal, I am a Hindu first, and proud of it'.

Chalo, India will act now. White people are pissed off...
Gawd, how much ammo do these guy have - what they got with them {and was supplied locally (??)}
BBC nonsense starts already

<b>Battle rages for Mumbai hostages</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Fearful residents say Mumbai will cope
Britain checks reports of British-Pakistani Mumbai role</b>

<b>Arrested Mumbai gunmen 'of British descent'</b>

^ K.Ram's posts above.

1. <!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Nov 28 2008, 12:55 AM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Nov 28 2008, 12:55 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Yindoos and Yehudis did it
[right][snapback]90857[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2008/11/pse...-of-mumbai.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Psec accuses Hindus & Jews of Mumbai Jihad, Calls for Civil War</b>
What a poisonous snake this "Amaresh Misra" is. I had been unaware of this nut's existence until I read this seditious and inflammatory article on Jihad Watch. Does anyone know which "secular progressive academia" ghetto's bowels this traitor has emanated from? JNU ? Aligarh Muslim University ? Jamia Millia Islamia?

Unbelievably hostile hate-mongering against Hindus (and their "Jewish allies") even by venomous "SECULAR" standards. The brute is openly calling for CIVIL WAR. Apparently, hate speech against Hindus is just fine with the Indian establishment. Even open incitement to genocide against Hindus (and their "Jewish accomplices") is acceptable.

Where are the ever vigilant Kaangress/UPA "secular" thought police thugs now? Where are the advocates of "restraint", "non-violence" and "people's democracy"?
Their 5 year pogrom against Hindu nationalists has destroyed all deterrents against Jihadi terror and emboldened all elements of the variegated seditious spectrum to rear their ugly heads. And the Nehruvian Stalinist totalitarian thugs may attempt to use the storm of their own making to indefinitely suspend democracy to perpetuate their fascist regime. I'm afraid things are looking bleak for nationalists and the nation.

Dinesh PC said...
    What are his credentials? He's written this for a "Muslim Brotherhood" website. No one except the peaceful religionists will believe the sh1t on that site.
    11/27/2008 12:31 PM

Harish said...
    This turdburglar <b>came out with a book about 1857 few months back praising the jihadis involved in that and trying to use that as some "proof" for eternal hindu-muslim brotherhood, google and u will find it.</b>
    11/27/2008 7:01 PM

One said...
<b>    Mossad and "Hindu terrorists"? Really? Is that why a Turkish couple was let off because they were Muslims?</b>   
    11/27/2008 10:30 PM<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<b>Christians/cretins long been preparing their apologetics and deflection of blame onto Hindus:</b>

2. Suzanna Margaret "Hooker Prize" Roy tells Indians that they Deserved It, wants more violent christoislamaniac outbreaks and makes ready for her next acceptance speech:
via http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2008/11/suz...attacks-on.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Friday, November 28, 2008
<b>suzanne arundhati lauds attacks on the indian state</b>
nov 28th, 2008

can we send this person to pakistan along with teesta, shabana, angana, akhila, biju, vijay, ravisankar, vinay, et al?

by the way, both teesta and shabana live in mumbai, and have been hiding out behind the hindu policemen and soldiers who have taken the bullet for them, i take it? not a peep from them about the rights of the terrorists (sorry, militants)? why aren't they insisting that the terrorists be brought mutton biriyani -- the poor dears must be starving now?

<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From that link:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Regarding the events in India: The only question we should be asking ourselves, by Arundhati Roy </b>

PEJ News - chycho - In the following short video, Arundhati Roy, “an Indian writer and activist who won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her novel, The God of Small Things, and in 2002, the Lannan Cultural Freedom Prize,” explains what occupies her thoughts during these unsettling times:

Video: Arundhati Roy (2:01)

<b>“I think, the thing that I’m thinking the most about, the question that occupies me a lot these days is, what kind, what form of resistance is effective, and acceptable to us? </b>

“Because, I see all over and all around us, that obviously resistance, whether it’s in Palestine, or Iraq, or Kashmir, or in the north eastern states of India, or now all over India, there is a kind of armed struggle rising up, being put down viciously by the State, and at the same time non-violent resistance movements are given a lot of air time, a lot of publicity, a lot of space, but it’s also because it makes the State comfortable, it makes the comfortable comfortable.

“So between non-violent resistance and armed struggle, where do we go? What is effective? What is the right thing to do, or do we need a bio-diversity of resistance? Do we need all kinds of resistance? <b>And do we need to stop this search for being pristine? Do we need to be able to accept that whatever form we choose and all the various ways, in which we, decide to resist will not be pure, and we accept that impurity</b> with some kind of generosity?
(Translation: like the islamoterrorist - see above - who conspiracy theoried that Hindu Terriers and Jews were behind these islamoterrorist attacks on India and called for civil war, Margaret Dhoti Roy is also arguing for (public acceptance of the idea of) violent civil war by islamoterrorists in India. She may yet get her wish. But then the outcome will be far against her hopes.)

<b>“So really the strategies of resistance and what they ought to be is what occupies my time a lot these days.”</b>

Suzanna Arundhati Roy<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
3. Western christoterrorists also ready and prepared with the usual apologetics AND now set to blame the fantasy tales of "Hindu terrorism" which they <i>no doubt</i> helped manufacture (last time their missionary man on the ground - Kenneth Haywood - who was caught in aiding the SIMI "Indian Mujahideen" attacks, fled out of fear of confessing all in the narc tests):
(The word convict below refers to Australian. She's not technically a convict.)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Convict she "professor" rationalises Jihadi attacks</b>
<b>Several western "experts" have gone to town, predictably belabouring the silly notion that the identity of the Mumbai terrorist attackers should not be presumed Islamist.</b>
(Begs the question: what fictions are the christoterrorists in the west planning to feed to their audience in the future? Who do they plan to project as having committed the attacks?)
But, a convict woman "professor" MARIKA VICZIANY (www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2008/s2431842.htm) states in a discussion on the convict broadcasting corporation that the <b>Jihadi attacks were retribution for Hindu "atrocities" on those poor Mussulmans...</b>

I don't understand the fascination with Mohammedan buggers that some Caucasian females apparently entertain, but sadly these colonial era fantasies of a few loonies provide the foundation for fantastic theories of Hindu "oppression" and "genocide" of Muslims, motivating Islamist retribution against Westerners..
Posted by karyakarta92 at 11/27/2008 04:07:00 PM


<b>One said...</b>
And here's another:

<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->That last link to CNN goes directly to Time - criminals recommending each other: after all, CNN and Time are AmeriKKKan media outlets that frequently show Kashmir detached/independent from India. Just what the christo missionary org Operation World did in the early 90s itself.

Also interesting is how it has the usual christian doublespeak title. This one purports to be on:
<b>Behind the Mumbai Massacre: India's Muslims in Crisis</b>
And the article starts with the same christian apologetics for islam we have heard parroted by our own christogovt (and subsequently implemented for their western masters via Sachar committee reports etcetera):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The disembodied voice was chilling in its rage. A gunman, holed up in Mumbai's Oberoi Trident hotel where some 40 people had been taken hostage, told an Indian news channel that the attacks were revenge for the persecution of Muslims in India. "We love this as our country but when our mothers and sisters were being killed, where was everybody?" he asked via telephone. No answer came. But then he probably wasn't expecting one.

<b>Terror Strikes in Mumbai</b>
The roots of Muslim rage run deep in India, nourished by a long-held sense of injustice over what many Indian Muslims believe is institutionalized discrimination against the country's largest minority group. The disparities between Muslims, which make up 13.4% of the population, and India's Hindu population, which hovers around 80%, are striking. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking Muslim Indians have shorter life spans, worse health, lower literacy levels, and lower-paying jobs. Add to that toxic brew the lingering resentment over 2002's anti-Muslim riots in the state of Gujarat. The riots, instigated by Hindu nationalists, killed some 2000 people, most of them Muslim. To this day, few of the perpetrators have been convicted. See pictures of the terrorist shootings in Mumbai.

<b>The Beginning of the Problem</b>
On the afternoon of March 29, 1857, Mangal Pandey,
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The rest of the very christian vomit is at the link. Next time the Taliban attack US' Two Towers (Isengard and Minas Morgul), it seems they expect Hindus to reciprocate with similar apologetics for islam?

And the first link www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2008/s2431842.htm contains:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->PROFESSOR MARIKA VICZIANY, <b>SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES,</b> MONASH UNIVERSITY: The targeting of westerners... I see it as an attempt to notch up the stakes.

Muslims feel that their demands for justice have been ignored.
(What justice? Justice for their Timurs, Ghoris, Aurangzebs, Tipu Sultans, Yahya Khans having genocided us? Add to that the Dawoods, Mohammed Afzals. Islamis want revenge on Hindus for having genocided Hindus?)
PROFESSOR MARIKA VICZIANY: Al-Qaeda could, of course, be involved. I think we should think of a number of possible scenarios.

But the Hindu Muslim situation in Bombay and Western India is so bad that you don't need Al-Qaeda to stir trouble.

<b>The feeling is that these bombings are about revenge and retribution. Muslims in Western India feel that they have been under attack, and they attack is coming from Hindu fundamentalists and Hindu extremists.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->She's arguing how after muslims torched Gujarati Hindus in the Sabarmati now the muslims want revenge for the subsequent Godhra riots.
Intriguing how her arguments are the same as that of Indian cryptos and communists - who ignore each islamic event instigating it all and (are paid to) focus only on the events that directly followed, and even then - when the islamaniacs turn out to be the murderers - they will say that the faithful merely/naturally "retaliated" for burning the Hindus in the train. Elst had an article about the general style of psecular Indian/western apologetics for islamania, though the red 'Mira Kamdar' here started off as a partial exception to this, she then rebounds back to using the same christocommunist reasoning in order to push the same points:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Most Hindutva sources, searchable on the internet but otherwise quite unreported in the Western media, have emphasized that most victims were  women and children , implying a big question-mark over the description of the Godhra victims as  militants . Because of this inconvenient implication, most authors propagating the  secularist  viewpoint before ignorant Western audiences have simply left out the detail that the victims were  mostly women and children , so as to make the allegation of  militancy  more credible, along with the justifying suggestion that those fanatics had it coming to them. Well, it is to Ms. Kamdar s credit that she didn t play this game of deception. But it weakens her plea against Hindutva, for it amounts to an admission that the whole Gujarat carnage started with innocent Hindus being victimized. And in the blame game, it remains crucial which side is in a position to say:  You started it!

Just how crucial, is illustrated by Mira Kamdar s attempt, later on, to depict the Muslim participation in the subsequent riots as  retaliatory , a characterization withheld from the Hindu retaliation:  Once the violence got underway, there were retaliatory attacks by Muslims on Hindus.  (emphasis added) It all depends at what moment you start counting. <b>That is why many  secularist  references to the Gujarat riots now simply leave the initial Godhra episode unmentioned, just as most secularist accounts of the Mumbai riots of January 1993 pass over the initial Muslim attacks in silence.</b> This is like letting World War II start with the Allied  aggression  in Normandy in 1944, opposed by German  defenders of Europe .<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->How 'curious' that all these western tutors of Indian christocommuniterrorists are always saying the Exact Same Things. And At Specifically The Times When India Is Attacked By Islamania. What coincidence...
That is because these methods on How To Deal with various situations they will defend/foster/sponsor/create in India are agreed upon by these christoterrorist parties *beforehand* - that is, before the events actually take place.

They already knew how to respond to the (at that time still to come) Hindu Terror drama, since I am sure that the christos both within India and without scripted the "Hindu Terror" fiction.
They need this new twist to further their meddling and destabilizing activities in India.

Just like the international condemnatory committee now need to show the world and particularly the Indians that they cannot govern themselves and cannot defend themselves from terrorism but require pacts/closer cooperation with christoterrorist west (that India is still the White Man's Burden, in spite of it being the west that has helped this inept puppet government into power in India and helped to keep them there). They need this presentation of ineptitude to be repeated back in India too. Hence their christomedia sockpuppets in India are now eagerly falling over themselves to present all our forces as utterly incapable, either through the system hardly punishing a single terrorist, or by showing footage of constantly baffled forces unable to stop the terror, or by printing direct words to this effect (and I think that this is also why it took so long for odes to Mumbai's Spirit to make it through this time):

4. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2008/11/toi...omes-clean.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Thursday, November 27, 2008
<b>TOI-let Paper Comes Clean</b>
The TOI-let paper is frankly admitting the stain that's plainly in sight.
A rare moment of confession from them.

How quickly some people find God when they're staring death in the face.
As an atheist, I'm laughing at their sudden piety.
The new toilet flushes 5 times a day.
Posted by san at 11/27/2008 08:52:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: terrorism <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Above refers to
The article by the christomedia TOI (which of course happily advertises for their World Vision and other christian orgs, but probably thinks it is too 'communal' to show adverts for Hindu aid organisations) is bookended by the paras:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Cops can't wait for special forces
28 Nov 2008, 0453 hrs IST, Ajai Sahni</b>

<b>We do not have either the capability or the organization to address terrorism in India.</b> The police has neither the manpower, nor the equipment,
neither the resources nor the training to handle such situations. The effort to create special forces has resulted in units such as the National Security Guard, located at Manesar outside Delhi. But this is structurally flawed. Any counter-terrorism force that takes several hours to reach the site of attack has little utility. Terrorists have to be neutralized within the first few minutes of an attack.
Several high-sounding political declarations have been made since the beginning of this attack. But that is what happens after each major attack. What matters is what will happen after a few days. Probably nothing. What happened after every attack in Delhi and after the Mumbai strikes in 1993 and 2006? The first days see a lot of big talk and then there’s nothing.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->While the last para is true (but the first line is <i>not</i>: Israel is able to handle itself respectably after attacks, why not India), who is in charge in India? *Christo*govt. Who is letting terrorists off the hook even as they now devote all their time to going after non-existent "Hindu terror"? *Christo*govt. Who will not bring justice to victims of terrorist attacks but will reprimand police for "fake" encounters of islamiterrorists? *Christo*govt.
Not that BJP is all that useful in fighting christoislamism, but christogovt will not do anything about christoislamism other than <i>actively promote it</i> (with the help of US govt's helpful Kenneth Haywoods). ChristoKKKongress' facilitating islamoterrorism and their willingness to manufacture the idea of Hindu terror is precisely why the party is also handpicked by US and co. to become The Crown Prince And Retinue of India.

A real government that worked for Indian interests instead of foreign ones, would ensure better law-and-order, better anti-terrorism, better morale in defence forces, would not try to destroy police and army, would not give people any reason to foster ideas on ineptitude of law and order, would not be giving a free pass to terrorists while trying to float the concept of non-existent terror by nabbing and torturing innocent people and then leaking false reports to the news, would not be inviting over islamoterror by doing nothing for the umpteenth time, would not be brooking christian terrorism and missionary activity. But then, what was I thinking, the christoKKKongress government does not work for Indian interests.

5. From K.Ram's posts above:
<b>Arrested Mumbai gunmen 'of British descent'</b>

What, "All-Male West" wants to contrast itself to "inept India" by nabbing terrorists more quickly? "Look how helpful they are"?
Why the serenade? Desperate times call for desperate measures and they want to get Hostile India's help in the war on terror going on in the west?
Now, why am I so suspicious. There's no need. I'm sure they are doing this from the kindness of their hearts. Right after they regularly print that the Godhra train victims burnt themselves and got what they deserved for "babri". Right after they regularly argue for Kashmir "independently" going to Pakistan.
<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Nov 28 2008, 06:13 PM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Nov 28 2008, 06:13 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Gawd, how much ammo do these guy have - what they got with them {and was supplied locally (??)}
local and Dawood gang help all the way. Add some politicans also.
NSG is using wooden rods to hit windows,
No change, over 2 days . What the hell is going?
Smoke them out. They are scum rats.

British national is no surprise. These poor guys, lowest in economy chain, suffered by Queen, came to India to do what.
Whole word know Hijra is ruling India.
<b>Five Israeli hostages killed at Mumbai's Chabad Center</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Indian commanders report the five Israeli hostages were killed by the Islamist terrorists in the course of the Indian commando raid which began early Friday, Nov. 28. Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni told a news conference Friday evening that no more information was available because the Indian troops had not finished clearing the building and they were still battling terrorists on the third floor. The names of the victims have not been released. The fate of the center's director, Gavriel Holzman and his wife Rivka is still not confirmed. Their two-year son left the building with his Indian nanny Thursday.

The raid to rescue the hostages seized Wednesday began when choppers dropped soldiers on the roof of the Chabad Center. Later a big hole was blown in an outer wall.

<b>DEBKAfile reports the commando raid was agreed by the Indian and Israeli governments when it appeared that the chances of finding living hostages in the Chabad Center were declining as time went by.</b>

Four Israelis staying at the Oberoi hotel were rescued with more than 100 hostages. The operation there appears to be over. In the rooms the bodies of 24 guests were recovered. The luxury Taj Palace Hotel is still under siege as Indian troops intensify their pressure on the huge building before nightfall. However, on Day 3 of the assault on Mumbai, the terrorists mounted a second attack on city's main rail station already hit Wednesday. DEBKAfile reports that the fresh attack indicates terrorists remained on the loose outside the primary three hostage locations seized Wednesday.<b> Indian commandoes told the media that the gunmen were obviously well-trained, under 30 and showed no remorse and fired at anybody they saw. </b>

<b>The death toll of the Islamist terrorist assault has risen to 155 with hundreds wounded. </b>

<b>Indian sources identify the terrorists as Pakistani British citizens. The ship which brought them to Mumbai is thought to be an Indian vessel hijacked and sailed to Karachi, Pakistan.</b> French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner is certain they are al Qaeda.
(Nov 28, 2008) Wall Street Journal
<b>India's Antiterror Blunders</b>
Years of appeasing militants has made the problem worse.

Wall Street Journal Editorial:
<b>Murder in Mumbai</b>
Targeting Westerners and India's weak antiterror defenses.
Maj Gen. Qureshi (Retd.) is ranting.

He is trying to tag this with "Hindu terro" created by Amar Singh and CM of Maharastra and dead ATS.
This is stupid Manmohan Singh stupidity at best.
Queshi is blaming Indian Army Intelligence work on Samjhutta Express.
<b>'Pakistan will have to face serious consequences'</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Pakistan will have to face the consequences if the ISI does not explain properly its stand on terrorism and its position on the fidayeen attack on Mumbai, former joint director, Intelligence Bureau, M K Dhar told rediff.com.

Dhar, who is said to have received a call from an official of the ISI, confirmed the same.


<b>Meanwhile, sources said the Scotland Yard police comprising 9 members is on its way to Mumbai to investigate any British angle to the attack. News had been circulating that one of the attackers is a Pakistani based or bred in Britain</b>.

Asked whether they have a British Pakistani in their custody, K P S Raghuvanshi who is acting as the Chief of the Anti Terrorism [Images] following the death of Hemanth Karkare, declined to comment.

M K Dhar, who is being kept in the loop, about the ongoing developments said there is information on one of the Mumbai attackers being a British Pakistani.

<b>"I have also heard that some had been trained in Britain,</b> but I don;t have any such information, he said
<b>All hostages feared dead at Nariman House</b>

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