12-24-2008, 04:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2008, 05:17 PM by Bodhi.)
<b>December 25, 1861:</b>
Born, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, often referred as mahAmanA, at Prayag, in a family of distinguished scholars. Both his father Pandit Brijnath Malaviya and grandfather Pandit Premdhar Malaviya were well recognized Sanskrit scholars and shAstrI-s. Madan Mohan too went on to become a great scholar, besides educationist, Hindu revivalist, active politician, lawyer, and a great freedom fighter.
He recognized that unless quickly captured, the Angicization and Islamicization of Indian education system then prevailing would quickly ruin whatever hopes Hindus might have for their future. Therefore he endeavoured to set up a grand Hindu University at kAshI, and replicate it elsewhere. For realizing this dream, he took up an elaborate All-India tour running over several years for two aims: begging alms from common people in temples, royal houses and businessmen; and delivering speeches that would ignite nationalism. BHU came to be established in 1916, and rose to become a primary center of Hindu revivalism.
It is he who first proclaimed 'satyameva jayate' in political domain, of course quoting from upaniShada. It was also he who popularized the famous shloka of 'jananI janma-bhUmishcha swargAdapi garIyasi' often attributed to rAmAyaNa, but probably written by himself.
Gandhi once remarked that there were many great Sanskrit scholars in the country but he regarded Malaviya to be peerless in his clarity, and often turned to him for guidance on matters of shAstra.
<img src='http://www.indiapicks.com/stamps/Gallery/1990-91/1435_BHU.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://bp0.blogger.com/_ItCTaJNUFT4/R3QD8qZsI1I/AAAAAAAAAa0/2hicWcnCLD8/s320/Madan+Mohan+Malaviya1.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Before being elected president of Congress twice (1909, 1918), he also founded Bharata Dharma Mahamandal in Haridwar and was its most prominent preacher. He also edited several journals in Hindi, English and Sanskrit. He is remembered for his oratory skills, especially on the subjects related to religion and culture of Hindus.
The Founder of BHU (pdf)
12-29-2008, 01:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2008, 01:19 PM by Bodhi.)
<b>December 24 - December 31, 1999</b>
The IC814 Hostage Crisis played out, that remained a defining legacy of the NDA rule.
The Chronology of Events - Indian Embassy
A BJP-apologist's account of the events: The truth behind Kandahar By Kanchan Gupta (a whitewash effort, far from convincing)
01-02-2009, 06:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2009, 06:52 PM by Bodhi.)
<b>1 January 1877</b>
Queen Victoria of England ceremoniously declared the "Empress of India". (Already proclaimed so on 28 April 1876 in Great Britain). The title was created nineteen years after the formal incorporation of India into the British Empire.
<b>1 January 1894</b>
Born, Satyendra Nath Basu, the noted physicist of "Bose-Einstein" fame, in Kolkata.
While working as a lecturer in the Physics Dept. of Dhaka University, Bose in 1924 wrote a paper deriving Planck's quantum radiation law without any reference to classical physics. When noted journals declined to publish his research, he sent the paper to Albert Einstein in Germany. Einstein, recognizing the importance of the research, himself translated it into German and submitted it on Bose's behalf to the prestigious Zeitschrift für Physik. As a result, Bose spent two years in Europe, and worked with Louis de Broglie, Marie Curie, and Einstein.
Declining offers to work in Europe and USA, he returned and continued to work in Dhaka Univ up until the partition of India, when he moved to his birth place Calcutta and continued to work as Professor in CU till his retirement in 1956.
While several Nobel Prize have been awarded for extending the concepts of Bose-Einstein statistics and Bose-Einstein condensate, the latest being the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics, Bose himself was never awarded the Nobel Prize, just like his earlier mentor Jagadish Chandra Basu. Like his teacher he was very unorthodox in his approach and did not consider commercial and modern approach to research, a testimony of which is that he did not bother to complete a Ph.D and was not qualified to be a professor. He was a firm promoter of Indic languages. For one, he always taught his students in Bengali, and even wrote several of his works on Physics in Bengali.
01-03-2009, 06:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2011, 10:16 AM by Bodhi.)
<b>2 January 1757 </b>
Reinforcements to British in Bengal came from the Fort St. George (Madras) with an expeditionary force under Robert clive and Admiral Charles Watson. On this date, Clive and Watson re-captured Calcutta from Siraj-ud-Ullah who had kept Fort William in his control for over six months.
2 January 1942
formation of Azad Hind Fauz announced from Berlin
3 January 1805
Jat-Maratha joint army under Holkar confronts Brit army under Gen Lake at Bharatpur;
1831 Born Savitribai Phule
Jan 5 - 1664 Shivaji blitzed Surat challenging Awrangzib to stop him! 1592 Born Shahjahan. 1893 Born Yoganand.
Bhagwan, is door ke sarjankertaa evam Bodhiji kaa bhalaa kare.
January 5, 1592
Shah Jahan, Mughal emperor of India, 1628-58
In <b>January 1757</b>, Abdali captured Delhi. What followed was a carnage of the Nadir Shah vintage. After pillaging Delhi, the Afghans overran most of Northern India. It is said that after the sack of Mathura, Brindaban and Gokul, for `seven days the waters of the Jamuna flowed a blood-red colour.â An outbreak of cholera in Abdaliâs army forced him to withdraw, though not before making the Delhi court cough up around 120,000,000 rupees. He also demanded, and got Kashmir, Lahore, Sirhind and Multan
Unable to resist the immense riches of Delhi, Abdali stormed the city again. On <b>January 13, 1761,</b> he took on the Maratha confederation, and humbled the Marathas in the third and final battle of Panipat, rooting out the possiblity of Maratha dominion over North India, at least for the next decade.
01-13-2009, 07:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2009, 07:13 PM by Bodhi.)
<b>January 10, 1966:</b> Tashkent Declaration signed by Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistani President Muhammad Ayub Khan.
<b>January 11, 1966:</b> Lal Bahadur Shastri mysteriously dies, reportedly from a heart attack, in middle of the night inside his hotel room in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (then USSR).
<img src='http://im.rediff.com/news/2004/oct/05shastri.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<b>January 12, 1863:</b> Born, Narendranath Dutta, the chief disciple of Paramahansa Ramakrishna, in Kolkata. Initiated in saMnyAsa by his master and given the name of vivekAnanda, a name that eventually echoed in every hindu household all across bhArata.
<img src='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/Swami_Vivekananda_Jaipur.jpg/180px-Swami_Vivekananda_Jaipur.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<b>January 14, 1761:</b> The accursed battle between Ahmed Shah Abdali and Maratha general Sadashivrao Bhau, began on this foggy and cold makara sankranti day, and lasted for several days. Read Hauma Hamiddha's recent article on the subject at his site.
01-15-2009, 01:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2009, 01:59 PM by Bodhi.)
<b>January 15, 1934:</b>
A major earthquake measuring 8.4 on Richter scale struck in the afternoon this day in parts of Bihar and Nepal. Over 30,000 people reported to have been killed; much of Kathmandu and parts of Darjeeling were damaged; Munger, Muzaffarpur wree largely destroyed with huge casuality. The epicenter was on the border between Nepal and Bihar and an area of 120,000 square miles was affected. Observers compared this earthquake to the 1897 Assam and 1905 Punjab quakes.
<b>January 15, 1948:</b>
Debate on Kashmir issue began in United Nations Security Council upon India's request. Speaking today in UNSC, Pakistan's ambassador made scathing charges against India: India's illegal occupation of Kashmir, Junagadh and other states; and "pogroms" against Moslems in India, and so on.
On the same day, ironically, as M K Gandhi entered the third day of his fast to establish "communal unity" and "Peace", the GoI Cabinet declared the implementation of financial agreement with Pakistan and immediate payment of the balance sum to Pakistan as gesture of goodwill, amid protests by V B Patel, the deputy PM.
01-19-2009, 03:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2009, 06:11 PM by Bodhi.)
<b>January 17 1941</b>
On the night between January 16 and 17, Subhas Chandra Bose secretly disappeared from his Calcutta home where he was under the house arrest for previous few weeks. He first came out from the Presidency Jail of Calcutta by launching a fast unto death in prison. On account of his frail health and to avoid ruckus in the prison, Governor John Herbert decided to send him home on December 5, 1940, under house arrest and to arrest him again as soon as he had recovered.
On this night, Bose secretly left his home, disguised as a Pathan and was driven by his nephew Sisir Kumar Bose in a Germanmade Wanderer car to Gomoh railway junction in Bihar. There Bose boarded the Howrah-Delhi Kalka Mail to Delhi, from where he hopped on to the Frontier Mail on his way to Peshawar.
From there, trekking across the terrain of the tribal territories in the NW Frontier, he crossed into Afghanistan and reached Kabul on January 31. His escape was not discovered in Calcutta until January 26, leaving British shame-faced, and still not knowing where he was, bewildered. Some actually did believe in the word Bose had left behind declaring his intention to abandon politics and take sannyasa, a la-Aurobindo, and his desire to leave for Himalayas. In a few months time, however, Bose was safely in Berlin.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose born January 23, 1897
26th Jan 1950
The Constitution of India came into effect only on January 26, 1950. During the transition period from 1947 to 1950, King George VI was the head of country. C. Rajagopalachari served as the Governor-General of India during this period. Following January 26, 1950, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the president of India.
<b>2-3rd February </b>
1509 - The Battle of Diu, between Portugal and the Ottoman Empire takes place in Diu, India.
<b>7 th February </b>
1856 - The Kingdom of Awadh is annexed by the British East India Company after abdication of Wajid Ali Shah, the king of Awadh.
<b>10 th February</b>
First Anglo-Sikh War: Battle of Sobraon - British defeat Sikhs in final battle of the war
The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought between the Sikh Empire and the British East India Company between 1845 and 1846. It resulted in partial subjugation of the Sikh kingdom. 4,441 wounded 12,000+ killed
1931 - New Delhi becomes the capital of India.
<b>12 th February </b>
1502 - Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on his second voyage to India.
<b>14 February </b>
1990 - 92 people are killed aboard Indian Airlines Flight 605 at Bangalore, India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The 126th birth anniversary of Veer Savarkar falls on 28 May 2009. It is an occasion to remember and reflect on Savarkar's life and achievements.
Unflinching resolve and devotion to duty are the hallmarks of Savarkar's life. Anguished by the hanging of the Chapekar brothers, the teenaged Savarkar took an oath before the family deity. He resolved to hold aloft the flag of armed revolution to free his country and fight and kill if need be unto death. This terrible oath made a lasting impact on Savarkar's mind. His resolve did not dim even when darkness and desperation surrounded him.
On 13 March 1910, Savarkar was arrested under the Fugitive Offenders' Act 1881 at Victoria Railway station, London even as he alighted from a train that brought him from Paris. He was charged with sedition and inciting to murder in India. He was denied bail and sent to prison. Savarkar had dared to come to London knowing fully well that arrest, imprisonment and a possible death sentence awaited him. When his associate Niranjan Pal asked him why he came to London despite knowing what lay in store, Savarkar replied, "I came to London to be arrested because my shoulders are broad enough to bear the consequences!" There were only two possible consequences for Savarkar - Transportation for Life or death by hanging.
Savarkar's personal and public life was now in total disarray. It was a year ago that his elder brother Babarao had been sentenced to Transportation for Life in the hell-hole of the Andamans. His younger brother Narayanrao faced arrest. The responsibility of the Savarkar household was now practically on his elder sister-in-law Yesuvahini and wife Yamunabai (Mai). His only son Prabhakar (aged one and half years) had fallen prey to the "fire, clouds and storms of revolution" as Savarkar himself describes in a heart-rending poem. Savarkar's earthly belongings now awaited confiscation. On the revolutionary front, his dear associate Madan Lal Dhingra had bravely gone to the gallows on 17 August 1909. His revolutionary organization Abhinav Bharat lay in ruins. While in prison, Savarkar heard the terrible news that Anant Kanhere, Karve and Deshpande had been hanged (19 April 1910) for the murder of Jackson, the Collector of Nashik. Total darkness now enveloped Savarkar.
Even in this hopeless situation, Savarkar's spirit was unbroken. He was not yet barred from reading or writing. He wrote a poem titled "Maaze mrityupatra" (My last Testament) addressed to his Pujya Yesuvahini. The immortal poem has 25 shlokas. It starts with a description of a gathering of like-minded revolutionaries in the moonlight of Vaishakh month. Savarkar then compliments Yesuvahini for her culinary skills. He reminds her that his comrades had pledged to follow the footsteps of Baji Prabhu (the brave warrior who gave up his life for Shivaji's safety). Savarkar then goes on to describe his utter dedication to his motherland:
"Hey matrubhumi! tujalaa man vahiyele,
vaktrutva vagvibhavhi tuja arpiyale
tootechi arpili navi kavita rasaalaa
lekhaaprati vishay toochi ananya zhala"
("Oh Motherland! I have dedicated my intellect to you,
To you I have dedicated my oratory,
To you I have dedicated my new poem,
You have become the sole subject of my prose")
Then recalling the strength of Parvati and Padmini of Chittod, Savarkar extolled Yesuvahini.s uncommon bravery:
"Te divya abalaa-bala tej kaahi
ajuni yaa bharatbhumit lupt naahi"
(That luminous feminine strength
hath not yet disappeared from Bharatbhumi")
And then in a stupendous display of heroism, Savarkar pens his immortal lines:
"Ki ghetaley vrat na hey amhi andhatene
labdha prakash nisarga-maane
Jey divya daahak mhannuni asaavayaache
Buddhyaachi ghetaley vaan kari hey satichey"
(Blindly have we not made this resolve
But in the light of history and the laws of nature
Whatever is luminous and scorching
Have we purposefully held the robes of a sati in our hands"
But death itself did not dare to approach Savarkar. Savarkar conquered death itself and became Mryutunjay.
The resolve of the teenaged Savarkar conquered Death itself making him a Mrityunjaya (Conqueror of Death).
May we all get a portion of Savarkar's unflinching resolve and dedication to duty!
Swatantryaveer Savarkar amar hai, amar rahenge!!
The Savarkar.org Team
05-29-2009, 04:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-29-2009, 04:22 AM by ramana.)
from Delhi Uty
Indian War of Independence 1857- V.D. Savarkar
This book recast 1857 as a war for indepedence instead of the British view as a mutiny.
Please read atleast the preface and foreword to see how this book inspired the revolutinary movements over four decades. Thanks, ramana
Quote:Vir Haqiqat Rai
12 years old Hindu Martyr
275th Martyrdom Day-20 Jan 2010
Haqiqat Rai was born at Sialkot in 1724 to Mata Durga Devi and Bhag Mal ji. Haqiqat Rai was very sharp in studies as well as in his bravery. In those days of Muslim rule Hindus used to read Urdu and Persian from Muslim maulvis. Haqiqat Rai used to go to local school and was the only Hindu in a class while his other classmates were Muslims. He used to pass with top rank and so was dear to everyone. One day, some of his Muslim classmates who were jealous of his studies ridiculed Hindu goddess Devi Ma. Haqiqat Rai first remained silent but after repeated abuses the brave boy dared his classmates and tried to stop them but as he was alone he was overpowered. They did not stop using abusive languages for Hindu Goddess and he responded finally by ridiculing Fatima, daughter of Prophet Muhammad.
The Muslim boys complained to the maulvis about Haqiqat Rai blaspheming the prophet and Islam, which enraged the maulvis. Maulvis first punished Haqiqat Rai and then had him arrested by the local police.
Haqiqat Rai was arrested and sent to Amir Beg, the administrator of Sialkot. Those were the days of Muslim rule, Hindus were frequently targeted by Muslims and they were having inferior status in society. There was no one to listen to this young Hindu boy. Amir who was known for his cruelty immediately ordered killing of innocent Hindu boy. He did not even spare time to hear the pleas of Haqiqat Rai. Haqiqat Rai's parents started weeping and asked for sparing his life. Amir said Haqiqat Rai had committed a sin and he can be pardoned only if he accepts Islam as punishment for blasphemy. Haqiqat Rai refused conversion to Islam. Haqiqat Rai's parents tried to change his mind. They said, if he accepts Islam, his life will be saved. The Brave boy Haqiqat accepted death but not Islam. He was then sent to Zakaria Khan, the Governor of Lahore. But Haqiqat Rai did not agree to convert even under further torture.His 10 year old wife Laxmi Devi also arrived and pleaded for his life but no one under the Muslim rule listened to Hindus. Haqiqat Rai was executed by the orders of the Governor on 20 January, 1735 at the tender age of 12.
The day of his execution used to be marked by a 'mela' (fair) on Vasant Panchami day in sialkot, around his 'samadhi' (Baway di marrhi), before India's partition. It appears his 'samadhi' was wrecked during riots in sialkot.
The young boy died for his religion. Today he is an idol for us all what we can do is to observe but not give up Vedic dharma whole heartedly and propagate it throughout the world.
dear friends
please celebrate 275th sahidi diwas of vir haqiqat rai on 20th january
dr vivek
Quote:ignored anniversary: 500th of vijayanagar
jan 18th, 2010
Quote:ignored anniversary: 1000th of brihadeswara temple, tanjavur
jan 18th, 2010
brihadeswara an architectural marvel. cholas of the time sent a maritime expeditionary fleet to indonesia to defeat srivijaya empire
01-26-2010, 07:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2010, 07:10 PM by Bharatvarsh2.)
After 500 yrs, Sri Krishnadevaraya coronation
Fakir Balaji
First Published : 26 Jan 2010 11:36:28 AM IST
Last Updated : 26 Jan 2010 11:55:49 AM IST
HAMPI: The stage is set to relive the grand coronation of Vijayanagara emperor Sri Krishnadevaraya Wednesday at this world heritage site five centuries after he founded the empire in the Deccan plateau of south India.
Hailed as the 'golden era' of prosperity, pomp and glory, the 16th century Vijayanagara empire was an epoch-making event in Indian history, as the illustrious emperor -- a valiant warrior, great general and master military strategist -- had also sown the seeds of democratic administration.
When the Deccan Sultanate rulers invaded the Vijayanagara kingdom in 1565, the empire's suzerainty extended from Nellore to Udayagiri and from Kanyakumari in the southern coast to Kalinga in the east and up to Goa in the west.
After a 21-year glorious rule from 1509-1529, Krishnadevaraya left behind a rich legacy of artefacts, treasury troves, temples, palaces, exquisite monuments and a royal city that was declared in 1986 a world heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco).
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the coronation in a grand style, the Karnataka government has decked up Hampi, around 15 km from Hospet in Bellary district, and organised a three-day festival (utsav) from Jan 27-29.
<img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='  ' /> GREATER NOIDA: Most young people may have got all romantic this Valentine's Day, but for this technical institute it was all about brotherly and sisterly love. In what can probably be described as a celebration of V-Day in the spirit of Bhai Dooj, the Ishan Institute of Management and Technology
asked its girl students to prepare food for the boys to mark the day.
The underlying motto, as institute chairman D K Garg told the media, was to promote ``a culture of knowledge where brothers and sisters could stay together''. Students said the institute, which believes in strict discipline, had warned them not to get ``carried away'' on Valentine's Day.
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/...574304.cms <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='  ' />