From Rudradev of BRF
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Well, here it is, fellow BRF-ites:
ChannelPhor Productions' Response to the Mumbai Terrorism Attacks. In Three Parts.
Well, actually they are responses to Pakistani Stooge Aryn Baker's justification for the attacks, rife with Pakistani propaganda and slander against Indian Muslims, that came out in TIME magazine on 27th November 2008.
You might remember that I wrote up this content as a Letter to the Editor of TIME magazine. Needless to say, TIME didn't print my letter. Around that time someone (I think <!--emo&n^3--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/n3.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='n3.gif' /><!--endemo-->) remarked that it was better to write our OWN articles rebutting the Paki propagandists with factually correct material.
I decided to go one step further than writing an article... I made this video (which had to be divided into three parts for upload).
Please let me know your thoughts, and if you approve, spread the links far and wide.
Earlier he had made the famous movie Dr E-Stranglove aka AQKhan.
Absolutely brillant Rudradev.
Let's all support him by spreading those YouTube links across the different yahoogroups, blogs and websites. It's least we can do.
I salute Rudradev!
Here is a posting on our secular media in akandabaratam yahoo group.
"Subject: What you will see from NDTV, CNN-IBN and TimesNow in the next 3 months....A future revealed
Ar knob Go shamy, Annoy Royatullah and Rajdeep Sardard Sai,
3 months to go for the LS elections... .Everyone knows what the NDTV's, CNN-IBN's and Times Now's will be up to in the run up to the elections... .....Since you are all backed and fed by the Christian missionaries from the US, you will invariably show programs that will try and highlight the so called evils that you perceive are done by the BJP Govt's and other pro Hindu organizations. ......... ...
* Viewers will hear a lot of brouhaha abt minority discriminations, bias on tribal's and dalits, under developed and under nourished Muslim neighborhoods. .......
* Viewers will see some Hindu Swami or Saint or an organization being shown in poor light
* Viewers will also see a lot of bashing of Modi, Advani, RSS, and VHP etc etc.....
What viewers will not see is that the congress party is crippled, they cannot act against Pakistan, that the UPA ruined the country's economy and attempted several cheap tricks to undermine Hinduism in India.
Dear Arknob, Annoy and Sardard,
Why dont you cover the Raju episode in more detail and tell the nation that the congress party was funded by satyam ? Why dont you show infighting within the congress party for the gaddi ? Why dont you show that the congress party gets funded by foreigners ?
You will not do that because you are all in the take too......You are the new anti Hindu mafia and you will one day realise that you are being used as pawns and will be thrown out after your utility is served...
You serve foreigners just like some lost souls used to serve the british..... .You are worth zilch today and will be quickly forgotten by the common Indian in 5 years.
An Unknown Indian"
[quote=Viren,Jan 31 2009, 02:13 PM]
Absolutely brillant Rudradev.
But the <i>third</i> link is not opening. Can someone do something about it?
chandramoulee,Jan 31 2009, 08:26 PM Wrote:[quote=Viren,Jan 31 2009, 02:13 PM]
Absolutely brillant Rudradev.
But the <i>third</i> link is not opening. Can someone do something about it?
k.ram,Feb 1 2009, 01:59 AM Wrote:chandramoulee,Jan 31 2009, 08:26 PM Wrote:[quote=Viren,Jan 31 2009, 02:13 PM]
Absolutely brillant Rudradev.
But the <i>third</i> link is not opening. Can someone do something about it?
Thanks a lot.
02-01-2009, 08:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2009, 08:22 PM by Husky.)
No suprises. More of the christo govt and its faithfully christian media-hand at work:
1. Media wasn't just coincidentally "there" when the Framing Hindus Part II went down
2. Media actually arrived <i>ahead</i> of time (possibly to set up lights, cameras, angles)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Monday, January 26, 2009
<b>Hindu Taliban on Demand</b>
I'm sure you've seen the latest video of "Hindu hooligans" outraging the modesty of some unfortunate pub-going women in Mangalore.
[youtube video]
This footage was not recorded by bystanders or passers by. Instead, NDTV seems to have somehow conveniently been in position to directly record this attack as it occurred -- in the run-up to elections, by another convenient coincidence. My goodness, it's a good thing we have daring journalism like this and Tehelka-style "stings" happening at just the right moment to help voters make up their minds and do the "right thing".
Gee, why do I suddenly feel that post-123 India is going to end up with a couple of decades of uninterrupted rule by the Nehru-Gandhi clan, Ã la Mubarak's Egypt? Can't have those Asians going wayward or uppety, now can we?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><b>Comments</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->M. Patil said...
  I hope the BJP learns a lesson and starts some cable channels which present their point of view. Every business house in Tamilnadu has one, why can't they.
  What else can be expected o.f Nehru Dynasty TV(NDTV) or other Nehru Dynasty durbaris.
karyakarta92 said...
  This stinks of a Kaangress setup. Moily, Fernandez and Alva hail from Mangalore. This is a vile conspiracy to defame Hindu nationalists and equate Hindu "fundamentalism" with Taliban terror. The BJP is not asking the right questions about NDTV involvement in the setup
  and instead meekly acquiescing to the psec cacophony
  1/26/2009 10:51 PM
Blogger Sameer said...
  As per Deccan Chronicle, the girls at the pub were taken there by boys from 'A particular community' (now all know that our media never identifies the thiefs by their names but cry out Hindu terrorism even when a negligible event occurs)
  One look at NDTV news makes a right-thinking Hindu puke.
  I am surprised at BJP telling that it is 'ashamed' of it.
  What happened to the champions of women when Taslima Nasreen was attacked? None of these banshees cried out loud....
  Yes, India badly needs a truly unbiased media outlet or a rightist media.
  1/27/2009 8:10 AM
Blogger A Stoic said...
  @ Ghatotkacha:
  I agree with you.
  The victims are mostly Mallu girls. In Kerala, they are all 'progressive' and not communal. Being a Hindu is a matter of induced shame and inferiority in Kerala where the majority of educational institutions right from KG are run by the Church or other minorities.
  A larger number of such Jihadi Romeo stuff go unreported because the local Jihadis and the 'secular' Left in Kerala ensure media-shaming of the families.
  1/27/2009 1:28 PM
Blogger Shahryar said...
  I think too many of the BJP spokespersons are politically-correct morons!
  1/27/2009 2:21 PM
Blogger siva said...
  I still think what Ram Sena did was wrong. Violence against women is un-Hindu and unbecoming of a man. Instead they should have trashed the boys âfrom a particular communityâ and let the girls go with stern warning. After all we are trying to save our women folks, arenât we? Violence against the weaker sex is uncivilized, what ever the reason may be.
(Siva is wrong. Doesn't he get it? The entire thing was a set up to frame Hindus in Karnataka to make people think there is such a thing as "Hindu Taliban" - just like christianism recently coined "Hindu Terror" - so that the gullible Hindus foolishly watching NDTV garbage are duped into voting for the 'secular' christian Congress next time.)
  1/27/2009 7:19 PM
Blogger blogger said...
  None one these Anti-hindu media featured this one as much, "Muslim extremists beat woman at Mumbai Mall". But in mangalore case, all of them were at the right place at the right time. Even though there is higher chance that they should have taken video of Malad Mall attack by Muslims because it was in a bigger city. BJP or others are too disarrayed to ask the right questions.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>manufacturing "Hindu Taliban" [sic] on Demand</b>
jan 27th, 2009
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: K
I just happened to read this news in the Chindu, which probably has an element of truth (gasp!) and supports San's suspicion that the incident might have been stage managed.
"One of them stripped a girl and groped her. She was also badly beaten up. We are still trying to trace her," she said. According to her, several girls were targeted similarly. "They were laughing when they were doing all this. It was just fun for them," she said. The attackers then targeted the men who dared come to the rescue of the girls. The narrator herself was slapped a few times.
What tormented her was the reaction of certain sections of <b>the media. "They arrived on the scene even before the attackers did,"</b> she said, and added, "there was no nude dancing or prostitution going on there as reported."Â She and a few other victims are now trying to form a support group of those who were attacked in the incident. "Some of the women are in shock because of the humiliation they had to face on television," she said. "We are trying to get professional counsellors for the victims and for their families."
Please archive the news report before it undergoes magical metamorphosis.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><b>Comments</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> 5 Comments
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Blogger karyakarta92 said...
  The psecs are being disingenuous. "Hindu Taliban" my foot.
  How did NDTV get there beforehand? And even if the allegations are true, what is wrong with taking action against stupid women getting recruited by Jihadi Romeos to serve as wombs nay baby factories for the next generation of Jihadis?
  1/27/2009 11:03 PM
Blogger blogger said...
  But here is a catch, CNN IBN's news reader Karmapalkar on 1/28/2009 at 3:00 PM reported that Congress ruled Rajasthan's CM Ghelot has made similar statements like the head of the alleged attackers who allegedly attacked women in Mangalore. But the news reader and his correspondent were justifying Gehlot's statements as fine because it increases excise duty on liquor and curbs Boy-Girl holding hands as indecent. Wow. So as per the Bharatiya media, it is OK if a Congress ruled state's CM says so but if someone else says so in a BJP ruled state then they blame it on Hindus and call it Hindutva radicals. What kind of a biased reporting us this! These people are sick with utter prejudice for Hindus.
  They are already flashing communal Anti-Hindu quotes like "Ram Sena or Taliban of India". Can they ever f***ing dare to say Muhammad sena? Just like how they insulted the holy Hindu symbol OM (à¥) when they coined the mythical term Hindu Terror. Insane!
  1/28/2009 1:54 AM
Blogger Chris said...
  If Renuka chowdhary had so much as uttered the first syllable of 'Taliban' on TV in her 'unburkhaed' state she would have been shot in a really Taliban country!
  Let her go to Saudi and walk down the street without an Abhaya! And while we are at it, imagine what the Taliban would have done to revellers, especially female, in a pub. Death by flogging or by stoning would have been the less harsh punishments.
  Before these idiots, and that goes for the ELM too,use Taliban loosely, they need to ponder on the nature of Islamic hell.
  1/28/2009 8:34 AM
Blogger Canis said...
  Just wondering how many people got killed in the pub episode. Front page headlines and editorials in Toilet Paper of India etc etc stuff you know. One would have thought its the Mumbai massacre all over again.
  1/28/2009 6:53 PM
Blogger blogger said...
  The virus of Hindu bashing is spreading, now LA Times has picked up the myth of Hindu Taliban, thanks to the b17(h Renuka and some JNU professors.,1076314.story
(Of course the international christomedia picked it up. Just like they picked up the "Hindu Terror Fictions" and the "Completely Innocent Christian Victimhood in Orissa". Like Indian christomedia, the western christomedia will also always be at the right place, at the right time to catch all the stories of rehearsed events, which they may even know of in advance.)
  Just had one of the most traumatizing day of my life, got tired of explaining the reality to my gora friends. FU Renuka Chaudhary for coining this slanderous term.
  While at it, check this out: Blogger Silenced by NDTV for writing on its "Shoddy journalism".
  1/29/2009 8:32 PM<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is christianism.
- They are always using Sri Rama's name to pin something on Hindus (e.g. like they abused Rama's name in Slumdog)
- Faithful followers of christianism are known to dress up as Natural Traditionalists for the purpose of character assassination:
<b>Who Created Religious Disharmony in Sri Lanka?</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The disharmony began, when these Evangelical groups began to coerce Buddhists and use unethical methods to convert them;
the disharmony began when they paid men to don the yellow robe and misbehave in society to create a rift between the Buddhist temples and the Buddhists by getting these "fake Buddhist monks" to go and purchase liquor from the liquor bars, to go into meat stalls and super markets and purchase meat and fish for everyone to see, to go into restaurants after 12 noon and order food and partake of it, to be seen by others etc;
the disharmony began when they use young couples to go into village temples in the night requesting shelter from the temple monk (on the excuse that they were travelling far) and in a short while the male would leave the female alone in the temple, and go out- within minutes, the girl would ring the temple bell and inform the villagers that the monk had tried to molest her( the purpose is to bring disrepute to innocent monks);<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Wild guess on the psecular Hindu reaction: "Boo evil Hindoootva. Booo. Booo. What? The media got there first? Yes, it is a bit suspicious, I <i>suppose</i>... Hmmm. Well, if it's <i>not</i> the Hindus that did it, then... then ... then it must all be a terrible misunderstanding. Yes yes. That must be it. *Christianism* could never be involved."
Of course it's all a "psecular misunderstanding" or psecular coincidence or psecular miracle (christian 'miracle', rather) that christian media NDTV got to the scene of the crime EVEN BEFORE things went down and was able to film it all and broadcast it under the fitting headline of "Hindu Taliban".
02-03-2009, 09:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2009, 10:04 PM by Shambhu.)
From url but its from outlook, in case.
..Gautier puts it succintly.
<!--emo&:bcow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_cowboy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_cowboy.gif' /><!--endemo--> Cut paste, pass on, spread. Good one, meets standards for public dissemination: Good English (so that commies etc cant get a handle on it to make fun), concise, and..[..whats that thing that is never ever a criterion on the mlechcha school of journalism..ah, yes:]...true.
<b>Pale Fires Don't Scorch </b>
Deviants of Mangalore and Malegaon are demonised fallaciously
Outlook India
February 09, 2009
When I began reporting, I went to interview the RSS leadership in Delhi, expecting, from what I had heard, a few bloodthirsty fascists. I was surprised to meet those old daddies with their long khaki shorts, who would not hurt a fly. Twenty-five years later, the word 'Hindu Talibanisation' is being heard amidst the clamour following the odious pub episode in Mangalore. Such incidents should be condemned, as it has no precedent in Indian historyâfrom Prithviraj Chauhan to Shivaji, Hindus respected the women of even their enemies. Yet, I beg to disagree: this is not about the Talibanisation of Hindu groups, it is about their demonisation.
British colonisers in league with the Christian missionaries realised 200 years ago that the biggest obstacle to fully subjugating India was Hinduism, as it was ancient, woven into the fabric of life and held the country together. They set upon defaming Hinduism, by dwelling on what they perceived as its negatives: castes, sati, superstition, etc. Simultaneously, they created in a span of two or three generations a class of Indians who looked up only to the West.
Macaulay, the architect of the scheme, summed it up in his Minute on Education: "We must do our best to form a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect." Macaulay despised Indian culture: "Hindus have a literature of small intrinsic value, hardly reconcilable with morality, full of monstrous superstitions...." The demonisation of Hinduism was apace.
As a result, these Anglicised Indians became ashamed of their own culture. This Western/anti-Hindu outlook was handed down from generation to generation, right down to our age, where many of India's brilliant and articulate Hindu-Marxist intellectuals, products all of institutions like jnu, or St Stephen's, keep on repeating, as if by rote, what their hoary forebears were taught by the British. And unfortunately, they pass it back to their friends from the West, neatly marking a full circle. How else could a film like Slumdog Millionaire, made by an Englishman, which literally craps on India from the very first frame, be feted by most of India's intelligentsia? How else could India specialists like Christophe Jaffrelot peddle to his gullible French readers the spurious theory that there is a "Hindu tradition of terror"?
Politically, the Congress just took over from the British, as I explain in my new book (A New History of India, 2008, Har Anand), and used its English-speaking press to present Hindu social and political parties as fanatical and ridiculous. The goal was to corner the Muslim vote, which wasâand still remainsâachieved. It does not help today that the supreme leader of India is a Christian. Whether her aides or her ministers (many of them capable people in their own right) rush to gratify her in true bhakti spirit or whether she directly speaks her will, one does not know. But what better way to please her than by equating Hindu fundamentalism with the Muslim one and to turn the flak on to small Hindu outfits which are amateur lambs compared to the Islamic ones?
There are two standards today used by India's media and intelligentsia. One for minorities and the other for Hindus. It is totally illogical: if 4,00,000 Hindus are hounded out of the Kashmir Valley which has always been their home, nobody protests; but New Delhi has been rooting for Palestinians for four decades and recently donated a million dollars for their welfare. When blast after blast wrecks Indian markets, when trains are bombed, hotels attacked by men worse than animals, intellectuals blame it on Babri Masjid (where nobody was killed) or Gujarat (triggered by the burning of 59 innocent Hindus).But when a few Hindus plan to establish a Hindu rashtra and plot a clumsy, small-scale revenge, they are equated with deadly fundamentalists. A universal theorem is made of their single act, which should stand out as isolated, because Hindus have been for thousands of years tolerant to the point of cowardice. Our intellectuals never theorised when, in Kashmir, militants used to throw acid on women who did not cover up, but now devote reams to the goons of Mangalore.
Finally, to be fair, one has to say that a lot of prudishness has seeped into India because of the Islamic purdah and, later, Victorian stuffiness. Yet, Hinduism always enjoined its adherents to live life fully, including its sexual aspect. We do not want an Indian youth which blindly apes the West: drinking, drugs and promiscuity. But the Hindu political leadership should also shun rough, prudish and moralistic acts which will only alienate its young voters.
(Francois Gautier is the editor-in-chief of the Paris-based La Revue l'Inde)
02-04-2009, 01:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2009, 12:39 PM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Feb 3 2009, 09:58 PM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Feb 3 2009, 09:58 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->From url but its from outlook, in case.
..Gautier puts it succintly.
<!--emo&:bcow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_cowboy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_cowboy.gif' /><!--endemo--> Cut paste, pass on, spread. Good one, meets standards for public dissemination: Good English (so that commies etc cant get a handle on it to make fun), concise, and..[..whats that thing that is never ever a criterion on the mlechcha school of journalism..ah, yes:]...true.
<b>Pale Fires Don't Scorch </b>
Deviants of Mangalore and Malegaon are demonised fallaciously
Outlook India
February 09, 2009
When blast after blast wrecks Indian markets, when trains are bombed, hotels attacked by men worse than animals, intellectuals blame it on Babri Masjid (where nobody was killed) or Gujarat (triggered by the burning of 59 innocent Hindus).But when a few Hindus plan to establish a Hindu rashtra and plot a clumsy, small-scale revenge, they are equated with deadly fundamentalists. A universal theorem is made of their single act, which should stand out as isolated, because Hindus have been for thousands of years tolerant to the point of cowardice. Our intellectuals never theorised when, in Kashmir, militants used to throw acid on women who did not cover up, but now devote reams to the goons of Mangalore.
[right][snapback]94211[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I disagree with Gautier. He presumes the Hindus' guilt in the "Hindu Terror" case when <i>none</i> of this has been proven; so far there's only been torture of the accused Hindus and of course the manufacture of evidence. For example, earlier news on Purohit's laptop admitted the ATS had found nothing in there (
Daily Pioneer: ATS finds no clue in Purohit laptop). A few days later however, Stavan Desai & Presley Thomas for the christo HindustanTimes write how evidence that wasn't there before, had now miraculously appeared as if jeebus <i>himself</i> had manufactured it:
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Nov 29 2008, 10:58 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Nov 29 2008, 10:58 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Suspects were trained to lie</b>
<b>Stavan Desai & Presley Thomas</b>
Mumbai, November 26, 2008
<b>Investigators found details of these training sessions in Purohitâs laptop, which was recovered after his arrest on November 5. Hindustan Times had access to the armymanâs detailed lecture notes. Officials said at least 30 senior Abhinav Bharat members attended these sessions, referred to in the laptop as personality development workshops.</b>
(Previously the ATS said they found nothing on his laptop. Now that they have had it for a while they have installed all kinds of christian inquisitional 'evidence' in there.)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I do not accept guilt being attributed to those who are not yet proven guilty and where there is moreover definite evidence of malicious intent in the groups *framing* the accused.
Shambhu, why would you <i>endorse</i> the above article, unless you agree that the Hindus in the "Hindu Terror" case are guilty? Can you really think they are? Will you totally ignore the <i>repeated protestations of innocence</i> (including their continued defiance - born of their insistence upon the truth - against the christo torture which the ATS has been using to obtain confessions) of the victimised Hindus Sadhvi Pragya ( and here), Swami Amritanand, Purohit, Upadhyay?
Shambhu, when you <i>know</i> better, why do you do it?
Why do Hindus roll over and immediately accept every accusation thrown their way without first ascertaining whether there is any truth in the matter? I see this same dhimmi reaction to christoislami accusations/frame-ups all the time: "Yes our people must have been to blame in that <i>because you say so</i>, but... but... we're not <i>all</i> bad."
Another example: "Yes yes, Dara Singh burnt Staines but ... blablabla".
When the fact is, Dara Singh said he wasn't even present but that he was innocent, and the court couldn't prove he did it either.
But Hindus feel nothing about sacrificing other Hindus' reputation at the drop of a hat. Maybe only their own individual reputation is important. But I can't imagine who they think will then want to defend <i>them</i> against false charges when it is their turn? I am convinced that one such good turn deserves another, and that in a fair world, such merryweather friends ought to get their just desserts: when their time comes, they should get treated with the same auto-suspicion and auto-condemnation <i>from their own kind</i> that they rendered other Hindus who were falsely accused and who repeatedly said they were innocent instead.
The <i>Hindu</i> reaction should be to demand the ever-untrustworthy christoislamicommunist accusers to <i>PROVE IT</i> beyond all doubt (that is, without manufacturing evidence or through the use of torture to obtain confession) that Hindus did whatever they're accused of. *Then* Hindus can go on the defensive.
Also, until then, Gautier has wasted his words. In fact, he has taken serious liberties.
Hindus should learn to think for themselves. They owe it to their people to trust them when these say they are innocent, and to give the benefit of any doubt to Hindus first. If any Hindus cannot do even that, they can at least drop the pretence of being anything more than a chronic Dhimmi - the kind who cannot help but betray their own kind at every turn, even if such an offence against others may be committed out of unwillingness or ignorance or 'well-meaning' on the part of the Dhimmi.
And on that other matter. Shambhu, do you not find the christian NDTV media's impeccably timed presence in the Mangalore drama remotely suspicious? Gautier also ought to deliberate a bit more on the recent Mangalore pub case when it turns out that an interviewed eye-witness-cum-victim remarked how the Media had magically arrived <i>even before</i> the attackers had.
No one was proved to be a Hindu "terrorist". That can be added as a footnote. However, apart from that, the article adds so much to the average Hindu's knowledge in India. I get the feeling you want to wait for something perfect to come up. Will not happen, my friend. Pushing articles that are 95% correct is far better than waiting for a 100% correct article, which will never come out, and if it does, it will come out from a RSS mouthpiece (which will repel the target audience--psecs--immediately) and it will have lots of english mistakes which will turn off any psec reader even if he/she does read it, and all this will only reinforce in the psec the lies about the right that the other psecs have taught him.
If you want to propagate a movement, skip the urge to be perfect! Else you will develop a dedicated band of followers, maybe hundred or so, and not much else.
Gautier has been serving Hindus for a long time, and SSwamy is too, so pass on their articles. Time to sit back and examine things will come mach later, right now just increase your audience! <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
02-05-2009, 12:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009, 12:58 PM by Bodhi.)
Company news
New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) has announced the following Audited results for the quarter ended December 31, 2008.
The results for the Quarter ended December 31, 2008:
The Company has posted a <b>net loss of Rs (174.80) million</b> for the quarter ended December 31, 2008 as <b>compared to net profit of Rs 70.60 million </b>for the quarter ended December 31, 2007.
<b>Total Income has decreased from Rs 894.70 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2007 to Rs 825.90 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2008.</b>
The consolidated results for the Quarter ended December 31, 2008:
The Group has posted a net loss of Rs (1208.00) million for the quarter ended December 31, 2008 as compared to net loss of Rs (320.20) million for the quarter ended December 31, 2007. Total Income has increased from Rs 1084.90 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2007 to Rs 1310.80 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2008.
Latest Quarterly Results
Rs. cr
year 2008/12 2007/12 var %
<b>Sales Income 81.84 89.20 -8.25 </b>
Other Income 0.75 0.27 177.78
<b>Expenditure 87.13 67.93 28.26 </b>
Interest 4.43 1.34 230.60
<b>Gross Profit -8.97 20.20 -144.41 </b>
Depreciation 6.19 5.42 14.21
Tax 0.91 4.12 -77.91
PAT -17.48 7.07 -347.24
Equity 25.08 25.01 0.28
OPM (%) -6.46 23.85 -30.31
GPM (%) -11.88 22.34 -34.22
<b>NPM (%) -21.35 7.92 -29.27 </b>
source : Asian Cerc
02-05-2009, 01:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009, 01:51 PM by Bodhi.)
Rajdeep Sardesai's bosses are in the losses too!
Network 18 Media & Investments has reported Q3 consolidated net loss of Rs 44.08 crore as against net loss of Rs 46.53 crore (QoQ), although company's consolidated net sales went up at Rs 225.08 crore from Rs 215.20 crore (QoQ).
But not all media houses are in loss!! --
Zee News has announced its third quarter results. The company's Q3 net profit was up at Rs 15 crore versus Rs 11.5 crore, QoQ, up by 45.4%
EBIT Rs. 299 MILLION, UP 35.8%
PAT Rs. 151 MILLION, UP 18.4%
- Advertisement revenue was Rs 1.12 billion for the quarter ended December 31, 2008, an increase of 38.8% as compared to the corresponding period last fiscal.
- Subscription revenue was Rs 236 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2008, an increase of 46.4% as compared to the corresponding period last fiscal.
Jagran Prakashan Limited announces Q3FY09 results
- Revenues at Rs 211.50 crores, up by 3.34% from Rs 204.67 crores
- Operating Revenues at Rs 207.00 crores, up by 4.01% from Rs 199.03 crores
- EBIDTA at Rs 30.07 crores from Rs 43.27 crores
- PAT at Rs 15.47 crores down from Rs 25.92 crores
So ...
Haunted by terrifying alakShamI, Hindu-haters will eventually crumble under their own weight, commercially. Just wait till someone buys them and kick out the worthies from their editorial board.
Hindustan Times:
HT Media has reported a net profit of just Rs. 7.82 crores for the third quarter (Q309) of the 2008-09 fiscal (FY09), <b>down 51.97% </b>from the previous quarter. Sales were flat - growing just 0.94% quarter on quarter, and by around 4.32% year on year. EBITDA margins decreased to 15% from 21%.
B.A.G Films and Media Limited - the company owned by congress MP Rajeev Shukla, and supplies content to Star:
Latest Quarterly Results
Rs. cr
year 2008/12 2007/12 var %
Sales Income 8.09 13.08 -38.16
Other Income 0.74 0.70 5.99
Expenditure 5.20 10.04 -48.21
<b>PAT 0.16 1.88 -91.65 </b>
hardly breaking even
other jokers, Aaj Tak:
TV Today Network Ltd Latest Quarterly Results
Rs. cr
year 2008/12 2007/12 var %
Sales Income 65.27 69.37 -5.92
Expenditure 51.39 44.99 14.23
<b>PAT 8.67 16.68 -48.00 </b>
but still in black
02-05-2009, 03:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009, 03:38 PM by Husky.)
^ Bodhi's encouraging posts
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Feb 4 2009, 07:54 PM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Feb 4 2009, 07:54 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Pushing articles that are 95% correct is far better than waiting for a 100% correct article,[right][snapback]94253[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->But it got the most fundamental thing (something not to be measured in percentages) all skewed. After which I really don't see the point of it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->No one was proved to be a Hindu "terrorist". That can be added as a footnote.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->You and I have very different, irreconcilable views: what is of paramount importance to me is perceived by you to be of only 5% value - no more than a footnote, in fact.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->However, <i>apart from that,</i> the article adds so much to the average Hindu's knowledge in India.
If you want to propagate a movement, skip the urge to be perfect!
Time to sit back and examine things will come mach later, right now just increase your audience! <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Perfect? Expecting people to keep to no more than known facts is to ask for perfection? I don't want to know your definition of mediocrity then.
Propagating a movement? And what 'audience'? You speak as if all this is no more than a game to you. Innocent people have been tortured for no reason other than sadism and their reputations trampled upon with premeditation, yet their innocence itself appears but a bartering tool for you: if selling their case out in the short term will help you sell more of the ideas you approve of, then it's okay?
I don't know what value your ideas could possibly have when you are unable to see the value of what you're willing to sacrifice in order to 'propagate' them.
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Feb 5 2009, 03:36 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Feb 5 2009, 03:36 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->^ Bodhi's encouraging posts
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Feb 4 2009, 07:54 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shambhu @ Feb 4 2009, 07:54 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Pushing articles that are 95% correct is far better than waiting for a 100% correct article,[right][snapback]94253[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->But it got the most fundamental thing (something not to be measured in percentages) all skewed. After which I really don't see the point of it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->No one was proved to be a Hindu "terrorist". That can be added as a footnote.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->You and I have very different, irreconcilable views: what is of paramount importance to me is perceived by you to be of only 5% value - no more than a footnote, in fact.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->However, <i>apart from that,</i> the article adds so much to the average Hindu's knowledge in India.
If you want to propagate a movement, skip the urge to be perfect!
Time to sit back and examine things will come mach later, right now just increase your audience! <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Perfect? Expecting people to keep to no more than known facts is to ask for perfection? I don't want to know your definition of mediocrity then.
Propagating a movement? And what 'audience'? You speak as if all this is no more than a game to you. Innocent people have been tortured for no reason other than sadism and their reputations trampled upon with premeditation, yet their innocence itself appears but a bartering tool for you: if selling their case out in the short term will help you sell more of the ideas you approve of, then it's okay?
I don't know what value your ideas could possibly have when you are unable to see the value of what you're willing to sacrifice in order to 'propagate' them.
You think the important point was malegaon (which, agreed, he got wrong)
I think the important point was not malegaon, it was the rest of the article. The average hindu know *squat* about islamic brutality etc. No perspective at all. No idea of the numbers on Godhra even. I think any article which sets the record straight on these deserves propagation, especially an article by non-RSS/VHP sources, which has much more creadibility in psec eyes.
The average Hindu knows nothing about the torture and slaughter of innocents by the million. at the hands of the islamists. THey can make up their own minds on present-day events; news about them keeps coming out by the day.
But news about ancient events does not come out.
Gautier has this about the "Hindu terror". He does not use the words, but he says this:
Twenty-five years later, the word 'Hindu Talibanisation' is being heard amidst the clamour following the odious pub episode in Mangalore.
((Anyone can make out that Gautier is against the word "Hindu Taliban". And the "pub episode" was "odious"))
How else could India specialists like Christophe Jaffrelot peddle to his gullible French readers the spurious theory that there is a "Hindu tradition of terror"?
((Note the words spurious thoery))
But what better way to please her than by equating Hindu fundamentalism with the Muslim one and to turn the flak on to small Hindu outfits which are amateur lambs compared to the Islamic ones?
((I don't see a problem here))
But when a few Hindus plan to establish a Hindu rashtra and plot a clumsy, small-scale revenge, they are equated with deadly fundamentalists
((Many Hindu sites say they want to establish a Hindu Rashtra. Bal Thackeray has said he would like to see Hindu suicide squads. The "plotting a clumsy, small-scale revenge" is where Gautier is wrong, but facts on that will come out and the people can make up their own minds on the guilt of these Hindus. At the worst, they label them as plotters etc., but they know from the rest of the aticle many things they did not know. Not a bad trade-off at all. You think in terms of ideals, I think in therm of practicality. That is the irreconciliable difference. My heart bleeds for Purohit too, but I have been doing this psec enlightement thing for too long to be stopped from propagating articles that only hint at some "clumsy plot")).
My "audience" is psecs, as I have already said earlier.
My "movement" is to educate psecs. In the real world.
You say "this is is no more than a game to you".
Yeah, I have spent 15 years of my life on that "game". I have seen results this "game" produce results in Pakistan, when I was on BRF. I have talked to their press through this "game". I have seen people sort themselves out and become decent human beings. I will never stop pushing articles that enlighten psecs about India, unless those articles commit a major mistake, like propagation of the AIT etc. I will get my results, I will know when to expect results, I will understand the pace of the spread of truth, and I will not wait for every worthwhile writer to be 100% up on everything. I want to enlighten psecs, I have seen it happen, I have my ways of doing things, I get results. People who have followed me for a long time know all this, and have seen all this.
The word freedom means different things for different people. In India the 'freedom of the media' means dissemination of lies and super lies and curbing and persecuting those who dare to speak the truth!
To the media all those who are adharmics are the heavenly angels! Remember their frenzy against Kanchi Sankaracharya when he was arrested on a false murder charge?
If we clearly understand that the <b>judiciary in Tamilnadu</b> have gone the way of the DMK then we can know that Karunanidhi could have got the Sankaracharya a conviction by now if the Supreme Court had not stood in his way.
The Madras High Court has recently allowed the DMK govt to take over Chidambaram Temple even though the Supreme Court has clearly forbidden that earlier. Anything that is anti-Hindu is justice and fairplay in the eyes of the secular press. Because this temple was run by the very ancient Brahmin Dhikshidhars the secular press didn't even question this unconstitutional verdict of the Madras High Court. Dr. Subramanian Swamy is filing a PIL against the DMK Govt in the Suprement Court for reversing the take over.
<b>Dr.Swamy to file PIL against Tamilnadu DMK Govtâs take over of Chidambaram Temple</b>
Same is happening in US, all left print media is closing. NY Times may go bankrupt by end of this year. They had borrowed around $240 millions from Mexico billionaire. I am happy to see my local newspaper is going bankrupt, I had fought with them on anti-hindu articles and promoting Khalistani and Commies from India.
I hope people should stop buying HT as people in US are doing, don't buy junk.
02-06-2009, 12:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2009, 12:24 PM by Bodhi.)
important thing to note is that the commercial decline of English media both print and electronics in India, must be isolated from general economic downturn. because at the same time, more conservative Hindi outlets, both paper and electronics, are still doing fine commercially. Jagran and Zee as examples. hope the trend will consolidate, and hope the folks like ndtv, ht, ibn, would be out of biz soon. but that is assuming they don't have satyam-stuff going on. if NDA comes to power they should immediately reverse the FDI in Media Bill brought by upa that is the saMjIvanI of these drohI-s.
02-10-2009, 06:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2009, 07:15 AM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Feb 5 2009, 11:02 PM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Feb 5 2009, 11:02 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->My "audience" is psecs, as I have already said earlier.
My "movement" is to educate psecs. In the real world.
You say "this is is no more than a game to you".
Yeah, I have spent 15 years of my life on that "game". I have seen results this "game" produce results in Pakistan, when I was on BRF. I have talked to their press through this "game". I have seen people sort themselves out and become decent human beings. I will never stop pushing articles that enlighten psecs about India, unless those articles commit a major mistake, like propagation of the AIT etc. I will get my results, I will know when to expect results, I will understand the pace of the spread of truth, and I will not wait for every worthwhile writer to be 100% up on everything. I want to enlighten psecs, I have seen it happen, I have my ways of doing things, I get results. People who have followed me for a long time know all this, and have seen all this.
[right][snapback]94303[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->At the end of your intended results having had their effect, will these ex-psecs be capable of evaluating what really transpired in the christo-doctored falsity of "Hindu Terror"? And learn to suspect the lying media first whenever the media spins a new fable on "evil Hinduism"? And learn to get to the bottom of these things for themselves in future - as much as they can - and to then try and inform others of the media's lies?
But in the meantime, while waiting for your efforts to take effect, who is doing anything for the innocent Hindus tortured by the christian inquisition? How can it be okay to continue to ignore, even kick (however indirectly), the falsely incarcerated Hindus, when the innocent victims are in such distress - like Swami Amritananda who is so suicidal from the incessant false accusations, slander, corruption of truth and justice, not to mention the christoterrorist torments he suffers, that he just wants to die. This torture - both the physical kind and the unrefuted lies - has reduced him to this. There is no way to get him out of christoterrorist hands, but at least what info Hindus choose to propagate should not add to the burden of the lies he is fighting against, else our actions become part of his (and the others') torment.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->a 100% correct article, which will never come out, and if it does, it will come out from a RSS mouthpiece (which will repel the target audience--psecs--immediately) <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Every bit of Hindu effort is so compromised: Hindus too afraid to tell the plain truth, merely because worthless others will brand the truth - and those who convey it - as being unsecular or communal or fanatical or something. Truth is never any of these things. It has no colour, no shade, no objective.
But no one can scoff at results. If you really are that effective and if at the end of your process your targets turn into people like you, then I have something for you to turn spare effort to. A request actually. And I would be extremely grateful - and a believer, what's more - if you succeed.
And one other thing. Would still ask that to whoever you send that Gautier article to, you inform them that there is no reason to believe that the Hindus victimised by the christo witch hunt on "Hindu Terror" are remotely guilty. And that rather there are many reasons to indicate that the victims are as innocent as you or I of the crimes they are maligned with.
About these:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->1. And the "pub episode" was "odious"
2. How else could India specialists like Christophe Jaffrelot peddle to his gullible French readers the spurious theory that there is a "Hindu tradition of terror"?
((Note the words spurious thoery))<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->In the first he is saying that what happened at the pub was odious. He is assuming it happened as the media narrated it: that some Hindu org attacked women. But at the very least the entire thing was suspicious with the media ready to film it before it started. Very much like a setup. If the pub episode had truly involved some Hindu org, it might have been termed odious (in order to condemn it while arguing that it is unrepresentative of Hindus and Hindu Dharma), but I'm not aware that it's been made clear yet what really happened and how guilty Hindus/Hindu orgs are in the whole affair.
In the second statement Gautier is denying the existence of any 'Hindu <i>tradition</i> of terror', but that statement does not say that the recent christo inquisition of Hindus on fictional charges of "Hindu Terror" in itself affords no supporting argument for Jaffrelot. That is, the statement does not make it clear that the "Hindu Terror" fantabulation can not in fact be construed by Jaffrelot/anyone as the first data point to accuse Hindus of terrorism with. Because the terror fiction is not fact either - not yet, <i>in spite</i> of all of ATS' illegal efforts of torture and forced confessions, media lying.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->But when a few Hindus plan to establish a Hindu rashtra and plot a clumsy, small-scale revenge, they are equated with deadly fundamentalists<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Here, Gautier is speaking specifically about the Hindus framed with the recent "Hindu Terror" fiction (Purohit, Sadhvi, Swami Amritanand, Upadhyay, Chaturvedi, and the rest). The ATS chargesheet and consequently the media has accused them of trying to commit one or more terrorist attacks and that their motivation in doing this was as a way of establishing a Hindu Rashtra.
Bharatam <i>ought</i> to be a Hindu Rashtra - as it would still have been if the global terrorism of christoislamism had not existed. So aiming for Bharatam to return to its natural state is no crime.
But Hindus require no use of terrorism for accomplishing this: the nation merely needs to stop being psecular and start stating the truth unapologetically at all times that christoislamism=terrorism.
Anyway, the point was that neither the media nor the ATS have given us anything of the slightest yet that tells us the accused were involved with terrorist crimes. The accusers have manufactured confessions of course, but that is nothing.
Gautier is taking for granted that there is any truth to the ATS' and media's christo inquisition of Hindus in the fables of "Hindu Terror".
02-12-2009, 09:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2009, 09:20 AM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Feb 12 2009, 09:16 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Feb 12 2009, 09:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>âPub Bharoâ: Be my Valentine</b>Â Â Â
Sandhya Jain
09 Feb 2009
<b>Many questions remain unanswered about the Mangalore pub incident. The electronic media was called and in position to film the events <i>as they unfolded</i></b>, which images were later flashed on television screens across the country for days. But <b>no one took the same precaution to call the police</b>, and this needs to be explained.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christianism always commits murder in such a way that it looks like suicide. <- This is another pattern which can be used to recognise the otherwise-hard-to-identify hand of christianism.