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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
<b>US woman accuses Indian priest of sexual abuse</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A 20-year-old woman sued the Catholic diocese of Crookston this week, alleging that in 2004, when she was 15, her parish priest, Reverend Joseph Jeyapaul, sexually abused her in the Blessed Sacrament Church in Greenbush, Minnesota.

The Crookston diocese, like the Roman Catholic Church in many other parts of the West, has been dealing with a shortage of priests by importing clerics from India. Jeyapaul was a manpower quick-fix and worked in the US diocese less than a year before returning to India in September 2005.

David Baumgartner, vicar-general of the diocese, told reporters that the diocese saw the woman's allegations as credible.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (Snap), which is tracking the case, said it thinks Jeyapaul is still working as a priest in India. Roger Grundhaus, who works as a church official in the Crookston diocese, declined to comment on the whereabouts of Jeyapaul in India when DNA telephoned him on Saturday.

According to Thursday's court filing, the plaintiff, identified only as 'Jane Doe123', grew up in a devout Roman Catholic family and suffered "severe emotional distress, loss of self-esteem, humiliation, and psychological trauma" after Jeyapaul sexually abused her in church.

The 'Jane Doe' lawsuit follows other swirling allegations against Jeyapaul, who was suspended in the short period he was in the US. It appears that in August 2005, complaints about Jeyapaul first came to the diocese's notice after parish members complained that the Indian priest was touching young parish members 'inappropriately'.

As the number of complaints snowballed, Jeyapaul asked senior clergymen for permission to leave the US in September 2005 to take care of a dying relative in India. While he was away, then bishop Victor Balke withdrew the US 'invitation' to Jeyapaul, effectively suspending him from the American diocese. This still allows him to work in India, however.

The complaints which may have nudged Jeyapaul to leave America do not involve the plaintiff who came forward much later with her own allegations.

Attorney Steven Anderson filed the lawsuit on behalf of 'Jane Doe' on Thursday with help from high-profile attorney Jeffrey Anderson, who has built a formidable reputation for winning hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of clients who as children were sexually abused by priests belonging to Roman Catholic churches in the US.

The church has been rocked by a series of child sex abuse scandals in recent years, particularly in North America and Ireland.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Inculturation and the Hybrid Bible</b>
By: G.P.Srinivasan

It is not at all surprising for me to know that the Archbishop of Mumbai lied to editor, Hindu Voice while answering his question on The New Community Bible during the press meet held on 12th June 2009, 3.30 p.m at the famous Shanmukhanada Hall, Mumbai.

Just read the following quote.

"When the existence of the Church is threatened, she is released from the commandments of morality with unity (of the Church) as the end; the use of every means is sanctified, even cunning, treachery, violence, simony, prison, death for all order is for the sake of community and the individual must be sacrificed to the common good" - Bishop of Verden, AD 1411. (Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler, Time Reading Program, 1941, Macmilan Co. Page 77).

Ends justify the means.

Inculturation, as propounded by the Vatican Council II Documents 1, is the plan of Christians being within the folds of culture, tradition and heritage of any people, posing as faithful devotees and declare the "hidden Christ" at right moment, so that they (dubbed as heathens, infidels & unbelievers) would become "Christians". Till such time, they have to adapt and adopt their culture and related customs, practices and manners. They even build Temple-like Churches, use Hindu symbols and paraphernalia extensively and the Christian priests roam as Hindu Sanyasis and Sadhus. By the Vatican Directive Prot. N. 802/69 dated April 25, 1969, Twelve Points of Inculturation were permitted in India. So far, the "Inculturation" activities carried out by the Christian missionaries among the Saivites have been the topics discussed in selected and published books also. The authors have come across a Jesuit, who has been carrying out his activities among the Srivaishnavas for around 30 years. He is Professor FX. Clooney from Harvard University"s Divinity department, following the steps of Roberto de Nobili . It is well known as to how Roberto de Nobili, a Jesuit came from Italy claiming as a "Roman Brahmin", donned ochre robes, learned Indian languages, forged "Yasur Veda", was tried by the Ecclesiastical Court and finally died in Chennai itself without any news.

In 2000, after the Pope"s condemnation of practice of Yoga and other Eastern Meditation methods by the Catholic priests and others, some Christians have also started criticizing the inculturation programmes. However, the ongoing activities by the inculturation and Inter-religious / Faith groups / programs clearly prove that they are pursued vigorously with the same old plans. Though, Fr. Bede Griffiths has not openly recorded in his writings, Jesuits like Ignatitius Hrudhayam, Francis X. Clooney, Amaladas and others have revealed that they follow Roberto de Nobili as their role model. Thus, the succeeding Jesuits in India have taken his method of "Inculturation" as a "role model" overtly and covertly. The mushrooming Catholic Ashrams and increasing ochre rob clad Christian priests and preachers amply prove their game-plan.

Gullible Hindus

Gullible Hindus are found often helping Christians in their Inculturation directly and indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly. They simply think that these Christians want to know Hinduism and they are happy that the white skinned foreigners too want to follow their religious practices.

Academic Iron Curtain

Dr. Bettina Baumer, a German is based in Varanasi. She is well versed in Sanskrit. She has studied Kashmir Saivism also. She has ingratiated herself with Hindu Scriptures. About 18 year ago (1991), she arranged a conference in Dehradun. Selected Scholars about twenty in number participated in this closed conference which lasted six days. The theme of the conference was "Mysticism in Christianity and Saivism". The Director of the International Institute of Saiva Siddhantham Research located at Dharmapuram (Tamilnadu), presented a paper on Saivite Mysticism. It was well received. Years later eventually Dr.Betina Baumer, brought in a book form the papers presented. However the paper on Saivite Mysticism did not find a place in the Printed book. When confronted, by the Director of IISSRC, Dharmapuram, She told him that English was so rich, and high, that even Englishmen, were unable to follow it. However the reason given for omission of this paper was, that the paper on Saivite Mysticism, was not received in time. The fact is that the paper was handed over well on the very day, after it was presented and discussed. It was also the best paper, and appreciated by the participants, When confronted with this fact, she only said "I am really sorry." When elegant papers on Hinduism are presented, Christians in Hindu garb never fail to draw , an iron curtain over them.

Misguided Sri Vaishnavas helped Father FX Clooney

The Vatican sees India as the last bastion of the sacred, and hence seeks to infuse that spirit into Christianity in the West. Harvard Professor FX Clooney says, he wants to infuse the inspiration that he has derived from Nammalvar"s "Thiruvaimozhi" into Christianity. Western values are driven by adventurism, pop music, evangelizations, sports, commerce, politics, technology and humanism; a fact which our policy makers should take note of.

Thomas Paine (1737- 1809) wrote:

"Everything in the Old Testament is perverted and distorted into meanings never intended by the writers. The practice which the writers of the books employ is not more false than it is absurd. They state some trifling case of the person they call Jesus Christ, and then cut out a sentence from some passage of the OT and call it a prophecy of that case. But when the words thus cut out are restored to the places they are taken from, and read with the words before and after them, they give the lie to the New Testament."

Robert L. Johnson wrote in "The Bible"s Ungodly Origins".

"Many rank and file Christians sincerely believe the Bible is a direct communication from God to man. I know I used to believe it was when I was a Christian. And from recent conversations with many sincere Christians I know this is currently true for many believers. Once it is proven to our God-given reason that the Bible is strictly a man-made collection of mythology the mind loses yet another shackle of "revelation" and is soon on its way to full freedom and progress.

The Bible was not handed to mankind by God, nor was it dictated to human stenographers by God. It has nothing to do with God. In actuality, the Bible was VOTED to be the word of God by a group of men during the 4th century. "

Thomas Paine (1737- 1809) in his work titled The Age of Reason noted that the very basis upon which Christianity was raised, on "flawed methodologies," For example the taking of alleged Old Testament prophecies and claiming that they referred to Christ who was born some 700 to 500 years after they had been uttered by the Hebrew prophets.

H.G. Wells

H.G Wells in the world famous, The Outline of History, Vol. I, pages 462-463, wrote: "It (the Council of Nicaea) marks the definite entry upon the stage of human affairs of the Christian Church and of Christianity as it is generally understood in the world to-day. It marks the exact definition of Christian teaching by the Nicene Creed." Constantine ordered and financed 50 parchment copies of the new "holy scriptures". It seems with the financial element added to the picture, the Church fathers were able to overcome their differences and finally agree which "holy" books would stay and which would go and following its true tradition the Indian Bible has been written with over one hundred quotations from Hindu scriptures incorporated.

Late major Vedantam, who pioneered the investigation of Christian misionaries in India over thirty years ago wrote:

"Theo centric and theocratic eclectics are dangerous as nuclear, chemical and other warheads. The concept of "My God is your God, but your God is No God" does not foster understanding, co-operation and goodwill." The concept should be changed to "Your God is my God and my God is your God" and accepted by all religions.

According to Professor John Crossan of Biblical Studies at DePaul University ,USA .

"The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (274-337 CE), who was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, needed a single canon to be agreed upon by the Christian leaders to help him unify the remains of the Roman Empire. Until this time the various Christian leaders could not decide which books would be considered "holy" and thus "the word of God" and which ones would be excluded and not considered the word of God.

"Emperor Constantine, who was Roman Emperor from 306 CE until his death in 337 CE, used what motivates many to action - MONEY! He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God. The Church leaders gathered together at the Council of Nicaea and voted the "word of God" into existence. (I wish to thank Brian Show for pointing out in his rebuttal to this article that the final version of the Christian Bible was not voted on at the Council of Nicaea, per se. The Church leaders didn"t finish editing the "holy" scriptures until the Council of Trent when the Catholic Church pronounced the Canon closed. However, it seems the real approving editor of the Bible was not God but Constantine! and the Holy Bible has been once again tampered with, in 2008 Edition - only this time with additions from Hindu Scriptures.

Why would Christian Church copy Hindu Scriptures?

The answer is here. "Such, indeed, is the exuberance and flexibility of this language (Sanskrit) and its power of compounding words, and when it has been, so to speak, baptized, and thoroughly, penetrated with the spirit of Christianity, it will probably be found, next to Hebrew and Greek, the most expressive vehicle of Christian Truth." - M. Monier - Williams (1861:54)

When we hear that at least a hundred quotation from Vedas, Yogasutra and Upanishads have been incorporated into the Indian Bible published in 2008. We are worried. We are also shocked when we hear the cross behind the Jesus has been removed about which a leading archeologist commented "this is tribanga pose of Sri Krishna and also resembles the Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in ecstacy". The pain and trauma in face of Jesus has been erased and to be replaced with the picture of Joy found in Krishna, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu or Nataraja.. The transformation is not yet complete, and the words "he is dancing with joy has been interpolated in the adjacent page" . Hindu musical instruments used in religious Bhajans like Tambura is on the right side , Tabla is on the left side and a violin is on the upper left, dangles in the air, and there are twinkling stars all around in the space. A pair of cymbals (jalra) is found at the Right foot of Jesus. He has been adorned with a long Yahnopavitham, which extends up to the left ankle, instead of the traditional one that stops at the waist. We Hindus are legitimately worried at the blatant plagiarism.

Kalakshetra controversy

Whenever we hear the name "Golden Temple", we tend to think of the beautiful Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar. There is another Golden Temple in South India - the great Nataraja temple at Chidambaram in Tamilnadu that is associated with the cosmic dance of Nataraja. These are sacred cultural and religious symbols of Bharat and of great importance and immense sacrifices have been made by both Sikhs and Hindus respectively to save and protect their holy symbols and sacred places. Kalakshetra Foundation, Chennai, an Institution established for promoting Hindu Dance forms, is used for inculturation by its Jew-Christian Director. She has removed the Nataraja and Ganesh statues from its premises, which is certainly a matter of concern for Hindus (Hindu Voice, Sept. 2007).

The classic Bharat Natyam cannot be serrated from Hinduism by Vatican ideologues in India, as they have found it a useful tool of evangelizations.

"(Christian) inculturation is cultural plagiarism (and) cultural vandalism, with the idea of ultimate conquest says " Swami Devananda .He says "We must be beware of Christians with their flattery and money, taking over our sacred art forms such as Bharathanatyam, even as they did to those of ancient Greece and Rome, and calling them their own". Drawing from his four decades of dealing with Christian Missionaries, he gave this ominous warning to Hindus  This was articulated b"Christianity is a parasitical religion, which attaches itself to a host culture and feeds off it, absorbing its spirit and lifeblood into itself until the host culture dies and become Christian."y Art of Living fame Sri Sri Ravishankarji "How can you separate Bharata Natyam & Hinduism?" and again echoed by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswathy, "Dance is Sacred, You cannot think of Dance without Nataraja", and now Hindus have the double duty to defend their fellow religious people and also their texts from poachers. (Hindu Voice, Sept. 2007).


"To understand the Hindu Concept of Cosmic Nataraja we have to understand the Hindu Concept of dance itself. When it comes to natya the greatest inimitable exponent, Balasaraswathy had stated that Bharat Natyam is nothing but "Natya yoga". Bharat Natya originated with Tapas and Nataraja himself is the supreme teacher of Natya and codified by Bharatha Muni in his Natya Sastra. Bharat Natya is the Supreme cultural Symbol of Perfection in dance form. When the most revered cultural symbol of Sikhs was threatened as happened some months ago when the blue attire of their most revered Guru Govind Singh was copied by Dera Sacha Sauda founder Baba Ram Rahim, the entire sikh community of Punjab and Haryana were outraged . They came to streets, and the two states came to a stand still. it was a war like situation. This incident was an eye-opener, as to what the consequences will be if religious sacred religious symbols and traditions of one section of the population are misappropriated illegitimately.

In the absence of any law whatsoever in India to protect the original indigenous Cultures, heritage and knowledge- the entire gamut of Hindu is under threat of unholy poachers. Its heritage and dominant concepts and Ideas, Icons, Scriptural lore and Philosophical heritage. It is well known that Basmati, Neem, Turmeric, Yoga and Bharat Natyam have has now become endangered, and now it is the very Vedas, Yoga Sutras, having been plagiarized and hence the crying need to enact strict legislations.

Food Items like Basmati, Neem and Turmeric have since been protected after stiff legal battles in international courts. Now it is the turn for the other rich symbols of Hindus, Buddhist, Sikh and Jaina literature in books, sacred objects, icons, temples, sacred forests, mountains, caves, rivers, religious spaces like bathing ghats, sacred trees , groves, passages, ashrams, mutts, properties, lands endowed to them, unique customs, leadership , sampradhayam, follower ship, rituals, practices, worship methods, mantras, tantras, yantras, associated with these traditions, padarthas, aushadas, pathways, places, religious, cultural icons, art, architecture, music, dance, folk art, instruments, dress, jewellery, festivals, methods, stories and organizations, sanctity, even food and gastronomic effects, need urgent documentation and immediate protection from our authorities. Acts like intellectual property rights must me enacted, and copy right provisions must be extended for Cultural objects and the religious space of Hindus must be protected as holy sanctuaries, but before that Hindus have to be sensitized for the great work that lies before them.



<img src='http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/517/missinindia.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Propaganda against Hindus
Podcast in iTunes openly condemning Hindus and Indians
Next installment of how Bharatam becomes Rome Reprised:

1. Christoterrorist appeals to "Religious Freedom" (liberty of conscience and tolerance) and cries of "Persecution" - where has the heathen heard that before?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Christian Emperors enact incremental persecution of non-Christian Romans</b>
From Forgery in Christianity, by Joseph Wheless:
    <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>When the Christians were weak and powerless and subjected to occasional persecutions as "enemies of the human race," (the Pagan Romans had very descriptive terms for the zombies of the christian meme) they were vocal and insistent advocates of liberty of conscience and freedom to worship whatever God one chose;</b> the Christian "Apologies" to the Emperors abound in <b>eloquent pleas for religious tolerance;</b> and this was granted to them and to all by the Edict of Milan and other imperial Decrees. <b>But when by the favor of Constantine they got into the saddle of the State, they at once grasped the sword and began to murder and despoil all who would not</b> pretend to believe as the Catholic priest commanded them to believe. <b>When today the Church screams "Persecution!" and "Bigotry!" at every criticism and every attempt to restrict it in some of its presumptuous usurpations, let it recall a few of the laws of intolerance, plunder and death which it procured and enforced from the moment it got the prostituted power, so long as that power lasted.</b> Beginning with Constantine, and under succeeding "Christian" emperors, there is a series of scores of laws which the Christians procured to be enacted for the suppression and persecution to death of Pagans, heretics and Jews. These laws and edicts are to be found in the Codes of Theodosius and of Justinian, the two famous codifleations of Roman Law.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
2. Christo emperors one after another enacted anti-pagan and pro-christian laws (which worked in tandem: stealing the *rights* from one to prop up the other) to destroy the GrecoRoman Natural Tradition. Bold bits remind the Hindoos of anything?

<b>Laws of Constantine</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->    * "The Church is the heir of those who leave no kindred; and <b>free gifts</b> to it are confirmed";
      "Those who have purchased property belonging to the Church or received it as a gift, are to restore it." (Eusebius, Vita Constantine, N&PNF. Bk. II, chs. xxiv-xliii.)
    * <b>"Granting Money to the Churches."</b> (Ib. Bk, x, ch. vi.)
(For example, like in christoruled AP where Hindu Temple money is to pay for christian churches and christian purposes.)
    * "Catholic Clergy exempt from Certain Civic Duties." (Code Theod. xvi, 2, 1; 313.)
    * "The Catholic Church freed from Tribute." (Id. xi, 1, 1; 815.) "Clergymen freed from Financial Burdens." (Id. xvi, 2, 2; 319.) "The Church allowed to Receive Bequests." (Id. xvi, 2, 4; 321.)
    * "Bishop's Powers as Judges and Witnesses": "Whatever may be settled by a sentence of bishops shall ever be held as sacred and venerable ... All testimony given, even by a single bishop, shall be accepted without hesitation, by every judge, neither shall the testimony of any other witness be heard, when the testimony of a bishop is brought forward by either party"! (Const. Sirm. i; 333.)
    * "The Day of the Sun a Time of Rest." "All judges, and city folk and all craftsmen shall rest on the venerated day of the Sun." (Cod. Just. iii, 12, 2; 321.)
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"Edict to the People of the Provinces Concerning the Error of Polytheism." (Ib. [Eusebius, Vita Constantine, N&PNF. Bk. II] chs. xlviii-xlix.)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Well, in our case, we have the 'secular' christogovt declaring Rama a myth and pushing MF Hussein's crapola around while simultaneously taking a stern view on christian junk that displeases christians like Da Vinci Code.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->  <b> Laws of Constantius [II] and Constans</b>

        * "Sacrifice Prohibited.": "Let superstition cease and the folly of sacrifices be abolished. Whoever has dared in the face of the law of the divine prince, our father [Constantine] ... to make sacrifices, shall have appropriate penalty, and immediate sentence dealt to him." (Cod. Theod. xvi, 10, 2; 341.)
        * "All Temples Closed and Sacrifices Forbidden." "but if any one commit any offense of this sort, let him fall by the avenging sword," and his property forfeited; judges neglecting to "mete out penalties for these offenses, they shall be similarly punished." (Cod. Theod. xvi, 10, 4; 846.) "Sacrificing and Idolatry Punishable by Death." "We order that all found guilty of attending sacrifices or of worshipping idols shall suffer capital punishment." (Id. xvi, 10, 6; 356.)

    <b>Laws of Gratian and Theodosius</b>

        * "Wills of Apostate Christians to be Set Aside": "The right of making a will shall be taken from Christians who become pagans; and if such persons make wills, they shall be set aside without regard to circumstances." (Cod. Theod. xvi, 7, 1; 381: cf. Cod. Justin. i, 7, 2; 382.)
        * "The Right to Bequeath or Inherit Property Denied Apostates": "We deny to Christians and the faithful who have adopted pagan rites and religion all power of making a will in favor of any person whatsoever, in order that they may be without the Roman law [outlaws]; ... even of enjoying a will with the power of acquiring an inheritance." (Cod. Theod. xvi, 7, 2; 383.)
          "The Right of Making a Will Denied Christians Who enter Temples." ( Id. xvi, 7, 3; 383.)
(Isn't christianism benign to its apostates?)

    <b>Laws of Theodosius and Valentinian</b>

        * "Testamentary Disqualification for Christian Apostates," and Outlawry as Witnesses. -- "Those who betray the sacred faith and profane holy baptism are shut off from association of all and from giving testimony. ... They may not exercise the right of making a will, nor enter upon any inheritance; they may not be made anyone's heir." (Id. xvi, 7, 4; 391.)
        * "Sacrificing and Visiting Shrines Prohibited." (Id. xvi, 10, 10; 391.)
          "Sacrifices Forbidden and Temples Closed." (Id. xvi, 10, 11; 391.)
        * "PAGANISM OUTLAWED." -- "IF any one dares [to sacrifice, etc.], let any man be free to accuse him and let him receive, as one guilty of lese majeste, ... for it is sufficiently a crime." (Id. xvi, 10. 12; 392.)

    <b>Laws of Honorius and Arcadius</b>

        * <b>"Pagan Holidays Abolished."</b> (Cod. Theod. ii, 8, 22; 895.)
(Like how many Hindu holidays have been completely removed from the official national calendar and in place the alien terrorist 'christmas' and 'easter' nonsense, as well as islamic nonsense are made compulsory.)

          <b>"Privileges of Pagan Priests Abolished."</b> (Id. xvi, 10, 14; 396.)
(Like in Chidambaram Kovil where the christoDMK govt has sidelined its traditional temple priests, the Dikshitars.)

          <b>"Rural Temples to be Destroyed." (Id. xvi. 10, 16; 399.)</b>
(Like "Ramarsethu to be destroyed." Chidambaram Kovil. Shabarimalai. Like various temples attacked by christos and christoDMK.)

          <b>"Temples to be Appropriated by the Churches.</b>" (Id. xvi, 5, 43; 408.)
(Like christogovt such as in AP has put christos in charge at several Hindu Temples. Like christo orgs have been assigned the 'catering' contracts for prasadam at major Hindu temples - poison anyone?
Like christogovt controlled anti-Hindu HRCE dept has been assigned to take over Hindu temples.)

          "Temples to be Appropriated by the Churches. Temple Buildings and their Revenues to be Confiscated <b>and idols and Shrines to be Destroyed.</b>" (Id. xvi, 5, 43; xvi, 10, 19; 407.)
(Hey! The Greeks and Romans suffered that as well. Like us Hindus.
The christogovt-appointed anti-Hindu HRCE that is running Hindu Temples divert money to christoism and churches and islam.
And AP govt diverts Hindu temple money meant for Hindu temples and the <i>Hindu</i> practice of Hindu mass marriages to churches and christian mass marriages and christoislamic trips to the Middle East.
Meanwhile lay christians are destroying our Vigrahas, moorthies, statues and our temples, so that bit of the ChristoRoman Law is unofficially covered in Bharatam too.)

        * "Only Catholics to Serve as Palace Guards." (Cod. Theod. xvi. 5, 42; 408.)
(At present there are special privileges and funds for christians in christian colleges that are funded by *Hindu* tax money like st stephen. And much Hindu tax money is being diverted to educating the undeserving terrorist 'minorities' of christoislamaniacs. The christogovt is also seeking to bring in quotas into the Indian armed forces and police and into private enterprise to make it compulsory for these to take on christoislamiterrorists.)

        * "Laws Against the Pagans to be Enforced": "The Donatists and other vain heretics and those others who cannot be converted to the worship of the Catholic communion, Jews and Gentiles who are vulgarly known as pagans; ... Let all judges understand, and not fail to carry out all decrees against such persons." (Id. xvi,. 5, 46; 409.)
        * "Pagans Barred from Civil and Military Offices." (Id. xvi, 10, 21; 416.)
        * "Existing Laws against Pagans to be Enforced." (Id. xvi, 10, 22; 423.)
        * "Pagans Who Sacrifice Shall Lose their Property and be Exiled"' (Id. xvi, 10, 23; 423.)
        * "Pagan Superstition to be Rooted Out": "We are extirpating all heresies and all falsehoods, all schisms and all superstitions of the pagans and all errors that are inimicable to the Catholic religion. ... And since all attempt at supplication is denied forever, they will be punished with the severity befitting crimes." (Id. xvi, 5, 63; 423.)
        <b>* "Pagans Barred from Pleading a Case</b> or Serving as Soldiers": "... and every sect unfriendly with the Catholics should be driven out of every city in order that they may not be sullied by the contagious presence of criminals. We deny to Jews or pagans the right of pleading a case in court or of serving as soldiers." (Const. Sirm. No. 6; 425.)
(Hindus not barred yet, but strategically prevented yes: ChidambaraNatha Kovil case swept under the carpet by 'well-timed' christoDMK lawyer goons in TN supporting christoLTTE.)

    <b>Later laws against paganism</b>

        * "Pagan Rites Forbidden and Bequests for Pagan Cults Prohibited." (Cod. Just. i, 11, 9; 472.)
        * "Baptized Persons who follow Pagan Practices to Suffer Death. Provisions for the Conversion of the Unbaptized. Pagans Forbidden to Give Instruction." (Cod. Just. 1, 11, 10; no date given.)
(Hindus who don't convert are tormented at jobs presided over by christoterrorists. E.g http://conversionagenda.blogspot.com/2009/...elling-its.html
"Trans World Radio-India compelling its employees to convert")

        * "Pagans Barred from Office and their Real Property Confiscated." "The Emperors Justin and Justinian. ... It is our intention to restore the existing laws which affect the rest of the heretics of whatever name they are, (and we label as heretic whoever is not a member of the Catholic Church and of our orthodox and holy faith); likewise the pagans who attempt to introduce the worship of many gods, and the Jews and the Samaritans. ... We forbid any of the above-mentioned persons to aspire to any dignity or to acquire civil or military office or to attain to any rank." (Id. i, 5, 12; 527.)

    Thus was Pagan Superstition proscribed and destroyed by Christian law and sword; and the identical Pagan Superstitions under the veneer of the name of Christian established and enthroned. The subject is thoroughly examined by Prof. Maude A. Huttmann, in The Establishment of Christianity Through the Proscription of Paganism; (Columbia University Press, 1914).

    -- Forgery in Christianity, by Joseph Wheless<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christianism is very easy to recognise.
It's not secularism ruling Bharatam. All that is anti-Hindu, all that even vaguely favours christoislamism - e.g. pro-evangelising laws, to 'secular' government's take over of temples - all of it is *christianism*.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Compare the above to Rome's last pagan Emperor, Julian, who reigned after Constantius II from 361 CE:
    <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->There was a striking contrast between the reign of [Christian Emperor] Constantius and that of his pagan successor. <b>Julian decreed universal tolerance.</b> No Christian was visited with punishment on account of his religion. <b>The only means he employed to combat the growing superstition was to write against it, and throughout his short but beneficent reign he afforded convincing proof of the superiority of his Paganism to the Christianity of his predecessors.</b> His temper and his philosophy were so humane that he pardoned <b>a band of Christian soldiers who conspired to assassinate him</b>, and he forgave the people of Antioch for an insult such as the pious Theodosius avenged at Thessalonica by a wholesale massacre.
    -- Crimes of Christianity, by G W Foote and J M Wheeler<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Link

After the assassination of Julian, his Christian successors eventually repealed all of Julian's edicts and continued to persecute the pagans, as seen above.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

I think the bit on the christian Theodosius "wholesale massacre" at Thessalonica refers to:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Who did the persecuting?</b>
When the Empire was still mostly pagan:

    <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In A.D. 380 the Emperor Theodosius destroyed the temples of the Goddesses and closed down the temple, known as the seventh wonder of the world, the temple of the Goddess in Ephesus. This Christian emperor followed that by a massacre of 7000 people in Thessalonica.
    -- William Edelen<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<b>There is nothing "Secular" about the "Right to Convert"</b>
Posted June 3, 2005
From: Laura Kelly (laurakelly@rediffmail.com)
Date: 12 May 2005 10:09:04 -0000
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In a lecture delivered in the late 1880s Sir Richard Temple a (governor of three provinces) said: “India is like a mighty bastion, which is being battered by heavy artillery. We have given it blow after blow and effect is not remarkable: but at last with a crash the heathen religions of India will come toppling down, and it is our hope that some day the heathen religions of India will in like manner succumb”. Richard temple, Oriental experience, essays and addresses delivered on various occasions, John Murray, London 1883, pp. 155, 165 and 142. 23. This is the great ambition of missionaries, then and now. However, the Great Britain crumbled before the half naked fakir, and before the dream of Richard temple could be realized.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->But, but, but... weren't the christobritish secular? Why yes, yes they were. As secular as the christoemperors of Rome and the tyrannical illegal christogovt in Bharatam today.
Cretinism has no tradition (no religioculture), no originality. But people knew that already.

Latest example case and why it is important:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Imitating 'Ramayana Maasam' - Kerala Christians starts 'Bible Maasam'</b>
18/07/2009 16:10:25 

Taking a leaf out of the Ramayana


KOTTAYAM: Adapting the custom followed by their Hindu brethren of Ramayana reading during this month of devotion and 'a return to nature', members of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church started the first day of the Malayalam month of Karkkidakam with a similar exercise, reading from the Holy Bible.

The denomination as a whole resolved to observe Bible Maasam from Friday, with readings starting with the Book of Genesis.

The Martha Mariam Samajam, the organisation of women among the laity in the Orthodox church, has been observing this tradition for the last two years in all seriousness. Their example has presumably activated the community as a whole to go in for a collective drive from this year.

The month of the Bible will be carried forward till August 14 in such a way that 720 hours are set apart for the reading of the Holy Scriptures.

The idea behind the move is to make members of the church more familiar with the Bible, and allow them to perfect themselves on a spiritual level.

Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Didymos I initiated the Bible Maasam observance by going through the first chapter of the Book of Genesis.

Community members will continue the readings in their respective homes and parishes through the month. From this year the month of Karkkidakam will acquire an additional name.

It will be known as both a Ramayana Maasam and a Bible Maasam.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Ramayana Month and inculturation trend</b>
19/07/2009 13:14:33  GSK Menon

The Ramayana Month observance is the latest addition to the list of imitations (inculturation) by the Church. Has the Malayalam month of Karkkidam any significance in the Bible ? At least if December was fixed as the month for this imitation it is understandable ! December 25th has been declared as the day of Christ's birth, though it was actually a Roman festival day. It was usurped and imitated as the birthday of the so called Christ. Nobody even knows if such a man existed. His execution date is also not known., if ever there was such an event.
So what is the purpose of reading Bible in imitation of Ramayana ? All those geographical places in the desert have no relevance for us.

I saw the TV news in Asianet, a Hindu lamp has been lit and some converts were reading from the Bible. What is the meaning of such imitations ? Of course one evil idea is to facilitate conversions. Hindus should constantly remind the converts that all such gimmicks are disapproved of by the Biblical gods. The beginning sentence of the Bible is sufficient to enlighten any person that the Bible does not allow any Heathen practices. Terrible punishments are promised for the violators. What purpose do these meaningless imitations serve ?
I wonder how many Hindus know that this is EXACTLY what the christoterrorists did in Rome? To take over popular GrecoRoman sacred days and do some meaningless christoterrorist thing in imitation? <b>And that the christoterrorists are doing this stealing for the same purposes?</b> (See further below.)

They are <i>not</i> doing it at random. They are considering and treating the conversion of heathen Bharatam exactly as Rome and attempting all the same methods on it: anti-pagan laws, stealing ('inculturation') of our festivals, our literature, our sacred traditions. (India has certain points of similarity with Rome, the population size and spiritual unification not being the least important factor - 300 million people in the Roman empire at the time that concerns us, all practising localised and national-level Hellenistic traditions).

Hindus ignore this christian shadowing of Hindu traditions at their peril. Nationalists who see the 'indigenisation of the church' as a good thing - such as by interpreting it as a sign of 'nationalism in christians, at last' - are <i>dangerous</i> in their naivete.

Why do Hindus refuse to learn from history? I don't know if this is because of a disinterest in others' history or because of a general apathy or of fear to discover that christianism is the scariest threat.

Read the christo reasoning:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Pre-Christian festivals, holy days and terms for God</b>

    This <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>replacement phenomenon, where a heathen festival is replaced by one with Christian names is seen in a number of pagan or heathen festivals.</span> In line with the Mother goddess and Heavenly Virgin theology, the Festival of Diana was ousted by the Festival of the Assumption of the Virgin in August. Like changes were the pagan Parilia in April, which was replaced by the feast of St George. The midsummer water festival in June, was replaced by the festival of St John the Baptist. Each has connection with the typology it replaced. The Feast of All Souls in November is the ancient heathen Feast of the Dead. The Nativity of Christ replaced that of the Sun. The Festival of Easter is simply the feast of the Phrygian god Attis at the vernal equinox. It should also be remembered that the Phrygians were the source of the Mithras system and the Mystery cults generally...

Link<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->More at link

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->For years the Christian church tried <b>to suppress the festival of Lupercalia</b>. Interestingly, the Church did not object to the festival for its love celebrations but <b>for the pagan beliefs that rejected the Christian god</b>. In 496 C.E., Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia from the 15th to the 14th and renamed it after the legendary St. Valentine in an attempt to stop the pagan celebration. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
http://freetruth.50webs.org/B1b.htm#PreC...nFestivals again
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Now the Easter rites still observed in Greece, Sicily and Southern Italy bear in some respects a striking resemblance to the rites of Adonis and I have suggested that <b>the Church may have consciously adapted the new festival to its heathen predecessor for the sake of winning souls to Christ.</b>
-- Sir James Frazer, The Golden Bough<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->4th century Bishop [and Saint] John Chrysostom writes:
    "On this day also the Birthday of Christ was <b><i>lately</i></b> fixed at Rome in order that while the heathen were busy with their profane ceremonies, the Christians might perform their sacred rites undisturbed. They call this the Birthday of the Invincible One; but who is so invincible as the Lord? They call it the Birthday of the Solar Disk, but Christ is the Sun of Righteousness."
(One can hear the jealousy in Bishop Santa John's whining/excuses for why they stole the day and the purpose of the celebration - that is, *divine birthday* celebration)

Link <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->    The gospels say nothing as to the day of Christ’s birth and the early Church did not celebrate it.
    The custom of celebrating Christ’s birth began in Egypt, being derived from the Mother goddess cult there, and the Christians there celebrated it on 6 January. By the fourth century it had become generally established in the East (Frazer, v, p. 304). The western church had never recognised 6 January as the true date and, in time, its decision was accepted by the eastern church. At Antioch this change was not introduced until about 375 CE (Frazer, ibid.).
    The origin of the practice is plainly recorded by the Syrian Christians as we see from Frazer quoting also Credner and Momsen and also Usener (v, pp. 304-305).

        <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The reason why the fathers transferred the celebration of the sixth of January to the twenty fifth of December was this. It was a custom of the heathen to celebrate</b> on the same twenty-fifth of December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and festivities the Christians also took part. <b>Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that</b> the true Nativity should be solemnized on that day and the festival of the Epiphany on the sixth of January. Accordingly, along with this custom, the practice has prevailed of kindling fires till the sixth.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Frazer says:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Thus it appears that the Christian Church chose to celebrate the birthday of its Founder on the twenty-fifth of December in order <b>to transfer the devotion of the heathen from the Sun</b> to him who was called the Sun of Righteousness (p. 305).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The GrecoRoman traditionalists were repeatedly stating - out of the same frustration that Hindus now feel - how the christians=terrorists were stealing their traditions: their sacred festivals, their sacred reasoning, the sacred lives of their Gods.

Like the christoterrorist santa John Chrysostom above was jealous of the wholesome beautiful GrecoRoman tradition, the christoterrorists in India naturally have a deep jealousy of Hindu Dharma. How can their ugly hateful religion even compare? Christian culture consists of only three things: lying/deception (jeebus itself being the first), theft (inculturation, landgrab) and genocide.

The christos and the church in India know well that the disgusting religion of terrorism (christianism) and the filth of the babble can't ever stand up to Hindus narrating the beautiful Ramayanam about the incomparable, noble Bhagavan Sri Rama and his family and friends.

The christo sort of 'storytelling' was limited to the medieval passion plays where they would rabidly go through the motions of the fiction of jeebus being crucified. They would repeatedly yell christian anti-semitic lies (including the same biblical lines as which Mel Gibson had to finally excise for the censors from his movie version of the fiction "the passion of the chwist" for the lines' eternal antisemitism). These lines were used by the christians and their churches in the medieval passion plays in the same way to how a friday mosque attendance instigates the islamaniacs against the kaffirs. They worked the christomobs into a frenzy and incensed and incited the christomaniacs against the Jews. As a consequence, it was frequently the case that after performing these 'plays', the christomobs would go and carry out pogroms.
Follow the before and after: the lie of jeebus -> genocide of Jews
= christian "culture".
Christianism reduced the originally happy heathen populations of Europe into the sort of zombies that would inflict the most brutally-motivated and brutal villainy against fellow man.
All owing to the jeebus lie.

And this. Exactly like in South Korea:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Picturesque town of Peermedu defaced by Crosses</b>
19/07/2009 13:09:37  GSK Menon

The beautiful picturesque town of Peermedu has been fully defaced by rows and rows of ugly crosses. Panchali Medu, the camping site of the Pandavas is now a grotesque graveyard of crosses. This is nothing but undeclared war and annexation of territories to make formidable blackmailing vote banks.

There is no environmental group to protest such ugly defacement of these beautiful hills. Our pseudo-secular cowards are keeping mum, why. Already Munnar has met with the same fate, at every turn of the road there is a makeshift church with a gigantic cross warning tourists that this is alien religion enclave.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Such christoterrorist acts against sacred Bharatam, where Hindu land is stolen from the Hindus, have already been taking place for some time -
<b>The Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan
Swami Devananda (Ishwar Sharan) interview of August 26, 2001 (revised January 26, 2003)</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->17. There seems to be a large element of <b>land-grab</b> in the actions of Christians in India. <b>They buy land, get it ceded by the authorities, and then grab the hillsides by painting crosses on rocks and. claiming the area as Christian.</b>

The Christian churches are the largest landowners in India after the government. Much of this land is alienated temple land that was given to them by the British in the 19th century. They also own large amounts of prize commercial property in the cities. This fact has become a scandal among many of the Christian faithful who do not feel that their churches should be real estate agents and owners.

However, this reservation is not true of the newer, smaller American churches like Pentecostals and Evangelicals who have mounted a caste war against the Hindus and seek to provoke the Hindu community at every opportunity. They simply grab land in the towns and districts by painting crosses and Christian slogans on stones and hillsides and then claiming the property as their own.

This activity is especially evident in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. In Arunachal Pradesh where proselytizing and conversion are illegal, Christians claim whole villages and put up signboards that say “Non-Christians Not Allowed” at their entrances. These Arunachal converts originate from Mother Teresa’s institutions in Assam where they are indoctrinated and baptized and then sent back to their villages to convert the elders.

In Tamil Nadu Christian slogans appear on Hindu pilgrim routes to Tirupati and on the route around Arunachala Hill at Tiruvannamalai that pilgrims circumambulate on full moon days. I am told that Christians plan to raise a cross on the hill’s summit when the opportunity arises. I am not at all surprised. The theoretical ground for this “good deed” has been laid years ago by Catholic theologians and missionaries like Fr. Raimundo Panikker and the Benedictine monk Abhishiktananda. They have already claimed the holy hill and all of India for Christ in their writings. I myself hope that the cross-raising comes soon. Perhaps then Hindu leaders and district officials will wake up to the threat that an aggressive, proselytizing Christianity poses to Hinduism’s most ancient sacred sites.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

And this is in fact related to the more extreme case in Rome (the later stages of christian conversion of heathen nation, the sort of intentions that "Fr. Raimundo Panikker and the Benedictine monk Abhishiktananda" refer to and which christianism is working on implementing in full force in Hindu Bharatam):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the 4th century when Christianity gained political clout in the Roman court, the Emperor’s mother Helena “divined” various sites in Palestine which, she claimed, were associated with the life and death of Jesus. These sites already had old Roman temples sitting on them. Nevertheless, in Bethlehem the Church of the Nativity was built on the ruins of a demolished Adonis temple and in Jerusalem the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built over a Venus temple that had been destroyed on Constantine’s personal order. See Joan Taylor’s book Christians and the Holy Places.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
via email

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->1. In a village with Hindu majority a few Christians claim that the road
opposite to Goddess temple as private and belonging to church. However the
Panchayat board which informs that the government had spent Rs 2,50,000 on the
road nails the Christian lie. However police sides with the Christians. Hindu
leaders negotiate for justice. Even Hindu women come out to the streets asking
for justice.


2. In part-II, Hindus braving police attacks successfully carry the Goddess on
their shoulders, chanting Her name. Police attacks Hindus with brutality. They
attack even women. They enter Hindu houses and drag old men and beat them. One
old lady dies.


Holy Inquisitions, Batman!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"At the time of Galileo the Church remained much more reasonable than Galileo himself. The process against Galileo was reasonable and just."    — Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope), 1990.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Ratty would have still been head of The renamed Inquisition at that point, am guessing.
The holy monopoly doesn't change. Neither does its position on heresy, blasphemy and heathens. No matter how it changes its tone - yelling Gott Will Es at its Absolutely Powered peak, or pleading softly while attempting to sneak back into Absolute Power.

Classic hysteria.
A memorably laughable christoterrorist assertion - an equality predicate that has backfired most magnificently (the lesson being that christians obviously shouldn't attempt logic):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is <i>as erroneous as</i> to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."    — Cardinal Bellarmine (1615, during the trial of Galileo).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Exactly. A straightforward admission!
Look at how forthright his eminence Bellarmine was, he spoke the truth <i>in spite of</i> his catholic self:
"since the earth <i>does</i> revolve around the sun, jesus was not born of a virgin."
So much for mary. Time to spread the news to all faithful Indian catholics that the virgin mary routine has been officially exposed as a myth. Comes straight from the cardinal.

Opportunistic church - anything to get back to power:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"When socialism comes into power, the Roman Church will advocate socialism with the same vigor [with which] it is now favoring feudalism and slavery."    — Ferdinand August Bebel (1840-1913).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Bebel's a "German socialist leader" (unions, I'm guessing).

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"There are three ways a man can be ruined: women, gambling, and farming. My father chose the most boring."    — Pope John XXIII (1881—1963).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->He's speaking of his mother.

And that was the christopope summarising the babblical intention and making a public service announcement:
To male cretins he has declared: don't get married ("ruination").
To female cretins: you spell the ruination of male cretins, so don't get married either.
To both kinds of cretins: don't have kids.

Yeah, cretins should listen to the (2nd) Pope John 23 (Angelo Roncalli). It's the *christian* thing to do.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"There are three ways a man can be ruined: women, gambling, and farming. My father chose the most boring."    — Pope John XXIII (1881—1963).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Farming? Farming? What's wrong with farming now <!--emo&:blink:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo-->

There you go catholic cretins: don't go into farming. Ruination, ruination, ruin!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'Dancing Jesus' in The New Indian Bible</b>

Dancing Jesus illustration in <b>The New Community Bible</b> published by The Bombay St. Paul's Society, 2008, and released by the Catholic Bishops Conference of India. <b>The "Indian Bible" as it is called, contains invented and interpolated phrases such as "he will <span style='color:red'>dance</span> with <span style='color:red'>songs</span> of joy for you" for Zephaniah 3:17, and</b> numerous quotations from the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas. The vedic and puranic slokas are <span style='color:red'>described as sourced from "Indian scriptures", not Hindu scriptures.</span>

The newfangled Bible has been strongly condemned by Hindus in India and abroad, and by many Christians in India who regard it as blasphemous. It is designed to subvert and subsume the Hindu scriptures to the Christian scriptures, and assist in the mission of "fulfilling" Hinduism in the saving truth of Jesus Christ.

The Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram Sri Jayendra Saraswati made special mention of the Indian Bible to the Vatican's representative Cardinal Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran at a private interfaith meeting in Mumbai on June 12, 2009. He demanded that the Indian Bible be withdrawn and that the Catholic Church cease and desist from further use and abuse of Hindu dress, scriptures, symbols, and rituals.

He also demanded that the Catholic Church give up its mission to convert Hindus to Christianity, and that a firm commitment to this end be given to Hindus by the Vatican even as a similar commitment to stop evangelizing Jews was given to the Chief Rabbi of Israel by Pope Benedict XVI in Jerusalem on May 12, 2009.

See also:
<b>Kanchi Acharya at interfaith dialogue with Vatican in Mumbai</b>

<b>Vatican surrenders right to convert Jews</b>

<b>"Atma Jyoti Ashram: Christian Priests Uncloaked"</b>

<b>Catholic Ashrams: Sannyasins or Swindlers? by Sita Ram Goel</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>"Walk the talk": Hindus tell Church of England</b>

Mon, Jul 27 02:55 PM

Nevada (US), July 27 (ANI): Hindus have blamed Church of England for double standards over the issue of environment.

Indian American community leader Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that <b>Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Douglas Williams should clarify where he and the Church stood on the issue of bauxite mining by a company in remote tribal area of Orissa (India) in which Church of England reportedly had a financial stake and which the environmentalists described as devastating to the area environment.</b>

Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, stressed that Church of England should practice what it preached. Its Environmental Policy stated: "The whole creation belongs to God. As human beings we are part of the whole and have a responsibility to love and care for what God has entrusted to us as temporary tenants of the planet. We are called to conserve its complex and fragile ecology, while recognising the need for responsible and sustainable development and the pursuit of social justice."

It has said, "We are not consumers of what God has made; we are in communion with it", and "...challenge itself and all members of the Church of England to make care for creation, and repentance for its exploitation, fundamental to their faith, practice, and mission..."

Rajan Zed pointed out that <b>Church of England was member of Church Investors Group (CIG), an ecumenical gathering of 37 investors connected with the Churches of Britain and Ireland launched in 1973, which encouraged members to "formulate policies relating to investment that are based on Christian ethical principles"</b> and which seeks to "reflect the moral stance and teachings of our faith in our investment portfolios".

Zed also asked the CIG to investigate whether Church of England's investment in this concerned multinational mining company (headquartered in London) met the "ethical principles and moral stance" set-up by CIG. The Church of England has reportedly about 4.1 million dollars stake in this mining company.

According to reports, area tribes view the mountain where mining is proposed as sacred and they have stressed that their traditional and sustainable lifestyle and culture would be disturbed by mining. Environmentalists have asked for a halt in this project arguing that the area is ecologically sensitive and mining would result in displacement, deforestation, affecting water sources, wildlife and ecosystems destruction, water pollution, complicity in human rights violations, etc. Area is said to be home of some endangered species. (ANI)
ANI <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Where are our screaming liberals, Angana!! Isn't orissa her pet state to preserve it for missionary depradations - guess she is doing her job....
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Jesus and Gayatri Mantra</b>
26/07/2009 15:21:50  HK

No other Video can best explain how the Missionary Inculturation works.Watch this and decide for yourself. The person who loaded this in Youtube says- Gayatri Mantra by Deva Premal ! As if it's conceived by this Dev Premal! Further it also warns Licensed courtesy of White Swan Records To purchase the song go to : http://www.WhiteSwanRecords.com/ !! From where or whom this so called Deva Premal took the patent and copyright for Gayatri Mantra? The uploader is not even aware about the difference between a Song and a Mantra.

In India Missionaries are indulged in abuses and desecraion of Hindu Gods, and Vedic way of life to lure more naive into their desert religion at the same time in west Christian Missionaries need Vedic Yoga and Gayatri Mantra to retain the Western crowd within their clutches.

HK <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Useful to read the comments as well (bottom ones are oldest, top ones are newest). Some very Interesting ones in there.

<b>Slideshow: Christian agenda to convert and cripple India</b>
08/07/2009 14:52:23 http://www.slideshare.net/corner.northeast...entation-626033
slideshow title: Death of Hinduism

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Slide 3:
<b>15,018 persons converted in single day in Ongole</b>
10,000 churches planned in 2005 alone, by just one group, the Seventh Day Adventists.

Slide 4:
Mass Conversions In 1998, the Seventh Adventist Church reported 225,000 members. In 2005, the numbers reached 825,000. “Most of the people in the villages are from a Hindu background, so it was gratifying to see so many people accepting Jesus,\" said Stenbakken (Seventh Day Adventist). This much conversion by just one organization. There are several other organizations working in parallel. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya

Slide 6:
<b>Mass Conversions Christian Population of India: 10%</b>
Many do not reveal the true situation fearing loss of reservation status
Churches do not want to raise alarm bells Christian population of Andhra: 6.96%
<b>Data from 2001 per Joshua Missionary - current population could be up to 17% At this rate, Andhra Pradesh could become Christian in a decade or less
Tamil Nadu could be up to 28%</b>

9 Andhra: TIRUPATI Attempt to take over 5 out of 7 Sacred Temple Hills for Churches, Casinos & Tourism Andhra Government, under Christian CM (YSR), attempted to take over 5 out of 7 hills for tourism. (Even 800 years muslim rules and 200 years British rule did not touch this sacred place). 3000 acres of temple land for distribution in the name of social justice for more votes in Andhra Pradesh. Timely intervention by Hindu saints stopped this attempt. Tirupati Declaration is available on the Internet.

10 Andhra –
Looting of TTD & other State Temple Properties

<b>March 2006, demolished the 1000 Pillar Mandapam.</b>

Jan 2005,YSR  Announced sponsorship of  Hockey Tournament with TTD money on his parents’ names.

Charge that <b>85% of TTD revenues was transferred to state exchequer</b> was not denied by the State Government

<b>JRG Wealth Mgmt,  a Christian Org. contracted to procure Prasadam for TTD </b>

<b>ALL OVER ANDHRA, THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF TEMPLE LANDS ARE SOLD OUT. This will completely cripple the temples economically.</b>
('Secular' miracle, records the christo archive.)

11 Andhra - Treatment of Minority Institutions Allocation of Rs. 6.5 crores to mosques for repairs & renovations Allocation of Rs. 1.5 crores for construction of each new church. Rs. 80,000 for each church’s repairs & renovations It is not publicly disclosed how many churches have benefited and ultimately no public way of knowing how many crores were set aside for this purpose. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya

12 YSR Reddy’s Son Blows up Hindu Temple in Andhra
Y. Samuel R. Reddy’s Son Blows up Hindu Temple in Anantapur - Andhra Jyothi, (Telugu Newspaper)
<b>Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, son of Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy once again publicly affirmed his family's intolerance towards the Hindu religion by blowing up the Sunkulamma Temple in Obullapuram Village in Anantapur District.</b> Jagan and his friend Janardhan Reddy used powerful bombs and grounded <b>the Temple which is highly revered by the locals</b>. Though some Congressmen claimed that Jagan did that as part of his illegal iron mining business, questions are being raised about whether he would have blown up a church under similar circumstances. Copy for General Distribution

“In a period of 5 years, 50,000 (25%) temples closed for want of funds. Priests do not want to train their children anymore.” -- Report by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Contrast this with just one Seventh Day Adventist Group’s plan to build 10,000 churches in India in just one year (2005)
(Again, christoarchive records a 'secular' miracle)

Slide 23:
Convert popular people in society.
<b>Telegu actors Jayaprada and Jaya Sudha are converted. Many others are being targeted and converted"</b>

<b>24 Strategies Buy out the Politicians</b>
<b>Apparently many politicians or their spouses are converted using very large sums of money.</b> Specifics are hard to get because they do not change their name or way of dress. One thing for sure, the silence of many politicians cannot be other than that bought with money. (There are hearsays but cannot be confirmed is that l<b>eading people or their spouses in BJP, TDP, DMK, Congress are converted)</b>.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(E.g. Mrs Arjun Singh is christian according to the Rajeev2004 blog.)

How very Rome.

Actually, just see at link. 105 slides.

Christianism moves faster and with greater success than islamism.
<img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/indiaforum/Evangelical.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 9:46 PM
I got this as a forward from someone in Chennai. The situation is worrisome with aggressive behaviour and downright coercion. What are these American Pastors doing in India?


I will tell you the intolerance being spread here in South is growing. Christians are being asked to openly insult Hindus and force their relatives to accept Jesus. There used to be slogans and extracts from Bible on Cars and vehicles so far. But recently they are all turning into instructions : Like " Belive in Jesus and get Saved Otherwise... ". In another case I saw the bible being called Veda and Bible classes as Veda Patashala. I am attaching a photo I took while driving. By the way I am carrying a camera with me these days.

However the most dramatic and chilling experience was last week in Chennai. I intercepted an Autorickshaw guy. He had a Map of India very clearly and cleanly cut in white leatherlike material. In it there was an inscription in Tamil : "THIS NATION BELONGS TO JESUS". I cornered this guy with my car. I got down and asked him what is the meaning of it. He started shivering and then feigned ignorance. He said the auto belongs to his owner and that he himself is a Hindu. He had repeatedly asked the Christian owner to remove it. I threatened him with dire consequences and then reported to the local police station before I went to office.
But what I found was chilling he told me that owner's Pastor wanted him to put this on the AUTO and that pastor is an AMERICAN white guy.

CHaps this is getting out of hand and the designs are all there for us to see.

We need to find a way out. I am working on it. I am working with youngsters. THis nation is at risk.
Husky,Jun 18 2009, 09:57 PM Wrote: 
  18 Jun 2009
Elst is wrong.
NEVER a dialogue with christianism. Death first.
pt the other's terms, a "Fight you for it".

It's like the americanism "over my dead body".
Elst was acused on spreading hate against muslims and cristians.He response was a apeal to dialogue and democratic petition-like requests.
In a way this is true.Communism didnt fall as much from weapon offensive as from mind ofensive.
because this ideologies are viruses of the mind there is first a battle of minds and in the second place a battle of weapons .How to convince cristo-muslims that their ideology is immoral and wrong?
Weapons must be used for containing immoral ideologies just like communism was contained by americans.
Elst also have wright for putting more on criticism of islam.Cristianity suffered criticism from 500 years and their immoral behaviour is well known.But islam suffered barely 30 years of criticism and its immoral deeds are less known.

Dialogue doesnt mean searching for a fake peace but exposing their immoralites in their face .If they want dialogue(if...) then they have to deal whit that first.
^ K.Ram's #623 important. (2-up)


Such a dialogue as they offer is always on *their* terms. On matters *they* wish discussed. They will use double-speak, e.g.:
- they will talk of 'religious freedom' as a fundamental right. What they mean is the right to mow us over, the right of christianism to stake heathens with its cross.
- they will talk of 'Hindu fundamentalists'. What they mean is Hindus who resist christian terrorism.
- They will lecture how we must "share" the "Indian" culture since it is "Indian". What they mean is "how will you stop us from stealing your HINDU religious and religio-cultural elements from right under your nose?"
- They will lecture us about how *christians* are being victimised for their faith. What they mean is to taunt us with "How are you going to prove that we are killing you and destroying your religion?"
- They will lecture how we - the Hindus- must not persecute <i>them</i>. What they mean is that heathens may not justly respond to their eternal terrorism against and murder of our kind, that secular Hindus must condemn and contain those of our own kind who are bereaved of family and rights by christian terrorism from redressing wrongs which neither the government nor media will render justice on. The christian government instead tries to invite over the christist USCIRF ready to judge the victimised Hindus as the offenders and offers money and rehabilitation to the christian instigators in Orissa, while the christian media ignores the Hindu victims and the christian instigation, painting the christians as the innocent persecuted martyrs of Hindu "fascists" in all this.

It is a loaded, leading dialogue.

We've heard all these claims before. The traditional GrecoRomans suffered the same and complained of it (but they didn't know that later christians would make up further lies about them, and invent further persecution sobstories). And we are experiencing first-hand the truth of traditional GrecoRomans' experience which christian 'history' tried to cover up and more secular (more honest) history-writing has substantiated. Similarly, Jews were libelled with the most ridiculous accusations (murdering the non-existent jeebus, the "protocols of zion" fiction, eating christian babies, plotting against christians) when in reality they were the victims of christian pogroms.

1. Do you truly think that christianism via church + faithful believes in a fundamental equality between heathens and christians to allow us to speak on an equal footing? No, it does *not*. They are convinced theirs is the true religion. It is a monologue. One that, as I said, is full of leading statements and questions.

For goodness sake, your background is Orthodox christianism. Do you really think any overtures that the catholic church makes for dialogue with the Orthodox church would be done to pursue a path of equality and acceptance, or would it be to implement their own superiority (or for other hidden motives). They will dialogue only when in a position of weakness and to secure a position of greater strength, or to distract their opponents and the onlooking "objective" ignorant world from what they are doing.

They only hold this sort of farcical session because it *is* a farce - meant for PR, for the world, the "at least we tried to dialogue with the stubborn heathens, look how wonderful we are for giving them a sporting chance". Behind the scenes they murder and torture our Hindus including Swamis.
One does not dialogue with murderers. Why should we dialogue with genocidal manias? Who cares if the dissembling christian terrorists play the role of the 'civilised, reasonable' side to the outside world. We know better what they truly are.

<b>Their mock-parley is for the christoarchive</b>, which will record that "in Anno Domini 2009, the christians engaged in an interfaith dialogue with the Hindus who refused to see reason and rejected their valid points." The christo-archive will not record how the christians have murdered and murdered and murdered the Hindus and our religioculture, while simultaneously stealing from it (inculturation). That is the story not a single historian will recount, but the future Hellenes may perhaps look on us with a kind, understanding and insightful eye and perceive the true history that befell us.

2. Do you think christians will dialogue when they make us a minority? Did they dialogue with the GrecoRomans?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From Forgery in Christianity, by Joseph Wheless:
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
When the Christians were weak and powerless and subjected to occasional persecutions as "enemies of the human race," (the Pagan Romans had very descriptive terms for the zombies of the christian meme) they were vocal and insistent advocates of liberty of conscience and freedom to worship whatever God one chose; the Christian "Apologies" to the Emperors abound in eloquent pleas for religious tolerance; and this was granted to them and to all by the Edict of Milan and other imperial Decrees. But when by the favor of Constantine they got into the saddle of the State, they at once grasped the sword and began to murder and despoil all who would not pretend to believe as the Catholic priest commanded them to believe. When today the Church screams "Persecution!" and "Bigotry!" at every criticism and every attempt to restrict it in some of its presumptuous usurpations, let it recall a few of the laws of intolerance, plunder and death which it procured and enforced from the moment it got the prostituted power, so long as that power lasted. Beginning with Constantine, and under succeeding "Christian" emperors, there is a series of scores of laws which the Christians procured to be enacted for the suppression and persecution to death of Pagans, heretics and Jews. These laws and edicts are to be found in the Codes of Theodosius and of Justinian, the two famous codifleations of Roman Law.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

3. I regard all mental contact with them and their false words ('dialogue') as mental pollution.
- I don't want monopolytheistic dialogue from western anthropologists.
- I don't want the west to tell me what Hindu Dharma is via their self-appointed experts on "Hinduism" like Doniger.
- And as a Hindu I certainly don't want christians 'talking' to Hindus as part of the christian sham - with, behind their grin, a most murderous intent.

Hindus have dialogued enough with them (see Sita Ram Goel's "History of Hindu-Christian encounters" http://bharatvani.org/books/hhce/ ).

I would never dialogue with terrorists who kill my family and vandalise my home and foulmouth those things that I cherish (my Gods). And Swami Lakshmanananda, the Orissans, the Nagas of the NE, etcetera, *are* my family. Throw in the Native Americans, Julian and all likeminded GrecoRomans, and the rest, who are also by extension grouped in "family" as per the original sense in which sentiments like "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" were meant: those who are normal and peaceful and live in harmony with us are to be treated in a harmonious manner, accepted and respected for being part of the extended human<i>e</i> family.
But <i>never</i> intolerant terrorists. Christianism has betrayed everyone with its falseness, it has destroyed every traditional community it came into contact with. Now why hold conversation with a mass-murderer of other people? There is no dialoguing with a serial killer who has also promised repeatedly that Hindus are its next intended victim.
Atma Jyoti Ashram: Christian Priests Uncloaked!
<img src='http://hamsa.org/pix/atma-jyoti-ashram700.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://hamsa.org/pix/atma-jyoti-head.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://hamsa.org/pix/atma-jyoti-group.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Atma Jyoti Ashram community of Christian priests and brothers. The community has adopted a Hindu identity and the brothers have donned ochre cloth and assumed Smarta Dasanami names. Abbot George Burke, the large man in the photo, is now called Swami Nirmalananda Giri. The Atma Jyoti website promotes the Jesus in India fable and articles by the brothers appear in the Sri Ramanasramam journal Mountain Path under their Hindu noms de guerre.

In Catholic Ashrams: Sannyasins or Swindlers, Sita Ram Goel describes the Christian missionary strategists' plan to infiltrate Hindu society and gain the confidence of the people:
^ Link for the above: http://hamsa.org/ashram.htm

Romani (#624):

1. Here, this is all the topic for dialogue christianism can expect from the Hindus:
<b>Plea for Rejecting Jesus as junk</b>

Good article for all Hindus to read.

2. For the answers to the rest of the trick questions of christianism's "interfaith dialogue", here is - again - the ever brilliant FAQ of the highly intellectual Hellene(s) who composed it at ysee.gr, who have turned every christian boobytrap question into a counter-ambush (while no doubt simultaneously de-christoconditioning their readership with their meaningful answers):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tuesday, August 04, 2009
<b>wsj on devaluing hindu ideas and expropriating them</b>
aug 4th, 2009

the mcdonaldization of hinduism continues. and notice this girl cannot say "i am hindu". no, she was "raised hindu".
http://bit.ly/z8TzU<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->No kidding:

(My copious comments are marked in purple for the convenience of entirely-overlooking)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Americans' New Idol?</b>

On a recent Thursday night, two friends and I crossed our legs and sat on colorful blankets in a Brooklyn yoga studio before a woman named Ambika. "Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram," the 10 of us repeated after her.
[Anjali Athavaley.]

Anjali Athavaley

We were there for a night of <b>Indian devotional chanting</b> complete with drums and a harmonium. But rather than an Indian tabla, there was something more akin Native American drum. <b>An idol of Ganesh, the Hindu elephant god, adorned the altar next to a statue of another revered figure—President Obama.</b>
(Interesting context: this alienated individual regards the reverence for Ganesha as being in the same sphere as the sort of respect Obama has. Of course Angela wouldn't have drawn a similar parallel if it were a crucifix that had Obama's photo placed next to it.
Plus 'God' in singular, yet still lowercased.)

There was another significant difference between this recent spiritual session and those of my childhood: I chose to be there.

Kirtan, like other Indian spiritual activities such as yoga and meditation, is becoming increasingly popular in the U.S., with musicians releasing CDs of Indian chants and a growing number of yoga studios offering it with a Westernized twist. Another studio in New York, for instance, advertised its version as one where "rock, pop and jazz meet chanting." <b>According to the web site bollywood.com, Hindu scholar Rajan Zed has called for kirtan to be included as a Grammy awards category.</b>  <!--emo&:blink:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
(Who IS this person? "Hindu Statesman". "Hindu Scholar". A professional comedian too by any chance?)

    <b>“Kirtan at my yoga studio felt laid-back and recreational in part because I was choosing to go as opposed to being forced into it.” </b>

But just as they celebrate this growing interest, notably from the American mainstream, Indians overseas also feel conflicted over it. Going to bhangra night at a New York bar or watching a Bollywood routine on the popular show "So You Think You Can Dance" makes us proud. Yet sometimes Hinduism shows up in odd forms: my sister recently heard from a friend about a Houston bar that features a statue of Ganesh, for example. It posed an interesting question, she said. Why was this considered trendy when it wouldn't exactly be considered hip to do the same with deities from other religions?

In my case, though, this new genre of "Hindu hip" represents the opportunity to rediscover some of the traditions I avoided as a child because they didn't seem so cool at the time. When I was a kid, <b>my parents used to drag me to a temple in Houston every Sunday to sit Indian-style for a 30-minute chanting session followed by a youth class about Hinduism. I would beg them not to make me go because it was boring and made my knees hurt. My dad's upper lip would curl with anger at my protests, and we would eventually pile into the car only to show up late and have 100 people glare at us. It was an unfortunate routine.</b>
(Sounds like some christian Sunday school. No Hindu ever does this in Bharatam. Parents or grandparents or other relatives - whoever is going - merely ask if you want to come along with them to the Temple. They'll go With Or Without You.
But the complaint by Angela - who is now an ancient but whining eternal-teenager - is the usual sort of psy-ops: "My Hindu parents made me do boring-because-Hindu things. But now that the same things are made 'secular', they are not irksome anymore. It's a jeebus miracle!"
And like Mira Nanda, this Angela similarly sacrifices her dad as the intolerant Hindoo fanatic since he <i>allegedly</i> wanted her to do <i>Hindu</i> things, versus Angela now choosing to do secularised things that merely "come from Hindu tradition" - see below. Except I find Angela an unreliable character witness, and her Hindu dad is conveniently not here to defend himself against her unlikely allegations.)

When I heard about this kirtan not too far from my apartment, I figured I could finally handle sitting still for more than 30 minutes—at least I thought. And I figured that while I don't consider myself a particularly spiritual person, I would get the same satisfaction out of it that I do out of yoga: a relaxing end to a hectic day.

<b>I was raised Hindu, but the Prema Yoga in Brooklyn, where I went, welcomes all;</b> donations, anything at all, are the only price of admission. My roommate and I put in $10. I appeared to be the only <b>South Asian </b>in the room. Kirtan singer Krishna Das, among the most popular artists, says kirtan is not about religion, <span style='color:red'>even though the chants come from Hindu tradition. "It's just about doing it, and experiencing," his web site says. "Nothing to join, you just sit down and sing."</span>
(That's what christists always say initially about Hindu matter: "although they are Hindu in origin, these 'Indian' things have now been incorporated into christianism." And next time they stop mentioning the "origins in Hindu Dharma" altogether.)

<b>I felt awkward opening my mouth to sing,</b>
(Does she ever <i>not</i> feel awkward? She seems entirely awkward. She is herself to blame for "choosing to go", for choosing to put herself in a position that her alienated self can't feel comfortable with. What a pitiably weak character she has. Or to put it more bluntly: what a Loser.)
but others in the class belted out the words in American accents and swayed to the music without hesitation. It was refreshing. <b>And frankly, I found it more appealing to listen to someone who sounded a bit like Sarah McLachlan as opposed to the stern-looking priest I remember at my temple.</b>
(Note how at *every* single statement she actively disparages Hindus and Hindu Dharma while "universalising"/secularising Hindu Dharma for appropriation. Is this christoterrorist-conditioning a general trend among kids born and raised in the US by Hindu parents?
Do any Hindus' children turn out okay when born outside India, I've always wondered.... But maybe that's an illegal question.
In any case, Angela's memory is probably topsy-turvy: who's to say, the priest at the temple need not have been stern-looking at all. Isn't it more likely that the whiny Angela, due to a permanently frosted frown on her forehead at the time, just inverted everything she saw back then - as if harbouring a shard of the Snow Queen's mirror - just like she is throughtout this article selectively inverting all the Hindu aspects of her current experiences doing Hindu Kirtanas?)

A co-worker asked me later, though, if it felt as authentic as chanting in temple. Indeed, as Eastern traditions such as yoga and kirtan take off in the West, some critics point out that spiritual concepts have become overly trendy and simplified.

<b>Maybe—at least for those of us born outside India—that's welcome.</b> When I went to temple as a kid, <b>the chanting and singing seemed more formal and religious.</b>
(Duh. It *is* religious. Kirtanas are Hindu and hence "seem" Hindu. She must be an specially 'challenged' sort of girl.)

<b>On the other hand, kirtan at my yoga studio felt laid-back and recreational in part because I was choosing to go as opposed to being forced into it.

This was ironic given that I was repeating the names of the same Hindu deities I learned about as a kid during religious instruction. Indeed, the words weren't entirely free of <i>connotations</i> even for my co-worker and roommate</b>, who came with me to the kirtan and are not Hindu or Indian. They told me later that while most of the chants didn't mean anything to them, they both instinctively refrained from singing "Hare Krishna," which they thought was affiliated with the movement in India.
(Translation: "the Kirtanas give a good feeling, but if only it wasn't so loathsome to have to repeat the names of <i>Hindu</i> deities". <- And note use of the word <i>deities</i>.
That is, she is YET AGAIN saying she found the invariably Hindu experience worthwhile *in spite* of it being Hindu.)

Maybe not everyone was supposed to take the same thing away from kirtan. <b>While some came for the spiritual experience, perhaps many kirtan-goers, like me, just wanted a break from the real world.</b>
(She is dropping a hint for inculturation: "perhaps the people who came didn't want the Hindu Dharma in the Kirtanas, maybe they just wanted the *form* of the Kirtanas.")

After an hour and half of chants, I found myself wishing for a moment that I could stay in the warmly lit yoga studio for a bit longer instead of going back to my apartment, where unpaid bills and dirty laundry awaited me. And that night, I slept better than I usually do.
(Kirtanas marketed as "a break from the real world". Like Yoga is marketed as exercise. What next: christian kirtanas where they repeat jeeeeeeebussss over and over again? Yeah, heard that before: "Deus Volt!" "Bei Gott!" "Eternally daaaamned!" And other expressions of jeebus terror.)

My roommate is already planning on going back because she says kirtan cleared her head. I, on the other hand, am contemplating just sticking to yoga. It seems, unfortunately, that while I am now older, wiser and eager to learn about my own culture, I haven't yet learned the art of sitting still.

Write to Anjali Athavaley at anjali.athavaley@wsj.com <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I take it back, should never have assumed she was a Hindu just because she makes reference to being "raised as a Hindu". She's just a crypto christian writing for the anti-Hindu WSJ which is trying to signal a new inculturating trend. At the very least, she is just the WSJ's good little native/sepoy.

And bet all this started when Hindus invited western people to their Kirtana gatherings and to their Temples in America, and invited them over for Yoga lessons/made Yoga into a commercial venture, etcetera.
When will (NRI/ex-NRI) Hindus learn?
En 't antwoord luidt: <i>nooit</i>.

And then western christians - and of course, the ever-appropriating Indian cryptos (who have no culture to speak of) - start setting up shop offering the hideous christianism specifically repackaged in a Hindu bottle (since Hindu Dharma is attractive) in order to dupe the more sincere people who attend.

<b>Atma Jyoti Ashram: Sannyasins or Swindlers?</b>
15/06/2009 11:20:50
By Swami Devananda Saraswati
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sita Ram Goel wrote this in 1988, and he would not be surprised to learn that <b>Christian priests and monks in America have adopted the very same tactics to attract a whole generation of American youth interested in Hindu spirituality, back to Christianity.</b> The leader in this movement today is Abbot George Burke of Atma Jyoti Ashram in Cedar Crest, New Mexico. He is better known on the Internet as Swami Nirmalananda Giri.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Angela declared:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In my case, though, this new genre of "Hindu hip" represents the opportunity to rediscover some of the traditions I avoided as a child because they didn't seem so cool at the time.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Ugh. There should be a tax on tackyness. It would make such characters as Angela destitute.

Hindu Dharma has nothing to do with hipness/hippyness or coolness.
It is timeless in its appeal, since Truth is timeless in its appeal. The genuine people it attracts for its own sake know the great worth of what they have in good fortune discovered.
All the Hindus with taste and sense live with their minds fixed in the universe of Hindu Dharma's outlook and are ever inalienable from understanding it. The rest swing whichever way the wind blows anyway.
Rajan Zed is a good guy. He works with a Jewish Rabbi in Reno, Nevada. I especially liked the way he asked the Pope to speak out against the untouchables of Christian Europe, the Roma "Gypsies". He is trying to counter the Pope's propaganda campaign against Hinduism. He is also the first Hindu chaplain to open the U.S. House of Representatives. (Some Xtian nuts shouted him down)

Let me tell you what is going on. In many parts of the West now, it's "uncool" to be "Religious" because they think all Religions are like Abrahamic religions. She has been conditioned to be scared of calling herself a Hindu. (Look at the Racist venomous hatred that pours out of the Western media against Hinduism).
But the fact of the matter is that Vedic techniques do work, whether it's Yoga or Kirtan. They ideas were conceived over thousands of years specifically to calm the mind. Note how even a Non-Hindu acknowledges how Kirtan stabilizes the Mind. Hinduism's and Vedic technology's primarily goal was this. This Contrasts sharply with the rantings of Islamic and Christian preachers who use anger to destabilize the mind. In summary the key difference between Hinduism and Abrahamic religions can be seen. One disturbs the mind, the other stabilizes it.

As an optimist, I also think that Hindu concepts are accepted only very slowly now because rightly or wrongly, Hinduism is associated with the poverty of India. Now, as India Industrializes, the wealth and power of India will automatically be associated as a strength of Hinduism (hence the growing popularity of Hinduism).
A Big reason why the next 20-30 years are critical in putting as many obstructions as possible to Christian Missionary activity.

<!--QuoteBegin-agnivayu+Aug 5 2009, 01:46 PM-->QUOTE(agnivayu @ Aug 5 2009, 01:46 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Let me tell you what is going on.  In many parts of the West now, it's "uncool" to be "Religious" because they think all Religions are like Abrahamic religions.  She has been conditioned to be scared of calling herself a Hindu. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

thanks for explaining

A Big reason why the next 20-30 years are critical in putting as many obstructions as possible to Christian Missionary activity.
Every Indian should know this

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