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The Real Indian IQ
[quote name='Swamy G' date='18 April 2010 - 04:25 AM' timestamp='1271544458' post='105958']

It is bimodal, Koreans and Chinese and Japanese score higher than whites whereas the rest, Thai, Viet, Pinoy etc score at hispanic levels

Why is that the case?


seems that iq drop in too hot or too cold climate.It drop step by step.Viet 95,thai 90,papua 85.
That doesn't explain why Mongols or Inuits don't score that high on IQ tests, they live in an even harsher climate than Japanese.

Also what about groups that lived in the desert for thousands of years, that's also a harsh environment just like cold.
[quote name='Swamy G' date='18 April 2010 - 04:25 AM' timestamp='1271544458' post='105958']

It is bimodal, Koreans and Chinese and Japanese score higher than whites whereas the rest, Thai, Viet, Pinoy etc score at hispanic levels

Why is that the case?


I have a theory, that being in an ancient civilization, itself forces selection for higher IQ

over a period of several thousand years

The southeast asians have no inherent civilization, and adopted wholesale Indian civilization
[quote name='Bharatvarsh2' date='18 April 2010 - 04:55 AM' timestamp='1271546235' post='105960']

That doesn't explain why Mongols or Inuits don't score that high on IQ tests, they live in an even harsher climate than Japanese.

Also what about groups that lived in the desert for thousands of years, that's also a harsh environment just like cold.


I fully agree,

desert arabs live in hostile environment and yet have low IQ

There are many modes of how higher IQ developed and simply using climate is stupid

I can make a case that any caste with a high g loaded occupation was selectively forced upward in IQ

This includes for example vishwakarma castes

Even leather workers and weavers needed a skill that is g related

There is a book called 'Farewell to Alms'

They have documented in western Europe, until 1900, there was no charity to the poor

The poor died out and each generation the middle class slipped into the ranks of the working class

and the working class slowly went extinct

Meaning each generation the lower IQ segment was ruthlessly pruned
Australian aborigines have IQ of 60, and their brain is wired differently, they have less brain volume

and the brain is wired more for vision than cognition

and Australian aborigines live in deserts

Tasmanian aborigines killed off by Religion of Love, lived in Tasmania

which is very cold and they even forgot how to make fire
[quote name='Bharatvarsh2' date='18 April 2010 - 04:55 AM' timestamp='1271546235' post='105960']

That doesn't explain why Mongols or Inuits don't score that high on IQ tests, they live in an even harsher climate than Japanese.

Also what about groups that lived in the desert for thousands of years, that's also a harsh environment just like cold.


Its no mistery.Not only the climate matter but the density of population also .The iq related mutations are very few in low density population like Siberia.The invention of farming led to a iq boom.

The desert isn't as harsh as cold environment ,it doesnt necessitate good housing and good tools .Beside, the majority of desert people of today didn't originate in deserts.

Europeans make a good eugenics practice by refusing alms to low iq people.A more humane practice is require today ,like lets say ,the castration of low iq whites.In some generations,the iq of whites will reach an average iq of 140 by eugenics.This will lead to huge prosperity and annihilation of crimes(most of crimes are made by high selfesteem-low iq people that cant handle a modern job and action more under the primary instincts).
[quote name='HareKrishna' date='18 April 2010 - 04:09 PM' timestamp='1271586683' post='105968']

Its no mistery.Not only the climate matter but the density of population also .The iq related mutations are very few in low density population like Siberia.The invention of farming led to a iq boom.

The desert isn't as harsh as cold environment ,it doesnt necessitate good housing and good tools .Beside, the majority of desert people of today didn't originate in deserts.

Europeans make a good eugenics practice by refusing alms to low iq people.A more humane practice is require today ,like lets say ,the castration of low iq whites.In some generations,the iq of whites will reach an average iq of 140 by eugenics.This will lead to huge prosperity and annihilation of crimes(most of crimes are made by high selfesteem-low iq people that cant handle a modern job and action more under the primary instincts).


Due to regression to mean, it is unlikely any eugenics program can get higher average IQ than 120

Sorry , IQ of whites is decreasing

The white unwed mother rate is 33% and most of them are fathered by low IQ , high testosterone high school jocks
2010, 10 Finalists of National Geographic Bee, 5 Indians

Final televised tomorrow at 6PM
A total of 13,104 candidates on Wednesday cleared the prestigious IIT-Joint Entrance Examination 2010 with Anumula Jithendar Reddy from Madras zone topping the test.

This year, 2357 OBC candidates cleared the test, while 1773 SCs, 517 STs and 174 physically challenged got through the test.

FC = 13104 - 1773 - 517 - 2357 - 174 = 8283

If you assume FC = 20%, OBC = 40%, SC = 15%, ST = 10%, you can work out the IQs
Hindu spelling whizzes
[quote name='ramana' date='09 June 2010 - 10:31 AM' timestamp='1276059231' post='106806']

Hindu spelling whizzes


Well written article. Proves what many of us have been saying for a long time that the Western Colonial propaganda machine engineered a fake image of Hindus.
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='27 May 2010 - 01:06 AM' timestamp='1274918286' post='106592']

FC = 13104 - 1773 - 517 - 2357 - 174 = 8283

If you assume FC = 20%, OBC = 40%, SC = 15%, ST = 10%, you can work out the IQs


Whats FC ?
[quote name='BlessedAgni' date='16 June 2010 - 02:47 PM' timestamp='1276679368' post='106984']

Whats FC ?


Forward Class
The 2010 spelling bee winner and the 2009 spelling bee winner are both non-brahmins of the mid-peasant caste

Which means that the high-IQ segment of the Indian population extends down to the level of the mid-peasants

I also expect to find a lot of artisan castes show up among the high IQ segment
Estimating Indian immigrant 2nd gen IQ from med school data

For whites, IQ = 100, SD = 15

1 in 200 gets into Med school

IQ to get into med school = 138

Assume same IQ bar for Indian students

1 in 23 gets into Med school

IQ is 12 points more than white = 100 + 12 = 112

For chinese , 1 in 60 gets into med school

IQ is 6 points more than white = 106

All these are 2nd generation, regression to mean


Amazingly the med school data, matches, the Princeton Reverse Digit Span IQ test for Immigrant children
moved to another thread
moved to another thread

Second generation Indian-Americans born in the United States have demonstrated a strong

commitment to pursuing higher education. 88% of the U.S. born Indian-Americans between the

ages of eighteen and twenty-four have at least a high school diploma. 65% have received a

college education.


The second generation with regression to mean has college rate of 65%

No other second generation diaspora matches this

The jews are at around 60%

The real IQ is seen after regression to mean

This sort of means, NRI Hindu average IQ is slightly above jewish average IQ
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='21 July 2010 - 05:24 AM' timestamp='1279669588' post='107549']


Second generation Indian-Americans born in the United States have demonstrated a strong

commitment to pursuing higher education. 88% of the U.S. born Indian-Americans between the

ages of eighteen and twenty-four have at least a high school diploma. 65% have received a

college education.


The second generation with regression to mean has college rate of 65%

No other second generation diaspora matches this

The jews are at around 60%

The real IQ is seen after regression to mean

This sort of means, NRI Hindu average IQ is slightly above jewish average IQ


The fact that it's second generation is significant, as the argument that it's filtered by selective immigration doesn't hold true. The main point is that it shatters the White caste system that intelligence correlates directly with skin color.

The Gene Illusion, by Jay Joseph. Jay criticizes the psychometric & IQ tests.

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