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Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 6

[url="http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010/06/17/story_17-6-2010_pg7_14"]1. Actual defence expenditures to be Rs675bn[/url]

Quote:* Adviser says debt servicing 28% of budget, defence spending 22%

* Expert says any party would have made similar budget

ISLAMABAD : Saqib Shirani, principal economic adviser to Ministry of Finance, told parliamentarians on Wednesday that defence expenditures for the forthcoming fiscal year 2010-11 would actually stand at [color="#FF0000"]Rs 675 billion.[/color]

[url="http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=245413"]2. Arsenic in Wasa water supply confirmed[/url]

Quote:LAHORE : [color="#FF0000"]Out of 392, as many as 253 tube wells - almost 89.71 per cent[/color] - of the Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa) are pumping out arsenic-contaminated water, posing serious health hazards to Lahorites who are unaware of the slow poison they are consuming daily, says a recent report by the Punjab Environmental Protection Department (EPD).

Sources in the EPD said that according to samples taken by the field staff, water of 253 tube wells, out of 392, was found to be contaminated with arsenic. They said the PU’s Chemistry Department also seconded the EPD’s report through Atomic Absorption Tests. The EPD would submit a complete report on the matter to the Punjab chief minister in a few days, they added.

Termed a slow poison, arsenic is present in rocks, soil, air, plants and animals and its long-term use might cause different forms of cancer. The element can not be easily detected during ingestion as it is tasteless, odorless and colorless.

Arsenic in drinking water is absorbed by the body and distributed by bloodstream. It does not enter the body through skin or by inhalation during bathing.

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]
Double Post - Deleted
[quote name='Mudy' date='17 June 2010 - 01:23 AM' timestamp='1276717529' post='107007']

[url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100616/ap_on_re_as/as_pakistan_new_militants"]Pakistani militancy spreads to country's heartland[/url]


Mudy Ji :

I feel that it would be good for India to have Pakistan become fully Talibanized.

Once that happens the US will "finally" end its being enamoured by the Pakistan Army and, just as in the case of Iran being taken ovr by the Ayatolahs, withdraw its "Financial and Military" surpport of Pakistan.

SG, MMS, WKK and their Ilk will finally move away from the Idea of providing Millions upon Millions of Confidence Building Measures to the Terroristanis as also stop Issuing India Visit Visas to Hunreds of Thousands of the Terrorists Ilk Annually!

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[url="http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010/06/19/story_19-6-2010_pg1_7"]Thirsty Pakistan gasps for water solutions[/url]

* US under secretary for global affairs says Islamabad will feed 23-29m fewer people by 2050 if it continues to rely on inefficient system of irrigation

KARACHI: Pakistan is facing a severe water shortage that if managed poorly can mean the country will run out of water in several decades, experts say, leading to mass starvation and possibly war.

The reliance on a single river basin, one of the most inefficient agricultural systems in the world, climate change and a lack of a coherent water policy means that as the country’s population expands, its ability to feed it is shrinking.

“Pakistan faces a raging water crisis,” said Michael Kugelman, programme associate for South and Southeast Asia Programme at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars in Washington.

“It has some of the lowest per capita water availability in Asia, and in the world as a whole,” he said. The vast majority – between 90 and 95 percent – of the country’s water is used for agriculture, US Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Maria Otero said. The average use in developing countries is between 70 and 75 percent.

The remaining trickle is used for drinking water and sanitation for the country’s 180 million people.

Kugelman said at least 55 million Pakistanis lack access to clean water and 30,000 die each year just in Karachi from unsafe water.

“Of the available water today, 40 percent of it gets used,” Otero said. [color="#FF0000"]“The rest is wasted through seepage and other means,”[/color] she added. A recent report in the journal Science by Walter W Immerzeel of Utrecht University in the Netherlands said the Indus could lose large amounts of its flow because of climate change.

Consequences: If the current rate of climate change continues and Pakistan continues to rely on the inefficient flood system of irrigation, by 2050, it would be able to feed between 23-29 million fewer people than it can today [color="#FF0000"]with approximately double its current population.[/color]

Otero said Pakistan and the US are also exploring ways to improve the storage of water and Pakistan must look at ways to charge more for water as a way of encouraging conservation.

Such measures would likely be unpopular in the desperately poor nation. Measures to reduce subsidies on electricity, as mandated by the International Monetary Fund, amid chronic power shortages have battered the civilian government.

Pakistan needs to [color="#FF0000"]either pass land reforms or a series of laws to govern proper water allocation,[/color] Kugelman said. reuters

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[url="http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.item&news_id=624290"]Defusing the Bomb: Overcoming Pakistan's Population Challenge [/url]

According to the UN’s latest mid-range demographic projections for Pakistan, the country’s population—currently about 185 million—will rise to 335 million by 2050. This explosive increase, however, represents the best-case scenario: [color="#FF0000"]Should fertility rates remain constant, the UN estimates this figure could approach 460 million.[/color] Such soaring population growth, coupled with youthful demographics, a dismal education system, high unemployment, and a troubled economy, pose great risks for Pakistan. Predictably, many observers depict Pakistan’s population situation as a ticking time bomb.

At the same time, some demographers contend that the country’s population profile can potentially bring great benefits to the country. If young Pakistanis can be properly educated and successfully absorbed into the labor force, such experts explain, then the country could experience a “demographic dividend” that boosts social well-being and sparks economic growth. On June 9, the Wilson Center’s Asia Program, Environmental Change and Security Program, and Comparative Urban Studies Project, along with the Karachi-based Fellowship Fund for Pakistan, hosted a day-long conference to examine both the challenges and opportunities of Pakistan’s demographics, and to discuss how best to tackle the former and maximize the latter.

In her opening address, Zeba A. Sathar of the Population Council declared that Pakistan is “at a crossroads.” Demography will play a key role in determining the country’s future trajectory, she said, yet there is presently little discussion about demographics in Pakistan. Sathar’s presentation traced Pakistan’s recent demographic trends. Despite its high population growth, Pakistan’s fertility rates have actually been in decline since the early 1990s—a fact that Sathar attributed to progressively higher ages at marriage (for both men and women), but also to the “reality” of abortion. However, Pakistan’s pace of fertility decline has slowed in the last few years—a consequence, Sathar argued, of Islamabad’s failure to promote social development (particularly education) and of the international donor community’s prioritizing of HIV/AIDS funding over that of family planning since 2000. Sathar concluded that achieving Pakistan’s “demographic dreams” will require more educational and employment opportunities (particularly for women) and better access to family planning in rural areas.

In the following panel, Wilson Center Senior Scholar Shahid Javed Burki noted the long-standing failure of demographers and economists in Pakistan to work together on the country’s population issues. This failure, Burki asserted, has resulted in poor choices and bad policy. He also criticized officials and scholars for being reactive in their population proposals, rather than proactive. Burki emphasized that good policy choices can produce favorable results. If, for instance, the population policies launched in Pakistan’s early decades had been sustained to the present, the country today would have 30 million fewer people. Similarly, had Pakistan followed the Bangladeshi approach and concentrated on the economic empowerment of women, today there would be more than 40 million fewer Pakistanis. Good policies matter, Burki repeatedly asserted, and Pakistan’s large and growing population, if dealt with wisely, can be an asset rather than a burden.

Like Burki, Yasmeen Sabeeh Qazi of the Packard Foundation pointed to Bangladesh as a relative success story. She highlighted Bangladesh’s reproductive health services system, which has served to increase the health of Bangladeshis and reduce their poverty. Indonesia and Iran, whose fertility rates are one-half Pakistan’s, provide other examples in the Muslim world where official policy has made a significant difference. Qazi’s presentation emphasized the linkages between family planning, reproductive health, and development. Noting that one-third of pregnancies in Pakistan are unplanned, she underscored the correlation between smaller family size and higher gross national income. She urged the government to fashion a population policy that expands access to reproductive health services, strengthens the health system generally, promotes education (especially for girls), and creates more jobs.

Moeed Yusuf of the U.S. Institute of Peace examined the prospects for radicalization of Pakistan’s youth. Pakistan’s stratified education system, Yusuf cautioned, is not training productive, employable members of society. Only graduates of elite private schools or of foreign schools are prepared for the economy of the 21st century. Meanwhile, the economy is not producing the quality jobs the young expect, leading to an “expectation-reality disconnect” that fosters not only un- or underemployment, but also anger and alienation. Moreover, the state, by deliberately cultivating the ultra-right elements in Pakistani society who most want to radicalize the country’s youth, is part of the problem. Still, Yusuf added, echoing the hopefulness of other speakers, it is not too late. These disturbing trends can be reversed, with help from outside friends like the United States, which, Yusuf counseled, should focus on assisting Pakistan’s education system, support rural private schools, and allow more Pakistani students to study in the United States.

Saba Gul Khattak focused her luncheon address on the work of the Pakistan government’s Planning Commission, of which she is a member. In recent years, Pakistan’s population programs have been devolved from the federal to the provincial and sub-provincial levels. This decentralization, she averred, has opened the way for a genuine reform agenda. But it has also contributed to a situation where no one at the federal level feels any “ownership” over the country’s population programs. Implementation has always been the most vulnerable point in the policy process—and the lack of “ownership” only accentuates this problem today. Khattak emphasized the linkages between population, health, education, and development. Today, she asserted, children are seen by their parents as a source of old age security. Only when the government fills this void through the establishment of an effective social security structure will Pakistan be able to reduce its fertility rates. Development must accompany a truly effective population program.

In the afternoon panel, Sohail Agha of Population Services International discussed the role of the private sector in family planning in Pakistan. He argued that this sector has made a “substantial contribution” to Pakistan’s increased use of condoms: In 2006-07, a period when condom use spiked by nearly 8 percent, about 80 percent of this increase was covered by contraceptives provided by the private sector. Additionally, he noted that a 2009 survey found that urban Pakistanis exposed to social marketing campaigns about condom utilization increased their use of the contraceptive by 10 percent. Furthermore, he described private-sector-led health financing plans for women’s fertilization—a method of contraception that, like condoms, has increased over the last 30 years in Pakistan.

Shazia Khawar of the British Council discussed the “Next Generation” report, a 2009 Council study about Pakistan’s youth. The report, based on a survey of 1,500 young people across both rural and urban Pakistan, concludes that young Pakistanis are deeply disillusioned about their country and its institutions, with three-quarters of those surveyed saying they regard themselves as “primarily” Muslims, not Pakistanis. The report’s “critical point,” said Khawar, is that Pakistani youth participation in policy development is nonexistent. To this end, the British Council has spearheaded several initiatives to engage the country’s youth in Pakistani politics and to spark dialogue between young Pakistanis and policymakers. Khawar concluded, however, that success is possible only if Pakistan’s top political leaders “pledge themselves to this agenda.”

Mehtab S. Karim of the Pew Research Center offered a comparative perspective, discussing demographics in the broader Muslim world, with particular emphasis on Bangladesh and Iran. Why, he asked, has Pakistan experienced less fertility decline than most of its fellow Muslim-majority nations? He suggested that the answer lies in the failure of Pakistan’s political and religious leaders to make early and sustained commitments to family planning. In Bangladesh, he explained, the country’s very first government made lower population growth rates a “prime goal.” And in Iran, spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa in support of contraceptive use soon after the Islamic Revolution. Yet in Pakistan, according to Karim, religious figures have consistently opposed Islamabad’s family planning efforts, and the government has proven unwilling or unable to combat this resistance.

Scott Radloff of USAID discussed his agency’s family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) projects in Pakistan. FP/RH aid to Pakistan was largely cut off during much of the 1990s due to the Pressler Amendment—a 1985 modification to the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act that banned most U.S. military and economic assistance to Pakistan unless the U.S. president certified that Pakistan had no nuclear weapons. President George W. Bush waived this prohibition in 2001, and since then USAID FP/RH assistance has risen to nearly $45 million. Current interventions focus on strengthening services within Pakistan’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Population Welfare; improving contraceptive supplies and logistics; expanding community-based services; and increasing awareness and commitment, including among religious leaders.

Participants concurred that Pakistan’s demographic situation is fraught with risk. Yet they also highlighted a series of hopeful signs. Yusuf noted the absence of an “imminent” danger of youth radicalization; Khawar pointed to the testimonies of “many young leaders determined to do their part” that flow from the “Next Generation” report; and both Karim and Qazi cited Bangladesh and Iran as proof that successful family planning programs are possible even in countries marked by deep poverty or conservative Islam. The presenters were also in accord about the necessary policies moving forward: more extensive family planning and reproductive health services, better education, and more job opportunities (particularly for women). At the same time, speakers repeatedly underscored the profound challenges facing the implementation of such policies. Still, for all the talk about major obstacles and challenges, there was recognition that more modest and simple steps can be taken as well—such as promoting more discussion about demographics within Pakistan, and especially among experts from different disciplines.

By Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway

Robert M. Hathaway, Asia Program

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Pakistan lost another Match with India. <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />

[quote name='Mudy' date='20 June 2010 - 07:38 AM' timestamp='1276999247' post='107083']

Pakistan lost another Match with India. <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />


Mudy Ji :

So What?

Pakistan Cricket Team has already lost Eight ODI matches in a Row!

This is the Ninth!!

They did not do India any Favour - it has become a Habit!!!

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010/06/20/story_20-6-2010_pg3_1"]Rule of the kleptocracy[/url]

The Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan is looking into the loan write-offs scam conducted through the nexus of powerful elements in the ruling elite and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) during successive governments that involved billions of rupees of public money. The SC had first taken suo motu notice of this issue in 2007 when a news report claimed that, from 2002 to 2007, the military government had written off Rs53.499 billion of bank loans. In the past hearings of this case, the SC had expanded the scope of inquiry to include all the loans written off since 1971. The total figure of [color="#FF0000"]Rs 256.665 billion[/color] for this period submitted in February by the SBP is too ambiguous to explain the nature of the write offs, whether they were genuine or vested interest-driven. Moreover, the list of loans did not does not cover the entire spectrum of lending institutions in the public and private sector, suggesting that the actual figure may be far bigger than this.

To remove the ambiguity, the SC has now asked for the province-wise details of the loan write-offs, their terms and collaterals pledged, etc. It has also enunciated that in case of non-payment of loans by illegal defaulters, criminal cases shall be instituted against them. In its proceedings, the SC has also made a distinction between genuine borrowers for house construction and business purposes and those whose prime aim is to get the loan ultimately written off. Unfortunately, the banks impound properties of genuine defaulters and sell them at throwaway prices, while the rich, powerful and well-connected wilful defaulters get off scot-free. The ultimate losers are the depositors whose money gets swindled by banks and their favoured clients in this manner.

Loan write-offs in themselves are an accepted financial arrangement between the borrower and the bank, when a genuine party defaults due to financial losses or the projects for which the loan was taken failing due to legitimate reasons. This arrangement serves both the banks and the borrowers, as the bank may decide to write off the entire or part of the debt according to the nature of the case. The problem occurs when banks lend irresponsibly to a variety of borrowers due to political pressure. These may include schemes that the banks consider non-viable, personal loans, or lending against inadequate collateral. The SC is currently hearing one such case involving The Bank of Punjab for issuing loans against fake collateral.

The pattern of irresponsible lending transcends a particular regime or government in power. Both the civilian and military governments have been practising and perpetuating a culture of kleptocracy. Businessmen-turned-politicians, military and civilian bureaucracies, all are involved in this dirty game. In this whole issue, a huge question mark has been put on the impartiality and independence of the SBP, which is supposed to regulate the banking sector and approve such loan write-offs. By not being able to curb false write-offs, it is party to this massive financial crime.

The task before the SC is huge and of tremendous import, because most often individual beneficiaries are hidden behind the names of firms and corporations. While this exercise may not recover all the written off loans, it is essential to expose the horizontal and vertical connections between business, politics and banking, and induce accountability and transparency within the SBP’s working, which has so far been very non-transparent and unsatisfactory.

Mudy Ji : Do you think that CJ (PakJabi) is working in "Cahoots" with Pakjabi Army (Kiyani is PakJabi) to get rid of "Sindhi" Mr. 10%?

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Business/20-Jun-2010/Govt-sets-117b-trade-deficit"]Govt sets $11.7b trade deficit[/url]

ISLAMABAD - Trade deficit is projected at $11.7 billion for the next financial year 2010-11, which is 6.1 percent of the GDP, with exports worth $19.95 billion and imports of $ 31.69 billion, official figures revealed.

Due to global uncertainty, continuous energy shortage and security situation of the country, the Government had estimated $19.95 billion export target for the coming fiscal year (FY) against $19.2 billion estimated for 2009-10. Meanwhile imports are projected at $ 31.69 billion for 2010-11, which is 6 percent higher than $29.9 billion estimated imports of the outgoing fiscal year. The trade imbalance is projected at $11.742 billion.

According to the trade analysts, the Government has estimated an ambitious trade deficit target of $11.7 billion, as it will be much higher. They believed that it would be a challenging export target for the Government in the wake of loadshedding.

It is worth mentioning here that in the outgoing fiscal year, trade deficit was estimated at $10.715 billion, [color="#FF0000"]which is expected to remain at $15.32 billion at the end of June.[/color]

The break-up of $19.952 billion exports target revealed that Government was expecting to export; food commodities, $3.360 billion, textile, $10.666 billion, petroleum products and coal, $906.3 million, other manufacturers, $3.842 billion, and all others products are projected at $ 1.099 billion in 2010-11.

Meanwhile, among the imports, the Government estimates food imports at $2.416 billion in the next fiscal year, machinery, $3.950 billion, transport group, $1.984 billion, petroleum products, $10.241 billion, textile’s products, $1.444 billion, agri and other chemicals, $3.029 billion, metal group, $2.059 billion, and miscellaneous products are estimated at $671.5 million

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[url="http://www.crisisstates.com/download/dp/DP%2018.pdf"]The Sun in the Sky : The relationship between Pakistan’s ISI and Afghan insurgents - Matt Waldman[/url]

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[url="http://www.himalmag.com/Why-Pakistan-is-not-a-nation_nw4587.html"]Why Pakistan is not a nation - Pervez Hoodbhoy[/url]

And how it could become one.

Quote:Pakistan has been a state since 1947, [color="#FF0000"]but is still not a nation.[/color] More precisely, Pakistan is the name of a land and a people inside a certain geographical boundary that is still lacking the crucial components needed for nationhood: a strong common identity, mental make-up, a shared sense of history and common goals. The failure so far to create a cohesive national entity [color="#FF0000"]flows from inequalities of wealth and opportunity, absence of effective democracy and a dysfunctional legal system.[/color]

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]
Quote:Mudy Ji : Do you think that CJ (PakJabi) is working in "Cahoots" with Pakjabi Army (Kiyani is PakJabi) to get rid of "Sindhi" Mr. 10%?

Everything is decided by Unkle, currently unkle want to keep same equation. Now it is very much possible Paki Army can pull BB on Mr. 10%.

Paki Army is trying to heat up Indian border, only problem, current appointed PM of India, who wear UN color pagri won't do anything. Paki Army had to come up with brighter idea to really do something in India, so that they can make unkle busy with Indo-Pak bickering and Paki Army can get some relief.
[url="http://www.hindustantimes.com/Pak-10th-most-failed-state-of-the-world/H1-Article1-561121.aspx"]Pakistan 10th most failed state of the world[/url]
Quote:The list is topped by Somalia, followed by Zimbabwe, Sudan, and Chad.

India is ranked 87 in a list of 177 countries.

In India's immediate neighbourhood, Burma has been placed at 13, Sri Lanka (22) and Nepal (25). China is ranked at 57th place. Norway is ranked at the bottom of the list.
[quote name='Mudy' date='21 June 2010 - 08:29 PM' timestamp='1277131904' post='107099']

Everything is decided by Unkle, currently unkle want to keep same equation. Now it is very much possible Paki Army can pull BB on Mr. 10%.

Paki Army is trying to heat up Indian border, only problem, current appointed PM of India, who wear UN color pagri won't do anything. Paki Army had to come up with brighter idea to really do something in India, so that they can make unkle busy with Indo-Pak bickering and Paki Army can get some relief.[/quote]

Mudy Ji :

Well, a little bird tells me that Kiyani has had a “Chinese” Roasting ala Peking Duck as the Chinese are not amused at the support given by the Pakis Non-State Actors to the Uyghur Terrorists.

As such Pakis may not be able to muck about with India as with the present Chinese-Paki “real” relationship one does not feel that it is likely for the Chinese to support the Pakis if the Pakis start an “action” with India.

I feel that there is a “relationship” being developed by the PakJabi Army along with the CJ and Zardari is doing his best to tyr and create a “front” as this Editorial indicates :

[url="http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=246184"]The cash bomber[/url]

That intrepid upholder of all things lawful Law Minister Babar Awan recently embarked on a mission to bomb the lawyers of southern Punjab into submission. Chartering an aircraft from the PAF — at who knows what expense — he loaded himself and two colleagues plus several heavy bundles and flew south to Multan. As they thundered through the skies they looked at the bundles in the cargo-bay. Soon they would rain down their contents on members of the Supreme Court Bar Association and their perilous mission, known only by its codename ‘Operation Bribery’ would be over and the lawyers of southern Punjab would be safely in the government’s pocket, courtesy of the fact that they had been beaten into submission by Bomber Babar and his bundles of deadly cash. The reason for Bomber Babar and his chums undertaking this life-and-death mission lies in the tension that exists between the lawyer community and the government over the little matter of the non-implementation of the NRO verdict and a variety of other irritations of a legal nature. The government, employing its traditional ingenuity when it comes to the solution of any problem bigger than ‘what tie shall I wear today’ decides that the best solution is to bomb the lawyers with bundles of cash and stun them into pliability and a little line-toeing. As a part of this cunning stunt a smokescreen was deployed which involved ‘interaction with the media’ and an address to the Multan Bar Association plus the inauguration of a Sui gas project. While all this was going on, Bomber Babar’s associates were whacking lawyers around the head with weighty wads of rupees. Coming around for a second bomb-run the boys dropped a salvo of legal advisory opportunities for government departments and finished off with several bunker-busters aimed at the various welfare funds operated by the local bar associations.

Dress it up how you like, hedge about with euphemisms until you meet yourself coming the other way, but when examined in the cold light of day this is naked bribery, blatant corruption and most assuredly a misuse of public funds. Similar missions have been flown to Quetta (Rs72 million dropped) and the Pakistan Bar Council (Rs30 million) and a miserly ten million was deposited on the female lawyers as well as small change amounting to a mere million for PBC staff. Bomber Babar turned for home, mission accomplished.

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[center][color="#006400"][size="6"]Aaj news : Aik Zardari sab pe bhaari (21 June 2010)[/size][/color]


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[center][Image: Maxim_Cartoon_12910.jpg][/center]

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Ya, Sovereign nation, NATO is dropping bombs everyday inside Pakistan without permission and without regret.
[quote name='Mudy' date='23 June 2010 - 09:57 PM' timestamp='1277309960' post='107145']

Ya, Sovereign nation, NATO is dropping bombs everyday inside Pakistan without permission and without regret.


Mudy Ji :

Pakistan always believes in Equal Opportunities i.e. The Suicide Bombers and other Pakistanis – filled with a lot of “Noor” i.e. Enlightenment - have been Bombing and Killing Pakistanis at will.

Therefore, Pakistan has provided Equal Opportunities to NATO in General (Pun intended) and the You Knighted States of America in Particular.

Thus Pakistan is an Equal Opportunities Sovereign State and so it can continue to provide Equal Opportunities to both sides.

Long Live Pakistani Equal Opportunities Programme.

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]
[url="http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/world/china-breaks-up-terrorist-cell-in-xinjiang-jd-04"]China breaks up terrorist cell in Xinjiang[/url]

So Kiyani gave up this cell after scolding from China.

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