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India/western Sociology
[size="7"][color="#FF0000"]Look at USA as a gaint social engineering experiment where each generation is "influenced" by some outside group.


A write-up by person X

This morning, Times of India celebrates the headlines that, "Harvard gets biggest international donation in 102 yrs, from Tata Group." http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/busi ... 752185.cms The timing on the eve of Obama's India visit has strategic importance. This whopping $50 million gift is part of a massive trend that deserves some thought, so here I go...

One talk I gave compared how harvard studies China with great respect, while India is seen through the human rights lens - caste, women's "oppresion", minority "oppression", etc... Others gave specific areas of biases as well - from Aryan theory on. The result was that Mishra went back and advised the Ambanis to NOT give Harvard a dollar, until they would make changes to their stance on India.[size="7"] China, I was able to show, gets treated as a serious civilization. One factor was that China studies is done largely in Mandarin while India is studied in English. Also, China regulates visas for western scholars such that it blacklists those it finds troubling, whereas India is open and welcomes everyone without supervision, and fails to do any analysis after the fact as to whats being produced. In fact, Indians find it a compliment when westerners study them, as though suffering from an inferiority complex of feeling left out. Finally, a key difference is that Indian intellectuals are heavily anti-India because of pseudo-secularism and marxism deeply entrenched in Indian intellectual circles, and most important Indian scholars are western trained and/or funded and/or craving to be in their good books for fame and prestige. Chinese do not suffer such complexes, which in India are the after-effects of colonization. This is because Gandhi got superseded by Nehru in defining the elitist Indian ethos. Gandhi was emphatic about his Indianness, whereas Nehru bragged to John Kenneth Galbraith that he was the "last white man to rule India." [/size]

But the lure to become famous in harvard and dine with the who's who of white american establishment is too powerful for Indians to resist. The real "success" for most is when they are recognized by the west. This is what the west knows well, having studied Indian culture for centuries, and used precisely this knowledge to manage, control and topple one raja after another in the 17th and 18th centuries. Take the kids to Cambridge, play polo with them, have western women to flirt, etc. - so they can feel like admitted to the club as honorary whites in front of other Indians. After independence, the brits got replaced by the americans, hence the strategic importance of places like harvard.

Some years later, there came a call from a prominent Indian that Anand Mahindra was being roped in by Harvard, and he had given them office space in his Mumbai HQ. So I was set up for a persional one-on-one meeting with Anand Mahindra. He is a very decent, gentle, open-minded executive for sure. He listened to my frank talk. He was unaware of these issues which clearly bothered him. But he made clear that he owed a lot to harvard, as they had given him a scholarship to study there when his father had refused to support him go there. So it was payback time for him, nothing more. I also suggested to him that Indians who want to fund Harvard should fund their business school, which has become pro-India, but NOT the humanities which are the nexus of this "south Asian" nonsense. A few days later, at Mr. Mahindra's suggestion I had a brief phone chat with Harvard's Sugata Bose who was visiting India as harvard brand ambassador to raise funds. [size="7"]I have publicly criticized Sugata Bose for his writings that depict pre-Mughal India as uncivilized, his idea of colonial problems focusses only on British but exempts the islamic colonizers, and he sees de-colonization as the return to a unified south asia under quasi-islamic civilization (positioned as "secularism"). This, of course, his girlfriend and co-author, Ayesha Jalal, has very skillfully managed to make into the core curriculum on south asia at places such as Harvard. (Jalal while not on the Harvard faculty was on the committee of their South Asia program until I pointed this strange anomaly out, and then she suddenly left that visible spot.) Prof Bose was cordial and frank, and we agreed to continue to chat later - which never materialized. Bose also lashes out against his great grand-uncle, Subhash Chandra Bose, the freedom-fighter, portraying him as a fascist. Music to the ears of the harvard establishment. These folks bring in Kashmir separatists, Maoists, "abused Hindu women", Dalit activists, etc. routinely as the "voices of the real India." Anand Mahindra announced last month that he is donating $10 million to Harvard specifically designated for the Humanities.[/size]

I mentioned that Chinese government and Chinese private donors do an annual report on the state of China Studies in the west, just like any industry analyst would do for an indistry, and this guides them where and how to invest. This gives them the basis for evaluating a given program and negotiating from a position of knowledge about what is what in the discipline. He was candid in confessing that he had not studied the south asia studies discipline to be able to tell me what went on in depth. But, he remarked in typical India style, he thinks the persons involved in such studies seem like "nice guys" and decent folks. I responded that in evaluating a business investment, the due dligence would not be based on whether the management team were "nice guys" or decent folks in their personal lives, but that it would look for hard-hitting data and evidence to evaluate. Had he or anyone else studied the writings of such departments over the past 50 years, to be able to evaluate what was going from the Indian point of view? The answer then reamins the same today - no, they have not!

In one meetng after another for 15 years, I have raised such issues. One example of such an article I wrote in 2003 is on Rediff.com, titled, "Does South Asia Studies undermine India?" (See: http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/dec/08rajiv.htm ) I have also proposed that India could use its own India Studies and even South Asian Studies based in Indian universities (as a way to study neighbouring countries with an India-centric lens). I have argued that the money used to fund one Harvard chair (at least $5 million) could fund a whole department of scholarship in India. The irony is that even those who claim to be patriotic, nationalists, including those being described as "Hindu nationalists," seem confused and mixed up. The GOI has given major funding to western studies of South Asia - including both BJP and Congress led governments. Yet there is not a single government or private philanthropist report on the state of this "industry" that studies India, which consists of several thousand scholars full-time who come from various disciplines - religious studies, history, anthropology, sociology, political science, human rights, women's studies, etc. On the other hand, China Studies in the academy is secure in China's hands, with western scholars are "outsiders" craving to be allowed entry.

Before spending money, one must have a strategic clarity as to what ideas of India are to be promoted. Otherwise, well formulated ideas of India by various other institutions get to dominate - such as ideologies of seminaries, US government thinktanks, academic south asian marxists-islamists, etc. Indians participate but not on their own rules. Tragically, Indians do not even have clarity on this amongst themesleves much less being able to project it. At a gathering at Ram Jethmalani's house last year, I was invited as the featured speaker for the evening. I spoke on this very issue that Indians must take control of India Studies. [size="7"]One prominent woman activist (Madhu Kishwar) diverted the issue by asking whether the studies would be done in Hindi! The whole gathering easily got distracted by any odd and irrelevant idea, that should not have diverted them from the core proposition being discussed. Some others asked "whose idea of India" would be studied, would it be the Muslims' idea and dalit idea, or would brahmins dominate? Indians do not even have a consensus on what is India as we want to see it.[/size]

Earlier this year, there was a rumor that Infosys founder Narayan Murthy was giving $15 million to harvard to translate and publish ancient Indian texts into English, for popular reading. On the surface this seems good for us. But the details count and such details are typcially glossed over by Indians. [size="7"]The editor appointed for the series is none other than Prof. Sheldon Pollock (Columbia), even though he takes an explicitly Marxist view of Sanskrit - explotation by brahmins of dalits, women, muslims, etc. His famous writing, "The Death of Sanskrit" laid out his idea of its history as a source of power in the hands of a few. He has been editor of the CLAY series of Indian Classics already, and one has to see that to get an idea of his biases. (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay_Sanskrit_Library ) While doing a great job bringing out the "beauty" of the indian materials, the fact remains that he simply assumes and states the Aryan invasion/migration theory as a given without even raising any issue with it. Very elegant and beautifully produced, this series already has 46 volumes in print, and its influence is considerable.[/size] My concern was that the Murthy family might not have invested time and resources to go into the details of the issues at stake in the translation of Indian classics in the west. The Murthy donation will also take this new series from harvard, and send it back into Indian education, making this "Made in USA" depiction of Indian Classics the canon for Indians to study as their definition of themesleves. This is what max Mueller's works did a century ago. It is their money and they have a right to do what they please with it. But wouldn't it have been wiser if they had funded something to do with their area of expertise and competence, so they could at least evaluate and monitor professionally, and not depend on "they are nice fellows" level of naivete. When this rumor was critiqued by me, the head of the Hindu American Foundation inquired and concluded that the runor was false based on his "inside" information from the Murthy's. A few days later the official announcement was made. Also, Prof. Pollock was awarded the Padma Shri award by GOI at a Republic Day ceremony in Rashtrapathy Bhavan, for his great contributions to the study of sanskrit.

None of the reactions from the "Hindu activists" have made any sense either, be it issuing petitions or writing angrily to the parties concerned. They have failed to understand the deeper mechanisms at work. You dont fight a patient's infection by holding playcards shouting slogans against the germs! The doctor has to understand the mechanisms of the disease and how/where to intervene. But a lazy, incompetent man (despite his good intentions) would have no time to go to med school and learn all that, and THEN be competent to defeat the disease. He is in too much of a hurry, wants to make a big splash in public to look important; and hence he stands outside the hospital shouting slogans against the germs. This sounds like a strange analogy, but if you examine closely the "activists" at work, it is a fairly accurate one.
I did not see mention of Tata who has donated $ 50 million. Is it because he is a Parsee? I think they have been students at Harvard.

US doesn't give citizenship to commies but funds commies in 3rd world countries to stop them from developing.
[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0802716997?ie=UTF8&tag=fopo-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0802716997"]The Irony of Manifest Destiny: The Tragedy of America's Foreign Policy[/url]

Quote:"For years," William Pfaff writes, "there has been little or no critical reexamination of how and why the successful postwar American policy of 'patient but firm containment of Soviet expansionist tendencies…has over decades turned into a vast project for ending tyranny in the world. We defend this position by making the claim that the United States possesses an exceptional status among nations that confers upon it special international responsibilities, and exceptional privileges in meeting those responsibilities. This is where the problem lies. It has become somewhat of a national heresy to suggest the U .S. does not have a unique moral status and role to play in the history of nations and therefore in the affairs of the contemporary world. In fact it does not."

Cogently, thoughtfully, powerfully, Pfaff lays out the historical roots behind the American exceptionalism that animates our politics and foreign relations—and makes clear why it is flawed and must ultimately fail. Those roots lie in the secularization of western society brought about by the Enlightenment, and in America's effective separation from the common history of the west during the nineteenth and early parts of the twentieth century, during which it failed to gain "the indispensable experience Europeans have acquired of modern ideological folly and national tragedy." We are, thus, hubristic and naïve in our adventurism, and blind to the truth of the threats we face. No mere critic, Pfaff offers insightful observations on how we can and must adapt to Muslim extremism, nuclear competition, and other challenges of our time.
xposting link.. everything is well outlined here: christist concerns and connections to aang sang suu kim, LTTE, etc., in line with giveaway successful projects such as East Timor. They even criticize US policy as precipitating Vietnam refugee problem.
The Bharat Swabhiman Movement

Quote:After they lost their colonies the Christian colonizers under went complete metamorphism. They turned champions of human rights, of freedom of expression and of liberty of conscious. They became liberals and progressives though at heart they remained what they have been. One of them, a Hindu converted to Roman Catholicism and who, at one time, was the blue eyed boy of the Church gave his verdict thus :

“Speaking for ourselves, our loyalty to our Master (Jesus Christ) comes first, our loyalty to our Motherland, second. We are first Christians, then Indians.” Another Christian missionary was more emphatic. In his opinion nationalism had been the undoing of Christianity in mission lands. According to him: “ ….the surrender of the Church to the rising powers of nationalism is the major betrayal of Christ.”

That there exists close nexus between international Christianity and Christian imperialism needs only little explaining. Both want and try to defeat, and if possible to expurgate, the Hindu of his nationalism so that it might become the easier to destabilize Hindustan. In a study covering “major forces affecting human developments in India and Pakistan” its author, W. Norman Brown, an American, has very significantly given away a secret. He said:

“Colonialism is on the way out, but whenever we appear to be on its side, we strengthen communism by throwing it and nationalism (of the Indians, the Hindus) into alliance.” Christian colonialism bolstered and boosted by Christian imperialism and capitalism has already successfully humbled communism. Its next and big target is Hindu’s nationalism which manifests itself in its determined opposition to Christianism in any form or disguises.”

(source: The Hindu - By K V Paliwal and B. Datt Bharti p.95-97 and The United States, India and Pakistan - By W. Norman Brown. Foreward). Watch An Invasion through Conversion - videoyahoo.com
[url="http://www.vaticanassassins.org/2010/08/brian-david-anderson-on-jesuit-communism-inposed-in-far-east-nations-via-cfr/"]Brian David Andersen on Jesuit Communism Imposed in Far East Nations via CFR[/url]

Author, researcher and inventor Brian David Anderson succinctly reviews the Jesuit Order’s imposition of radical, collectivist, Socialist-Communism on the nations of the Far East. The following is a quote from his forthcoming new book. As an aside, Count Vittorio of Venice states that all Ten, Roman Royal Bloodline, Jesuit Council members live in China!

“Implementing this next phase of the New World Order in China required the assistance of American intelligence agencies such as the Office of Strategic Services and the Central Intelligence Agency. The directors of these covert U.S. government operations were both educated and controlled by the Jesuits. Operatives working under Bill Donovan and Allen Dulles made possible the installation of Jesuit educated, promoted but the stupid, sexually addicted and cruel Mao Tse-tung whose forces crushed the monarch system. Mao was born into a rich family that had generational ties to the Jesuits. As a good cover to make Mao seem like the bad guy, he superficially expelled the Jesuits. But a line of Knights of Malta such Prescott S. Bush Jr. (George Sr.’s brother) directed and dominated Mao and his successors since the Jesuit expulsion in 1949.

“As the Jesuit right hand of the Vatican was slapped away the Knights of Malta left hand took over control. The “Long March,” communism and the “Cultural Revolution” were merely buzz cover words for the Vatican banning all religions from China except the Catholic faith that was practiced very quietly with no persecution. Private property was banned in the forced system of Collectivism and if a Chinese citizen protested and tried to exert their rights as an individual they were sent to Jesuit designed “re-education” or concentration camps. Jesuit-controlled organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberger Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Bohemian Grove tout China’s radical state of Collectivism as the only model for a one world government and the New World Order. When even the most inexperienced student of Asian history reviews the facts and evidence, they will conclude that had the Emperors of China and Japan followed the lead of the King of Siam in the 1600s and purged any and all Jesuit influences from their countries:

1. Japan would have never militarized and been set-up as the villain in the Jesuit dog-and-pony show called World War II.

2. Japan would have never become part of the Vatican international banking system.

3. China would have not had the prosperity based upon the opium trade and a population explosion between 1662 and 1800.

4. Phuket would not have a mixed-race population and the land decimated by slave labor strip tin mining.

5. Thailand would have never been invaded and taken over by covert Japanese military agents.

6. China would have never adopted a communist style government.

7. The Vietnam War of the 1960s and the lethal persecution of Buddhists by the Jesuit installed South Vietnamese Catholic military dictators would have never occurred.

8. The genocide of Buddhists in Cambodia in the 1970s by the Jesuit-backed and the Catholic-practicing Pol Pot regime would have not occurred. Pol Pot’s mentor was Zbigniew Brzezinski who also mentored Jimmy Carter and Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama.

The Jesuits create and control the problem and know exactly how to manipulate and guide the solution to implement their New World Order featuring radical Collectivism that crushes any kind of Individualism.”

“See, my lord, from this room — from this room I govern not only Paris, but China; not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how ‘tis managed.”

Michelangelo Tamburini, 1720 AD

14th Jesuit Superior General (1706-1730 AD)

Speaking to the Duke of Brancas

History of the Jesuits Vol. 1, p. 107

Andrew Steinmetz, 1848 AD
Pol Pot was catholic? I didnt know that.
Quote:Kim Il-sung came from a deeply Christian background. In the early 1900s, Pyongyang was known as the "Jerusalem of the East" because of its proliferation of churches, so his father was undoubtedly a devout Christian and his mother was the daughter of a prominent Presbyterian elder.[11] In those days, rumors even circulated in Pyongyang that the Korean people were actually the thirteenth—or "lost"—tribe of Israel. By the late 1980s, Kim Il-sung became quite nostalgic about his youth and parents,[12] not surprising given the well-known tendency among older Korean men to want to return to their home village and its memories. Moreover, in Kim's background there were undeniably expectations among devout Koreans of the coming of the messiah. Needless to say, there is a religious utopian ideal underlying North Korean society, whose impulse likely came from the Christian origins of Kim's family in Pyongyang. In his final three years, Kim welcomed a series of visits by religious leaders, including two from the Rev. Billy Graham, in 1992 and 1994,[13] a large delegation from the U.S. National Council of Churches, as well as discussions on religion with former President Jimmy Carter. But the most important of these series of meetings was with Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church as well as the Universal Peace Federation, in late 1991.
It appears so!!

Quote:Pol Pot’s Education: 1934 – 1935 Buddhist monastery Wat Botum Vaddei in Phnom Penh 1935 – 1943 Catholic school in Phnom Penh École Miche 1943 – 1947 Collège Preah Sihanouk at Kampong Cham 1947 – 1948 Lycée Sisowath in Phnom Penh 1948 – 1949 Technical school in Phnom Penh 1949 – 1952 École Francaise de radio-électricité

8 years in catholic school

1 year in French colonial school (Sisowath)

Born in 1925

from age 10 to 18 .. in catholic school...

What is the chance he escaped the padres?... or the inculcation of an ideological worldview???
Jai ho!! More connections between Maoist terorists and Sonia Gandhi's NAC...

[url="http://www.indianexpress.com/news/at-nac-members-ngo-they-wait-for-padma-wife-of-top-maoist/754114/0"]At NAC member’s NGO, they wait for Padma, wife of top Maoist[/url]

Quote:Hyderabad : This group of 98 girls in a Hyderabad orphanage are hardly aware of the celebratory welcome to Junior Engineer Pabitra Majhi and the wait for District Collector R Vineel Krishna.

For them, there is only one person whose release they are waiting for: Sirishakka, their “home manager,” their primay caregiver, friend and tutor.

Also known as A Padma, wife of top Maoist leader Akkiraju Haragopal alias Ramakrishna. Padma was arrested by the Orissa Police from Dudhari in Koraput district on November 13 last year, four days after she left the orphanage, while going to meet her ailing husband who is suspected to be behind the DC’s abduction. Padma’s release is one of the Maoists’ demands.

At the orphanage, Rainbow Home — Aman Vedika, the children say they miss her since she left suddenly saying that she was going away for 10 days, but never returned.

The orphanage is run by Aman Biradari, an NGO, founded by Harsh Mander, member of National Advisory Council (NAC), former IAS officer and human rights activist.

The Maoists who abducted Malkangiri district collector R Vineel Krishna last week have demanded the release of A Padma and seven others in exchange for releasing him.

When contacted, Harsh Mander said his group had no idea about the identify of Padma when she came looking for a job in October 2008.

“She came with some references. Until her arrest, we did not know that she had a Maoist background, or her real name. She was known only by the false name that she had assumed. We did not have any problems with her — she did her job well of managing the home and taking care of kids. Only when she was arrested and her real identity was established did we come to know. There was nothing we could do about it,” Mander says.

Aman Vedika officials say that had Padma disclosed to them her true identify they would not have hired her.

Said Mander: “We abhor and oppose all kinds of violence. This lady has abdicated violence and has come out of the movement. Had she told us about her background, we would have had a different kind of engagement with her. Maybe we would have helped her surrender, announce that publicly and helped her in rehabilitation.”

“I am not sure if she will go back to Rainbow Home after her release. Though our organisation is very democratic we have not yet decided on what to do if she returns. I cannot give a decisive answer now,” said Mander.

As for the children, they want her back. “Many girls had a lot of explaining to do in school as teachers used to ask them about ‘Sirishakka’. Some government officials asked the girls if she ever talked about Maoist movement or Left ideology. We are very sure that she never discussed anything like that with the children,” said K Anuradha, incharge of orphanage.

“She was very caring and girls like her a lot. They still long for her and hope that she comes back. Some of them ask about her even now. We also miss her as a colleague,” said K Anuradha.

Quote:Hinduism, in the course of its long history, has always adjusted itself to changing circumstances Today we live the evolutionary encounter of Hinduism and Western culture. Scholar Georg Feuerstein wrote, echoing Carl Jung and Arnold Toynbee: "The westward movement of Eastern teachings is a most decisive event in our time, one which has already transformed the West."

With regard to this westward flow of Hinduism, the key landmark is surely Swami Vivekananda's famous talk at the first Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1893. Eastern influences were already making an impact by then: the Theosophical Society had been founded in 1875, and German and American transcendentalists had been reading the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita for nearly a century. However, Vivekananda's talk opened the floodgates of visits by Hindu gurus to the West, a movement which reached a peak around 1970 when major teachers began their ministry.

Sanatana Dharma holds that behind every religion there is an unseen essence: the Self, or Brahman.The highest understanding of Sanatana Dharma is that it implies non-dual awareness, as in "Aham Brahmasmi"--"I am Brahman." We know that as long as a person is alive the Self exists within them, even if they lose their way and wander in misery and ignorance. In the same way, the essence of every religion is always present, even when that religion goes through a less enlightened period. That very Self of religion is nothing but the Sanatana Dharma.

However, when most Western seekers look at the broad expanse of Hinduism, they find themselves absorbing it gradually. The West is generally interested in yoga, asanas, kirtan, meditation, gurus, non-dual philosophy and the concepts of karma, reincarnation and dharma. Therefore, Western Hinduism is interested in the aspects of Hinduism that are spiritual, yet logical for the intellectual mind.

In my own spiritual path a critical moment occurred when I discovered that great beings who realized Truth still exist in our time. Soon after I was off to India, where I met my guru, Baba Muktananda. Because of these great living souls, Hinduism has spread beyond India's borders and traveled around the world. Theirs was not a merely philosophical or intellectual influence. The great pioneering Indian masters actually gave an awakening to students. They gave shaktipat (mystical initiation), awakening the kundalini energy. As a result, there are thousands, maybe even millions, of Westerners who have been awakened, accepted a guru and are now doing sadhana, meditating, attending satsangs and reading Hindu scripture. Such is the influence of great Indian gurus.

In 1893, when Swami Vivekananda gave his talk, yoga and meditation were unknown in the West. Today, 118 years later, they are everywhere. There are yoga studios in every shopping center. Every other celebrity is meditating and lots of ordinary people are, too. Kirtan is spreading like wildfire. And now a remarkable percentage of Americans and Australians accept the notions of karma and reincarnation. In short, Hindu philosophy and practices are widespread in the West.

I believe Hinduism is the unacknowledged inspiration behind much of contemporary spirituality. Words like guru, aum, mantra, shanti, samadhi, yoga, karma, pandit, chakra, prana and shakti have become English words. There are sports gurus, business gurus, and even golf mantras. Not only have all these ideas penetrated the West, but, more importantly, people are actually doing sadhana. Practice, or sadhana, is the difference between belonging to a religion and being firmly on a path.

I observe the extraordinary fact that, for the first time in history, we have legitimate Western Hindu gurus from authentic lineages. This suggests that something new is emerging. When a religion meets a new culture, an alchemy happens. Because Western seekers have grown up in a different culture, they take a different eye to the Hindu traditions, valuing and adopting the elements of the Hindu dharma that speak to them. From the point of view of orthodoxy, this is a tragedy. But from the point of view of the Sanatana Dharma, it is an evolutionary necessity.

No one knows where the integration of East and West will lead, but it is a fascinating process. One thing is certain: the growth of Western Hinduism will continue. Overall, a new, worldwide Hinduism is emerging, but the inner core of the Sanatana Dharma can never change. It will continue to bring light to the world.

Hinduism has great freedom and flexibility. When a disciple reaches spiritual maturity, he attains a deep relationship with the Divine, becoming a sage who may blend traditional and innovative methods. Hinduism does not stifle independence. The Shiva Sutras say, "Siddha svatantra bhava," "A siddha is supremely free."

The genius of Hinduism is that it forever expresses the dynamism of Divine revelation. It does not get bogged down in dogma and limitation. Forms are created, sustained and destroyed; new forms arise, blazing with the shakti of revelation.

I urge all Hindus to accept this new international form of the same ancient Hinduism, with its many seekers from foreign lands. Hindus have every reason to be proud that the great teachings of the Hindu sages have spread around the world. This is not a distortion of Vedic culture but a tribute to the greatness and universality of these teachings. India is the spiritual mother of the world.

I belong to an ancient lineage of great masters. I revere my own tradition while respecting others. Hinduism is free enough to meet each new situation with courage and creativity. This new wave is an expression of the same force that manifested as the Vedas numberless years ago. It is the widest, broadest and most tolerant path. As such, it will not go wrong.

Mahamandaleshwar Swami Shankarananda is an American-born guru in the lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri. An authority on the philosophy and practice of Kashmir Shaivism, he founded the Shiva Ashram near Melbourne, Australia, where he lives.
Found the talk by SN Balagangadhara that was reffered to earlier...

On stuff in 192:

Quote:Western Hinduism

There's no such thing. Just like there's no "Western Taoism" either (ask traditional Taoists).

There's only dabblers.

Quote:I urge all Hindus to accept this new international form of the same ancient Hinduism, with its many seekers from foreign lands. Hindus have every reason to be proud that the great teachings of the Hindu sages have spread around the world. This is not a distortion of Vedic culture but a tribute to the greatness and universality of these teachings. India is the spiritual mother of the world.

Curious invitation.

- First they join without an invite (Hindu society didn't okay jetsetting swamis' inviting people to Hindu religion; this is not a proselytising religion, it is an ethnic religion, i.e. ancestrally-handed down). So Hindus are not mandated to "accept" anything.

- Then they "urge" actual Hindus to accept "western hinduism" and accept it as "the same ancient Hinduism". I.e. they still pretend to seek legitimacy, to seek Hindus' acceptance.

- When sensible Hindus were to say NO (as they must), the tune will become different. Then the "converts" will turn hostile and you will get:

a) nasty U-turns - as many dabblers have done; or

b ) they will do what the terrifying western dabblers - who call themselves "Vedicists/brahmanas/etc" - do: they will declare themselves the *real* inheritors/the Authentics and disinherit traditional Hindoos from their ancestral religion/scriptures/traditions/Gods. In the meantime, they will keep inviting Hindoos to Please Teach Us The Vedic Rites.

c) "It's all open-source." They'll just give it a different name from Hindu religion. And Bob's your uncle.

The christo-conditioned west is good at that. It's what they excel at. Hindoo religion isn't the only one the christo-conditioned west (prone to dabbling as it is) has been doing this to, although we have the special 'privilege' of being paralysed by the IE love-dart. (There's dangerous dabblers in Native American religion, Daoism, Shinto, etc. All kinds of ancestral religions are being encroached on by Dabblers whose religions these are Not.)

Quote:The great pioneering Indian masters [color="#800080"](aka the jetsetting kind)[/color] actually gave an awakening to students. They gave shaktipat (mystical initiation), awakening the kundalini energy.
No. No they didn't.

Am not at all surprised that "HinduismToday" would publish the above.

Nor is it a surprise that there may exist Hindus who think all this is a good development. (There are those who wish to sell the Vedam for dabbling too. Open Season.)

Quote:The genius of Hinduism is that it forever expresses the dynamism of Divine revelation. It does not get bogged down in dogma and limitation. Forms are created, sustained and destroyed; new forms arise, blazing with the shakti of revelation.
How very new-age. Other than that, I have no idea what this just said.

Where's that L/D/Nakota declaration.

Another great find: of course, there would be professionals - experienced in this very nightmare - to argue the points.

Here, the Lakota community of Native Americans. They say it all, don't they:


Quote:[color="#0000FF"]"For too long we have suffered the unspeakable indignity of having our most precious Lakota ceremonies and spiritual practices desecrated, mocked and abused by non-Indian wannabes, hucksters, cultists, and self-styled New Age shamans and their followers," the Declaration of War reads.

"The absurd public posturing of this scandalous assortment of pseudo-Indian charlatans, wannabes, commercial profiteers and cultists comprise a momentous obstacle in the struggle of traditional Lakota people for adequate public appraisal of the legitimate political, legal and spiritual needs of real Lakota people."

Wilmer Mesteth, a traditional spiritual leader and Lakota culture instructor at Oglala Lakota College, told the summit participants that he was aware that sacred ceremonies were being imitated and even sold by non-Indians as well as certain Indian people.

"We have to put a stop to it," Mesteth said. "We are the ones who were given these ceremonies so that the people would remain together and strong. We were told to take care of these ceremonies so that our children and their children would have future.

"For a long time we have stood by and watched this abuse going on and we see how it is affecting the people. Nut now its time to take a stand to defend our people and our ways."[/color]

This is a form of genocide (of heathenisms) by the way. The theory that "everything belongs to everyone, give it to us now, willingly (or we'll take it from you anyway ... and Replace You)."

And found again (Repeat):


"Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality"

by the Lakota, Nakota, Dakota NA traditional native American communities.

As various traditional heathens explain about their own religions: these religions are not any "universal religion", but *ethnic* religions.

The west has its own religions. If Hindus truly cared for the west, they'd help them find their own, or at least, help them get into a properly de-conditioned, heathenised mindset to find it for themselves. (But need to be a heathen to do that.) Or leave it to the Hellenes. They speak English and they heathenise pretty well.

Meanwhile, 2 thumbs up for the de-conditioned westerners working at NDOs (Non Developmental Orgs) - working to save the continuity of heathens in Africa and S America and their native religions/ways of life.

They don't know it, but such western people's selflessness in saving the heathenisms for their own sake - instead of due to personal interests in dabbling or otherwise encroaching on such religions - is actually a heathenising step.

Like he said, the orthodoxy might not be happy <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> You are free to refuse and deny. But there are people who continue to define and redefine thoughts. Good luck.
From my blog post @ http://indicrace.blogspot.com/2011/05/br...urden.html

Often we hear about the White man's burden. Whatever it seems to have been seems unimportant now and of little significance in the current world order. The world is moving towards a state wherein the West is now becoming the Brown and Yellow man's burden. Brown and Yellow Man taught the rest of the world the basics of civilization and have been the longest known sources of innovation which has changed the world. White man innovated some things in the last 300 years, went on a imperialistic rampage and that was sufficient for him to come up with phony stories of white supremacy and inherent dominance. Problem is that the Brown man and the Yellow man who were living in sophisticated societies and were reasoning the relationship between Man, God and Society many thousands of years before the white man moved out of his caves to homes, actually went ahead and believed this nonsensical theory for some amount of time. If 300 years of economic, military and technological domination could convince white man that he is supreme we do not understand why several thousand years of economic, military, technological, cultural and civilization dominance could not drive an idea into the head of the brown and yellow man that they could also argue that they were greater than supreme!

We at IndicRace have a theory for why this is so and will try and attempt to explain it in this post. We call it the "overnight rich" phenomena. It is very common to see that when someone becomes rich overnight their behaviour becomes entirely cuckoo and they end up acting like fools for some amount of time before sense is knocked right back into them. The newly rich suddenly want to act all sophisticated, put down other not-so-rich individuals around them and develop an air of superiority around them. This is typically the case with the White man or as they are collectively called the "West" these days.

Westerners had 2 periods in their history where they emerged out of grinding poverty, backwardness and need into sudden richness and prosperity. This happened way back around 700-600 BC. Mushrooming empires also heralded the coming out of western civilizations. It has to be mentioned at this point that Indian and Chinese empires were in places about 2 thousand years ago already when Westerners were still hunter gatherers. The rise of Greece and Rome suddenly opened the world to these people and they immediately set about coming up with theories of "supremacy". Aristotle came up with theories of Greek supremacy and how Greek warfare, art and culture was superior to all else. Then the Persians whacked the Greeks into place by invading them. Apparently the "superior" warfare tactics of the Greeks was not enough to stop the invasion. The Greeks then exacted revenge and defeated Persia under Alexander "the Great". They had dreams of conquering India. At that point India comprised of several Mahajanapadas and the most powerful one was Magadha. The contempt and ridiculing of Greeks by Indian kings was apparent in the correspondence between Purushottama and Alexander. Apparently Alexander wanted to conquer the entire world but to Indian kings and sages this appeared very strange and they wondered why someone would be so narcissist and engage themselves in such a pointless pursuit. One Indian sage also explained the futility of his expedition to Alexander but the latter was in no mood to listen. Purushottama, a king of a small kingdom with barely 30,000 troops handed Alexander a scathing and phyrrhic victory. The ferocity and discipline of the 30,000 Indian kshatriyas was barely manageable to the Greeks and Alexander's troops began to wonder that if 30,000 troops could do this to them then what would the 500,000 troops of the Magadha empire do to them? This was enough for the Macedonian troops to revolt and Alexander was forced to return albeit in another route as he had already made many enemies in the previous one. It has to be mentioned in this point that both the Indian and Persian civilizations were far superior to Greece in all terms and also actively occupied and ruled Greek populations for several hundred years but neither empire claimed supremacy over others and never had a narcissist attitude as did the Greeks. Greeks used to boast that their sculpturing was unmatched, the lie came to the fore when it was discovered that sculptures from around 3000 BC from the Indus Valley Civilization were discovered. That this was 2500 years before the Greek ones is to be noted.

Rome was no less humble. Hollywood movies depict the Roman army as unstoppable and superior to every other army. Wonder how they were humiliated by the Parthians or fell to the Huns. It should be noted that the Indians defeated the Huns that few other military powers of that day were able to do. Roman treasuries were stripped clean due to trade with India and India was a trading superpower of those days. Up until 18th century India and China well accounted for more than 50% of the world's industrial output.

The second point in history was during the 14th and 15th centuries. After the fall of Rome there was chaos in Europe and new small kingdoms came up. It was also the period of great re-ordering of races in Europe with Anglo Saxons now occupying present day England having come from the Rhine valley. During this period Europe was in the midst of dark ages and had little to offer to the world. India, China were as usual prospering and the newly emergent Islamic states were threatening the world. India and China both kept the Arabs at bay with the former defeating the Arabs in a series of battles called the battles of Rajasthan. Europe in great part fell to the Muslims and it took inquisitions to drive out the Muslims. Around the 14th century the Indian numeral system arrived in Europe. The Europeans were still using the Roman numeral system until that point which probably explains why no major technological innovation came from them for well over a millenium. Once the Indian numeral system and other mathematical/scientific knowledge started coming into Europe through Jesuit missionaries Europe underwent a transformation and scientists and inventors started sprouting up. Eastern Europe and Middle East contributed nothing as they were in a state similar to India and China with the Mongol invasions. India and China on the other hand were a constant source of innovation and science all through their history. Then disaster struck, 2 centuries earlier North India fell to the Turks and other barbarian Muslim invaders. The nation was in a state of disarray and many libraries and intelligenstia destroyed by the invaders. China was beginning to weaken internally with many revolts. The age old phenomenon of civilizations weakening from within our without disrupting their contributions to the world afflicted both India and China pretty much at the same time and this coincided with the emergence of Europe. However many westerners attribute it to Western exceptionalism and say that it was something specific to Europeans that led to the industrial revolution and other great innovations. That this is masked racism is not difficult to see. With technical ascendancy and new types of weapons at the disposal of the Europeans the next big wave of imperialist invasions began. History is witness to the fact that when the West is powerful it constantly tries to subdue other powers or engage in imperialist acts. Even in the present day American armies are scattered across the globe engaged in sporardic warfare.

As with every empire, crests and troughs eventually catch up with its dominance and glory. the British empire collapsed under economic stress, America is on the wane, the Soviet Union collapsed again under economic duress. France, Spain, Portugal and Germany today are insignificant players in the world military stage and it is only a matter of time before India and China grow so much in size that they would not matter much economically as well. The global tectonic plates of power is shifting to Asia. The decline that India and China both experienced several times in their long history now threatens the West. I just wonder how the West will react when they go down. Will they become grossly militant the way Muslims have become who are unable to accept a position of subservience to the West? Will an impoverished Europe become a hotbed of terrorism and other forms of extremism bitter with the fact that they now have to play second fiddle to India and China?

A recent report mentions that the world economic growth is driven by India, China and Brazil. Half of Europe is in economic doldrums with Spain having unbelievable unemployment rates. The American economy is kept alive by Chinese money and the whole world's economic system bar the BRIC nations appears fragile. It is not the burden of the brown and yellow man to rebuild the world's economy and keep alive bankrupt Western economies. It is now the burden of India and China to lend money to these nations whose extravagance and military bravado explains their bankruptcy. It is now the burden of the brown and yellow man to take blame from the sinking westerns that it it they who stole western jobs. It is the burden of brown and yellow man to now put up with theories that though both are rising or have already rise, will be no match to the superiority of the west when at their peak.

In the past it was the burden of the brown and yellow man to civilize the west. It was the burden of the brown and yellow man to put up with barbarian white hordes called Huns and then so-called-civilized British, Spanish, Dutch and Portugese barbarians who were frothing in their mouths with imperialistic zeal. It was the burden of the brown and white man to lose their jobs to the West who manufactured goods in a cheaper man in sweatshop conditions. It was the burden of the yellow and brown man to put up with Western barbarian ideologies like Communism Fascism and are currently having to put up with Christo Evangelism and other forms of internal subversion.

The Brown and Yellow Man's burdens indeed appear to be heavy and a long drawn one at that! It is however very pertinent to note that the "Overnight Rich" syndrome will never afflict them.
Prof. CK Raju on academic imperialism, speaking in Iran:


The technological gap is quite ordinary, rather it is western soft power and soft imperialism which diverts Indian capacity
Quote:Rajiv Chandran

Arvidsson's book is important coming from the western establishment. However one wonders if even this work is not relegated to the sidelines by preponderant Indo-European discourse in academia. Here formal academics - not only social sciences, but natural sciences as well, in content, in discourse, institutions and personalities seem to almost be conspiratorially enmeshed in indefinitely perpetuating hegemonic western categories. One wonders how much we can trust the same european engineered narratives of our own history. From the works of K D Sethna , Kota Venkatachelam, T S Narayana Sastri and others it would seem that our history has been completely mutilated both in terms of chronology, important figures, dates and the resultant antiquity (in an effort to bring it as close as possible to that of the greeks - this in itself seems to be a technique to facilitate India's intellectual achievements - by falsely showing it as having later antiquity than corresponding greek achievemnts ) . Several Indian scholars have demonstrated how the idea of the invading Aryan is a lately introduced red herring that artificially creates an upper bound to India's antiquity and distorts most of the post-kali narrative as carefully mentioned in the Puranas. Rajiv Malhotra's work needs no mention in exposing how ancient indic ideas are stealthily appropriated by western academic establishment in a continuing process of domination of the indian mental landscape. C K Raju's work has demonstrated how most of the formative mathematical discoveries now attributed to Greeks as "Western Science" had its origins and epistems in ancient India. However it would seem most Indians have become so colonized as to lose not only perspective but identity as well - resulting in a profound loss of pride, and lack of sense of ownership of his/her own heritage. That said the importance of keeping up the good work learning of one's own roots. The above cited people's work show how pedagogy, identity, geostrategic value, politics, general welfare, social integrity etc are devastatingly affected by such speculative theories that we (Indians as well a major part of the non-west) seem to have internalized in the last two to three hundred years. However of late there seems to be some recognition at least amongst a section of the Indians regarding the same. Better late than never. More people need to read and hear about such things.
Sadhu Prof. V. Rangarajan

Bharatamata Gurukula Ashram &

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Indological Research Centre

Sister Nivedita Academy

'Sri Bharati Mandir', Srinivasanagar, Krishnarajapuram

Bangalore 560 036, INDIA

(Phone: 091-80-5610935 / 5613716; Cell: 9448275315;

e-mail: sadhurangarajan@vsnl.com)


Dear and Respected Prof. Asnani,

Vande Mataram! Jai Sri Ram! Jai Yogi Ramsuratkumar! My Master blesses you!

Thanks for your message. We appreciate the views that you have expressed. We would like to express our views on those matters:

i) You have been fortunate to hail from Sindh, the land of the Vedas, where, perhaps, there has been the least pollution by the post-Pauranic superstitious beliefs and customs, especially those like casteism and untouchability. In the South, these evils have been so predominant that Swami Vivekananda even called Kerala a "mad house". Even in this twenty first century there are people who blindly follow these customs and practices. We ourselves have witnessed such cases.

ii) The word "Dharma Acharya" means one who imparts Dharma to others by himself living those eternal and universal values of life. "Aacharanaat"—"because of practice"—one becomes an Acharya. In that sense, many of the so called Acharyas in the Hindu society do not deserve the title. Simple living and high thinking are the hall-marks of a hallowed spiritual life. That is what you cannot find in most of the Acharyas today. Very few such great persons could be found in the country.

iii) It is a total distortion of our Dharma Shastras to say that an Acharya must necessarily be a celibate renunciate. The great rishis in the past were mostly Grihastas turned into sages. Renunciation is not running away from family and giving up all actions. "Anaashrita karmaphalam kaaryam karma karoti yah, sa sannyaasee cha yogee cha na niragnir nachaakriyah"—"He who does the work without expecting the fruit of actions is a Sannyasi and Yogi; not the one who simply renounces all actions and sits idle." (Bhagavd Gita—VI-1). Today, even the Sannyasins who run big educational institutions, old age homes, etc., expect from the beneficiaries hefty donations and returns for all the work they do. Even Sadhus and Sannyasins who get crores of rupees by way of donations set apart only a very insignificant part of it for free services to the poor and downtrodden, that too for eye-wash, and charge very high fees for every kind of service, thereby catering to the needs of the rich and well-to-do.

iv) The Chaturvidha Purushaarthas—Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha—and the Chatur Aashramas—Brahmacharya, Garhastya, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa—constitute the spinal chord of the Hindu way of life. Today, there are hardly any Hindus who live the true Hindu way of life. Western culture, education and way and values of life have all destroyed Hinduism in our homeland. What we have today is only a skeleton of the Vedic Hinduism. It is the duty of our Dharma Acharyas to revive the Sanatana Dharma through institutions of the ancient Gurukula type instead of running colleges and organizations in the western model with business motive.

v) Hinduism is "Sanaatana Dharma"—a set of universal and eternal values of life evolved by the great sages and seers of the most ancient land of Bharatavarsha. Because it evolved in this sacred land, it became the nationalism of the people occupying the land. Therefore, "Sanatana Dharma is Indian nationalism" as Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo proclaimed. Its other name is Hindutwa or Hindu Rashtravad. The saints, sages and seers of this land have also proclaimed different religious paths for spiritual sadhanas. All these sampradayas—Shaiva, Vaishnava, Shaakta, Baudha, Jaina, Sikha, etc.—that have emerged in this land, put together, go by the name Hindu Religion. Hindu religion is part and parcel of Hindu nationalism. They are inseparable. In this matter, we need not accept the concepts of religion and nationalism propounded by the westerners. A Muslim or a Christian can never be a national of this country unless and until he accepts the national ethos and live by them. Mere residency in a geographical territory for a particular period of time cannot give one nationality. The moment a Muslim accepts Hindu or Indian nationalism, he ceases to be a believer in the original Islam which considers Mecca as the holiest land and Allah alone as the only God and all other believers in other gods are Kafirs either to be converted to Islam or annihilated. The moment a Christian accepts Hindu or Indian nationalism, he ceases to be an original Christian who considers Jerusalem or Rome as the holiest land and Jesus and Father in the Heaven as the only Gods to be adored and worshipped. Only in India that is 'Secular Bharat' we can find Muslims and Christians remaining as citizens even after opposing 'Vande Mataram' of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, which inspired millions of our patriots to perform untold sacrifices at the altar of the Motherland and recognized by the Government itself as a national song. In any other country the Government would have deported them or the patriotic citizens would have dumped them into the sea along with the 'secular' government that supports these traitors. Islam is an Arab national movement, as Anwar Shaikh has rightly pointed out in his masterly work, to bring the world under the dictates of the Imams, Moulvis and Mullahs of Mecca and Christianity is a national movement started by the Romans to bring the world community under the dictates of the Pope of Vatican. They cannot be accepted as religions. They are all corruptions of the Vedic religions that spread to distant lands in the remote past and formed the Pagan religions which existed there, as research scholars have pointed out.

vi) The moment we call Hinduism just a religion like Islam and Christianity, we will be committing a great folly of equating Hinduism with these perversions that call themselves as religions and our perverted leaders will become right in singing the song of sarvadharma samabhaava—equality of all religions. A Muslim or a Christian cannot become a Hindu or Indian national simply because of his birth in this land. Unless and until he accepts that this land as his matru bhoomi, pitru boomi, karma bhoomi, dharma bhoomi, and moksha bhoomi, and proclaims, "all the Gods and Goddesses of this land are my Gods and Goddesses" as Swami Vivekananda did, he cannot be a national of this country. The Chinese Government has expelled foreign missionaries and the Chinese Christian Church does not accept the suzerainty of Pope Paul. Why should Government of India finance the Haj pilgrimage of Indian Muslims at the cost of the Indian, that is the Hindu, tax payer? If the Muslims find Mecca as the holiest of the holy places, let them go there at their own cost and settle down there itself. Why should we give funds? Do America, England, France, Italy and Rome finance Haj pilgrimage of the Muslims in those respective countries? The Government of India should actually finance pilgrimages of the Hindus within the country so that adoration and worship of this holy land will take a deeper root in their hearts.

vii) We cannot just close our eyes and say that there are no evils in the Hindu society. The casteism and untouchability are still prevalent among even the educated people. So also the superstitious beliefs like warding off sins by killing some poor dumb creatures or transferring sins by feeding a low caste person with food mixed with hair and nail are still found not only in the remote villages where illiterate people live, but even in towns where educated people reside. A kilometer away from our Ashram here in Bangalore, there is a temple where low caste people are not allowed to go in and worship. We opened the doors of our Ashram for these low caste people and they gladly congregated here for their prayers. Some of them expressed the doubt whether the Swamis of upper caste would take food in their homes and we immediately arranged for our Bhiksha in their houses. How happy and joyful they were! The Christian padri and Muslim moulvi walk into the houses of these poor people and convert them to their respective religions. Why not our so called Dharma Acharyas visit these houses, take Bhiksha from them and encourage them to remain in the parent religion. Giving discourses that all are "children of immortality"—Amritasya putraah—will not do. Our Acharyas must see the children of immortality in the poor and downtrodden. Acharyas covering their legs with a piece of cloth when these children come and prostrate to them for taking their blessings are doing greatest disservice to the society. If by their touch, these unfortunate people might transfer their sins to the Acharya, why not the Acharya accept their sins and suffer for them, relieving these poor people of their sins? Millions of rupees are poured into the temple hundis and the money is looted by the government for secular activities or the trustees and officials of the temple enjoy a luxurious life. Millions of rupees are received by Mutts and Hindu missions and how much of it really goes to the poor and downtrodden Hindus? The Christian missionary comes with foreign funds, sets up the best hospital or the best educational institution and gives all out help to the converts from Hinduism while looting the well-to-do Hindu families. Why not our Acharyas run such institutions for the poor and downtrodden in our own society?

viii) Someone has rightly said, "Politics is the last resort of a scoundrel!" Even good, dedicated and honest people who enter into the political field get corrupted in course of time. In the fifties, when Bharatiya Jan Sangh was founded, millions of Swayamsevaks of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, an organization for moulding the youth into patriotic, characterful and ideal citizens of this country, extended support and even the best among them joined the party to serve as whole time workers. In the sixties, this sadhu who was just a penniless youth from a poor family who dedicated himself for the Hindu cause, was projected as a candidate for a legislative assembly election by the party. Where is such a party today? If you are a popular cinema actor, scion of a royal family, heir of a big politician who has been in power, or a big industrialist or agriculturist with lot of money to spend on elections, you can get a ticket, whether you have any ideals or not, whether you are a person of character and integrity or not. All that is needed is capacity to grab power by hook or crook. Hardened criminals form alliances to loot the people. Under the leadership of great men like Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal and Madan Mohan Malaviya, the Congress once upon a time emerged as the mouthpiece of the Hindus in this land and the Britisher also recognized it as the representative of the Hindus when they initiated discussion with it and the Muslim League representing the Muslims on the two nation theory. The lure of power turned Congress into a 'secular party' on the eve of Independence and caused the very vivisection of this nation. In the post-Independent India, in the name of secularism, even people of foreign origin can aspire to rule over this Hindu Nation! Why? Hindus have forgotten Hinduism and forsaken the Hindu Nation. What goes as Hinduism today is a commodity in much demand, especially in foreign countries where people who are fed up with materialistic way of life and seek short-cut methods to attain spiritual salvation and our Indian gurus and swamis and their mutts and missions are adept marketers doing a lucrative business! True Hinduism will re-incarnate when, and only when, all the gods, goddesses, religious cults and institutions, gurus and acharyas are pushed to the back seat and the Hindus adore the Motherland—Janani Janmabhoomi—as the only deity to be worshipped and service to the people is considered the greatest form of worship. No political party existing today has any such agenda at present. Let us look forward into the distant future for such a day to emerge! Mother knows how and when to manifest Herself! Vande Mataram!

With love and blessings, Yours in Bhagavan, Sadhu Rangarajan
[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/347473/Balance-sheet-politics.html"]Balance sheet politics[/url]

Sandhya Jain

Quote:Even if the allegations prove to be untrue, the trend of large business families sending a scion into politics to protect and promote their family interests is alien to the Indian ethos. It originates in the Western corporate culture of circulating a chosen set of individuals through the revolving doors of politics, economics, higher education, think tanks, NGOs, and so on. This is designed to serve the interests of the puppet masters, while outwardly maintaining the forms of democracy and the rhetoric of infusing fresh talent and energy in critical spheres of public life. This is a sham and needs to be discouraged as it is becoming endemic across the political spectrum, and reinforces the rising role of black money in elections and politics.

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