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Pakistan : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 7
Since you can’t trust the Pakistani Army to keep to an agreement, you can’t take a chance and do as the politicians tell you. This is the Army’s thinking in India. The fears are driven by the moves to open trade through the high passes and if people can think of linking Gwadar Port with a rail line through the Karakoram Range, there is every possibility of the heights being lost without a shot fired. So the Army thinks. And that is why it sticks to its point of verifying the current positions, the Actual Ground Position Line, through physical and technical measures.

This is something the Pakistani Army refuses to agree upon. By acknowledging the existence of an AGPL, the Pakistani Army concedes it holds lesser territory than it has been claiming domestically. It has come up with a proposal that suggests an acknowledgment of the AGPL but through oblique ways. Upon agreeing to withdraw, the Pakistani Army will accept that it withdrew from the current positions, and that the Indian Army withdrew from its current positions, and hence, the AGPL will be acknowledged. http://www.dailypioneer.com/342520/Holdi...ights.html

It is a clever proposal, but it needs a political class that carries credibility with the military to pull it off. The state of governance being the mess it is, no official, civil or military, will stick his neck out to salvage an agreement that may not be adhered to in the first place.
[quote name='ramana' date='31 May 2011 - 11:31 PM' timestamp='1306864401' post='111749']

The reporter who wrote the Asia Times story, Syed Saleem Shahzad (S^3) was found killed after the ISI interrogated him.

Most likely his story of PN infiltrated by Islamist jihadis was true and he got killed for revealing that. Also sends a warning to others thinking of writing such true stuff about the rogues who run TSP.


On Net channel, one female journalist also said same but much diluted information. Other sources confirmed atimes story. This is very serious stuff.

There is another info that, these guys want to keep smuggling route alive. Unkles want to close down.

This works against attacking India plus funding Paki army.

Quote:Shahzad went missing Sunday night, his family said, after he left his home heading for a local TV station.

Almost immediately after his disappearance, Human Rights Watch issued a release saying it had reason to believe Shahzad had been arrested by Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI. His body was found with signs that he had been tortured, according to local news reports.

When Shahzad went missing, many locals in Pakistan feared the worst.

Operating as an objective, honest journalist in Pakistan is like navigating a minefield.


A Human Rights Watch researcher on Twitter released an email that Shahzad had forwarded him Oct. 18, 2010. The human-rights organization had instructions to release it if Shahzad disappeared.

Shahzad told Human Rights Watch he had been summoned to the ISI’s headquarters on Oct. 17, 2010, a day after he published another controversial story. He met with two ISI officials: Rear Admiral Adnan Nawaz and[color="#FF0000"] Commodore Khalid Pervaiz[/color].

[color="#FF0000"]Pervaiz has just been appointed head of the naval base in Karachi that was just attacked, Time reported[/color].

Shahzad’s October story alleged Pakistan had released the Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Baradar from custody. Baradar was Mullah Omar’s deputy and Shahzad reported he’d been freed to negotiate with the Pakistan army.

The Oct. 18 email, purportedly from the ISI to Shahzad, was labelled “For future reference.”

“I must give you a favour,” the ISI officer wrote to Shahzad. “We have recently arrested a terrorist and recovered a lot of data, diaries and other material during the interrogation. The terrorist had a list with him. If I find your name in the list, I will certainly let you know.”
[url="http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/us-withdraws-musharrafs-security-and-protocol-109305"]US withdraws Musharraf's security and protocol[/url]
Quote:Musharraf is treated like an ordinary citizen who has to join queues at the immigration counter in airports and undergo a thorough body search at the departure lounge, The News daily quoted diplomatic sources in Washington as saying.

"Musharraf, in the past, would have his immigration process expedited after landing at US airports," said a diplomatic source at the Pakistani embassy in Washington.

Instead of waiting in line, the American protocol staff would do this on Musharraf's behalf.


Pakistan’s Economic Miracle : Despite the Devastating Floods and Ill Effects on the Economy due to fighting the War on Terror, Pakistan’s Economy has staged a marvellous recovery whereby the Per Capita Income has risen by over 15 Per Cent i.e. from US$ 1,095 in 2009 – 2010 to US$ 1,264 in 2010 – 2011 even though the “Official” Population has gone up from 166.52 Million to 173.4 Million over the last year. Well Done Indeed Pakistan :

[url="http://www.geo.tv/6-1-2011/81990.htm"]Economic Survey : Unemployment stood at 5.5pc[/url]

ISLAMABAD : The current fiscal year unemployment rate remained at 5.6 percent, while the per capita income amounted to $1264, says the Economic Survey 2010-11.

Islamabad released statistics said that Pakistan’s local debts amounted to Rs5463 billion, while the foreign loans stood at Rs4726 billion, which adding up to make the total loans amount peaked at Rs10189 billion.

Pakistan’s population during comprised of 89.6 million male and 83.8 million female, according to the economic survey.

The survey further said that a sum of Rs700 billion was borrowed locally during the current fiscal year.

The Economic Survey 2010-11 covers the period July-April only, as stated in the salient features of the Survey. Sources said that the detail report of the economic survey would be released on June 2.

Note : As per the State Bank of Pakistan - Annual Survey 2009-2010 - [color="#FF0000"]the Population was 184 Million.[/color]

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.dawn.com/2011/06/01/how-pakistans-nuclear-weapons-could-be-jeopardised.html"]How Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could be jeopardised[/url]

ISLAMABAD : It’s a nightmare scenario: al Qaeda militants gain control of a Pakistani nuclear weapon, either through a base assault, theft or a rogue commander’s cooperation, possibly in the event of hostilities with nuclear-armed neighbour India.

While most experts believe Pakistan’s strategic nuclear arsenal is safe, items such as low-yield, mobile nuclear delivery systems — called “shoot and scoot” tactical nuclear weapons — [color="#FF0000"]could be highly vulnerable[/color].

The Nasr (Hatf-9) system being developed is a short-range, surface-to-surface multi-tube ballistic missile system. With a range of 60 km (37.5 miles), it’s designed for battlefield use.

[color="#FF0000"]Deploying small, portable nuclear weapons onto a battlefield increases the risk of things going wrong, either through miscalculation, an accident or possible infiltration by militant groups,[/color] nuclear experts say.

Here are some scenarios of how Pakistan might lose control over some of its nuclear arsenal.

Fog of (Nuclear) War

In the event of hostilities between India and Pakistan, militants could seize control of a Hatf-9 system — essentially a rocket launcher on a truck. But could they use it?

It’s necessary to understand the circumstances. In case of war between Islamabad and New Delhi, India is developing a “Cold Start” doctrine, which envisions armored battle groups quickly pushing into Pakistani territory, holding key pockets and then forcing Islamabad to the negotiating table.

The plan is to avoid antagonizing Pakistan to the point that it would retaliate with ballistic missiles against Indian cities, but Pakistani doctrine — and the Hatf-9 system — appears to envision using tactical nuclear weapons, possibly on its own soil, against the invaders.

But deploying tactical weapons to the battlefield means command and control has to be dispersed to individual military units.

And while Pakistan normally separates warheads and delivery systems, in times of crisis, weapons would be armed and deployed, although still “locked” by authentication codes, says Professor Shaun Gregory, director of the Pakistan Security Research Unit at the University of Bradford.

“However in a fluid battlefield context such codes will likely be released to prevent the weapons being overrun before they can be used,” he told Reuters in an email. “In such a ‘release delegated’ state … it’s possible that terrorists could seize a functioning weapon.”

Pakistan says its weapons have indigenously developed safety systems to prevent misuse, but it has never allowed outsiders to inspect these systems, Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, senior fellow for South Asia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, told Reuters.

Rogue Commanders

Another scenario is the “rogue commander”. Militant groups have had varying degrees of success in infiltrating the Pakistani military, but it’s unclear how deeply they go.

In addition to mechanical safety systems, Pakistan says its nuclear weapons are secure because of rigorous background checks and continuous monitoring of personnel for extremist sympathies.

That monitoring appears insufficient.

As far back as 2006, the United States was reporting in diplomatic cables, recently published by Wikileaks, that Pakistani pilots and flight crew were engaging in “petty sabotage” of American F-16s to prevent them being used against Taliban militants in the northwest.

The bodyguards for Punjab governor Salman Taseer were also heavily screened, but he was killed by an extremist who managed to get assigned to his security detail.

Speculation is also rife that the Taliban assaults on the PNS Mehran naval base in Karachi this month and on the Army General Headquarters in Rawalpindi in 2009 were aided by sympathisers from within the military.

While a commander going rogue is unlikely, “this is an ongoing struggle,” Roy-Chaudhury said. “The expected increase in radicalisation, especially within the Pakistani army after the U.S. raid and killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad … raises additional concerns.”

[color="#FF0000"]Rogue commanders could, in a conflict with India, hand over codes and weapons to militants or cooperate with them.[/color] The more mercenary types might simply sell them.

Seizing A Tactical Weapon From A Base

Another possibility doesn’t require a fight with India. The PNS Mehran attack shows militants have developed the ability to attack and hold ground inside sensitive military bases. And while no nuclear facilities have been penetrated yet the possibility has caused great concern.

“I think the attack on PNS Mehran (and on the GHQ in 2009) show that terrorists are developing tactics which enable them to penetrate highly-secure bases and hold space within them for hours,” Gregory said. “This suggests nuclear weapons security is increasingly vulnerable.”

Because of their smaller size, tactical weapons are more portable. And while the warheads wouldn’t be armed, the fissile materials of the cores could conceivably be extracted and used with conventional explosives to create a “dirty bomb”.

Militants could attack a base, seize a warhead or its core materials and then escape. A Pakistani tactical nuclear weapon might contain as little as 15-20kg (33-44 lbs) of enriched uranium.

“Responsible Pakistani stewards of their nuclear assets have no choice but to re-evaluate their security requirements and procedures,” said Michael Krepon, director of the South Asia and Space Security programs for Stimson, a Washington-based think tank for international security.

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]
Two of above scenarios wont occur as India wont get into a conflict with TSP despite sever provocation. And West knows this.

So its humbug. I think the nukes are already in jihadi hands. The TSPA has jihad as its motto. Kiyani is a jihadi leader.
UK and US knows inside of Paki nuke mess. I think, they think these jerk won't harm them. I know Paki Mullah hate India but they hate west more.

Its a question of when, they will try first on India for sure, unless and until they get access to PIA.

[url="http://www.dawn.com/2011/06/02/twenty-five-pakistani-forces-killed-after-cross-border-raid.html"]Fifty eight die in militant-security border clash[/url]

PESHAWAR : A daylong clash between militants from Afghanistan who crossed the border and attacked a Pakistani checkpoint left 23 troops and 35 insurgents dead, police said Thursday, underscoring the challenges facing Pakistan as it tries to stamp out insurgents in its northwest.

The fighting came as a top Pakistani general said the military plans to stage an operation against militants in a tribal region that juts deep inside Afghanistan, but denied media reports of an upcoming offensive in North Waziristan, the tribal area where the US has been pushing for action.

Pakistan’s northwest border with Afghanistan has for years been a stomping ground for extremists, some of whom focus on attacks against Western forces across the border, and others who prefer to attack the Pakistani state because of its ties to the United States.

Pakistan has taken action against the latter groups but they’ve retained the ability to strike back, partly because the border is so porous and insurgents under attack can easily cross from side to side.

The clash that began Wednesday and wound down Thursday occurred in Shaltalo town in Upper Dir district. Upper Dir lies just outside the tribal belt, but it too has witnessed al-Qaida and Taliban militant activity and been the focus of military offensives.

Police said some 200 militants crossed over into Pakistan from Afghanistan, and went after a checkpoint manned by police and paramilitary troops. At least 23 Pakistani security troops died and three were wounded, while 35 militants were killed, police official Johar Khan said.

The situation was under control as of noon Thursday, and funerals were being arranged for the dead security forces, he said.

On Wednesday, army Lt. Gen. Asif Yasin Malik, who oversees military operations in the tribal areas and other parts of the northwest, said the Kurram tribal area would be the next target of an offensive after local leaders there requested it.

Malik said operations would be launched there with the government’s backing, but declined to give any more operational details.

Kurram has seen sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni Muslims for years, but is also home to militants with other aims. According to some accounts, the Haqqani network, a faction of the Afghan Taliban, was shifting fighters there from North Waziristan tribal region.

The Haqqani network is considered one of the biggest threats to US forces in Afghanistan, partly because its fighters can retreat across the border to North Waziristan, where they have bases and have been left alone by the Pakistani army.

The US has pushed the Pakistani military go after the Haqqanis and other factions in North Waziristan. The pressure has increased since the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden in a garrison city in Pakistan’s northwest and deeply embarrassed the army.

But officials here have resisted, saying their troops are stretched on other fronts, and that their priority is eliminating insurgents who attack Pakistan, which the Haqqanis have not done.

Malik said Wednesday that that position has not changed, and dismissed recent ”media hype” about an imminent offensive in North Waziristan.

”There is no change in North Waziristan in past months and weeks,” Malik said. ”We will undertake an operation when we want to, when it’s in the national interest.”

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2011/06/02/story_2-6-2011_pg3_7"]Who will have the last laugh?[/url]

Sir : The story goes that a wise man noticed one day that one of his disciples seemed to be very happy. The wise man asked him the reason for his happiness. “I have just learnt that my worst enemy has met his death,” replied the disciple. “Have you also been told that you are never going to meet your death?” asked the wise man.

This reminds me of the attack on Taj Hotel in Mumbai. [color="#FF0000"]All our TV presenters were grinning and the likes of General Hamid Gul were rejoicing.[/color] The story has now gone a full circle and we are licking our wounds. In Mumbai, a few places were attacked. In PNS Mehran case, it was a ‘Pearl Harbour’ that leaves our seacoast undefended. Those responsible should face a court martial. [color="#FF0000"]Those who mocked India for its failures in Mumbai should learn a lesson in humility.[/color]


London, UK

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[center][size="7"][color="#006400"]PAKISTAN ECONOMIC SURVEY 2010-11[/color][/size][/center]

Note : Pakistan's latest Per Capita Income is US$ 1,254 against last year's amended figure of US$ 1,073 (Originally 1,095).

With such a "Hefty" Increase of 16.9 Per Cent, Pakistan can now get rid of the "Begging" Bowl!

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.geo.tv/6-2-2011/82022.htm"]34 police, 45 Taliban killed in Dir attack[/url]

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

Future Prediction by Sheikh Nazim Kibrisi - All Regimes will collapse in this year - 2011.flv

[url="http://www.geo.tv/6-3-2011/82065.htm"]Budget 2011-12: Defence to go up by 12pc[/url]

KARACHI: The government has finalized a budget of around Rs 3.7 trillion for the next financial year [color="#FF0000"]while the fiscal deficit has been estimated at Rs 1.0 trillion.[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]Defence budget may be increased by 12 percent[/color] and salaries may go up by 10 percent, according to the budget document.

The government will aim to contain its fiscal deficit to 4 percent of gross domestic product in its budget for the 2011/12 fiscal year to be announced later today, according to budget document received by Geo News, as the country tries to revive an economy hit by floods and militancy.

Pakistan had already been struggling since 2008 to keep its economy afloat with an $11 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan, when the devastating floods last year inflicted another $10 billion in losses on the economy.

Dr. Farrukh Saleem anticipated this deficit as per the following two Articles :

[url="http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=44574&Cat=9&dt=5/1/2011"]1. Rs1,000,000,000,000 : Dr Farrukh Saleem - Sunday, May 01, 2011[/url]

[url="http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=43386&Cat=9&dt=4/24/2011"]2. Capital suggestion : Dr Farrukh Saleem - Sunday, April 24, 2011[/url]

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]
[url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13653324"]US strike 'kills' key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri[/url]

Anti India terrorist evaporated along with 9 terrorist from Mirpur. <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />
[quote name='Mudy' date='05 June 2011 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1307214615' post='111791']

[url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13653324"]US strike 'kills' key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri[/url]

Anti India terrorist evaporated along with 9 terrorist from Mirpur. <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />


Mudy Ji :

IK is alive and kicking and ensconced in a plush pad in Kiyani's Basement.

The news is just to get the USA off the Terroristani chimpanzee Minky's back.

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]
IK was behind PN Fazal attack, it is possible Paki gave his location.

[url="http://www.epakistannews.com/tag/gujranwala-news"]Gujranwala hospital blast in Gas Pipeline[/url]

Latest Breaking News: Gujranwala hospital blast in Gas Pipeline > A Blast in Gujranwala Hospital on Sheikhopura Road 21 Injured and 1 Killed.

According to source, Blast in Hospital Gujranwala killed 1 people and injured 21 peoples. Rescue operation started and workers started to shifted in district hospital Gujranwala.

Police and rescue officials reached at the spot. Hospital and Nearby Bank Building some areas damaged due to blast.

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.geo.tv/6-5-2011/82150.htm"]Five dead, 12 hurt in Nowshehra blast[/url]

NOWSHEHRA: Five people have been killed and 12 sustained injuries in a blast that ripped through a bakery in Cantonment area here on Sunday, Geo News reported.

Gas cylinders in the bakery also blew up due to the blast, triggering huge fire that engulfed the whole bakery, police sources said.

The bakery was filled with shoppers at the time of the blast, it was learned.

Fire tenders, ambulances and other emergency services reached the blast site and kick started rescue efforts. Rescue teams of Pak army were also taking part in the effort.

Police officials said they were trying to ascertain the causes that led to the tragic incident.

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=50914&Cat=9&dt=6/5/2011"]Capital suggestion : Dr Farrukh Saleem[/url]

Any ‘fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well’. The truth is that America isn’t Pakistan’s friend – never has been, never will be. The truth is that Obama, Clinton, Kerry and Mullen are all floating around the world to advance just one thing – America’s national interest, and nothing else.

The truth is that our budget drafters have allocated an amount of Rs5.5 million per day, every day of the year for foreign junkets of our president and the prime minister. [color="#FF0000"]At the same time, Budget 2011-2012 has projected a budgetary deficit of Rs950 billion.[/color] To be sure, Ambassador Cameron Munter is not behind the biggest budgetary deficit ever presented in the history of this country.

The truth also is that Pakistanis need at least 18,000 megawatts of electricity but we are only generating 12,000 megawatts. Loadshedding in urban areas routinely lasts for 8 to 10 hours a day, while rural areas get no more than 8 to 10 hours of electricity a day. To be sure, neither Clinton nor Mullen has ever been an adviser at the Ministry of Water and Power. The truth has it that Raja Pervaiz Ashraf was born in Sanghar and elected from his constituency of Gujar Khan.

According to a survey conducted by Gallup Pakistan, 100 million Pakistanis consider that public enemy number one is inflation. Prices in Pakistan are skyrocketing because [color="#FF0000"]the PPP-led government is printing Rs1 trillion a year, every year.[/color] The truth is that in the 2008 general election a total of 10,606,486 voters voted for the PPP. To be sure, neither Obama nor Kerry was among them.

The truth is that 106 million Pakistanis are under the age of 30 and the rate of youth unemployment is approaching 30 percent. Budget 2011-2012 was announced two days ago and had next to nothing in terms of generating employment for these unemployed Pakistanis. To be sure, neither Clinton nor Mullen has been advising our budget drafters.

Can Imran Khan claim that America is behind our loadshedding? Hamid Gul is convinced that America was behind PNS Mehran but was it Hillary’s idea to jack up the price of onions by 300 percent? Mirza Aslam Baig can prove that the Osama incident was a hoax but can he prove that Obama was behind the price of sugar going from Rs33 a kilogramme to Rs80 a kilogramme – a 150 percent jump? Those really are the issues of the common man. The wise say, “It is always the best policy to speak the truth – unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar.”

America is arrogant and egocentric. American foreign policy is self-serving and self-centred. But, is there any doubt that our problem of ‘public money, private greed’ is our own? The sugar barons, the cement cartel and the banking cartel are also our own creation – I am yet to hear a jointly-launched conspiracy by the Embassy of the United States in Islamabad and the Competition Commission of Pakistan.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email : farrukh15@hotmail.com

Cheers [Image: beer.gif]

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