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Atrocities against India by UPA Regime and the Underlying Christian Agenda
Sonia has gone to Europe to hide loot from poor Indians.

Listening to Ramdev

Quote:Swami Ramdev may have jumped off the podium but is still news. Many of my friends see him as a threat to democracy arguing he is harassing an elected government. They see him as de-politizing the country with quack medicines for real problems. Others with a more conspiratorial view read him as a Rasputin, less sinister because he has shades of a clown, a village idiot. They are worried about his rustic populism which makes a hash of our more urbane secular categories. Others more liberal see him as comic book stuff. Crudely put, it is like watching a Bhojpuri movie with English subtitles. It will appear boisterous and crude.

By focusing too much on the man, we lose the sociology behind him. To say he is a Yadav, a Kisan's son, A Yogi from Haryana is not saying enough. This is a sociology of convenience. We think we can dispense with a man once we created a grid of social science terms. To the western eye, he is another OBC figure demanding to be heard. Ignore his egotism, his colossal sense that the world moves around his Copernican self. Ask not what did he say but how did people around him construct the movement? To fight him, you have to understand him.

It is an irony that in discussing corruption, we don't notice the corruption of categories. The languages spoken are different and the same words have different resonances. The Congress in arguing with him appears like a bunch of lawyers engaging with a prophet. Journalists approach him with equal consternation. They see his drama as blackmail, a threat to a constitutionally elected government. Echoing the tacit codes of democracy, electoralism, representation, Ramdev appears like a wave of bad behaviour contemptuous of democratic politics. For the journalist, a representative is elected by the people, therefore he represents them. Ramdev claims he belongs to the people, the reporters see him as illegitimate; he appeals to a primordiality, an organicity beyond representation.

To say that Ramdev is fighting corruption is incomplete. More important he is fighting corruption in idioms and metaphors the urban intellectual does not understand. To hyphenate him to VHP or RSS is not enough. Both use energies from similar cultural stream but the BJP language has become trite as it moved from samaj to rashtra, from community to nation.

Ramdev invokes the lived idea of the village or the lived in experience of the village. He invites a people who believe in the message and the discipline of the guru. His language evokes a world English is too provincial to understand. He talks of sewa which cannot be reduced to social service or social work, or of swasthya which goes beyond allopathic definitions of health. For Ramdev excess food and multinationals can both be corrupting. He is fighting a battle against corruption where the moral, the economic, the spiritual and the material flow into each other. It is a summons from a different discourse, the language of satsangs and not NGOs. The heroes it invokes are Bhagat Singh, Subhash Bose, Rana Pratap, Veer Savarkar those who belong to folklore and legend more than history, people who have been often called the also-rans of NCERT history text books.

There is a lot that is impressive. The arrangements at Ramlila Maidan reminds us of Gandhi's statement about what can the British teach us about managing crowds when we organize the Kumbh Mela. Its sheer demography would boggle the British mind. Cultural groups and religious cults arrange melas and protests using community skills which modern management does not understand. To list it logistically in terms of fans arranged, water coolers available misses the point. The discipline and power of this voluntarism stems from sewa not some NGO pamphlet.
The presence of swamis shows that saffron does not belong to the right, that saffron has a dignity, a spirituality, a vocation that goes beyond the communalist appropriation of saffron. Our secular liberals reach for the gun when religion is mentioned without realizing the violence they do to a people who think comfortably in religious categories. Calling all this Bharat, only blackboxes the world cooked up by these categories.

Think of two other facts. We talk of participation as an empowering word but we are contemptuous of crowds who participate in protests. Many people at the rally were hinting at a simple and poignant truth. They said we want to participate but we want to participate in categories we are comfortable with. For that if we have to invoke Vivekanand and Rana Pratap, so be it. We want to talk our language. These people are saying it does not need global agencies like Transparency International to tell them what corruption is about. The old woman from a little town feels important, feels relevant sitting quietly but not insignificantly in the crowd. Our ideas of democracy have become too arrogant to notice the people.

Let us notice another thing. They are creating history by invoking myth. They are defying history to create a different notion of independence, not as an event but as a process. They juxtapose 1857, 1947 and 2011 into a sequence. It invokes a different idea of independence where what we seek is an independence from western categories, where civilization and community are expressing a tiredness with the electoral hegemony of parliaments. As Swami Agnivesh [color="#FF0000"]<??>[/color]put it, sometimes people have to have priority over parliaments, if people are to be ultimate source of power in democracies.

A famous Indian scientist once sat listening to a recitation of a similar event. At the end of it the man reciting it asked the scientist, 'What do you think?' The scientist answered 'It depends on who is telling the story and whose story it is.' We cannot capture the Ramdev phenomenon in media idioms. Words like traditional, fundamental, saffron, communal blur the immediacy of what is happening. There is a pain, a quiet agony which he has sensed. We have to listen to before we begin to participate or quarrel with them. This much we owe to ourselves as Indians.

Shiv Visvanathan is a Social Science nomad.
Excellent Read - Sums up a on the differnce between AH and BRD campaigns.

REVOLT OF THE OUTLANDER - Anna Hazare and Ramdev appeal to two distinct social classes

Swapan Dasgupta

Last Saturday evening, an English language television news channel sent one of its coquettish anchors, who otherwise specialized in going gush-gush over Bollywood stars, to report on Baba Ramdev’s ‘yoga camp’ in Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan. The lady had apparently never seen life on the other side of the tracks — or, at least, successfully pretended she hadn’t — and was wide-eyed in astonishment at both the numbers and the motivation of people who had travelled long distances to be with the man dubbed the “rock star of yoga”. She was also bowled over by the huge media presence. “There are channels here,” she said in breathless astonishment, “that I’ve never heard of.”

For that India whose TV viewing doesn’t go beyond the news and entertainment channels available on Tata Sky, the ignorance is understandable. There is an India People-Like-Us know and claim to understand, even if it is from a position of detachment. This includes the mysterious, mystical India personified by the flowing white robes and the ‘wellness’ philosophy of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The PLUs also habitually invoke the romanticism of rural life, even if they are understandably horrified by the Taliban-like decisions of khap panchayats.

That there are multiple Indias is a truism. It is also a truism that the only time the kaleidoscope of India finds some reflection in either the ‘national’ or the mainstream regional media is during an election. That’s the time the limousine liberals are sponsored by indulgent bankers to travel in comfort to the wilderness and even do an election-related chat show from a dusty truckers’ dhaba in West Midnapore or the roof of a garish hotel in Gaya.

Unfortunately, the season for political tourism is all too brief. It is always possible to gauge voting intentions during an emotionally charged campaign and even report the quantum of economic change brought about by India’s soaring gross domestic product in the small market towns and neighbouring villages. It is never a media priority to understand the corresponding shifts in aesthetic and social impulses.

The multiplying consequences of passionate Islamic discourses by tele-evangelists have, for example, led to a sharp rise in social conservatism among India’s Muslims. Some of this is even sartorially self-evident. Less understood, however, is the impact of the discourses broadcast by TV channels such as Aastha on the mofussil Hindu imagination. Have the unending emphasis on true dharma and the constant invocations of righteousness had an unforeseen political consequence?

For the past three years at least, I have been told of the subterranean buzz around Ramdev’s robust festivals of health and patriotism all over India. The extent to which the surge in religiosity has been brought about by rising TV viewership is difficult to quantify. All that can be said is that Ramdev’s decision to expand his mission statement to demanding political action against organized venality was not born out of thin air. It stemmed from his reading of the responses he got from the non-metropolitan audiences he spends most of the year addressing.

There is a sharp class divide between the ‘civil society’ movements launched by Anna Hazare and Ramdev. The old Gandhian and his core support team are public spirited individuals who in a more settled age would perhaps have been a part of the institutional apparatus of governance. Blessed with modern education and global exposure —note the surfeit of Magsaysay Award winners in Anna’s Star Chamber — they are people who talk the modern idiom of development and politics, a language the mainstream media finds comprehensible, comforting and respectable. The Anna movement has drawn sustenance from three quarters: from a core network of professional activists with a disdain for organized politics, from senior citizens, usually active in residents’ welfare associations, horrified by the moral decline of a world they can’t keep pace with, and a section of idealistic but impressionable youth which believes that social media networking is a force for the good.

The Anna movement was a made-in-media campaign. The crowds that flocked to his rally in Delhi’s Jantar Mantar two months ago did so without any incentive and organization. However, its spontaneity was also governed by a spectacular degree of TV hype that unnerved the government and forced it into setting up a joint committee to draft a new lok pal bill. No doubt the process was helped by the endearing personality of Anna — a man who exudes both simplicity and sincerity. However, it is worth considering whether or not the multiplier effects of the movement would have been that marked had the location of the fast not been the heart of Lutyen’s Delhi.

Compared to the 5,000 or so people who thronged Jantar Mantar at the peak of Anna’s fast, Ramdev began his show with a dedicated audience of something around 40,000 people. While most of Anna’s supporters were from the national capital region — plus shows of solidarity in the state capitals — the yoga guru mobilized people from all over the country, including a large contingent from West Bengal. Yet, the government risked a potential riot by forcibly evicting the crowd and shutting down the show in the early hours of last Sunday. What explains the visible double-standards?

The answer is obvious. The ‘civil society’ that Anna represented was the influential metropolitan middle class, many of whom were PLUs. Ramdev’s support base was drawn primarily from B, C and D category towns and lacked either clout or glamour. The English-language media was openly contemptuous of his mission, portraying it as a variant of another Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh-sponsored gau rakshan show. There was not a single Bollywood star to keep company of the relatively unknown religious figures that graced Ramdev’s dais. Even Anna was in two minds over being present on the stage. Each of the sadhus may have had a following of lakhs but this was not the power elite Delhi knew. To them, it was an assembly of obscurantists.

The scepticism of the PLUs contrasted starkly with the earnestness with which the Hindi channels dealt with the Ramdev phenomenon. To their viewership, Ramdev was a venerated figure and not someone whose raw understanding of economics was worthy of mockery.

The sharp class divide was unmistakable. The last occasion I witnessed this was the Ayodhya movement. Till L.K. Advani’s rath yatra in 1990, cosmopolitan India treated the fuss over Ram’s birthplace with sneering contempt. It was blind to the raw emotions unleashed in the hinterland, a phenomenon that was dismissed as ‘false consciousness’.

There is nothing as yet to indicate that Ramdev is likely to trigger a similar explosion of sentiment. Yet, the yogic entrepreneur has succeeded in extending the reach of the anti-corruption movement into the deep interior of the Hindi heartland. He has complemented a modernist unease with corrupt governance with populist anger against a venal, elitist order — note how his demand to secure the return of black money stashed in foreign shores was cleverly twinned with the demand to replace English with the vernacular. Ramdev has triggered the revolt of the outlander.

The Hindu faith has traditionally been caste-based and localized. Yet, there has been a congregational undercurrent that has subsumed these divisions. Over the past two decades and thanks in no small measure to growing TV viewership, a new congregational faith has injected a new energy into the Hindu universe. Particularly noteworthy is the growing marginalization of the Brahminical order. Ramdev, a Yadav by caste, personifies this phenomenon. The Congress may have miscalculated by declaring total war on him.

Ramdev did not demand replacement of English afaik, only that higher education also be conducted in vernacular languages along with English.
[url="http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/aditi-phadnis-bharti-to-bjp%5Cs-rescue/438648/"]Aditi Phadnis: Bharti to BJP's rescue[/url]

Quote:By contrast, the Muslims are applauding from the heart the action the Congress-led government took. In their eyes, for the first time in years, justice is being done. In areas like Moradabad, for long a Samajwadi Party bastion, Muslims are thronging offices of the Congress, homes of political leaders and anyone they think would represent them.
[quote name='rhytha' date='10 June 2011 - 02:44 AM' timestamp='1307702165' post='111896']



Superb article by Swapan Dasgupta. It succicintly highlights the difference between Ramdev's and Hazare's movements. Hazare's movement appeals to the "chatterati" class, and even has representatives of this class in its upper ranks, along with outside support from them. While this allows Hazare to be shown by the "bought media" in a more favorable light than Ramdev, it also makes him suspect to manipulation, subversion, and even deep penetration by the criminal UPA regime (assuming that it already hasn't happened).

OTOH, Ramdev has the "real muscle". His followers represent the true India. Many if not most of them have never been the beneficiary of the so-called 9% growth rate (and will never be), but are the victims of the 25+ % inflation rate. The criminal atrocities committed by the Italian and her stooges on 6-6-2011 has opened a pandora's box, whose handling far exceeds the skill sets of the UPA regime. A majority of Ramdev's followers may be called "crude" and "backward" by the "chatterati", who wish they would "just go away". However, problems cannot be wished away and if ignored and mis-handled return with monstrous proportions. As an aside, the "chatterati" have convenienty neglected to mention and give credit to the superb organization by Ramdev at the Ram Lila ground, which even multinational consultancies and logistic agencies would ebe hard pressed to emulate.

Undue waste of media time has been perpetrated by obituaries to M. F. Hussein - a third rate painter and a pervert. However no "power-that-be" has found the time to visit the victims of the police brutality on 6-6-2011, some of whom are in critical condition.

Ramdev's followers reprepresent the harsh reality and are the product of over 60+ years of mis-rule and corruption by the GoI, much of it perpetrated by the Congress. I pray Ramdev has a swift and complete recovery, because he could be the catalyst for real change in India, without which India will break up within the next 25 years.
Baba Ram Dev in ICU.

Not sure if and how Indian populace will react to his death.

GOD save India.
kangress demons wanted to get rid of Baba in a stampede. That was the reason for setting the stage on Fire.

June 4, Ramlila Maidan: Sonia Gandhi’s Night of Shame

Radha Rajan

11 June 2011

What happened in the night of June 4 at Ramlila Maidan resembled a scene straight out of Macbeth. No Hindu king or ruler, not even Kamsa and Ravana, has gone so far as to use force of arms against defenseless, sleeping women and children. This is a familiar demoniac Abrahamic characteristic which the non-Christian and non-Muslim world has seen and experienced both in historical and contemporary times.

The UPA government, like Shakespeare’s infamous agents of evil and disorder, used the cover of darkness to arrest Baba Ramdev, physically molest women and children, brutally manhandle the men, and destroy the pandal and its fixtures in an orgy of violence and lawlessness. It is not difficult to guess who played Lady Macbeth.

It may perhaps come as a shock to Sonia Gandhi and her minions in the party and government, but IB sources had already informed a small group of people that Baba Ramdev would almost certainly be arrested; what was unexpected, however, was the insane midnight police assault on sleeping men, women and children. This was surely a plot scripted by a deranged mind; or was it? Judging by the end result – Sonia Gandhi, Digvijay Singh and P. Chidambaram are the most detested persons in the country today – the writer is veering towards the conclusion that there was sure-footed method in the midnight madness. Evil raged on Ramlila Maidan that night.

If Digvijay Singh’s opening statement to the media soon after Sonia Gandhi pushed the button on his back were to be carried to its logical conclusion, then from the fact that Baba Ramdev was arrested in the thick of the night, proves that the Congress is not simply afraid but terrified of what Sonia Gandhi thinks Baba Ramdev represents and symbolizes. The midnight assault on Ramlila Maidan has stripped naked Sonia Gandhi’s ill-concealed and demoniac ambition to rule a country not her own at any cost; it also revealed that someone close to her in government was determined that she will not be allowed to succeed, and in the process exposed to the discerning eye the deep divide between the Prime Minister and his imported boss lady.

While it is imperative for the nation’s collective conscience to be merciless towards Sonia Gandhi and her repeated Italian Mafioso methods to deal with a citizenry not impressed by and even affronted by the colour of her skin, it is just as important to question the rationale which catapulted an ill-equipped Baba Ramdev to political center-stage, and the motives driving the individuals who used the yoga Guru for the purpose.

The issue of ‘black’ money or money taken out of the country to be stashed in banks and garbage bins in safe and secretive tax-haven countries of the world is, of course, a matter of paramount national concern. This is but a manifestation of decades-long endemic greed and systemic corruption in the country’s polity and judiciary; it is ultimately, the country’s purchasable polity and judiciary which allowed the rot to set in and then spread.

The BJP, to its credit, did speak first about this lost national financial asset, and even made it the sole electoral issue during the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. One of the first to write about the estimated volume of illegal money in tax-havens abroad and in Swiss Banks was a professor of finance from IIM Bangalore, Prof. R Vaidyanathan. The Bangalore professor was assiduously cultivated by a Chennai-based chartered accountant who is also a celebrated, if somewhat selective, investigative journalist, and is considered close to Advani. The BJP was compelled to embrace the issue of bringing back illegal money stashed abroad during the 2009 general elections because the party refused to take up any other nationalist cause, and the ideologue used this gaping hole in the BJP’s campaign to prevail upon Advani to make it an election issue.

Advani having distanced the BJP from Hindutva and all other ideology, jumped at the idea because this was in consonance with his own agenda for the BJP – to transform it into a de-Hinduised, governance-over-ideology political party. The writer’s blunt warning to Narendra Modi that the BJP’s election campaign with only the issue of black money abroad as talking point was not setting the nation on fire fell on deaf ears.

While this was undoubtedly a political issue calling for political action, in 2009 it was not an electoral issue because the voting populace had neither been informed nor educated about it then as they are now clued-up. The writer was therefore not surprised when the idea failed to capture the imagination of the ordinary voting populace and BJP suffered thumping defeat in the elections.

The Prime Minister probably as salve to the bruised BJP psyche in 2009, promised to take up the issue seriously within the first 100 days after coming to power. Considering the names of those who had stashed the money abroad, amid suspicions that the Congress leadership may well be topping the list, there was no way he would have been allowed by the Pompadour to pursue the matter even half-heartedly; and the issue which was both real and big died a natural death for want of a delivery mechanism – in this case, state power which alone could have made it possible.

Baba Ramdev’s entirely unexpected foray into the realm of domestic politics through this issue should be seen in this context, and can be attributed to the Chennai ideologue and his penchant to launch innumerable movements and forums as extensions of his own sense of grandiloquent self-importance. Seeing great potential for self-perpetuation in the idea of bringing back money kept abroad, and when the BJP’s campaign failed to get off the ground, this gentleman needed another vehicle, ideally a large vehicle to propel the idea to national center-stage, and who better than the articulate, activist Baba Ramdev with his vast following at home and abroad.

Baba Ramdev was also one of the Founders-Patron of Global Foundation for Civilizational Harmony, a forum created inter alia for Track II international politics of religion. While Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Sri Sri Ravishankar were articulate in English and could be used effectively in inter-faith dialogue in America, Vatican, Europe and UN, Baba Ramdev’s utility and USP were different. Baba Ramdev did not speak Queen’s English, but his spontaneity, his robust and rustic simplicity, his willingness to inform and educate his bhaktas on important national and Hindu issues, besides yoga, and his unmatched ability to mobilise hundreds of thousands of people ready to do their Guru’s bidding without question, made him the natural choice to launch a nation-wide movement. The question begs itself – when individuals seek to use Hindu sanyasis to launch nation-wide movements, should it not have been a Hindu movement around a Hindu issue?

Baba Ramdev was persuaded to spearhead the movement against money taken out of the country, and for as long as the movement was led by Baba Ramdev, it gathered phenomenal momentum as the yoga Guru travelled across the country rousing people’s opinion against corruption and demanding the government take immediate steps to bring back the money.

In Hindu-majority India, when people step out of their homes to participate in a public cause, the ‘people’ are Hindus; and Hindus respond spontaneously and with a sense of their responsibility to the nation when the movement is led from the front by Hindu religious leaders or by leaders who exert moral authority and whose call Hindus obey unquestioningly. This is the Hindu way, and when individuals like Gandhi and the ideologue use ordinary people to power their movements, the Hindu nation has the right to demand that the end objective of the movement serves the cause of Hindu rashtra.

Gandhi used his multi-religious, pluralist prayer meetings where the majority was Hindu to lead the country towards vivisection in 1947; this movement where individuals used Baba Ramdev ended in unmitigated disaster not only for Baba Ramdev himself, but for all those who were deceived into believing that something momentous was happening finally to serve the Hindu cause. The issue of black money abroad, which has now become a part of the national movement against corruption, is in very real danger of losing steam because the duo which used Baba Ramdev to breathe new life into the dead issue had obviously not planned even the mammoth gathering at Ramlila Maidan to the last detail, much less thought beyond the Delhi satyagraha. Such was their touching faith in Sonia Gandhi that they did not think anything could go wrong.

Had there been wider consultations, had the duo consulted thinkers, retired intelligence officers, retired army personnel, and not just adoring sycophants and loyalists, the campaign would not have come to the tragic, abrupt and ignominious end that Sonia Gandhi and her spittle-licking government inflicted upon it.

The issue of black money abroad, while important, is nevertheless not something for which people will lay down their lives, and no matter how earth-shaking the response to Baba Ramdev’s call, it had less to do with the issue and more to do with personal bhakti for their Guru; most important though, the campaign was certain to lose steam because once Baba Ramdev was removed from the venue and his bhaktas dispersed, the government was sure to allow it to die a natural death, all the while making polite and soothing noises about corruption.

The Vigil book on NGOs was a well-researched expose of foreign-funded NGOs and political activists. Subsequent to publishing the book, the website www.vigilonline.com opened a webpage for news updates on these and other NGOs, and the notorious band of activists who are unambiguously anti-Hindu in speech, writing and action, and who can be seen preening before media cameras in Sonia Gandhi’s NAC, including in team Anna Hazare and the Lokpal Bill.

The webpage NGO Watch carries detailed analysis of foreign money coming into the country from governments, churches and funding agencies in America and Europe to fund subversive NGOs and anti-Hindu political activists. Prof. Vaidyanathan and Sanjeev Nayyar (of Mumbai) have analysed the dangerous inflow of money into the country from available government data – from the website of Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs and FCRA.

If the chartered accountant-cum-investigative journalist and his partner in Delhi were planning to use Baba Ramdev to mount a national campaign, surely it should have been presented to the ordinary people as an issue which poses a great threat to Hindus, Hindu religion and the Hindu Nation. This could have been done only by-

- Making the connection between illegal money hidden abroad and foreign money coming into the country

- Making removal of Sonia Gandhi from the political arena as the explicit end objective of the campaign

- Bringing down the anti-Hindu UPA government

This duo wanted to wage what was in actual fact a war against Sonia Gandhi by hiding behind Baba Ramdev. Let there be no doubt that while the issue may be about bringing back money taken out of the country, Sonia Gandhi rightly perceived herself to be the end objective; and the chowki which she usurped from under poor Sitaram Kesri in 1998 and which had seemed invincible, was beginning to rock.

Our enemies have always had a vastly superior understanding of the war against Hindu India than Hindus have had about war or about Hinduism’s enemies.

The small group working from behind Baba Ramdev ought to have known that arraigned on the other side was not Sonia Gandhi the individual, but the Generic Church. The formidable Generic Church (American and European governments, American and European churches, the Vatican and World Council of Churches) stands behind Sonia Gandhi, equipped with all instruments of state, including weapons of war, and creatures of their making - pan-national and international structures and organizations (United Nations; International Court of Justice, The Hague; The International Criminal Court; Human Rights Watch; Amnesty International; Red Cross; American think-tanks) making Sonia Gandhi almost invincible.

But the group behind Baba Ramdev, in choosing not to seek organizational or any other back up support, thought they could get Baba Ramdev to mobilize people to Delhi in tens of thousands by hiding from public view and directing the movement insultingly from the shadows and over the cellular phone.

Sonia Gandhi’s handlers can front her in the war to conquer India without soiling their coattails and without entering the battlefield because Sonia Gandhi has the entire spittle-licking Congress as slave labour to do her bidding; and since 2004, every VVIP sitting in every single high democratic institution Rashtrapati Bhavan downwards, is personally beholden to Sonia Gandhi for his or her current high profile and privileged status. These individuals as price for their undeserved elevation have allowed Sonia Gandhi to tie strings to their fingers and toes, while they themselves are not allowed even an involuntary twitch of muscle or nerve.

Baba Ramdev, in contrast, had no one. Such is the total isolation of Baba Ramdev today that he was carrying on the ill-considered fast alone in his ashram in Haridwar [and had to be removed to hospital on Friday]. But Haridwar is not Delhi and Baba Ramdev is not a politician; he is a Hindu sanyasi. The government is no longer under pressure to placate or punish Baba Ramdev for daring to challenge Sonia Gandhi’s tentacles in Delhi; the government only has to ignore him. Simply put, the government no longer cares if Baba Ramdev fasts or feasts.

This battle was won by Sonia Gandhi only because the individuals who masterminded the movement assumed leadership roles which they did not deserve, and for which they had no competence. Round 1 to Sonia Gandhi, but the war is still far from over.

Every intelligent and politically conscious Hindu must question those individuals who dragged Baba Ramdev to do politics, for publicly and humiliatingly letting down Baba Ramdev, and all those Hindus who had gathered faithfully at Ramlila Maidan on 3rd and 4th June, and all those Hindus who thought (wrongly) that this was some great Hindu awakening.

The writer sat up and took note when all of a sudden Baba Ramdev began to speak publicly, not about corruption in general terms, but specifically about foreign money stashed abroad, and came to the immediate and correct conclusion that the good professor from Bangalore had probably been taken to meet Baba Ramdev to brief the yogi about the need to mount a national campaign against illegal money in Swiss Banks and tax-havens.

This was unquestionably a brilliant move – to get Baba Ramdev to re-launch the campaign which failed in 2009 because the BJP saw it only as an election campaign talking point and not as a war tactic. But, like all other ideas which this duo dreamed up in years past, this too crash-landed because, one, the duo lacks staying ability and two, they have always failed to practice the first rule taught to students of chess who plan to play the game competitively - crawl into the mind of your opponent, work out all possible moves he can make, and work out the next twenty steps for each of these moves. In short, know thy enemy.

A war is not fought and won by flitting from cause to cause every week – cleaning Ganga one week, plight of farmers the second, bringing home illegal money the third and sinking Dayanidhi Maran in the fourth. The war to protect the Hindu Nation from Sonia Gandhi’s Christian colonial rule cannot be fought, much less won, without a battle plan, and certainly not by standing script in hand in the wings of the dais. War is not theatre. But was this group really waging war against Sonia Gandhi and for the Hindu Nation? It would seem not, considering that they are nowhere to be seen or heard since the 4th of June.

The writer has been troubled by the question – did the issue of black money in Swiss Banks and tax havens merit the kind of gathering at Ramlila Maidan, and did this issue merit a fast unto death? Sonia Gandhi’s decision to take forcible charge of the Congress Party and her subsequent rise in national politics, the corresponding weakening of the BJP, compounded by BJP’s floundering sense of self-identity, has had a catastrophic effect on Hindus and Hindu religion. Add to this was her determination to plant loyalists in every constitutional and administrative position in the country; witness -

- The rise of Christian Chief Ministers

- The rise of Christian aspirants for 7, Race Course Road

- The growing visibility of Christians in all important positions within the Congress party

- The craven and cowardly submission of all English print and electronic media to the Pompadour’s will

- The relentless mission of all denominations of the Church to end Hindu religion in its own bhumi

- UPA Government-driven empowerment of Abrahamic minorities in all spheres of public life

- The unending infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims into the country

Every one of these issues is linked directly either to the rise of Sonia Gandhi in India’s polity, or to foreign money coming into the country. In short, the rise of Sonia Gandhi in India’s polity can be traced to the Generic Church’s politico-religious agenda for Asia. China, South Korea, Japan and India are the prime targets in the Generic Church’s quest for world domination. South Korea is already Christian-majority, Japan has been irreversibly Christianised in its collective mind; China and India alone remain the last bastions against the Abrahamic onslaught.

These issues, including the sudden and steep increase in the volume of foreign money being pumped here ostensibly for social charity, which must be laid squarely at Sonia Gandhi’s door, demanded the kind of national awareness and response that Baba Ramdev created in the country.

On the midnight of June 4, when the Delhi Police crashed into the Ramlila Maidan, nearly 50,000 of Baba Ramdev’s bhaktas had gathered at the venue and another 30-40,000 people were expected on Sunday, 5th June. By any account these are mind-numbing numbers and the anti-Hindu UPA government was put on notice. That the Prime Minister and Sonia Gandhi are no longer on the same side of the Hindu / anti-Hindu divide within the UPA government was until now just suspected in some quarters; it came to the fore as Baba Ramdev and his bhaktas began moving towards Delhi.

On the first day, the Prime Minister sent four Cabinet Ministers, including Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, to receive Baba Ramdev at the airport. This was civilisationally the correct thing to do and the country heaved a sigh of relief. The Prime Minister is a Sikh and after he is done with being Prime Minister, he has to go back to being a disciplined soldier of the Sikh faith and answer to the Akal Takht. The Prime Minister is certain to have remembered the chastening experience of the incumbent Governor of Tamil Nadu and former Chief Minister of Punjab, Shri S.S. Barnala, who was made to sit in the Golden Temple for ten days and as an act of penitence, clean the shoes of bhaktas entering the precincts.

The writer is deeply grateful to the SGPC for asking a highly respected Sikh lawyer in the Supreme Court to withdraw from the case against Pujya Kanchi Mathathipathi. This lawyer was engaged by the then Chief Minister Jayalalithaa; and bhaktas of the Kanchi matham owe an eternal debt of gratitude to this lawyer who abided by the diktat of Sikhism’s highest religious body and refused to proceed with the case. This single act by the Sikh lawyer of refusing to be a part of this asuric act in total obedience to his religious leaders dramatically altered the then prevalent mood in the Madras High Court and in the Supreme Court, and public opinion changed decisively against the Tamil Nadu government

This country is driven by the tapasya of our dharmic gurus and sanyasis; Dr. Manmohan Singh knew this and therefore sent four ministers to meet with Baba Ramdev; Sonia Gandhi and her spittle-lickers knew it too; that is why an emergency meeting was convened the next day at the Prime Minister’s residence and this time Sonia Gandhi presided with P. Chidambaram and A.K. Anthony in tow.

After this meeting at Number 7, Race Course Road, everything changed. Four ministers became two ministers, and on the second day no ministers at all, only government representatives. The Generic Church stepped in with full might. What was at stake was Hindu India with all its magnificent natural resources; at stake was the vast potential harvest of Hindu souls for Christ, and oil and diamonds, gold and other minerals, the vastly promising perennial rivers and abundant sunshine – all up for grabs.

The Generic Church could not have a Hindu sanyasi threatening Sonia Gandhi and in the process unravelling their plot to eventually control and rule India. And so the resistance had to be broken and broken both insultingly and brutally. This was not Jallianwala Bagh; this was 1909 – the year the British government ruthlessly removed three towering Hindu nationalists, Aurobindo, Tilak and Savarkar, from the polity to facilitate Gandhi taking over the Congress after his rather hasty departure from South Africa. It speaks volumes for the knowledge that Hindus have of their own history that while people compared what happened on June 4 to the Emergency and Jallianwala Bagh, no one saw it as a replay of 1909

The year 1909 saw the full might of state breaking the backbone of Hindu nationalism; Sonia Gandhi was made to do the same by her handlers. They knew 1909 only too well and therefore knew exactly how to deal with it. It is frightening to know that even intelligent and political Hindus still do not know 1909; those who knew did not prepare themselves or the Hindu community to meet a similar eventuality and once again, ordinary Hindus were let down by their leaders.

The country will never know what transpired between Kapil Sibal and Baba Ramdev; will never know why the activist-ideologue duo did not accompany Baba Ramdev to the Claridges Hotel, and why they were not present in Ramlila Maidan when Sonia Gandhi sent the Delhi Police to arrest Baba Ramdev. There is still no answer why they have not surfaced till now even as this is being written; surely they owe Hindus an explanation about why they dragged a sanyasi to Delhi with his bhaktas and left them all high and dry to fend for themselves after Sonia Gandhi and her thugs were done with them.

This was in sharp contrast to the manner in which Anna Hazare addressed press conferences or when he undertook the fast-unto-death at Jantar Mantar. He was always flanked on both sides by Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan. The entire team was always seen together and there was a transparent distribution of responsibility among them. The circle expanded to include Swami Agnivesh, Mallika Sarabhai, Medha Patkar and Sandeep Pandey – all Sonia Gandhi’s men and women.

Baba Ramdev did not fail; the people who used him failed the Guru and all of us. But while there is reason for despondency and gloom, there are several lessons to be learnt and also several reasons to hope.

The RSS, preoccupied with its annual shibirs which are conducted across the country, obviously was never part of Baba Ramdev’s Delhi Satyagraha. Those familiar with the RSS’ shiksha varga know that all RSS karyalayas throughout the country empty themselves during the months of April, May and June and all swayamsevaks and pracharaks are deputed to the various camps for different tasks and duties.

The same would have been true of Delhi. When tragedy struck Ramlila Maidan on the night of June 4, there would have been no swayamsevak or pracharak in Delhi that night. The BJP had already planned its National Executive meeting in Lucknow on that day. Which brings us back to the question raised earlier – why was there no careful planning of the Delhi satyagraha considering that both the RSS and BJP would not be present in Delhi that night?

As pointed out earlier, our enemies have a far better understanding of Hindus than we have of them. Sonia Gandhi’s handlers would have known that the RSS and BJP top brass would not be in Delhi that night and that is why Sonia Gandhi sent the Delhi Police to Ramlila Maidan even as the Prime Minister’s emissaries were still negotiating with Baba Ramdev. The Prime Minister may not be in a position to tell the nation just yet if Kapil Sibal and Subodh Kant Sahay were reporting to him or to Sonia Gandhi and her minions.

The Prime Minister may also not be in a position to tell us why, if he was engaging Baba Ramdev by day, Sonia Gandhi had to arrest him at night. The Prime Minister is also not in a position to tell us why, if on the one hand he conducts himself with correctness and accords Hindu sanyasis the high respect due to them, Rahul Gandhi’s spittle-licking Digvijay Singh is allowed to run amok enraging Hindus and offending Hindu sensibilities.

This brutal mission of arresting Baba Ramdev and forcibly throwing him out of Delhi and evicting hapless men, women and children, could not have been undertaken during daytime without a violent backlash from the people; that is why in true Gestapo style, in a style befitting Italian Mafioso and Stalinist Russia, 50,000 Hindus gathered at Ramlila Maidan could be brutalised and dispersed only in the dead of the night.

The fact that Hindus will step out of their homes at the call of their religious leaders or to the call of a Hindu cause, is the biggest reason to hope that this war is not over yet. The RSS, the BJP, and our religious leaders must sit down and first acknowledge collectively that Sonia Gandhi and the Generic Church pose the biggest threat to this nation, and the quantum of foreign money which the Generic Church is pouring into the country and Sonia Gandhi’s politics of minority-ism have to be fought with the full might of Hindu power.

The Hindu Nation is losing its people and its territory to the Church and Islam. All three forces have to come together to combat the Generic Church. This cannot be done by our religious leaders without the RSS’ organizing capacity; this cannot be done by the RSS alone without the BJP’s political delivery mechanism and the sanctity and mobilising capacity of our religious leaders, and this cannot be done by the BJP alone without the moral authority of the RSS and the spiritual and religious authority of our sanyasis, Gurus and Acharyas.

We cannot allow individuals to launch nation-wide movements without preparation and without nationalism. It is not enough for the RSS to merely extend ‘support’ to our religious leaders when they step forward to take up a national cause. This is akin to outside support extended by irresponsible political parties and politicians to a government. The RSS must openly take the lead and forge a proactive and invincible partnership with the BJP and our religious leaders if Hindu India is to be saved from going the way of South Korea now, and East Timor and The Philippines before that. The synergy of Hindu religious leaders, RSS and BJP must –

- Demand stopping all foreign money from coming into India. Hindu religious leaders and Hindu organizations receiving foreign money must be prepared to do without it, because money coming to Christian and Muslim groups is the single most destructive power threatening Hindu religion

- Bring down the UPA government at the earliest

- Remove Sonia Gandhi permanently from the political arena, and if possible mount a campaign that any member of this family poses the same threat

Sonia Gandhi is the most detested person in the country today. Our religious leaders, the RSS, and the BJP, must ensure she does not rise again. The time to remove her forcibly from the political arena, like she removed Pujya Kanchi Periava and Baba Ramdev, is now. It’s payback time for the Congress and its imported usurper. Dr. Manmohan Singh may yet be called to account by the Akal Takht. He should now do what he can to make the Akal Takht look more kindly upon him.

If Ramlila Maidan showed us our weaknesses, it also showed us what is possible, and that should bring the Hindu nation together to combat the Generic Church.

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The author is Editor, www.vigilonline.com
[quote name='Arun_S' date='11 June 2011 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1307771000' post='111904']

Baba Ram Dev in ICU.

Not sure if and how Indian populace will react to his death.

GOD save India.


Indian people/silent majority had slave mentality. They will do nothing but scream inside home. 1% of simple people will react openly.

Look their behavior till now, corrupt Italian along with moron PM are looting India, these scums are worst then East India Company, and silent majority is behaving like what Bengal did to East India Company, they just watched them, did nothing. Not a single stone thrown on British mercenaries.

Even Islamic nations are rising against their own ruler, this had happened first time, but Indians are too meek to rise up. They need bigger shocker to kick out Italian and elitist gang with family outside India.
Navin Chawla's X-ian "credentials":

It's great that Ramdev has broken his fast. He's more use alive in kicking the Italian and her stooges out, one way or another. This is something which is very interesting:


Janata Party President Subramanian Swamy who was present in the hospital when Ramdev broke his fast, lashed out at Sonia Gandhi saying, "Sonia Gandhi and her son are sitting in Switzerland at this time."

He also said that the fight against corruption will not end.

Obviously there is a link of sorts between Swamy and Ramdev. This is good news, because Swamy through his association with various agencies has pin-point and accurate information on the criminal UPA regimes various crimes including stolen money kept overseas, particularly those of the Italian and her family, and other worthless entities like PC. These include locations, bank names and addresses, and even a/c numbers which are updated periodically. He's a very useful person to have on Ramdev's side to cleanse India of the Italian filth and her stooges, and enforce rule of law.
Mudy Maharaj,

Is it possible that this thread be moved to a prominent place in Stretegic Security of India? I have a feeling that the coming months will see a heck of a lot of skeletons tumble out of the UPA's closet. Many of these criminal indiscretions have had, and are having a serious impact on India's strategic security.

Quote:It's great that Ramdev has broken his fast. He's more use alive in kicking the Italian and her stooges out, one way or another. This is something which is very interesting:

I fully agree, Make them die for our cause. Its always better to live, Gandhi Satyagargh works with civil society, when one has to deal with devils like Sonia Gandhi Congress, its better to stay alive and let them perish.
Hindus need to focus on one thing: crushing the enemy, the terrorist ideologies. Because *that* is what it will take. It's already a total war: they started it. Mayhap Hindus can try to finish it (?) You have to want to win, even if you can't win. At least can still do them a lot of damage; perhaps even the unrecoverable kind. There's many - valid - reasons why you want to.
Subramaniam Swamy must declare Sonia Gandhi persona non grata if she is not located within the week.

Also, BJP must pull a stunt highlighting this issue and not let it slip away.
I got a no comment about her whereabouts from a dilli billi. Being handled as a state secret.
[quote name='ramana' date='14 June 2011 - 07:29 AM' timestamp='1308064907' post='111936']

I got a no comment about her whereabouts from a dilli billi. Being handled as a state secret.



She's currently in Zug with her nitwit pervert son. She was never invited to the Bilderberg Group 2011 meeting. Here is a "leaked list" of the attendees:


I know what's in Zug and I trust/guess you know too. In any case, some of the views expressed in the Bilderberg meeting about India, which filtered out, are most "interesting".
via email

Quote:Me dearies we have it on excellent authority that Sonia Gandhi and her dimpled offspring are both in Zug, Switzerland now. If this is true why did the media keep saying "will Jayalalithaa meet Sonia Gandhi in Delhi'? Now in the wake of the nation baying for the blood of all those who have money stashed abroad, we can understand Sonia Gandhi not wanting us to know she is there. But why did the 24 hour english news channels pretend she is in Delhi and Jayalalithaa may/may not meet her?

I am groping for some word here to describe the media lies about the woman. Any appropriate word anyone? RR

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