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The Real Indian IQ
[quote name='ashish' date='30 January 2012 - 09:53 PM' timestamp='1327940150' post='114343']

But Sri Lanka is at least twice as prosperous as Tamil Nadu. Is that because -

1. Tamils in Sri Lanka are more Christian, therefore more modern or

2. Indian TN is paying a heavy price due to India's federal structure where most of their wealth is being sent to low IQ populations



Syrian Xtians SI - merchants score at levels of Tamil Velala, SI- Landlord

In most cases, Merchant IQ > Landlord IQ, so xtianity has not helped the syrian xtians

So xtianity has not helped Syrian xtians

Most black African countries are xtian run and much worse than India

Sri Lanka Tamil xtian is 15% and Sinhala xtians is 6%, not a major factor

Theravada Buddhism is a 2-edged sword, in all countries, it deadens IQ, due to celibate monks and nuns ,

leading to enstupidation

Khmers now are dumb Theravadins, but when they were Hindus they built Angkor Vat

Both in Myanmar and Srilanka, both theravadin buddhist countries,

non-brahmin tamils took over the economy due to higher IQ,

during british rule

Now move onto public services,

Only the poor make use of public services, the middle class and rich are privatised using money

Theravada buddhism has a strong dharmic core in that it does stress charity to the poor

So in theravada buddhist societies, they have a good score for primary education and primary health care

and less corruption ( relatively ) than Hindu societies

This charity for the poor is something that Hindus need to learn

Next, tamils ( excluding tambrams ) are not a high IQ population

They are a medium IQ population

Tamils are Y-DNA L1, and L1 has higher IQ than UP-Bihar OBC, which is Y-DNA-H1

and tamil-L1 have lower IQ than Y-DNA-R1A ( Tambrams, SIB, NIB, NI bania , )

I was surprised to see in the data, that non-brahmin tamils score lower than Patels and Jats and Sikhs ( R1A )

The main state that is screwed by wealth transfer is Gujurat, R1A, not TN, L1

The UPA regime has refused to grant industrial licenses for many companies in Guj, to screw Modi

Sri Lanka, has twice the Indian GDP but Indian GDP is dragged down by decades of socialism until 1991,

And India will catchup and overtake Sri Lanka in 10 years
135 IQ, California 2012 data


Madhavan, V = SIB

Patel, N = NI-Landlord, guj patel

Srinivas, S = SIB

Bhatia, A = NI-bania - Khatri

Sen, M = NIB - bengali

Maskara, A = NI bania - generic

Prakash, P = NIB generic

Thavarajah, W = SI-Landlord, Tamil Velala

Mannar, V = SI-landlord, Tamil Velala

Muralidharan, R = SI-Landlord, Nair

Vancheswaran, A = SIB

Gill, V = NI-Landlord, Jat Sikh

Yeturu, P = SIB

Patel, P = NI-Landlord, Patel

Gowda, K - SI-Landlord, Gowda

Sriram, S = SIB

Kaushal, D = SIB

Agarwal , A = NI-bania-generic

Ashok, A = SIB

Chitale, N = SIB

Desai, A = NIB-guj

Gaitonde, A = SIB

Kilambi, A = SIB

Kini, H = SIB

Mandlekar, A = SIB

Mehta, N = NIB-guj

Rao, P = SIB

Salgar, S = SIB

Shukla, A = NIB-generic

Swaminathan, P = SIB

Guntupalli, S = SIB

Kshetramade, A = SIB

Pant, P = NIB-generic

Chahal, S = NI-Landlord-Jat

Desai, R = NIB-guj

Lingampalli, N = SIB

Ramachandran, A = SIB

Agarwal, A = NI-bania-generic

Agra, S = NI-bania-generic

Agarwal, S = NI-bania-generic

Bains, A = NI-Landlord, Jat Sikh

Bansal, S = NI-bania-generic

Bharadwaj, S = SIB

Jayaprakash, S = SIB

Kumar, Y = SIB

Ramachandran, M = SIB

Reddy, A = SI-Landlord-Reddy

Shah, J = NI-bania-guj

Shah, K = NI-bania-guj

Shah, S = NI-bania-guj

Sharma, R = SIB

Srinivasan, A = SIB

Sudhakar, V = SIB

Valiveti, K = SIB

Patil, D = SI-Landlord-Lingayat

Kanagaraj, M = SI-Landlord-Velala

Satyadev, N = SIB

Surapaneni, N = SIB

Tanna, S = NI-rajput

Desai, N = NIB-guj

Ahdi, S = NI-rajput

Singh, A = NI-Landlord-Jat Sikh

Aiyer, S = SIB

Gupta, S = NI-bania-generic

Kumar, M = SIB

Prasad, V = SIB

Krishnan, V = SIB

Bhatt, R = SIB

Jeevaprakash, A = SIB

Ravishankar, V = SIB

Gopinathan, N = SIB

Rajan, N = SIB

Nag, N = NI-Kayastha, bengali

Pendse, R = SIB

Kalpathy, J = SIB

Muralidharan, M = SI-Landlord. Nair

Pandian, P = SI-rajput Thevar

Raghvendra, S = SIB

Venkatesh, S = SIB

Paranandi, S = SIB

Siddhanti, S = SI-Landlord, Kapu

Bagrodia, P = NI-bania-generic

Srikumar, S = SI-Landlord, Nair

Desai, S = NIB-guj

Ramachandran, S = SIB

Sarathy, S = SIB

Ahuja, A = NI-bania-Khatri

Ram, A = SIB

Singh, R = NI-rajput

Dilip, M = SIB

Gupta, R = NI-bania-generic

Nair, M = SI-Landlord, Nair

Rishi, D = SIB

Sridhar, V = SIB

Krishnamurthy, V = SIB

Ramakrishnan, S = SIB

Sreekanti, V = SIB

Urva, M = SIB

Vyas, D = NIB-guj

Manjunath, V = SIB

Shah, N = NI-bania-guj

Sharma, R = NIB-generic

Kumar, V = SIB

Ramayya, S = SI-bania-telegu

Shibuya, K = SI-bania - Syrian Xtian

Vaish, M = NI-bania-generic

Baliga, A = SI-Landlord, telegu baliga

Singh, M = NI-rajput

Gadangi, P = NIB-generic

Chaturvedi, S = NIB - generic

Rangaswamy, V = SIB

Vishwanath, V = SIB

Bhattacharjee, R = NIB-bengali

Bisarya, P = NI-Kayastha-generic

Manohar, N = SI-Landlord-Velala

Kothandapani, D = SIB

Agarwal, A = NI-bania-generic

Bhargava, M = NIB-generic

Das, A = NI-kayastha, bengali

Desai, N = NIB-guj

Gopakumar, S = SIB

Limaye, A = SIB

Pingali, A = SIB

Singh, V = NI-rajput

Sohoni, N = NI-bania-Khatri

Ashok, A = SIB

Batra, P = NI-bania-Khatri

Bopardikar, R = SIB

Dalal, N = NI-bania

Dasu, G = SI-bania-telegu

Dasu, S = SI-bania-telegu

Gupta, V = NI-bania-generic

Jagadeesh, A = SIB

Khanna, A = NI-bania-Khatri

Kosaraju, R = SI-Landlord, Telegu

Krishna, N = SIB

Maddaluri, R = SIB

Malladi, C = SIB

Narayan, N = SIB

Rangan, R = SI-Landlord - Velala

Ranjan, K = SIB

Reddy, J = SI-Landlord-Reddy

Rengarajan, P = SIB

Shanbadti, R = NI-rajput

Subramaniam, A = SIB

Pappireddi, N = SI-Landlord, Reddy

Parameshwar, N = SIB

Patel, D = NI-Landlord, Patel

Chakravorty, A = NIB-bengali

Jagadeesan, V = SIB

Kalyanansundaram, V = SIB

Pai, K = SIB

Palaniswamy, I = SI-Landlord, Velala

Peddada, S = SIB

Pokhriyal, M = NIB-generic

Rathi, K = NI-bania-generic

Vemulapalli, K = SIB

Naik, V = NI-rajput-Maratha

Agawrwal, N = NI-bania-generic

Bettadapur, A = SIB

Padmanabhan, P = SIB

Acharya, R = SIB

Venkataraman, S = SIB

Trivedi, M = NIB-generic

Kumar, M = SIB

Pandey, A = NIB-generic

Sheth, R = NI-bania-jain

Bhayani, G = NI-bania

Parmar, V = NI-rajput

Chetia, S = NI-rajput-assamese

Raghavan, M = SIB

Raj, K = NI-rajput

Raman, K = SIB

Ramesh, V = SIB

Rao, A = SIB

Rao, M = SIB

Singh, P = NI-rajput

Siriparupu, A = SIB

Unadkat, P = NI-rajput

Agarwal, N = NI-bania-generic

Batra, R = NI-bania-Khatri

Suri, S = NI-bania-Khatri

Jagannathan, S = SIB

Nayak, S = NI-Rajput Maratha
In above, Total = 184

SIB = 89

NIB-generic = 9

NIB-guj = 7

NIB-bengali = 3

Total NIB = 19

Total Brahmin = 108

NI-bania-Khatri = 7

NI-bania-Guj = 3

NI-bania-jain = 1

NI-bania-generic = 15

Total NI-bania = 26

NI-kayastha-bengali = 2

Total Kayastha = 2

NI-rajput = 12

NI-Landlord-Patel = 3

NI-Landlord-Jat = 4

Total NI-Landlord = 7

SI-Landlord-Nair = 4 ( impregnated by Nambudiri brahmins )

Total , R1A, Aryan gene pool = 159

Total, L1, Dravidian gene pool = 25

Total, H1, Nishad gene pool, NI-OBC = 0

Tamil Velala = 5

Tamil Thevar = 1

Kerala Syrian xtian - merchant = 1

Karnataka Lingayat = 1

Telegu Dravidian castes = 17
Hispanic IQ in the USA, is considered to be 87

If we assume the Nishad component in USA ( H1 , 50% of India ) as 87, it would explain their lack of post-high school education

However, since they have the Hindu joint family - extended family system, and are skilled in blue collar trades, such as 7-11 and driving taxis,

their family income is above whites
The 184 National Merit semifinalists came out of a pool of 11th grade students in California

11th grade pop

Chinese = 12600

Korean = 4800

Japanese = 1800

Vietnamese = 6100

Total Han = 25300

Asian Indian = 4900

Assume That SIB, CA is 10% of Asian Indian

And Khatri is 5% of Asian Indian

SIB = 500

Khatri = 250

These are 11th grade students
California, Han, 2012 National Merit

Page-3-col-1 = 29

Page-3-col-2 = 37

Page-3-col-3 = 12

Page-3-col-4 = 28

Page-3-total = 106

Page-4-col-1 = 25

Page-4-col-2 = 50

Page-4-col-3 = 22

Page-4-col-4 = 56

Page-4-total = 153

Page-5-col-1 = 57

Page-5-col-2 = 20

Page-5-col-3 = 56

Page-5-col-4 = 39

Page-5-total = 172

Page-6-col-1 = 12

Page-6-col-2 = 14

Page-6-col-3 = 12

Page-6-col-4 = 22

Page-6-total = 60

Page-7-col-1 = 28

Page-7-col-2 = 19

Page-7-col-3 = 35

Page-7-col-4 = 34

Page-7-total = 116

Page-8-col-1 = 13

Page-8-col-2 = 28

Page-8-col-3 = 26

Page-8-col-4 = 44

Page-8-total = 111

Page-9-col-1 = 24

Page-9-col-2 = 44

Page-9-col-3 = 49

Page-9-col-4 = 27

Page-9-total = 144

Page-10-col-1 = 15

Page-10-col-2 = 27

Page-10-col-3 = 30

Page-10-col-4 = 32

Page-10-total = 104

Page-11-total = 8

Total = 106+153+172+60+116+111+144+104+8 = 974
Now we start to look at ratios

Han Ratio = 974 / 25300 = 3.8 %

Inferred IQ = 135 - 26 = 109

Indian Ratio = 184 / 4900 = 3.7%

Inferred IQ = 135 - 26 = 109

Assume SIB = 600

SIB ratio = 89 / 600 = 14.8%

Inferred IQ = 135 - 15 = 120

Assume NIB = 300

NIB ratio = 19 / 300 = 6.3%

Inferred IQ = 135 - 23 = 112

In California, my guess is SIB outnumber NIB by a factor of 2

Dravidian castes = 1200 ( lots of telegus etc )

Dravidian, L1, ratio = 25 / 1200 = 2.1%

Inferred IQ = 135 - 30 = 105

'Aryan' R1A ratio = 159 / 3700 = 4.3%

Inferred IQ = 135 - 25 = 110

My guess for the 5 point IQ drop from R1A to L1 is banging their first cousin

The PSAT measures the top 1 % of people who actually take the test, but many on the lower side IQ dont take the test, and National merit is more like 140 IQ

If you look at SIB, 15% make the cut-off

A 15% cut off is 1 SD above the mean

Cut-off = 135 IQ

1 SD below = 120 IQ

SIB-mean = 120 IQ ( regression to mean of CA-SIB )

Roughly 2% of the Dravidian castes make the cut-off, which means that Mean Dravidian IQ in CA,

is 2 x SD below 135, or 105

Which is why the dravidianist Fetnaites could never compete

My guess is that if SIB had been based in Guj, instead of TN, there would have been a lot less jealousy from Patels

for the following reasons - both are veg, and both are roughly similar looking

Although I do not believe in the notion of "progress" within the heathen traditions, Sulbasutras may represent an additional focus to those of the usual traditions.

Now that Balagangadhara's view of the Monotheist origin of "science" has been called into question (it was always tenuous), it is possible to connect in a general way the algorithmic (represented by the Sulbasutras) to the inferential. The computational would be an intermediary step.

Sulbasutras were, of course, distributed out of Punjab to ME and from there distributed elsewhere.

This would also mean that redemption in the computational and inferential is possible for those heathens otherwise written off.
[quote name='dhu' date='04 February 2012 - 06:43 AM' timestamp='1328317517' post='114377']


Although I do not believe in the notion of "progress" within the heathen traditions, Sulbasutras may represent an additional focus to those of the usual traditions.

Now that Balagangadhara's view of the Monotheist origin of "science" has been called into question (it was always tenuous), it is possible to connect in a general way the algorithmic (represented by the Sulbasutras) to the inferential. The computational would be an intermediary step.

Sulbasutras were, of course, distributed out of Punjab to ME and from there distributed elsewhere.

This would also mean that redemption in the computational and inferential is possible for those heathens otherwise written off.


I dont understand the concept of progress
California has 1950 slots for National Merit

With 975 ( 50% ) taken by Han

and 184 ( 10% ) taken by Indians

Only 40% are left for whites, muslims and jews

Total White = 131k from STARS

National merit slots = 1950 - 974 Han - 184 Hindu - 26 muslim - 120 jew = 646

646 / 131k = 0.5%

Inferred White IQ = 135 - 38 = 97
So who is a Nishad,

Ekalavya was a Nishad. Today, Nishads are a MBC in Bihar / UP

They are predominantly Y-DNA H1

They are not 'dravidian' castes, who are predominantly, Y-DNA-L1


This has an image of Ram Vilas Paswan,

On his right is his Punjabi-brahmin 2nd wife ( Paternal Y-DNA-R1A ) and on his left are his

kids from his first marriage, ( Y-DNA-H1 )

H1 is roughly 40% of Indian Y-DNA, and predominantly found in Caribbean Indians
Very roughly H1 starts at Yadav level or below in North India

In Haryana, Yadav is R1A, but in bihar it is more likely H1

Kanshi Ram is very likely R1A, but Mayawati is H1 and Bandit Queen - Phoolan Devi was H1
What this means is that for biological and political reasons, quota system is likely permanent in India

The other is a pressing need for lots of Bihar-Super-30 programs targeting H1 type groups

Simply giving them a quota is only a short term palliative

IQ enhancing methods of teaching like Direct Instruction ( which raised IQ by 10 ) should also be targeted on H1
I am using euphemism and short-cuts

There is no pure caste

There is a lot of over-lapping

R1A cluster, consists mainly of Y-DNA, R1A, R2, J2A, - This is found mostly above Yadav level in North India and Nairs and SIB in South India.

R1A cluster is also found in Europe, and is the 'Aryan' gene cluster

H1 cluster - consists mainly of Y-DNA H1, found mostly among NI-OBC, MBC, Dalit

L1 Cluster- consists mainly of Y-DNA L1, found mostly among 'Dravidian' castes in south India

has samples of the PISA test in which TN and HP scored at Negro levels

These test reading comprehension and math comprehension than brute force mathematics or plain reading

The Indian school system is pure rote and discourages thinking, even in most good schools, and yes the lousy performance is more due to

teaching methods than IQ
California, National Merit Semifinalists, 2012, islamic names

My guess is that total muslims in grade 11 = 4900, same as Indians

Page 3 = 3

Page 4 = 3

Page 5 = 6

Page 6 = 5

Page 7 = 3

Page 8 = 1

Page 9 = 3

Page 10 = 2

Total = 26

Strike Rate = 26 / 4900 = 0.5 %

Implied IQ = 135 - 38 = 97
Indians from Surinam, in Netherlands, 2nd generation, score 88 IQ

These are primarily H1, Nishad

Assume that 50% of India is Nishad, 88 IQ with Nutrition

In UK, Patels and Sikhs, both R1A, nearly score at white levels

Assume 25% of India is R1A, has no quota, 100 IQ

Assume 25% is Dravidian castes, L1, about 0.5 SD below R1A, 92 IQ

Mean Indian IQ with Nutrition = 88 x 0.50 + 92 x 0.25 + 100 x 0.25 = 92
In the PISA test for math, the scores are as follows

5th percentile, 50th percentile and 95th percentile

Russia = 329, 468, 609

Brazil = 261, 386, 531

TN = 241, 351, 468


In brazil, the 5th percentile is a full blooded negro and the 50th percentile is a mullato

TN 5th percentile has negro IQ and TN 50th percentile has mullato IQ

The real shocker is the lack of top end in TN

95th percentile in TN = 50th percentile in Russia

TN is about 1.5 SD below Russia
In the PISA test for math, the scores are as follows

5th percentile, 50th percentile and 95th percentile

Russia = 329, 468, 609

Brazil = 261, 386, 531

TN = 241, 351, 468


In brazil, the 5th percentile is a full blooded negro and the 50th percentile is a mullato

TN 5th percentile has negro IQ and TN 50th percentile has mullato IQ

The real shocker is the lack of top end in TN

Tambrams are only 2% in TN, and are concentrated in certain areas and schools and likely not tested

At the 5th percentile, you are running into Dravidianist FETNAite castes

Mean Russian IQ is 94. The 95th percentile in TN is not malnourished and is a wealthy dravidian caste

Which means top level dravidian castes are at 94 IQ with nutrition

95th percentile in TN = 50th percentile in Russia

TN is about 1.5 SD below Russia

Has a detailed study of all Indian states using PISA type methodology

The state ranking is




Orissa ( surprise )






Tamil Nadu

All India average

Bihar ( surprise )


Gujurat ( surprise )

Andhra ( surprise )





Jammu Kashmir ( surprise )


Orissa is scoring remarkably high, these are all govt schools

Some reasons, 9% brahmin pop

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