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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
Post 1/2

News on Ireland~Australia

1. news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/child-migrant-abused-in-australia-20140902-3epo3.html

Quote:Child migrant 'abused in Australia'

World Breaking News World

Date September 2, 2014 (1)

A former child migrant from Northern Ireland to Australia has told a public inquiry he was transferred with no idea where he was going and faced more sexual abuse when he arrived in a Catholic home there.

Des McDaid, 70, said he was targeted by older boys, a lay teacher and members of the Christian Brothers religious order which ran the Clontarf institution near Perth in Western Australia.

Aged eight, he was not told where he was going when he was transferred on board the ship the New Australian.

He gave evidence to the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry, which was established by ministers in Belfast.

He said: "The big thing I want you to remember is the helplessness."

He said he was raped by an older boy at the Termonbacca boys home in Londonderry run by an order of nuns and the pedophilia continued in Australia.

Using a video link from Australia, he said: "I had a lot more of it over here, from the Christian Brothers etc."

The Sisters of Nazareth order of Catholic nuns in Northern Ireland was responsible for the removal of 111 child migrants aged as young as five before and after the Second World War, some of whom faced grave sexual and physical violence after arrival. Another 20 were sent by other institutions.

Many were Queensland-bound in eastern Australia because it was seen as a very Catholic state and considered best for the girls. Others went to Fremantle near Perth or other parts of Western Australia.

Reasons for transport included boosting "Catholicisation" in Australia, propping up the number of white inhabitants of the Empire or saving money and emptying overcrowded workhouses, the investigation heard.

McDaid, who has waived his right to anonymity and is originally from Co Donegal in the Irish Republic, was transferred from the custody of the Sisters to the Brothers in Australia with no idea where he was going.

While in Termonbacca, he was bathed in Jeyes cleaning fluid and thrown up in the air.

"By and large, there was more pain than there were good times," he added on Tuesday.

In 1953, he arrived in Fremantle as part of the child migration scheme. He thought he was an orphan until the age of 48 when he had an emotional reunion with his mother, who McDaid said did not give her consent to the transfer.

She said: "Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me."

Children in institutions in Northern Ireland were exported to Australia like "baby convicts", another witness has told a public inquiry into historical abuse.

Survivors have given graphic details of their ordeals, according to inquiry chairman Sir Anthony Hart.

Approximately 130 young children
, in the care of religious voluntary institutions or state bodies after being orphaned or taken away from unmarried mothers, became child migrants, most in the decade after the war.

The experiences of around 50 of them will be examined in person or via video-link and their statements furnished to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Australia.

© 2014 AAP

More at

- belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/child-migrant-sexually-abused-in-australia-after-arriving-at-catholic-home-abuse-inquiry-hears-30555557.html

- irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/north-abuse-inquiry-child-migrant-sexually-abused-in-australia-1.1915222

And again: all unsaved kafirs should keep their kids (and preferrably also kids that aren't theirs) away from christoislamania(cs).
Post 2/2

on Singapore.

Related to post 564 somewhere above, on something similar in Taiwan.

The final line reveals who's behind this drama: Christoislamaniacs in SG make up a total of 32% (<20% and <15% respectively), yet it seems they've managed to exert such pressure on the SG government that it was going to pulp kids books on homosexuality. The pulping of subsequent books has apparently been stalled.

My question: where is Doniger and her gang of whiny brats and similars who pretended to care so much about freedom of expression? Where are the western newspapers that eagerly covered how Hindus in India "were intolerant" for the crime of winning a lawsuit that merely exposed Doniger's diatribe as Mere Libel? Where are Amazon's avid readers who raised the popularity of Doniger's Drivel to was it the 11th best seller at that point in time? Are the same entities not going to jump in here as well and get their kids to read these children's books on homosexuality that have been on death-row in SG, to thereby raise them to Amazon best sellers too?

Answer: these types will only defend "freedom of expression" when it doesn't offend christoislamaniac sensibilities and will consequently only invoke it when they can use it as an excuse to perpetrate verbal iconoclasm against heathens (the way christians in earlier times were backed by christo-imperial right to unleash physical violence against heathens' images of the Gods).

The whole "freedom of expression" excuse is a myth, a screen to hide christoislamic crimes against heathens and keep christoislamic motivation from proper scrutiny.


Quote:Singapore halts destruction of 'pro-gay' children's books

AFP News – Fri, Jul 18, 2014.

Singapore on Friday stopped its national library from destroying two children's books with gay themes following an outcry over literary censorship in the tightly regulated city-state.

Information Minister Yaacob Ibrahim ordered the books moved to the adult section, where parents can borrow them for their children, after another title had already been "pulped" by the National Library Board (NLB).

"We stand by NLB's decision to remove the three books from the children's section," Yaacob said on his Facebook page, adding that the board "will continue to ensure that books in the children's section are age-appropriate".

Singapore has separately banned a volume of the long-running US comics series Archie because its depiction of a marriage between two men was deemed to breach local "social norms".

Government officials insist most Singaporeans are conservative and do not accept homosexuality.

The two books to be moved to the adult section of public libraries are "And Tango Makes Three" -- a true story about two male penguins in a New York zoo that raised a baby penguin -- and "The White Swan Express", which features children adopted by straight, gay, mixed-race and single parents.

(For the record: I disapprove of aliens "adopting"=abducting ethnically should-be-heathen kids - though the sexual orientation of the alien abductors in this matter is irrelevant, since it is superceded by primary concerns like the alien-ness of the abductors. Heathen kids, like wild animals, should be returned to their environment: they belong in their own ancestral heathen community and only adoption within their heathen community is allowed. In case of extinction - such as if the child is of a native American tribe which is no more - then the nearest related heathen community must be found, like the native American heathen community that is closest to the child's own.)

The book that has already been destroyed is "Who's In My Family", which discusses different types of families, including references to gay couples.

Some 400 people including parents gathered at a library branch last weekend to read the banned books to their children as a show of protest.

(Note: these 400 people would be the non-christoslamicommunist Singaporeans.

Mentioning communists is relevant because, in China, it's the commie govt that bans and discourages/'treats' homosexuality. Whereas their ethnic-relations in Taiwan are more representative of the avg Chinese person's mindset: in Taiwan, which doesn't have a commie govt, the majority population (being non-christoislamic) doesn't give a hoot about the affairs of others.)

Sex between men is illegal in Singapore and punishable by up to two years in jail under a provision in the penal code dating back to British colonial rule.

("Sex between men is illegal in Singapore." => Since one must live in constant fear of fembot accusations that any who don't complain along with them is overlooking the 'insidious, pervasive, institutional discrimination against women that's engrained in ALL society EVERYWHERE', I naturally feel compelled to act pre-emptively to deflect all such accusations that may come my way if I let the above statement pass without some deep introspective comment at this point. Therefore:

"Oh my gawd. Where are the women's rights orgs? Why aren't fembots complaining that the laws only care to notice and ban gay men but not gay women? Lesbians are being totally ignored, which is surely worse than being banned - from a fembot POV - since you have to be noticed first before you can even get banned. The reasoning/conspiracy being that patriarchal society looks down on women and assumes women are not a threat, all being regarded as docile - hence ignored - and consequently, lesbians being female are not seen as a threat either. Whereas gay men are booked for the exact same behaviours! The law takes note of them and bothers to circumscribe them! Laws banning men being gay is obvious discrimination against women!!!" <- Three exclamation marks carefully inserted to denote a hysterical indignation rising to a crescendo in support of the fembot cause.

^Am^ just imitating the frequent spats between LGBT activists and Women's Rights activists. Every whiny "minority" group always spins every incident about themselves, after all. LGBT people are always complaining that women's rights ignore them despite stealing LGBT arguments on Rights issues, while women's rights activists are always whining that LGBT tend to hijack gender issues in order to make it into a larger "rights" issue, even subverting gender issues owing to the nature of the T in LGBT.

Tragically, it's all too deep for me. I'm still on human rights extending to human heathens, else at least endangered animal species' rights for human heathens.)

The government's refusal to rescind the law -- which is not being actively enforced -- has become a lightning rod for a growing movement for gay rights and inclusiveness in the multi-racial island nation of 5.4 million.

Yaacob, the information minister, said objections to the destruction of books "reflect a deep-seated respect in our culture for the written word".

"I have instructed NLB not to pulp the two other titles, but instead to place them in the adult section of the public libraries. I have also asked NLB to review the process by which they deal with such books," he said.

"The decision on what books children can or cannot read remains with their parents. Parents who wish to borrow these books to read with their children will have the option to do so," the minister added.

More than 20,000 people gathered in a peaceful rally on June 28 supporting gay rights despite a fierce online campaign against the event by conservative Muslims and Christians.

The previous post was on a commission set up to look into the institutionalised sexual abuse of Irish children - some 130 of them "exported to Australia like 'baby convicts'" - that's taken place in christian esp catholic centers there:

- news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/child-migrant-abused-in-australia-20140902-3epo3.html

- belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/child-migrant-sexually-abused-in-australia-after-arriving-at-catholic-home-abuse-inquiry-hears-30555557.html

- irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/north-abuse-inquiry-child-migrant-sexually-abused-in-australia-1.1915222
On christoislamic orphanages. Also belongs in islamania thread.

There should actually be only one thread for christoislamia, instead of one for christianism and one for islam. Why should heathens differentiate between the monoterrorisms.

Hindoo children from other parts of India and even Nepal are being kidnapped by christoislamaniacs, and are being held hostage - and conveniently without identifying information, i.e. anonymously - in christoislamic "orphanages"=child torture-and-murder centres in TN and Kerala.

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19085

Quote:Keralite Nuns involvment in Child Trafficking revealed

23/09/2014 14:59:32 HK

It has been reported that large scale human trafficking is taking place under the guise of Evangelism. Reports also point to the involvement of Christian nuns in this racket, where young minor girls are being brought to Kerala for household chores.

Such instances of nuns playing a key role in child trafficking, are now coming out into the open, following the recent occurrence of a minor girl brought from Odisha suffered numerous tortures, after being locked up. Two Roman Catholic nuns are allegedly behind the transporting of this minor girl from Odisha to Kerala. The battered child is also said to have testified that apart from her, three others minor girls have also been brought to Kerala along with her. “However, she is clueless about the existence of the other girls,” stated sources, adding that a search for them is underway.

“Girls in their youth are sent for household works, where there are all chances of their being subject to various kinds of exploitation, including sexual harassment. The girl who escaped from the house of a bar owner in Pala had deep scars which spoke of extreme physical tortures. Nuns who go to North Indian states like Bihar, Odisha for evangelism, bring with them on their return to Kerala, young minor girls who are in their early teens. The girls are misused in many ways. Reports of more people coming to Kerala under the pretext of treatment being involved in child trafficking show the involvement of the priestly class,” also added sources.

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19083&SKIN=K

Quote:Centre begins Crackdown on Orphanage Mafia

23/09/2014 11:53:23 HK

The Central government has begun its crackdown on the orphanage mafia that has gained a firm footage in the country. As part of this, Union Minister for Child Welfare Maneka Gandhi has ordered a thorough inspection of all orphanages in the country. It has also been observed that orphanages in Kerala have their own set of rules in functioning, while all other states observe rules and regulations chalked out by central government regarding the same.

A detailed plan of action has been chalked out to bring to book, all offenders involved in orphanage mafia. Inquiry wil follows all trails of orphanage mafia and discrepancies involved, religious conversion, issues related to flow of foreign funds etc. Also, Kerala’s flouting of rules and regulations laid down by Centre, related to functioning of orphanages will also be dealt with severely.

For quite some time, Kerala orphanages had been adhering to convenient breech of rules, citing the precarious situation Kerala was in,regarding the issue. The main reason for this is the mammoth inflow of foreign funds into the state via Muslim and Christian orphanages.

“These,” state sources, “do not fall into any legal section as these religious centres amass wealth, all in the name of these charity organizations and by displaying a set of orphans. The Left- Right government fronts have also stood by these activities. Official records state that over 50,000 children are present in Kerala’s orphanages, who do not come under any legal protection. For the same reason, there is no record of what happens to these children either.”

Reports also point to activities such as religious conversion to horrendous crimes like organ rackets and child prostitution, all widely prevalent behind the massive orphanage walls. All these are being hushed up and shrouded as well guarded secrets by concerned officials themselves. Political parties too are said to have turned a blind eye towards the same.

Various groups have called for the centre’s intervention in the matter related to Kerala’s orphanages, with the centre having sought all details related to the number of children in each orphanage, the number of orphanages that run legally and the places from where children reach these orphanages, age of these children, number of girls and boys who are inmates of these orphanages.

Note how the christoislamics are applying convert-or-kill tactics on kidnapped Hindu children.

It's what christos=islamics always do. Dashing heathen babies' brains out is biblical after all, being gawd's word commanded by jeebusjehovallah.

3. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19086&SKIN=K

Quote:When Central Govt. tigtens Grip; Muslim League attempts to sabotage the investigation

23/09/2014 15:07:19 HK

There has been a move to safeguard the eight accused in the child trafficking case of transporting children from other states to Mukkom orphanage. Sources state that the move now is to dilute intensity of offense and get offenders out, in order to pack them to foreign lands.

According to sources, Minister for Social Welfare, along with a couple of officers in the department and Muslim League bigwigs are said to be behind the fraudulent brainwave.

4 out of the 7 accused are said to be members of the minority community, involved in child trafficking racket since quite a number of years. They are some of the most active members who ensure a steady supply of children into Muslim run orphanages.

Agents are said to be behind the entire episode, with those standing in the forefront being arrested. However, the arrest of these agents has caused quite a flutter, with apprehensions of the names of bigwigs cropping up being a strong possibility.

The master plan being hatched to get those accused out, is by stating that it is perfectly ethical in coming to Kerala in search of jobs and that children too fall into this category. The statements also call for their protection by state government.

Suspicions are said to have been aroused with the transfer of a very diligent DIG, who was looking into the matter, with investigation being steered in the right direction.

Out of the 7 accused, 3 hails from Jharkhand, while 4 are natives of Kerala. The incident of 268 children being brought from Jharkhand into an orphanage in Mukkom had created a raging controversy in Kerala. The matter has been discarded in rank of importance, by both ruling and opposition parties in the state. The case is now being handled by the judiciary.

4. Christoislamic orphanages are centres of christoislamic terrorism for other reasons too:


Quote:Jihadis Hide in Yatheemkhana; Attack SreeKrishna Jayanthi Shobha Yatra

18/09/2014 21:52:58 HK

Balagokulam’s SreeKrishna Jayanthi Shobha Yatra which originated from Sree Vaikundheswara Temple at Kottappuram, Neeleswaram was attacked by Jihadis who were hiding in a Muslim orphanage. One person was seriously injured in the attack.

Jihadis attacked the procession as they passed by the orphanage in Anachaal.
The attack came from behind, which brought the pageantry to a close. A case was lodged with police and CI of Neeleswaram U Preman promised action against perpetrators, which led to resuming of the yatra.

5. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19076&SKIN=K

Quote:Kerala Caught in the Vice Grip of Orphanage Mafia- All with the Blessings of Muslim League

17/09/2014 15:10:58 HK

Kerala is in the vice grip of an orphanage mafia- a mafia widely indulgent in activities of financial fraudulence, which stands to endanger national security as well. The orphanage mafia receives grants and secure stand to function unbridled via Ministry of social justice. The clamour for central government to take action against these state government sponsored mafias is now escalating.

The orphanage mafia in Kerala functions with the blessings of Muslim League. Their aim is to bring in foreign money via an unhindered track and thereby indulge in activities of treason, including wide spread religious conversion. Apart from these, the orphanages are a cover to make unwanted use of government grant

The local Funds Audit has come upon mass swindling indulged in by orphanages in Mukkom (Kozhikode), Mannasseri etc, which have been bringing in children from other states without proper documents. These orphanages, which are around 25 in number, are said to have swindled money in lakhs, all in the name of grants. Following this, the government sought details of Social Justice Forum officers functioning at district levels, who made recommendations for these orphanages along with orphanage owners have been sought. They have been subject to interrogations. However, the SJC Director failed in submitting the final report to the government. It has also been alleged that the statement of these officers have not been recorded either.

(More than obvious that the "orphans" are kidnapped Hindu children from other states.)

Leaders of Muslim League are said to stand in the forefront of these mass scale fraudulence, where government money is being swindled by owners of orphanages who happen to be party bigwigs themselves. They are said to conduct these operations with the aid of ‘benamis’ or relatives. Also, with Ministry of Social Justice coming under Muslim League, every act of deceit goes unquestioned, with the orphanage mafia flourishing unhindered with ample help from party heads.

Grants are given on the basis of the number of children present in orphanages, along with their needs. A report based on this is submitted to the district SJC officer. Availing the grant is easy, for the report contains statements like “orphanages suffering endlessly if no grant is provided, with children likely to die of starvation.” These activities are seeing an alarming rise, especially in Northern Kerala.

Reports also state that officers who join SJC on a temporary basis also serve as links in connecting orphanage mafias, in helping them extract money from both abroad and state government channels. This has come to light following the episode of child trafficking, where children from Jharkhand were illegally brought into Kerala. The Orphanage Control Board, which comes under SJC is also said to be in league with these activities.

Orphanage control board is also headed by a Muslim league nominee as secretary. Although he is retired from Govt. service he is appointed under contract now. He was appointed on a 2 year term. However, all proceedings are being initiated to get his term extended.

Comments there:

Quote:Brijesh N

18/09/2014 21:11:07 From Coolie's Own Country to Yateemkhana

By importing Muslim orphans from north, west and east India to the Muslim orphanages in north Kerala, the Muslim community in Kerala is fast turning Kerala into a vast yateemkhana. The CPM had already turned Kerala into Coolie's Own Country earlier.


18/09/2014 21:09:34 Attention !

Orphanages are good place for Organ exports, government and ngo's take note.

Christoislamism (and communism) should be banned, just like nazism is banned. For the same reasons. They are *all* genocidal manias. Same christo-class virus.

Don't know why people who will readily ban nazism will not ban the identical criminal ideologies just because these last try to pass themselves off as "religions" (christoislam) or as promoting egalitarianism (communism).
Post 1/2

Why "satan" makes christianism self-contradicting, proving christianism (and islam) to be nonsense.

(Just one of the many, many things that disprove christoislam.)

Here's the Jewish - i.e. more authoritative - version of the ME "satan" character and his relationship to the Judaic deity:


Who Is Satan?

by (Rabbi) Tovia Singer

Other links on the subject:

- Not so detailed:


Does Judaism Believe in Satan? / The Jewish View of Satan

- Very little detail, but still shows the difference between christianism/islam's re-invention of satan and Judaism's original conception of it.


Do Jews Believe in Satan?

Which is all just More Proof of how christoislamania is a case of a *bad* copy-and-paste job, done by people who didn't get Judaism.

There are 1001 things that make no sense in christianism because christianism deliberately botched it when copying from Judaism for its backstory (i.e. for legitimacy and a sense of history). A few of the famous inconsistencies are highlighted in that first link.

By knowing what the Jewish/original interpretation is for the many nonsensical things in christianism's view of the OT (and hence its invention of the NT), can deny christianism authority (and with it its claim to any truth) and reveal it to be a bad farce instead. After all - and christians know this to their chagrin - when it comes to biblical religion, Judaism is the authority, and will reveal the lie of the missionary monogawdisms.

Rest of this post and all of next post moved to the Sanaatana Dharma thread
Moved to the Sanaatana Dharma thread
News from 5 Dec 2014

Note inverse direct proportional relationship:

Vatican miraculously finds millions of euros "tucked away" <-> Hindu temple wealth in India to Bali always going missing/getting replaced with fakes [because of the former Indian christian govt under Sonia, Italian smugglers - documented in the news as caught smuggling Balinese and Indian Hindu temple vigrahas etc - and of course the native convert-thieves (aka christians) looting Hindoo temples for their western christian masters in the christian hierarchy up to the Vatican.

Got to hand it christianism for that last: converts are the Greatest Useful Idiots.]


Quote:Vatican finds millions of euros "tucked away"

Deutsche Welle

2014 DW.DE

Hundreds of millions of euros were found "tucked away" in accounts of various Holy See departments without having appeared in the city-state's balance sheets, the Vatican's Secretariat for the Economy has said.

In an article published in the UK's Catholic Herald Magazine on Friday, Cardinal George Pell said the discovery meant that the Vatican's financial situation was "much healthier than it seemed."

"It is important to point out that the Vatican is not broke ... the Holy See is paying its way, while possessing substantial assets and investments," Pell said.

'Bad old days'

Despite the missing figures, Pell did not suggest any wrongdoing. For a long time Vatican departments had had "an almost free hand" with their finances and followed "long-established patterns" in managing their affairs, he said, adding that reforms were "well under way and already past the point where the Vatican could return to the 'bad old days'."

Transparent finances

Major reforms to adhere to international financial standards and prevent money laundering have been implemented since Pope Francis was elected in March, 2013.

Cardinal Pell himself was appointed by Pope Francis as part of the latter's efforts to reform the Church and make it more transparent. After decades of muddled bookkeeping, Pell aims to make the Vatican's finances "boringly successful."

In the past, the Vatican Bank has come under fire for numerous scandals including last year's allegations that the bank had been used by money launderers.
Post 1/2

Archiving articles discussing Ghar Wapsi at Haindava Keralam.

Some are more important than others and worth reading in full (especially those here written by one "Aron" - presumably a re-spelling of Arun?) But all links are worth a look/skim-read.

A. Why Hindus should reject bans on Ghar Wapsi/reversion movements. Beware blanket ban on "all conversion"

1. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19338

[b]The double speak on conversions[/b]

21/12/2014 16:07:40 Aron

Quote:If Churches and Wahaabis feel they were losing to Hinduism- "Ban All Conversions immediately".

This is why Hindus must refuse to ban Conversions on such blatantly outspoken logic of anti-Hinduism.

Still, its a Win Win situation- to ban conversions now as Conversions are more away from Hinduism. But this may reverse in future and may not be wise for Hindus to stop what has tilted in favor of Hinduism.

If Hindus agree to ban All Conversions now- they would shut the Exit doors out of hostile dogmas for future generations and the faster birth rate will demographically destabilize India and take Hindus back to dhimmitude and loss of homeland.

With Hinduism it is actually Re-Conversions of descendants of forcefully and lure fully converted Hindus by invaders and colonialists.

Besides, even with a ban on conversions in some states, christians have continued unabated. So Hindus should never fall for that ruse.

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19341

If conversion is your right, reconversion is my right

22/12/2014 10:18:30 GSK Menon

B. Double standards reveal the simmering crypto-christianism of those objecting to Hindu reconversion activities

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19336

Encourage Conversions; Ban Re-conversions - CPM stand exposed

21/12/2014 07:03:38 HK

CPM reveals its christianism in no uncertain terms. Can it even *be* more obviously christian?

CPM is repeating the christian laws of christianised Rome: which also forbade reversions to Hellenismos (or even conversion to Judaism) and only allowed (and eventually mandated) conversion to christianism.

In other words, the communist CPM is a christian communist party. It is cryptochristian because it hides behind its allegedly "purely communist" label.

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19339

OTHERS CAN CONVERT ! BUT HINDUS SHOULD NOT ! - Dr Gopalakrishnanji on Gharwapsi controversy

21/12/2014 16:18:19

3. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19349

Kummanam Rajashekharan exposes Congress- Marxist double standards on Religous Conversion

23/12/2014 16:48:28 HK

(Indian christomedia is the same. All the usual christo journalist suspects bleating against Hindu reversion activities are all unadulterated undeniable christians playing crypto.)

4. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19334

Secular Mourning starts in Kerala followed by Gharwapasi reports from Allapuzha

21/12/2014 06:39:48 HK

5. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19345

A Dark day in Hindu History - Meenakshipuram to Rahmat Nagar in a single night

22/12/2014 16:52:51 HK

Quote:Speak of controversial religious conversions and the storm raked up at the forcible religious conversion to Islam in the quiet village of Meenakshipuram, Tamil Nadu come fleeting into mind. The enquiry commission constituted by the government there after - Justice Venugopal Commission and the subsequent report are matters of extreme relevance. The Commission had recommended a ban on religious conversions in the country.

C. Even these 2 vocal catholics expose the cryptochristians (incl christomedia) screeching against reversion activities:

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19396

What Right does Powathil have to Oppose Reconversion?: Sr. Jesme

16/01/2015 12:29:36 As narrated by Sister Jesme to K Sujith, Janmabhumi

2. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19324

Gharwapasi Thoughts

14/12/2014 07:04:53 Dr Mrs Hilda Raja

D. Christoislamics getting more desperate: resort to threats and dirty tricks to try to thwart Ghar Vapsi

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19376

Hoax message doing rounds in Whatzapp in the name of Hindu Helpline

Christoislamics so desperate, they have had to resort to lying for jeebusjehovallah again to those ex-converts calling to get help to revert to their ancestral Hindu religion.

2. Christoislamics threaten 'black bloody murder' and pretend that reversion to Hindu religion is "forced conversion" (then why did christoislamism have to create the hoax message above? Jealous much?) -


Quote:Jan 05 2015 : The Times of India (Mumbai)

3 churches come together to demand ban on 'ghar wapsi'



Accusing PM Narendra Modi of extending "tacit support" to the 'ghar wapsi' programme of saffron outfits, churches here have threatened to take to the streets if the government doesn't impose a ban on the practice.

"Keeping silent on such a sensitive issue construes his silent approval," he said. Samantaroy added that all heads of churches would soon hold a meeting and take up the issue of conversions at the national level. "We will also write to CMs and governors of all states regarding truth of reconversion programmes," he said.


Director of Socio Economy Development Programme, Diocese of Amritsar, Daniel B Das said, "We all are Indians and we never left home. So, there is no question of ghar wapsi."

(Home is Hindoo religion. But christoislamics are always allowed to leave the homeland for say the phillipines - already christo-converted - or TSP, already gifted to monotheism. Goodbye and get lost!)

Samantaroy demanded that ghar wapsi programmes be banned, failing which the Christian community would be forced to take to the streets.

(Like islamaniacs do. Christo mobs are a terror. Since the beginning: remember the christo mobs that demolished the temples and heathen libraries of antiquity like the Serapeum, and the christomob that brutally murdered heathen mathematician Hypatia. Christo mobs are just as bad in India's NE. Very scary.)

Hindus need to beware. Christians are exactly like muslims: murdering zombies.

Meanwhile, islam in India too has started threatening death for apostasy from islam - i.e. another part of implementing shariah - as an attempt to discourage reversions.

E. Hindus trying to reason why Ghar Wapsi and reversion in general is so attractive that many Indian ex-converts avail themselves of the opportunity to revert

1. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19374

Why Gharwapsi is becoming popular among converts ?

04/01/2015 13:54:24 GSK Menon

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19395

Hindu resurgence leading to Gharwapasi - All Kerala Cheramar Hindu Mahasabha

16/01/2015 12:15:28 Courtesy: Janmabhumi

On Punjab:

There was lots of news about RSS having started to convert christian converts in Punjab to Sikhism. Hope that only Sikhs who were once converted to christianism are being given the chance to reconvert to Sikhism.

Because many other christian converts in Punjab were Hindu before their conversion to christianism. E.g. Valmeekis. Any ex-christians here must be reverted to Hindu religion, not converted to Sikhism.

The following from HK is the only news item on the subject which even mentions that RSS is still helping christoconverts in Punjab to return to Hindu religion, and not just blindly converting any and all ex-christians to Sikhism (as was implied in other news on the subject). The following implies that only the christians who were once Mazhabi-Sikh are being reconverted to Sikhism:


Quote:Gharwapsi in Punjab

02/01/2015 16:35:17

HOSHIARPUR: Rajbir Singh, a 36-year-old Mazhabi Sikh of Dasuya, has all the passion of a neo-convert. He says he returned to his faith from Christianity with the help of the RSS affiliate Dharam Jagran Samanvay Vibhag, which is spearheading the socalled ghar wapsi or homecoming programme in Punjab.

Singh's family is among the nearly 400 Christian families that were "reconverted" to Mazhabi Sikhs by the vibhag, which claims to have brought more than 17,000 people in the state back into the fold of Hinduism , mainly from Christianity, over the past year.

And some years back at least, Hindu orgs were still helping people of immediate Hindu ancestry in Punjab to return to Hindu religion:

haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=11594 (where Valmeekis reverted to Hindu religion)

Valmeekis etc are Vedic Hindus, not Sikhs. RSS should therefore make sure to still facilitate the reversion of those ex-christians of the Punjab whose immediate ancestors were Hindu back to Hindu religion, and not be converting them to Sikhism to which they never belonged. (And contrary to new-ageist vocalists: No, it's not "all the same".)
Post 2/2

of archiving links to articles (mainly from HaindavaKeralam) on the christo-controversy over Ghar Wapsi.

F. Ground reality: Christian love jihad/demographic crusade

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19340

Women in Agra village lured into Christianity while husbands stay Hindus

22/12/2014 10:15:03


Quote:The city of Taj Mahal has again come into highlights due to an entire village being subjected to forced conversion by Christian missionaries.

Talking to India Today, residents of Garhi Sampat village of Etmadpur Tehsil in Agra said that this village has a population of about 15000 residents, most of them Hindus engaged in farming and as laborers. A lot of the families have also lost their land in the acquisition for Yamuna Expressway. They said that in the past couple of years, Christian missionaries have actively increased their activities in this village and have been luring innocent women into converting their faith to Christianity, while their husbands stay Hindus.

Citing her own case, 40 year old Ramwati, wife of Bani Singh Baghel said that
about 18 months back, she was very sick and had lost hopes of recovery, when she was visited by a priest who took her to the Church and performed some ceremonies. A few days later, when she started feeling a bit better, the priest told her to begin visiting frequently and bring more women of her ilk to the church. There, they were asked to pray before the cross and read paragraphs from bible. Each of them was given a bible to read at home and told that if they converted to Christianity, their children will get subsidized education in missionary schools of Agra, Tundla and Firozabad, their husbands will get jobs worth one lakh a year, a house or money to construct one on their own. When they talked to their husbands, they declined to convert, but allowed them to read the bible. Now they were being forced to convert or return the money they had received to construct their house etc.

Virendra Singh, husband of another 'bible-reader' woman Bhoori Devi told India Today that when the Ved Nagar incident came to light, he began to suspect that his wife had been converted to Christianity through deception and complained to some Hindu outfits who immediately reached his house and took him and his wife to the Etmadpur police station to lodge a complaint against the missionaries who performed this conversion.

However, while the police had not spared an instant in filing an FIR against Nand Kishore in the Ved Nagar conversion issue, it refused to file an FIR in this case claiming that a case will be registered only after due investigation.

According to sources, these conversions have a single brain behind them - that of a local villager who is employed in a Tundla church for the past several years. This man, who has been identified as Hari Shankar, was behind the conversions and was often seen preaching Christianity in the village.

Social activist Vishal Sharma told India Today that the inaction of the police in this issue shows the duplicity of the so called 'secular' approach of the Samajwadi Party government in Uttar Pradesh. When the affected party was Muslim, the action of the police was lightning fast, but now, when the affected party was Hindu, the police did not even accept the complaint. He said that the Prime Minister's mission of 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas' is being intentionally derailed by the opposition parties in the name of religious conversions, which have been happening in this country since ages, because the opposition actually lacked moral strength and numbers to put up some constructive criticism against a full majority government.

95 years old senior citizen Imamuddin told India Today that the conversion in Gujarat was being highlighted where Christians returned to Hindu fold, but nobody cares to even comment on so many Hindus being coerced into Christianity, which is a highly appalling state of affairs and needs to be addressed soon to maintain communal harmony in the country.

Source - India Today

2. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19325

Not all religions are the same

14/12/2014 07:13:22 Krishna

(Written by a Hindu who doesn't see the threat of the growing christoislamic infestation in Hindu temples and how the christians/islamics assigned into Hindu temples and the schools attached to these temples are sleepers: merely waiting to pounce and takeover. Just like other missionary religions had done in the past.) But even the Hindu author of the piece eventually got disturbed by something:

Quote:This is Sabarimala season again. During this time I visit the Ayyappa temple near my house every day. As usual, after my darshan of the Lord, I keep myself busy helping the staff to facilitate the Kettunira of hundreds of devotees departing to Sabarimala. [...] There is Annadanam (free food distribution) everyday throughout the season.


Manjama (name changed) is a lady in her mid fifties who is employed as a temporary helper during the pilgrimage season. Basically she is there to clean the premises and vessels. She is sincere and appears to enjoy her work as she takes this work as her seva to Lord and his devotees. Occasionally she gets small amounts too as dakshina from the devotees. Everyday she takes with great devotion the prasadam offered to Lord Ayyappa as part of her lunch.

Now comes the interesting part of this incident which opened my eyes to some hard realities. One day when I met her during the Annadanam time, she happily pointed to another woman in her thirties sitting in one corner and said in Tamil. "This is my daughter and the two kids next to her are my grand children". I am not very fluent in Tamil. But I can understand a little bit. I understood what she said. Then to a question from my friend who can speak in Tamil fluently, whether they had food, what she said shocked me. Manjamma said, "No, she is a Christian". We said "that's ok and there are many from the slum who take food here". Then she started to explain the reason which I didn't understand quite well. It triggered many questions in my mind. I could not ask because of my language barrier. But my friend who also was in the same state of mind decided to get to the root of this. After waiting there for about 30 minutes, at around 2 'o clock she along with her daughter and grand children left. They must have been hungry and apparently even the kids didn't have food. They had come to the temple premises to go home along with Manjamma.

The next day, my friend got a chance to talk to the lady. She said, her daughter was married off to a Christian. (I believe theirs is a cast like Nadar community in which many members have already accepted the church as their religion) You can see many fence sitters among such communities who under the influence of their close ones, keep Christian symbols also in their pooja rooms. I thought, may be this guy's family was one such crypto Christian. Manjamma said, before the marriage in fact the boy's family had promised not to force the girl to convert or impose their religion on her. What happened after a period was just the opposite. The husband's family forced this girl to convert. When she got two kids, they were also converted to Christianity. Now her husband's family has given strict instructions to her not to visit temples or eat anything like prasadam given from temples or poojas. That is why she didn't accept the food though she and her kids were hungry. Manjamma said, in fact her daughter wanted to take prasadam, but she was scared of the consequences if the kids reported it to her in-laws.


This shows the extent to which the viruses of predator religions have infected Hindu society.

Then again, even a close relative of my Hindoo best friend was married off to a secular "Hindu" (i.e. of Hindu parentage) who banned her from doing anything Hindoo at home - like having a pooja room etc. Only bharatanatyam was allowed because it was a "secular artform" according to the secular husband.

Moral: don't marry christos=islamics=seculars dubbed Hindus (or new-ageists who call themselves Hindus). They're all Certain Death to Hindoos' heathenism.

G. More ground reality

1. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19350

Conversion: Not a Fundamental Right

23/12/2014 17:07:12 T H Chowdary

Quote:7. In Andhra Pradesh alone, 50,000 Churches were constructed in the last ten years. The missionaries are prevailing upon converts to practise a fraud namely, not to declare the fact of conversion so that they can continue to avail of the reservations and welfare measures meant for SCs and poor BCs. The fraud is evident from the unbelievable decline in the proportion of the Christian population in Andhra Pradesh as enumerated in the Census of India, decade after decade. While the number of Churches most of them constructed illegally and many with government money, funnelled through the Andhra Pradesh State Christian Minority Finance Corporation which is funded by the budget, increased enormously, the census recorded the proportion of Christians in A.P as 4.19 in 1971; 2.68 in 1981; 1.83 in 1991 and 1.44 in 2001 .

8. In the Holy town of Tirupati alone there are 375 Churches of which only 45 are ascertained to have had permissions . The rest are all illegal constructions. Of late, in the wake of a Muslim organisation constructing a multimillion dollar, seven storey International Islamic University and a Women's Arabic College on the path leading up to Tirumala Hills, Hindus took to streets protesting against the inaction of the authorities and operation of the 300 and odd illegal Churches.

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19354

Quote:Christian group claims, over 80,000 new believers baptized in India this year.No secular outrage

26/12/2014 20:30:59 MediaInput

Impact Nations is a Christian organization that claims bringing hope and restoration to the poor and vulnerable in the developing world through both supernatural and practical expressions of the God.


"India, soon to be the most populous nation on earth, is a country like no other. It is estimated that there are now over 150 million believers--but more than a billion have yet to turn to Christ. India is in revival. Our partners in north India have baptized over 80,000 new believers this year. They have seen over 200 people raised from the dead. What is happening is historic; Impact Nations has been invited to take part--and we are extending this invitation to you," the description given on the website reads.


Source: indiatvnews.com/news/india/over-80000-new-believers-baptized-in-india-this-year-45443.html

Writer of the article - who was not worried about masses of christians leeching off the free Hindoo food which could go to feeding Hindoo poor (see article at link for details) and christoislamic infiltrators at the temple and temple school - need not worry about converts rejecting Ayyappa: currently, the catholic church has already started its inculturation programme on Ayyappa (timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Lord-Ayyappa-gets-a-Latin-avatar/articleshow/45644890.cms). Still in the early stages, but they always get there in the end. Eventually christians will repeat what Buddhism et al did: try to take over Hindoo temples for the missionary ideologies, having inculturated on them with their theology.

3. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19362

Crores flow to SIAF accounts for Baptising South Indian Tribals

4. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19356

The Conversion Agenda

31/12/2014 14:33:45 M. P. Ajith Kumar

Quote:The dastardly massacre of the innocent people in Assam by Bodo terrorists, all the massacres that have been taking place in different places in the North-east India and the isolated incidents of attack in some areas of North Kerala cannot be read separately. Maoism and the some Dalit movements appear to be closely interlinked and the hide and seek of some missionaries regarding this make the matter more clear. One may be astonished to know that the Dalits work in collaboration with the US high executives, US based Christian institutions like Dalit Freedom Network (DFN), Operation Mobilization and Dr Joseph D'souza's All India Christian Council and some Christian denominations in India. The DFN workers position themselves as Hindu untouchables and attack the Indian culture, infiltrate the US Government and bring speakers and activists from India to testify before the US Government, policy think-tanks and the Churches with the explicit goal of promoting US intervention in India. Interesting it is that specially honoured at one of its recent rallies were evangelists with foreign affiliation, Joseph D'souza and K. P. Yohannan. Very much mysterious are the undercurrents!

Read alongside:

5. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19358

North East Terror And Liberation Theology- Understanding Ideodynamics Of Tribal Bloodbath On Christmas Eve

31/12/2014 15:37:26 Aron

which is also about how the christo LTTE operation will now continue in TN

H. *Massive* christian evangelical operation

(Desperate for converts much? What about the whole Jeebus/christoislam appeals on its "own" and convinced people of christian/islamic truth on its "own"?)

1. indiafacts.co.in/list-chennai-based-evangelical-organizations-receiving-foreign-funding/

Quote:Chennai has 545 organizations of various hues engaged in various activities impacting public life and society, and operating in various spheres in the non-profit (NGO) and/or charitable sector, which received foreign funding. These organizations are registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs and have submitted their annual FCRA returns.

Of these, a significant number are directly run by the Church or are affiliated to one or the other Church denomination or are missionary organizations. The foreign funding received by these evangelical organizations shown in the following graphic are for the year 2011-12. They are ranked in the order of the sum they have received--the organization that received the highest funding is ranked at 1 and so on.
(See the important image at link)

2. More important links:
  • indiafacts.co.in/how-many-suresh-mondithokas-prey-daily-on-tirumala/ (see also the comments section)

  • indiafacts.co.in/foreign-fcra-funding-conversion-reinvested-within-india-part-1/

  • indiafacts.co.in/fcra-funding-expose-part-2-evangelists-buying-land-india/ (see also the comments section)

  • indiafacts.co.in/soul-harvesting-onsite-offshore-business-model/

  • indiafacts.co.in/evangelical-ngo-operation-mobilizations-foreign-funding/

  • indiafacts.co.in/exposing-evangelism-indiafacts-impact-stories/

  • indiafacts.co.in/foreign-fcra-funding-conversion-reinvested-within-india-part-1/

  • indiafacts.co.in/fcra-funding-expose-part-2-evangelists-buying-land-india/ (see also the comments section)

Archiving. History


Quote:Preferred Citation: von Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph. Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1982 1982. ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/ft8r29p2r8/


A novel source of dissension among Nishis who inhabit the hills adjoining the plains of Assam in the influence of Christian missions on young people educated in their schools in places such as North Lakhimpur and Tezpur. While numerous Hindu children go to such schools without being induced to change their religion, a good many Nishi youths have been converted to Christianity. This in itself need not have created any difficulty, for Nishis, like most tribals, are not greatly concerned about the religious beliefs of their fellow-tribesmen, and if the Christian converts had been equally tolerant their rejection of traditional Nishi religion might have been ignored by the great mass of conservative tribesmen. However, the converts seem to have

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been lacking in tolerance and tact, and educated young men of villages affected by the ideological split to whom I spoke in 1980 complained bitterly that Christians deliberately disrupted the harmony of community life. They allegedly refused to share the houses of adherents of the old faith, and this meant that old parents were abandoned by their converted children, who claimed that they could not stay in dwellings where "devils" were worshipped and the meat of sacrificial animals was consumed. My informants insisted that the missions encouraged the establishment of separate settlements for Christians, and that the Christians refused to participate in village festivals, thereby demonstrating their dissociation from the tribal community. It was alleged, moreover, that converts, not satisfied with this symbolic withdrawal from village life, went a step further by abusing and physically attacking priests as they invoked the gods in the performance of traditional Nishi rituals. Enraged by such interference with hallowed religious practices, some Nishi youths took the offensive and destroyed some huts used by Christians for their prayer meetings.

Nishi teachers at the government high school in Yazali, who were members of a youth organization formed to promote traditional tribal culture, told me how frustrated they were because they could not match the large sums lavished by the missions on propaganda which is undermining the old Nishi life-style. The missionaries concerned are Indian nationals, and though the Inner Line rules prevent them from entering Arunachal Pradesh for the purpose of proselytization, they allegedly pay young Nishis to spread Christianity in their home villages, and a commission of Rs 200 is said to be paid to any convert who induces another Nishi to embrace Christianity. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the case may be, it is widely believed that there are young Nishis who, after having left mission schools, live in comfortable circumstances without holding any official position or engaging in any normal occupation, such as farming, teaching, or running a business. Adherents of the traditional faith resent the subsidizing of such young people, whom they regard as hostile to their ancestral ideology and social customs.

(All the *very* same things that Hindu society complains about now. Christianism, having largely finished its project of converting the various heathen communities of India's Northeast, has now turned to focus pointedly on the larger body of Hindoos elsewhere in India. Applying all the same tactics. But on a larger scale, as a larger mass of people is involved.)

The conflict created by the impact of Christianity on the Nishis of the Subansiri District stands in striking contrast to the developments in the neighbouring Kameng District, where tribal groups such as the Khovas have come under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. In their general life-style the Khovas, a tribe of shifting-cultivators adjoining Monpas and Sherdukpens, resemble Nishis in their economy and in the character of their traditional religion. Among the Khovas there is a spontaneous trend towards Buddhism; in two villages small gompa are under construction, and the villagers have invited Monpa lamas to

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(Not spontaneous at all. Buddhism - Tibetan Buddhism, not even native to India, but a refugee - is actually proselytising NE heathens. Buddhism even regularly invites itself into Bon space to continue proselytising Bon in India, not just Tibet.)

perform Buddhist rituals. A prominent headman of the last generation who was known to be a believer in Buddhism is said to have assisted in the establishment of a gompa in Bomdila. Unlike the Christian converts among the Nishis, those Khovas who are attracted to Buddhism do not opt out of the social life of their community and continue to participate in the traditional tribal rituals.

(Buddhism is still proselytising NE Indians. Akha converted to Buddhism - another set of Himalayan animist communities targeted by Buddhism also don't disrupt social life of the community, but Akha and other "Hill Tribes" still were on record objecting to the conversion of their people to Buddhism: as a form in itself of alienation from their ancestral views, replaced by other views.

Same as how Buddhism co-opting Shinto religion was not appreciated by Shintos, though Buddhism did worse than that among Shinto society.)


[image] Monpa men of Sangti in Dirang Circle of Kameng District; they wear

rain-resisting caps made of yak hair.

In the same way the Sherdukpens combine their adherence to Mahayana Buddhism with the communal worship of tribal deities whose cult lies in the hands of priests entirely distinct from the lamas in charge of the large gompa furnished and decorated in the style of Tibetan gompa . Among the Monpas, too, elements of the ancient Bon religion coexist with the dominant Buddhist faith, and the parallel practice of both religions within the same communities has not sparked off any conflicts comparable to those which threaten to destroy the social fabric of Nishis affected by religious rivalries.

(Nevertheless, Bon has been subsumed by Buddhism and it seems to have been a long-term plan.

And meanwhile, adherents of Bon in Tibet still complain about persecution by Buddhism.

The Indian case may merely be because Buddhism is not the majority religion in India and is forced to get along with other minorities. Or that it can afford to wait, as it gradually swallows up Bon in India, which seems to be happening still.

Even among the Akha and other Himalayan populations, Buddhism is considered one of the missionary religions converting people out of the native religion. [See also FPCN/Friends of People Close to Nature, IIRC.] It is less predatory - now - but it's still a replacement theology, especially where animist and shamanist religions are concerned, doubly so in the Himalayan regions where it is still active. Though Buddhism will stomache more features of ethnic religions when it comes to inculturation and appropriation than christianism or islam will, Buddhism nevertheless ultimately replaces the head of each body of heathen religion with Buddhism. And like it has done with Bon now, with which it is still competing, Buddhism will eventually declare that all pre-existing/replaced heathen religions were actually Buddhism too, and thus rewrite the history of the converts.)
The 2nd article linked below was referenced in


Quote:Hindus are on the Hit List

By Sumedha Sarvadaman Persecution & Proselytisation April 6, 2015


Quote:Pope Francis found guilty of child trafficking, rape, murder

Comments 91

- Judy Byington on July 20, 2014 inChild Exploitation Child Holocausts Children Human Trafficking Investigations ITCCS Press Releases Ritual Abuse

Pope Francis Bergoglio, Getty Images

Yesterday defendants Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. Five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes occurred as recently as 2010. Since last March over 48 eyewitnesses have come forward to testify before this ICLCJ Court about the defendants’ activities as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.

(Not only is he still pope, but he was recently seen in Philippines and Sri Lanka, no doubt rounding up more children for him and his clique to rape.)

The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult was said to do child sacrifices at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome, Scotland, London, Carnarvon Castle in Wales, an undisclosed French Chateau in Holland and at Canadian Catholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia and Brantford, Ontario Canada. The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult was believed to use privately owned forest groves in the US, Canada, France and Holland for their "Human Hunting Parties" for global elites including members of European royal families. Teens were said to be obtained by the mafia, then stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed. The Chief Prosecutor stated. "The Catholic Church is the world's largest corporation and appears to be in collusion with the mafia, governments, police and courts worldwide."

Two adolescent women told the ICLCJ Court that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices. Eight other eyewitnesses confirmed their allegations of being witness to rape and child sacrifices. The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult were said to take place during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium.

Pope Francis was also found to be a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites while acting as an Argentine priest and Bishop according to a sealed document obtained from the Vatican archives. A second record dated Dec. 25 1967 called the Magisterial Privilege was said to show that every new Pope was required to participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult ritual sacrifices of newborn children, including drinking their blood. The documents were presented to the ICLCJ Court by a prominent Vatican official and a former Vatican Curia employee.

Last month an investigator for the Irish Garda Police Force testified before the five judges and 27 jury members that marks on the bones of nearly 796 children found in an Irish Roman Catholic Nun septic tank indicated they had been ritually killed. The witness testified that forensic experts had confirmed the decapitation and dismemberment of the babies in the mass grave resembled the usual signs of ritualistic murder or child sacrifice.

(Infanticide in nunneries is still ongoing. Not just in the church of middle and dark ages, clearly.

Hindoos must warn all other Hindoos - especially vanavasis - not to let their children into christian schools to end up in christian orphanages to end up dead.)

A BBC documentary exposed a fifty-year scandal of child trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain. Over 300,000 babies were stolen from their parents up to the 1990s. Mothers were told their babies died and were buried in mass graves. The Catholic Church was said to have made $20 billion dollars on the adoptions.

Another witness testified that they were present during Pope Francis' meetings with the military Junta during Argentine's 1970's Dirty War. According to the witness, Pope Francis helped traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into an international child exploitation ring run by an office at the Vatican.

An ABC News special hinted that the devil resided at the Vatican. "Documents from Vatican secret archives presented to court clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits had a premeditated plan to ritually murder kidnapped newborn babies and then consume their blood," the ICLCJ Court Chief Prosecutor told the five international judges and 27 jury members. "The plan was born of a twisted notion to derive spiritual power from the lifeblood of the innocent, thereby assuring political stability of the Papacy in Rome. These acts are not only genocidal but systemic and institutionalized in nature. Since at least 1773, they appear to have been performed by the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits and every Pope."

(Christian clergy are raping and murdering children for "black magic" purposes. Where is the Indian law that proscribes black magic now? Ban every catholic priest from India, starting with the Indian ones.)

An ongoing and permanent inquiry was organized to investigate and prosecute others involved in possible crimes uncovered at the ICLCJ Court. On September 1 2014 an inquiry was scheduled to begin entitled the Permanent Commission into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice. Further litigation was expected to follow.

The 48 eyewitnesses identified their perpetrators as Catholic Popes Francis Bergoglio, John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger; Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals and Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon; the UK's Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and High Court Justice Judge Fulford; in the Netherlands: Dutch and Belgian cardinals and royals including Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, Queen Beatrix, her father and vice-Roy, Prince Johan Friso and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit, former ministers, the top man of the Dutch army force and the under secretary of the Raad van State; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA's CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen of the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK.

Arrest warrants on People v. Bergoglio et all were issued on July 19 2014. Court records would remain sealed for now according to yesterday's ITCCS press release. The first ICLCJ Court regarded 50,000 missing Canadian native children and ended in Feb. 2013 guilty verdicts for 40 global elites including Queen Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were convicted in the disappearance of ten native children from the Kamloops residential school in British Columbia on October 10 1964. Parents haven't seen their children since. The litigation also appeared to result in Pope Ratzinger's resignation. Evidence from those cases could be found in Kevin Annett's "Hidden No Longer".

The ICLCJ International Court has over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating. Organizing funds were available for common law groups wishing to apply. To contact the ITCCS, ICLCJ Court in Brussels, its local affiliates, or to volunteer, email or call: itccscentral@gmail.com, hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com.

About the Author

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of "Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities" (www.22faces.com) is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau (www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com). If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy info@22faces.com. You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here: change.org/petitions/us-congress-survivors-request-investigation-cia-mind-control-of-children

And a related article also pointed out at the indiafacts article:


Child Sacrifices tied to Vatican, Mafia, Canadian PM Stephen Harper Child

I was already familiar with some new reports of allegations made - such as by African bishops, IIRC - about satanic=christian rites of paedophilia being prevalent in the Vatican/christian churches, which reports were long documented at the site once called PriestsOfDarkness and hosted by a victim of christian clerical abuse. I had no idea that these allegations were not just the fantastical workings of a crazy christo clerical mind (the aforementioned African bishops).

Now there's too many accounts of the same from many sources. It must be true (although every non-christian always knew that christianism=satanism=utterly vile). With any luck, that crazy medieval church prophecy - the one Ishwar Sharan had talked about - about the current pope being the last pope ever and bringing the downfall of christianism will by coincidence come true. Not because the prophecy itself was true but rather because the church's own stench at last brings it down.

Here, tracked down some of the relevant articles at the site formerly known as "priests of darkness":


Quote:The Devil at Home in Rome

Insiders Claim Satanists Lurk in the Vatican

* Vatican efforts to curtail Emmanuel Milingo, a former archbishop and popular exorcist who first accused the Holy See of harboring devil-worshippers.


* Malachi Martin and the “Enemy Within”

Satanic Plots and the Fall of the Roman Church

The late author, a one-time Jesuit and Vatican insider, and his allegations of Freemasonry and Satanism within the Vatican itself.

From the Malachi Martin link:


Quote:OF THOSE that have accused the Vatican of being infiltrated by satanists, none has been as widely noticed as the late Malachi Martin. An expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, he also wrote about such widely diverse topics as exorcism, Church history and modern geopolitics. None of his books have been so controversial — or so misunderstood or ignored by the mainstream press — as his works that deal with this ominous and sensitive topic.


Martin had first made explicit reference to a diabolic rite held in Rome in his 1990 non-fiction best-seller about geopolitics and the Vatican, The Keys of This Blood, in which he wrote:

Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’. . . an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia — rites and practices — was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites.

(p. 632. Emphasis added)

These allegations have largely gone unnoticed, possibly because Martin was so crafty in his descriptions that he might even have been referring to the coronation of Pope Paul VI. But he revealed much more about this alleged ritual in one of his last works, Windswept House: A Vatican Novel (1996).

In this story, he vividly described a diabolical ceremony called “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer” supposedly held in St. Paul’s Chapel within the Vatican, but linked with concurrent satanic rites here in the US, on June 29, 1963, barely a week after the election of Paul VI. In this novel, before he dies, a pope leaves a secret account of the situation on his desk for the next occupant of the throne of Peter, a thinly-disguised John Paul II.

According to The New American, Martin confirmed that the ceremony did indeed occur as he had described. “Oh yes, it is true; very much so,” the magazine reported he said. “But the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic form.”

Note that it's the same Malachi Martin who wrote about why India is so important to christianism:


Quote:76. Malachi Martin, in The Jesuits, writes, “The subcontinent of India, in the eyes of Vatican planners, has a primordial importance as the one country in Asia where the Church can make huge headway. The Roman Catholic Church has poured vast resources into India. Religious orders run 115 colleges with 135,000 students, 1,200 high schools with over 500,000 pupils, 242 technical schools with over 400,000 students. It is estimated that 60 percent of all students in India attend Roman Catholic schools and colleges. In those seats of learning, 50 percent of the teachers are non-Christian. Jesuits are involved on the local, state, and national level.”

Christianism is intent on cannibalising the large number of children in India.

And enough with high-level christos' excuses about satanism being different from christianism. Paedophilia, infanticide in nunneries and rape of women/all round sexual abuse were already rampant in christianism since the very inception of the church. All have been documented not just by ancient christians themselves, but also Romans and recent historians.

And Malachi Martin - typical catholic - also adds that homosexuality is a part of the same christian=satanic rites introduced in the "1960s", which is total nonsense, when Joseph McCabe - ex-Franciscan monk (12 November 1867 – 10 January 1955) - who was a monk many decades before, recorded how (back when McCabe was still a catholic priest) many of his fellow catholic "celibate" priests were homosexual and sexually active. But that's a separate topic from the christian paedophilia - which christian apologists/exorcists are trying to sweep away as a recent "satanist" movement, instead of recognising it as identical to christianism and as entrenched in christianism as it was from the beginning of the christian disease.

Basically, the "satanism" excuses launched by christians are merely to shield christianism/jeebus itself from the blowback building up.

But to return to the opening article,

another interesting (or perhaps the word is Disturbing) thing mentioned is that it's not only the church that is raping and massacring children under "black magic" nonsense but western christogovts, monarchies and even the CIA as per the above article.

The fact that UK's Prince Andrew and much of the UK govt and BBC are found to be deeply involved in paedophilia, while also desperately covering it up, is another factoid that aligns with the article at ChildAbuseRecovery.

The fact that they've been preying on native American children is undeniable and well-documented. There is incredible amounts of documentation of western and Indian christians sexually abusing Hindu children in India. There is also the church's paedophilia of European children.

The first ChildAbuseRecovery article quotes ABCnews saying that alien christodemons think that their demonic hocus pocus tricks - that involve the rape and murder of children as a sacrifice to their non-existent demon jeebusjehovallah (jeebus=morningstar=satan as per babble) - will help retain their 1st world powers and hegemony over the world.

That British atheist's fantasy series, "His Dark Materials" - Golden Compass, and the other volumes - already darkly hinted at the catholic church cruelly experimenting on/destroying children. I now think the author knew more than he admitted to implying, even though he admitted it was a criticism/denunciation of the church (christianism).

(The christo-west is already known to have an unnatural interest in documenting - for acquiring/imitating - the so-called "magic" of other populations. The alien christodemons really believe in "magic" and acquiring "powers".)

Christianism MUST be destroyed. It is a terror to children.

Important post. All the important stuff is in the links and quoteblocks.
More proof of christomedia (i.e. that Indian English-language media is christian):

  • opindia.com/2015/04/belurmuttattack-police-and-media-apathy-from-the-eyes-of-a-bystander/

  • opindia.com/2015/04/neemuch-stonepelting-how-media-reports-when-hindus-are-under-attack/

  • opindia.com/2014/12/times-of-india-makes-a-shia-sunni-riot-appear-like-hindu-muslim-riot/

Post 1/
  • mediacrooks.com/2015/04/church-crimes-1-how-ndtv-concocts-anti.html

  • mediacrooks.com/2015/04/church-crimes-2-declining-faith.html

1. A comment in the first link and the article in the 2nd link both refer to an apparently new book "God's Bankers - A History of Money & Power at the Vatican" by one Gerald Posner.

Seems like the sort of books that Hindoos who want to expose christianism - catholicism especially - will want to read.

(At the moment don't want to read more about christianism myself, as I feel I already know way more than I want to know.)

One of the comments -and its immediate precursors- to an amazon.com review of "God's Bankers" is interesting:

(Several comments recommended different books by the same author or on related topics by other authors. They may all be of interest to Hindoos who want to be armed with knowledge.)

Quote: Posted on Feb 21, 2015 2:07:09 PM PST

Tony Frost says:

Thanks for bringing The Vatican Murders: The Life and Death of John Paul I to my attention. I bought both books to save on shipping. It is the best researched and most remarkable book I have read on the Vatican bank murders.

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2015 6:05:33 PM PST

J. Bauernschmidt says:

Tony Frost, are you also familiar with the book In God's Name: An Investigation Into the Murder of Pope John Paul I? Which book would you recommend the highest?

Last edited by the author on Feb 28, 2015 8:13:35 AM PST

Tony Frost says:

Yes. They are both good books. It depends on your interest.

In God's Name is a complete record of shady deals in the Vatican Bank under Paul VI. Though published in 1984, it barely mentions the Great Vatican Bank Scandal (1978-82) in which John Paul II/Roberto Calvi swindled investors of $1.3 billion and transferred it to Central America where it disappeared. Only one chapter deals with the murder of John Paul I.

The Vatican Murders is a complete investigation of the Great Vatican Bank Scandal and the murder of John Paul I and his closest friends. To the best of my knowledge - I've read bios in both English and Italian - The Vatican Murders includes the only biography of this radical leftwing pope written by an author who actually knew the man. Banned from Catholic reading, it is surely the only bio of the 33-day pope not censored of countless controversial things he said and did both as a bishop and as a pope by the Vatican.

I generally go by the rule that if a book is banned by the church, it means it's probably a must-read.

(Where are all the "freedom to screech" people? They'll come out of the woodwork soon enough if that book on Vatican's Forbidden List is were to be in popular print circulation in India... Watch the Indian christian network suppress it faster than the speed of light.)

Will Hindoos be translating the above books for free circulation in India,

or will "Hindu nationalists" continue typing tweets, penning articles and publishing books on their own views (usually semi-informed) on the shadiness and outright villainy of christianism, often regurgitating what others had already said (and better)?

The best critics and debunkers of christianism are ex-christians such as former priests, and western atheists (especially if, like Frank Zindler of American Atheists, their field is biblical scholarship). These tend to be the people with the most expertise on christianism. Hindus and nationalists - anyone without a personal background in christianism from a primary POV - aren't experts on the subject. And some make pedestrian mistakes when analysing/critiquing christianism: they interpret christian nonsense wrongly, rather than the actually simpler task of reproducing the damning but authentic christian interpretation from authoritative church figures. That last is what christians have no response to, and it presents them with a dilemma: either they need to accept the idiocies spouted along with their acceptance of jeebus, or they have to choose reason and call into question first one and then eventually a lot of things about christianism, which can be the beginning of their deconversion.
Post 2/2

2. A comment from:


Quote:Christianity has converted the South Korean Cities into a cartoonish cityscape

http:// www.hancinema.net/blinded-by-the-light-seoul-s-neon-pollution-30664.html

There is hope though. In South Korea itself the numbers of Xnity are actually falling now

http:// english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_opinion/148175.html

http:// www.koreabang.com/2013/stories/south-korean-christians-increasingly-disillusioned-with-church.html

http:// www.koreabang.com/2014/stories/poll-finds-only-20-of-koreans-trust-protestant-church.html

The comment section in the last 2 links is particularly interesting

So the Homo Sapiens species may still avoid extinction !!

The conclusions are unfortunately too optimistic and hence wrong as at present. Among S Koreans, "christians" refers to protestant (evangelical) christians - who form the majority of christians - as they don't recognise catholics as christians at all. They make the distinction between "christians and catholics" often.

While many "christians" are leaving the church as per the above articles, a significant number of them feel they want to remain christian. Many others are being converted to catholicism. Catholicism has invested a lot of funds in PR in S Korea* as it has been waiting to make a harvest of evangelicals there. Evangelical christianism served as a forest fire to cut all ties between S Koreans and their previous religions, and thus made them stuck in the jesus-meme and hence ready to keep accepting jeebus in one christian cult after another.

(The case is the inverse of Europe or non-American western nations, where people often travel from catholicism to protestantism, often because of American cults evangelising them. Though increasingly, some reverse traffic in the opposite direction has been effected with some effort by the catholic church - especially in the UK - and because of the general dissatisfaction from protestantism also seen in S Korea. In the UK, prestigious catholic schools require people baptised into the catholic faith and so many non-catholic christians and even atheist Brit families have their kids undergo baptism and get recognition as 'catholics' to gain entry. See dailymail.co.uk for news on this.)

That is, even when S Korean christians leave the church or become disillusioned with one christian cult, a significant number of them initially merely keep going from one christianism to another. Some in the older generations die christian even when sick of "the church". Eventually many of them still manage to become atheists, but S Korean churches keep hoping they'll catch the next generation young at that point, so the cycle can start again. The numbers of ex-christian Koreans turning to Buddhism or Confucianism is not so large that it has thus far significantly reduced the christian percentage in Korea, which has grown at creeping rate.

And not many disillusioned ex-christians return to heathenism: some return to Taoism, some turn to consulting Shamanist diviners but not enough.

This may be indicative of how hard it will be to get people back in India if a large tract of India turns into a S Korea type christianised nation. NE India is already going through the initial stages seen in S Korea - excessive craziness and polarisation - but catholicism may quickly pounce on the NE and catholicism is harder to throw off (catholicism keeps christians for longer - numbered in generations - than evangelical christianism manages to).

Curiously, S Koreans do have an interesting soft spot for Hindoo religion - entirely independent of Buddhism. For Koreans' own sake then, maybe the de-christianised may benefit by a closer familiarity and forming an affinity with Hindoo heathenism, which may help them segue back into some of their own ancestral Shamanistic religion. More so since Hindoo religion like other heathenisms is specifically not contrastive to Shamanistic religion, nor does it replace other religions. Many E Asian and SE Asian heathens include Hindoo Gods -and associated rituals- into their local pantheons as a regional and affiliated extension. (I suspect Hindoos could easily feel a warm regard for or even develop some attachment to -say- Taoist Gods for the same reason. Especially were Hindoos to look at their moorties.)

Personally, I think Hindoo heathenism may be better for de-converted S Koreans than Buddhism, since Buddhism has not historically been kind to them or their ancestral religion. On the other hand, many S Koreans are also attached to Taoism, which may be more affiliated to their spirit than Hindoo heathenism, since Taoism has some specific ethnic links to them too, and is closely related to Korean Shamanism (some Korean articles seemed to explain that Korean Shamanism is the local variant of Taoism).

Am not interested in missionising. Whether S Koreans pick Hindoo or Taoist religions alongside their own Shamanism (or a combination, as is done in some SE Asian nations) is not of importance to me. All that matters is that the heathen-inclined, or those that could be, have the opportunity to return.

* E.g. of PR for catholicism is catholicism's promotion of popular catholic actors and actresses and singers, all trying to beat out the evangelical/protestant christians in the top spot. Many S Koreans are easily swayed by the religion of their idols and many distinct band-members (especially Buddhist ones) are often evangelised to convert into the christian cult followed by the majority band members. S Korean pop culture boards are full of Korean and western christians (fawning over S Korean pop culture) congratulating themselves on christianising having converted yet another popular person from the "atheism of Buddhism" to christianism. They are very interested in the religion of each Korean idol and feel instant dislike if they find out they are not christian but plain atheist or Buddhist or Confucian. Western christian fans stalking the Korean entertainment industry especially get all agitated if they find out some goodlooking Korean actor/actress or singer is not christian like they immediately imagined/assumed these were. The Korean actor/singer then immediately stops being their favourite (of course).

In contrast, they get all giddy by rumours of some actor or singer having been evangelised and getting converted. Christians are really that crazy about their evangelical "success" in every sphere.

Also note that S Korean christian programming has much influence in India's evangelical NE: states like Mizoram entirely boycott bollypoo - for the wrong reasons: not because bollypoo is admittedly trash, but because NE's converts don't identify with unsaved India but only with the 'Jerusalem of the east' (S Korea). I.e. for anti-national reasons, plus for indoctrination, plus for pretending they suddenly have things in common with S Korea.

Ironically, I don't think the pro-heathen (including pro-Hindu) material made in S Korea is made available to watch by the converted Mizos et al.

In general, I think S Korea's progression from recent past to present and into the future is a good object of study for Hindoos: what to expect in India as christianistion proceeds apace, and especially what the long term chances for a restoration of any degree of (actual) heathenism in a post-christian India might be. (Although it doesn't account for the fact of that huge other major factor, islamania, which exercises equal power in the equations of India's fortune. Islam always takes over a christianised nation better. S Korea has a small number of islamics, I vaguely remember this number being at about 30,000 I could be wrong. And islam there is quite kept in check.)
Something I noticed in tweets by Indian nationalist/vocalist that was going around, but which needs correction.

- The famous Victims of the Christian Faith christian crimeline (which first mentioned and quoted from works by Stannard, exposed the christian hand in Rwanda as seen from German news accounts, referred to Karlheinz Deschner etc) was compiled by a western man going by the handle "Kelsos" at his now-defunct site "Christian Heritage". It was an absolutely brilliant site exposing christianism, one of the best sites on the subject, and I'm still in awe about the knowledge he had amassed and his insights. It was one of the few visible sites online that critiqued christianism that actually stood up admirably for native Americans. I learnt a lot about the native Americans from the information collated there (from Stannard, who is at last becoming famous among Indian vocalists - 2 decades later - journalist Norman Lewis, etc).

- Indian nationalists/vocalists on the net are instead seen crediting the Victims of the Christian Faith christian crimeline to the new-agey "Acharya S" aka D. M. Murdock (a western woman) who is specifically not the same as "Kelsos" (Kelsos is not new-ageist but an atheist or agnostic*, this is apparent from reading his compendium of information exposing christianism).

[* Kelsos' atheism is apparent from his misattributing the historical Celsus/Kelsos as an Epicurean (a frugal, ascetic GrecoRoman atheism), instead of as the neo-Platonist that Celsus actually was.]

While "Acharya S" certainly hosted a copy of the Victims of the Christian Faith christian crimeline - as other sites of the time did also (e.g. the American ex-christians site did/does too) - "Acharya S" Murdock did not compile it, nor did she claim to IIRC. [Nor are many of her 'ideas' in her work original either, she didn't merely quote others, but repeats their ideas. Also, her supposed expertise in Sanskrit (she claims she studyied the classical languages and Skt) is no expertise at all. And she may be familiar with some details of christianism and middle-eastern religion, but she is entirely out of her depth on Hindoo and other Asian heathenisms.]

Wish Hindus would not present her as an expert - especially since they're usually commending her for things she merely collated or did not do herself but merely quoted verbatim. Also, "Acharya S" believes in Atlantis mythology etc. New-ageist. She is also into some of the usual new-agey feminist backprojections on western and world history.

For better, more authoritative (and non-newagey) sources on christianism, better recommendations from the same era are:

- The unparalleled work at the now-defunct Christian Heritage site:

http:// web.archive.org/web/20050223081305/http://www.geocities.com/iconoclastes.geo/mission.html

And the original "Victims of the Christian Faith" Christian Crimeline page, hosted at its own site:

http:// web.archive.org/web/20040520142156/http://www.geocities.com/iconoclastes.geo/victims.html

- Biblical scholar Frank Zindler's writings at American Atheists

(Has written not only about the babble, but has translated German works from the Radical Criticism school. The "No Peter, No Paul, No Jesus (and No apostles)" school.)

- jesusneverexisted.net

- nobeliefs.com. It has sections exposing the christianism of nazism, as well as the section "the dark bible".

(For further details about the nonsense that is the bible: evilbible.com, skeptics annotated bible (and skeptics annotated koran) and even thebricktestament. That last was hysterical, but was blackmailed into no longer using quotes from a popular bible publication and resorted to another one.

For further details about how christianism=nazism, look up Michael Hakeem's series on "Holocaust" at Freedom From Faith Foundation/FFRF. For further details on how christianism=nazism in Croatia, can try looking up spreka-mreza (sp?) and fantompowa.net or whatever, in case these sites are still live)

- The German language works by Karlheinz Deschner is highly recommended by all: The Criminal History of Christianism, Vols 1 to 8 IIRC

- POCM (Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth) site

Further compilations of shockers were/are at exchristian.net, which site seems to have moved to http:// new.exchristian.net/ (not sure if they ported all their old material, but some of the materials at the original site was explosive, even original material: e.g. testimonies of Americans leaving christianism showed American churches raising money to fund armed christian violence in Nigeria etc.)

Stuff that is mostly new-age junk and/or mostly unoriginal copy-and-paste, with some truths in between:

- "Acharya S"/D.M. Murdoch (a lot of it not original, and further need to sift to find what is factual and what is mere new-agey or alien interpretation)

- Barbara G. Walker who wrote "Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets". A few direct quotes that she makes in her work are correct, but where she adds her own "original" input, she is mostly into feminist revisionism of the past.

- Wicca/new age sites

- AskWhy site (may be defunct) - which also does a lot of quoting from elsewhere along with insinuating its own new-ageisms, especially its new agey take on Asian heathenisms like Shinto etc

Unfortunate that western men are better at objectively critiquing christianism than western women many of whom tend to be into new-ageism and produce bad critiques (un-critiques) of christianism. Maybe because the examples I found of the former tend to be proper atheists, while the examples I found of the latter happened to be new-age and feminist revisionist writers. Bad coincidence perhaps.

Barbara Walker was IIRC highly placed in FFRF, but she is not to be compared to the objective atheist writers there (who are not feminist revisionist writers). Sorry, but feminist revisionism IS a form of new-ageism and is far from objective and is a replacement theology and not proper (vanilla) atheism at all, but an ideological one.

Summary of this post:

The famous Victims of the Christian Faith christian crimeline was compiled by a western atheist person called "Kelsos" at his now-defunct site The Christian Heritage. It was NOT compiled by DM Murdock aka "Acharya S".

So credit for collating the material should go to the unmotivated atheist "Kelsos" of Christian Heritage (who long ago had quoted from D Stannard's brilliant "American Holocaust" and Karlheinz Deschner etc), not to the new-agey Murdock.
Christianism preparing for a demographic crusade in India. Recently the pope and a bishop infesting Kerala sounded the bell for converting India yet again, and so catholics are getting all hyperactive to do their bit. Every sleeper - not just those already active for the christian agenda like christocop Ribeiro and justices like the (Syrian) christian infestation in India's courts - every catholic sleeper has woken up to the vatican call/commandment to multiply, to diminish Hindoo heathenism via propaganda, to inculturate, to do christian PR to promote the jeebus spiel, and of course to evangelise even forcibly-convert Hindoos if necessary (as seen very recently in Kerala, where Hindoo fishermen have been forced to convert-or-move-away by the church plus local converts. Aka ethnic cleansing of Hindoos by christians).

Found via a HKUpdate retweet of one Anjali Georg at



Quote: Anjali George ‏@AnjaliGorg 1h1 hour ago

Church 'prepare' the youth to make a family based on catholic principles.

Society follows https:// twitter.com/thenewsminute/status/595534183222648832 …

Quote:Anjali George added,

TheNewsMinute @thenewsminute

A young woman talks about a course where she was taught, "The primary aim of marriage is reproduction." https://shar.es/1pFqGu

16 retweets 5 favorites

Anjali George


the essence of Catholic Church taught in Marriage Prep course, Pro-life camp,Sun class, Value edn in College/Schools


[Image: CEPhaVRW0AA891j.jpg]

[Q: is Anjali Georg/@AnjaliGorg a revert? Or is her surname Georg/Gorg(?) derived from being married to a western person (I see she lives in Germany)? Hope she's a revert, 'cause then she'd be such an asset to her Hindoo heathenism, as she sounds heathen: she has pictures of elephants at the Thrissur festivity on her twitter page. And in an earlier tweet of hers that was reposted at the R2004 blog, she was cheering for the right of Hindoo temples to keep Hindoo temple elephants and tweeting pictures of the hypocrisy of the inculturating churches who have kidnapped Hindoo elephants for church slavery work.]

Copied the actual news item from Google's webcache, since the link provided by Anjali gives a 404 at the moment (was it pulled on purpose?):


Quote:Marriage, sex and contraception- A woman's tale of a Catholic Church's Preparatory Course

Life Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - 14:33

Experience repeatedly shows us that family life is not lived in a vacuum. Social institutions exert covert but strong influence on the course of our lives.

Seemingly harmless practices of faith and beliefs introduce senseless social compulsions, some of which start governing the way we live or conduct ourselves.

As news reports constantly show us, regressive ideas are not the exclusive intellectual property of any particular religious or social group.

A young woman in Southern India, who chose to remain anonymous at the risk of being ostracized by her church, tells The News Minute of her experience at a “marriage preparatory” retreat at a Catholic church.

She makes a passionate case as to why a certain kind of preaching by the church meant for couples needs to be changed, keeping in mind changing social and socio-economic scenarios.

The text below has been reproduced verbatim from this young woman’s version and has been edited for language and brevity with her permission

"When I decided to get married, the first reaction of my parents was that I should attend the Marriage Preparatory Course for Catholics. This course is supposedly mandatory for every Catholic who is about to get married and most Catholics in South India/throughout the country apparently go through this course, though some do it online.

(Another thing that the church mandates to its female sheep is to bag a "pagan" Hindu or secular 'Hindu' [even easier], and even if and his family can't be converted by subtle or unsubtle means, ensure the children are baptised into christ. <- Christian love jihad/love crusade should be documented. Just as this article has documented the christian demographic crusade.)

The Catholic Church believes that this particular course is the solution to all family troubles, though anybody who undergoes this training can clearly see that it is a far cry from a proper counselling process.

My Church would not agree to conduct the ceremony without a certificate for this course, and with extreme reluctance, I decided to attend this three-day programme.

The moment we reached the training venue, our phones were snatched away. The organizers warned: ‘You should not connect with anyone in these three days and you are not allowed to go outside the compound’. I failed to understand why a Marriage Counselling course would demand anyone to be disconnected from the rest of the world.

The program itself was grueling. Fourteen hours of “classes” from dawn to around 9 pm each day, without a break. Our “teachers” included priests, a medical doctor, and men and women whose only qualifications were described as “married for 15 years”, “married for 20 years” and so on.

The content of the programme is the most shocking part. During one lengthy session, I was flabbergasted to hear from a priest that the primary aim of marriage is reproduction. At the end of this session, a couple with six children pressed the same point further. The mother of the kids tried to persuade us to have many children.

This woman, who was a highly qualified professional with dual degrees, told the participants, “When my husband initially asked me to resign my highly paid job to look after my kids I was hurt. But after my resignation I had three more kids, which makes me the happiest mom in the world. I assure you all that kids make a woman perfect, not a career.”

When the woman was asked her if this was the only aim women should have (some of the fellow participants clapped), she said she was happy that she gave up all her dreams of a career and studies, and dedicated her life to bring up seven children.

A woman’s decision to give up her career for her family is a personal choice. But to preach or advocate that as the sole aspiration for a married woman, I thought was simply unacceptable.

Another important topic the programme covered was sex and sexuality. They were completely convinced that sex without the intention to produce children was the most terrible sin, one that God would never forgive.

According to Catholic beliefs that were explained at the programme, every sexual act should be performed with the intention to conceive. Before beginning his session, one of the teachers wrote this on the blackboard: “Sperm is meant to enter the female body. You must not block it or let it spill out.”

The church traditionally considers the usage of all contraceptive measures, including condoms, wrong. There were three sessions on the spiritual hazards of contraceptive usage, in which “teachers” repeatedly tried to persuade those attending to consider children as a gift from God, sex was for reproduction and not pleasure, and that preventing sperm from reaching the uterus was equal to murder.

They encouraged “natural” contraception, which was to have sex around the menstrual cycle. They even gave us a booklet where we could mark our period.

The Catholic Church’s stand on divorce has drawn criticism in the past but continues to remain harsh even after the Supreme Court’s recent intervention asking for a relaxation of this stand.

The position closest to divorce is the nullification of a marriage. A Catholic is allowed by church to take a divorce only if one of the partners is mentally ill or impotent, and he or she hides it before the marriage. Without nullification from the church, a person is not allowed to remarry as per Catholic tradition.

Some of the “teachers” said that young people should just be happy with whoever their parents have chosen for them. “Don’t think that you will get a better person, because God did this for you,” we were told.

Another “teacher” said: “After a couple is married, in no situation does the Church accept a divorce request. Whatever happens, even it is life threatening to live with your partner, you should live with him or her. You must not separate just because you want to be comfortable and happy.”

One day was subtly allotted exclusively for women - to tell them how to take care of their husbands and children. A woman can resign or take long leave from her job to look after the children. She should be patient, forgiving, loving, be regular with prayers, etc.

Even though there were men present – a few attended as couples – it was pretty clear that it was meant for the women participants. The verdict was that women and their lives are just meant for conceiving and bringing up children.

Unsurprisingly, those who seemed to agree with the overall tone and tenor of what was discussed were mostly the male participants.

As a devout Catholic, I have grown up hearing these strictures. I have friends who have gone for such courses, while some were similar to mine. Other Churches conduct a toned down version, perhaps more in sync with reality.

I remember reading Friar Peter Daly, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C, on natural family- planning. The priest in an article in response to Pope Francis' call for input for the Synod of Bishops on family issues says, ‘The teaching of the magisterium on contraception does not seem to take into account the reality of most people's lives’.

He writes: ‘Most couples in our parish, like couples in most parishes in the developed world, are certainly using artificial contraception. …. I stress that it is good for five reasons: It is natural. It works. It is mutual. It is respectful of women. And it is open to life.’

In a poll commissioned by the US Spanish broadcast TV network Univision, 78% of 12,000 respondents worldwide supported the use of artificial birth control and were against the Church’s stand.

There are priests like Friar Daly and then there are such studies, but have things changed across the world?

Over the years, many have argued that the Church's refusal to change its views on contraception has led to the it's waning power in Europe and America.

Certain AmeriKKKan cults (7th day adventist or pentacostals, can't remember) that have evangelised western countries, have managed to brainwash western converts to produce 10+ kids too.

Muslimahs are also known to happily give birth to a whole army.

Wonder whether the threat of impending christoislamania - if left to its devices, the end will be brutal for unsaved kaffirs for sure - will encourage Hindoo women to have more children. Then again, a slight miscalculation and the Hindoo children could end up on the cannibal menu, as so many are today. People will need to decide whether it is worth that risk. However, since Hindu men refuse to wipe the floor with christoislamania - screw what the govt or foreign govts will do about it, in the end, it's Hindoos' lives on the line - there may be little (no?) confidence in Hindoo women about their own future/safety let alone for that of their children.
70 *Hindu* "orphans" (probably kidnapped from their Hindoo parents by christianism, as often happens - being Standard Operating Practice [SOP] for christianism)

have been converted by the christo in charge, a typical christo paedophile calling itself a "father":


Quote:70 children converted to Christianity in Madhya Pradesh - Where is the Media Furore?

10/05/2015 12:57:30 Anurag Upadhyay - indiatvnews.com/news/india/70-children-converted-to-christianity-in-madhya-pradesh-50380.html

Bhopal: Around seventy children of Saint Francis Sevadham, an orphanage at Shyampur in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh, have been allegedly converted to Christianity. Name of Father Rogen Kristen, who administered the establishment earlier, has been mentioned in the column ‘father’s name’ of all 70 children.

The incident came into light after Onkar Singh, an RTI activist who works for the child welfare in Sagar, discovered that Rogen Kristen was being mentioned as father of these orphanage’s children.

The children in the orphanage also confirmed the allegations of conversion. Many children have forgotten their original identity including their names.

Meanwhile, the district administration is investigating how this happened. Though Father Rogen has left Sevadham, his replacement father Sanju has dismissed the allegations of forceful conversion but he admitted that he teaches children to practise Christianity.

Juvenile Justice Act clearly states that in such organisations, neither the name or the caste of the residing children can be changed.

Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand in India, and Nepal

often suffer christian kidnappings of Hindoo children from their parents,

which children are then hidden away in christian "orphanages" [i.e. paedophile centres] in distant Indian states like AP, TN and KL,

where the evil christian demons brutally abuse the children (often sexually too), especially if they won't convert

and try to sell these children off to foreign christian paedophiles, to ensure the children end up in christian families.

This is a major form of the christian genocide taking place in Hindoo India. They reduce Hindoos by stealing Hindoo kids - not even orphans usually, but often stolen from their living, loving Hindoo parents - and then increase christianism by converting the kidnapped children into christianism.

The practice has been continuing since decades. And over a decade ago, even American atheists recorded this christian tactic of genocide against Hindoos. Repeating yet again:


Quote:Their Other "Dirty" Linen: Evangelism's Quest to Conquer the World

S. R. Welch

[Note: A slightly different version of this article was previously published under the title "Sins of the Missionaries" in the February/March 2004 issue of Free Inquiry magazine.]


But fraud is what twenty-five families encountered in 2001 in Arunachal Pradesh, a mountainous state in India's northeast.

With the promise of providing their children an education, a Catholic priest from the neighboring district of Nagaland reportedly charged parents 10,000 rupees per child (about $250 each) for tuition, room, and board at the St. Emmanuel Mission Convent in Rajasthan, some 2,500 kilometers away in India's northwest. That price was high, but parents considered it a bargain for a "sahib-run" (i.e., Western-style) school. Some parents later developed misgivings, however, and traveled to Rajasthan to visit their children. On arrival they were shocked to discover that the children were not enrolled at St. Emmanuel's. In fact, they were not in any school at all--they had been placed in an orphanage. The priest who ran the orphanage said he had paid 5,000 rupees per child to a fellow priest--from Nyasaland--and allegedly demanded compensation for this sum before releasing the children to their families.[10]

The victims of such schemes typically come from India's "tribals," Hindu communities** in India's most underdeveloped enclaves that have retained distinct local cultures that set them apart from the modern Indian mainstream. Illiterate and desperately poor, tribals rank high on missionaries' target lists for conversion. They are the unreached of the Unreached.

(** Note also how western atheists are the ONLEE western people who recognise that India's tribals are Hindu communities. That they are honest about this is because they have no evangelical agenda.)



Quote:The Patriotic Indian


70 poor Hindu children in an orphanage converted to Christianity in Madhya Pradesh.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evangelical... http:// fb.me/3sxLQ4B3R

The expanded facebopk URL the above links to:


Remember, christianism in heathen climes is never interested in their own christianised orphans (and in the christo west, christianism is only interested in orphans as a source of victims for silent abuse).

They are only interested in Hindoo* "orphans" many of which are not orphans at all, having living, loving parents, from whom the children were kidnapped by the evil christian demons.

* Not to mention that the news is specifically about how the 70 children were converted to christianism. Implying they were not christian before.
News item via the following comment to



shrikant talageri • 2 hours ago

Really wonderful article! The great danger of Christianity, in comparison to Islam which is clearly seen by a majority of even generally illiterate people as an external enemy, is its eerie ability to strike from within. Simha aptly points out people "with names like Mahesh Bhupathi" -- but if any Hindu looks within his own community, even among his own relatives and family members, he will see how this Christian poison has seeped deeply into the fabric of Hindu society, and is seeping even more deeply by the day, and how lethally it can strike from within like some possessing evil spirit in a horror film. By the way, "Mumbai Mirror" a supplement of the Times of India, carried a revealing two page article on Sunday 17/5/2015 entitled "Starry Succour".

More proof that TOI is an unabashed peddler of christianism is not needed surely? Look how TOI's Mumbai Mirror is plugging for christianism:


Quote:Starry succour

By Ali Peter John, Mumbai Mirror | May 17, 2015, 01.00 AM IST

Religion moves out of the Church as Mumbai's private messengers of Christ use their star appeal to guide the aimless.

(Article comes complete with stars in typical charismatic christian frenzy poses.

TOI probably heavily funded by evangelical cults.)

You can't take comedy out of a comedian. Not even at a satsang.

A YouTube video uploaded in August 2007 sees veteran actor and stand-up, Johnny Lever unleash his brand of wit on an audience you don't see but sense through relentless laughter. Born John Rao Janumala in a Telugu Christian home, Lever wasn't a practicing Catholic until he picked up a Bible for the first time in the early 2000s.

Before a raucous crowd, he admits, life has changed since. "For 18 years before that, I'd 'act' in front of my wife. I get paid to act. I wondered why I did it for free, and with natural flair, for that long," he chides in chaste Hindi. "I have experienced uncounted miracles. I have fallen in love with Him," he says, tipping his head to one side before he strikes the right note.

Yeshu jise preet lagava more bhaiyya, raat din prabhu gun gaava more bhaiyya. Yeshu ke sharanva mein ava more bhaiyya, Lever sings in perfect rhythm, occasionally adding a thumka when Anil Kant and wife Reena, who are on stage with a harmonium, join the chorus.

Kant, one of Mumbai's well known pastors, comes from a Hindu-Punjabi family. He quit a singing career that took him to Singapore and Indonesia to return to India in 1999 in 'search of the truth'. His first introduction to Christianity, according to his official website, was when friends invited him to train a church choir. Ordained as a pastor in 2007, together with Reena and their children, Shreya and Rishabh, he has 'given their lives to the Lord'. The satsangs he now holds across the country, including a weekly affair called Ashram of Life in Andheri, are described as a 'contextualised church model which is a Fellowship relevant to Indian culture'. Bro. Johnny (Lever) is sometimes called in as guest.

When Lever isn't travelling to perform as comic, he holds healing sessions at his Oxford Tower apartment in Lokhandwala on Sundays. Sometimes, it's a single believer he addresses; at other times, it's a group of up to 50.

Lever claims it was 2000 when his 10-year-old son, Jesse was diagnosed with a malignant cyst in his neck. Doctors warned of grave complications that would arise during surgery. Desperate, and on wife Sujata's request, he knelt and prayed to Jesus, who gave him the go ahead to take a risk. "I prayed without a break, without food or drink. Jesse was fine in a matter of hours," says Lever over the phone from Australia where he is on a performance tour.

Although he clarifies he isn't a "worker of miracles", he believes "if anyone prays with the fervour I do, God will have to answer their prayers".

His belief was fortified when during the making of Hrithik Roshan's debut, Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, he claims to have prayed over the superstar, who was struggling with a similar cyst. "A worried Rakesh Roshan confided in me, and gave me permission to pray over Hrithik. Later, a scan revealed no growth. It's always and entirely up to Jesus if he wishes to listen to my prayers."

Pastor Paramjit Singh seems far more certain of his healing powers to which he dedicates one day in a packed week. Friday evenings at Shree Kirtan Kendra, JPVD Scheme, are about transforming hearts and bodies.

Dressed not in vestments but a well-cut shirt tucked into slim trousers, Singh looks dapper as he alights from a car with wife, Sister Moni Mathai. The gathering rises as a smiling Singh surveys the numbers before taking the podium to discuss "what a wonderful Jesus we have". He is spirited, a naturally gifted speaker, who often breaks into hymns in both, Hindi and English while cracking a joke or two.

The atmosphere turns electric when it's time for the pastor to bless and heal. The needy hope to collapse to the ground under his influence — a sign of having been cured. On his part, Singh bellows, "Alleluia, praise the Lord!" while the gathering sways like somnambulants to the soulful hymns of an organ.

It's then time for their version of the Holy Communion, the replication of a ceremony held during mass and believed to have been instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper. Offering his disciples bread and wine, Christ referred to the first as "my body" and wine as "my blood". Instead of host made of flour, Paramjit Singh Ministries Power of Love Association offers slices of Britannia bread and Tropicana grape juice to remind followers of Christ's sacrifice. Soon, a volunteer comes around to collect alms that will go towards seeing the 'Church' grow.

Tuesdays are reserved for fervent prayer at a flat in Aarti Apartments, Yari Road, the Singh's first residence. Wednesdays are dedicated to Bible studies. Sundays see worship at Prime Academy School near Marol and a session that offers biblical solutions to anxieties typical of the youth. If you can't make it in person, leave a prayer request on their website ("not more than 1,000 words") and pick your dread from over 20 concerns, including 'allergies' and 'cancer'.

His early followers say, Singh was a flamboyant man who worked as a sales executive. Brother to veteran Hindi actor Kanwaljit Singh, he met Moni when she was an entertainment journalist with a leading film magazine. Once married, Moni was determined to reform her "unsaved husband". In 1996, she had a revelation about the couple being at the helm of a ministry of God. On April 4, 1998, after Moni's continued prayers, Singh says he had a supernatural encounter while travelling in a crowded train. "I felt a very strong wind blowing through my chest; it was the presence of Christ who had arrived to tell me he alone was saviour of the world and I was his messenger," he says. The couple, who once ran their 'church' out of their modest Yari Road apartment, are now at the helm of a movement that holds crusades and healing sessions across the country, like recent ones they conducted in Chandigarh and Dehradun. Their prayer meetings are routinely broadcast on Paigam TV and uploaded by followers on YouTube.

Mumbai has in the last decade seen a growing number of men and women proclaim themselves experts on the Bible. They run their 'church' out of homes, classrooms after school and wedding reception halls. They have impeccable communication skills in common, as they do charm to hold the attention of an audience.

That several of them have connections with the world of glamour only serves as advantage.

Most people say they haven't seen the reclusive Kalpana Karthik, wife to late veteran actor Dev Anand, in decades. The beauty queen from Shimla acted in a handful of films in the 1950s including Taxi Driver (1954) and Nau Do Gyaarah (1957), following which she quit films to become full-time homemaker.

But to close friends and family, Kalpana (born Mona Sinha in a Punjabi Christian family) is known for the prayer meetings she conducts in her late husband's bungalow in Iris Park. Open to select believers, the service is simple and restricted to reading from the Bible. Her religious and spiritual fervour, say those who know her, had rubbed off on the actor, who in his later years followed controversial US-based tele-evangelist Pastor Benny Hinn, known for his Miracle Crusades, often held in stadiums and attended by millions, where followers claim to have been healed of everything from blocked ventricles to muscular dystrophy.

Pastor Hinn has also been guide to Lever, who had a taste of his popularity on his work visits to the US. Eager to be his follower, Lever contacted Hinn, who invited him to a crusade held in 2004 at a ground at the MHADA grounds, BKC, attended by over 50,000 visitors. "There was a shine on his face as he prayed and healed people by simply raising his hands over them," Lever remembers.

Like Hinn, who has often been called a scam artist, Mumbai's pastors are also viewed with scepticism by those who believe they are agents of Western outfits that wish to tap into developing nations, especially India where locals are drawn to magic and paranormal experiences, with stringent religious beliefs waning in the West.

They are accused of mugging the Bible, as is evident from online posts in response to a video dated June 2008 on YouTube of former south Indian superstar-turned-Bhojpuri actress Naghma calling herself the lord's "vessel".

The immensely successful actress who made her Hindi film debut against Salman Khan in Baghee and was notoriously involved with cricketer Saurav Ganguly, is dressed simply in an ivory saree. She sways gently, holding on to papers she reads from while a volunteer translates her message into Tamil to an audience of a couple of hundreds. She is at a session conducted by Jesus Redeems Ministries founder Pastor Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus in Nalumavadi, a tiny village in Tamil Nadu, when she says, eyes shut tight, "Let me hide in your presence Lord. Let them hear not me but you, Lord. I believe he has written my name on his palm. He set me free from the snarls (sic) of the Devil. He has plans for me."

She moves seamlessly into a song - Khubsoorat tu banata sab tu apne samay mein - while a volunteer strums the guitar.

Speaking of a time when she saw saw a reason to live and was contemplating suicide, she found hope in the Bible. Mumbai pastor Shekhar Kalyanpur who runs the New Life Fellowship out of Juhu took her under his wing before she volunteered to be reborn as a follower of Christ. In a telephonic interview to Mirror, she calls the Bible "the greatest book ever", one that would save the world "if only more and more people read and followed it". Baptised in 2007, Naghma took a break from films and claims to have spent every spare minute reading the Bible, and touring little known districts of South India, especially Andhra Pradesh, sharing her testimony of conversion. Born to Muslim mother and Hindu father, on Christmas, Naghma believes Christianity always had a special place in her life. She isn't sure if she will return to cinema, when she says, "I have experienced a lot, and I think I will now have no time for anyone or anything but the Lord."

With little care about how the world perceives her, she says the response of fellow believers has been encouraging. "You have to see how people react when I speak and sing of the Lord. They have forgotten all about an actress called Naghma."

Not all followers are always convinced, though. Ratan Singh, a struggling character actor who makes it for Singh's Friday healing sessions, has been trying to find work for five years. "None of my friends or I have landed an assignment because of prayers here," he shrugs, but what do we have to hold on to?"

Roshni Dave (name changed), a small time dancer in Bollywood and television soaps, says "Hum logon ka sahaara sirf khuda hai, nahin toh hum jaise log is shehar mein bhookhe mar jaate." That sometimes, followers like her are handed out weekly rations makes attending a little more attractive.

Pune-based advocate Mukta Dabholkar, daughter to slain rationalist Narendra Dabholkar, who was founder-president of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS), an organisation set up to eradicate superstition, sees this as little more than exploitation. "There is a saying in Marathi, varun keertan atun tamasha. It means drama in the name of prayer. Their claims of healing are against all principles of science, and those who claim to have such powers can be booked under the The Drugs and Magic Remedies Act," she says.

Her brother, Hamid says, "Three weeks ago, a MANS delegation in Mumbai filed a complaint against one such pastor in Vasai. We are still awaiting police action." He speaks of contributing factors: most followers from lower income groups who don't have access to low-cost, effective medical services end up as prey. "It's in this schism between expensive private sector services and ineffective government medical services that frauds thrive. Secondly, there is an absence of a spirit of scientific inquiry that questions claims made by such leaders."

Mukta adds, "It's probable that there isn't much to cure in the first place. That followers often feel 'better' is nothing more than a result of positive suggestion. Either way, nobody talks about what did not happen, so whatever little happens, is exaggerated."

See pics

1. Entry is free and open to all

2. Pastor Paramjit Singh heals a follower at a Friday session of Power of Love Association at a hall in JPVD Scheme

3. Sister Moni Mathai was the one to have encouraged husband Singh to establish their 'church' in the late 1990s

4. Kalpana Karthik (Mona Sinha), actor Dev Anand 's wife, holds similar sessions at his Iris Park residence for a select group of friends and relatives

5. South Indian actress Naghma spreads the Lord's word at a session in Nalumavadi, a tiny village in Tamil Nadu

6. "It's always and entirely up to Jesus if he wishes to listen to my prayers," says comedian, Bro. Johnny Lever, who holds healing sessions at his Lokhandwala residence
Evangelical christians a la S Korea. Lots of "Charismatic christian" nonsense visible able. They're vile in their intolerance.

Can see that India is being christianised based on the christianisation model for S Korea.

Not just seen in the use of converted "stars" witnessing for jeebus (i.e. advertising/missionising for conversion to christianism), which is specifically an evangelical routine.

More importantly, christianism targeted to ride the wave of development in S Korea and did. Christians then claimed it was the jeebus miracle - the massive conversion spree in S Korea - that catapulted that country from abject poverty to a rich nation (S Korea had ranked with present-day "Somalia" in terms of poverty, according to a recent western news article). Of course, the christianism crediting itself with S Korea's development to prosperity is another christian lie: development started in the 1970s and christianism deliberately was planted to piggyback/parasite on it from the 80s on. (Around the early 2000s, upto 2004 or 2006 there was another massive conversion effort in S Korea, BTW.)

There is a major lesson in this for Hindus: Narendra Modi's toilets before temples=development before heathendom scheme will also end in development

alone, and christianism WILL be using the total inaction - on behalf of heathenism and against christoislamism - by the "Hindu nationalist" BJP's part to ride the wave of development in India too, making a mass killing in conversion numbers, and then increasing it by peddling that jeebus brought the miracle of prosperity.

Modi govt's shortsighted apathy and irresponsibility towards the jihad in W Bengal and the attacks on Hindu temples and rise in evangelism, in favour of "development" as the primary and ultimate aim - which is a position that Gautam Sen's tweets particularly support Modi in (Sen also doesn't seem to notice how christianism's conversion of S Korea is being repeated step by step in India, down to the massive number of attacks on Hindu temples, most of which follow the same christian pattern, and the harnessing of stars for the evangelical harvest) - spells only losses for Hindoo-dom.

Hindus like Sen analysing India's problems need to wake up. Gautam said that Bengal and Kashmir can go on the backburner and that Modi's development first agenda is correct and that the Indian govt can later (when, under KKKangress/AAP?) deal with the territories and people islam will have claimed by then. Yet, in this utter inaction in favour of the pursuit of prosperity (which prosperous India is exactly part of christianism's conversion agenda), Gautam Sen and Modi and a whole lot of others applauding the BJP's "development" idea are ignoring that christianism pulled off a conversion miracle in S Korea under exactly the same conditions.

Modi seems to have no idea, but his inaction w.r.t. W Bengal is not only facilitating the islamisation of W Bengal etc, but the christianisation of India. His mere pointed inaction and determined focus on development actively serves christianism's interests.

The shortsightedness by many, Sen included, is appalling. Yes, Modi has restricted Ford Foundation, but not because of its promotion of evangelical activities and pro-jihadism, but because it antagonised the BJP/Indian nationalism. I.e. everything done by the BJP govt so far is not in protection of Hindoo heathenism but serves only the development-first agenda, though Hindu nationalists on the web keep misprojecting it as a pro-Hindoo move by the BJP to a Hindoo audience (either innocently, because they believe it, or deliberately, because they are BJP supporters/mere nationalists, not heathens).

Hindoos are on a precipice. Within 2.5 decades from this point on in the S Korean context, that country was made about 25% christian. And a lot of Buddhist temples were destroyed. Hindoo heathenism is far more heathen - a greater affront to christianism (as it is to islam) - and the loss of Hindoo temples and their moorties is a *serious* situation for Hindoos.

A growing and ultimately large christian infestation will be too, and will have sealed the fate of heathendom in India, with only time necessary to finish the story.

Christianism in S Korea feeds on itself: its stars (practically all pop musicians, and many actors) and many politicians are totally evangelical - just like the Indian nutcases in the above missionary article by the missionary TOI's mouthpiece Mumbai Mirror.

Meanwhile, "Hindu" born Indian actors are of course allergic to all things Hindoo, more interested in bashing it, more interested in promoting christianism, more interest in marrying islam and certainly with no interest in promoting heathendom. But what to expect from them, when by far most of the "Hindu nationalists" on the internet are not themselves heathen but are actually of the "I'm an atheist/agnostic Hindu" or Hindutva (nationalism as replacement for heathenism) variety, or else the subversive Elstian kind (also utterly unheathen). So of course Indian "stars" vocalising are even more unheathen than they.

BTW, many Indian "Hindu" born classical musicians are cryptochristians too. Others are de-heathenised and facilitating christianism and in close collusion with christianism. E.g. next to the expose of the anti-Hindu TM Krishna that indiafacts did, there is Sudha Raghunathan who converted to the Jaggi/Isha Foundation cult that's promoted by Karunanidhi as the preferable alternative to established Acharya mathas, and Raghunathan's music label is closely associated with a christian - Winston something or other - who was funding the christo-LTTE in SL and working on Tamil Eelam. Bombay Jayashree is a (possibly conscious) medium for christianism infiltrating and subverting Carnatic music, and willingly hangs out with a crowd of avowed anti-Hindu Hindu-baiters in the Indian cine 'music' industry, while her own position on carnatic music is that it is "art" and that she's only in it for "art". (I.e. she is a deliberate subversionist.)

The next generations are all subverted losers who think it's a sign of openmindedness to keep friends with christoislamis - though the latter's kinds are genociding Hindus elsewhere in India (e.g. W Bengal and northeast and Kerala) and all through the history of the monotheism's infestation in the subcontinent.


Also need to beware that many of the major S Korean companies - from manufacturing/tech companies to news outlets - are evangelical (by and for evangelical purposes), just like many corporations in India are, and are becoming via infiltration. E.g. as that tweet by "LutyensInsider" revealed about cryptochristo "@mihirssharma has got a backing of CEO of Business Standard T N Ninan who is a Xtian too". And many AmeriKKKan corporations - evangelical - in India profess not just christianism but require their employees to convert in return for the remuneration/job, already discussed in articles at Indian nationalist sites.

A major electronics store appeared near a grandmother's home in Chennai, deliberately scuttling the previous large Hindu-owned electronics store nearby. When I visited the new store, every digital photoframe had text from the Babble.

The apparently once-Hindu owned (then sold to random individuals) bookstore Landmark too: all employees were christian. Modi's secular development agenda is only going to make the ground more fertile for christiansm to run off with more Hindus, if Modi/BJP do not take care to protect heathenism and restore it every step of the way.

Not that they will of course. And even nationalists like Gautam Sen analysing the Indian situation don't seem to want to see further than their nose is long and to calculate in how far a "Hindu" nationalist govt callous to Hindoo (not mere Indian/nationalist) interests is going to work to a heathen India's detriment, to ultimately favour monotheist in major way.

The Indiafacts comment and news item in quoteblocks, and the text emphasized are important.
1. So that's what the Indian christomedia blitzkrieg was for: to get secular Indian aid kicked out of Nepal, leaving it for the christian carrion fowl:


Quote:Evangelists from Kerala prowling in Nepal

23/05/2015 01:13:23 GSK Menon

Huge teams of Evangelists from Kerala are prowling interior and remote parts of Nepal to secure fresh converts. 500 volunteers and others constitute the Conversion Army from 400 Parishes and 20 schools. The conversion army is active in Gorkha and Sindhupalchok which are very remote areas, so conversion activities can be conducted in top secrecy. A self styled convert locally procured but sporting a Hindu name Mr.Narayan Sharma, is the Kathmandu Diocesan bishop ! Despite conversion, these converts loathe to have Christian names, only a pure Hindu name with a caste suffix gives them satisfaction.

(Lots of people with "Sharma" surname are christian. Hindoos with that surname often can't even keep it in TN because of christo-DMK attacks. Christians however keep all things Hindoo, all things Skt public and do all things "brahmana" public too. It's the two-handed inculturation scheme: where they genocide it among heathens and take it for themselves as "inheritance" as a "christianism".)

Kerala Christian conversion army is getting full support from the Nepal Army and Government. They have been provided Helicopters too ! The Indian Media both TV & Press went and gave adverse reports, resulting in everybody being thrown out of Nepal, and leaving the entire field free for Kerala conversion predators to hunt, lure and intimidate innocent Hindus & Buddhists to accept the desert godman as their new god.

(Wasn't the Nepal govt a christian infestation? (And hence probably its army's been infiltrated at crucial positions, which is how the beginning of the subversion of S Korea's armed forces started too.) Under one Prachanda - christian communist. Or have the govts in Nepal switched to yet another christian dynasty there already?)

This could have also been a strategy, as we all know the Indian media is full of converts, these fellows must have been instigated to create the usual ruckus, so as to give Nepal a bad name. They are a poor country and cannot afford five star rescue operations. By ridiculing the Nepalese, the converts in our Press managed to get themselves evicted from Nepal and thereby give a clear field to the prowling converters.

(Sounds quite plausible.)

I request all Hindus to alert their Nepalese friends, and Nepal Press and Army to keep a close watch on the activities of the converters, otherwise churches, prayer halls, ugly crosses will litter the landscape and there will be fanatic converts roaming the countryside. Pathetic photographs of human misery will be clicked and circulated in America and Europe (a technique developed by Calcutta fame Teresa to acquire money to fuel conversion work).

Nepal needs to be on high alert against Kerala conversion gangs.
Will Hindoo donations to Nepal reach the Hindoos or will they go towards "secularism"? And will christianism merely ride the wave of Hindoo aid to reap a subsequent harvest?


23/05/2015 07:20:42 Evangelists from Kerala prowling in Nepal

Wherever there is natural calamity like floods, earthquake, famine, and tsunami, Church becomes hyperactive to get converts. In Tamilnadu when tsunami struck Christian missionaries were forcing people to convert in exchange for relief material. This was briefly mentioned in the Press but thereafter it was suppressed. Africa also met with the same fate, scores of missionaries, including from Kerala are active in conversion of Muslims and other indigenous tribes. Afghanistan is also witnessing a lot of conversion activities. One Christian preacher from Tamilnadu was abducted there but the BJP government had him rescued. The Church will never be grateful. Modi government is facing so much of criticism because of the Church, which wants him out of power.

Nepalese should be put on high alert to keep Missionaries away.

Wonder whether Nepalese are as stupid as Indians and will secularise then christianise as readily too. Who knows.

After all, their country did go from being the world's only Hindoo nation to "yet another unconverted Asian nation ruled by cryptochristian leader" (zealous christo Prachanda of communist=christian party). Next step, even more overt christianism enforced on the Hindoo population.

Sad Nepal's natives=Hindoos have to be pulled down into the same misery as India's Hindoos because of unavoidable physical proximity to India's christian infestation.

2. Christian churches had started (or were recently revealed at) their usual convert-or-kill programme of forcibly converting cum ethnically cleansing of native Hindoo fishermen from the southern coasts in Kerala and TN, to make these regions that since recent times have already been inundated by christians and missionary activites into purely christian strongholds.

Now farmers and agriculture in Kerala (and more christian landgrab of Hindoo land):


Quote:Communalization of Agricultural Arena by Christian Congregations

23/05/2015 00:35:11 HK

Alappuzha: There is said to be widespread Christianization of the state agricultural arena. Sources have indicated that Christian religious heads are actively grouping farmers on religious basis. It is said that a crafty bargaining with political parties and government machinery, with an eye on the forthcoming state assembly elections, is the sole motive behind the same. Those who are members of farmers’ unions that falls under various political parties and other independent parties are currently being roped into organizations that are being controlled by Christian religious heads. They are later brainwashed on communal lines.

Reports point out that these organizations are successful and are craftily modeled on the lines of Catholic Fishermen’s Federations that fall under various Latin congregations of the church, in the arena of fishing. Congregations are said to have directly involved themselves in various issues pertaining to the field of agriculture including that of paddy cultivation, under the tutelage of the Christian group, Almaya Aikya Vedi. Sources have informed that the group has planned a well organized protests and other ways of remonstration of Supplyco offices. Congregation influence in organizations like Infam, Kuttanadu Vikasana Samiti, Malanadu Vikasana Society etc, which are headed by Vicars, have been fortified in areas of agriculture related to paddy, rubber and milk.

In places like Kuttanad, Christian priests are said to be the final authority when it comes to agricultural sector. Political parties, along with the organization they head are now said to be reduced to mere muted spectators, with congregation led organizations spearheading agricultural societies and organizations. An organizations named ‘The People Karshaka Janakeeya Aikyavedi’ has been formed in Malayora, Idanaadu, Kuttanadu and coastal areas, which comprises of various agricultural groups and organizations headed by Christian congregations.

(But Hindus are being neutered from organising. Because Hindutva types/nationalists/Hindus on the internet keep writing about how Hindus are anyone and anything Indian - Buddhists, Jains, Charvakans, other non-religious, plus of course 'the Miscellany' - and hence Hindoos have been reduced to total anonymity by the treacherous "Hindutva=nationalism=all-Indianism" nonsense.

Meanwhile christoislam is very organised and knows exactly what it is and wants.

Communities without a purpose - whether they don't have one or whether it be taken from them (as has happened to Hindoos) - will get blown over by memes powered by ideologies.

Gangrene is so lethal to heathen-dom.)

It has been informed that several remonstrations by farmers will be staged with the blessings of Christian priests, under the aegis of these organizations, in days to come

Activities have already been planned to establish the sway and authority of Church congregations over organizations like Catholic Congress, Almaya Aikya Vedi, Kuttanadu Vikasana Samiti, Infam, Karshaka Janakeeya Aikya Vedi, Kerala Labour Movement etc.

Quote:GSK Menon

23/05/2015 07:47:37 Communalisation of agricultural arena

The cunning strategy of the church needs to be emulated by other communities as well. In fact this is an age old strategy to promote the desert godman. Agriculture is long associate with subsidies, grants, aids and relief packages. Government funds are lavishly available to this sector in the name of helping poor farmers. By consolidating and grouping this sector under various Padres, the church can get free access to government funds which can be slyly diverted for conversion activities.

HK is doing yeoman service to all Keralites by exposing the lethal venom hiding in our society.

^ Menon points out yet another means by which Modi's "development" agenda will get subverted into promoting christianism. It's totally open to christian subversion and hijacking.

3. More proof of union govt's "development funds" disappearing into christoislam's pockets.

"Thanks Modi/BJP for funding the monotheism against the Hindoos under the excuse of 'development'." Brilliant ploy. Hindoos totally blinkered.


Quote:423 State Schools have no Toilet ; despite procuring funds from Swach Bharat & SSA

24/05/2015 10:06:02 Courtesy : Keralakaumudi

The keenness and enthusiasm that gushed from state government of Kerala, as crores poured in from the Union exchequer in connection with Swach Bharat Abhiyan now seems to have disappeared into oblivion. Even though the Union ministry pumped in 1.27 crores, Kerala’s 423 government schools stand bereft of toilets. Along with this, 2.4 crores as sanctioned by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, towards completion of pending repair works in schools. And with this, many unanswered questions seem to be looming large- why weren’t toilets constructed and why are authorities of state education department maintaining silence over the fate of these funds.

(Christian Oomen Chandy's govt in Kerala - =a christian govt - has divided the spoils of 'development' among churches and their monotheist brothers for missionising and jihad.

Union govt's "development" funds allocated to Kerala is now probably directly funding the latest news of increased Jihadi child trafficking in Kerala of anonymous Indian (Hindu?) kids stolen from northern states, besides of course news items #1 and #2 above, thus funding:

- christo-conversion of Hindoos in Nepal and

- christo-conversion of agriculture and fishery etc into a christian-only, church-managed trade in Kerala. Making Kerala into the new Mizoram: church-ruled christian-dominated state, with Hindoos already turned into an economic and ethnically cleansed minority, soon to be genocided in a large "convert-or-kill" programme by the christoislamic demons infesting the state.)

Recently that the state education minister issued a declaration that schools functioning without toilets will not be granted sanction to function. It was a survey conducted by Health department which exposed the sad plight of 423 schools being bereft of latrine facilities. A report released by School Education and Literacy department of the Central ministry showed 219 government schools of Kerala functioning without toilet facilities and 132 schools never availed the latrine facilities they were endowed with. It was on this basis that 1.27 crores was sanctioned for the construction of toilets in 200 schools, from the Prime Minister’s Swach Bharat Abhiyan. Along with this, SSA sanctioned 2.4 crores towards repair works as well. An annual aid was also granted to 5111 LP schools. It is in spite of these that construction of toilet facilities stands conveniently forgotten.

As per reports, the following are details of names of districts, number of schools and amount disbursed:

Thiruvananthapuram: 5- 4,00,000

Kollam: 1- 80,000

Pathanamthitta: 16 - 1,42,000

Malappuram: 30 - 2,76,000

Kozhikode : 29- 2,62.000

Wayanad: 1- 80,000

Kannur: 34 - 3,26,000

Kasargode: 27 - 2,16,000
How The West Was Won:

1. bharatabharati.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/native-americans-say-junipero-serra-enslaved-them-pope-francis-says-he-saved-them-jack-jenkins/

Quote:Native Americans say Junípero Serra enslaved them; Pope Francis says he saved them – Jack Jenkins

Posted on 08/06/2015 by Admin

Native American demonstrators protest the proposed sainthood of Junípero Serra outside Mission Dolores in San Francisco, California.

“‘It is imperative [Pope Francis] is enlightened to understand that Father Serra was responsible for the deception, exploitation, oppression, enslavement and genocide of thousands of Indigenous Californians, ultimately resulting in the largest ethnic cleansing in North America,’ a MoveOn.org petition read.” – Jack Jenkins

Pope Francis has been widely lauded as a champion of the oppressed, advocating for the victims of war and passionately declaring that “to discriminate in the name of God is inhuman.”

But in September, the pontiff is planning to canonize, or declare a saint, a man who some Native Americans say not only discriminated in God’s name, but also subjugated thousands of Indians along the West Coast using missionary tactics that effectively enslaved his Christian converts.


The final poster image illustrating the above article at the link is brilliant: need one of those for Indians too.

2. bharatabharati.wordpress.com/2015/06/07/church-run-residential-schools-committed-cultural-genocide-against-native-canadians-nick-robins-early/

Quote:Church-run residential schools committed ‘cultural genocide’ against Native Canadians – Nick Robins-Early

Posted on 07/06/2015 by Admin

“Canada’s residential school system began in the late 19th century as a means of assimilating aboriginal youth into white colonial society through education and removing them of their cultural, spiritual and linguistic heritage. … Authorities forcibly took children from their homes and put them into boarding schools, which were operated by Christian churches — the majority of which were Catholic. “This was done not to educate them, but primarily to break their link to their culture and identity,” the commission’s report states.” – Nick Robins-Early


It's what christian "orphanages" are doing in India: kidnapping Hindoo children often from their living parents and putting them in christian torture/abuse centres dubbed "orphanages", often for even alien christoterrorists to eventually prey upon via the "adoption" abduction process. See infidels.org/kiosk/article/their-other-dirty-linen-evangelisms-quest-to-conquer-the-world-363.html

Rest of the articles are at the links.

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