01-27-2006, 05:41 AM
in the india of the 21st century, we should declare the birthdays of the folowing people (in no particular order) as national holidays.
bose, bhagat singh, nathuram godse, sarvarkar.
and rename all roads, buildingas, schools, bridges, stadiums, after these after stripping the names of beevis and butthead off them.
icing on the cake would be if india cut ties with the poms permanently, after doing to their economy what japan is doing to the american.
bose, bhagat singh, nathuram godse, sarvarkar.
and rename all roads, buildingas, schools, bridges, stadiums, after these after stripping the names of beevis and butthead off them.
icing on the cake would be if india cut ties with the poms permanently, after doing to their economy what japan is doing to the american.