Post 218:
Agree with Anwar Shaikh, with one small qualifier. Islam was the Arabian imperialist movement itself created by Islam. There was none before.
Also, thanks to Islam, most Arabians are secondary citizens in their 'egalitarian universal brotherhood' too, because Mohammed's own clan, the Quraish/Koraish (probably where the name Quran/Koran comes from) is numero uno and the other Faithful Arabian tribes are at #2, followed by all the non-Arabian muslims at #3. That's why Islam has mandated a number of Arabian traditions that Ali Sina (I think it was) said were particularly of the Quraish tribe and not practised by other Arabians.
It seems Mohammed was feeling a bit left out with so many empires around him and hence his grand scheme to turn Arabia Felix into the hell-hole Islam made it. Every time Islam's centre was transplanted from its Arabian setting - as happened, when under the Abassids, the Islamic capital was located in flourishing Iranian Baghdad (in Iraq, still Iranian at the time) - the Faithful would wrest control back to Arabia.
Just to complete the food chain: at #4 come the peoples of the book, Jews and Christos. And at the bottom thereof, well below all animals, we can find our happy selves and the other kafirs.
Shaikh's web site has gone missing (no doubt due to the holy intervention of the Faithful), but one can still read their contents here: Islam Review
Don't know if this link has already been posted on IF before, but it's really hysterical:
Very simple graphics for this serial comic, but oh so funny.
Agree with Anwar Shaikh, with one small qualifier. Islam was the Arabian imperialist movement itself created by Islam. There was none before.
Also, thanks to Islam, most Arabians are secondary citizens in their 'egalitarian universal brotherhood' too, because Mohammed's own clan, the Quraish/Koraish (probably where the name Quran/Koran comes from) is numero uno and the other Faithful Arabian tribes are at #2, followed by all the non-Arabian muslims at #3. That's why Islam has mandated a number of Arabian traditions that Ali Sina (I think it was) said were particularly of the Quraish tribe and not practised by other Arabians.
It seems Mohammed was feeling a bit left out with so many empires around him and hence his grand scheme to turn Arabia Felix into the hell-hole Islam made it. Every time Islam's centre was transplanted from its Arabian setting - as happened, when under the Abassids, the Islamic capital was located in flourishing Iranian Baghdad (in Iraq, still Iranian at the time) - the Faithful would wrest control back to Arabia.
Just to complete the food chain: at #4 come the peoples of the book, Jews and Christos. And at the bottom thereof, well below all animals, we can find our happy selves and the other kafirs.
Shaikh's web site has gone missing (no doubt due to the holy intervention of the Faithful), but one can still read their contents here: Islam Review
Don't know if this link has already been posted on IF before, but it's really hysterical:
Very simple graphics for this serial comic, but oh so funny.