In his interview about a new book of his, biologist Richard Dawkins, author of many books and articles on evolutionary biology, discusses the objectives of global christoterrorism emanating from the US and its power in their government.
<b>Below follows the transcript of 6 to 7 minute mark</b> of the video interview ( ):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><i>Interviewer:</i> Do you think that political leaders are worse or more dangerous if they have a religious conviction?
<i>Dawkins:</i> Not all of them are worse, but there certainly are some I think who are.
If you believe that you have a divine mission, if you believe that god told you to invade Iraq...
If, in even more extreme cases, if you believe (I don't think any leading politicians believes this, but certainly many of their constituents do in America, believe that <span style='color:red'>Armageddon is devoutly to be desired, because that's the end of the world which will presage the second coming of christ - many of Bush's constituents literally do believe that; they long for nuclear war - he doesn't, but he's supported by a lot of people who do</span>) - um, it could very well be the case that being religious, having that kind of faith, that kind of conviction, that kind of unshakeable conviction, could be very dangerous in a in a politician. It means you don't listen, it means you don't, um, you don't listen to advice, you simply know what's right, because god told you or the holy book told you.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christo terrorists, islamic terrorists - they're all the same. They want to destroy the world and all of life, just to please their prophet or son of gawd or gawd or allah or whoever.
Then they go spreading this terrorism in India and the rest of the unconverted world through missionary terrorism.
Can't they just blow themselves up or fight each other to the death somewhat like in celebrity death match, and leave the rest of us alone and out of it? Some of us actually like to live... We don't believe in a second coming of the non-existent jeebus creepus and don't care for christos to precipitate an Armageddon.
I have the ~1 min soundbyte of this segment recorded in mp3 format (450 kB). If Admin doesn't mind me uploading it, I will. Although I think that transcript above is fairly accurate.
Also check out
(FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster, a satire, which started as a protest against introducing UnIntelligent Design (ID) into Kansas schools. It has grown since to represent the worries science-friendly people feel about the encroaching christo-stupidity.)
Between all the comedy, some serious stuff going on there. Some christos in the UK, inspired by the American variety of the terror, have organised to take advantage of the absence of laws on state-church separation in the UK to enforce ID in British schools.
Christos are just scary with all their efforts to 'prove' the world is flat all over again ('proof' by ensuring that all opponents are silenced in some manner). Hope such nutcases don't migrate to where I am...
<b>Below follows the transcript of 6 to 7 minute mark</b> of the video interview ( ):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><i>Interviewer:</i> Do you think that political leaders are worse or more dangerous if they have a religious conviction?
<i>Dawkins:</i> Not all of them are worse, but there certainly are some I think who are.
If you believe that you have a divine mission, if you believe that god told you to invade Iraq...
If, in even more extreme cases, if you believe (I don't think any leading politicians believes this, but certainly many of their constituents do in America, believe that <span style='color:red'>Armageddon is devoutly to be desired, because that's the end of the world which will presage the second coming of christ - many of Bush's constituents literally do believe that; they long for nuclear war - he doesn't, but he's supported by a lot of people who do</span>) - um, it could very well be the case that being religious, having that kind of faith, that kind of conviction, that kind of unshakeable conviction, could be very dangerous in a in a politician. It means you don't listen, it means you don't, um, you don't listen to advice, you simply know what's right, because god told you or the holy book told you.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christo terrorists, islamic terrorists - they're all the same. They want to destroy the world and all of life, just to please their prophet or son of gawd or gawd or allah or whoever.
Then they go spreading this terrorism in India and the rest of the unconverted world through missionary terrorism.
Can't they just blow themselves up or fight each other to the death somewhat like in celebrity death match, and leave the rest of us alone and out of it? Some of us actually like to live... We don't believe in a second coming of the non-existent jeebus creepus and don't care for christos to precipitate an Armageddon.
I have the ~1 min soundbyte of this segment recorded in mp3 format (450 kB). If Admin doesn't mind me uploading it, I will. Although I think that transcript above is fairly accurate.
Also check out
(FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster, a satire, which started as a protest against introducing UnIntelligent Design (ID) into Kansas schools. It has grown since to represent the worries science-friendly people feel about the encroaching christo-stupidity.)
Between all the comedy, some serious stuff going on there. Some christos in the UK, inspired by the American variety of the terror, have organised to take advantage of the absence of laws on state-church separation in the UK to enforce ID in British schools.
Christos are just scary with all their efforts to 'prove' the world is flat all over again ('proof' by ensuring that all opponents are silenced in some manner). Hope such nutcases don't migrate to where I am...