11-15-2006, 12:45 AM
War on terror: UK seeks Indian Muslims' help
Mohammed Wajihuddin
[ 20 Sep, 2006 2336hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
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There are three Urdu dailies and as many Urdu channels in England, which cater to the vast South Asian immigrant population.
The Urdu media in England also reflects the feelings of Muslims in the subcontinent. The foreign office, to gauge the mood of Muslims and to prevent possible radicalisation of Muslim youths, regularly monitors Urdu media.
Similarly, its office in Delhi keeps an eye on contents of Urdu dailies in India. "Whenever we see fabricated news or slanderous comments about England in Urdu dailies here, we send rebuttals and try to clarify," said Asad Mirza, media advisor at the British foreign office in Delhi.
"We are not against healthy debate or even critique of our policies, but they should be substantiated with facts." Meanwhile, the British foreign office has also shown interest in tie-ups with Hyderabad-based Maulana Azad Urdu University.
During their visit to Hyderabad, British foreign officials promised that they would try to introduce the university's popular distance education programme in England.
UK reportedly reaches out to poor Muslims across the world through various NGOs and human rights' organisations, including Global Opportunity Funding (GOF).
"The GOF has spent more than five billion pounds in the Muslim world so far," said Qadri, who is originally from Nagpur and has lived in London for decades.
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Mohammed Wajihuddin
[ 20 Sep, 2006 2336hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
RSS Feeds| SMS NEWS to 8888 for latest updates
There are three Urdu dailies and as many Urdu channels in England, which cater to the vast South Asian immigrant population.
The Urdu media in England also reflects the feelings of Muslims in the subcontinent. The foreign office, to gauge the mood of Muslims and to prevent possible radicalisation of Muslim youths, regularly monitors Urdu media.
Similarly, its office in Delhi keeps an eye on contents of Urdu dailies in India. "Whenever we see fabricated news or slanderous comments about England in Urdu dailies here, we send rebuttals and try to clarify," said Asad Mirza, media advisor at the British foreign office in Delhi.
"We are not against healthy debate or even critique of our policies, but they should be substantiated with facts." Meanwhile, the British foreign office has also shown interest in tie-ups with Hyderabad-based Maulana Azad Urdu University.
During their visit to Hyderabad, British foreign officials promised that they would try to introduce the university's popular distance education programme in England.
UK reportedly reaches out to poor Muslims across the world through various NGOs and human rights' organisations, including Global Opportunity Funding (GOF).
"The GOF has spent more than five billion pounds in the Muslim world so far," said Qadri, who is originally from Nagpur and has lived in London for decades.
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