Com. Lal (post 137)
I suggest you study in northern Europe. In history classes, they teach communism very fairly - not like in the U.S. They teach the theory (the ideals, quite appealing on initial view) thoroughly and then how it has turned out in practice (total failure).
Then the history classes explain why their government systems are 'socialist' democracies instead: no revolutions, but parties voted into power who try to make sure there are no exceedingly poor people or exceedingly rich people, which is achieved through various taxation slabs. Called democratic 'socialism' - it seems to be quite unrelated to communism/socialism, actually - it works well in northern Europe, succeeding where communism has failed every nation that tried it.
Study each case of communism in history. You will realise there is a pattern: it does not work. Prosperous nations high in culture with insufficient equality end up as pauper nations devoid of culture with insufficient equality. People in communist countries become robots, they don't realise their lines reach back tens of thousands of years and so don't learn the valuable lessons and retain the knowledge pool of those tens of thousands of years.
Communism wants to wipe the slate of every nation it wants to grab clean (rewriting history is a part of that endeavour). It is arrogance at its highest. We do not live in a spatial nor temporal vaccuum, we have a history and must learn the good things and avoid the bad things of the past (not the 'good' and 'bad' things of the past as rewritten history teaches, though). Communism is a flawed system that imagines it's a whole system. It's like christoislamism, but unless you study a lot of history you will not know that.
Why does it fail? For one thing, because communism is unfeasible, for instance it relies on uniform human goodness and infallibility, and let's face it, that's an unrealisable ideal.
Communists are just another brand of non-realists.
Why did certain ancient societies in Africa and native American societies survive for tens of thousands of years in relative peace and not suffer want? Because they honed themselves from learning from past mistakes and from past wars and difficulties. They progressed naturally. No radical, upstart ideologies (until christoislamism and its child ideologies turned up).
Communism is a limited ideology that is a few decades old, has no sense of realism and although it has been tested a few times since its invention, it has failed miserably every time.
But if it were up to them, communists will still keep trying the ineffective anti-dote they have for thousands of years, and always be unsuccessful (and their attempts detrimental to <i>natural</i> society). Humans are an animal species, a monkey species in particular. Why don't you try out communism on chimpanzees and then if successful try it out on us again. (Hint: the ideology is unnatural wishful thinking which will never work because it horribly fails to understand human nature.)
Leave communism as a theory and try to realise utopia in some other way. Don't reinvent the wheel. You're not the first to have gone 'eureka' on reading communist theory. You're one in a long line of misguided, and ultimately to-be-disappointed individuals.
Instead, why don't you invent a more feasible, less violent, less destructive of the old ways, yet natural and harmonious means to improve the world and human society? A means that is hopefully realistic.
You'll find that the only viable ones are the ones that have/had been operating for tens of thousands in Asia, Africa and the Old Americas.
Communism (socialism/marxism/leninism/maoism) has been given a second chance, a third chance, ... , too many chances. Learn the lesson. There is a saying 'even a donkey does not bump twice against the same rock'. Time to come up with other alternatives or go back to time-tested ones.
I suggest you study in northern Europe. In history classes, they teach communism very fairly - not like in the U.S. They teach the theory (the ideals, quite appealing on initial view) thoroughly and then how it has turned out in practice (total failure).
Then the history classes explain why their government systems are 'socialist' democracies instead: no revolutions, but parties voted into power who try to make sure there are no exceedingly poor people or exceedingly rich people, which is achieved through various taxation slabs. Called democratic 'socialism' - it seems to be quite unrelated to communism/socialism, actually - it works well in northern Europe, succeeding where communism has failed every nation that tried it.
Study each case of communism in history. You will realise there is a pattern: it does not work. Prosperous nations high in culture with insufficient equality end up as pauper nations devoid of culture with insufficient equality. People in communist countries become robots, they don't realise their lines reach back tens of thousands of years and so don't learn the valuable lessons and retain the knowledge pool of those tens of thousands of years.
Communism wants to wipe the slate of every nation it wants to grab clean (rewriting history is a part of that endeavour). It is arrogance at its highest. We do not live in a spatial nor temporal vaccuum, we have a history and must learn the good things and avoid the bad things of the past (not the 'good' and 'bad' things of the past as rewritten history teaches, though). Communism is a flawed system that imagines it's a whole system. It's like christoislamism, but unless you study a lot of history you will not know that.
Why does it fail? For one thing, because communism is unfeasible, for instance it relies on uniform human goodness and infallibility, and let's face it, that's an unrealisable ideal.
Communists are just another brand of non-realists.
Why did certain ancient societies in Africa and native American societies survive for tens of thousands of years in relative peace and not suffer want? Because they honed themselves from learning from past mistakes and from past wars and difficulties. They progressed naturally. No radical, upstart ideologies (until christoislamism and its child ideologies turned up).
Communism is a limited ideology that is a few decades old, has no sense of realism and although it has been tested a few times since its invention, it has failed miserably every time.
But if it were up to them, communists will still keep trying the ineffective anti-dote they have for thousands of years, and always be unsuccessful (and their attempts detrimental to <i>natural</i> society). Humans are an animal species, a monkey species in particular. Why don't you try out communism on chimpanzees and then if successful try it out on us again. (Hint: the ideology is unnatural wishful thinking which will never work because it horribly fails to understand human nature.)
Leave communism as a theory and try to realise utopia in some other way. Don't reinvent the wheel. You're not the first to have gone 'eureka' on reading communist theory. You're one in a long line of misguided, and ultimately to-be-disappointed individuals.
Instead, why don't you invent a more feasible, less violent, less destructive of the old ways, yet natural and harmonious means to improve the world and human society? A means that is hopefully realistic.
You'll find that the only viable ones are the ones that have/had been operating for tens of thousands in Asia, Africa and the Old Americas.
Communism (socialism/marxism/leninism/maoism) has been given a second chance, a third chance, ... , too many chances. Learn the lesson. There is a saying 'even a donkey does not bump twice against the same rock'. Time to come up with other alternatives or go back to time-tested ones.