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Christian subversion and missionary activities -2
<b>CIA and missionaries - just a few related things:</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Joshua Project II is a continuation and expansion of the original plan. Its professed aim is to "highlight all the least-reached peoples (non-Christian) of the world and to help build ministry networks and partnerships focusing on these people." The constant research and updating of ethnographic data from India should ring alarm bells within the intelligence agencies in India. In fact, the project maintains its "peoples lists" in cooperation with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptists, as will be seen later, have traditionally worked hand-in-glove with the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). India's ethno-cultural data collected by the project is categorised by them as 'Security Level 2' because there is a danger to Indian and foreign missionaries if data relating to their conversion activities is made public.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Data on India: the CIA connection</b>
The "spying out" missions that generated the vast ethnographic data of the Indian people also involved detailed study of Dr KS Singh's 'People of India Project' that was launched in 1985 by the Anthropological Society of India (ASI). Under Singh's leadership, the ASI undertook an ambitious project to chart one of the most far-reaching ethnographic studies in the 20th century. Five hundred scholars spent over 26,000 field days to compile information for these volumes. This gigantic research work came handy for American and Indian strategists to draft their evangelical plans for India. According to Luis Bush, "Never before has this kind of information on India been so carefully surveyed, prepared, well published and distributed…We do not believe it is accidental. God is allowing us to "spy out the land" that we might go in and claim both it and its inhabitants for Him."

The data collected by experts from Wycliffe/Summer Institute of Linguistics, World Vision (WV) and the International Mission Board/Southern Baptists to compile the Joshua Project Peoples list included a detailed and comprehensive list of the people groups in India as well. Though this may appear normal international research activity - generating ethnographic profiles of non-Christian people groups in the 10/40 window - there are unseen dangers inherent in the compilation of such accurate people-group profiles.

The CIA has publicly admitted to having used Wycliffe/SIL and the Southern Baptists for covert intelligence operations in many parts of the world. The cosy relationship between the Wycliffe and CIA is documented exhaustively in a book Thy Will Be Done written in the 1990s by Gerald Colby and Charlotte Dennett. The book documents joint CIA-Wycliffe missions to source anthropological data from Latin America. Here's a quote from the book: "SIL had helped gather anthropological information on the Tarascan Indians that ended up in Nelson Rockefeller's intelligence files. The files contained cross-references to reveal behavioural patterns among Indian peoples in everything from socialisation (including aggressive tendencies) and personality traits, drives, emotions, and language structure, to political intrigue, kinship ties, traditional authority, mineral resources, exploitation, and labor relations. Rockefeller called these data the Strategic Index of Latin America." The question that will rattle not only the Indian government, but also outrage the Indian citizens is whether the American-funded "spying missions" carried out by Indian and foreign missionary agencies through more than a decade has resulted in the preparation of a 'Strategic Index of India' at the CIA headquarters?

Wycliffe, the Southern Baptists and World Vision have all been active in India as well. Could it be mere coincidence that Southern Baptists who are amongst President Bush's most loyal supporters, played an active role in the "spying out" missions? In fact, Colby and Dennett's book features a missionary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, William Carlsen, who admits that he gave an eight-hour briefing to the CIA on Thailand's tribal areas. In the mid-1970s when the CIA's penetration of American missionary agencies made international headlines, the agency passed a self-limiting executive order to refrain from using foreign missionaries for intelligence gathering operations. Incidentally, it was George Bush Sr who in his first action as the new CIA director declared on February 11, 1976, that he would ban the practice of enlisting "clergymen and newsmen as intelligence agents." But this was just public grandstanding, doublespeak to save the CIA not only from embarrassment, but protect its operations in Latin American countries such as Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. As soon as this announcement was made the CIA granted itself a private waiver. This was confirmed in April 1996 when the then CIA director, John Deutch, testifying before a Senate intelligence committee, said that the agency could waive the ban in cases "unique and special threats to national security."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->General help for the CIA from the detailed evangelical mapping of India:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In India's case this "standardised data coding" has been married to IMA's survey. This has been used to such a degree that even the diverse language groups of India have been divided into PIN codes. The ability to send evangelists that are familiar to language and culture greatly facilitates the speed at which conversion can happen. It is also cost effective since tactics can be formed at home base. This also enables any Christian missionary organisation anywhere in the world to source any ethno-cultural or ethno-linguistic data on India at the click of the mouse. So let's say if one of Bush's Christian evangelical cronies wants to check out which missionary organisation is working with the Banjaras in Nalgonda, Khammam and Krishna districts in Andhra Pradesh, all he has to do is plug into this highly guarded database. It will tell him how many Banjaras were converted to Christianity over a specified period, the names of Indian Christian researchers working in community and which evangelical ministry coordinating the exercise of "saving souls". Just about any detail he wants is available on demand. Obviously, it flows the other way as well. So assuming that somebody at the CIA headquarters wants information on a particular district or region all that needs to be done is to call up Bush's mentor Rev Billy Graham. Graham will in turn log into databases maintained by a network of American Evangelical Missions. All this can happen in seconds and this is how technology has made evangelical activities so potentially dangerous.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->They therefore know the ground stats of India in greater detail than the average locally residing Indian.

The above excerpts come from the article 'Bush's Conversion Agenda for India: Preparing for the harvest ...' which has probably been posted here often already. It's compulsory reading. I've only extracted the bits to do with the CIA-missionary connection.

Just found a page that focuses particularly on the CIA-missionaries issue:
titled <b>On The CIA And Christian Missionaries</b>

Concerning the <b>Wycliffe/Summer Institute of Linguistics</b> (made blue in text excerpted somewhere above, and also mentioned in article of 2nd link):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mission today. </b>
IN A HOST OF COUNTRIES, from Southeast Asia to nearly the whole of Southern America, in countries such as Malaysia, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, U.S. funded missionary organizations and evangelists continue to bring destruction, unhappiness, and diseases to native peoples such as the Moï, the Maya-Quiché, the Huichol, the Yanomami, the Panaré, the Aché even today [LM]. Among the more notorious organizations are the <i>Summer Institute of Linguistics</i> and the <i>New Tribes Mission (NTM)</i>, these two "virtually dividing the whole of Latin America, where tribal people remained to be reached, into their spheres of interest." [LM105].
Activities like these are supported with funds provided by zealous evangelist organizations in the U.S., such as the "<b>Wycliffe</b> Bible Translators of Arkansas."
<i>[LM] N.Lewis, The Missionaries</i>, New York: McGraw-Hill 1988.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From: http://web.archive.org/web/20040122120208/...eo/mission.html Mission: Possible - If You are a Missionary, then Genocide is Your Profession page from The Christian Heritage<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->And as pasted in an earlier post, The NTM missionaries were banned from Venezuela, not just for genociding the country's native Americans:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"They will leave Venezuela," said the president. "They are agents of imperialist penetration. They gather sensitive and strategic information and are exploiting the Indians. So they will leave, and I don't care two hoots about the international consequences that this decision could bring."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The controversial group [NTM] has been accused of prospecting for strategic minerals on behalf of transnational corporations and of the forced acculturation and conversion of indigenous people.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From: http://www.eco-action.org/ssp/news/16100501.html NTM Missionaries Kicked Out<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->( http://freetruth.50webs.org/D4a.htm )

Missionaries have been used in wars, as well as in strategies for getting foreign countries and their governments to collapse. The following socialist (communist) site briefly mentions the close cooperation between the CIA and hired christian mercenaries (missionaries):
<b>Nicaragua Twenty-five Years Later</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This policy, which came to be known as the “Reagan Doctrine,” supported surrogate armies in Angola, Afghanistan and Central America, particularly Nicaragua, to roll back the Soviet “empire” by attacking it at its weakest points.
This ideological battle was waged in Nicaragua not by the U.S. army but by CIA operatives, private contractors and right-wing <b>Christian missionaries</b>. Using the U.S. embassy in Honduras, with Ambassador John Negroponte in charge, the CIA recruited, supplied, armed, trained and directed a proxy army initially based on Somoza’s ex-National Guard (first trained by Argentina and Honduras).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Also consider <b>Sandhya Jain's recent article 'American pie in Nepal'</b>, posted by Mudy in the Nepal thread (post 186).
And there's USAID funds Used for Conversion Programs in Nepal - an article from <b>1999</b> at http://christianaggression.org/item_displa...S&id=1097365718
USAID is mentioned in detail in the complete version of the first article ( Bush's conversion agenda for India )

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Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - by Guest - 01-31-2007, 11:32 AM
Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - by Guest - 01-31-2007, 04:36 PM
Christian subversion and missionary activities -2 - by Guest - 01-31-2007, 05:28 PM
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