03-06-2007, 08:02 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Friends, pl share this information about the book's second edition in all the websites that you know of and in your different email groups -
hindu groups, armed forces, intelligence officers, whoever you think will benefit from the book. thank you, RR
<b>The response to "NGOs, Activists & Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry", published by Vigil Public Opinion Forum, Chennai, (www.vigilonline. com), was so encouraging that Vigil has brought out a second - and enlarged - edition! The 40 new pages include a chapter on the US-based AID, one by Shri Narendra Modi on NGOs as non-accountable businesses, and a Manderweb update that not only to the covert anti-nation NGOs (such as ActionAid and ASHA) adds Oxfam, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and the National Foundation for India, but also uncovers an undeniable mosque-based fund-raising link between Harsh Mander and jihad-supporting NGOs.</b>
The book is packed with data about some very well-known USA, UK and India-based NGOs and "social activists" who receive extensive foreign support - and convincingly documents their anti-India agenda and their total lack of accountability. It includes a photograph that graphically depicts this agenda - "social activists" sloganeering that "Allah will destroy the terrorist state of India". It is, therefore, as the book's blurb notes, this is "a must-read and a wake-up call for all patriotic Indians and well-wishers of India."
The book is softback, Rs 400/- (+ p&h), and its distributor is Aditya Prakashan, 2/18 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002 (tel 2327-8034, email contact@bibliaimpex .com )
Make sure you order your copy before this edition too is sold out!
And please circulate this book announcement to other patriotic Indians and wellwishers of our country.
Thank you,
The back cover blurb and the Contents page of the book are given below for your information.
"An explosive book that documents in convincing detail the treasonous agenda of some of our leading NGOs and activists.
There are hundreds of NGOs working with great dedication amongst the socially and economically backward sections of our society motivated only by the inspiring vision to transform social attitudes and the quality of life of the people amongst whom they live and work. This book is not about them.
This book is about NGOs and activists whose so-called peace and human rights activism cloaks deep political ambitions and objectives âpolitical ambitions not just restricted to participating or influencing electoral politics but aimed at shaping the character and direction of Indian polity in a manner which derives from their warped notion of the Indian nation. Their political ambitions and activism are essentially undemocratic and anti-Indian nation. Their grassroots activism in many instances is only a fig-leaf for political activism, well-funded through an inflow of foreign money.
This book exposes the political and anti-nation agenda of some very well-known NGOs and activists, and clearly reveals their foreign sponsorships, donors and funds. It proves their double standards and their total absence of public accountability, and emphasises the urgent need for the Government of India to ensure a vigorous mechanism to counter this anti-nation industry.
A must-read and a wake-up call for all patriotic Indians and well-wishers of India."
Foreword to the Second Edition
1. Introduction: De-Hinduising the Indian Nation *Radha Rajan*
2. NGOs: Description and Regulations *R Vaidyanathan*
3. Social Movements to Totalitarianism: The role of NGOs *Veera Vaishnava*
4. "Yesterday Once More": a FOIL Primer *Narayanan Komerath*
5. The Lashkar-e-Pinocchio Rides Again *Narayanan Komerath*
6. An Oxymoron called AID* Arvind Kumar*
7. Scoring Against Paganism: Untangling the Manderweb *Krishen Kak*
8. NGOs and Activists: Singing for their Supper *Radha Rajan*
9. ASHA Projects: Where does all the money go? *Nirupama Rajan* and *Radha Rajan*
10. Closing Word: Who is afraid of the Hindu nation? *George
1. The California Textbook Issue *Vishal Agarwal*
2. Modi's visa denial: Who did it? *B Raman*
3. List of signatories against the Prime Minister's comment re the Gujarat chief minister
4. List of signatories â Promise of India Appeal
5. Indian Muslim Council's First National Convention
6. The Peshawar Declaration
7. USCIRF special hearing on the Gujarat riots â names of attendees,
and an excerpt from the Justice Tewatia report on the same riots 8.
Two contrasting approaches to the USCIRF and the US State Department
9. Important data on terrorist atrocities in J&K
10. Getting it right on J&K *Arvind Lavakere*
11. Manderweb Update* Krishen Kak*
12. Open Letters to the Deccan Chronicle, Mr Harsh Mander & Mr Karan Thapar
13. The CIA and Disinformation Campaigns* B Raman*
14. NGOs as Non-Accountable Businesses* Narendra Modi*
About the Authors
Vigil Public Opinion Forum<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
hindu groups, armed forces, intelligence officers, whoever you think will benefit from the book. thank you, RR
<b>The response to "NGOs, Activists & Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry", published by Vigil Public Opinion Forum, Chennai, (www.vigilonline. com), was so encouraging that Vigil has brought out a second - and enlarged - edition! The 40 new pages include a chapter on the US-based AID, one by Shri Narendra Modi on NGOs as non-accountable businesses, and a Manderweb update that not only to the covert anti-nation NGOs (such as ActionAid and ASHA) adds Oxfam, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and the National Foundation for India, but also uncovers an undeniable mosque-based fund-raising link between Harsh Mander and jihad-supporting NGOs.</b>
The book is packed with data about some very well-known USA, UK and India-based NGOs and "social activists" who receive extensive foreign support - and convincingly documents their anti-India agenda and their total lack of accountability. It includes a photograph that graphically depicts this agenda - "social activists" sloganeering that "Allah will destroy the terrorist state of India". It is, therefore, as the book's blurb notes, this is "a must-read and a wake-up call for all patriotic Indians and well-wishers of India."
The book is softback, Rs 400/- (+ p&h), and its distributor is Aditya Prakashan, 2/18 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002 (tel 2327-8034, email contact@bibliaimpex .com )
Make sure you order your copy before this edition too is sold out!
And please circulate this book announcement to other patriotic Indians and wellwishers of our country.
Thank you,
The back cover blurb and the Contents page of the book are given below for your information.
"An explosive book that documents in convincing detail the treasonous agenda of some of our leading NGOs and activists.
There are hundreds of NGOs working with great dedication amongst the socially and economically backward sections of our society motivated only by the inspiring vision to transform social attitudes and the quality of life of the people amongst whom they live and work. This book is not about them.
This book is about NGOs and activists whose so-called peace and human rights activism cloaks deep political ambitions and objectives âpolitical ambitions not just restricted to participating or influencing electoral politics but aimed at shaping the character and direction of Indian polity in a manner which derives from their warped notion of the Indian nation. Their political ambitions and activism are essentially undemocratic and anti-Indian nation. Their grassroots activism in many instances is only a fig-leaf for political activism, well-funded through an inflow of foreign money.
This book exposes the political and anti-nation agenda of some very well-known NGOs and activists, and clearly reveals their foreign sponsorships, donors and funds. It proves their double standards and their total absence of public accountability, and emphasises the urgent need for the Government of India to ensure a vigorous mechanism to counter this anti-nation industry.
A must-read and a wake-up call for all patriotic Indians and well-wishers of India."
Foreword to the Second Edition
1. Introduction: De-Hinduising the Indian Nation *Radha Rajan*
2. NGOs: Description and Regulations *R Vaidyanathan*
3. Social Movements to Totalitarianism: The role of NGOs *Veera Vaishnava*
4. "Yesterday Once More": a FOIL Primer *Narayanan Komerath*
5. The Lashkar-e-Pinocchio Rides Again *Narayanan Komerath*
6. An Oxymoron called AID* Arvind Kumar*
7. Scoring Against Paganism: Untangling the Manderweb *Krishen Kak*
8. NGOs and Activists: Singing for their Supper *Radha Rajan*
9. ASHA Projects: Where does all the money go? *Nirupama Rajan* and *Radha Rajan*
10. Closing Word: Who is afraid of the Hindu nation? *George
1. The California Textbook Issue *Vishal Agarwal*
2. Modi's visa denial: Who did it? *B Raman*
3. List of signatories against the Prime Minister's comment re the Gujarat chief minister
4. List of signatories â Promise of India Appeal
5. Indian Muslim Council's First National Convention
6. The Peshawar Declaration
7. USCIRF special hearing on the Gujarat riots â names of attendees,
and an excerpt from the Justice Tewatia report on the same riots 8.
Two contrasting approaches to the USCIRF and the US State Department
9. Important data on terrorist atrocities in J&K
10. Getting it right on J&K *Arvind Lavakere*
11. Manderweb Update* Krishen Kak*
12. Open Letters to the Deccan Chronicle, Mr Harsh Mander & Mr Karan Thapar
13. The CIA and Disinformation Campaigns* B Raman*
14. NGOs as Non-Accountable Businesses* Narendra Modi*
About the Authors
Vigil Public Opinion Forum<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->