03-12-2007, 06:25 AM
[quote=narayanan,Mar 11 2007, 09:16 PM]Ah! Thank you!
Now it comes out: (Only progress between <b>1998</b> and [b]May 2004[/b
I will NOT participate on this forum any further. I will NOT deal with dishonesty of a person impelled by 'intelligence' who refuses to review the 5 alternative alignments in the context of the tsunami and the FACT that the Ramarsethu continues to be seen on IRS 1-C and 1-D satellite images even after the Dec. 24, 2006 tsunami. The sethu has not disappeared and will not disappear. It is easy to offer ivory tower 'pseudo-advise' or 'pseudo-scientific' approaches sitting in the cozy comforts of US academe; the reality on the ground will not go away It appears there is a reluctance to understand what happened during the tsunami and how the channel alignments were not re-evaluated before peremptory decisions were announced to meet the deadline of July 2, 2005 inauguration. Sure, the pundit commentator cannot smell a rat because he is immune to heritage concerns in the name of 'progress'. What is needed is progress with compassion. Ramsethu will be saved, whether the commentator likes it or not.
This forum discussion will go nowhere when only arrogance is displayed and swear words are used (both on and off forum in private mails) treating this as a polemical issue.
So, I am signing off. Bye.
Now it comes out: (Only progress between <b>1998</b> and [b]May 2004[/b
I will NOT participate on this forum any further. I will NOT deal with dishonesty of a person impelled by 'intelligence' who refuses to review the 5 alternative alignments in the context of the tsunami and the FACT that the Ramarsethu continues to be seen on IRS 1-C and 1-D satellite images even after the Dec. 24, 2006 tsunami. The sethu has not disappeared and will not disappear. It is easy to offer ivory tower 'pseudo-advise' or 'pseudo-scientific' approaches sitting in the cozy comforts of US academe; the reality on the ground will not go away It appears there is a reluctance to understand what happened during the tsunami and how the channel alignments were not re-evaluated before peremptory decisions were announced to meet the deadline of July 2, 2005 inauguration. Sure, the pundit commentator cannot smell a rat because he is immune to heritage concerns in the name of 'progress'. What is needed is progress with compassion. Ramsethu will be saved, whether the commentator likes it or not.
This forum discussion will go nowhere when only arrogance is displayed and swear words are used (both on and off forum in private mails) treating this as a polemical issue.
So, I am signing off. Bye.