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Fun Facts On India
<b>Cherokees and Indian connection</b>
For now, I am going to deal only with the Muskokis (Creeks), Seminoles, Yamasees, and Apalachees in this letter. Nearly all the tribes and many place names in Southeastern United States have Hindu names.

The YAMASEES: Yama was a name of the Asvin Brothers or the Eastern Hebrews (Panis and Yuddhis). "Hebrew" derives from "Khyber" or "Kubera", an ancient Yadava group who left the Khyber Mountains and migrated to what are now Rajasthan and Gujarat. Later, they mastered the art of shipbuilding and sailing, becoming the founders of all world civilizations. The Hindus say that all this happened about 30,000 years ago. Pani = "International Trader." Yuddhi = "Conqueror; Warrior". Many millenniums afterwards, the ancient partnership disintegrated. We know them now as the Phoenicians and the Jews. Yamasee derives from the Sanskrit Yameza, meaning "Having Yama as ruler." Yama was the ancient Hindu God of Death, but he was also the Regent of the South. For this reason, we know that your Yamasee ancestors were from Southwestern India or Sri Lanka. They spoke a Dravidian dialect.

The APALACHEES. They derived their name from Palaza, a name of ancient Maghada, a powerful Yadava kingdom in what is now today's state of Bihar. When the Palazis came to America, they came with the intention of staying. Therefore, they became the Apalizis (Ex-Palazis). Without a doubt, these "Apalazis" were the founders of the mound-building cultures, for in other parts of the world they built the Egyptian pyramids, became the founding fathers of Greek civilization, and the like.

The 17th century scholar, Edward Pococke, wrote in his book India in Greece:

"Pelasa, the ancient name for the province of Bihar….Pelaska is a derivative form of Pelasa, whence the Greek 'Pelasgos'…

"I have ascertained the existence of Pelasgian tribes; not as vagrant gypsies, but firmly settled as powerful nations, at a period for the most part prior to our historical knowledge of Greece…there was a time when the Pelasgians, then perhaps more widely spread than any other people of Europe, extended from the Po and the Arno, almost to the Bosphorus…The Celts were the descendants of the Pelasgians." (p. 31.)

"So vast were their settlements, and so firmly rooted were the very names of the kingdoms, the nomenclature of the tribes - nay, the religious systems of the oldest forms of society - that I do not scruple to assert that the successive map of Spain, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, Persia, and India may be read like the chart of an emigrant." (p. 32.)

The YAT'SIMINOLI ("Free People" or Seminoles). Evidently, they were also the "Free People" back in India, for there they were called Yat'Samanala. Yat = "Moving; Traveling." Sama = "Happy; Prosperous." Nala = "A branch of the Yamas or Ashvin Brothers (Phoenicians and Jews).

The MUSKOKIS (Creeks). These were the Phoenician slave caste of Meshechs. In ancient times, they were the terror of the world. They were an especially wild tribe of mongoloid Scythians or Tartars. We Westerners also know them as the Hunas or Huns.The Hindus called them Maheshakas, Rakshasas, Pisacas, and Hunas. When these Meshechs made life impossible for the civilized people of India, Kubera banished them to Sri Lanka. Life in Sri Lanka did nothing to sweeten their collective disposition. Therefore, Kubera packed them in airships and sea-going vessels, taking them to America (Patala).

My guess is that the peaceful Yat'Siminoli, Apalachees, and Yamasees could not stand up to them in the New World. They probably said to themselves, "If we can't beat them, we'll join them."

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Fun Facts On India - by Guest - 11-13-2003, 02:50 AM
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