08-09-2007, 12:38 AM
Just some thoughts:
Everyone loves a winner. And everyone hates a loser.
As more and more truths about Dharma and Islam/Xtainity come out, more and more people will be proud of being Dharmic and more and more Muslims/Xtians will try to distance themselves from I/X. I have no illusions about the time scale on this, and neither do I think the 72-seeking jehadi or the $$$-seeking Vijay Parshads or Rajashekhar Reddys will stop their promotion of I/X and their vilification of SDharma, but the I/X to SD cultural migration will happen faster than people think (the physical conversion will take longer)..
Everyone loves a winner. And everyone hates a loser.
As more and more truths about Dharma and Islam/Xtainity come out, more and more people will be proud of being Dharmic and more and more Muslims/Xtians will try to distance themselves from I/X. I have no illusions about the time scale on this, and neither do I think the 72-seeking jehadi or the $$$-seeking Vijay Parshads or Rajashekhar Reddys will stop their promotion of I/X and their vilification of SDharma, but the I/X to SD cultural migration will happen faster than people think (the physical conversion will take longer)..