08-12-2007, 10:18 PM
Zia-ud-din Barani's "Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi" makes mention of manjaniq, maghribi and 'arrada's being employed by not only Muslim invaders but also by Hindu defendants of forts in case of the engagements with Hammir deva and also with Kakatiya Pratapa Rudra of Warangal. Manjaniq and maghribi are kinds of trebuchet, while arrada is some kind of ballista. It also mentions that the Hindus "threw fire", which may mean that they threw inflamed projectiles using a ballista. What I would like to know is what are these weapons called in our vocabulary, what was it called by the Kakatiyas and the Rajputs and is there any mention of these weapons in our inscriptions or our literary sources, what are these instances. Can somebody throw light on these.